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Re: Help request: ec2-user vs root user for cloud-init


On Tue, 24 Apr 2012, jvlcek wrote:

> Hello Cloud-init-dev folks,
> I have a cloud-init question.
> A little backgroud:
> -------------------
> I'm working on a prototype of using cloud-init on the
> non-ec2 cloud back end, RHEVm.
> I use Delta Cloud to launch and inject the user data.
>     deltacloud.apache.org
>     Deltacloud | Many Clouds. One API. No Problem.

> Cloud Init seems to rely on an ec2-user being created, which
> does not exist by default on RHEVm.

Yes, Cloud-init does rely on this. You could create the user via user-data
via a boothook (which runs pretty much immediately on boot, and before any
code that would require the user to be created).
  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CloudInit for how to do that.

Untested, but something like this might work as user-data (or a part
of multi-part):
  grep -q "ec2-user" /etc/passwd && exit 0  # already added
  adduser --home /home/ec2-user --shell /bin/bash ec2-user

> My Question:
> ------------
>   Is there a way to have Cloud Init use the root user instead
> of the ec2-user and if so how? Is this documented somewhere?

No, there is not, but patches for this are definitely welcome, and you're
not the first person to request it.

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