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[Merge] ~smoser/cloud-init:bug/noise-on-cmdline-url-fail into cloud-init:master


Scott Moser has proposed merging ~smoser/cloud-init:bug/noise-on-cmdline-url-fail into cloud-init:master.

Requested reviews:
  cloud init development team (cloud-init-dev)

For more details, see:
Your team cloud init development team is requested to review the proposed merge of ~smoser/cloud-init:bug/noise-on-cmdline-url-fail into cloud-init:master.
diff --git a/cloudinit/cmd/main.py b/cloudinit/cmd/main.py
index 26c0240..5005d69 100644
--- a/cloudinit/cmd/main.py
+++ b/cloudinit/cmd/main.py
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ from cloudinit import signal_handler
 from cloudinit import sources
 from cloudinit import stages
 from cloudinit import templater
+from cloudinit import url_helper
 from cloudinit import util
 from cloudinit import version
@@ -140,23 +141,97 @@ def apply_reporting_cfg(cfg):
+def parse_cmdline_url(cmdline, names=('cloud-config-url', 'url')):
+    data = util.keyval_str_to_dict(cmdline)
+    for key in names:
+        if key in data:
+            return data[key]
+    return None
+def attempt_cmdline_url(path, network=True, cmdline=None):
+    """Write data from url referenced in command line to path.
+    path: a file to write content to if downloaded.
+    network: should network access be assumed.
+    cmdline: the cmdline to parse for cloud-config-url.
+    This is used in MAAS datasource, in "ephemeral" (read-only root)
+    environment where the instance netboots to iscsi ro root.
+    and the entity that controls the pxe config has to configure
+    the maas datasource.
+    An attempt is made on network urls even in local datasource
+    for case of network set up in initramfs.
+    Return value is a tuple of a logger function (logging.DEBUG)
+    and a message indicating what happened.
+    """
+    if cmdline is None:
+        cmdline = util.get_cmdline()
+    url = parse_cmdline_url(cmdline, names=('cloud-config-url', 'url'))
+    if not url:
+        return (None, None)
+    path_is_local = url.startswith("file://") or url.startswith("/")
+    if path_is_local and os.path.exists(path):
+        if network:
+            m = ("file '%s' existed, possibly from local stage download"
+                 " of command line url '%s'. Not re-writing." % (path, url))
+            level = logging.INFO
+            if path_is_local:
+                level = logging.DEBUG
+        else:
+            m = ("file '%s' existed, possibly from previous boot download"
+                 " of command line url '%s'. Not re-writing." % (path, url))
+            level = logging.WARN
+        return (level, m)
+    kwargs = {'url': url, 'timeout': 10, 'retries': 2}
+    if network or path_is_local:
+        level = logging.WARN
+        kwargs['sec_between'] = 1
+    else:
+        level = logging.DEBUG
+        kwargs['sec_between'] = .1
+    data = None
+    header = b'#cloud-config'
+    try:
+        resp = util.read_file_or_url(**kwargs)
+        if resp.ok():
+            data = resp.contents
+            if not resp.contents.startswith(header):
+                return (
+                    logging.INFO,
+                    "contents of '%s' did not start with %s" % (url, header))
+        else:
+            return (level,
+                    "url '%s' returned code %s. Ignoring." % (url, resp.code))
+    except url_helper.UrlError as e:
+        return (level, "retrieving url '%s' failed: %s" % (url, e))
+    util.write_file(path, data, mode=0o600)
+    return (logging.INFO,
+            "wrote cloud-config data from '%s' to %s" % (url, path))
 def main_init(name, args):
     deps = [sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM, sources.DEP_NETWORK]
     if args.local:
         deps = [sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM]
-    if not args.local:
-        # See doc/kernel-cmdline.txt
-        #
-        # This is used in maas datasource, in "ephemeral" (read-only root)
-        # environment where the instance netboots to iscsi ro root.
-        # and the entity that controls the pxe config has to configure
-        # the maas datasource.
-        #
-        # Could be used elsewhere, only works on network based (not local).
-        root_name = "%s.d" % (CLOUD_CONFIG)
-        target_fn = os.path.join(root_name, "91_kernel_cmdline_url.cfg")
-        util.read_write_cmdline_url(target_fn)
+    early_logs = []
+    _lvl, _msg = attempt_cmdline_url(
+        path=os.path.join("%.d" % CLOUD_CONFIG, "91_kernel_cmdline_url.cfg"),
+        network=not args.local)
+    if _lvl:
+        early_logs.extend(_lvl, _msg)
     # Cloud-init 'init' stage is broken up into the following sub-stages
     # 1. Ensure that the init object fetches its config without errors
@@ -182,12 +257,14 @@ def main_init(name, args):
     outfmt = None
     errfmt = None
-        LOG.debug("Closing stdin")
+        LOG.debug("Closing stdin.")
+        early_logs.append(logging.DEBUG, "Closing stdin.")
         (outfmt, errfmt) = util.fixup_output(init.cfg, name)
     except Exception:
         util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to setup output redirection!")
         print_exc("Failed to setup output redirection!")
+        early_logs.append(logging.WARN, "Failed to setup output redirection!")
     if args.debug:
         # Reset so that all the debug handlers are closed out
         LOG.debug(("Logging being reset, this logger may no"
@@ -196,6 +273,10 @@ def main_init(name, args):
+    # re-play early log messages before logging was setup
+    for lvl, msg in early_logs:
+        logging.log(lvl, msg)
     # Any log usage prior to setupLogging above did not have local user log
     # config applied.  We send the welcome message now, as stderr/out have
     # been redirected and log now configured.
diff --git a/cloudinit/util.py b/cloudinit/util.py
index cc08471..636f7d2 100644
--- a/cloudinit/util.py
+++ b/cloudinit/util.py
@@ -1096,31 +1096,6 @@ def get_fqdn_from_hosts(hostname, filename="/etc/hosts"):
     return fqdn
-def get_cmdline_url(names=('cloud-config-url', 'url'),
-                    starts=b"#cloud-config", cmdline=None):
-    if cmdline is None:
-        cmdline = get_cmdline()
-    data = keyval_str_to_dict(cmdline)
-    url = None
-    key = None
-    for key in names:
-        if key in data:
-            url = data[key]
-            break
-    if not url:
-        return (None, None, None)
-    resp = read_file_or_url(url)
-    # allow callers to pass starts as text when comparing to bytes contents
-    starts = encode_text(starts)
-    if resp.ok() and resp.contents.startswith(starts):
-        return (key, url, resp.contents)
-    return (key, url, None)
 def is_resolvable(name):
     """determine if a url is resolvable, return a boolean
     This also attempts to be resilent against dns redirection.
@@ -1482,25 +1457,6 @@ def ensure_dirs(dirlist, mode=0o755):
         ensure_dir(d, mode)
-def read_write_cmdline_url(target_fn):
-    if not os.path.exists(target_fn):
-        try:
-            (key, url, content) = get_cmdline_url()
-        except Exception:
-            logexc(LOG, "Failed fetching command line url")
-            return
-        try:
-            if key and content:
-                write_file(target_fn, content, mode=0o600)
-                LOG.debug(("Wrote to %s with contents of command line"
-                          " url %s (len=%s)"), target_fn, url, len(content))
-            elif key and not content:
-                LOG.debug(("Command line key %s with url"
-                          " %s had no contents"), key, url)
-        except Exception:
-            logexc(LOG, "Failed writing url content to %s", target_fn)
 def yaml_dumps(obj, explicit_start=True, explicit_end=True):
     return yaml.safe_dump(obj,

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