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[Merge] lp:~bdfhjk/clicompanion/setupscript-2 into lp:clicompanion


Marek Bardoński has proposed merging lp:~bdfhjk/clicompanion/setupscript-2 into lp:clicompanion.

Requested reviews:
  CLI Companion Development Team (clicompanion-devs)

For more details, see:
Your team CLI Companion Development Team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~bdfhjk/clicompanion/setupscript-2 into lp:clicompanion.
=== modified file 'MANIFEST'
--- MANIFEST	2012-01-30 00:00:40 +0000
+++ MANIFEST	2012-04-30 15:03:23 +0000
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@

=== removed file 'data/clicompanion2.config'
--- data/clicompanion2.config	2012-04-03 10:00:35 +0000
+++ data/clicompanion2.config	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-dpkg -l ?	package	Find version of a package
-df -h		File system disk space usage
-free -m		Show RAM usage
-ps aux | grep ?	search string	Search active processes for search string
-iwconfig		Display wireless network information
-ifconfig -a		Displays the status of the currently active interfaces
-lsb_release -a		What version of Ubuntu do I have?
-uname -a		What kernel am I running
-sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade		Refresh update info and update all packages 
-sudo apt-get clean		Clear out all packages in /var/cache/apt/archives
-sudo apt-get autoclean		Clear out obsolete packages(packages with a newer release)
-apt-cache search ?	package	Find information on a package (not installed)
-sudo lshw		List hardware 
-lspci		List all PCI devices
-aplay -l		List all soundcards and digital audio devices
-cat ?	path	Read File & Print to Standard Output
-ls ? 	path	List Folders Contents
-ls -lSr ?	path	Show files by size, biggest last
-mv ? ?	sourcePath, destinationPath	Move (Rename) Files
-cp ? ?	sourcePath, destinationPath	Copy File from sourcePath to destinationPath
-sudo lspci		attached PCI devices
-chmod ? ?	permissions, file	Change access permissions, change mode
-chown ? ?	owner	group, file	Change the owner and/or group of each given file
-dmesg		Print kernel & driver messages
-history		Command History
-history | grep -i ?	command	search history for a command
-locate ?	file	Find files (updatedb to update DB)
-sudo updatedb		update the database for locate
-which ?	command	Show full path name of command
-find -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs grep -F ?	string	Search all regular files for 'string' in this dir
-gpg -c ?	file	Encypt a file
-gpg ?	file.gpg	Decrypt a file
-tar -cvf ? ?	Destination.tar  Source	Compress(tar) Source into Destination
-tar -cvzf ? ?	Destination.tar.gz  Source	Compress(tar.gz) Source into Destination
-tar -cjvf ? ?	Destination.tar.bz2  Source	Compress(tar.bz2) Source into Destination
-tar xvf ?	file	decompress/extract .tar
-tar xvzf ?	file	decompress/extract tar.gz
-tar xjvf ?	file	decompress/extract a  tar.bz2
-sudo dpkg --configure -a		help fix broken packages
-sudo apt-get -f install		help fix broken packages
-top		display Linux tasks
-netstat		Print network connections and interface statistics
-sudo fdisk -l ?	disk(usually /dev/sda)	List partition tables for specified devices
-sudo ufw enable		Enable netfilter firewall
-sudo ufw allow ?	port	Open a port in netfilter firewall
-sudo ufw deny ?	port	Close a port in netfilter firewall
-sudo ufw disable		Disable netfilter firewall
-cat ? ? | sort | uniq > ? 	file1, file2, file3	combine, sort and remove duplicates from 2 files
-dpkg-query -W -f='${Installed-Size;10}\t${Package}\n' | sort -k1,1n		List all installed packages by size
-apropos ?	command or package	search the manual page names and descriptions
-ip addr		Display info about active network interfaces
-ip route		Display currently active routing table
-dpkg -L ? 	Package name	List all files installed by a given package
-dpkg -S $(which ?) 	command name	List which package installed given command
-dpkg -S ?	path (example /etc/wgetrc)	List which package installed given file or directory
-dpkg-deb -I ?	.deb package file	Display information about given .deb file
-dpkg-deb -c ?	.deb package file	List contents of given .deb file
-dpkg-source -x ?	.dsc source package file	Extract source package to current directory
-sudo dpkg-reconfigure ?	Package name	Reconfigures given installed package
-sudo dpkg -i ?	.deb package file	Installs given .deb package
-find . -type d		List all directories under current directory
-find . -size +?	File size (example 10M)	List all files under current directory over given size
-find . -mtime 0		List all files under current directory modified in last 24 hours
-find . -mtime +?	Number of days	List all files under current directory modified more than given number of days ago
-find . -newer ?	filename	List all files under current directory newer than given file
-find . ! -newer ?	filename	List all files under current directory older than given file
-find . ! -user $USER 		List all files under current directory not owned by current user
-find . -user ?	Username	List all files under current directory owned by given user
-find . -perm -2 ! -type l		List all world-writeable files and directories under current directory
-mount		List all mounted filesysystems
-mount -t ?	Filesystem type (example ext4)	List all mounted filesystems of given type
-sudo umount ?	Device or mount point	Un-mount the filesystem from the given device or mount point
-sudo mount -av		Mount all automatically mounted filesystems (listed in /etc/fstab)
-sudo mount ? ?	device, mount point	Mount given device at given mount point
-sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda		List partition table of first hard drive /dev/sda
-sudo fdisk -l ?	Device name (example /dev/sdb)	List partition table of given device
-du -sh .		Display total size of all files and directories under current directory
-du -skxc * .[^.]* |sort -n|tail -20		List disk usage in Kbytes of largest 20 files or subdirectories under current dir in current filesystem
-du -skxc * .[^.]* |sort -n		List disk usage in Kbytes of all files and directories under current directory in current filesystem
-du -smxc * .[^.]* |sort -n|tail -20		List disk usage in Mbytes of largest 20 files or subdirectories under current dir in current filesystem
-du -smxc * .[^.]* |sort -n		List disk usage in Mbytes of all files and directories under current directory in current filesystem
-wget ?	File URL (example http://example.com/somefile.html)	Download single given file using http, ftp or https
-wget -m ? 	Site URL (example http://example.com)	Recursively download entire given site
-ls -ltr		List files, most recently modified last
-ls -lAd .[^.]*		List all files and directories starting with a dot (all hidden files and directories)
-sudo lsof -c ?	command name	List files opened by processes beginning with given command name
-sudo lsof +D ?	directory	List open files under given directory
-sudo lsof -i		List open (Internet) network sockets
-sudo lsof -N		List open NFS files
-sudo lsof -U		List open Unix domain files (Unix sockets)
-tar axf ?	Compressed tar archive (example somefile.tar.bz2)	Extract given compressed tar archive to current directory
-tar atf ?	Compressed tar archive (example somefile.tar.gz)	Test given compressed tar archive integrity
-tar jcf ? ?	Compressed tar archive filename (example myfiles.tar.bz2),File or directory spec	Create .tar.bz2 compressed archive of given filespec
-zip -r ? ?	Zip file name (example myfiles.zip),file or directory spec	Create .zip compressed archive of given filespec
-unzip ?	Zip file name	Extract given compressed zip archive into current directory
-gzip -9 ?	Filename	Compress given file using gzip, adding a .gz suffix to its name
-bzip2 -9 ?	Filename	Compress given file using bzip2b, adding a .bz2 suffix to its name
-gunzip ?	Filename (example myfile.gz)	Decompress given gzipped file, removing .gz suffix
-bunzip2 ?	Filename (example somefile.bz2)	Decompress given bzip2'ed file, removing .bz2 suffix
-gunzip -t ?	Filename (example myfile.gz)	Test compression of given gzipped file
-bunzip2 -t ?	Filename (example myfile.bz2)	Test compression of given bzip2'ed file
-cd $OLDPWD		Change directory to previously used directory
-pushd ?	directory	Change to given directory, remembering current directory on stack
-popd		Change to topmost directory on stack created by pushd
-pwd		List current directory
-cd		Change to home directory
-sudo apt-get update		Update database of available packages
-sudo apt-get install ?	Package	Install given package and its dependencies
-sudo apt-get remove ?	Package	Remove given package
-sudo apt-get autoremove		Remove all packages installed as dependencies which are no longer needed
-apt-get source ?	Package	Download and install given source package into current directory
-date		Display local date and time in local display format
-date -R		Display local date and time in RFC2822 format
-date -u		Display UTC time in local display format
-date -u +%s		Display UTC time in number of seconds past the epoch
-ntpq -p		List NTP time sources and their offsets
-smbstatus		List current status of local SAMBA server
-smbclient -L \\\\? -N	Hostname	List shares and related information about SMB server on given host
-testparm -s		Test and display current SAMBA configuration
-sudo service ? stop	Service name	Stop given service
-sudo service ? start	Service name	Start given service
-sudo service ? restart	Service name	Restart given service
-sudo service ? status	Service name	Show status of given service
-jobs		List current jobs
-fg ?	jobspec (example %1)	Run given job the foreground
-bg ?	jobspec (example %1)	Run given job the background
-suspend		Suspend the currently running shell
-md5sum ?	filename or wildcard	Display MD5 checksum of given file(s)
-sha1sum ?	filename or wildcard	Display SHA-1 checksum of given file(s)
-gpg --list-keys --list-options show-photos ?	key id	Display specified GnuPG key, with photo if present
-gpg --list-keys 		Display GnuPG keys
-gpg --clearsign ?	filename	Create a clearsigned copy of given filename with a .asc suffix
-gpg -ea -r ? ?	Key ID, filename	Create encrypted armoured copy of given file with a .asc suffix, for decryption by user with given GnuPG key id
-gpg -d ?	filename	Decrypt and display given file
-gpg -c ?	filename	Encrypt given file using symetric cipher and prompt for passphrase, result in filename.gpg
-gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys ?	Key ID	Import public key with given key ID from Ubuntu keyserver
-top		Interactively display running processes (q to quit)
-top -n1		Display a snapshot of currently running processes
-htop		Display configurable interactive process viewer (q to quit)
-vmstat 5		Display information about virtual memory (process, swap, disk activity, etc.) every 5 seconds (Ctrl-C to quit)
-iostat 5		Display information about io activity every 5 seconds (Ctrl-C to quit)
-sudo jnettop -i eth0		Display information about network traffic (q to quit)
-uptime		Display how long system has been running and current load averages
-sudo apt-get install packaging-dev		Installs all the usual basic Debian/Ubuntu development and packaging tools
-rmadison -u ubuntu ?	package name	Display versions of given source package in all releases of Ubuntu
-rmadison -u debian ?	package name	Display versions of given source package in all releases of Debian
-rmadison -u ubuntu -s precise ?	package name	Display version of given source package in Precise version of Ubuntu
-rmadison -u debian -s unstable ?	package name	Display version of given source package in Debian unstable
-sudoedit ?	filename	Edit filename with root priviledges
-sudo visudo		Edit sudo configuration file

=== added file 'data/clicompanion2.config.debian'
--- data/clicompanion2.config.debian	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ data/clicompanion2.config.debian	2012-04-30 15:03:23 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+dpkg -l ?	package	Find version of a package
+df -h		File system disk space usage
+free -m		Show RAM usage
+ps aux | grep ?	search string	Search active processes for search string
+iwconfig		Display wireless network information
+ifconfig -a		Displays the status of the currently active interfaces
+lsb_release -a		What version of Ubuntu do I have?
+uname -a		What kernel am I running
+gksu apt-get update && gksu apt-get upgrade		Refresh update info and update all packages 
+gksu apt-get clean		Clear out all packages in /var/cache/apt/archives
+gksu apt-get autoclean		Clear out obsolete packages(packages with a newer release)
+apt-cache search ?	package	Find information on a package (not installed)
+gksu lshw		List hardware 
+lspci		List all PCI devices
+aplay -l		List all soundcards and digital audio devices
+cat ?	path	Read File & Print to Standard Output
+ls ? 	path	List Folders Contents
+ls -lSr ?	path	Show files by size, biggest last
+mv ? ?	sourcePath, destinationPath	Move (Rename) Files
+cp ? ?	sourcePath, destinationPath	Copy File from sourcePath to destinationPath
+gksu lspci		attached PCI devices
+chmod ? ?	permissions, file	Change access permissions, change mode
+chown ? ?	owner	group, file	Change the owner and/or group of each given file
+dmesg		Print kernel & driver messages
+history		Command History
+history | grep -i ?	command	search history for a command
+locate ?	file	Find files (updatedb to update DB)
+gksu updatedb		update the database for locate
+which ?	command	Show full path name of command
+find -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs grep -F ?	string	Search all regular files for 'string' in this dir
+gpg -c ?	file	Encypt a file
+gpg ?	file.gpg	Decrypt a file
+tar -cvf ? ?	Destination.tar  Source	Compress(tar) Source into Destination
+tar -cvzf ? ?	Destination.tar.gz  Source	Compress(tar.gz) Source into Destination
+tar -cjvf ? ?	Destination.tar.bz2  Source	Compress(tar.bz2) Source into Destination
+tar xvf ?	file	decompress/extract .tar
+tar xvzf ?	file	decompress/extract tar.gz
+tar xjvf ?	file	decompress/extract a  tar.bz2
+gksu dpkg --configure -a		help fix broken packages
+gksu apt-get -f install		help fix broken packages
+top		display Linux tasks
+netstat		Print network connections and interface statistics
+gksu fdisk -l ?	disk(usually /dev/sda)	List partition tables for specified devices
+gksu ufw enable		Enable netfilter firewall
+gksu ufw allow ?	port	Open a port in netfilter firewall
+gksu ufw deny ?	port	Close a port in netfilter firewall
+gksu ufw disable		Disable netfilter firewall
+cat ? ? | sort | uniq > ? 	file1, file2, file3	combine, sort and remove duplicates from 2 files
+dpkg-query -W -f='${Installed-Size;10}\t${Package}\n' | sort -k1,1n		List all installed packages by size
+apropos ?	command or package	search the manual page names and descriptions
+ip addr		Display info about active network interfaces
+ip route		Display currently active routing table
+dpkg -L ? 	Package name	List all files installed by a given package
+dpkg -S $(which ?) 	command name	List which package installed given command
+dpkg -S ?	path (example /etc/wgetrc)	List which package installed given file or directory
+dpkg-deb -I ?	.deb package file	Display information about given .deb file
+dpkg-deb -c ?	.deb package file	List contents of given .deb file
+dpkg-source -x ?	.dsc source package file	Extract source package to current directory
+gksu dpkg-reconfigure ?	Package name	Reconfigures given installed package
+gksu dpkg -i ?	.deb package file	Installs given .deb package
+find . -type d		List all directories under current directory
+find . -size +?	File size (example 10M)	List all files under current directory over given size
+find . -mtime 0		List all files under current directory modified in last 24 hours
+find . -mtime +?	Number of days	List all files under current directory modified more than given number of days ago
+find . -newer ?	filename	List all files under current directory newer than given file
+find . ! -newer ?	filename	List all files under current directory older than given file
+find . ! -user $USER 		List all files under current directory not owned by current user
+find . -user ?	Username	List all files under current directory owned by given user
+find . -perm -2 ! -type l		List all world-writeable files and directories under current directory
+mount		List all mounted filesysystems
+mount -t ?	Filesystem type (example ext4)	List all mounted filesystems of given type
+gksu umount ?	Device or mount point	Un-mount the filesystem from the given device or mount point
+gksu mount -av		Mount all automatically mounted filesystems (listed in /etc/fstab)
+gksu mount ? ?	device, mount point	Mount given device at given mount point
+gksu fdisk -l /dev/sda		List partition table of first hard drive /dev/sda
+gksu fdisk -l ?	Device name (example /dev/sdb)	List partition table of given device
+du -sh .		Display total size of all files and directories under current directory
+du -skxc * .[^.]* |sort -n|tail -20		List disk usage in Kbytes of largest 20 files or subdirectories under current dir in current filesystem
+du -skxc * .[^.]* |sort -n		List disk usage in Kbytes of all files and directories under current directory in current filesystem
+du -smxc * .[^.]* |sort -n|tail -20		List disk usage in Mbytes of largest 20 files or subdirectories under current dir in current filesystem
+du -smxc * .[^.]* |sort -n		List disk usage in Mbytes of all files and directories under current directory in current filesystem
+wget ?	File URL (example http://example.com/somefile.html)	Download single given file using http, ftp or https
+wget -m ? 	Site URL (example http://example.com)	Recursively download entire given site
+ls -ltr		List files, most recently modified last
+ls -lAd .[^.]*		List all files and directories starting with a dot (all hidden files and directories)
+gksu lsof -c ?	command name	List files opened by processes beginning with given command name
+gksu lsof +D ?	directory	List open files under given directory
+gksu lsof -i		List open (Internet) network sockets
+gksu lsof -N		List open NFS files
+gksu lsof -U		List open Unix domain files (Unix sockets)
+tar axf ?	Compressed tar archive (example somefile.tar.bz2)	Extract given compressed tar archive to current directory
+tar atf ?	Compressed tar archive (example somefile.tar.gz)	Test given compressed tar archive integrity
+tar jcf ? ?	Compressed tar archive filename (example myfiles.tar.bz2),File or directory spec	Create .tar.bz2 compressed archive of given filespec
+zip -r ? ?	Zip file name (example myfiles.zip),file or directory spec	Create .zip compressed archive of given filespec
+unzip ?	Zip file name	Extract given compressed zip archive into current directory
+gzip -9 ?	Filename	Compress given file using gzip, adding a .gz suffix to its name
+bzip2 -9 ?	Filename	Compress given file using bzip2b, adding a .bz2 suffix to its name
+gunzip ?	Filename (example myfile.gz)	Decompress given gzipped file, removing .gz suffix
+bunzip2 ?	Filename (example somefile.bz2)	Decompress given bzip2'ed file, removing .bz2 suffix
+gunzip -t ?	Filename (example myfile.gz)	Test compression of given gzipped file
+bunzip2 -t ?	Filename (example myfile.bz2)	Test compression of given bzip2'ed file
+cd $OLDPWD		Change directory to previously used directory
+pushd ?	directory	Change to given directory, remembering current directory on stack
+popd		Change to topmost directory on stack created by pushd
+pwd		List current directory
+cd		Change to home directory
+gksu apt-get update		Update database of available packages
+gksu apt-get install ?	Package	Install given package and its dependencies
+gksu apt-get remove ?	Package	Remove given package
+gksu apt-get auto-remove		Remove all packages installed as dependencies which are no longer needed
+apt-get source ?	Package	Download and install given source package into current directory
+date		Display local date and time in local display format
+date -R		Display local date and time in RFC2822 format
+date -u		Display UTC time in local display format
+date -u +%s		Display UTC time in number of seconds past the epoch
+ntpq -p		List NTP time sources and their offsets
+smbstatus		List current status of local SAMBA server
+smbclient -L \\\\? -N	Hostname	List shares and related information about SMB server on given host
+testparm -s		Test and display current SAMBA configuration
+gksu service ? stop	Service name	Stop given service
+gksu service ? start	Service name	Start given service
+gksu service ? restart	Service name	Restart given service
+gksu service ? status	Service name	Show status of given service
+jobs		List current jobs
+fg ?	jobspec (example %1)	Run given job the foreground
+bg ?	jobspec (example %1)	Run given job the background
+suspend		Suspend the currently running shell
+md5sum ?	filename or wildcard	Display MD5 checksum of given file(s)
+sha1sum ?	filename or wildcard	Display SHA-1 checksum of given file(s)
+gpg --list-keys --list-options show-photos ?	key id	Display specified GnuPG key, with photo if present
+gpg --list-keys 		Display GnuPG keys
+gpg --clearsign ?	filename	Create a clearsigned copy of given filename with a .asc suffix
+gpg -ea -r ? ?	Key ID, filename	Create encrypted armoured copy of given file with a .asc suffix, for decryption by user with given GnuPG key id
+gpg -d ?	filename	Decrypt and display given file
+gpg -c ?	filename	Encrypt given file using symetric cipher and prompt for passphrase, result in filename.gpg
+gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys ?	Key ID	Import public key with given key ID from Ubuntu keyserver
+top		Interactively display running processes (q to quit)
+top -n1		Display a snapshot of currently running processes
+htop		Display configurable interactive process viewer (q to quit)
+vmstat 5		Display information about virtual memory (process, swap, disk activity, etc.) every 5 seconds (Ctrl-C to quit)
+iostat 5		Display information about io activity every 5 seconds (Ctrl-C to quit)
+gksu jnettop -i eth0		Display information about network traffic (q to quit)
+uptime		Display how long system has been running and current load averages
+gksu apt-get install packaging-dev		Installs all the usual basic Debian/Ubuntu development and packaging tools
+rmadison -u ubuntu ?	package name	Display versions of given source package in all releases of Ubuntu
+rmadison -u debian ?	package name	Display versions of given source package in all releases of Debian
+rmadison -u ubuntu -s precise ?	package name	Display version of given source package in Precise version of Ubuntu
+rmadison -u debian -s unstable ?	package name	Display version of given source package in Debian unstable
+sudoedit ?	filename	Edit filename with root priviledges
+sudo visudo		Edit sudo configuration file

=== added file 'data/clicompanion2.config.ubuntu'
--- data/clicompanion2.config.ubuntu	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ data/clicompanion2.config.ubuntu	2012-04-30 15:03:23 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+dpkg -l ?	package	Find version of a package
+df -h		File system disk space usage
+free -m		Show RAM usage
+ps aux | grep ?	search string	Search active processes for search string
+iwconfig		Display wireless network information
+ifconfig -a		Displays the status of the currently active interfaces
+lsb_release -a		What version of Ubuntu do I have?
+uname -a		What kernel am I running
+sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade		Refresh update info and update all packages 
+sudo apt-get clean		Clear out all packages in /var/cache/apt/archives
+sudo apt-get autoclean		Clear out obsolete packages(packages with a newer release)
+apt-cache search ?	package	Find information on a package (not installed)
+sudo lshw		List hardware 
+lspci		List all PCI devices
+aplay -l		List all soundcards and digital audio devices
+cat ?	path	Read File & Print to Standard Output
+ls ? 	path	List Folders Contents
+ls -lSr ?	path	Show files by size, biggest last
+mv ? ?	sourcePath, destinationPath	Move (Rename) Files
+cp ? ?	sourcePath, destinationPath	Copy File from sourcePath to destinationPath
+sudo lspci		attached PCI devices
+chmod ? ?	permissions, file	Change access permissions, change mode
+chown ? ?	owner	group, file	Change the owner and/or group of each given file
+dmesg		Print kernel & driver messages
+history		Command History
+history | grep -i ?	command	search history for a command
+locate ?	file	Find files (updatedb to update DB)
+sudo updatedb		update the database for locate
+which ?	command	Show full path name of command
+find -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs grep -F ?	string	Search all regular files for 'string' in this dir
+gpg -c ?	file	Encypt a file
+gpg ?	file.gpg	Decrypt a file
+tar -cvf ? ?	Destination.tar  Source	Compress(tar) Source into Destination
+tar -cvzf ? ?	Destination.tar.gz  Source	Compress(tar.gz) Source into Destination
+tar -cjvf ? ?	Destination.tar.bz2  Source	Compress(tar.bz2) Source into Destination
+tar xvf ?	file	decompress/extract .tar
+tar xvzf ?	file	decompress/extract tar.gz
+tar xjvf ?	file	decompress/extract a  tar.bz2
+sudo dpkg --configure -a		help fix broken packages
+sudo apt-get -f install		help fix broken packages
+top		display Linux tasks
+netstat		Print network connections and interface statistics
+sudo fdisk -l ?	disk(usually /dev/sda)	List partition tables for specified devices
+sudo ufw enable		Enable netfilter firewall
+sudo ufw allow ?	port	Open a port in netfilter firewall
+sudo ufw deny ?	port	Close a port in netfilter firewall
+sudo ufw disable		Disable netfilter firewall
+cat ? ? | sort | uniq > ? 	file1, file2, file3	combine, sort and remove duplicates from 2 files
+dpkg-query -W -f='${Installed-Size;10}\t${Package}\n' | sort -k1,1n		List all installed packages by size
+apropos ?	command or package	search the manual page names and descriptions
+ip addr		Display info about active network interfaces
+ip route		Display currently active routing table
+dpkg -L ? 	Package name	List all files installed by a given package
+dpkg -S $(which ?) 	command name	List which package installed given command
+dpkg -S ?	path (example /etc/wgetrc)	List which package installed given file or directory
+dpkg-deb -I ?	.deb package file	Display information about given .deb file
+dpkg-deb -c ?	.deb package file	List contents of given .deb file
+dpkg-source -x ?	.dsc source package file	Extract source package to current directory
+sudo dpkg-reconfigure ?	Package name	Reconfigures given installed package
+sudo dpkg -i ?	.deb package file	Installs given .deb package
+find . -type d		List all directories under current directory
+find . -size +?	File size (example 10M)	List all files under current directory over given size
+find . -mtime 0		List all files under current directory modified in last 24 hours
+find . -mtime +?	Number of days	List all files under current directory modified more than given number of days ago
+find . -newer ?	filename	List all files under current directory newer than given file
+find . ! -newer ?	filename	List all files under current directory older than given file
+find . ! -user $USER 		List all files under current directory not owned by current user
+find . -user ?	Username	List all files under current directory owned by given user
+find . -perm -2 ! -type l		List all world-writeable files and directories under current directory
+mount		List all mounted filesysystems
+mount -t ?	Filesystem type (example ext4)	List all mounted filesystems of given type
+sudo umount ?	Device or mount point	Un-mount the filesystem from the given device or mount point
+sudo mount -av		Mount all automatically mounted filesystems (listed in /etc/fstab)
+sudo mount ? ?	device, mount point	Mount given device at given mount point
+sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda		List partition table of first hard drive /dev/sda
+sudo fdisk -l ?	Device name (example /dev/sdb)	List partition table of given device
+du -sh .		Display total size of all files and directories under current directory
+du -skxc * .[^.]* |sort -n|tail -20		List disk usage in Kbytes of largest 20 files or subdirectories under current dir in current filesystem
+du -skxc * .[^.]* |sort -n		List disk usage in Kbytes of all files and directories under current directory in current filesystem
+du -smxc * .[^.]* |sort -n|tail -20		List disk usage in Mbytes of largest 20 files or subdirectories under current dir in current filesystem
+du -smxc * .[^.]* |sort -n		List disk usage in Mbytes of all files and directories under current directory in current filesystem
+wget ?	File URL (example http://example.com/somefile.html)	Download single given file using http, ftp or https
+wget -m ? 	Site URL (example http://example.com)	Recursively download entire given site
+ls -ltr		List files, most recently modified last
+ls -lAd .[^.]*		List all files and directories starting with a dot (all hidden files and directories)
+sudo lsof -c ?	command name	List files opened by processes beginning with given command name
+sudo lsof +D ?	directory	List open files under given directory
+sudo lsof -i		List open (Internet) network sockets
+sudo lsof -N		List open NFS files
+sudo lsof -U		List open Unix domain files (Unix sockets)
+tar axf ?	Compressed tar archive (example somefile.tar.bz2)	Extract given compressed tar archive to current directory
+tar atf ?	Compressed tar archive (example somefile.tar.gz)	Test given compressed tar archive integrity
+tar jcf ? ?	Compressed tar archive filename (example myfiles.tar.bz2),File or directory spec	Create .tar.bz2 compressed archive of given filespec
+zip -r ? ?	Zip file name (example myfiles.zip),file or directory spec	Create .zip compressed archive of given filespec
+unzip ?	Zip file name	Extract given compressed zip archive into current directory
+gzip -9 ?	Filename	Compress given file using gzip, adding a .gz suffix to its name
+bzip2 -9 ?	Filename	Compress given file using bzip2b, adding a .bz2 suffix to its name
+gunzip ?	Filename (example myfile.gz)	Decompress given gzipped file, removing .gz suffix
+bunzip2 ?	Filename (example somefile.bz2)	Decompress given bzip2'ed file, removing .bz2 suffix
+gunzip -t ?	Filename (example myfile.gz)	Test compression of given gzipped file
+bunzip2 -t ?	Filename (example myfile.bz2)	Test compression of given bzip2'ed file
+cd $OLDPWD		Change directory to previously used directory
+pushd ?	directory	Change to given directory, remembering current directory on stack
+popd		Change to topmost directory on stack created by pushd
+pwd		List current directory
+cd		Change to home directory
+sudo apt-get update		Update database of available packages
+sudo apt-get install ?	Package	Install given package and its dependencies
+sudo apt-get remove ?	Package	Remove given package
+sudo apt-get auto-remove		Remove all packages installed as dependencies which are no longer needed
+apt-get source ?	Package	Download and install given source package into current directory
+date		Display local date and time in local display format
+date -R		Display local date and time in RFC2822 format
+date -u		Display UTC time in local display format
+date -u +%s		Display UTC time in number of seconds past the epoch
+ntpq -p		List NTP time sources and their offsets
+smbstatus		List current status of local SAMBA server
+smbclient -L \\\\? -N	Hostname	List shares and related information about SMB server on given host
+testparm -s		Test and display current SAMBA configuration
+sudo service ? stop	Service name	Stop given service
+sudo service ? start	Service name	Start given service
+sudo service ? restart	Service name	Restart given service
+sudo service ? status	Service name	Show status of given service
+jobs		List current jobs
+fg ?	jobspec (example %1)	Run given job the foreground
+bg ?	jobspec (example %1)	Run given job the background
+suspend		Suspend the currently running shell
+md5sum ?	filename or wildcard	Display MD5 checksum of given file(s)
+sha1sum ?	filename or wildcard	Display SHA-1 checksum of given file(s)
+gpg --list-keys --list-options show-photos ?	key id	Display specified GnuPG key, with photo if present
+gpg --list-keys 		Display GnuPG keys
+gpg --clearsign ?	filename	Create a clearsigned copy of given filename with a .asc suffix
+gpg -ea -r ? ?	Key ID, filename	Create encrypted armoured copy of given file with a .asc suffix, for decryption by user with given GnuPG key id
+gpg -d ?	filename	Decrypt and display given file
+gpg -c ?	filename	Encrypt given file using symetric cipher and prompt for passphrase, result in filename.gpg
+gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys ?	Key ID	Import public key with given key ID from Ubuntu keyserver
+top		Interactively display running processes (q to quit)
+top -n1		Display a snapshot of currently running processes
+htop		Display configurable interactive process viewer (q to quit)
+vmstat 5		Display information about virtual memory (process, swap, disk activity, etc.) every 5 seconds (Ctrl-C to quit)
+iostat 5		Display information about io activity every 5 seconds (Ctrl-C to quit)
+sudo jnettop -i eth0		Display information about network traffic (q to quit)
+uptime		Display how long system has been running and current load averages
+sudo apt-get install packaging-dev		Installs all the usual basic Debian/Ubuntu development and packaging tools
+rmadison -u ubuntu ?	package name	Display versions of given source package in all releases of Ubuntu
+rmadison -u debian ?	package name	Display versions of given source package in all releases of Debian
+rmadison -u ubuntu -s precise ?	package name	Display version of given source package in Precise version of Ubuntu
+rmadison -u debian -s unstable ?	package name	Display version of given source package in Debian unstable
+sudoedit ?	filename	Edit filename with root priviledges
+sudo visudo		Edit sudo configuration file

=== modified file 'plugins/LocalCommandList.py'
--- plugins/LocalCommandList.py	2012-01-12 20:51:02 +0000
+++ plugins/LocalCommandList.py	2012-04-30 15:03:23 +0000
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
 import gobject
 import collections
+import platform
+import shutil
     import gtk
@@ -388,7 +390,17 @@
         self.file_btn.connect('clicked', self.select_file)
         hbox.pack_end(self.file_btn, False, False, 8)
         self.pack_start(hbox, False, False, 8)
+        hbox2 = gtk.HBox()
+        hbox3 = gtk.HBox()
+        self.file_btn2 = gtk.Button("Revert cheatsheet to clean Ubuntu version")
+        self.file_btn3 = gtk.Button("Revert cheatsheet to clean Debian version")
+        self.file_btn2.connect('clicked', self.revert_cheatsheet_to_ubuntu_version)
+        self.file_btn3.connect('clicked', self.revert_cheatsheet_to_debian_version)
+        hbox2.pack_start(self.file_btn2)
+        hbox3.pack_start(self.file_btn3)
+        self.pack_start(hbox2, False, False, 8)
+        self.pack_start(hbox3, False, False, 8)
     def select_file(self, btn):
         chooser = CHFileSelector()
         resp = chooser.run()
@@ -403,7 +415,42 @@
+    def revert_cheatsheet_to_ubuntu_version(self, btn):
+        distribution = platform.linux_distribution()
+        if distribution[0] == 'debian':
+            self.show_warning()    
+        shutil.copy2('/etc/clicompanion.d/clicompanion2.config.ubuntu', os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.clicompanion2')
+        self.show_information()
+    def revert_cheatsheet_to_debian_version(self, btn):
+        distribution = platform.linux_distribution()
+        if distribution[0] == 'Ubuntu':
+            self.show_warning()    
+        shutil.copy2('/etc/clicompanion.d/clicompanion2.config.debian', os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.clicompanion2')
+        self.show_information()
+    def show_warning(self):
+        dlg = gtk.MessageDialog(
+                     None,
+                     gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,
+                     gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR,
+                     gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE,
+                     message_format=_('Warning!'))
+        dlg.format_secondary_text(_('You are changing cheatsheet to version for another distribution'))
+        dlg.run()
+        dlg.destroy()
+    def show_information(self):
+        dlg = gtk.MessageDialog(
+                     None,
+                     gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,
+                     gtk.MESSAGE_INFO,
+                     gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE,
+                     message_format=_('Information'))
+        dlg.format_secondary_text(_('Cheatsheet was changed. Restart application to see results'))
+        dlg.run()
+        dlg.destroy()
 class CHFileSelector(gtk.FileChooserDialog):

=== modified file 'setup.py'
--- setup.py	2012-01-08 01:23:55 +0000
+++ setup.py	2012-04-30 15:03:23 +0000
@@ -20,13 +20,19 @@
 import sys
 import glob
 from distutils.core import setup
+import platform
+import shutil
     from DistUtilsExtra.command import *
 except ImportError:
     print "This program needs python's DistUtilsExtra module to run, see https://launchpad.net/python-distutils-extra";
+distribution = platform.linux_distribution()
+if distribution[0] == 'Ubuntu':
+	shutil.copy2('data/clicompanion2.config.ubuntu', 'data/clicompanion2.config')
+elif distribution[0] == 'debian':
+	shutil.copy2('data/clicompanion2.config.debian', 'data/clicompanion2.config')
 setup(  name='clicompanion',
@@ -37,12 +43,14 @@
         packages=['clicompanionlib', 'plugins'],
         data_files=[('/etc/clicompanion.d/', ['data/clicompanion2.config']),
-        ('/usr/share/pixmaps', ['data/clicompanion.16.png']),
-        ('/usr/share/applications', ['data/clicompanion.desktop']),
-        ('/usr/share/clicompanion/locale/', glob.glob('locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/*.mo')),
-         ],
+            ('/etc/clicompanion.d/', ['data/clicompanion2.config.debian']),
+            ('/etc/clicompanion.d/', ['data/clicompanion2.config.ubuntu']),
+            ('/usr/share/pixmaps', ['data/clicompanion.16.png']),
+            ('/usr/share/applications', ['data/clicompanion.desktop']),
+            ('/usr/share/clicompanion/locale/', glob.glob('locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/*.mo')),
+            ],
-        cmdclass = { 'build'       : build_extra.build_extra,
-                     'build_i18n' :  build_i18n.build_i18n,
-        },  
+        cmdclass={ 'build'       : build_extra.build_extra,
+                    'build_i18n' :  build_i18n.build_i18n,
+		         },  