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[Merge] ~smoser/cloud-init:feature/ds-identify-warn into cloud-init:master


Scott Moser has proposed merging ~smoser/cloud-init:feature/ds-identify-warn into cloud-init:master.

Requested reviews:
  cloud init development team (cloud-init-dev)
Related bugs:
  Bug #1661693 in cloud-init: "identify brightbox platform to enable Ec2 datasource"

For more details, see:
Your team cloud init development team is requested to review the proposed merge of ~smoser/cloud-init:feature/ds-identify-warn into cloud-init:master.
diff --git a/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAliYun.py b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAliYun.py
index 2d00255..9debe94 100644
--- a/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAliYun.py
+++ b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAliYun.py
@@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ class DataSourceAliYun(EC2.DataSourceEc2):
     def get_public_ssh_keys(self):
         return parse_public_keys(self.metadata.get('public-keys', {}))
+    @property
+    def cloud_platform(self):
+        return EC2.Platforms.ALIYUN
 def parse_public_keys(public_keys):
     keys = []
diff --git a/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceEc2.py b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceEc2.py
index c657fd0..2fc6396 100644
--- a/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceEc2.py
+++ b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceEc2.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 import os
 import time
+import textwrap
 from cloudinit import ec2_utils as ec2
 from cloudinit import log as logging
@@ -22,6 +23,17 @@ LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 # Which version we are requesting of the ec2 metadata apis
 DEF_MD_VERSION = '2009-04-04'
+STRICT_ID_PATH = ("datasource", "Ec2", "strict_id")
+class Platforms(object):
+    ALIYUN = "AliYun"
+    AWS = "AWS"
+    BRIGHTBOX = "Brightbox"
+    SEEDED = "Seeded"
+    UNKNOWN = "Unknown"
 class DataSourceEc2(sources.DataSource):
     # Default metadata urls that will be used if none are provided
@@ -41,8 +53,18 @@ class DataSourceEc2(sources.DataSource):
             self.userdata_raw = seed_ret['user-data']
             self.metadata = seed_ret['meta-data']
             LOG.debug("Using seeded ec2 data from %s", self.seed_dir)
+            self._cloud_platform = Platforms.SEEDED
             return True
+        strict_mode, _sleep = read_strict_mode(
+            util.get_cfg_by_path(self.sys_cfg, STRICT_ID_PATH,
+                                 STRICT_ID_DEFAULT), ("warn", None))
+        LOG.debug("strict_mode: %s, cloud_platform=%s",
+                  strict_mode, self.cloud_platform)
+        if strict_mode == "true" and self.cloud_platform == Platforms.UNKNOWN:
+            return False
             if not self.wait_for_metadata_service():
                 return False
@@ -51,8 +73,8 @@ class DataSourceEc2(sources.DataSource):
                 ec2.get_instance_userdata(self.api_ver, self.metadata_address)
             self.metadata = ec2.get_instance_metadata(self.api_ver,
-            LOG.debug("Crawl of metadata service took %s seconds",
-                      int(time.time() - start_time))
+            LOG.debug("Crawl of metadata service took %.3f seconds",
+                      time.time() - start_time)
             return True
         except Exception:
             util.logexc(LOG, "Failed reading from metadata address %s",
@@ -190,6 +212,159 @@ class DataSourceEc2(sources.DataSource):
             return az[:-1]
         return None
+    @property
+    def cloud_platform(self):
+        if self._cloud_platform is None:
+            self._cloud_platform = identify_platform()
+        return self._cloud_platform
+    def activate(self, cfg, is_new_instance):
+        if not is_new_instance:
+            return
+        if self.cloud_platform != Platforms.UNKNOWN:
+            warn_if_necessary(
+                util.get_cfg_by_path(self.sys_cfg, STRICT_ID_PATH,
+                                     STRICT_ID_DEFAULT))
+def read_strict_mode(cfgval, default):
+    try:
+        return parse_strict_mode(cfgval)
+    except ValueError as e:
+        LOG.warn(e)
+        return default
+def parse_strict_mode(cfgval):
+    # given a mode like:
+    #    true, false, warn,[sleep]
+    # return tuple with string mode (true|false|warn) and sleep.
+    if cfgval is True:
+        return 'true', None
+    if cfgval is False:
+        return 'false', None
+    if not cfgval:
+        return 'warn', 0
+    mode, _, sleep = cfgval.partition(",")
+    if mode not in ('true', 'false', 'warn'):
+        raise ValueError(
+            "Invalid mode '%s' in strict_id setting '%s': "
+            "Expected one of 'true', 'false', 'warn'." % (mode, cfgval))
+    if sleep:
+        try:
+            sleep = int(sleep)
+        except ValueError:
+            raise ValueError("Invalid sleep '%s' in strict_id setting '%s': "
+                             "not an integer" % (sleep, cfgval))
+    else:
+        sleep = None
+    return mode, sleep
+def warn_if_necessary(cfgval):
+    try:
+        mode, sleep = parse_strict_mode(cfgval)
+    except ValueError as e:
+        LOG.warn(e)
+        return
+    if mode == "false":
+        return
+    show_warning()
+    if sleep:
+        time.sleep(sleep)
+def show_warning():
+    message = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        # **************************************************************
+        # This system is using the EC2 Metadata Service, but does not  #
+        # appear to be running on Amazon EC2. In the future,           #
+        # cloud-init may stop reading metadata from the EC2 Metadata   #
+        # Service unless the platform can be identified locally.       #
+        #                                                              #
+        # If you are seeing this message, please file a bug against    #
+        # cloud-init at https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+filebug #
+        # Make sure to include the cloud provider your instance is     #
+        # running on.                                                  #
+        #                                                              #
+        # For more information see                                     #
+        #   https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1660385         #
+        #                                                              #
+        # After you have filed a bug, you can disable this warning by  #
+        # launching your instance with the cloud-config below, or      #
+        # putting that content into                                    #
+        #    /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-ec2-datasource.cfg              #
+        #                                                              #
+        # #cloud-config                                                #
+        # datasource:                                                  #
+        #  Ec2:                                                        #
+        #   strict_id: false                                           #
+        #                                                              #
+        ****************************************************************""")
+    print(message)
+    LOG.warn(message)
+def identify_aws(data):
+    # data is a dictionary returned by _collect_platform_data.
+    if (data['uuid'].startswith('ec2') and
+            (data['uuid_source'] == 'hypervisor' or
+             data['uuid'] == data['serial'])):
+            return Platforms.AWS
+    return None
+def identify_brightbox(data):
+    if data['serial'].endswith('brightbox.com'):
+        return Platforms.BRIGHTBOX
+def identify_platform():
+    # identify the platform and return an entry in Platforms.
+    data = _collect_platform_data()
+    checks = (identify_aws, identify_brightbox, lambda x: Platforms.UNKNOWN)
+    for checker in checks:
+        try:
+            result = checker(data)
+            if result:
+                return result
+        except Exception as e:
+            LOG.warn("calling %s with %s raised exception: %s",
+                     checker, data, e)
+def _collect_platform_data():
+    # returns a dictionary with all lower case values:
+    #   uuid: system-uuid from dmi or /sys/hypervisor
+    #   uuid_source: 'hypervisor' (/sys/hypervisor/uuid) or 'dmi'
+    #   serial: dmi 'system-serial-number' (/sys/.../product_serial)
+    data = {}
+    try:
+        uuid = util.load_file("/sys/hypervisor/uuid").strip()
+        data['uuid_source'] = 'hypervisor'
+    except:
+        uuid = util.read_dmi_data('system-uuid')
+        data['uuid_source'] = 'dmi'
+    if uuid is None:
+        uuid = ''
+    data['uuid'] = uuid.lower()
+    serial = util.read_dmi_data('system-serial-number')
+    if serial is None:
+        serial = ''
+    data['serial'] = serial.lower()
+    return data
 # Used to match classes to dependencies
 datasources = [
diff --git a/tools/ds-identify b/tools/ds-identify
index 7bb6386..911d19e 100755
--- a/tools/ds-identify
+++ b/tools/ds-identify
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
 # or on the kernel command line. It takes primarily 2 inputs:
 # datasource: can specify the datasource that should be used.
 #     kernel command line option: ci.datasource=<dsname>
 # policy: a string that indicates how ds-identify should operate.
 #     kernel command line option: ci.di.policy=<policy>
 #   default setting is:
 #     search,found=all,maybe=all,notfound=disable
 #   report: write config to /run/cloud-init/cloud.cfg.report (instead of
 #           /run/cloud-init/cloud.cfg, which effectively makes this dry-run).
 #   enable: do nothing
@@ -29,17 +29,15 @@
 #         all: enable all DS_MAYBE
 #         none: ignore any DS_MAYBE
-#      notfound: (default=disable)
-#         disable: disable cloud-init
-#         enable: enable cloud-init
+#      notfound: (default=disabled)
+#         disabled: disable cloud-init
+#         enabled: enable cloud-init
+# ci.datasource.ec2.strict_id: (true|false|warn[,0-9])
+#     if ec2 datasource does not strictly match,
+#        return not_found if true
+#        return maybe if false or warn*.
-# zesty:
-#    policy: found=first,maybe=all,none=disable
-# xenial:
-#      policy: found=all,maybe=all,none=enable
-#    and then at a later date
 set -u
 set -f
@@ -561,10 +559,44 @@ dscheck_OpenNebula() {
     return ${DS_NOT_FOUND}
+ovf_vmware_guest_customization() {
+    # vmware guest customization
+    # virt provider must be vmware
+    [ "${DI_VIRT}" = "vmware" ] || return 1
+    # we have to have the plugin to do vmware customization
+    local found="" pkg="" pre="/usr/lib"
+    for pkg in vmware-tools open-vm-tools; do
+        if [ -f "$pre/$pkg/plugins/vmsvc/libdeployPkgPlugin.so" ]; then
+            found="$pkg"; break;
+        fi
+    done
+    [ -n "$found" ] || return 1
+    # disable_vmware_customization defaults to False.
+    # any value then other than false means disabled.
+    local key="disable_vmware_customization"
+    local match="" bp="${PATH_CLOUD_CONFD}/cloud.cfg"
+    match="$bp.d/*[Oo][Vv][Ff]*.cfg"
+    if check_config "$key" "$match"; then
+        debug 2 "${_RET_fname} set $key to $_RET"
+        case "$_RET" in
+            0|false|False) :;;
+            *) return 1;;
+        esac
+    fi
+    return 0
 dscheck_OVF() {
     local p=""
     check_seed_dir ovf ovf-env.xml && return "${DS_FOUND}"
+    if ovf_vmware_guest_customization; then
+        return ${DS_FOUND}
+    fi
     has_cdrom || return ${DS_NOT_FOUND}
     # FIXME: currently just return maybe if there is a cdrom
@@ -595,36 +627,118 @@ dscheck_Bigstep() {
     return ${DS_NOT_FOUND}
-dscheck_Ec2() {
-    # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/identify_ec2_instances.html
-    # http://paste.ubuntu.com/23630859/
+ec2_read_strict_setting() {
+    # the 'strict_id' setting for Ec2 controls behavior when
+    # the platform does not identify itself directly as Ec2.
+    # order of precedence is:
+    #  1. builtin setting here cloud-init/ds-identify builtin
+    #  2. ds-identify config
+    #  3. system config (/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/*Ec2*.cfg)
+    #  4. kernel command line (undocumented)
+    #  5. user-data or vendor-data (not available here)
+    local default="$1" key="ci.datasource.ec2.strict_id" val=""
+    # 4. kernel command line
+    case " ${DI_KERNEL_CMDLINE} " in
+        *\ $key=*\ )
+            val=${DI_KERNEL_CMDLINE##*$key=}
+            val=${val%% *};
+            _RET=${val:-$default}
+            return 0
+    esac
+    # 3. look for the key 'strict_id' (datasource/Ec2/strict_id)
+    local match="" bp="${PATH_CLOUD_CONFD}/cloud.cfg"
+    match="$bp.d/*[Ee][Cc]2*.cfg"
+    if check_config strict_id "$match"; then
+        debug 2 "${_RET_fname} set strict_id to $_RET"
+        return 0
+    fi
+    # 2. ds-identify config (datasource.ec2.strict)
+    local config=${PATH_DI_CONFIG}
+    if [ -f "$config" ]; then
+        if _read_config "$key" < "$config"; then
+            _RET=${_RET:-$default}
+            return 0
+        fi
+    fi
+    # 1. Default
+    _RET=$default
+    return 0
+ec2_identify_platform() {
+    local default="$1"
+    local serial=${DI_DMI_PRODUCT_SERIAL}
+    # brightbox https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1661693
+    case "$serial" in
+        *brightbox.com) _RET="Brightbox"; return 0;;
+    esac
+    # AWS http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/
+    #     latest/UserGuide/identify_ec2_instances.html
     local uuid="" hvuuid="$PATH_ROOT/sys/hypervisor/uuid"
-    is_container && return ${DS_NOT_FOUND}
     # if the (basically) xen specific /sys/hypervisor/uuid starts with 'ec2'
     if [ -r "$hvuuid" ] && read uuid < "$hvuuid" &&
         [ "${uuid#ec2}" != "$uuid" ]; then
-        return ${DS_FOUND}
+        _RET="AWS"
+        return 0
     # product uuid and product serial start with case insensitive
-    local uuid=${DI_DMI_PRODUCT_UUID} serial=${DI_DMI_PRODUCT_SERIAL}
+    local uuid=${DI_DMI_PRODUCT_UUID}
     case "$uuid:$serial" in
             # both start with ec2, now check for case insenstive equal
-            nocase_equal "$uuid" "$serial" && return ${DS_FOUND};;
+            nocase_equal "$uuid" "$serial" &&
+                { _RET="AWS"; return 0; };;
-    # search through config files to check for platform
-    local f="" match="${PATH_CLOUD_CONFD}/*ec2*.cfg"
-    # look for the key 'platform' (datasource/ec2/look_alike/behavior)
-    if check_config platform "$match"; then
-        if [ "$platform" != "Unknown" ]; then
-            _RET="$name"
-            return "${DS_FOUND}"
-        fi
+    _RET="$default"
+    return 0;
+dscheck_Ec2() {
+    check_seed_dir "ec2" meta-data user-data && return ${DS_FOUND}
+    is_container && return ${DS_NOT_FOUND}
+    local unknown="Unknown" platform=""
+    if ec2_identify_platform "$unknown"; then
+        platform="$_RET"
+    else
+        warn "Failed to identify ec2 platform. Using '$unknown'."
+        platform=$unknown
+    debug 1 "ec2 platform is '$platform'."
+    if [ "$platform" != "$unknown" ]; then
+        return $DS_FOUND
-    return ${DS_NOT_FOUND}
+    local default="true"
+    if ec2_read_strict_setting "$default"; then
+        strict="$_RET"
+    else
+        debug 1 "ec2_read_strict returned non-zero: $?. using '$default'."
+        strict="$default"
+    fi
+    local key="datasource/Ec2/strict_id"
+    case "$strict" in
+        true|false|warn|warn,[0-9]*) :;;
+        *)
+            warn "$key was set to invalid '$strict'. using '$default'"
+            strict="$default";;
+    esac
+    _RET_excfg="datasource: {Ec2: {strict_id: \"$strict\"}}"
+    if [ "$strict" = "true" ]; then
+        return $DS_NOT_FOUND
+    else
+        return $DS_MAYBE
+    fi
 dscheck_GCE() {
@@ -768,12 +882,22 @@ write_result() {
 found() {
+    # found(ds1, [ds2 ...], [-- [extra lines]])
     local list="" ds=""
     # always we write the None datasource last.
-    for ds in "$@" None; do
-        list="${list:+${list}, }$ds"
+    while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
+        if [ "$1" = "--" ]; then
+            shift
+            break
+        fi
+        list="${list:+${list}, }$1"
+        shift
-    write_result "datasource_list: [ $list ]"
+    if [ $# -eq 1 ] && [ -z "$1" ]; then
+        # do not pass an empty line through.
+        shift
+    fi
+    write_result "datasource_list: [ $list ]" "$@"
@@ -794,8 +918,10 @@ unquote() {
 _read_config() {
-    # reads config from stdin, modifies _rc scoped environment vars.
-    # rc_policy and _rc_dsname
+    # reads config from stdin,
+    # if no parameters are set, modifies _rc scoped environment vars.
+    # if keyname is provided, then returns found value of that key.
+    local keyname=${1:-"_unset"}
     local line="" hash="#" ckey="" key="" val=""
     while read line; do
@@ -806,15 +932,28 @@ _read_config() {
         trim "$key"
+        [ "$keyname" != "_unset" ] && [ "$keyname" != "$key" ] &&
+            continue
         trim "$val"
         unquote "${_RET}"
+        if [ "$keyname" = "$key" ]; then
+            _RET="$val"
+            return 0
+        fi
         case "$key" in
             datasource) _rc_dsname="$val";;
             policy) _rc_policy="$val";;
+    if [ "$keyname" = "_unset" ]; then
+        return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
 parse_warn() {
@@ -980,7 +1119,8 @@ _main() {
-    local found="" ret="" ds="" maybe=""
+    local found="" ret="" ds="" maybe="" _RET_excfg=""
+    local exfound_cfg="" exmaybe_cfg=""
     for ds in ${DI_DSLIST}; do
         debug 2 "Checking for datasource '$ds' via '$dscheck_fn'"
@@ -988,20 +1128,23 @@ _main() {
             warn "No check method '$dscheck_fn' for datasource '$ds'"
+        _RET_excfg=""
         case "$ret" in
                 debug 1 "check for '$ds' returned found";
+                exfound_cfg="${exfound_cfg:+${exfound_cfg}${CR}}${_RET_excfg}"
                 found="${found} $ds";;
-                debug 1 "check for $ds returned maybe";
+                debug 1 "check for '$ds' returned maybe";
+                exmaybe_cfg="${exmaybe_cfg:+${exmaybe_cfg}${CR}}${_RET_excfg}"
                 maybe="${maybe} $ds";;
-            *) debug 2 "check for $ds returned not-found[$ret]";;
+            *) debug 2 "check for '$ds' returned not-found[$ret]";;
-    debug 2 "found=$found maybe=$maybe"
+    debug 2 "found=${found# } maybe=${maybe# }"
     set -- $found
     if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then
         if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
@@ -1013,14 +1156,14 @@ _main() {
                 set -- "$1"
-        found "$@"
+        found "$@" -- "${exfound_cfg}"
     set -- $maybe
     if [ $# -ne 0 -a "${DI_ON_MAYBE}" != "none" ]; then
         debug 1 "$# datasources returned maybe: $*"
-        found "$@"
+        found "$@" -- "${exmaybe_cfg}"

Follow ups