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[Merge] lp:~daniel-thewatkins/cloud-init/fix-dmi into lp:cloud-init


Dan Watkins has proposed merging lp:~daniel-thewatkins/cloud-init/fix-dmi into lp:cloud-init.

Requested reviews:
  cloud init development team (cloud-init-dev)
Related bugs:
  Bug #1427687 in cloud-init: "Reading of DMI data is broken"

For more details, see:

Convert dmidecode values to sysfs names before looking for them.
dmidecode and /sys/class/dmi/id/* use different names for the same
information.  This modified the logic in util.read_dmi_data to map from
dmidecode names to sysfs names before looking in sysfs.
Your team cloud init development team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~daniel-thewatkins/cloud-init/fix-dmi into lp:cloud-init.
=== modified file 'cloudinit/util.py'
--- cloudinit/util.py	2015-03-02 20:56:15 +0000
+++ cloudinit/util.py	2015-03-04 10:48:33 +0000
@@ -128,6 +128,28 @@
 # Path for DMI Data
 DMI_SYS_PATH = "/sys/class/dmi/id"
+# dmidecode and /sys/class/dmi/id/* use different names for the same value,
+# this allows us to refer to them by one canonical name
+    'baseboard-asset-tag': 'board_asset_tag',
+    'baseboard-manufacturer': 'board_vendor',
+    'baseboard-product-name': 'board_name',
+    'baseboard-serial-number': 'board_serial',
+    'baseboard-version': 'board_version',
+    'bios-release-date': 'bios_date',
+    'bios-vendor': 'bios_vendor',
+    'bios-version': 'bios_version',
+    'chassis-asset-tag': 'chassis_asset_tag',
+    'chassis-manufacturer': 'chassis_vendor',
+    'chassis-serial-number': 'chassis_serial',
+    'chassis-version': 'chassis_version',
+    'system-manufacturer': 'sys_vendor',
+    'system-product-name': 'product_name',
+    'system-serial-number': 'product_serial',
+    'system-uuid': 'product_uuid',
+    'system-version': 'product_version',
 class ProcessExecutionError(IOError):
@@ -2103,24 +2125,26 @@
     Reads dmi data with from /sys/class/dmi/id
-    dmi_key = "{0}/{1}".format(DMI_SYS_PATH, key)
-    LOG.debug("querying dmi data {0}".format(dmi_key))
+    if key not in DMIDECODE_TO_DMI_SYS_MAPPING:
+        return None
+    mapped_key = DMIDECODE_TO_DMI_SYS_MAPPING[key]
+    dmi_key_path = "{0}/{1}".format(DMI_SYS_PATH, mapped_key)
+    LOG.debug("querying dmi data {0}".format(dmi_key_path))
-        if not os.path.exists(dmi_key):
-            LOG.debug("did not find {0}".format(dmi_key))
+        if not os.path.exists(dmi_key_path):
+            LOG.debug("did not find {0}".format(dmi_key_path))
             return None
-        key_data = load_file(dmi_key)
+        key_data = load_file(dmi_key_path)
         if not key_data:
-            LOG.debug("{0} did not return any data".format(key))
+            LOG.debug("{0} did not return any data".format(dmi_key_path))
             return None
-        LOG.debug("dmi data {0} returned {0}".format(dmi_key, key_data))
+        LOG.debug("dmi data {0} returned {1}".format(dmi_key_path, key_data))
         return key_data.strip()
     except Exception as e:
-        logexc(LOG, "failed read of {0}".format(dmi_key), e)
+        logexc(LOG, "failed read of {0}".format(dmi_key_path), e)
         return None
@@ -2134,18 +2158,27 @@
         (result, _err) = subp(cmd)
         LOG.debug("dmidecode returned '{0}' for '{0}'".format(result, key))
         return result
-    except OSError as _err:
+    except (IOError, OSError) as _err:
         LOG.debug('failed dmidecode cmd: {0}\n{0}'.format(cmd, _err.message))
         return None
 def read_dmi_data(key):
-    Wrapper for reading DMI data. This tries to determine whether the DMI
-    Data can be read directly, otherwise it will fallback to using dmidecode.
+    Wrapper for reading DMI data.
+    This will do the following (returning the first that produces a
+    result):
+        1) Use a mapping to translate `key` from dmidecode naming to
+           sysfs naming and look in /sys/class/dmi/... for a value.
+        2) Use `key` as a sysfs key directly and look in /sys/class/dmi/...
+        3) Fall-back to passing `key` to `dmidecode --string`.
+    If all of the above fail to find a value, None will be returned.
-    if os.path.exists(DMI_SYS_PATH):
-        return _read_dmi_syspath(key)
+    syspath_value = _read_dmi_syspath(key)
+    if syspath_value is not None:
+        return syspath_value
     dmidecode_path = which('dmidecode')
     if dmidecode_path:
@@ -2153,5 +2186,4 @@
     LOG.warn("did not find either path {0} or dmidecode command".format(
     return None

=== modified file 'tests/unittests/test_util.py'
--- tests/unittests/test_util.py	2015-02-13 20:49:40 +0000
+++ tests/unittests/test_util.py	2015-03-04 10:48:33 +0000
@@ -323,58 +323,67 @@
 class TestReadDMIData(helpers.FilesystemMockingTestCase):
-    def _patchIn(self, root):
-        self.patchOS(root)
-        self.patchUtils(root)
-    def _write_key(self, key, content):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestReadDMIData, self).setUp()
+        self.new_root = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, self.new_root)
+        self.patchOS(self.new_root)
+        self.patchUtils(self.new_root)
+    def _create_sysfs_parent_directory(self):
+        util.ensure_dir(os.path.join('sys', 'class', 'dmi', 'id'))
+    def _create_sysfs_file(self, key, content):
         """Mocks the sys path found on Linux systems."""
-        new_root = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, new_root)
-        self._patchIn(new_root)
-        util.ensure_dir(os.path.join('sys', 'class', 'dmi', 'id'))
+        self._create_sysfs_parent_directory()
         dmi_key = "/sys/class/dmi/id/{0}".format(key)
         util.write_file(dmi_key, content)
-    def _no_syspath(self, key, content):
+    def _configure_dmidecode_return(self, key, content, error=None):
         In order to test a missing sys path and call outs to dmidecode, this
         function fakes the results of dmidecode to test the results.
-        new_root = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, new_root)
-        self._patchIn(new_root)
-        self.real_which = util.which
-        self.real_subp = util.subp
-        def _which(key):
-            return True
-        util.which = _which
-        def _cdd(_key, error=None):
+        def _dmidecode_subp(cmd):
+            if cmd[-1] != key:
+                raise util.ProcessExecutionError()
             return (content, error)
-        util.subp = _cdd
-    def test_key(self):
-        key_content = "TEST-KEY-DATA"
-        self._write_key("key", key_content)
-        self.assertEquals(key_content, util.read_dmi_data("key"))
-    def test_key_mismatch(self):
-        self._write_key("test", "ABC")
-        self.assertNotEqual("123", util.read_dmi_data("test"))
-    def test_no_key(self):
-        self._no_syspath(None, None)
-        self.assertFalse(util.read_dmi_data("key"))
-    def test_callout_dmidecode(self):
-        """test to make sure that dmidecode is used when no syspath"""
-        self._no_syspath("key", "stuff")
-        self.assertEquals("stuff", util.read_dmi_data("key"))
-        self._no_syspath("key", None)
-        self.assertFalse(None, util.read_dmi_data("key"))
+        self.patched_funcs.enter_context(
+            mock.patch.object(util, 'which', lambda _: True))
+        self.patched_funcs.enter_context(
+            mock.patch.object(util, 'subp', _dmidecode_subp))
+    def patch_mapping(self, new_mapping):
+        self.patched_funcs.enter_context(
+            mock.patch('cloudinit.util.DMIDECODE_TO_DMI_SYS_MAPPING',
+                       new_mapping))
+    def test_sysfs_used_with_key_in_mapping_and_file_on_disk(self):
+        self.patch_mapping({'mapped-key': 'mapped-value'})
+        expected_dmi_value = 'sys-used-correctly'
+        self._create_sysfs_file('mapped-value', expected_dmi_value)
+        self._configure_dmidecode_return('mapped-key', 'wrong-wrong-wrong')
+        self.assertEqual(expected_dmi_value, util.read_dmi_data('mapped-key'))
+    def test_dmidecode_used_if_no_sysfs_file_on_disk(self):
+        self.patch_mapping({})
+        self._create_sysfs_parent_directory()
+        expected_dmi_value = 'dmidecode-used'
+        self._configure_dmidecode_return('use-dmidecode', expected_dmi_value)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_dmi_value,
+                         util.read_dmi_data('use-dmidecode'))
+    def test_none_returned_if_neither_source_has_data(self):
+        self.patch_mapping({})
+        self._configure_dmidecode_return('key', 'value')
+        self.assertEqual(None, util.read_dmi_data('expect-fail'))
+    def test_none_returned_if_dmidecode_not_in_path(self):
+        self.patched_funcs.enter_context(
+            mock.patch.object(util, 'which', lambda _: False))
+        self.patch_mapping({})
+        self.assertEqual(None, util.read_dmi_data('expect-fail'))
 class TestMultiLog(helpers.FilesystemMockingTestCase):

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