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Re: [Merge] ~smoser/cloud-init:feature/ds-identify-test into cloud-init:master


Diff comments:

> diff --git a/tests/unittests/test_ds_identify.py b/tests/unittests/test_ds_identify.py
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..00f91f3
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/tests/unittests/test_ds_identify.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
> +# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
> +
> +import copy
> +import os
> +
> +from cloudinit import safeyaml
> +from cloudinit import util
> +from .helpers import CiTestCase, dir2dict, populate_dir
> +
> +UNAME_MYSYS = ("Linux bart 4.4.0-62-generic #83-Ubuntu "
> +               "SMP Wed Jan 18 14:10:15 UTC 2017 x86_64 GNU/Linux")
> +DEVNAME=/dev/sda1
> +UUID=8B36-5390
> +TYPE=vfat
> +PARTUUID=30d7c715-a6ae-46ee-b050-afc6467fc452
> +
> +DEVNAME=/dev/sda2
> +UUID=19ac97d5-6973-4193-9a09-2e6bbfa38262
> +TYPE=ext4
> +PARTUUID=30c65c77-e07d-4039-b2fb-88b1fb5fa1fc
> +"""
> +
> +DI_DEFAULT_POLICY = "search,found=all,maybe=all,notfound=enabled"
> +DI_DEFAULT_POLICY_NO_DMI = "search,found=all,maybe=all,notfound=disabled"
> +
> +%(name)s_out='%(out)s'
> +%(name)s_err='%(err)s'
> +%(name)s_ret='%(ret)s'
> +%(name)s() {
> +   local out='%(out)s'
> +   local err='%(err)s'
> +   local ret='%(ret)s'
> +   [ "${%(name)s_out}" = "_unset" ] || echo "${%(name)s_out}"
> +   [ "${%(name)s_err}" = "_unset" ] || echo "${%(name)s_err}"
> +   return ${%(name)s_ret}
> +}
> +"""
> +
> +%(name)s() {
> +   local out='%(out)s' err='%(err)s' r='%(ret)s'
> +   [ "$out" = "_unset" ] || echo "$out"
> +   [ "$err" = "_unset" ] || echo "$err" 2>&1
> +   return $r
> +}
> +"""
> +
> +UUIDS = [
> +    'e7db1e51-3eff-4ce9-8bfd-e8749884034a',
> +    '4167a101-a2fc-4071-a078-f9d89b3c548d',
> +    '147c295d-f5f4-4d8b-8b90-14682a6ae072',
> +]
> +
> +RC_FOUND = 0
> +
> +P_PRODUCT_NAME = "sys/class/dmi/id/product_name"
> +P_PRODUCT_SERIAL = "sys/class/dmi/id/product_serial"
> +P_PRODUCT_UUID = "sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid"
> +P_DSID_CFG = "etc/cloud/ds-identify.cfg"
> +
> +
> +class TestDsIdentify(CiTestCase):
> +    dsid_path = os.path.realpath('tools/ds-identify')
> +
> +    def call(self, rootd=None, mocks=None, args=None, files=None,
> +             policy_dmi=DI_DEFAULT_POLICY,
> +             policy_nodmi=DI_DEFAULT_POLICY_NO_DMI):
> +        if args is None:
> +            args = []
> +        if mocks is None:
> +            mocks = []
> +
> +        if files is None:
> +            files = {}
> +
> +        if rootd is None:
> +            rootd = self.tmp_dir()
> +
> +        unset = '_unset'
> +        wrap = self.tmp_path(path="_shwrap", dir=rootd)
> +        populate_dir(rootd, files)
> +
> +        # DI_DEFAULT_POLICY* are declared always as to not rely
> +        # on the default in the code.  This is because SRU releases change
> +        # the value in the code, and thus tests would fail there.
> +        head = [
> +            "DI_MAIN=noop",
> +            "DEBUG_LEVEL=2",
> +            "DI_LOG=stderr",
> +            "PATH_ROOT='%s'" % rootd,
> +            ". " + self.dsid_path,
> +            'DI_DEFAULT_POLICY="%s"' % policy_dmi,
> +            'DI_DEFAULT_POLICY_NO_DMI="%s"' % policy_nodmi,
> +            ""
> +        ]
> +
> +        def write_mock(data):
> +            ddata = {'out': None, 'err': None, 'ret': 0}
> +            ddata.update(data)
> +            for k in ddata:
> +                if ddata[k] is None:
> +                    ddata[k] = unset
> +            return SHELL_MOCK_TMPL % ddata
> +
> +        mocklines = []
> +        defaults = [
> +            {'name': 'detect_virt', 'out': None, 'ret': 1},
> +            {'name': 'uname', 'out': UNAME_MYSYS},
> +            {'name': 'blkid', 'out': BLKID_EFI_ROOT},
> +        ]
> +
> +        written = [d['name'] for d in mocks]
> +        for data in mocks:
> +            mocklines.append(write_mock(data))
> +        for d in defaults:
> +            if d['name'] not in written:
> +                mocklines.append(write_mock(d))
> +
> +        endlines = [
> +            'main %s' % ' '.join(['"%s"' % s for s in args])
> +        ]
> +
> +        with open(wrap, "w") as fp:
> +            fp.write('\n'.join(head + mocklines + endlines) + "\n")
> +
> +        rc = 0
> +        try:
> +            out, err = util.subp(['sh', '-c', '. %s' % wrap], capture=True)
> +        except util.ProcessExecutionError as e:
> +            rc = e.exit_code
> +            out = e.stdout
> +            err = e.stderr
> +
> +        cfg = None
> +        cfg_out = os.path.join(rootd, 'run/cloud-init/cloud.cfg')
> +        if os.path.exists(cfg_out):
> +            cfg = safeyaml.load(util.load_file(cfg_out))
> +
> +        return rc, out, err, cfg, dir2dict(rootd)
> +
> +    def _call_via_dict(self, data, rootd=None):
> +        # return output of self.call with a dict input like VALID_CFG[item]
> +        kwargs = {'rootd': rootd}
> +        for k in ('mocks', 'args', 'policy_dmi', 'policy_nodmi', 'files'):
> +            if k in data:
> +                kwargs[k] = data[k]
> +        return self.call(**kwargs)
> +
> +    def _test_valid(self, name):
> +        rc, _out, _err, cfg, _files = self._call_via_dict(
> +            copy.deepcopy(VALID_CFG[name]))
> +        # print({k: v for k, v in _files.items() if k != "/_shwrap"})
> +        self.assertEqual(RC_FOUND, rc)
> +        self.assertEqual([VALID_CFG[name]['ds'], 'None'],
> +                         cfg['datasource_list'])
> +
> +    def test_aws_ec2_hvm(self):
> +        self._test_valid('Ec2-hvm')
> +
> +    def test_aws_ec2_xen(self):
> +        # ec2: sys/hypervisor/uuid starts with ec2
> +        self._test_valid('Ec2-xen')
> +
> +    def test_brightbox_is_ec2(self):
> +        # ec2: product_serial ends with brightbox.com
> +        self._test_valid('Ec2-brightbox')
> +
> +    def test_gce_by_product_name(self):
> +        # gce identifies itself with product_name
> +        self._test_valid('GCE')
> +
> +    def test_gce_by_serial(self):
> +        # older gce compute instances must be identified by serial
> +        self._test_valid('GCE-serial')
> +
> +    def test_config_drive(self):
> +        self._test_valid('ConfigDrive')
> +        return
> +
> +    def test_policy_disabled(self):
> +        tmp_dir = self.tmp_dir()
> +        rc, out, err, cfg, _ = self.call(tmp_dir, policy_dmi="disabled")
> +        self.assertEqual(RC_NOT_FOUND, 1)
> +
> +    def test_policy_config_disable_overrides_builtin(self):
> +        mydata = copy.deepcopy(VALID_CFG['Ec2-hvm'])
> +        mydata['files'][P_DSID_CFG] = '\n'.join(['policy: disabled', ''])
> +        rc, out, err, cfg, files = self._call_via_dict(mydata)
> +        self.assertEqual(RC_NOT_FOUND, 1)
> +
> +    def test_single_entry_defines_datasource(self):
> +        # if config has a single entry in datasource_list it is accepted.
> +
> +        # test the valid Ec2-hvm command with the datasource defined in config.
> +        mydata = copy.deepcopy(VALID_CFG['Ec2-hvm'])
> +        cfgpath = 'etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/myds.cfg'
> +        mydata['files'][cfgpath] = 'datasource_list: ["NoCloud"]\n'
> +        rc, out, err, cfg, files = self._call_via_dict(mydata)
> +        self.assertEqual(RC_FOUND, rc)
> +        self.assertEqual(['NoCloud', 'None'], cfg['datasource_list'])
> +
> +
> +def blkdev(dev, fs=None, label=None, ptuuid=None, uuid=None):

The feelings aren't too strong on this.  It seemed like your two separate functions were doing a lot of work just tying to set up maps and rename optional params using your n-tuple map. Since the unit tests are setting these up, it could have been something as simple as a dict. We could drop blkdev altogether with something like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24543603/.  Since you as the test writer know what fields you are trying to setup, we could just provide simple dicts build blkid_out can sort.

> +    # a shortcut for writing input to blkid_out.
> +    if not dev.startswith("/dev/"):
> +        dev = "/dev/" + dev
> +
> +    ret = {'DEVNAME': dev}
> +    maps = (('TYPE', fs), ('LABEL', label), ('PARTUUID', ptuuid),
> +            ('UUID', uuid))
> +    for k, v in maps:
> +        if v:
> +            ret[k] = v
> +
> +    return ret
> +
> +
> +def blkid_out(disks=None):
> +    if disks is None:
> +        disks = []
> +    lines = []
> +    fields = ("DEVNAME", "UUID", "UUID_SUB", "TYPE", "PARTUUID", "LABEL")
> +    for d in disks:
> +        for key in [f for f in fields if f in d]:
> +            lines.append("%s=%s" % (key, d[key]))
> +        lines.append("")
> +    return '\n'.join(lines)
> +
> +
> +VALID_CFG = {

Oops, I had missed that dependency on blkid_out in the structure. Hmm not sure what to do with that given that the stucture need to support so many different config setups :) If ConfigDrive definition were locally defined within the single unit test that wouldn't be a problem ;).

 I guess my main concern w/ this struct + the _test_valid() method is that it feels like we are obfuscating the details of the config validation away from the unit test where it is specifically being tested. With a helper method  like _test_valid() we are also prescribing a simple/single type of validation checking. As we add other cases to check (like non-happy path or stdout validation or logging) how do we now handle the setup of those other tests. Do we create a  _test_not_valid() helper and call that or let the unit test express explicitly what it needs to test based on the given configuration. For invalid config testing it feels like this approach begs that the test writer create as separate INVALID_CFG struct at the bottom and separate unit tests exercising the invalid negative paths and responses. We can't currently reuse _test_valid as not test_valid.

> +    'Ec2-hvm': {
> +        'ds': 'Ec2',
> +        'mocks': [{'name': 'detect_virt', 'out': 'kvm', 'ret': 0}],
> +        'files': {
> +            P_PRODUCT_SERIAL: 'ec23aef5-54be-4843-8d24-8c819f88453e\n',
> +            P_PRODUCT_UUID: 'EC23AEF5-54BE-4843-8D24-8C819F88453E\n',
> +        }
> +    },
> +    'Ec2-xen': {
> +        'ds': 'Ec2',
> +        'mocks': [{'name': 'detect_virt', 'out': 'xen', 'ret': 0}],
> +        'files': {
> +            'sys/hypervisor/uuid': 'ec2c6e2f-5fac-4fc7-9c82-74127ec14bbb\n'
> +        },
> +    },
> +    'Ec2-brightbox': {
> +        'ds': 'Ec2',
> +        'files': {P_PRODUCT_SERIAL: 'facc6e2f.brightbox.com\n'},
> +    },
> +    'GCE': {
> +        'ds': 'GCE',
> +        'files': {P_PRODUCT_NAME: 'Google Compute Engine\n'},
> +    },
> +    'GCE-serial': {
> +        'ds': 'GCE',
> +        'files': {P_PRODUCT_SERIAL: 'GoogleCloud-8f2e88f\n'},
> +    },
> +    'ConfigDrive': {
> +        'ds': 'ConfigDrive',
> +        'mocks': [
> +            {'name': 'blkid', 'ret': 0,
> +             'out': blkid_out(
> +                 [blkdev('vda1', fs='vfat', ptuuid=UUIDS[0]),
> +                  blkdev('vda2', fs='ext4', label='cloudimg-rootfs',
> +                         ptuuid=UUIDS[1]),
> +                  blkdev('vdb', fs='vfat', label='config-2')])
> +             },
> +        ],
> +    },
> +}
> +
> +# vi: ts=4 expandtab

Your team cloud init development team is requested to review the proposed merge of ~smoser/cloud-init:feature/ds-identify-test into cloud-init:master.
