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Re: CEP-2: New release process


On 07/02/14 17:12, Daniel Manrique wrote:
Cutting the release

Off-line steps, you can do them as many times as you like:

     ~$ bzr push -d trunk release
     # TODO: pick version of packaging branck to go along with this
     # do a test build, iterate if it fails

We need a standard way to do the test builds. It can be a separate proposal,
it's orthogonal to this but they do intersect at some point.

     ~$ cd release
         ~/release$ ./checkbox-old/setup.py bump-version-status --to=rc1
         ~/release$ bzr tag $(./checkbox-old/setup.py --name)-v$(./checkbox-old/setup.py --version)

can setup.py also do this second step? can we have a tool that does that? (it'll
eventually fall off my bash history and I'll spend minutes chasing documentation
when it should take seconds).

I think in general all of these steps should be encapsulated in manage_release as subcommands - so just say support/manage_release prepare and by the end of it have builds running in the PPA.

I also don't see the purpose of doing test builds on /release. It should mirror trunk. Things shouldn't be getting into trunk when they break builds. We should put a mechanism in place to ensure that.

On-line steps:

     ~/release$ bzr push lp:checkbox/release
     ~/release$ ./support/trigger-builds-in ppa:~checkbox-dev/testing

Alternatively, instead of bzr push, propose the merge to launchpad,
auto-approve it and have tarmac do test package builds using the packaging
branch reference in support/packaging-revision

We'd have to add a tarmac-build script for this, and amend the tarmac configs,

Fixing issues found in release candidates

Off-line steps::

     ~/release$ while ./tree-broken; do
     > (cd bzr && vim .)
     > # Hack, cherry pick from trunk, fix locally, whatever
     > (cd release && bzr commit)
     > done
     ~/release$ ./checkbox-old/setup.py bump-version-status --to=next-rc
     ~/release$ bzr tag $(./checkbox-old/setup.py --name)-v$(./checkbox-old/setup.py --version)

On-line steps::

     ~/release$ bzr push lp:checkbox/release
     ~/release$ ./support/trigger-builds-in ppa:~checkbox-dev/testing
     ~/release$ ./support/send-email --to=... --topic "Checkboc Release Candidate Available" <<EOM
     > The release candidate for the next checkbox release is available for
     > testing, please check and file bugs ... and target them to milestone ...
     > And we should improve this message one day
     > EOM

Alternatively, instead of bzr push, propose the merge to launchpad,
auto-approve it and have tarmac do test package builds using the packaging
branch reference in support/packaging-revision

Finalizing the release

Off-line steps::

     ~/release$ ./checkbox-old/setup.py bump-version-status --to=final
     ~/release$ bzr tag $(./checkbox-old/setup.py --name)-v$(./checkbox-old/setup.py --version)

On-line steps::

     ~/release$ bzr push lp:checkbox/release
     ~/release$ ./support/trigger-builds-in ppa:~checkbox-dev/testing
     ~/release$ ./support/ppa-copy \
     >   --from=ppa:~checkbox-dev/testing \
     >   --to=ppa:~checkbox-dev/stable \
     >   --packages=...

I hope this is just forgetting that manage_release publish command exists? There's no point in overgeneralising this - people will just end up forgetting packages etc. Also the PPA name is wrong - it's hardware-certification/public (but I'm aware this is probably a matter of 'something like' rather than the exact command to be run).

     ~/release$ ./support/send-email --to=... --topic "Next checkbox release" <<EOM
     > This is the next checkbox release.\
     > It has been published to the stable PPA.
     > And we should really improve this message one day
     > EOM
     ~/release$ bzr lp-propose-merge lp:checkbox -m "post-release merge back to trunk" --approve


If the new process is implemented correctly impact to our customers should be
minimal. We need to communicate the purpose of the release candidate releases
but apart from that the new process mirrors the effect of our current process

This is OK. In practice we haven't had that many fixes resulting from testing a
pre-release, but this makes that part of the process a bit more formal.

Follow ups
