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Travis tests are all green now, please use them



Travis [1] is now [2] checking [3] everything we check for via Tarmac.
If you write code around checkbox, you should know about this system
from now on.

Travis runs all tests on each branch that we push to
git@xxxxxxxxxx:checkbox/checkbox.git (no other triggers are needed) in
around three minutes, giving everyone live feedback about what's going
on with their branches. If you push to the shared repository no extra
setup is needed. If you're pushing to your personal fork you first
have to sign into Travis using your Github account and tick the
checkbox/switch next to your fork name. This is a one time-operation.
Using personal forks has the added advantage of not having a flat name
space for branches so perhaps that's the way to go.

All landings should be still done via Launchpad. Using Travis is
optional but has many advantages:
 - live testing
 - instant email notification on failures
 - 2nd line of defence
 - native git access to all your branches (collaboration and code
review are easier)
 - IRC notifications in #checkbox
 - anything that lands to lp:checkbox on launchpad is migrated and
pushed to git://github.com/checkbox/checkbox.git (to
launchpad/+upstream branch). This is also tested so if you break and
silently land something, we'll know :-)
 - Travis can replace all our manual release work going forward (all
release tasks can happen by pushing a tag to master) so it's better to
get used to it :-)

Please use this functionality and post feedback here. It should make
everyone's life a lot better.

NOTE: Currently Travis checks are a little bit stronger than our
Tarmac checks. This only affects
new-style validation which is still disabled in tarmac. I will enable
it shortly.

NOTE: The only exception that I didn't deem worth while adding was
builds of the old checkbox-gui C++ code base (it's possible, just not
something I wanted to do at this time).

[1] http://docs.travis-ci.com/
[2] https://code.launchpad.net/~zkrynicki/checkbox/travis-more/+merge/240586
[3] https://travis-ci.org/checkbox/checkbox