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[Merge] lp:~smoser/cloud-init/trunk.fix-networking into lp:cloud-init


Scott Moser has proposed merging lp:~smoser/cloud-init/trunk.fix-networking into lp:cloud-init.

Requested reviews:
  cloud init development team (cloud-init-dev)
Related bugs:
  Bug #1577844 in ifupdown (Ubuntu): "Drop unnecessary blocking of all net udev rules"

For more details, see:
Your team cloud init development team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~smoser/cloud-init/trunk.fix-networking into lp:cloud-init.
=== modified file 'bin/cloud-init'
--- bin/cloud-init	2016-04-15 17:54:05 +0000
+++ bin/cloud-init	2016-06-02 00:36:33 +0000
@@ -211,27 +211,27 @@
         util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to initialize, likely bad things to come!")
     # Stage 4
     path_helper = init.paths
-    if not args.local:
+    mode = sources.DSMODE_LOCAL if args.local else sources.DSMODE_NETWORK
+    if mode == sources.DSMODE_NETWORK:
         existing = "trust"
         sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % (netinfo.debug_info()))
         LOG.debug(("Checking to see if files that we need already"
                    " exist from a previous run that would allow us"
                    " to stop early."))
+        # no-net is written by upstart cloud-init-nonet when network failed
+        # to come up
         stop_files = [
             os.path.join(path_helper.get_cpath("data"), "no-net"),
-            path_helper.get_ipath_cur("obj_pkl"),
         existing_files = []
         for fn in stop_files:
-            try:
-                c = util.load_file(fn)
-                if len(c):
-                    existing_files.append((fn, len(c)))
-            except Exception:
-                pass
+            if os.path.isfile(fn):
+                existing_files.append(fn)
         if existing_files:
-            LOG.debug("Exiting early due to the existence of %s files",
-                      existing_files)
+            LOG.debug("[%s] Exiting. stop file %s existed",
+                      mode, existing_files)
             return (None, [])
             LOG.debug("Execution continuing, no previous run detected that"
@@ -248,34 +248,50 @@
     # Stage 5
+        # if in network mode, and the datasource is local
+        # then work was done at that stage.
+        if mode == sources.DSMODE_NETWORK and init.datasource.dsmode != mode:
+            LOG.debug("[%s] Exiting. datasource %s in local mode",
+                      mode, init.datasource)
+            return (None, [])
     except sources.DataSourceNotFoundException:
         # In the case of 'cloud-init init' without '--local' it is a bit
         # more likely that the user would consider it failure if nothing was
         # found. When using upstart it will also mentions job failure
         # in console log if exit code is != 0.
-        if args.local:
+        if mode == sources.DSMODE_LOCAL:
             LOG.debug("No local datasource found")
             util.logexc(LOG, ("No instance datasource found!"
                               " Likely bad things to come!"))
         if not args.force:
-            init.apply_network_config()
-            if args.local:
+            init.apply_network_config(bring_up=not args.local)
+            LOG.debug("[%s] Exiting without datasource in local mode", mode)
+            if mode == sources.DSMODE_LOCAL:
                 return (None, [])
                 return (None, ["No instance datasource found."])
-    if args.local:
-        if not init.ds_restored:
-            # if local mode and the datasource was not restored from cache
-            # (this is not first boot) then apply networking.
-            init.apply_network_config()
-            LOG.debug("skipping networking config from restored datasource.")
+            LOG.debug("[%s] barreling on in force mode without datasource",
+                      mode)
     # Stage 6
     iid = init.instancify()
-    LOG.debug("%s will now be targeting instance id: %s", name, iid)
+    LOG.debug("[%s] %s will now be targeting instance id: %s. new=%s",
+              mode, name, iid, init.is_new_instance())
+    init.apply_network_config(bring_up=bool(mode != sources.DSMODE_LOCAL))
+    if mode == sources.DSMODE_LOCAL:
+        if init.datasource.dsmode != mode:
+            LOG.debug("[%s] Exiting. datasource %s not in local mode.",
+                      mode, init.datasource)
+            return (init.datasource, [])
+        else:
+            LOG.debug("[%s] %s is in local mode, will apply init modules now.",
+                      mode, init.datasource)
+    # update fully realizes user-data (pulling in #include if necessary)
     # Stage 7
@@ -528,7 +544,7 @@
         v1[mode]['errors'] = [str(e) for e in errors]
     except Exception as e:
-        util.logexc(LOG, "failed of stage %s", mode)
+        util.logexc(LOG, "failed stage %s", mode)
         print_exc("failed run of stage %s" % mode)
         v1[mode]['errors'] = [str(e)]

=== modified file 'cloudinit/distros/__init__.py'
--- cloudinit/distros/__init__.py	2016-05-12 17:56:26 +0000
+++ cloudinit/distros/__init__.py	2016-06-02 00:36:33 +0000
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 from cloudinit import importer
 from cloudinit import log as logging
+from cloudinit import net
 from cloudinit import ssh_util
 from cloudinit import type_utils
 from cloudinit import util
@@ -128,6 +129,8 @@
     def apply_network(self, settings, bring_up=True):
+        # this applies network where 'settings' is interfaces(5) style
+        # it is obsolete compared to apply_network_config
         # Write it out
         dev_names = self._write_network(settings)
         # Now try to bring them up
@@ -143,6 +146,9 @@
             return self._bring_up_interfaces(dev_names)
         return False
+    def apply_network_config_names(self, netconfig):
+        net.apply_network_config_names(netconfig)
     def apply_locale(self, locale, out_fn=None):
         raise NotImplementedError()

=== modified file 'cloudinit/helpers.py'
--- cloudinit/helpers.py	2016-05-12 17:56:26 +0000
+++ cloudinit/helpers.py	2016-06-02 00:36:33 +0000
@@ -328,6 +328,7 @@
         self.cfgs = path_cfgs
         # Populate all the initial paths
         self.cloud_dir = path_cfgs.get('cloud_dir', '/var/lib/cloud')
+        self.run_dir = path_cfgs.get('run_dir', '/run/cloud-init')
         self.instance_link = os.path.join(self.cloud_dir, 'instance')
         self.boot_finished = os.path.join(self.instance_link, "boot-finished")
         self.upstart_conf_d = path_cfgs.get('upstart_dir')
@@ -349,26 +350,19 @@
             "data": "data",
             "vendordata_raw": "vendor-data.txt",
             "vendordata": "vendor-data.txt.i",
+            "instance_id": ".instance-id",
         # Set when a datasource becomes active
         self.datasource = ds
     # get_ipath_cur: get the current instance path for an item
     def get_ipath_cur(self, name=None):
-        ipath = self.instance_link
-        add_on = self.lookups.get(name)
-        if add_on:
-            ipath = os.path.join(ipath, add_on)
-        return ipath
+        return self._get_path(self.instance_link, name)
     # get_cpath : get the "clouddir" (/var/lib/cloud/<name>)
     # for a name in dirmap
     def get_cpath(self, name=None):
-        cpath = self.cloud_dir
-        add_on = self.lookups.get(name)
-        if add_on:
-            cpath = os.path.join(cpath, add_on)
-        return cpath
+        return self._get_path(self.cloud_dir, name)
     # _get_ipath : get the instance path for a name in pathmap
     # (/var/lib/cloud/instances/<instance>/<name>)
@@ -397,6 +391,14 @@
             return ipath
+    def _get_path(self, base, name=None):
+        if name is None:
+            return base
+        return os.path.join(base, self.lookups[name])
+    def get_runpath(self, name=None):
+        return self._get_path(self.run_dir, name)
 # This config parser will not throw when sections don't exist
 # and you are setting values on those sections which is useful

=== modified file 'cloudinit/net/__init__.py'
--- cloudinit/net/__init__.py	2016-05-12 17:56:26 +0000
+++ cloudinit/net/__init__.py	2016-06-02 00:36:33 +0000
@@ -768,4 +768,206 @@
     return config_from_klibc_net_cfg(files=files, mac_addrs=mac_addrs)
+def convert_eni_data(eni_data):
+    # return a network config representation of what is in eni_data
+    ifaces = {}
+    parse_deb_config_data(ifaces, eni_data, src_dir=None, src_path=None)
+    return _ifaces_to_net_config_data(ifaces)
+def _ifaces_to_net_config_data(ifaces):
+    """Return network config that represents the ifaces data provided.
+    ifaces = parse_deb_config("/etc/network/interfaces")
+    config = ifaces_to_net_config_data(ifaces)
+    state = parse_net_config_data(config)."""
+    devs = {}
+    for name, data in ifaces.items():
+        # devname is 'eth0' for name='eth0:1'
+        devname = name.partition(":")[0]
+        if devname not in devs:
+            devs[devname] = {'type': 'physical', 'name': devname,
+                             'subnets': []}
+            # this isnt strictly correct, but some might specify
+            # hwaddress on a nic for matching / declaring name.
+            if 'hwaddress' in data:
+                devs[devname]['mac_address'] = data['hwaddress']
+        subnet = {'_orig_eni_name': name, 'type': data['method']}
+        if data.get('auto'):
+            subnet['control'] = 'auto'
+        else:
+            subnet['control'] = 'manual'
+        if data.get('method') == 'static':
+            subnet['address'] = data['address']
+        if 'gateway' in data:
+            subnet['gateway'] = data['gateway']
+        if 'dns' in data:
+            for n in ('nameservers', 'search'):
+                if n in data['dns'] and data['dns'][n]:
+                    subnet['dns_' + n] = data['dns'][n]
+        devs[devname]['subnets'].append(subnet)
+    return {'version': 1,
+            'config': [devs[d] for d in sorted(devs)]}
+def apply_network_config_names(netcfg, strict_present=True, strict_busy=True):
+    """read the network config and rename devices accordingly.
+    if strict_present is false, then do not raise exception if no devices
+    match.  if strict_busy is false, then do not raise exception if the
+    device cannot be renamed because it is currently configured."""
+    renames = []
+    for ent in netcfg.get('config', {}):
+        if ent.get('type') != 'physical':
+            continue
+        mac = ent.get('mac_address')
+        name = ent.get('name')
+        if not mac:
+            continue
+        renames.append([mac, name])
+    return rename_interfaces(renames)
+def _get_current_rename_info(check_downable=True):
+    """Collect information necessary for rename_interfaces."""
+    names = get_devicelist()
+    bymac = {}
+    for n in names:
+        bymac[get_interface_mac(n)] = {
+            'name': n, 'up': is_up(n), 'downable': None}
+    if check_downable:
+        nmatch = re.compile(r"[0-9]+:\s+(\w+)[@:]")
+        ipv6, _err = util.subp(['ip', '-6', 'addr', 'show', 'permanent',
+                                'scope', 'global'], capture=True)
+        ipv4, _err = util.subp(['ip', '-4', 'addr', 'show'], capture=True)
+        nics_with_addresses = set()
+        for bytes_out in (ipv6, ipv4):
+            nics_with_addresses.update(nmatch.findall(bytes_out))
+        for d in bymac.values():
+            d['downable'] = (d['up'] is False or
+                             d['name'] not in nics_with_addresses)
+    return bymac
+def rename_interfaces(renames, strict_present=True, strict_busy=True,
+                      current_info=None):
+    if current_info is None:
+        current_info = _get_current_rename_info()
+    cur_bymac = {}
+    for mac, data in current_info.items():
+        cur = data.copy()
+        cur['mac'] = mac
+        cur_bymac[mac] = cur
+    def update_byname(bymac):
+        return {data['name']: data for data in bymac.values()}
+    def rename(cur, new):
+        util.subp(["ip", "link", "set", cur, "name", new], capture=True)
+    def down(name):
+        util.subp(["ip", "link", "set", name, "down"], capture=True)
+    def up(name):
+        util.subp(["ip", "link", "set", name, "up"], capture=True)
+    ops = []
+    errors = []
+    ups = []
+    cur_byname = update_byname(cur_bymac)
+    tmpname_fmt = "cirename%d"
+    tmpi = -1
+    for mac, new_name in renames:
+        cur = cur_bymac.get(mac, {})
+        cur_name = cur.get('name')
+        cur_ops = []
+        if cur_name == new_name:
+            # nothing to do
+            continue
+        if not cur_name:
+            if strict_present:
+                errors.append(
+                    "[nic not present] Cannot rename mac=%s to %s"
+                    ", not available." % (mac, new_name))
+            continue
+        if cur['up']:
+            msg = "[busy] Error renaming mac=%s from %s to %s"
+            if not cur['downable']:
+                if strict_busy:
+                    errors.append(msg % (mac, cur_name, new_name))
+                continue
+            cur['up'] = False
+            cur_ops.append(("down", mac, new_name, (cur_name,)))
+            ups.append(("up", mac, new_name, (new_name,)))
+        if new_name in cur_byname:
+            target = cur_byname[new_name]
+            if target['up']:
+                msg = "[busy-target] Error renaming mac=%s from %s to %s."
+                if not target['downable']:
+                    if strict_busy:
+                        errors.append(msg % (mac, cur_name, new_name))
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    cur_ops.append(("down", mac, new_name, (new_name,)))
+            tmp_name = None
+            while tmp_name is None or tmp_name in cur_byname:
+                tmpi += 1
+                tmp_name = tmpname_fmt % tmpi
+            cur_ops.append(("rename", mac, new_name, (new_name, tmp_name)))
+            target['name'] = tmp_name
+            cur_byname = update_byname(cur_bymac)
+            if target['up']:
+                ups.append(("up", mac, new_name, (tmp_name,)))
+        cur_ops.append(("rename", mac, new_name, (cur['name'], new_name)))
+        cur['name'] = new_name
+        cur_byname = update_byname(cur_bymac)
+        ops += cur_ops
+    opmap = {'rename': rename, 'down': down, 'up': up}
+    if len(ops) + len(ups) == 0:
+        if len(errors):
+            LOG.debug("unable to do any work for renaming of %s", renames)
+        else:
+            LOG.debug("no work necessary for renaming of %s", renames)
+    else:
+        LOG.debug("achieving renaming of %s with ops %s", renames, ops + ups)
+        for op, mac, new_name, params in ops + ups:
+            try:
+                opmap.get(op)(*params)
+            except Exception as e:
+                errors.append(
+                    "[unknown] Error performing %s%s for %s, %s: %s" %
+                    (op, params, mac, new_name, e))
+    if len(errors):
+        raise Exception('\n'.join(errors))
+def get_interface_mac(ifname):
+    """Returns the string value of an interface's MAC Address"""
+    return read_sys_net(ifname, "address", enoent=False)
+def get_ifname_mac_pairs():
+    """Build a list of tuples (ifname, mac)"""
+    return [(ifname, get_interface_mac(ifname)) for ifname in get_devicelist()]
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab syntax=python

=== modified file 'cloudinit/sources/DataSourceCloudSigma.py'
--- cloudinit/sources/DataSourceCloudSigma.py	2016-05-12 17:56:26 +0000
+++ cloudinit/sources/DataSourceCloudSigma.py	2016-06-02 00:36:33 +0000
@@ -27,8 +27,6 @@
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-VALID_DSMODES = ("local", "net", "disabled")
 class DataSourceCloudSigma(sources.DataSource):
@@ -38,7 +36,6 @@
     def __init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths):
-        self.dsmode = 'local'
         self.cepko = Cepko()
         self.ssh_public_key = ''
         sources.DataSource.__init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths)
@@ -84,11 +81,9 @@
             LOG.debug("CloudSigma: Unable to read from serial port")
             return False
-        dsmode = server_meta.get('cloudinit-dsmode', self.dsmode)
-        if dsmode not in VALID_DSMODES:
-            LOG.warn("Invalid dsmode %s, assuming default of 'net'", dsmode)
-            dsmode = 'net'
-        if dsmode == "disabled" or dsmode != self.dsmode:
+        self.dsmode = self._determine_dsmode(
+            [server_meta.get('cloudinit-dsmode')])
+        if dsmode == sources.DSMODE_DISABLED:
             return False
         base64_fields = server_meta.get('base64_fields', '').split(',')
@@ -120,17 +115,10 @@
         return self.metadata['uuid']
-class DataSourceCloudSigmaNet(DataSourceCloudSigma):
-    def __init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths):
-        DataSourceCloudSigma.__init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths)
-        self.dsmode = 'net'
 # Used to match classes to dependencies. Since this datasource uses the serial
 # port network is not really required, so it's okay to load without it, too.
 datasources = [
     (DataSourceCloudSigma, (sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM)),
-    (DataSourceCloudSigmaNet, (sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM, sources.DEP_NETWORK)),

=== modified file 'cloudinit/sources/DataSourceConfigDrive.py'
--- cloudinit/sources/DataSourceConfigDrive.py	2016-04-29 13:04:36 +0000
+++ cloudinit/sources/DataSourceConfigDrive.py	2016-06-02 00:36:33 +0000
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 import os
 from cloudinit import log as logging
+from cloudinit import net
 from cloudinit import sources
 from cloudinit import util
@@ -35,7 +36,6 @@
     "instance-id": DEFAULT_IID,
-VALID_DSMODES = ("local", "net", "pass", "disabled")
 FS_TYPES = ('vfat', 'iso9660')
 LABEL_TYPES = ('config-2',)
 POSSIBLE_MOUNTS = ('sr', 'cd')
@@ -47,12 +47,12 @@
     def __init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths):
         super(DataSourceConfigDrive, self).__init__(sys_cfg, distro, paths)
         self.source = None
-        self.dsmode = 'local'
         self.seed_dir = os.path.join(paths.seed_dir, 'config_drive')
         self.version = None
         self.ec2_metadata = None
         self._network_config = None
         self.network_json = None
+        self.network_eni = None
         self.files = {}
     def __str__(self):
@@ -98,38 +98,22 @@
         md = results.get('metadata', {})
         md = util.mergemanydict([md, DEFAULT_METADATA])
-        user_dsmode = results.get('dsmode', None)
-        if user_dsmode not in VALID_DSMODES + (None,):
-            LOG.warn("User specified invalid mode: %s", user_dsmode)
-            user_dsmode = None
-        dsmode = get_ds_mode(cfgdrv_ver=results['version'],
-                             ds_cfg=self.ds_cfg.get('dsmode'),
-                             user=user_dsmode)
-        if dsmode == "disabled":
-            # most likely user specified
+        self.dsmode = self._determine_dsmode(
+            [results.get('dsmode'), self.ds_cfg.get('dsmode'),
+             sources.DSMODE_PASS if results['version'] == 1 else None])
+        if self.dsmode == sources.DSMODE_DISABLED:
             return False
-        # TODO(smoser): fix this, its dirty.
-        # we want to do some things (writing files and network config)
-        # only on first boot, and even then, we want to do so in the
-        # local datasource (so they happen earlier) even if the configured
-        # dsmode is 'net' or 'pass'. To do this, we check the previous
-        # instance-id
+        # This is legacy and sneaky.  If dsmode is 'pass' then write
+        # 'injected files' and apply legacy ENI network format.
         prev_iid = get_previous_iid(self.paths)
         cur_iid = md['instance-id']
-        if prev_iid != cur_iid and self.dsmode == "local":
+        if prev_iid != cur_iid and self.dsmode == sources.DSMODE_PASS:
             on_first_boot(results, distro=self.distro)
-        # dsmode != self.dsmode here if:
-        #  * dsmode = "pass",  pass means it should only copy files and then
-        #    pass to another datasource
-        #  * dsmode = "net" and self.dsmode = "local"
-        #    so that user boothooks would be applied with network, the
-        #    local datasource just gets out of the way, and lets the net claim
-        if dsmode != self.dsmode:
-            LOG.debug("%s: not claiming datasource, dsmode=%s", self, dsmode)
+            LOG.debug("%s: not claiming datasource, dsmode=%s", self,
+                      self.dsmode)
             return False
         self.source = found
@@ -147,12 +131,11 @@
             LOG.warn("Invalid content in vendor-data: %s", e)
             self.vendordata_raw = None
-        try:
-            self.network_json = results.get('networkdata')
-        except ValueError as e:
-            LOG.warn("Invalid content in network-data: %s", e)
-            self.network_json = None
+        # network_config is an /etc/network/interfaces formated file and is
+        # obsolete compared to networkdata (from network_data.json) but both
+        # might be present.
+        self.network_eni = results.get("network_config")
+        self.network_json = results.get('networkdata')
         return True
     def check_instance_id(self, sys_cfg):
@@ -163,41 +146,16 @@
     def network_config(self):
         if self._network_config is None:
             if self.network_json is not None:
+                LOG.debug("network config provided via network_json")
                 self._network_config = convert_network_data(self.network_json)
+            elif self.network_eni is not None:
+                self._network_config = net.convert_eni_data(self.network_eni)
+                LOG.debug("network config provided via converted eni data")
+            else:
+                LOG.debug("no network configuration available")
         return self._network_config
-class DataSourceConfigDriveNet(DataSourceConfigDrive):
-    def __init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths):
-        DataSourceConfigDrive.__init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths)
-        self.dsmode = 'net'
-def get_ds_mode(cfgdrv_ver, ds_cfg=None, user=None):
-    """Determine what mode should be used.
-    valid values are 'pass', 'disabled', 'local', 'net'
-    """
-    # user passed data trumps everything
-    if user is not None:
-        return user
-    if ds_cfg is not None:
-        return ds_cfg
-    # at config-drive version 1, the default behavior was pass.  That
-    # meant to not use use it as primary data source, but expect a ec2 metadata
-    # source. for version 2, we default to 'net', which means
-    # the DataSourceConfigDriveNet, would be used.
-    #
-    # this could change in the future.  If there was definitive metadata
-    # that indicated presense of an openstack metadata service, then
-    # we could change to 'pass' by default also. The motivation for that
-    # would be 'cloud-init query' as the web service could be more dynamic
-    if cfgdrv_ver == 1:
-        return "pass"
-    return "net"
 def read_config_drive(source_dir):
     reader = openstack.ConfigDriveReader(source_dir)
     finders = [
@@ -231,9 +189,12 @@
                         % (type(data)))
     net_conf = data.get("network_config", '')
     if net_conf and distro:
-        LOG.debug("Updating network interfaces from config drive")
+        LOG.warn("Updating network interfaces from config drive")
-    files = data.get('files', {})
+    write_injected_files(data.get('files'))
+def write_injected_files(files):
     if files:
         LOG.debug("Writing %s injected files", len(files))
         for (filename, content) in files.items():
@@ -296,7 +257,6 @@
 # Used to match classes to dependencies
 datasources = [
     (DataSourceConfigDrive, (sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM, )),
-    (DataSourceConfigDriveNet, (sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM, sources.DEP_NETWORK)),

=== modified file 'cloudinit/sources/DataSourceNoCloud.py'
--- cloudinit/sources/DataSourceNoCloud.py	2016-05-12 17:56:26 +0000
+++ cloudinit/sources/DataSourceNoCloud.py	2016-06-02 00:36:33 +0000
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 import os
 from cloudinit import log as logging
+from cloudinit import net
 from cloudinit import sources
 from cloudinit import util
@@ -35,7 +36,6 @@
         sources.DataSource.__init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths)
         self.dsmode = 'local'
         self.seed = None
-        self.cmdline_id = "ds=nocloud"
         self.seed_dirs = [os.path.join(paths.seed_dir, 'nocloud'),
                           os.path.join(paths.seed_dir, 'nocloud-net')]
         self.seed_dir = None
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
             # Parse the kernel command line, getting data passed in
             md = {}
-            if parse_cmdline_data(self.cmdline_id, md):
+            if load_cmdline_data(md):
                 mydata = _merge_new_seed(mydata, {'meta-data': md})
         except Exception:
@@ -123,12 +123,6 @@
                     mydata = _merge_new_seed(mydata, seeded)
-                    # For seed from a device, the default mode is 'net'.
-                    # that is more likely to be what is desired.  If they want
-                    # dsmode of local, then they must specify that.
-                    if 'dsmode' not in mydata['meta-data']:
-                        mydata['meta-data']['dsmode'] = "net"
                     LOG.debug("Using data from %s", dev)
@@ -144,7 +138,6 @@
         if len(found) == 0:
             return False
-        seeded_network = None
         # The special argument "seedfrom" indicates we should
         # attempt to seed the userdata / metadata from its value
         # its primarily value is in allowing the user to type less
@@ -160,10 +153,6 @@
                 LOG.debug("Seed from %s not supported by %s", seedfrom, self)
                 return False
-            if (mydata['meta-data'].get('network-interfaces') or
-                    mydata.get('network-config')):
-                seeded_network = self.dsmode
             # This could throw errors, but the user told us to do it
             # so if errors are raised, let them raise
             (md_seed, ud) = util.read_seeded(seedfrom, timeout=None)
@@ -179,35 +168,21 @@
         mydata['meta-data'] = util.mergemanydict([mydata['meta-data'],
-        netdata = {'format': None, 'data': None}
-        if mydata['meta-data'].get('network-interfaces'):
-            netdata['format'] = 'interfaces'
-            netdata['data'] = mydata['meta-data']['network-interfaces']
-        elif mydata.get('network-config'):
-            netdata['format'] = 'network-config'
-            netdata['data'] = mydata['network-config']
-        # if this is the local datasource or 'seedfrom' was used
-        # and the source of the seed was self.dsmode.
-        # Then see if there is network config to apply.
-        # note this is obsolete network-interfaces style seeding.
-        if self.dsmode in ("local", seeded_network):
-            if mydata['meta-data'].get('network-interfaces'):
-                LOG.debug("Updating network interfaces from %s", self)
-                self.distro.apply_network(
-                    mydata['meta-data']['network-interfaces'])
-        if mydata['meta-data']['dsmode'] == self.dsmode:
-            self.seed = ",".join(found)
-            self.metadata = mydata['meta-data']
-            self.userdata_raw = mydata['user-data']
-            self.vendordata_raw = mydata['vendor-data']
-            self._network_config = mydata['network-config']
-            return True
-        LOG.debug("%s: not claiming datasource, dsmode=%s", self,
-                  mydata['meta-data']['dsmode'])
-        return False
+        self.dsmode = self._determine_dsmode(
+            [mydata['meta-data'].get('dsmode')])
+        if self.dsmode == sources.DSMODE_DISABLED:
+            LOG.debug("%s: not claiming datasource, dsmode=%s", self,
+                      self.dsmode)
+            return False
+        self.seed = ",".join(found)
+        self.metadata = mydata['meta-data']
+        self.userdata_raw = mydata['user-data']
+        self.vendordata_raw = mydata['vendor-data']
+        self._network_config = mydata['network-config']
+        self._network_eni = mydata['meta-data'].get('network-interfaces')
+        return True
     def check_instance_id(self, sys_cfg):
         # quickly (local check only) if self.instance_id is still valid
@@ -227,6 +202,9 @@
     def network_config(self):
+        if self._network_config is None:
+            if self.network_eni is not None:
+                self._network_config = net.convert_eni_data(self.network_eni)
         return self._network_config
@@ -254,8 +232,22 @@
     return None
+def load_cmdline_data(fill, cmdline=None):
+    pairs = [("ds=nocloud", sources.DSMODE_LOCAL),
+             ("ds=nocloud-net", sources.DSMODE_NETWORK)]
+    for idstr, dsmode in pairs:
+        if parse_cmdline_data(idstr, fill, cmdline):
+            # if dsmode was explicitly in the commanad line, then
+            # prefer it to the dsmode based on the command line id
+            if 'dsmode' not in fill:
+                fill['dsmode'] = dsmode
+            return True
+    return False
 # Returns true or false indicating if cmdline indicated
-# that this module should be used
+# that this module should be used.  Updates dictionary 'fill'
+# with data that was found.
 # Example cmdline:
 #  root=LABEL=uec-rootfs ro ds=nocloud
 def parse_cmdline_data(ds_id, fill, cmdline=None):
@@ -319,9 +311,7 @@
 class DataSourceNoCloudNet(DataSourceNoCloud):
     def __init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths):
         DataSourceNoCloud.__init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths)
-        self.cmdline_id = "ds=nocloud-net"
         self.supported_seed_starts = ("http://";, "https://";, "ftp://";)
-        self.dsmode = "net"
 # Used to match classes to dependencies

=== modified file 'cloudinit/sources/DataSourceOpenNebula.py'
--- cloudinit/sources/DataSourceOpenNebula.py	2016-03-04 06:45:58 +0000
+++ cloudinit/sources/DataSourceOpenNebula.py	2016-06-02 00:36:33 +0000
@@ -37,16 +37,13 @@
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 DEFAULT_IID = "iid-dsopennebula"
 CONTEXT_DISK_FILES = ["context.sh"]
-VALID_DSMODES = ("local", "net", "disabled")
 class DataSourceOpenNebula(sources.DataSource):
     def __init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths):
         sources.DataSource.__init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths)
-        self.dsmode = 'local'
         self.seed = None
         self.seed_dir = os.path.join(paths.seed_dir, 'opennebula')
@@ -93,52 +90,27 @@
         md = util.mergemanydict([md, defaults])
         # check for valid user specified dsmode
-        user_dsmode = results['metadata'].get('DSMODE', None)
-        if user_dsmode not in VALID_DSMODES + (None,):
-            LOG.warn("user specified invalid mode: %s", user_dsmode)
-            user_dsmode = None
-        # decide dsmode
-        if user_dsmode:
-            dsmode = user_dsmode
-        elif self.ds_cfg.get('dsmode'):
-            dsmode = self.ds_cfg.get('dsmode')
-        else:
-            dsmode = DEFAULT_MODE
-        if dsmode == "disabled":
-            # most likely user specified
-            return False
-        # apply static network configuration only in 'local' dsmode
-        if ('network-interfaces' in results and self.dsmode == "local"):
-            LOG.debug("Updating network interfaces from %s", self)
-            self.distro.apply_network(results['network-interfaces'])
-        if dsmode != self.dsmode:
-            LOG.debug("%s: not claiming datasource, dsmode=%s", self, dsmode)
+        self.dsmode = self._determine_dsmode(
+            [results.get('DSMODE'), self.ds_cfg.get('dsmode')])
+        if self.dsmode == sources.DSMODE_DISABLED:
             return False
         self.seed = seed
+        self.network_eni = results.get("network_config")
         self.metadata = md
         self.userdata_raw = results.get('userdata')
         return True
     def get_hostname(self, fqdn=False, resolve_ip=None):
         if resolve_ip is None:
-            if self.dsmode == 'net':
+            if self.dsmode == sources.DSMODE_NET:
                 resolve_ip = True
                 resolve_ip = False
         return sources.DataSource.get_hostname(self, fqdn, resolve_ip)
-class DataSourceOpenNebulaNet(DataSourceOpenNebula):
-    def __init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths):
-        DataSourceOpenNebula.__init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths)
-        self.dsmode = 'net'
 class NonContextDiskDir(Exception):
@@ -446,7 +418,6 @@
 # Used to match classes to dependencies
 datasources = [
     (DataSourceOpenNebula, (sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM, )),
-    (DataSourceOpenNebulaNet, (sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM, sources.DEP_NETWORK)),

=== modified file 'cloudinit/sources/DataSourceOpenStack.py'
--- cloudinit/sources/DataSourceOpenStack.py	2016-05-16 23:08:19 +0000
+++ cloudinit/sources/DataSourceOpenStack.py	2016-06-02 00:36:33 +0000
@@ -33,13 +33,11 @@
     "instance-id": DEFAULT_IID,
-VALID_DSMODES = ("net", "disabled")
 class DataSourceOpenStack(openstack.SourceMixin, sources.DataSource):
     def __init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths):
         super(DataSourceOpenStack, self).__init__(sys_cfg, distro, paths)
-        self.dsmode = 'net'
         self.metadata_address = None
         self.ssl_details = util.fetch_ssl_details(self.paths)
         self.version = None
@@ -125,11 +123,8 @@
             return False
-        user_dsmode = results.get('dsmode', None)
-        if user_dsmode not in VALID_DSMODES + (None,):
-            LOG.warn("User specified invalid mode: %s", user_dsmode)
-            user_dsmode = None
-        if user_dsmode == 'disabled':
+        self.dsmode = self._determine_dsmode([results.get('dsmode')])
+        if self.dsmode == sources.DSMODE_DISABLED:
             return False
         md = results.get('metadata', {})

=== modified file 'cloudinit/sources/__init__.py'
--- cloudinit/sources/__init__.py	2016-05-12 17:56:26 +0000
+++ cloudinit/sources/__init__.py	2016-06-02 00:36:33 +0000
@@ -34,6 +34,13 @@
 from cloudinit.filters import launch_index
 from cloudinit.reporting import events
+DSMODE_DISABLED = "disabled"
+DSMODE_LOCAL = "local"
+DSMODE_PASS = "pass"
 DS_PREFIX = 'DataSource'
@@ -57,6 +64,7 @@
         self.userdata_raw = None
         self.vendordata = None
         self.vendordata_raw = None
+        self.dsmode = DSMODE_NETWORK
         # find the datasource config name.
         # remove 'DataSource' from classname on front, and remove 'Net' on end.
@@ -223,10 +231,35 @@
         # quickly (local check only) if self.instance_id is still
         return False
+    @staticmethod
+    def _determine_dsmode(candidates, default=None, valid=None):
+        # return the first candidate that is non None, warn if not valid
+        if default is None:
+            default = DSMODE_NETWORK
+        if valid is None:
+            valid = VALID_DSMODES
+        for candidate in candidates:
+            if candidate is None:
+                continue
+            if candidate in valid:
+                return candidate
+            else:
+                LOG.warn("invalid dsmode '%s', using default=%s",
+                         candidate, default)
+                return default
+        return default
     def network_config(self):
         return None
+    @property
+    def first_instance_boot(self):
+        return
 def normalize_pubkey_data(pubkey_data):
     keys = []

=== modified file 'cloudinit/stages.py'
--- cloudinit/stages.py	2016-05-26 13:02:17 +0000
+++ cloudinit/stages.py	2016-06-02 00:36:33 +0000
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 class Init(object):
@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@
         # Changed only when a fetch occurs
         self.datasource = NULL_DATA_SOURCE
         self.ds_restored = False
+        self._previous_iid = None
         if reporter is None:
             reporter = events.ReportEventStack(
@@ -213,6 +215,31 @@
         cfg_list = self.cfg.get('datasource_list') or []
         return (cfg_list, pkg_list)
+    def _restore_from_checked_cache(self, existing):
+        if existing not in ("check", "trust"):
+            raise ValueError("Unexpected value for existing: %s" % existing)
+        ds = self._restore_from_cache()
+        if not ds:
+            return (None, "no cache found")
+        run_iid_fn = self.paths.get_runpath('instance_id')
+        if os.path.exists(run_iid_fn):
+            run_iid = util.load_file(run_iid_fn).strip()
+        else:
+            run_iid = None
+        if run_iid == ds.get_instance_id():
+            return (ds, "restored from cache with run check: %s" % ds)
+        elif existing == "trust":
+            return (ds, "restored from cache: %s" % ds)
+        else:
+            if (hasattr(ds, 'check_instance_id') and
+                    ds.check_instance_id(self.cfg)):
+                return (ds, "restored from checked cache: %s" % ds)
+            else:
+                return (None, "cache invalid in datasource: %s" % ds)
     def _get_data_source(self, existing):
         if self.datasource is not NULL_DATA_SOURCE:
             return self.datasource
@@ -221,19 +248,9 @@
                 description="attempting to read from cache [%s]" % existing,
                 parent=self.reporter) as myrep:
-            ds = self._restore_from_cache()
-            if ds and existing == "trust":
-                myrep.description = "restored from cache: %s" % ds
-            elif ds and existing == "check":
-                if (hasattr(ds, 'check_instance_id') and
-                        ds.check_instance_id(self.cfg)):
-                    myrep.description = "restored from checked cache: %s" % ds
-                else:
-                    myrep.description = "cache invalid in datasource: %s" % ds
-                    ds = None
-            else:
-                myrep.description = "no cache found"
+            ds, desc = self._restore_from_checked_cache(existing)
+            myrep.description = desc
             self.ds_restored = bool(ds)
@@ -301,23 +318,41 @@
         # What the instance id was and is...
         iid = self.datasource.get_instance_id()
-        previous_iid = None
         iid_fn = os.path.join(dp, 'instance-id')
-        try:
-            previous_iid = util.load_file(iid_fn).strip()
-        except Exception:
-            pass
-        if not previous_iid:
-            previous_iid = iid
+        previous_iid = self.previous_iid()
         util.write_file(iid_fn, "%s\n" % iid)
+        util.write_file(self.paths.get_runpath('instance_id'), "%s\n" % iid)
         util.write_file(os.path.join(dp, 'previous-instance-id'),
                         "%s\n" % (previous_iid))
+        self._write_to_cache()
         # Ensure needed components are regenerated
         # after change of instance which may cause
         # change of configuration
         return iid
+    def previous_iid(self):
+        if self._previous_iid is not None:
+            return self._previous_iid
+        dp = self.paths.get_cpath('data')
+        iid_fn = os.path.join(dp, 'instance-id')
+        try:
+            self._previous_iid = util.load_file(iid_fn).strip()
+        except Exception:
+            self._previous_iid = NO_PREVIOUS_INSTANCE_ID
+        LOG.debug("previous iid found to be %s", self._previous_iid)
+        return self._previous_iid
+    def is_new_instance(self):
+        previous = self.previous_iid()
+        ret = (previous == NO_PREVIOUS_INSTANCE_ID or
+               previous != self.datasource.get_instance_id())
+        return ret
     def fetch(self, existing="check"):
         return self._get_data_source(existing=existing)
@@ -332,8 +367,6 @@
     def update(self):
-        if not self._write_to_cache():
-            return
@@ -593,15 +626,27 @@
                 return (ncfg, loc)
         return (net.generate_fallback_config(), "fallback")
-    def apply_network_config(self):
+    def apply_network_config(self, bring_up):
         netcfg, src = self._find_networking_config()
         if netcfg is None:
             LOG.info("network config is disabled by %s", src)
-        LOG.info("Applying network configuration from %s: %s", src, netcfg)
-        try:
-            return self.distro.apply_network_config(netcfg)
+        try:
+            LOG.debug("applying net config names for %s" % netcfg)
+            self.distro.apply_network_config_names(netcfg)
+        except Exception as e:
+            LOG.warn("Failed to rename devices: %s", e)
+        if (self.datasource is not NULL_DATA_SOURCE and
+                not self.is_new_instance()):
+            LOG.debug("not a new instance. network config is not applied.")
+            return
+        LOG.info("Applying network configuration from %s bringup=%s: %s",
+                 src, bring_up, netcfg)
+        try:
+            return self.distro.apply_network_config(netcfg, bring_up=bring_up)
         except NotImplementedError:
             LOG.warn("distro '%s' does not implement apply_network_config. "
                      "networking may not be configured properly." %

=== modified file 'setup.py'
--- setup.py	2016-05-12 20:49:10 +0000
+++ setup.py	2016-06-02 00:36:33 +0000
@@ -184,7 +184,6 @@
         (USR + '/share/doc/cloud-init/examples/seed',
             [f for f in glob('doc/examples/seed/*') if is_f(f)]),
         (LIB + '/udev/rules.d', [f for f in glob('udev/*.rules')]),
-        (LIB + '/udev', ['udev/cloud-init-wait']),
     # Use a subclass for install that handles
     # adding on the right init system configuration files

=== modified file 'systemd/cloud-init-generator'
--- systemd/cloud-init-generator	2016-03-19 00:40:54 +0000
+++ systemd/cloud-init-generator	2016-06-02 00:36:33 +0000
@@ -107,9 +107,6 @@
                     "ln $CLOUD_SYSTEM_TARGET $link_path"
-        # this touches /run/cloud-init/enabled, which is read by 
-        # udev/cloud-init-wait.  If not present, it will exit quickly.
-        touch "$LOG_D/$ENABLE"
     elif [ "$result" = "$DISABLE" ]; then
         if [ -f "$link_path" ]; then
             if rm -f "$link_path"; then

=== modified file 'tox.ini'
--- tox.ini	2016-05-24 21:05:20 +0000
+++ tox.ini	2016-06-02 00:36:33 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 envlist = py27,py3,flake8
-recreate = True
+recreate = False
+skip_install = True
 commands = python -m nose {posargs:tests}

=== removed file 'udev/79-cloud-init-net-wait.rules'
--- udev/79-cloud-init-net-wait.rules	2016-03-19 00:40:54 +0000
+++ udev/79-cloud-init-net-wait.rules	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# cloud-init cold/hot-plug blocking mechanism
-# this file blocks further processing of network events
-# until cloud-init local has had a chance to read and apply network
-SUBSYSTEM!="net", GOTO="cloudinit_naming_end"
-ACTION!="add", GOTO="cloudinit_naming_end"
-# vi: ts=4 expandtab syntax=udevrules

=== removed file 'udev/cloud-init-wait'
--- udev/cloud-init-wait	2016-03-29 13:11:25 +0000
+++ udev/cloud-init-wait	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-block_until_ready() {
-    local fname="$1" max="$2"
-    [ -f "$fname" ] && return 0
-    # udevadm settle below will exit at the first of 3 conditions
-    #  1.) timeout 2.) file exists 3.) all in-flight udev events are processed
-    # since this is being run from a udev event, the 3 wont happen.
-    # thus, this is essentially a inotify wait or timeout on a file in /run
-    # that is created by cloud-init-local.
-    udevadm settle "--timeout=$max" "--exit-if-exists=$fname"
-log() {
-    [ -n "${LOG}" ] || return
-    [ "${DEBUG:-0}" = "0" ] && return
-    if [ $LOG_INIT = 0 ]; then
-        if [ -d "${LOG%/*}" ] || mkdir -p "${LOG%/*}"; then
-            LOG_INIT=1
-        else
-            echo "${0##*/}: WARN: log init to ${LOG%/*}" 1>&2
-            return
-        fi
-    elif [ "$LOG_INIT" = "-1" ]; then
-        return
-    fi
-    local info="$$ $INTERFACE"
-    if [ "$DEBUG" -gt 1 ]; then
-       local up idle
-       read up idle < /proc/uptime
-       info="$$ $INTERFACE $up"
-    fi
-    echo "[$info]" "$@" >> "$LOG"
-main() {
-    local name="" readyfile="$CI_NET_READY"
-    info="$info ID_NET_NAME_PATH=${ID_NET_NAME_PATH}"
-    info="$info MAC_ADDRESS=${MAC_ADDRESS}"
-    log "$info"
-    ## Check to see if cloud-init.target is set.  If cloud-init is 
-    ## disabled we do not want to do anything.
-    if [ ! -f "/run/cloud-init/enabled" ]; then
-        log "cloud-init disabled"
-        return 0
-    fi
-    if [ "${INTERFACE#lo}" != "$INTERFACE" ]; then
-        return 0
-    fi
-    block_until_ready "$readyfile" "$MAX_WAIT" ||
-       { log "failed waiting for ready on $INTERFACE"; return 1; }
-    log "net config ready"
-main "$@"
-# vi: ts=4 expandtab

Follow ups