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cloud-init-dev team
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Message #00215
[Merge] lp:~harlowja/cloud-init/datasource-docs into lp:cloud-init
Joshua Harlow has proposed merging lp:~harlowja/cloud-init/datasource-docs into lp:cloud-init.
Requested reviews:
cloud init development team (cloud-init-dev)
Related bugs:
Bug #1113650 in cloud-init: "Add docs about datasources to RTD"
For more details, see:
Add initial docs about datasources.
Start moving the current README for
datasources to a RST format and include
those files in the rtd site.
Your team cloud init development team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~harlowja/cloud-init/datasource-docs into lp:cloud-init.
=== renamed file 'HACKING' => 'HACKING.rst'
=== modified file 'doc/rtd/index.rst'
--- doc/rtd/index.rst 2013-01-26 01:51:24 +0000
+++ doc/rtd/index.rst 2013-02-06 08:02:19 +0000
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ topics/datasources
=== added file 'doc/rtd/topics/datasources.rst'
--- doc/rtd/topics/datasources.rst 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ doc/rtd/topics/datasources.rst 2013-02-06 08:02:19 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+.. _datasources:
+ What is a datasource?
+Datasources are sources of configuration data for cloud-init that typically come
+from the user (aka userdata) or come from the stack that created the configuration
+drive (aka metadata). Typical userdata would include files, yaml, and shell scripts
+while typical metadata would include server name, instance id, display name and other
+cloud specific details. Since there are multiple ways to provide this data (each cloud
+solution seems to prefer its own way) internally a datasource abstract class was
+created to allow for a single way to access the different cloud systems methods
+to provide this data through the typical usage of subclasses.
+The current interface that a datasource object must provide is the following:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ # returns a mime multipart message that contains
+ # all the various fully-expanded components that
+ # were found from processing the raw userdata string
+ # - when filtering only the mime messages targeting
+ # this instance id will be returned (or messages with
+ # no instance id)
+ def get_userdata(self, apply_filter=False)
+ # returns the raw userdata string (or none)
+ def get_userdata_raw(self)
+ # returns a integer (or none) which can be used to identify
+ # this instance in a group of instances which are typically
+ # created from a single command, thus allowing programatic
+ # filtering on this launch index (or other selective actions)
+ @property
+ def launch_index(self)
+ # the data sources' config_obj is a cloud-config formated
+ # object that came to it from ways other than cloud-config
+ # because cloud-config content would be handled elsewhere
+ def get_config_obj(self)
+ #returns a list of public ssh keys
+ def get_public_ssh_keys(self)
+ # translates a device 'short' name into the actual physical device
+ # fully qualified name (or none if said physical device is not attached
+ # or does not exist)
+ def device_name_to_device(self, name)
+ # gets the locale string this instance should be applying
+ # which typically used to adjust the instances locale settings files
+ def get_locale(self)
+ @property
+ def availability_zone(self)
+ # gets the instance id that was assigned to this instance by the
+ # cloud provider or when said instance id does not exist in the backing
+ # metadata this will return 'iid-datasource'
+ def get_instance_id(self)
+ # gets the fully qualified domain name that this host should be using
+ # when configuring network or hostname releated settings, typically
+ # assigned either by the cloud provider or the user creating the vm
+ def get_hostname(self, fqdn=False)
+ def get_package_mirror_info(self)
+The EC2 datasource is the oldest and most widely used datasource that cloud-init
+supports. This datasource interacts with a *magic* ip that is provided to the
+instance by the cloud provider. Typically this ip is ```` of which
+at this ip a http server is provided to the instance so that the instance can make
+calls to get instance userdata and instance metadata.
+Metadata is accessible via the following URL:
+ ami-id
+ ami-launch-index
+ ami-manifest-path
+ block-device-mapping/
+ hostname
+ instance-id
+ instance-type
+ local-hostname
+ local-ipv4
+ placement/
+ public-hostname
+ public-ipv4
+ public-keys/
+ reservation-id
+ security-groups
+Userdata is accessible via the following URL:
+ 1234,fred,reboot,true | 4512,jimbo, | 173,,,
+Note that there are multiple versions of this data provided, cloud-init
+by default uses **2009-04-04** but newer versions can be supported with
+relative ease (newer versions have more data exposed, while maintaining
+backward compatibility with the previous versions).
+To see which versions are supported from your cloud provider use the following URL:
+ 1.0
+ 2007-01-19
+ 2007-03-01
+ 2007-08-29
+ 2007-10-10
+ 2007-12-15
+ 2008-02-01
+ 2008-09-01
+ 2009-04-04
+ ...
+ latest
+**Note:** internally in cloudinit the `boto`_ library used to fetch the instance
+userdata and instance metadata, feel free to check that library out, it provides
+many other useful EC2 functionality.
+Config Drive
+.. include:: ../../sources/configdrive/README.rst
+Alt cloud
+.. include:: ../../sources/altcloud/README.rst
+No cloud
+.. include:: ../../sources/nocloud/README.rst
+For now see:
+For now see:
+This is the fallback datasource when no other datasource can be selected. It is
+the equivalent of a *empty* datasource in that it provides a empty string as userdata
+and a empty dictionary as metadata. It is useful for testing as well as for when
+you do not have a need to have an actual datasource to meet your instance
+requirements (ie you just want to run modules that are not concerned with any
+external data). It is typically put at the end of the datasource search list
+so that if all other datasources are not matched, then this one will be so that
+the user is not left with an inaccessible instance.
+**Note:** the instance id that this datasource provides is ``iid-datasource-none``.
+.. _boto:
=== modified file 'doc/rtd/topics/dir_layout.rst'
--- doc/rtd/topics/dir_layout.rst 2013-01-25 02:41:26 +0000
+++ doc/rtd/topics/dir_layout.rst 2013-02-06 08:02:19 +0000
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
- user-data.txt
- user-data.txt.i
- scripts/
- - per-boot/
- - per-instance/
- - per-once/
+ - per-boot/
+ - per-instance/
+ - per-once/
- seed/
- sem/
=== modified file 'doc/rtd/topics/hacking.rst'
--- doc/rtd/topics/hacking.rst 2013-01-26 01:53:33 +0000
+++ doc/rtd/topics/hacking.rst 2013-02-06 08:02:19 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-.. include:: ../../../HACKING
+.. include:: ../../../HACKING.rst
=== removed file 'doc/sources/altcloud/README'
--- doc/sources/altcloud/README 2012-08-14 15:40:47 +0000
+++ doc/sources/altcloud/README 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-Data souce AltCloud will be used to pick up user data on
-RHEVm and vSphere.
-For REHVm v3.0 the userdata is injected into the VM using floppy
-injection via the RHEVm dashboard "Custom Properties". The format
-of the Custom Properties entry must be:
-"floppyinject=user-data.txt:<base64 encoded data>"
-e.g.: To pass a simple bash script
-% cat simple_script.bash
-echo "Hello Joe!" >> /tmp/JJV_Joe_out.txt
-% base64 < simple_script.bash
-To pass this example script to cloud-init running in a RHEVm v3.0 VM
-set the "Custom Properties" when creating the RHEMv v3.0 VM to:
-NOTE: The prefix with file name must be: "floppyinject=user-data.txt:"
-It is also possible to launch a RHEVm v3.0 VM and pass optional user
-data to it using the Delta Cloud.
-For more inforation on Delta Cloud see:
-For VMWare's vSphere the userdata is injected into the VM an ISO
-via the cdrom. This can be done using the vSphere dashboard
-by connecting an ISO image to the CD/DVD drive.
-To pass this example script to cloud-init running in a vSphere VM
-set the CD/DVD drive when creating the vSphere VM to point to an
-ISO on the data store.
-The ISO must contain the user data:
-For example, to pass the same simple_script.bash to vSphere:
-Create the ISO:
-% mkdir my-iso
-NOTE: The file name on the ISO must be: "user-data.txt"
-% cp simple_scirpt.bash my-iso/user-data.txt
-% genisoimage -o user-data.iso -r my-iso
-Verify the ISO:
-% sudo mkdir /media/vsphere_iso
-% sudo mount -o loop JoeV_CI_02.iso /media/vsphere_iso
-% cat /media/vsphere_iso/user-data.txt
-% sudo umount /media/vsphere_iso
-Then, launch the vSphere VM the ISO user-data.iso attached as a CDrom.
-It is also possible to launch a vSphere VM and pass optional user
-data to it using the Delta Cloud.
-For more inforation on Delta Cloud see:
=== added file 'doc/sources/altcloud/README.rst'
--- doc/sources/altcloud/README.rst 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ doc/sources/altcloud/README.rst 2013-02-06 08:02:19 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+The datasource altcloud will be used to pick up user data on `RHEVm`_ and `vSphere`_.
+For `RHEVm`_ v3.0 the userdata is injected into the VM using floppy
+injection via the `RHEVm`_ dashboard "Custom Properties".
+The format of the Custom Properties entry must be:
+ floppyinject=user-data.txt:<base64 encoded data>
+For example to pass a simple bash script:
+ % cat simple_script.bash
+ #!/bin/bash
+ echo "Hello Joe!" >> /tmp/JJV_Joe_out.txt
+ % base64 < simple_script.bash
+ IyEvYmluL2Jhc2gKZWNobyAiSGVsbG8gSm9lISIgPj4gL3RtcC9KSlZfSm9lX291dC50eHQK
+To pass this example script to cloud-init running in a `RHEVm`_ v3.0 VM
+set the "Custom Properties" when creating the RHEMv v3.0 VM to:
+ floppyinject=user-data.txt:IyEvYmluL2Jhc2gKZWNobyAiSGVsbG8gSm9lISIgPj4gL3RtcC9KSlZfSm9lX291dC50eHQK
+**NOTE:** The prefix with file name must be: ``floppyinject=user-data.txt:``
+It is also possible to launch a `RHEVm`_ v3.0 VM and pass optional user
+data to it using the Delta Cloud.
+For more information on Delta Cloud see:
+For VMWare's `vSphere`_ the userdata is injected into the VM as an ISO
+via the cdrom. This can be done using the `vSphere`_ dashboard
+by connecting an ISO image to the CD/DVD drive.
+To pass this example script to cloud-init running in a `vSphere`_ VM
+set the CD/DVD drive when creating the vSphere VM to point to an
+ISO on the data store.
+**Note:** The ISO must contain the user data.
+For example, to pass the same ``simple_script.bash`` to vSphere:
+Create the ISO
+ % mkdir my-iso
+NOTE: The file name on the ISO must be: ``user-data.txt``
+ % cp simple_scirpt.bash my-iso/user-data.txt
+ % genisoimage -o user-data.iso -r my-iso
+Verify the ISO
+ % sudo mkdir /media/vsphere_iso
+ % sudo mount -o loop JoeV_CI_02.iso /media/vsphere_iso
+ % cat /media/vsphere_iso/user-data.txt
+ % sudo umount /media/vsphere_iso
+Then, launch the `vSphere`_ VM the ISO user-data.iso attached as a CDROM.
+It is also possible to launch a `vSphere`_ VM and pass optional user
+data to it using the Delta Cloud.
+For more information on Delta Cloud see:
+.. _RHEVm:
+.. _vSphere:
=== removed file 'doc/sources/configdrive/README'
--- doc/sources/configdrive/README 2012-02-17 21:58:02 +0000
+++ doc/sources/configdrive/README 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-The 'ConfigDrive' DataSource supports the OpenStack configdrive disk.
-See doc/source/api_ext/ext_config_drive.rst in the nova source code for
-more information on config drive.
-The following criteria are required to be identified by
-DataSourceConfigDrive as a config drive:
- * must be formated with vfat filesystem
- * must be a un-partitioned block device (/dev/vdb, not /dev/vdb1)
- * must contain one of the following files:
- * etc/network/interfaces
- * root/.ssh/authorized_keys
- * meta.js
-By default, cloud-init does not consider this source to be a full-fledged
-datasource. Instead, the default behavior is to assume it is really only
-present to provide networking information. Cloud-init will copy off the
-network information, apply it to the system, and then continue on. The
-"full" datasource would then be found in the EC2 metadata service.
-== Content of config-drive ==
- * etc/network/interfaces
- This file is laid down by nova in order to pass static networking
- information to the guest. Cloud-init will copy it off of the config-drive
- and into /etc/network/interfaces as soon as it can, and then attempt to
- bring up all network interfaces.
- * root/.ssh/authorized_keys
- This file is laid down by nova, and contains the keys that were
- provided to it on instance creation (nova-boot --key ....)
- Cloud-init will copy those keys and put them into the configured user
- ('ubuntu') .ssh/authorized_keys.
- * meta.js
- meta.js is populated on the config-drive in response to the user passing
- "meta flags" (nova boot --meta key=value ...). It is expected to be json
- formated.
-== Configuration ==
-Cloud-init's behavior can be modified by keys found in the meta.js file in
-the following ways:
- * dsmode:
- values: local, net, pass
- default: pass
- This is what indicates if configdrive is a final data source or not.
- By default it is 'pass', meaning this datasource should not be read.
- Set it to 'local' or 'net' to stop cloud-init from continuing on to
- search for other data sources after network config.
- The difference between 'local' and 'net' is that local will not require
- networking to be up before user-data actions (or boothooks) are run.
- * instance-id:
- default: iid-dsconfigdrive
- This is utilized as the metadata's instance-id. It should generally
- be unique, as it is what is used to determine "is this a new instance".
- * public-keys:
- default: None
- if present, these keys will be used as the public keys for the
- instance. This value overrides the content in authorized_keys.
- Note: it is likely preferable to provide keys via user-data
- * user-data:
- default: None
- This provides cloud-init user-data. See other documentation for what
- all can be present here.
-== Example ==
-Here is an example using the nova client (python-novaclien)
-Assuming the following variables set up:
- * img_id : set to the nova image id (uuid from image-list)
- * flav_id : set to numeric flavor_id (nova flavor-list)
- * keyname : set to name of key for this instance (nova keypair-list)
-$ cat my-user-data
-echo ==== USER_DATA FROM EC2 MD ==== | tee /ud.log
-$ ud_value=$(sed 's,EC2 MD,META KEY,')
-## Now, 'ud_value' has same content of my-user-data file, but
-## with the string "USER_DATA FROM META KEY"
-## launch an instance with dsmode=pass
-## This will really not use the configdrive for anything as the mode
-## for the datasource is 'pass', meaning it will still expect some
-## other data source (DataSourceEc2).
-$ nova boot --image=$img_id --config-drive=1 --flavor=$flav_id \
- --key_name=$keyname \
- --user_data=my-user-data \
- "--meta=instance-id=iid-001 \
- "--meta=user-data=${ud_keyval}" \
- "--meta=dsmode=pass" cfgdrive-dsmode-pass
-$ euca-get-console-output i-0000001 | grep USER_DATA
-echo ==== USER_DATA FROM EC2 MD ==== | tee /ud.log
-## Now, launch an instance with dsmode=local
-## This time, the only metadata and userdata available to cloud-init
-## are on the config-drive
-$ nova boot --image=$img_id --config-drive=1 --flavor=$flav_id \
- --key_name=$keyname \
- --user_data=my-user-data \
- "--meta=instance-id=iid-001 \
- "--meta=user-data=${ud_keyval}" \
- "--meta=dsmode=local" cfgdrive-dsmode-local
-$ euca-get-console-output i-0000002 | grep USER_DATA
-echo ==== USER_DATA FROM META KEY ==== | tee /ud.log
-[1] for more if
=== added file 'doc/sources/configdrive/README.rst'
--- doc/sources/configdrive/README.rst 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ doc/sources/configdrive/README.rst 2013-02-06 08:02:19 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+The configuration drive datasource supports the `OpenStack`_ configuration drive disk.
+ See `the config drive extension`_ and `introduction`_ in the public
+ documentation for more information.
+By default, cloud-init does *always* consider this source to be a full-fledged
+datasource. Instead, the typical behavior is to assume it is really only
+present to provide networking information. Cloud-init will copy off the
+network information, apply it to the system, and then continue on. The
+"full" datasource could then be found in the EC2 metadata service. If this is
+not the case then the files contained on the located drive must provide equivalents
+to what the EC2 metadata service would provide (which is typical of the version
+2 support listed below)
+Version 1
+The following criteria are required to as a config drive:
+1. Must be formatted with `vfat`_ filesystem
+2. Must be a un-partitioned block device (/dev/vdb, not /dev/vdb1)
+3. Must contain *one* of the following files
+ /etc/network/interfaces
+ /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
+ /meta.js
+ This file is laid down by nova in order to pass static networking
+ information to the guest. Cloud-init will copy it off of the config-drive
+ and into /etc/network/interfaces (or convert it to RH format) as soon as it can,
+ and then attempt to bring up all network interfaces.
+ This file is laid down by nova, and contains the ssk keys that were
+ provided to nova on instance creation (nova-boot --key ....)
+ meta.js is populated on the config-drive in response to the user passing
+ "meta flags" (nova boot --meta key=value ...). It is expected to be json
+ formatted.
+Version 2
+The following criteria are required to as a config drive:
+1. Must be formatted with `vfat`_ or `iso9660`_ filesystem
+ or have a *filesystem* label of **config-2**
+2. Must be a un-partitioned block device (/dev/vdb, not /dev/vdb1)
+3. The files that will typically be present in the config drive are:
+ openstack/
+ - 2012-08-10/ or latest/
+ - meta_data.json
+ - user_data (not mandatory)
+ - content/
+ - 0000 (referenced content files)
+ - 0001
+ - ....
+ ec2
+ - latest/
+ - meta-data.json (not mandatory)
+Keys and values
+Cloud-init's behavior can be modified by keys found in the meta.js (version 1 only) file in the following ways.
+ dsmode:
+ values: local, net, pass
+ default: pass
+This is what indicates if configdrive is a final data source or not.
+By default it is 'pass', meaning this datasource should not be read.
+Set it to 'local' or 'net' to stop cloud-init from continuing on to
+search for other data sources after network config.
+The difference between 'local' and 'net' is that local will not require
+networking to be up before user-data actions (or boothooks) are run.
+ instance-id:
+ default: iid-dsconfigdrive
+This is utilized as the metadata's instance-id. It should generally
+be unique, as it is what is used to determine "is this a new instance".
+ public-keys:
+ default: None
+If present, these keys will be used as the public keys for the
+instance. This value overrides the content in authorized_keys.
+Note: it is likely preferable to provide keys via user-data
+ user-data:
+ default: None
+This provides cloud-init user-data. See :ref:`examples <yaml_examples>` for
+what all can be present here.
+.. _OpenStack:
+.. _introduction:
+.. _python-novaclient:
+.. _iso9660:
+.. _vfat:
+.. _the config drive extension:
=== removed file 'doc/sources/nocloud/README'
--- doc/sources/nocloud/README 2012-02-17 17:14:48 +0000
+++ doc/sources/nocloud/README 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-The data source 'NoCloud' and 'NoCloudNet' allow the user to provide user-data
-and meta-data to the instance without running a network service (or even without
-having a network at all)
-You can provide meta-data and user-data to a local vm boot via files on a vfat
-or iso9660 filesystem. These user-data and meta-data files are expected to be
-in the format described in doc/example/seed/README . Basically, user-data is
-simply user-data and meta-data is a yaml formated file representing what you'd
-find in the EC2 metadata service.
-Given a disk 12.04 cloud image in 'disk.img', you can create a sufficient disk
-by following the example below.
-## create user-data and meta-data files that will be used
-## to modify image on first boot
-$ { echo instance-id: iid-local01; echo local-hostname: cloudimg; } > meta-data
-$ printf "#cloud-config\npassword: passw0rd\nchpasswd: { expire: False }\nssh_pwauth: True\n" > user-data
-## create a disk to attach with some user-data and meta-data
-$ genisoimage -output seed.iso -volid cidata -joliet -rock user-data meta-data
-## alternatively, create a vfat filesystem with same files
-## $ truncate --size 2M seed.img
-## $ mkfs.vfat -n cidata seed.img
-## $ mcopy -oi seed.img user-data meta-data ::
-## create a new qcow image to boot, backed by your original image
-$ qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b disk.img boot-disk.img
-## boot the image and login as 'ubuntu' with password 'passw0rd'
-## note, passw0rd was set as password through the user-data above,
-## there is no password set on these images.
-$ kvm -m 256 \
- -net nic -net user,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22 \
- -drive file=boot-disk.img,if=virtio \
- -drive file=seed.iso,if=virtio
-Note, that the instance-id provided ('iid-local01' above) is what is used to
-determine if this is "first boot". So if you are making updates to user-data
-you will also have to change that, or start the disk fresh.
-Also, you can inject an /etc/network/interfaces file by providing the content
-for that file in the 'network-interfaces' field of metadata. Example metadata:
- instance-id: iid-abcdefg
- network-interfaces: |
- iface eth0 inet static
- address
- network
- netmask
- broadcast
- gateway
- hostname: myhost
=== added file 'doc/sources/nocloud/README.rst'
--- doc/sources/nocloud/README.rst 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ doc/sources/nocloud/README.rst 2013-02-06 08:02:19 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+The data source ``NoCloud`` and ``NoCloudNet`` allow the user to provide user-data
+and meta-data to the instance without running a network service (or even without
+having a network at all).
+You can provide meta-data and user-data to a local vm boot via files on a `vfat`_
+or `iso9660`_ filesystem.
+These user-data and meta-data files are expected to be
+in the following format.
+ /user-data
+ /meta-data
+Basically, user-data is simply user-data and meta-data is a yaml formatted file
+representing what you'd find in the EC2 metadata service.
+Given a disk ubuntu 12.04 cloud image in 'disk.img', you can create a sufficient disk
+by following the example below.
+ ## create user-data and meta-data files that will be used
+ ## to modify image on first boot
+ $ { echo instance-id: iid-local01; echo local-hostname: cloudimg; } > meta-data
+ $ printf "#cloud-config\npassword: passw0rd\nchpasswd: { expire: False }\nssh_pwauth: True\n" > user-data
+ ## create a disk to attach with some user-data and meta-data
+ $ genisoimage -output seed.iso -volid cidata -joliet -rock user-data meta-data
+ ## alternatively, create a vfat filesystem with same files
+ ## $ truncate --size 2M seed.img
+ ## $ mkfs.vfat -n cidata seed.img
+ ## $ mcopy -oi seed.img user-data meta-data ::
+ ## create a new qcow image to boot, backed by your original image
+ $ qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b disk.img boot-disk.img
+ ## boot the image and login as 'ubuntu' with password 'passw0rd'
+ ## note, passw0rd was set as password through the user-data above,
+ ## there is no password set on these images.
+ $ kvm -m 256 \
+ -net nic -net user,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22 \
+ -drive file=boot-disk.img,if=virtio \
+ -drive file=seed.iso,if=virtio
+**Note:** that the instance-id provided (``iid-local01`` above) is what is used to
+determine if this is "first boot". So if you are making updates to user-data
+you will also have to change that, or start the disk fresh.
+Also, you can inject an ``/etc/network/interfaces`` file by providing the content
+for that file in the ``network-interfaces`` field of metadata.
+Example metadata:
+ instance-id: iid-abcdefg
+ network-interfaces: |
+ iface eth0 inet static
+ address
+ network
+ netmask
+ broadcast
+ gateway
+ hostname: myhost
+.. _iso9660:
+.. _vfat:
Follow ups