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[Merge] ~powersj/cloud-init:integration-test-revamp into cloud-init:master


Joshua Powers has proposed merging ~powersj/cloud-init:integration-test-revamp into cloud-init:master.

Commit message:
Integration Testing: tox env, pyxld 2.2.3, and revamp framework

Massive update to clean up and greatly enhance the integration
testing framework developed by Wesley Wiedenmeier.

 - Add new tox environment to run integration tests
   - 'citest' provides an entry points into the cli
     allowing use of any test commands using pylxd 2.2.3
 - Add support for distro feature flags
   - add framework for feature flags to release config with
     feature groups and overrides allowed in any release conf
     override level
   - add support for feature flags in platform and config handling
   - during collect, skip testcases that require features not
     supported by the image with a warning message
 - Enable additional distros (i.e. centos, debian)
 - Add 'bddeb' command to build a deb from the current working tree
   cleanly in a container, so deps do not have to be installed on host
 - Adds a command line option '--preserve-data' that ensures that
   collected data will be left after tests run. This also allows the
   directory to store collected data in during the run command to be
   specified using '--data-dir'.
 - Updated rtd documentation and doc strings for pep 257

Requested reviews:
  Chad Smith (chad.smith)
  cloud-init commiters (cloud-init-dev)

For more details, see:

Tests preformed:
$ tox
$ tox -e citest -- bddeb
$ tox -e citest -- bddeb --deb output.deb
$ tox -e citest -- run -v -n xenial
$ tox -e citest -- run -v -n zesty --deb cloud-init_all.deb
$ tox -e citest -- run -v -n yakkety --repo 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ artful main'
$ tox -e citest -- tree_run -v -n artful -t tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/write_files.yaml
$ tox -e citest -- tree_run -v -n stretch --preserve-data
$ tox -e citest -- tree_run -v -n xenial --preserve-data --data-dir='/tmp/testdata'

Experimental features (functionally work, tests fail):
$ tox -e citest -- tree_run -v -n stretch (works with updated cloud-init)
$ tox -e citest -- tree_run -v -n jessie (works with updated cloud-init)
$ tox -e citest -- tree_run -v -n trusty (works with sysvinit, python2 deb)
$ tox -e citest -- tree_run -v -n centos66
$ tox -e citest -- tree_run -v -n centos70
Your team cloud-init commiters is requested to review the proposed merge of ~powersj/cloud-init:integration-test-revamp into cloud-init:master.
diff --git a/doc/rtd/topics/tests.rst b/doc/rtd/topics/tests.rst
index 0663811..d668e3f 100644
--- a/doc/rtd/topics/tests.rst
+++ b/doc/rtd/topics/tests.rst
@@ -1,14 +1,186 @@
-Test Development
+Integration Testing
-The purpose of this page is to describe how to write integration tests for
-cloud-init. As a test writer you need to develop a test configuration and
-a verification file:
+This page describes the execution, development, and architecture of the
+cloud-init integration tests:
+* Execution explains the options available and running of tests
+* Development shows how to write test cases
+* Architecture explains the internal processes
+In order to avoid the need for dependencies and ease the setup and
+configuration users can run the integration tests via tox:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    $ git clone https://git.launchpad.net/cloud-init
+    $ cd cloud-init
+    $ tox -e citest -- -h
+Everything after the double dash will be passed to the integration tests.
+Executing tests has several options:
+* ``run`` an alias to run both ``collect`` and ``verify``. The ``tree_run``
+  command does the same thing, except uses a deb built from the current
+  working tree.
+* ``collect`` deploys on the specified platform and distro, patches with the
+  requested deb or rpm, and finally collects output of the arbitrary
+  commands. Similarly, ```tree_collect`` will collect output using a deb
+  built from the current working tree.
+* ``verify`` given a directory of test data, run the Python unit tests on
+  it to generate results.
+* ``bddeb`` will build a deb of the current working tree.
+The first example will provide a complete end-to-end run of data
+collection and verification. There are additional examples below
+explaining how to run one or the other independently.
+.. code-block:: bash
+    $ git clone https://git.launchpad.net/cloud-init
+    $ cd cloud-init
+    $ tox -e citest -- run --verbose \
+        --os-name stretch --os-name xenial \
+        --deb cloud-init_0.7.8~my_patch_all.deb \
+        --preserve-data --data-dir ~/collection
+The above command will do the following:
+* ``run`` both collect output and run tests the output
+* ``--verbose`` verbose output
+* ``--os-name stretch`` on the Debian Stretch release
+* ``--os-name xenial`` on the Ubuntu Xenial release
+* ``--deb cloud-init_0.7.8~patch_all.deb`` use this deb as the version of
+  cloud-init to run with
+* ``--preserve-data`` always preserve collected data, do not remove data
+  after successful test run
+* ``--data-dir ~/collection`` write collected data into `~/collection`,
+  rather than using a temporary directory
+For a more detailed explanation of each option see below.
+.. note::
+    By default, data collected by the run command will be written into a
+    temporary directory and deleted after a successful. If you would
+    like to preserve this data, please use the option ``--preserve-data``.
+If developing tests it may be necessary to see if cloud-config works as
+expected and the correct files are pulled down. In this case only a
+collect can be ran by running:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    $ tox -e citest -- collect -n xenial --data-dir /tmp/collection
+The above command will run the collection tests on xenial and place
+all results into `/tmp/collection`.
+When developing tests it is much easier to simply rerun the verify scripts
+without the more lengthy collect process. This can be done by running:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    $ tox -e citest -- verify --data-dir /tmp/collection
+The above command will run the verify scripts on the data discovered in
+TreeRun and TreeCollect
+If working on a cloud-init feature or resolving a bug, it may be useful to
+run the current copy of cloud-init in the integration testing environment.
+The integration testing suite can automatically build a deb based on the 
+current working tree of cloud-init and run the test suite using this deb.
+The ``tree_run`` and ``tree_collect`` commands take the same arguments as
+the ``run`` and ``collect`` commands. These commands will build a deb and 
+write it into a temporary file, then start the test suite and pass that deb 
+in. To build a deb only, and not run the test suite, the ``bddeb`` command
+can be used.
+Note that code in the cloud-init working tree that has not been committed
+when the cloud-init deb is built will still be included. To build a
+cloud-init deb from or use the ``tree_run`` command using a copy of
+cloud-init located in a different directory, use the option ``--cloud-init 
+.. code-block:: bash
+    $ tox -e citest -- tree_run --verbose \
+        --os-name xenial --os-name stretch \
+        --test modules/final_message --test modules/write_files \
+        --result /tmp/result.yaml
+The ``bddeb`` command can be used to generate a deb file. This is used by
+the tree_run and tree_collect commands to build a deb of the current
+working tree. It can also be used a user to generate a deb for use in other
+situations and avoid needing to have all the build and test dependencies
+installed locally.
+* ``--bddeb-args``: arguments to pass through to bddeb
+* ``--build-os``: distribution to use as build system (default is xenial)
+* ``--build-platform``: platform to use for build system (default is lxd)
+* ``--cloud-init``: path to base of cloud-init tree (default is '.')
+* ``--deb``: path to write output deb to (default is '.')
+Setup Image
+By default an image that is used will remain unmodified, but certain
+scenarios may require image modification. For example, many images may use
+a much older cloud-init. As a result tests looking at newer functionality
+will fail because a newer version of cloud-init may be required. The
+following options can be used for further customization:
+* ``--deb``: install the specified deb into the image
+* ``--rpm``: install the specified rpm into the image
+* ``--repo``: enable a repository and upgrade cloud-init afterwards
+* ``--ppa``: enable a ppa and upgrade cloud-init afterwards
+* ``--upgrade``: upgrade cloud-init from repos
+* ``--upgrade-full``: run a full system upgrade
+* ``--script``: execute a script in the image. This can perform any setup
+  required that is not covered by the other options
+Test Case Development
+As a test writer you need to develop a test configuration and a
+verification file:
  * The test configuration specifies a specific cloud-config to be used by
    cloud-init and a list of arbitrary commands to capture the output of
@@ -21,20 +193,28 @@ The names must match, however the extensions will of course be different,
 yaml vs py.
 The test configuration is a YAML file such as *ntp_server.yaml* below:
 .. code-block:: yaml
-    # NTP config using specific servers (ntp_server.yaml)
+    # Empty NTP config to setup using defaults
+    # NOTE: this should not require apt feature, use 'which' rather than 'dpkg -l'
+    # NOTE: this should not require no_ntpdate feature, use 'which' to check for
+    #       installation rather than 'dpkg -l', as 'grep ntp' matches 'ntpdate'
+    # NOTE: the verifier should check for any ntp server not 'ubuntu.pool.ntp.org'
     cloud_config: |
           - pool.ntp.org
+    required_features:
+      - apt
+      - no_ntpdate
+      - ubuntu_ntp
       ntp_installed_servers: |
@@ -46,21 +226,30 @@ The test configuration is a YAML file such as *ntp_server.yaml* below:
         cat /etc/ntp.conf | grep '^server'
-There are two keys, 1 required and 1 optional, in the YAML file:
+There are several keys, 1 required and some optional, in the YAML file:
 1. The required key is ``cloud_config``. This should be a string of valid
-   YAML that is exactly what would normally be placed in a cloud-config file,
-   including the cloud-config header. This essentially sets up the scenario
-   under test.
+   YAML that is exactly what would normally be placed in a cloud-config
+   file, including the cloud-config header. This essentially sets up the
+   scenario under test.
-2. The optional key is ``collect_scripts``. This key has one or more
+2. One optional key is ``collect_scripts``. This key has one or more
    sub-keys containing strings of arbitrary commands to execute (e.g.
    ```cat /var/log/cloud-config-output.log```). In the example above the
    output of dpkg is captured, grep for ntp, and the number of lines
    reported. The name of the sub-key is important. The sub-key is used by
    the verification script to recall the output of the commands ran.
+3. The optional ``enabled`` key enables or disables the test case. By
+   default the test case will be enabled.
+4. The optional ``required_features`` key may be used to specify a list
+   of features flags that an image must have to be able to run the test
+   case. For example, if a test case relies on an image supporting apt,
+   then the config for the test case should include ``required_features:
+   [ apt ]``.
 Default Collect Scripts
@@ -75,51 +264,68 @@ no need to specify these items:
 * ```dpkg-query -W -f='${Version}' cloud-init```
 The verification script is a Python file with unit tests like the one,
 `ntp_server.py`, below:
 .. code-block:: python
-    """cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script (ntp_server.yaml)"""
+    # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+    """cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
     from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
-    class TestNtpServers(base.CloudTestCase):
+    class TestNtp(base.CloudTestCase):
         """Test ntp module"""
         def test_ntp_installed(self):
             """Test ntp installed"""
-            out = self.get_data_file('ntp_installed_servers')
+            out = self.get_data_file('ntp_installed_empty')
             self.assertEqual(1, int(out))
         def test_ntp_dist_entries(self):
             """Test dist config file has one entry"""
-            out = self.get_data_file('ntp_conf_dist_servers')
+            out = self.get_data_file('ntp_conf_dist_empty')
             self.assertEqual(1, int(out))
         def test_ntp_entires(self):
             """Test config entries"""
-            out = self.get_data_file('ntp_conf_servers')
-            self.assertIn('server pool.ntp.org iburst', out)
+            out = self.get_data_file('ntp_conf_empty')
+            self.assertIn('pool 0.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org iburst', out)
+            self.assertIn('pool 1.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org iburst', out)
+            self.assertIn('pool 2.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org iburst', out)
+            self.assertIn('pool 3.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org iburst', out)
+    # vi: ts=4 expandtab
 Here is a breakdown of the unit test file:
 * The import statement allows access to the output files.
-* The class can be named anything, but must import the ``base.CloudTestCase``
+* The class can be named anything, but must import the
+  ``base.CloudTestCase``, either directly or via another test class.
 * There can be 1 to N number of functions with any name, however only
-  tests starting with ``test_*`` will be executed.
+  functions starting with ``test_*`` will be executed.
+* There can be 1 to N number of classes in a test module, however only
+  classes inheriting from ``base.CloudTestCase`` will be loaded.
 * Output from the commands can be accessed via
   ``self.get_data_file('key')`` where key is the sub-key of
   ``collect_scripts`` above.
+* The cloud config that the test ran with can be accessed via
+  ``self.cloud_config``, or any entry from the cloud config can be accessed
+  via ``self.get_config_entry('key')``.
+* See the base ``CloudTestCase`` for additional helper functions.
 Integration tests are located under the `tests/cloud_tests` directory.
 Test configurations are placed under `configs` and the test verification
@@ -144,126 +350,65 @@ The sub-folders of bugs, examples, main, and modules help organize the
 tests. View the README.md in each to understand in more detail each
+Test Creation Helper
+The integration testing suite has a built in helper to aid in test
+development. Help can be invoked via ``tox -e citest -- create --help``. It
+can create a template test case config file with user data passed in from
+the command line, as well as a template test case verifier module.
+The following would create a test case named ``example`` under the
+``modules`` category with the given description, and cloud config data read
+in from ``/tmp/user_data``.
+.. code-block:: bash
+    $ tox -e citest -- create modules/example \
+        -d "a simple example test case" -c "$(< /tmp/user_data)"
 Development Checklist
 * Configuration File
-    * Named 'your_test_here.yaml'
+    * Named 'your_test.yaml'
     * Contains at least a valid cloud-config
     * Optionally, commands to capture additional output
     * Valid YAML
     * Placed in the appropriate sub-folder in the configs directory
+    * Any image features required for the test are specified
 * Verification File
-    * Named 'your_test_here.py'
+    * Named 'your_test.py'
     * Valid unit tests validating output collected
     * Passes pylint & pep8 checks
-    * Placed in the appropriate sub-folder in the testcsaes directory
+    * Placed in the appropriate sub-folder in the test cases directory
 * Tested by running the test: 
    .. code-block:: bash
-       $ python3 -m tests.cloud_tests run -v -n <release of choice> \
-           --deb <build of cloud-init> \
-           -t tests/cloud_tests/configs/<dir>/your_test_here.yaml
-Executing tests has three options:
-* ``run`` an alias to run both ``collect`` and ``verify``
-* ``collect`` deploys on the specified platform and os, patches with the
-  requested deb or rpm, and finally collects output of the arbitrary
-  commands.
-* ``verify`` given a directory of test data, run the Python unit tests on
-  it to generate results.
-The first example will provide a complete end-to-end run of data
-collection and verification. There are additional examples below
-explaining how to run one or the other independently.
-.. code-block:: bash
-    $ git clone https://git.launchpad.net/cloud-init
-    $ cd cloud-init
-    $ python3 -m tests.cloud_tests run -v -n trusty -n xenial \
-        --deb cloud-init_0.7.8~my_patch_all.deb
-The above command will do the following:
-* ``-v`` verbose output
-* ``run`` both collect output and run tests the output
-* ``-n trusty`` on the Ubuntu Trusty release
-* ``-n xenial`` on the Ubuntu Xenial release
-* ``--deb cloud-init_0.7.8~patch_all.deb`` use this deb as the version of
-  cloud-init to run with
-For a more detailed explanation of each option see below.
-If developing tests it may be necessary to see if cloud-config works as
-expected and the correct files are pulled down. In this case only a
-collect can be ran by running:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    $ python3 -m tests.cloud_tests collect -n xenial -d /tmp/collection \
-        --deb cloud-init_0.7.8~my_patch_all.deb 
-The above command will run the collection tests on xenial with the
-provided deb and place all results into `/tmp/collection`.
-When developing tests it is much easier to simply rerun the verify scripts
-without the more lengthy collect process. This can be done by running:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    $ python3 -m tests.cloud_tests verify -d /tmp/collection
-The above command will run the verify scripts on the data discovered in
-Run via tox
-In order to avoid the need for dependencies and ease the setup and
-configuration users can run the integration tests via tox:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    $ tox -e citest -- run [integration test arguments]
-    $ tox -e citest -- run -v -n zesty --deb=cloud-init_all.deb
-    $ tox -e citest -- run -t module/user_groups.yaml
-Users need to invoke the citest enviornment and then pass any additional
+       $ tox -e citest -- run -verbose \
+           --os-name <release target> \
+           --test modules/your_test.yaml \
+           [--deb <build of cloud-init>]
-The following outlines the process flow during a complete end-to-end LXD-backed test.
+The following section outlines the high-level architecture of the
+integration process.
+The process flow during a complete end-to-end LXD-backed test.
 1. Configuration
-    * The back end and specific OS releases are verified as supported
-    * The test or tests that need to be run are determined either by directory or by individual yaml
+    * The back end and specific distro releases are verified as supported
+    * The test or tests that need to be run are determined either by
+      directory or by individual yaml
 2. Image Creation
-    * Acquire the daily LXD image
+    * Acquire the request LXD image
     * Install the specified cloud-init package
     * Clean the image so that it does not appear to have been booted
     * A snapshot of the image is created and reused by all tests
@@ -285,5 +430,247 @@ The following outlines the process flow during a complete end-to-end LXD-backed 
 5. Results
     * If any failures were detected the test suite returns a failure
+    * Results can be dumped in yaml format to a specified file using the
+      ``-r <result_file_name>.yaml`` option
+Configuring the Test Suite
+Most of the behavior of the test suite is configurable through several yaml
+files. These control the behavior of the test suite's platforms, images, and
+tests. The main config files for platforms, images and test cases are
+``platforms.yaml``, ``releases.yaml`` and ``testcases.yaml``.
+Config handling
+All configurable parts of the test suite use a defaults + overrides system
+for managing config entries. All base config items are dictionaries.
+Merging is done on a key-by-key basis, with all keys in the default and
+override represented in the final result. If a key exists both in
+the defaults and the overrides, then the behavior depends on the type of data
+the key refers to. If it is atomic data or a list, then the overrides will
+replace the default. If the data is a dictionary then the value will be the
+result of merging that dictionary from the default config and that
+dictionary from the overrides.
+Merging is done using the function 
+``tests.cloud_tests.config.merge_config``, which can be examined for more
+detail on config merging behavior.
+The following demonstrates merge behavior:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    defaults:
+        list_item:
+         - list_entry_1
+         - list_entry_2
+        int_item_1: 123
+        int_item_2: 234
+        dict_item:
+            subkey_1: 1
+            subkey_2: 2
+            subkey_dict:
+                subsubkey_1: a
+                subsubkey_2: b
+    overrides:
+        list_item:
+         - overridden_list_entry
+        int_item_1: 0
+        dict_item:
+            subkey_2: false
+            subkey_dict:
+                subsubkey_2: 'new value'
+    result:
+        list_item:
+         - overridden_list_entry
+        int_item_1: 0
+        int_item_2: 234
+        dict_item:
+            subkey_1: 1
+            subkey_2: false
+            subkey_dict:
+                subsubkey_1: a
+                subsubkey_2: 'new value'
+Image Config
+Image configuration is handled in ``releases.yaml``. The image configuration
+controls how platforms locate and acquire images, how the platforms should
+interact with the images, how platforms should detect when an image has
+fully booted, any options that are required to set the image up, and
+features that the image supports.
+Since settings for locating an image and interacting with it differ from
+platform to platform, there are 4 levels of settings available for images on
+top of the default image settings. The structure of the image config file
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    default_release_config:
+        default:
+            ...
+        <platform>:
+            ...
+        <platform>:
+            ...
+    releases:
+        <release name>:
+            <default>:
+                ...
+            <platform>:
+                ...
+            <platform>:
+                ...
+The base config is created from the overall defaults and the overrides for
+the platform. The overrides are created from the default config for the
+image and the platform specific overrides for the image.
+System Boot
+The test suite must be able to test if a system has fully booted and if
+cloud-init has finished running, so that running collect scripts does not
+race against the target image booting. This is done using the
+``system_ready_script`` and ``cloud_init_ready_script`` image config keys.
+Each of these keys accepts a small bash test statement as a string that must
+return 0 or 1. Since this test statement will be added into a larger bash
+statement it must be a single statement using the ``[`` test syntax.
+The default image config provides a system ready script that works for any
+systemd based image. If the image is not systemd based, then a different
+test statement must be provided. The default config also provides a test
+for whether or not cloud-init has finished which checks for the file
+``/run/cloud-init/result.json``. This should be sufficient for most systems
+as writing this file is one of the last things cloud-init does.
+The setting ``boot_timeout`` controls how long, in seconds, the platform
+should wait for an image to boot. If the system ready script has not
+indicated that the system is fully booted within this time an error will be
+Feature Flags
+Not all test cases can work on all images due to features the test case
+requires not being present on that image. If a test case requires features
+in an image that are not likely to be present across all distros and
+platforms that the test suite supports, then the test can be skipped
+everywhere it is not supported.
+Feature flags, which are names for features supported on some images, but
+not all that may be required by test cases. Configuration for feature flags
+is provided in ``releases.yaml`` under the ``features`` top level key. The
+features config includes a list of all currently defined feature flags,
+their meanings, and a list of feature groups.
+Feature groups are groups of features that many images have in common. For
+example, the ``Ubuntu_specific`` feature group includes features that
+should be present across most Ubuntu releases, but may or may not be for
+other distros. Feature groups are specified for an image as a list under
+the key ``feature_groups``.
+An image's feature flags are derived from the features groups that that
+image has and any feature overrides provided. Feature overrides can be
+specified under the ``features`` key which accepts a dictionary of
+``{<feature_name>: true/false}`` mappings. If a feature is omitted from an
+image's feature flags or set to false in the overrides then the test suite
+will skip any tests that require that feature when using that image.
+Feature flags may be overridden at run time using the ``--feature-override``
+command line argument. It accepts a feature flag and value to set in the
+format ``<feature name>=true/false``. Multiple ``--feature-override``
+flags can be used, and will all be applied to all feature flags for images
+used during a test.
+Setup Overrides
+If an image requires some of the options for image setup to be used, then it
+may specify overrides for the command line arguments passed into setup
+image. These may be specified as a dictionary under the ``setup_overrides``
+key. When an image is set up, the arguments that control how it is set up
+will be the arguments from the command line, with any entries in
+``setup_overrides`` used to override these arguments.
+For example, images that do not come with cloud-init already installed
+should have ``setup_overrides: {upgrade: true}`` specified so that in the
+event that no additional setup options are given, cloud-init will be
+installed from the image's repos before running tests. Note that if other
+options such as ``--deb`` are passed in on the command line, these will
+still work as expected, since apt's policy for cloud-init would prefer the
+locally installed deb over an older version from the repos.
+Platform Specific Options
+There are many platform specific options in image configuration that allow
+platforms to locate images and that control additional setup that the
+platform may have to do to make the image usable. For information on how
+these work, please consult the documentation for that platform in the
+integration testing suite and the ``releases.yaml`` file for examples.
+Error Handling
+The test suite makes an attempt to run as many tests as possible even in the
+event of some failing so that automated runs collect as much data as
+possible. In the event that something goes wrong while setting up for or
+running a test, the test suite will attempt to continue running any tests
+which have not been affected by the error.
+For example, if the test suite was told to run tests on one platform for two
+releases and an error occurred setting up the first image, all tests for
+that image would be skipped, and the test suite would continue to set up
+the second image and run tests on it. Or, if the system does not start
+properly for one test case out of many to run on that image, that test case
+will be skipped and the next one will be run.
+Note that if any errors occur, the test suite will record the failure and
+where it occurred in the result data and write it out to the specified
+result file.
+The test suite generates result data that includes how long each stage of
+the test suite took and which parts were and were not successful. This data
+is dumped to the log after the collect and verify stages, and may also be
+written out in yaml format to a file. If part of the setup failed, the
+traceback for the failure and the error message will be included in the
+result file. If a test verifier finds a problem with the collected data
+from a test run, the class, test function and test will be recorded in the
+result data.
+Exit Codes
+The test suite counts how many errors occur throughout a run. The exit code
+after a run is the number of errors that occurred. If the exit code is
+non-zero then something is wrong either with the test suite, the
+configuration for an image, a test case, or cloud-init itself.
+Note that the exit code does not always directly correspond to the number
+of failed test cases, since in some cases, a single error during image setup
+can mean that several test cases are not run. If run is used, then the exit
+code will be the sum of the number of errors in the collect and verify
+Data Dir
+When using run, the collected data is written into a temporary directory. In
+the event that all tests pass, this directory is deleted, but if a test
+fails or an error occurs, this data will be left in place, and a message
+will be written to the log giving the location of the data.
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/__init__.py b/tests/cloud_tests/__init__.py
index 099c357..07148c1 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/__init__.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/__init__.py
@@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""Main init."""
 import logging
 import os
 BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
 TESTCASES_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'testcases')
 TEST_CONF_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'configs')
+TREE_BASE = os.sep.join(BASE_DIR.split(os.sep)[:-2])
 def _initialize_logging():
-    """
-    configure logging for cloud_tests
-    """
+    """Configure logging for cloud_tests."""
     logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
     formatter = logging.Formatter(
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/__main__.py b/tests/cloud_tests/__main__.py
index ed654ad..260ddb3 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/__main__.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/__main__.py
@@ -1,19 +1,17 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""Main entry point."""
 import argparse
 import logging
-import shutil
 import sys
-import tempfile
-from tests.cloud_tests import (args, collect, manage, verify)
+from tests.cloud_tests import args, bddeb, collect, manage, run_funcs, verify
 from tests.cloud_tests import LOG
 def configure_log(args):
-    """
-    configure logging
-    """
+    """Configure logging."""
     level = logging.INFO
     if args.verbose:
         level = logging.DEBUG
@@ -22,41 +20,15 @@ def configure_log(args):
-def run(args):
-    """
-    run full test suite
-    """
-    failed = 0
-    args.data_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='cloud_test_data_')
-    LOG.debug('using tmpdir %s', args.data_dir)
-    try:
-        failed += collect.collect(args)
-        failed += verify.verify(args)
-    except Exception:
-        failed += 1
-        raise
-    finally:
-        # TODO: make this configurable via environ or cmdline
-        if failed:
-            LOG.warning('some tests failed, leaving data in %s', args.data_dir)
-        else:
-            shutil.rmtree(args.data_dir)
-    return failed
 def main():
-    """
-    entry point for cloud test suite
-    """
+    """Entry point for cloud test suite."""
     # configure parser
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='cloud_tests')
     subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="subcmd")
     subparsers.required = True
     def add_subparser(name, description, arg_sets):
-        """
-        add arguments to subparser
-        """
+        """Add arguments to subparser."""
         subparser = subparsers.add_parser(name, help=description)
         for (_args, _kwargs) in (a for arg_set in arg_sets for a in arg_set):
             subparser.add_argument(*_args, **_kwargs)
@@ -80,9 +52,12 @@ def main():
     # run handler
     LOG.debug('running with args: %s\n', parsed)
     return {
+        'bddeb': bddeb.bddeb,
         'collect': collect.collect,
         'create': manage.create,
-        'run': run,
+        'run': run_funcs.run,
+        'tree_collect': run_funcs.tree_collect,
+        'tree_run': run_funcs.tree_run,
         'verify': verify.verify,
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/args.py b/tests/cloud_tests/args.py
index 371b044..369d60d 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/args.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/args.py
@@ -1,23 +1,43 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""Argparse argument setup and sanitization."""
 import os
 from tests.cloud_tests import config, util
-from tests.cloud_tests import LOG
+from tests.cloud_tests import LOG, TREE_BASE
+    'BDDEB': (
+        (('--bddeb-args',),
+         {'help': 'args to pass through to bddeb',
+          'action': 'store', 'default': None, 'required': False}),
+        (('--build-os',),
+         {'help': 'OS to use as build system (default is xenial)',
+          'action': 'store', 'choices': config.ENABLED_DISTROS,
+          'default': 'xenial', 'required': False}),
+        (('--build-platform',),
+         {'help': 'platform to use for build system (default is lxd)',
+          'action': 'store', 'choices': config.ENABLED_PLATFORMS,
+          'default': 'lxd', 'required': False}),
+        (('--cloud-init',),
+         {'help': 'path to base of cloud-init tree', 'metavar': 'DIR',
+          'action': 'store', 'required': False, 'default': TREE_BASE}),),
     'COLLECT': (
         (('-p', '--platform'),
          {'help': 'platform(s) to run tests on', 'metavar': 'PLATFORM',
-          'action': 'append', 'choices': config.list_enabled_platforms(),
+          'action': 'append', 'choices': config.ENABLED_PLATFORMS,
           'default': []}),
         (('-n', '--os-name'),
          {'help': 'the name(s) of the OS(s) to test', 'metavar': 'NAME',
-          'action': 'append', 'choices': config.list_enabled_distros(),
+          'action': 'append', 'choices': config.ENABLED_DISTROS,
           'default': []}),
         (('-t', '--test-config'),
          {'help': 'test config file(s) to use', 'metavar': 'FILE',
-          'action': 'append', 'default': []}),),
+          'action': 'append', 'default': []}),
+        (('--feature-override',),
+         {'help': 'feature flags override(s), <flagname>=<true/false>',
+          'action': 'append', 'default': [], 'required': False}),),
     'CREATE': (
         (('-c', '--config'),
          {'help': 'cloud-config yaml for testcase', 'metavar': 'DATA',
@@ -41,7 +61,15 @@ ARG_SETS = {
     'OUTPUT': (
         (('-d', '--data-dir'),
          {'help': 'directory to store test data in',
-          'action': 'store', 'metavar': 'DIR', 'required': True}),),
+          'action': 'store', 'metavar': 'DIR', 'required': False}),
+        (('--preserve-data',),
+         {'help': 'do not remove collected data after successful run',
+          'action': 'store_true', 'default': False, 'required': False}),),
+    'OUTPUT_DEB': (
+        (('--deb',),
+         {'help': 'path to write output deb to', 'metavar': 'FILE',
+          'action': 'store', 'required': False,
+          'default': 'cloud-init_all.deb'}),),
     'RESULT': (
         (('-r', '--result'),
          {'help': 'file to write results to',
@@ -61,31 +89,54 @@ ARG_SETS = {
          {'help': 'ppa to enable (implies -u)', 'metavar': 'NAME',
           'action': 'store'}),
         (('-u', '--upgrade'),
-         {'help': 'upgrade before starting tests', 'action': 'store_true',
-          'default': False}),),
+         {'help': 'upgrade or install cloud-init from repo',
+          'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}),
+        (('--upgrade-full',),
+         {'help': 'do full system upgrade from repo (implies -u)',
+          'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}),),
+    'bddeb': ('build cloud-init deb from tree',
+              ('BDDEB', 'OUTPUT_DEB', 'INTERFACE')),
     'collect': ('collect test data',
                 ('COLLECT', 'INTERFACE', 'OUTPUT', 'RESULT', 'SETUP')),
     'create': ('create new test case', ('CREATE', 'INTERFACE')),
-    'run': ('run test suite', ('COLLECT', 'INTERFACE', 'RESULT', 'SETUP')),
+    'run': ('run test suite',
+            ('COLLECT', 'INTERFACE', 'RESULT', 'OUTPUT', 'SETUP')),
+    'tree_collect': ('collect using current working tree',
+                     ('BDDEB', 'COLLECT', 'INTERFACE', 'OUTPUT', 'RESULT')),
+    'tree_run': ('run using current working tree',
+                 ('BDDEB', 'COLLECT', 'INTERFACE', 'OUTPUT', 'RESULT')),
     'verify': ('verify test data', ('INTERFACE', 'OUTPUT', 'RESULT')),
 def _empty_normalizer(args):
+    """Do not normalize arguments."""
+    return args
+def normalize_bddeb_args(args):
+    """Normalize BDDEB arguments.
+    @param args: parsed args
+    @return_value: updated args, or None if errors encountered
-    do not normalize arguments
-    """
+    # make sure cloud-init dir is accessible
+    if not (args.cloud_init and os.path.isdir(args.cloud_init)):
+        LOG.error('invalid cloud-init tree path')
+        return None
     return args
 def normalize_create_args(args):
-    """
-    normalize CREATE arguments
-    args: parsed args
-    return_value: updated args, or None if errors occurred
+    """Normalize CREATE arguments.
+    @param args: parsed args
+    @return_value: updated args, or None if errors occurred
     # ensure valid name for new test
     if len(args.name.split('/')) != 2:
@@ -114,22 +165,22 @@ def normalize_create_args(args):
 def normalize_collect_args(args):
-    """
-    normalize COLLECT arguments
-    args: parsed args
-    return_value: updated args, or None if errors occurred
+    """Normalize COLLECT arguments.
+    @param args: parsed args
+    @return_value: updated args, or None if errors occurred
     # platform should default to all supported
     if len(args.platform) == 0:
-        args.platform = config.list_enabled_platforms()
+        args.platform = config.ENABLED_PLATFORMS
     args.platform = util.sorted_unique(args.platform)
     # os name should default to all enabled
     # if os name is provided ensure that all provided are supported
     if len(args.os_name) == 0:
-        args.os_name = config.list_enabled_distros()
+        args.os_name = config.ENABLED_DISTROS
-        supported = config.list_enabled_distros()
+        supported = config.ENABLED_DISTROS
         invalid = [os_name for os_name in args.os_name
                    if os_name not in supported]
         if len(invalid) != 0:
@@ -158,18 +209,33 @@ def normalize_collect_args(args):
             args.test_config = valid
     args.test_config = util.sorted_unique(args.test_config)
+    # parse feature flag overrides and ensure all are valid
+    if args.feature_override:
+        overrides = args.feature_override
+        args.feature_override = util.parse_conf_list(
+            overrides, boolean=True, valid=config.list_feature_flags())
+        if not args.feature_override:
+            LOG.error('invalid feature flag override(s): %s', overrides)
+            return None
+    else:
+        args.feature_override = {}
     return args
 def normalize_output_args(args):
+    """Normalize OUTPUT arguments.
+    @param args: parsed args
+    @return_value: updated args, or None if errors occurred
-    normalize OUTPUT arguments
-    args: parsed args
-    return_value: updated args, or None if errors occurred
-    """
+    if args.data_dir:
+        args.data_dir = os.path.abspath(args.data_dir)
+        if not os.path.exists(args.data_dir):
+            os.mkdir(args.data_dir)
     if not args.data_dir:
-        LOG.error('--data-dir must be specified')
-        return None
+        args.data_dir = None
     # ensure clean output dir if collect
     # ensure data exists if verify
@@ -177,19 +243,31 @@ def normalize_output_args(args):
         if not util.is_clean_writable_dir(args.data_dir):
             LOG.error('data_dir must be empty/new and must be writable')
             return None
-    elif args.subcmd == 'verify':
-        if not os.path.exists(args.data_dir):
-            LOG.error('data_dir %s does not exist', args.data_dir)
-            return None
     return args
-def normalize_setup_args(args):
+def normalize_output_deb_args(args):
+    """Normalize OUTPUT_DEB arguments.
+    @param args: parsed args
+    @return_value: updated args, or None if erros occurred
-    normalize SETUP arguments
-    args: parsed args
-    return_value: updated_args, or None if errors occurred
+    # make sure to use abspath for deb
+    args.deb = os.path.abspath(args.deb)
+    if not args.deb.endswith('.deb'):
+        LOG.error('output filename does not end in ".deb"')
+        return None
+    return args
+def normalize_setup_args(args):
+    """Normalize SETUP arguments.
+    @param args: parsed args
+    @return_value: updated_args, or None if errors occurred
     # ensure deb or rpm valid if specified
     for pkg in (args.deb, args.rpm):
@@ -210,10 +288,12 @@ def normalize_setup_args(args):
+    'BDDEB': normalize_bddeb_args,
     'COLLECT': normalize_collect_args,
     'CREATE': normalize_create_args,
     'INTERFACE': _empty_normalizer,
     'OUTPUT': normalize_output_args,
+    'OUTPUT_DEB': normalize_output_deb_args,
     'RESULT': _empty_normalizer,
     'SETUP': normalize_setup_args,
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/bddeb.py b/tests/cloud_tests/bddeb.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53dbf74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/bddeb.py
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""Used to build a deb."""
+from functools import partial
+import os
+import tempfile
+from cloudinit import util as c_util
+from tests.cloud_tests import (config, LOG)
+from tests.cloud_tests import (platforms, images, snapshots, instances)
+from tests.cloud_tests.stage import (PlatformComponent, run_stage, run_single)
+build_deps = ['devscripts', 'equivs', 'git', 'tar']
+def _out(cmd_res):
+    """Get clean output from cmd result."""
+    return cmd_res[0].strip()
+def build_deb(args, instance):
+    """Build deb on system and copy out to location at args.deb.
+    @param args: cmdline arguments
+    @return_value: tuple of results and fail count
+    """
+    # update remote system package list and install build deps
+    LOG.debug('installing build deps')
+    pkgs = ' '.join(build_deps)
+    cmd = 'apt-get update && apt-get install --yes {}'.format(pkgs)
+    instance.execute(['/bin/sh', '-c', cmd])
+    # TODO Remove this call once we have a ci-deps Makefile target
+    instance.execute(['mk-build-deps', '--install', '-t',
+                      'apt-get --no-install-recommends --yes', 'cloud-init'])
+    # local tmpfile that must be deleted
+    local_tarball = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name
+    # paths to use in remote system
+    output_link = '/root/cloud-init_all.deb'
+    remote_tarball = _out(instance.execute(['mktemp']))
+    extract_dir = _out(instance.execute(['mktemp', '--directory']))
+    bddeb_path = os.path.join(extract_dir, 'packages', 'bddeb')
+    git_env = {'GIT_DIR': os.path.join(extract_dir, '.git'),
+               'GIT_WORK_TREE': extract_dir}
+    LOG.debug('creating tarball of cloud-init at: %s', local_tarball)
+    c_util.subp(['tar', 'cf', local_tarball, '--owner', 'root',
+                 '--group', 'root', '-C', args.cloud_init, '.'])
+    LOG.debug('copying to remote system at: %s', remote_tarball)
+    instance.push_file(local_tarball, remote_tarball)
+    LOG.debug('extracting tarball in remote system at: %s', extract_dir)
+    instance.execute(['tar', 'xf', remote_tarball, '-C', extract_dir])
+    instance.execute(['git', 'commit', '-a', '-m', 'tmp', '--allow-empty'],
+                     env=git_env)
+    LOG.debug('building deb in remote system at: %s', output_link)
+    bddeb_args = args.bddeb_args.split() if args.bddeb_args else []
+    instance.execute([bddeb_path, '-d'] + bddeb_args, env=git_env)
+    # copy the deb back to the host system
+    LOG.debug('copying built deb to host at: %s', args.deb)
+    instance.pull_file(output_link, args.deb)
+def setup_build(args):
+    """Set build system up then run build.
+    @param args: cmdline arguments
+    @return_value: tuple of results and fail count
+    """
+    res = ({}, 1)
+    # set up platform
+    LOG.info('setting up platform: %s', args.build_platform)
+    platform_config = config.load_platform_config(args.build_platform)
+    platform_call = partial(platforms.get_platform, args.build_platform,
+                            platform_config)
+    with PlatformComponent(platform_call) as platform:
+        # set up image
+        LOG.info('acquiring image for os: %s', args.build_os)
+        img_conf = config.load_os_config(platform.platform_name, args.build_os)
+        image_call = partial(images.get_image, platform, img_conf)
+        with PlatformComponent(image_call) as image:
+            # set up snapshot
+            snapshot_call = partial(snapshots.get_snapshot, image)
+            with PlatformComponent(snapshot_call) as snapshot:
+                # create instance with cloud-config to set it up
+                LOG.info('creating instance to build deb in')
+                empty_cloud_config = "#cloud-config\n{}"
+                instance_call = partial(
+                    instances.get_instance, snapshot, empty_cloud_config,
+                    use_desc='build cloud-init deb')
+                with PlatformComponent(instance_call) as instance:
+                    # build the deb
+                    res = run_single('build deb on system',
+                                     partial(build_deb, args, instance))
+    return res
+def bddeb(args):
+    """Entry point for build deb.
+    @param args: cmdline arguments
+    @return_value: fail count
+    """
+    LOG.info('preparing to build cloud-init deb')
+    (res, failed) = run_stage('build deb', [partial(setup_build, args)])
+    return failed
+# vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/collect.py b/tests/cloud_tests/collect.py
index 02fc0e5..b44e8bd 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/collect.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/collect.py
@@ -1,34 +1,39 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-from tests.cloud_tests import (config, LOG, setup_image, util)
-from tests.cloud_tests.stage import (PlatformComponent, run_stage, run_single)
-from tests.cloud_tests import (platforms, images, snapshots, instances)
+"""Used to collect data from platforms during tests."""
 from functools import partial
 import os
+from cloudinit import util as c_util
+from tests.cloud_tests import (config, LOG, setup_image, util)
+from tests.cloud_tests.stage import (PlatformComponent, run_stage, run_single)
+from tests.cloud_tests import (platforms, images, snapshots, instances)
 def collect_script(instance, base_dir, script, script_name):
-    """
-    collect script data
-    instance: instance to run script on
-    base_dir: base directory for output data
-    script: script contents
-    script_name: name of script to run
-    return_value: None, may raise errors
+    """Collect script data.
+    @param instance: instance to run script on
+    @param base_dir: base directory for output data
+    @param script: script contents
+    @param script_name: name of script to run
+    @return_value: None, may raise errors
     LOG.debug('running collect script: %s', script_name)
-    util.write_file(os.path.join(base_dir, script_name),
-                    instance.run_script(script))
+    (out, err, exit) = instance.run_script(
+        script, rcs=range(0, 256),
+        description='collect: {}'.format(script_name))
+    c_util.write_file(os.path.join(base_dir, script_name), out)
 def collect_test_data(args, snapshot, os_name, test_name):
-    """
-    collect data for test case
-    args: cmdline arguments
-    snapshot: instantiated snapshot
-    test_name: name or path of test to run
-    return_value: tuple of results and fail count
+    """Collect data for test case.
+    @param args: cmdline arguments
+    @param snapshot: instantiated snapshot
+    @param test_name: name or path of test to run
+    @return_value: tuple of results and fail count
     res = ({}, 1)
@@ -39,15 +44,27 @@ def collect_test_data(args, snapshot, os_name, test_name):
     test_scripts = test_config['collect_scripts']
     test_output_dir = os.sep.join(
         (args.data_dir, snapshot.platform_name, os_name, test_name))
-    boot_timeout = (test_config.get('boot_timeout')
-                    if isinstance(test_config.get('boot_timeout'), int) else
-                    snapshot.config.get('timeout'))
     # if test is not enabled, skip and return 0 failures
     if not test_config.get('enabled', False):
         LOG.warning('test config %s is not enabled, skipping', test_name)
         return ({}, 0)
+    # if testcase requires a feature flag that the image does not support,
+    # skip the testcase with a warning
+    req_features = test_config.get('required_features', [])
+    if any(feature not in snapshot.features for feature in req_features):
+        LOG.warn('test config %s requires features not supported by image, '
+                 'skipping.\nrequired features: %s\nsupported features: %s',
+                 test_name, req_features, snapshot.features)
+        return ({}, 0)
+    # if there are user data overrides required for this test case, apply them
+    overrides = snapshot.config.get('user_data_overrides', {})
+    if overrides:
+        LOG.debug('updating user data for collect with: %s', overrides)
+        user_data = util.update_user_data(user_data, overrides)
     # create test instance
     component = PlatformComponent(
         partial(instances.get_instance, snapshot, user_data,
@@ -56,7 +73,7 @@ def collect_test_data(args, snapshot, os_name, test_name):
     LOG.info('collecting test data for test: %s', test_name)
     with component as instance:
         start_call = partial(run_single, 'boot instance', partial(
-            instance.start, wait=True, wait_time=boot_timeout))
+            instance.start, wait=True, wait_for_cloud_init=True))
         collect_calls = [partial(run_single, 'script {}'.format(script_name),
                                  partial(collect_script, instance,
                                          test_output_dir, script, script_name))
@@ -69,11 +86,11 @@ def collect_test_data(args, snapshot, os_name, test_name):
 def collect_snapshot(args, image, os_name):
-    """
-    collect data for snapshot of image
-    args: cmdline arguments
-    image: instantiated image with set up complete
-    return_value tuple of results and fail count
+    """Collect data for snapshot of image.
+    @param args: cmdline arguments
+    @param image: instantiated image with set up complete
+    @return_value tuple of results and fail count
     res = ({}, 1)
@@ -91,19 +108,18 @@ def collect_snapshot(args, image, os_name):
 def collect_image(args, platform, os_name):
-    """
-    collect data for image
-    args: cmdline arguments
-    platform: instantiated platform
-    os_name: name of distro to collect for
-    return_value: tuple of results and fail count
+    """Collect data for image.
+    @param args: cmdline arguments
+    @param platform: instantiated platform
+    @param os_name: name of distro to collect for
+    @return_value: tuple of results and fail count
     res = ({}, 1)
-    os_config = config.load_os_config(os_name)
-    if not os_config.get('enabled'):
-        raise ValueError('OS {} not enabled'.format(os_name))
+    os_config = config.load_os_config(
+        platform.platform_name, os_name, require_enabled=True,
+        feature_overrides=args.feature_override)
     component = PlatformComponent(
         partial(images.get_image, platform, os_config))
@@ -118,18 +134,16 @@ def collect_image(args, platform, os_name):
 def collect_platform(args, platform_name):
-    """
-    collect data for platform
-    args: cmdline arguments
-    platform_name: platform to collect for
-    return_value: tuple of results and fail count
+    """Collect data for platform.
+    @param args: cmdline arguments
+    @param platform_name: platform to collect for
+    @return_value: tuple of results and fail count
     res = ({}, 1)
-    platform_config = config.load_platform_config(platform_name)
-    if not platform_config.get('enabled'):
-        raise ValueError('Platform {} not enabled'.format(platform_name))
+    platform_config = config.load_platform_config(
+        platform_name, require_enabled=True)
     component = PlatformComponent(
         partial(platforms.get_platform, platform_name, platform_config))
@@ -143,10 +157,10 @@ def collect_platform(args, platform_name):
 def collect(args):
-    """
-    entry point for collection
-    args: cmdline arguments
-    return_value: fail count
+    """Entry point for collection.
+    @param args: cmdline arguments
+    @return_value: fail count
     (res, failed) = run_stage(
         'collect data', [partial(collect_platform, args, platform_name)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/config.py b/tests/cloud_tests/config.py
index f3a13c9..4d5dc80 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/config.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/config.py
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""Used to setup test configuration."""
 import glob
 import os
@@ -14,46 +16,44 @@ RELEASES_CONF = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'releases.yaml')
 TESTCASE_CONF = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'testcases.yaml')
+def get(base, key):
+    """Get config entry 'key' from base, ensuring is dictionary."""
+    return base[key] if key in base and base[key] is not None else {}
+def enabled(config):
+    """Test if config item is enabled."""
+    return isinstance(config, dict) and config.get('enabled', False)
 def path_to_name(path):
-    """
-    convert abs or rel path to test config to path under configs/
-    if already a test name, do nothing
-    """
+    """Convert abs or rel path to test config to path under 'sconfigs/'."""
     dir_path, file_name = os.path.split(os.path.normpath(path))
     name = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0]
     return os.sep.join((os.path.basename(dir_path), name))
 def name_to_path(name):
-    """
-    convert test config path under configs/ to full config path,
-    if already a full path, do nothing
-    """
+    """Convert test config path under configs/ to full config path."""
     name = os.path.normpath(name)
     if not name.endswith(CONF_EXT):
         name = name + CONF_EXT
     return name if os.path.isabs(name) else os.path.join(TEST_CONF_DIR, name)
-def name_sanatize(name):
-    """
-    sanatize test name to be used as a module name
-    """
+def name_sanitize(name):
+    """Sanitize test name to be used as a module name."""
     return name.replace('-', '_')
 def name_to_module(name):
-    """
-    convert test name to a loadable module name under testcases/
-    """
-    name = name_sanatize(path_to_name(name))
+    """Convert test name to a loadable module name under 'testcases/'."""
+    name = name_sanitize(path_to_name(name))
     return name.replace(os.path.sep, '.')
 def merge_config(base, override):
-    """
-    merge config and base
-    """
+    """Merge config and base."""
     res = base.copy()
     res.update({k: merge_config(base.get(k, {}), v)
@@ -61,53 +61,102 @@ def merge_config(base, override):
     return res
-def load_platform_config(platform):
+def merge_feature_groups(feature_conf, feature_groups, overrides):
+    """Combine feature groups and overrides to construct a supported list.
+    @param feature_conf: feature config from releases.yaml
+    @param feature_groups: feature groups the release is a member of
+    @param overrides: overrides specified by the release's config
+    @return_value: dict of {feature: true/false} settings
-    load configuration for platform
+    res = dict().fromkeys(feature_conf['all'])
+    for group in feature_groups:
+        res.update(feature_conf['groups'][group])
+    res.update(overrides)
+    return res
+def load_platform_config(platform_name, require_enabled=False):
+    """Load configuration for platform.
+    @param platform_name: name of platform to retrieve config for
+    @param require_enabled: if true, raise error if 'enabled' not True
+    @return_value: config dict
     main_conf = c_util.read_conf(PLATFORM_CONF)
-    return merge_config(main_conf.get('default_platform_config'),
-                        main_conf.get('platforms')[platform])
+    conf = merge_config(main_conf['default_platform_config'],
+                        main_conf['platforms'][platform_name])
+    if require_enabled and not enabled(conf):
+        raise ValueError('Platform is not enabled')
+    return conf
-def load_os_config(os_name):
-    """
-    load configuration for os
+def load_os_config(platform_name, os_name, require_enabled=False,
+                   feature_overrides={}):
+    """Load configuration for os.
+    @param platform_name: platform name to load os config for
+    @param os_name: name of os to retrieve config for
+    @param require_enabled: if true, raise error if 'enabled' not True
+    @param feature_overrides: feature flag overrides to merge with features
+    @return_value: config dict
     main_conf = c_util.read_conf(RELEASES_CONF)
-    return merge_config(main_conf.get('default_release_config'),
-                        main_conf.get('releases')[os_name])
+    default = main_conf['default_release_config']
+    image = main_conf['releases'][os_name]
+    conf = merge_config(merge_config(get(default, 'default'),
+                                     get(default, platform_name)),
+                        merge_config(get(image, 'default'),
+                                     get(image, platform_name)))
+    feature_conf = main_conf['features']
+    feature_groups = conf.get('feature_groups', [])
+    overrides = merge_config(get(conf, 'features'), feature_overrides)
+    conf['features'] = merge_feature_groups(
+        feature_conf, feature_groups, overrides)
+    if require_enabled and not enabled(conf):
+        raise ValueError('OS is not enabled')
+    return conf
 def load_test_config(path):
-    """
-    load a test config file by either abs path or rel path
-    """
+    """Load a test config file by either abs path or rel path."""
     return merge_config(c_util.read_conf(TESTCASE_CONF)['base_test_data'],
+def list_feature_flags():
+    """List all supported feature flags."""
+    feature_conf = get(c_util.read_conf(RELEASES_CONF), 'features')
+    return feature_conf.get('all', [])
 def list_enabled_platforms():
-    """
-    list all platforms enabled for testing
-    """
-    platforms = c_util.read_conf(PLATFORM_CONF).get('platforms')
-    return [k for k, v in platforms.items() if v.get('enabled')]
+    """List all platforms enabled for testing."""
+    platforms = get(c_util.read_conf(PLATFORM_CONF), 'platforms')
+    return [k for k, v in platforms.items() if enabled(v)]
-def list_enabled_distros():
-    """
-    list all distros enabled for testing
-    """
-    releases = c_util.read_conf(RELEASES_CONF).get('releases')
-    return [k for k, v in releases.items() if v.get('enabled')]
+def list_enabled_distros(platforms):
+    """List all distros enabled for testing on specified platforms."""
+    def platform_has_enabled(config):
+        """List if platform is enabled."""
+        return any(enabled(merge_config(get(config, 'default'),
+                                        get(config, platform)))
+                   for platform in platforms)
+    releases = get(c_util.read_conf(RELEASES_CONF), 'releases')
+    return [k for k, v in releases.items() if platform_has_enabled(v)]
 def list_test_configs():
-    """
-    list all available test config files by abspath
-    """
+    """List all available test config files by abspath."""
     return [os.path.abspath(f) for f in
             glob.glob(os.sep.join((TEST_CONF_DIR, '*', '*.yaml')))]
+ENABLED_PLATFORMS = sorted(list_enabled_platforms())
+ENABLED_DISTROS = sorted(list_enabled_distros(ENABLED_PLATFORMS))
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/bugs/lp1628337.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/bugs/lp1628337.yaml
index 1d6bf48..e39b3cd 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/bugs/lp1628337.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/bugs/lp1628337.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 # LP Bug 1628337: cloud-init tries to install NTP before even configuring the archives
+  - apt
+  - lsb_release
 cloud_config: |
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/add_apt_repositories.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/add_apt_repositories.yaml
index b896435..4b8575f 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/add_apt_repositories.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/add_apt_repositories.yaml
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 # 2016-11-17: Disabled as covered by module based tests
 enabled: False
+  - apt
 cloud_config: |
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_conf.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_conf.yaml
index 163ae3f..de45300 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_conf.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_conf.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # Provide a configuration for APT
+  - apt
 cloud_config: |
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_disable_suites.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_disable_suites.yaml
index 73e4a53..9880067 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_disable_suites.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_disable_suites.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 # Disables everything in sources.list
+  - apt
+  - lsb_release
 cloud_config: |
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_primary.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_primary.yaml
index 2ec30ca..41bcf2f 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_primary.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_primary.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 # Setup a custome primary sources.list
+  - apt
+  - apt_src_cont
 cloud_config: |
@@ -16,4 +19,8 @@ collect_scripts:
     grep -v '^#' /etc/apt/sources.list | sed '/^\s*$/d' | grep -c gtlib.gatech.edu
+  sources.list: |
+      #!/bin/bash
+      cat /etc/apt/sources.list
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_proxy.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_proxy.yaml
index e737130..be6c6f8 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_proxy.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_proxy.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # Set apt proxy
+  - apt
 cloud_config: |
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_security.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_security.yaml
index f6a2c82..83dd51d 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_security.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_security.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 # Add security to sources.list
+  - apt
+  - ubuntu_repos
 cloud_config: |
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_sources_key.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_sources_key.yaml
index e7568a6..bde9398 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_sources_key.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_sources_key.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 # Add a sources.list entry with a given key (Debian Jessie)
+  - apt
+  - lsb_release
 cloud_config: |
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver.yaml
index 1a4a238..11da61e 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 # Add a sources.list entry with a key from a keyserver
+  - apt
+  - lsb_release
 cloud_config: |
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_sources_list.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_sources_list.yaml
index 057fc72..143cb08 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_sources_list.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_sources_list.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 # Generate a sources.list
+  - apt
+  - lsb_release
 cloud_config: |
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa.yaml
index dee9dc7..9efdae5 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
 # Add a PPA to source.list
+# NOTE: on older ubuntu releases the sources file added is named
+#       'curtin-dev-test-archive-trusty', without 'ubuntu' in the middle
+  - apt
+  - ppa
+  - ppa_file_name
 cloud_config: |
@@ -16,5 +22,8 @@ collect_scripts:
   apt-key: |
     apt-key finger
+  sources_full: |
+    #!/bin/bash
+    cat /etc/apt/sources.list
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_pipelining_disable.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_pipelining_disable.yaml
index 5fa0cee..bd9b5d0 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_pipelining_disable.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_pipelining_disable.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # Disable apt pipelining value
+  - apt
 cloud_config: |
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_pipelining_os.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_pipelining_os.yaml
index 87d183e..cbed3ba 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_pipelining_os.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_pipelining_os.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # Set apt pipelining value to OS
+  - apt
 cloud_config: |
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/byobu.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/byobu.yaml
index fd648c7..a9aa1f3 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/byobu.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/byobu.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # Install and enable byobu system wide and default user
+  - byobu
 cloud_config: |
   byobu_by_default: enable
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/keys_to_console.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/keys_to_console.yaml
index a90e42c..5d86e73 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/keys_to_console.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/keys_to_console.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # Hide printing of ssh key and fingerprints for specific keys
+  - syslog
 cloud_config: |
   ssh_fp_console_blacklist: [ssh-dss, ssh-dsa, ecdsa-sha2-nistp256]
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/landscape.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/landscape.yaml
index e6f4955..ed2c37c 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/landscape.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/landscape.yaml
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 # 2016-11-17: Disabled due to this not working
 enabled: false
+  - landscape
 cloud_config: |
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/locale.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/locale.yaml
index af5ad63..e01518a 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/locale.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/locale.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 # Set locale to non-default option and verify
+  - engb_locale
+  - locale_gen
 cloud_config: |
   locale: en_GB.UTF-8
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/lxd_bridge.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/lxd_bridge.yaml
index 568bb70..e6b7e76 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/lxd_bridge.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/lxd_bridge.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # LXD configured with directory backend and IPv4 bridge
+  - lxd
 cloud_config: |
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/lxd_dir.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/lxd_dir.yaml
index 99b9219..f93a3fa 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/lxd_dir.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/lxd_dir.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # LXD configured with directory backend
+  - lxd
 cloud_config: |
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ntp.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ntp.yaml
index d094157..0d07ef5 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ntp.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ntp.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
 # Emtpy NTP config to setup using defaults
+# NOTE: this should not require apt feature, use 'which' rather than 'dpkg -l'
+# NOTE: this should not require no_ntpdate feature, use 'which' to check for
+#       installation rather than 'dpkg -l', as 'grep ntp' matches 'ntpdate'
+# NOTE: the verifier should check for any ntp server not 'ubuntu.pool.ntp.org'
+  - apt
+  - no_ntpdate
+  - ubuntu_ntp
 cloud_config: |
@@ -16,5 +24,8 @@ collect_scripts:
   ntp_conf_empty: |
     grep '^pool' /etc/ntp.conf
+  ntp_installed_list: |
+    #!/bin/bash
+    dpkg -l | grep ntp
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ntp_pools.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ntp_pools.yaml
index bd0ac29..6ec1bfe 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ntp_pools.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ntp_pools.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
 # NTP config using specific pools
+# NOTE: this should not require apt feature, use 'which' rather than 'dpkg -l'
+# NOTE: this should not require no_ntpdate feature, use 'which' to check for 
+#       installation rather than 'dpkg -l', as 'grep ntp' matches 'ntpdate'
+# NOTE: lsb_release listed here because with recent cloud-init deb with
+#       (LP: 1628337) resolved, cloud-init will attempt to configure archives.
+#       this fails without lsb_release as UNAVAILABLE is used for $RELEASE
+  - apt
+  - no_ntpdate
+  - lsb_release
 cloud_config: |
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ntp_servers.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ntp_servers.yaml
index 934b9c5..30f5b4a 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ntp_servers.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ntp_servers.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
 # NTP config using specific servers
+# NOTE: this should not require apt feature, use 'which' rather than 'dpkg -l'
+# NOTE: this should not require no_ntpdate feature, use 'which' to check for 
+#       installation rather than 'dpkg -l', as 'grep ntp' matches 'ntpdate'
+  - apt
+  - no_ntpdate
+  - lsb_release
 cloud_config: |
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/package_update_upgrade_install.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/package_update_upgrade_install.yaml
index d027d54..71d24b8 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/package_update_upgrade_install.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/package_update_upgrade_install.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,17 @@
 # Update/upgrade via apt and then install a pair of packages
+# NOTE: this should not require apt feature, use 'which' rather than 'dpkg -l'
+# NOTE: the testcase for this looks for the command in history.log as
+#       /usr/bin/apt-get..., which is not how it always appears. it should
+#       instead look for just apt-get...
+# NOTE: this testcase should not require 'apt_up_out', and should look for a
+#       call to 'apt-get upgrade' or 'apt-get dist-upgrade' in cloud-init.log
+#       rather than 'Calculating upgrade...' in output
+  - apt
+  - apt_hist_fmt
+  - apt_up_out
 cloud_config: |
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_hostname.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_hostname.yaml
index 5aae150..c96344c 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_hostname.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_hostname.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # Set the hostname and update /etc/hosts
+  - hostname
 cloud_config: |
   hostname: myhostname
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_hostname_fqdn.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_hostname_fqdn.yaml
index 0014c19..daf7593 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_hostname_fqdn.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_hostname_fqdn.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # Set the hostname and update /etc/hosts
+  - hostname
 cloud_config: |
   manage_etc_hosts: true
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_password.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_password.yaml
index 8fa46d9..04d7c58 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_password.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_password.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # Set password of default user
+  - ubuntu_user
 cloud_config: |
   password: password
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_password_expire.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_password_expire.yaml
index 926731f..789604b 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_password_expire.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_password_expire.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # Expire password for all users
+  - sshd
 cloud_config: |
   chpasswd: { expire: True }
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/snappy.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/snappy.yaml
index 923bfe1..030b790 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/snappy.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/snappy.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # Install snappy
+  - snap
 cloud_config: |
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.yaml
index 33943bd..746653e 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # Disable fingerprint printing
+  - syslog
 cloud_config: |
   ssh_genkeytypes: []
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.yaml
index 4c97077..9f5dc34 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
 # Print auth keys with different hash than md5
+# NOTE: testcase checks for '256 SHA256:.*(ECDSA)' on output line on trusty
+#       this fails as line in output reads '256:.*(ECDSA)'
+  - syslog
+  - ssh_key_fmt
 cloud_config: |
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_import_id.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_import_id.yaml
index 6e5a163..b62d3f6 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_import_id.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_import_id.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 # Import a user's ssh key via gh or lp
+  - ubuntu_user
+  - sudo
 cloud_config: |
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_keys_generate.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_keys_generate.yaml
index 637d783..659fd93 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_keys_generate.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_keys_generate.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # SSH keys generated using cloud-init
+  - ubuntu_user
 cloud_config: |
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_keys_provided.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_keys_provided.yaml
index 25df645..5ceb362 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_keys_provided.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_keys_provided.yaml
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
 # SSH keys provided via cloud config
 enabled: False
+  - ubuntu_user
+  - sudo
 cloud_config: |
   disable_root: false
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/timezone.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/timezone.yaml
index 8c96ed4..5112aa9 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/timezone.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/timezone.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # Set system timezone
+  - daylight_time
 cloud_config: |
   timezone: US/Aleutian
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/user_groups.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/user_groups.yaml
index 9265595..71cc9da 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/user_groups.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/user_groups.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # Create groups and users with various options
+  - ubuntu_user
 cloud_config: |
   # Add groups to the system
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/write_files.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/write_files.yaml
index 4bb2991..ce936b7 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/write_files.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/write_files.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 # Write various file types
+# NOTE: on trusty 'file' has an output formatting error for binary files and
+#       has 2 spaces in 'LSB  executable', which causes a failure here
+  - no_file_fmt_e
 cloud_config: |
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/images/__init__.py b/tests/cloud_tests/images/__init__.py
index b27d693..106c59f 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/images/__init__.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/images/__init__.py
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""Main init."""
 def get_image(platform, config):
-    """
-    get image from platform object using os_name, looking up img_conf in main
-    config file
-    """
+    """Get image from platform object using os_name."""
     return platform.get_image(config)
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/images/base.py b/tests/cloud_tests/images/base.py
index 394b11f..0a1e056 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/images/base.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/images/base.py
@@ -1,65 +1,69 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""Base class for images."""
 class Image(object):
-    """
-    Base class for images
-    """
+    """Base class for images."""
     platform_name = None
-    def __init__(self, name, config, platform):
-        """
-        setup
+    def __init__(self, platform, config):
+        """Set up image.
+        @param platform: platform object
+        @param config: image configuration
-        self.name = name
-        self.config = config
         self.platform = platform
+        self.config = config
     def __str__(self):
-        """
-        a brief description of the image
-        """
+        """A brief description of the image."""
         return '-'.join((self.properties['os'], self.properties['release']))
     def properties(self):
-        """
-        {} containing: 'arch', 'os', 'version', 'release'
-        """
+        """{} containing: 'arch', 'os', 'version', 'release'."""
         raise NotImplementedError
-    # FIXME: instead of having execute and push_file and other instance methods
-    #        here which pass through to a hidden instance, it might be better
-    #        to expose an instance that the image can be modified through
-    def execute(self, command, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, env={}):
+    @property
+    def features(self):
+        """Feature flags supported by this image.
+        @return_value: list of feature names
-        execute command in image, modifying image
+        return [k for k, v in self.config.get('features', {}).items() if v]
+    @property
+    def setup_overrides(self):
+        """Setup options that need to be overridden for the image.
+        @return_value: dictionary to update args with
+        # NOTE: more sophisticated options may be requied at some point
+        return self.config.get('setup_overrides', {})
+    def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Execute command in image, modifying image."""
         raise NotImplementedError
     def push_file(self, local_path, remote_path):
-        """
-        copy file at 'local_path' to instance at 'remote_path', modifying image
-        """
+        """Copy file at 'local_path' to instance at 'remote_path'."""
         raise NotImplementedError
-    def run_script(self, script):
-        """
-        run script in image, modifying image
-        return_value: script output
+    def run_script(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Run script in image, modifying image.
+        @return_value: script output
         raise NotImplementedError
     def snapshot(self):
-        """
-        create snapshot of image, block until done
-        """
+        """Create snapshot of image, block until done."""
         raise NotImplementedError
     def destroy(self):
-        """
-        clean up data associated with image
-        """
+        """Clean up data associated with image."""
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/images/lxd.py b/tests/cloud_tests/images/lxd.py
index 7a41614..fd4e93c 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/images/lxd.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/images/lxd.py
@@ -1,43 +1,67 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""LXD Image Base Class."""
+import os
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+from cloudinit import util as c_util
 from tests.cloud_tests.images import base
 from tests.cloud_tests.snapshots import lxd as lxd_snapshot
+from tests.cloud_tests import util
 class LXDImage(base.Image):
-    """
-    LXD backed image
-    """
+    """LXD backed image."""
     platform_name = "lxd"
-    def __init__(self, name, config, platform, pylxd_image):
-        """
-        setup
+    def __init__(self, platform, config, pylxd_image):
+        """Set up image.
+        @param platform: platform object
+        @param config: image configuration
-        self.platform = platform
-        self._pylxd_image = pylxd_image
+        self.modified = False
         self._instance = None
-        super(LXDImage, self).__init__(name, config, platform)
+        self._pylxd_image = None
+        self.pylxd_image = pylxd_image
+        super(LXDImage, self).__init__(platform, config)
     def pylxd_image(self):
-        self._pylxd_image.sync()
+        """Property function."""
+        if self._pylxd_image:
+            self._pylxd_image.sync()
         return self._pylxd_image
+    @pylxd_image.setter
+    def pylxd_image(self, pylxd_image):
+        if self._instance:
+            self._instance.destroy()
+            self._instance = None
+        if (self._pylxd_image and
+                (self._pylxd_image is not pylxd_image) and
+                (not self.config.get('cache_base_image') or self.modified)):
+            self._pylxd_image.delete(wait=True)
+        self.modified = False
+        self._pylxd_image = pylxd_image
     def instance(self):
+        """Property function."""
         if not self._instance:
             self._instance = self.platform.launch_container(
-                image=self.pylxd_image.fingerprint,
-                image_desc=str(self), use_desc='image-modification')
-        self._instance.start(wait=True, wait_time=self.config.get('timeout'))
+                self.properties, self.config, self.features,
+                use_desc='image-modification', image_desc=str(self),
+                image=self.pylxd_image.fingerprint)
+        self._instance.start()
         return self._instance
     def properties(self):
-        """
-        {} containing: 'arch', 'os', 'version', 'release'
-        """
+        """{} containing: 'arch', 'os', 'version', 'release'."""
         properties = self.pylxd_image.properties
         return {
             'arch': properties.get('architecture'),
@@ -46,47 +70,121 @@ class LXDImage(base.Image):
             'release': properties.get('release'),
-    def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
+    def export_image(self, output_dir):
+        """Export image from lxd image store to (split) tarball on disk.
+        @param output_dir: dir to store tarballs in
+        @return_value: tuple of path to metadata tarball and rootfs tarball
-        execute command in image, modifying image
+        # pylxd's image export feature doesn't do split exports, so use cmdline
+        c_util.subp(['lxc', 'image', 'export', self.pylxd_image.fingerprint,
+                     output_dir], capture=True)
+        tarballs = [p for p in os.listdir(output_dir) if p.endswith('tar.xz')]
+        metadata = os.path.join(
+            output_dir, next(p for p in tarballs if p.startswith('meta-')))
+        rootfs = os.path.join(
+            output_dir, next(p for p in tarballs if not p.startswith('meta-')))
+        return (metadata, rootfs)
+    def import_image(self, metadata, rootfs):
+        """Import image to lxd image store from (split) tarball on disk.
+        Note, this will replace and delete the current pylxd_image
+        @param metadata: metadata tarball
+        @param rootfs: rootfs tarball
+        @return_value: imported image fingerprint
+        """
+        alias = util.gen_instance_name(
+            image_desc=str(self), use_desc='update-metadata')
+        c_util.subp(['lxc', 'image', 'import', metadata, rootfs,
+                     '--alias', alias], capture=True)
+        self.pylxd_image = self.platform.query_image_by_alias(alias)
+        return self.pylxd_image.fingerprint
+    def update_templates(self, template_config, template_data):
+        """Update the image's template configuration.
+        Note, this will replace and delete the current pylxd_image
+        @param template_config: config overrides for template metadata
+        @param template_data: template data to place into templates/
+        # set up tmp files
+        export_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='cloud_test_util_')
+        extract_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='cloud_test_util_')
+        new_metadata = os.path.join(export_dir, 'new-meta.tar.xz')
+        metadata_yaml = os.path.join(extract_dir, 'metadata.yaml')
+        template_dir = os.path.join(extract_dir, 'templates')
+        try:
+            # extract old data
+            (metadata, rootfs) = self.export_image(export_dir)
+            shutil.unpack_archive(metadata, extract_dir)
+            # update metadata
+            metadata = c_util.read_conf(metadata_yaml)
+            templates = metadata.get('templates', {})
+            templates.update(template_config)
+            metadata['templates'] = templates
+            util.yaml_dump(metadata, metadata_yaml)
+            # write out template files
+            for name, content in template_data.items():
+                path = os.path.join(template_dir, name)
+                c_util.write_file(path, content)
+            # store new data, mark new image as modified
+            util.flat_tar(new_metadata, extract_dir)
+            self.import_image(new_metadata, rootfs)
+            self.modified = True
+        finally:
+            # remove tmpfiles
+            shutil.rmtree(export_dir)
+            shutil.rmtree(extract_dir)
+    def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Execute command in image, modifying image."""
         return self.instance.execute(*args, **kwargs)
     def push_file(self, local_path, remote_path):
-        """
-        copy file at 'local_path' to instance at 'remote_path', modifying image
-        """
+        """Copy file at 'local_path' to instance at 'remote_path'."""
         return self.instance.push_file(local_path, remote_path)
-    def run_script(self, script):
-        """
-        run script in image, modifying image
-        return_value: script output
+    def run_script(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Run script in image, modifying image.
+        @return_value: script output
-        return self.instance.run_script(script)
+        return self.instance.run_script(*args, **kwargs)
     def snapshot(self):
-        """
-        create snapshot of image, block until done
-        """
-        # clone current instance, start and freeze clone
+        """Create snapshot of image, block until done."""
+        # get empty user data to pass in to instance
+        # if overrides for user data provided, use them
+        empty_userdata = util.update_user_data(
+            {}, self.config.get('user_data_overrides', {}))
+        conf = {'user.user-data': empty_userdata}
+        # clone current instance
         instance = self.platform.launch_container(
+            self.properties, self.config, self.features,
             container=self.instance.name, image_desc=str(self),
-            use_desc='snapshot')
-        instance.start(wait=True, wait_time=self.config.get('timeout'))
+            use_desc='snapshot', container_config=conf)
+        # wait for cloud-init before boot_clean_script is run to ensure
+        # /var/lib/cloud is removed cleanly
+        instance.start(wait=True, wait_for_cloud_init=True)
         if self.config.get('boot_clean_script'):
+        # freeze current instance and return snapshot
         return lxd_snapshot.LXDSnapshot(
-            self.properties, self.config, self.platform, instance)
+            self.platform, self.properties, self.config,
+            self.features, instance)
     def destroy(self):
-        """
-        clean up data associated with image
-        """
-        if self._instance:
-            self._instance.destroy()
-        self.pylxd_image.delete(wait=True)
+        """Clean up data associated with image."""
+        self.pylxd_image = None
         super(LXDImage, self).destroy()
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/instances/__init__.py b/tests/cloud_tests/instances/__init__.py
index 85bea99..fc2e9cb 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/instances/__init__.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/instances/__init__.py
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""Main init."""
 def get_instance(snapshot, *args, **kwargs):
-    """
-    get instance from snapshot
-    """
+    """Get instance from snapshot."""
     return snapshot.launch(*args, **kwargs)
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/instances/base.py b/tests/cloud_tests/instances/base.py
index 9559d28..959e9cc 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/instances/base.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/instances/base.py
@@ -1,120 +1,148 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-import os
-import uuid
+"""Base instance."""
 class Instance(object):
-    """
-    Base instance object
-    """
+    """Base instance object."""
     platform_name = None
-    def __init__(self, name):
-        """
-        setup
+    def __init__(self, platform, name, properties, config, features):
+        """Set up instance.
+        @param platform: platform object
+        @param name: hostname of instance
+        @param properties: image properties
+        @param config: image config
+        @param features: supported feature flags
+        self.platform = platform
         self.name = name
+        self.properties = properties
+        self.config = config
+        self.features = features
-    def execute(self, command, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, env={}):
-        """
-        command: the command to execute as root inside the image
-        stdin, stderr, stdout: file handles
-        env: environment variables
+    def execute(self, command, stdout=None, stderr=None, env={},
+                rcs=None, description=None):
+        """Execute command in instance, recording output, error and exit code.
-        Execute assumes functional networking and execution as root with the
+        Assumes functional networking and execution as root with the
         target filesystem being available at /.
-        return_value: tuple containing stdout data, stderr data, exit code
+        @param command: the command to execute as root inside the image
+        @param stdout, stderr: file handles to write output and error to
+        @param env: environment variables
+        @param rcs: allowed return codes from command
+        @param description: purpose of command
+        @return_value: tuple containing stdout data, stderr data, exit code
         raise NotImplementedError
-    def read_data(self, remote_path, encode=False):
-        """
-        read_data from instance filesystem
-        remote_path: path in instance
-        decode: return as string
-        return_value: data as str or bytes
+    def read_data(self, remote_path, decode=False):
+        """Read data from instance filesystem.
+        @param remote_path: path in instance
+        @param decode: return as string
+        @return_value: data as str or bytes
         raise NotImplementedError
     def write_data(self, remote_path, data):
-        """
-        write data to instance filesystem
-        remote_path: path in instance
-        data: data to write, either str or bytes
+        """Write data to instance filesystem.
+        @param remote_path: path in instance
+        @param data: data to write, either str or bytes
         raise NotImplementedError
     def pull_file(self, remote_path, local_path):
-        """
-        copy file at 'remote_path', from instance to 'local_path'
+        """Copy file at 'remote_path', from instance to 'local_path'.
+        @param remote_path: path on remote instance
+        @param local_path: path on local instance
         with open(local_path, 'wb') as fp:
-            fp.write(self.read_data(remote_path), encode=True)
+            fp.write(self.read_data(remote_path))
     def push_file(self, local_path, remote_path):
-        """
-        copy file at 'local_path' to instance at 'remote_path'
+        """Copy file at 'local_path' to instance at 'remote_path'.
+        @param local_path: path on local instance
+        @param remote_path: path on remote instance
         with open(local_path, 'rb') as fp:
             self.write_data(remote_path, fp.read())
-    def run_script(self, script):
+    def run_script(self, script, rcs=None, description=None):
+        """Run script in target and return stdout.
+        @param script: script contents
+        @param rcs: allowed return codes from script
+        @param description: purpose of script
+        @return_value: stdout from script
-        run script in target and return stdout
+        script_path = self.tmpfile()
+        try:
+            self.write_data(script_path, script)
+            return self.execute(
+                ['/bin/bash', script_path], rcs=rcs, description=description)
+        finally:
+            self.execute(['rm', script_path], rcs=rcs)
+    def tmpfile(self):
+        """Get a tmp file in the target.
+        @return_value: path to new file in target
-        script_path = os.path.join('/tmp', str(uuid.uuid1()))
-        self.write_data(script_path, script)
-        (out, err, exit_code) = self.execute(['/bin/bash', script_path])
-        return out
+        return self.execute(['mktemp'])[0].strip()
     def console_log(self):
-        """
-        return_value: bytes of this instance’s console
+        """Instance console.
+        @return_value: bytes of this instance’s console
         raise NotImplementedError
     def reboot(self, wait=True):
-        """
-        reboot instance
-        """
+        """Reboot instance."""
         raise NotImplementedError
     def shutdown(self, wait=True):
-        """
-        shutdown instance
-        """
+        """Shutdown instance."""
         raise NotImplementedError
-    def start(self, wait=True):
-        """
-        start instance
-        """
+    def start(self, wait=True, wait_for_cloud_init=False):
+        """Start instance."""
         raise NotImplementedError
     def destroy(self):
-        """
-        clean up instance
-        """
+        """Clean up instance."""
-    def _wait_for_cloud_init(self, wait_time):
-        """
-        wait until system has fully booted and cloud-init has finished
+    def _wait_for_system(self, wait_for_cloud_init):
+        """Wait until system has fully booted and cloud-init has finished.
+        @param wait_time: maximum time to wait
+        @return_value: None, may raise OSError if wait_time exceeded
-        if not wait_time:
-            return
-        found_msg = 'found'
-        cmd = ('for ((i=0;i<{wait};i++)); do [ -f "{file}" ] && '
-               '{{ echo "{msg}";break; }} || sleep 1; done').format(
-            file='/run/cloud-init/result.json',
-            wait=wait_time, msg=found_msg)
-        (out, err, exit) = self.execute(['/bin/bash', '-c', cmd])
-        if out.strip() != found_msg:
-            raise OSError('timeout: after {}s, cloud-init has not started'
-                          .format(wait_time))
+        def clean_test(test):
+            """Clean formatting for system ready test testcase."""
+            return ' '.join(l for l in test.strip().splitlines()
+                            if not l.lstrip().startswith('#'))
+        time = self.config['boot_timeout']
+        tests = [self.config['system_ready_script']]
+        if wait_for_cloud_init:
+            tests.append(self.config['cloud_init_ready_script'])
+        formatted_tests = ' && '.join(clean_test(t) for t in tests)
+        test_cmd = ('for ((i=0;i<{time};i++)); do {test} && exit 0; sleep 1; '
+                    'done; exit 1;').format(time=time, test=formatted_tests)
+        cmd = ['/bin/bash', '-c', test_cmd]
+        if self.execute(cmd, rcs=(0, 1))[-1] != 0:
+            raise OSError('timeout: after {}s system not started'.format(time))
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/instances/lxd.py b/tests/cloud_tests/instances/lxd.py
index f0aa121..b9c2cc6 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/instances/lxd.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/instances/lxd.py
@@ -1,115 +1,135 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""Base LXD instance."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.instances import base
+from tests.cloud_tests import util
 class LXDInstance(base.Instance):
-    """
-    LXD container backed instance
-    """
+    """LXD container backed instance."""
     platform_name = "lxd"
-    def __init__(self, name, platform, pylxd_container):
-        """
-        setup
+    def __init__(self, platform, name, properties, config, features,
+                 pylxd_container):
+        """Set up instance.
+        @param platform: platform object
+        @param name: hostname of instance
+        @param properties: image properties
+        @param config: image config
+        @param features: supported feature flags
-        self.platform = platform
         self._pylxd_container = pylxd_container
-        super(LXDInstance, self).__init__(name)
+        super(LXDInstance, self).__init__(
+            platform, name, properties, config, features)
     def pylxd_container(self):
+        """Property function."""
         return self._pylxd_container
-    def execute(self, command, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, env={}):
-        """
-        command: the command to execute as root inside the image
-        stdin, stderr, stdout: file handles
-        env: environment variables
+    def execute(self, command, stdout=None, stderr=None, env={},
+                rcs=None, description=None):
+        """Execute command in instance, recording output, error and exit code.
-        Execute assumes functional networking and execution as root with the
+        Assumes functional networking and execution as root with the
         target filesystem being available at /.
-        return_value: tuple containing stdout data, stderr data, exit code
+        @param command: the command to execute as root inside the image
+        @param stdout: file handler to write output
+        @param stderr: file handler to write error
+        @param env: environment variables
+        @param rcs: allowed return codes from command
+        @param description: purpose of command
+        @return_value: tuple containing stdout data, stderr data, exit code
-        # TODO: the pylxd api handler for container.execute needs to be
-        #       extended to properly pass in stdin
-        # TODO: the pylxd api handler for container.execute needs to be
-        #       extended to get the return code, for now just use 0
+        # ensure instance is running and execute the command
-        if stdin:
-            raise NotImplementedError
         res = self.pylxd_container.execute(command, environment=env)
-        for (f, data) in (i for i in zip((stdout, stderr), res) if i[0]):
-            f.write(data)
-        return res + (0,)
+        # get out, exit and err from pylxd return
+        if hasattr(res, 'exit_code'):
+            # pylxd 2.2 returns ContainerExecuteResult, named tuple of
+            # (exit_code, out, err)
+            (exit, out, err) = res
+        else:
+            # pylxd 2.1.3 and earlier only return out and err, no exit
+            # LOG.warning('using pylxd version < 2.2')
+            (out, err) = res
+            exit = 0
+        # write data to file descriptors if needed
+        if stdout:
+            stdout.write(out)
+        if stderr:
+            stderr.write(err)
+        # if the command exited with a code not allowed in rcs, then fail
+        if exit not in (rcs if rcs else (0,)):
+            error_desc = ('Failed command to: {}'.format(description)
+                          if description else None)
+            raise util.InTargetExecuteError(
+                out, err, exit, command, self.name, error_desc)
+        return (out, err, exit)
     def read_data(self, remote_path, decode=False):
-        """
-        read data from instance filesystem
-        remote_path: path in instance
-        decode: return as string
-        return_value: data as str or bytes
+        """Read data from instance filesystem.
+        @param remote_path: path in instance
+        @param decode: return as string
+        @return_value: data as str or bytes
         data = self.pylxd_container.files.get(remote_path)
         return data.decode() if decode and isinstance(data, bytes) else data
     def write_data(self, remote_path, data):
-        """
-        write data to instance filesystem
-        remote_path: path in instance
-        data: data to write, either str or bytes
+        """Write data to instance filesystem.
+        @param remote_path: path in instance
+        @param data: data to write, either str or bytes
         self.pylxd_container.files.put(remote_path, data)
     def console_log(self):
-        """
-        return_value: bytes of this instance’s console
+        """Console log.
+        @return_value: bytes of this instance’s console
         raise NotImplementedError
     def reboot(self, wait=True):
-        """
-        reboot instance
-        """
+        """Reboot instance."""
     def shutdown(self, wait=True):
-        """
-        shutdown instance
-        """
+        """Shutdown instance."""
         if self.pylxd_container.status != 'Stopped':
-    def start(self, wait=True, wait_time=None):
-        """
-        start instance
-        """
+    def start(self, wait=True, wait_for_cloud_init=False):
+        """Start instance."""
         if self.pylxd_container.status != 'Running':
-            if wait and isinstance(wait_time, int):
-                self._wait_for_cloud_init(wait_time)
+            if wait:
+                self._wait_for_system(wait_for_cloud_init)
     def freeze(self):
-        """
-        freeze instance
-        """
+        """Freeze instance."""
         if self.pylxd_container.status != 'Frozen':
     def unfreeze(self):
-        """
-        unfreeze instance
-        """
+        """Unfreeze instance."""
         if self.pylxd_container.status == 'Frozen':
     def destroy(self):
-        """
-        clean up instance
-        """
+        """Clean up instance."""
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/manage.py b/tests/cloud_tests/manage.py
index 5342612..5f0cfd2 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/manage.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/manage.py
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""Create test cases automatically given a user_data script."""
+import os
+import textwrap
+from cloudinit import util as c_util
 from tests.cloud_tests.config import VERIFY_EXT
 from tests.cloud_tests import (config, util)
 from tests.cloud_tests import TESTCASES_DIR
-import os
-import textwrap
 _verifier_fmt = textwrap.dedent(
@@ -35,29 +39,24 @@ _config_fmt = textwrap.dedent(
 def write_testcase_config(args, fmt_args, testcase_file):
-    """
-    write the testcase config file
-    """
+    """Write the testcase config file."""
     testcase_config = {'enabled': args.enable, 'collect_scripts': {}}
     if args.config:
         testcase_config['cloud_config'] = args.config
     fmt_args['config'] = util.yaml_format(testcase_config)
-    util.write_file(testcase_file, _config_fmt.format(**fmt_args), omode='w')
+    c_util.write_file(testcase_file, _config_fmt.format(**fmt_args), omode='w')
 def write_verifier(args, fmt_args, verifier_file):
-    """
-    write the verifier script
-    """
+    """Write the verifier script."""
     fmt_args['test_class'] = 'Test{}'.format(
-        config.name_sanatize(fmt_args['test_name']).title())
-    util.write_file(verifier_file, _verifier_fmt.format(**fmt_args), omode='w')
+        config.name_sanitize(fmt_args['test_name']).title())
+    c_util.write_file(verifier_file,
+                      _verifier_fmt.format(**fmt_args), omode='w')
 def create(args):
-    """
-    create a new testcase
-    """
+    """Create a new testcase."""
     (test_category, test_name) = args.name.split('/')
     fmt_args = {'test_name': test_name, 'test_category': test_category,
                 'test_description': str(args.description)}
@@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ def create(args):
     testcase_file = config.name_to_path(args.name)
     verifier_file = os.path.join(
         TESTCASES_DIR, test_category,
-        config.name_sanatize(test_name) + VERIFY_EXT)
+        config.name_sanitize(test_name) + VERIFY_EXT)
     write_testcase_config(args, fmt_args, testcase_file)
     write_verifier(args, fmt_args, verifier_file)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/platforms.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/platforms.yaml
index 5972b32..b91834a 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/platforms.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/platforms.yaml
@@ -10,7 +10,55 @@ default_platform_config:
         enabled: true
-        get_image_timeout: 600
+        # overrides for image templates
+        template_overrides:
+            /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/meta-data:
+                when:
+                    - create
+                    - copy
+                template: cloud-init-meta.tpl
+            /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/network-config:
+                when:
+                    - create
+                    - copy
+                template: cloud-init-network.tpl
+            /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/user-data:
+                when:
+                    - create
+                    - copy
+                template: cloud-init-user.tpl
+                properties:
+                    default: |
+                        #cloud-config
+                        {}
+            /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/vendor-data:
+                when:
+                    - create
+                    - copy
+                template: cloud-init-vendor.tpl
+                properties:
+                    default: |
+                        #cloud-config
+                        {}
+        # overrides image template files
+        template_files:
+            cloud-init-meta.tpl: |
+                #cloud-config
+                instance-id: {{ container.name }}
+                local-hostname: {{ container.name }}
+                {{ config_get("user.meta-data", "") }}
+            cloud-init-network.tpl: |
+                {% if config_get("user.network-config", "") == "" %}version: 1
+                config:
+                    - type: physical
+                      name: eth0
+                      subnets:
+                          - type: {% if config_get("user.network_mode", "") == "link-local" %}manual{% else %}dhcp{% endif %}
+                            control: auto{% else %}{{ config_get("user.network-config", "") }}{% endif %}
+            cloud-init-user.tpl: |
+                {{ config_get("user.user-data", properties.default) }}
+            cloud-init-vendor.tpl: |
+                {{ config_get("user.vendor-data", properties.default) }}
     ec2: {}
     azure: {}
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/platforms/__init__.py b/tests/cloud_tests/platforms/__init__.py
index f9f5603..443f6d4 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/platforms/__init__.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/platforms/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""Main init."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.platforms import lxd
@@ -8,9 +10,7 @@ PLATFORMS = {
 def get_platform(platform_name, config):
-    """
-    Get the platform object for 'platform_name' and init
-    """
+    """Get the platform object for 'platform_name' and init."""
     platform_cls = PLATFORMS.get(platform_name)
     if not platform_cls:
         raise ValueError('invalid platform name: {}'.format(platform_name))
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/platforms/base.py b/tests/cloud_tests/platforms/base.py
index 615e2e0..2897536 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/platforms/base.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/platforms/base.py
@@ -1,53 +1,27 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""Base platform class."""
 class Platform(object):
-    """
-    Base class for platforms
-    """
+    """Base class for platforms."""
     platform_name = None
     def __init__(self, config):
-        """
-        Set up platform
-        """
+        """Set up platform."""
         self.config = config
     def get_image(self, img_conf):
-        """
-        Get image using 'img_conf', where img_conf is a dict containing all
-        image configuration parameters
-        in this dict there must be a 'platform_ident' key containing
-        configuration for identifying each image on a per platform basis
-        see implementations for get_image() for details about the contents
-        of the platform's config entry
+        """Get image using specified image configuration.
-        note: see 'releases' main_config.yaml for example entries
-        img_conf: configuration for image
-        return_value: cloud_tests.images instance
+        @param img_conf: configuration for image
+        @return_value: cloud_tests.images instance
         raise NotImplementedError
     def destroy(self):
-        """
-        Clean up platform data
-        """
+        """Clean up platform data."""
-    def _extract_img_platform_config(self, img_conf):
-        """
-        extract platform configuration for current platform from img_conf
-        """
-        platform_ident = img_conf.get('platform_ident')
-        if not platform_ident:
-            raise ValueError('invalid img_conf, missing \'platform_ident\'')
-        ident = platform_ident.get(self.platform_name)
-        if not ident:
-            raise ValueError('img_conf: {} missing config for platform {}'
-                             .format(img_conf, self.platform_name))
-        return ident
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/platforms/lxd.py b/tests/cloud_tests/platforms/lxd.py
index 847cc54..ead0955 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/platforms/lxd.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/platforms/lxd.py
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""Base LXD platform."""
 from pylxd import (Client, exceptions)
 from tests.cloud_tests.images import lxd as lxd_image
@@ -11,48 +13,49 @@ DEFAULT_SSTREAMS_SERVER = "https://images.linuxcontainers.org:8443";
 class LXDPlatform(base.Platform):
-    """
-    Lxd test platform
-    """
+    """LXD test platform."""
     platform_name = 'lxd'
     def __init__(self, config):
-        """
-        Set up platform
-        """
+        """Set up platform."""
         super(LXDPlatform, self).__init__(config)
         # TODO: allow configuration of remote lxd host via env variables
         # set up lxd connection
         self.client = Client()
     def get_image(self, img_conf):
+        """Get image using specified image configuration.
+        @param img_conf: configuration for image
+        @return_value: cloud_tests.images instance
-        Get image
-        img_conf: dict containing config for image. platform_ident must have:
-            alias: alias to use for simplestreams server
-            sstreams_server: simplestreams server to use, or None for default
-        return_value: cloud_tests.images instance
-        """
-        lxd_conf = self._extract_img_platform_config(img_conf)
-        image = self.client.images.create_from_simplestreams(
-            lxd_conf.get('sstreams_server', DEFAULT_SSTREAMS_SERVER),
-            lxd_conf['alias'])
-        return lxd_image.LXDImage(
-            image.properties['description'], img_conf, self, image)
-    def launch_container(self, image=None, container=None, ephemeral=False,
-                         config=None, block=True,
-                         image_desc=None, use_desc=None):
-        """
-        launch a container
-        image: image fingerprint to launch from
-        container: container to copy
-        ephemeral: delete image after first shutdown
-        config: config options for instance as dict
-        block: wait until container created
-        image_desc: description of image being launched
-        use_desc: description of container's use
-        return_value: cloud_tests.instances instance
+        pylxd_image = self.client.images.create_from_simplestreams(
+            img_conf.get('sstreams_server', DEFAULT_SSTREAMS_SERVER),
+            img_conf['alias'])
+        image = lxd_image.LXDImage(self, img_conf, pylxd_image)
+        if img_conf.get('override_templates', False):
+            image.update_templates(self.config.get('template_overrides', {}),
+                                   self.config.get('template_files', {}))
+        return image
+    def launch_container(self, properties, config, features,
+                         image=None, container=None, ephemeral=False,
+                         container_config=None, block=True, image_desc=None,
+                         use_desc=None):
+        """Launch a container.
+        @param properties: image properties
+        @param config: image configuration
+        @param features: image features
+        @param image: image fingerprint to launch from
+        @param container: container to copy
+        @param ephemeral: delete image after first shutdown
+        @param container_config: config options for instance as dict
+        @param block: wait until container created
+        @param image_desc: description of image being launched
+        @param use_desc: description of container's use
+        @return_value: cloud_tests.instances instance
         if not (image or container):
             raise ValueError("either image or container must be specified")
@@ -61,16 +64,18 @@ class LXDPlatform(base.Platform):
             'ephemeral': bool(ephemeral),
-            'config': config if isinstance(config, dict) else {},
+            'config': (container_config
+                       if isinstance(container_config, dict) else {}),
             'source': ({'type': 'image', 'fingerprint': image} if image else
                        {'type': 'copy', 'source': container})
         }, wait=block)
-        return lxd_instance.LXDInstance(container.name, self, container)
+        return lxd_instance.LXDInstance(self, container.name, properties,
+                                        config, features, container)
     def container_exists(self, container_name):
-        """
-        check if container with name 'container_name' exists
-        return_value: True if exists else False
+        """Check if container with name 'container_name' exists.
+        @return_value: True if exists else False
         res = True
@@ -82,16 +87,22 @@ class LXDPlatform(base.Platform):
         return res
     def list_containers(self):
-        """
-        list names of all containers
-        return_value: list of names
+        """List names of all containers.
+        @return_value: list of names
         return [container.name for container in self.client.containers.all()]
-    def destroy(self):
-        """
-        Clean up platform data
+    def query_image_by_alias(self, alias):
+        """Get image by alias in local image store.
+        @param alias: alias of image
+        @return_value: pylxd image (not cloud_tests.images instance)
+        return self.client.images.get_by_alias(alias)
+    def destroy(self):
+        """Clean up platform data."""
         super(LXDPlatform, self).destroy()
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/releases.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/releases.yaml
index 183f78c..45deb58 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/releases.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/releases.yaml
@@ -1,86 +1,253 @@
 # ============================= Release Config ================================
-    # all are disabled by default
-    enabled: false
-    # timeout for booting image and running cloud init
-    timeout: 120
-    # platform_ident values for the image, with data to identify the image
-    # on that platform. see platforms.base for more information
-    platform_ident: {}
-    # a script to run after a boot that is used to modify an image, before
-    # making a snapshot of the image. may be useful for removing data left
-    # behind from cloud-init booting, such as logs, to ensure that data from
-    # snapshot.launch() will not include a cloud-init.log from a boot used to
-    # create the snapshot, if cloud-init has not run
-    boot_clean_script: |
-        #!/bin/bash
-        rm -rf /var/log/cloud-init.log /var/log/cloud-init-output.log \
-            /var/lib/cloud/ /run/cloud-init/ /var/log/syslog
+    # global default configuration options
+    default:
+        # all are disabled by default
+        enabled: false
+        # timeout for booting image and running cloud init
+        boot_timeout: 120
+        # a script to run after a boot that is used to modify an image, before
+        # making a snapshot of the image. may be useful for removing data left
+        # behind from cloud-init booting, such as logs, to ensure that data
+        # from snapshot.launch() will not include a cloud-init.log from a boot
+        # used to create the snapshot, if cloud-init has not run
+        boot_clean_script: |
+            #!/bin/bash
+            rm -rf /var/log/cloud-init.log /var/log/cloud-init-output.log \
+                /var/lib/cloud/ /run/cloud-init/ /var/log/syslog
+        # test script to determine if system is booted fully
+        system_ready_script: |
+            # permit running or degraded state as both indicate complete boot
+            [ $(systemctl is-system-running) = 'running' -o
+              $(systemctl is-system-running) = 'degraded' ]
+        # test script to determine if cloud-init has finished
+        cloud_init_ready_script: |
+            [ -f '/run/cloud-init/result.json' ]
+        # currently used features and their uses are:
+        # features groups and additional feature settings
+        feature_groups: []
+        features: {}
+    # lxd specific default configuration options
+    lxd:
+        # default sstreams server to use for lxd image retrieval
+        sstreams_server: https://us.images.linuxcontainers.org:8443
+        # keep base image, avoids downloading again next run
+        cache_base_image: true
+        # lxd images from linuxcontainers.org do not have the nocloud seed
+        # templates in place, so the image metadata must be modified
+        override_templates: true
+        # arg overrides to set image up
+        setup_overrides:
+            # lxd images from linuxcontainers.org do not come with
+            # cloud-init, so must pull cloud-init in from repo using
+            # setup_image.upgrade
+            upgrade: true
+    # all currently supported feature flags
+    all:
+        - apt       # image supports apt package manager
+        - byobu     # byobu is available in repositories
+        - landscape # landscape-client available in repos
+        - lxd       # lxd is available in the image
+        - ppa       # image supports ppas
+        - rpm       # image supports rpms
+        - snap      # supports snapd
+        # NOTE: the following feature flags are to work around bugs in the
+        #       images, and can be removed when no longer needed
+        - hostname      # setting system hostname works
+        # NOTE: the following feature flags are to work around issues in the
+        #       testcases, and can be removed when no longer needed
+        - apt_src_cont  # default contents and format of sources.list matches
+                        # ubuntu sources.list
+        - apt_hist_fmt  # apt command history entries use full paths to apt
+                        # executable rather than relative paths
+        - daylight_time # timezones are daylight not standard time
+        - apt_up_out    # 'Calculating upgrade..' present in log output from
+                        # apt-get dist-upgrade output
+        - engb_locale   # locale en_GB.UTF-8 is available
+        - locale_gen    # the /etc/locale.gen file exists
+        - no_ntpdate    # 'ntpdate' is not installed by default
+        - no_file_fmt_e # the 'file' utility does not have a formatting error
+        - ppa_file_name # the name of the source file added to sources.list.d has
+                        # the expected format for newer ubuntu releases
+        - sshd          # requires ssh server to be installed by default
+        - ssh_key_fmt   # ssh auth keys printed to console have expected format
+        - syslog        # test case requires syslog to be written by default
+        - ubuntu_ntp    # expect ubuntu.pool.ntp.org to be used as ntp server
+        - ubuntu_repos  # test case requres ubuntu repositories to be used
+        - ubuntu_user   # test case needs user with the name 'ubuntu' to exist
+        # NOTE: the following feature flags are to work around issues that may
+        #       be considered bugs in cloud-init
+        - lsb_release   # image has lsb_release installed, maybe should install
+                        # if missing by default
+        - sudo          # image has sudo installed, should not be required
+    # feature flag groups
+    groups:
+        base:
+            hostname: true
+            no_file_fmt_e: true
+        ubuntu_specific:
+            apt_src_cont: true
+            apt_hist_fmt: true
+            byobu: true
+            daylight_time: true
+            engb_locale: true
+            landscape: true
+            locale_gen: true
+            lsb_release: true
+            lxd: true
+            ppa: true
+            ppa_file_name: true
+            snap: true
+            sshd: true
+            ssh_key_fmt: true
+            sudo: true
+            syslog: true
+            ubuntu_ntp: true
+            ubuntu_repos: true
+            ubuntu_user: true
+        debian_base:
+            apt: true
+            apt_up_out: true
+            no_ntpdate: true
+        rhel_base:
+            rpm: true
-    trusty:
-        enabled: true
-        platform_ident:
-            lxd:
-                # if sstreams_server is omitted, default is used, defined in
-                # tests.cloud_tests.platforms.lxd.DEFAULT_SSTREAMS_SERVER as:
-                # sstreams_server: https://us.images.linuxcontainers.org:8443
-                #alias: ubuntu/trusty/default
-                alias: t
-                sstreams_server: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/daily
-    xenial:
-        enabled: true
-        platform_ident:
-            lxd:
-                #alias: ubuntu/xenial/default
-                alias: x
-                sstreams_server: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/daily
-    yakkety:
-        enabled: true
-        platform_ident:
-            lxd:
-                #alias: ubuntu/yakkety/default
-                alias: y
-                sstreams_server: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/daily
-    zesty:
-        enabled: true
-        platform_ident:
-            lxd:
-                #alias: ubuntu/zesty/default
-                alias: z
-                sstreams_server: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/daily
+    # UBUNTU =================================================================
-        enabled: true
-        platform_ident:
-            lxd:
-                #alias: ubuntu/artful/default
-                alias: a
-                sstreams_server: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/daily
-    jessie:
-        platform_ident:
-            lxd:
-                alias: debian/jessie/default
-    sid:
-        platform_ident:
-            lxd:
-                alias: debian/sid/default
+        # EOL: Jul 2018
+        default:
+            enabled: true
+            feature_groups:
+                - base
+                - debian_base
+                - ubuntu_specific
+        lxd:
+            sstreams_server: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/daily
+            alias: artful
+            setup_overrides: null
+            override_templates: false
+    zesty:
+        # EOL: Jan 2018
+        default:
+            enabled: true
+            feature_groups:
+                - base
+                - debian_base
+                - ubuntu_specific
+        lxd:
+            sstreams_server: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/daily
+            alias: zesty
+            setup_overrides: null
+            override_templates: false
+    yakkety:
+        # EOL: Jul 2017
+        default:
+            enabled: true
+            feature_groups:
+                - base
+                - debian_base
+                - ubuntu_specific
+        lxd:
+            sstreams_server: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/daily
+            alias: yakkety
+            setup_overrides: null
+            override_templates: false
+    xenial:
+        # EOL: Apr 2021
+        default:
+            enabled: true
+            feature_groups:
+                - base
+                - debian_base
+                - ubuntu_specific
+        lxd:
+            sstreams_server: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/daily
+            alias: xenial
+            setup_overrides: null
+            override_templates: false
+    trusty:
+        # EOL: Apr 2019
+        default:
+            enabled: true
+            feature_groups:
+                - base
+                - debian_base
+                - ubuntu_specific
+            features:
+                apt_up_out: false
+                locale_gen: false
+                lxd: false
+                ppa_file_name: false
+                snap: false
+                ssh_key_fmt: false
+                no_ntpdate: false
+                no_file_fmt_e: false
+            system_ready_script: |
+                #!/bin/bash
+                # upstart based, so use old style runlevels
+                [ $(runlevel | awk '{print $2}') = '2' ]
+        lxd:
+            sstreams_server: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/daily
+            alias: trusty
+            setup_overrides: null
+            override_templates: false
+    # DEBIAN =================================================================
-        platform_ident:
-            lxd:
-                alias: debian/stretch/default
-    wheezy:
-        platform_ident:
-            lxd:
-                alias: debian/wheezy/default
+        # EOL: Not yet released
+        default:
+            enabled: true
+            feature_groups:
+                - base
+                - debian_base
+        lxd:
+            alias: debian/stretch/default
+    jessie:
+        # EOL: Jun 2020
+        # NOTE: the cloud-init version shipped with jessie is out of date
+        #       tests work if an up to date deb is used
+        default:
+            enabled: true
+            feature_groups:
+                - base
+                - debian_base
+        lxd:
+            alias: debian/jessie/default
+    # CENTOS =================================================================
-        timeout: 180
-        platform_ident:
-            lxd:
-                alias: centos/7/default
+        # EOL: Jun 2024 (2020 - end of full updates)
+        default:
+            enabled: true
+            feature_groups:
+                - base
+                - rhel_base
+            user_data_overrides:
+                preserve_hostname: true
+        lxd:
+            features:
+                # NOTE: (LP: #1575779)
+                hostname: false
+            alias: centos/7/default
-        timeout: 180
-        platform_ident:
-            lxd:
-                alias: centos/6/default
+        # EOL: Nov 2020
+        default:
+            enabled: true
+            feature_groups:
+                - base
+                - rhel_base
+            # still supported, but only bugfixes after may 2017
+            system_ready_script: |
+                #!/bin/bash
+                [ $(runlevel | awk '{print $2}') = '3' ]
+            user_data_overrides:
+                preserve_hostname: true
+        lxd:
+            features:
+                # NOTE: (LP: #1575779)
+                hostname: false
+            alias: centos/6/default
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/run_funcs.py b/tests/cloud_tests/run_funcs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ae9112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/run_funcs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""Run functions."""
+import os
+from tests.cloud_tests import bddeb, collect, util, verify
+def tree_collect(args):
+    """Collect data using deb build from current tree.
+    @param args: cmdline args
+    @return_value: fail count
+    """
+    failed = 0
+    tmpdir = util.TempDir(tmpdir=args.data_dir, preserve=args.preserve_data)
+    with tmpdir as data_dir:
+        args.data_dir = data_dir
+        args.deb = os.path.join(tmpdir.tmpdir, 'cloud-init_all.deb')
+        try:
+            failed += bddeb.bddeb(args)
+            failed += collect.collect(args)
+        except Exception:
+            failed += 1
+            raise
+    return failed
+def tree_run(args):
+    """Run test suite using deb build from current tree.
+    @param args: cmdline args
+    @return_value: fail count
+    """
+    failed = 0
+    tmpdir = util.TempDir(tmpdir=args.data_dir, preserve=args.preserve_data)
+    with tmpdir as data_dir:
+        args.data_dir = data_dir
+        args.deb = os.path.join(tmpdir.tmpdir, 'cloud-init_all.deb')
+        try:
+            failed += bddeb.bddeb(args)
+            failed += collect.collect(args)
+            failed += verify.verify(args)
+        except Exception:
+            failed += 1
+            raise
+    return failed
+def run(args):
+    """Run test suite.
+    @param args: cmdline args
+    @return_value: fail count
+    """
+    failed = 0
+    tmpdir = util.TempDir(tmpdir=args.data_dir, preserve=args.preserve_data)
+    with tmpdir as data_dir:
+        args.data_dir = data_dir
+        try:
+            failed += collect.collect(args)
+            failed += verify.verify(args)
+        except Exception:
+            failed += 1
+            raise
+    return failed
+# vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/setup_image.py b/tests/cloud_tests/setup_image.py
index 5d6c638..8053a09 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/setup_image.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/setup_image.py
@@ -1,18 +1,42 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-from tests.cloud_tests import LOG
-from tests.cloud_tests import stage, util
+"""Setup image for testing."""
 from functools import partial
 import os
+from tests.cloud_tests import LOG
+from tests.cloud_tests import stage, util
-def install_deb(args, image):
+def installed_package_version(image, package, ensure_installed=True):
+    """Get installed version of package.
+    @param image: cloud_tests.images instance to operate on
+    @param package: name of package
+    @param ensure_installed: raise error if not installed
+    @return_value: cloud-init version string
-    install deb into image
-    args: cmdline arguments, must contain --deb
-    image: cloud_tests.images instance to operate on
-    return_value: None, may raise errors
+    os_family = util.get_os_family(image.properties['os'])
+    if os_family == 'debian':
+        cmd = ['dpkg-query', '-W', "--showformat='${Version}'", package]
+    elif os_family == 'redhat':
+        cmd = ['rpm', '-q', '--queryformat', "'%{VERSION}'", package]
+    else:
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    msg = 'query version for package: {}'.format(package)
+    (out, err, exit) = image.execute(
+        cmd, description=msg, rcs=(0,) if ensure_installed else range(0, 256))
+    return out.strip()
+def install_deb(args, image):
+    """Install deb into image.
+    @param args: cmdline arguments, must contain --deb
+    @param image: cloud_tests.images instance to operate on
+    @return_value: None, may raise errors
     # ensure system is compatible with package format
     os_family = util.get_os_family(image.properties['os'])
@@ -21,20 +45,18 @@ def install_deb(args, image):
                                   'family: {}'.format(args.deb, os_family))
     # install deb
-    LOG.debug('installing deb: %s into target', args.deb)
+    msg = 'install deb: "{}" into target'.format(args.deb)
+    LOG.debug(msg)
     remote_path = os.path.join('/tmp', os.path.basename(args.deb))
     image.push_file(args.deb, remote_path)
-    (out, err, exit) = image.execute(['dpkg', '-i', remote_path])
-    if exit != 0:
-        raise OSError('failed install deb: {}\n\tstdout: {}\n\tstderr: {}'
-                      .format(args.deb, out, err))
+    cmd = 'dpkg -i {} || apt-get install --yes -f'.format(remote_path)
+    image.execute(['/bin/sh', '-c', cmd], description=msg)
     # check installed deb version matches package
     fmt = ['-W', "--showformat='${Version}'"]
     (out, err, exit) = image.execute(['dpkg-deb'] + fmt + [remote_path])
     expected_version = out.strip()
-    (out, err, exit) = image.execute(['dpkg-query'] + fmt + ['cloud-init'])
-    found_version = out.strip()
+    found_version = installed_package_version(image, 'cloud-init')
     if expected_version != found_version:
         raise OSError('install deb version "{}" does not match expected "{}"'
                       .format(found_version, expected_version))
@@ -44,32 +66,28 @@ def install_deb(args, image):
 def install_rpm(args, image):
+    """Install rpm into image.
+    @param args: cmdline arguments, must contain --rpm
+    @param image: cloud_tests.images instance to operate on
+    @return_value: None, may raise errors
-    install rpm into image
-    args: cmdline arguments, must contain --rpm
-    image: cloud_tests.images instance to operate on
-    return_value: None, may raise errors
-    """
-    # ensure system is compatible with package format
     os_family = util.get_os_family(image.properties['os'])
-    if os_family not in ['redhat', 'sles']:
+    if os_family != 'redhat':
         raise NotImplementedError('install rpm: {} not supported on os '
                                   'family: {}'.format(args.rpm, os_family))
     # install rpm
-    LOG.debug('installing rpm: %s into target', args.rpm)
+    msg = 'install rpm: "{}" into target'.format(args.rpm)
+    LOG.debug(msg)
     remote_path = os.path.join('/tmp', os.path.basename(args.rpm))
     image.push_file(args.rpm, remote_path)
-    (out, err, exit) = image.execute(['rpm', '-U', remote_path])
-    if exit != 0:
-        raise OSError('failed to install rpm: {}\n\tstdout: {}\n\tstderr: {}'
-                      .format(args.rpm, out, err))
+    image.execute(['rpm', '-U', remote_path], description=msg)
     fmt = ['--queryformat', '"%{VERSION}"']
     (out, err, exit) = image.execute(['rpm', '-q'] + fmt + [remote_path])
     expected_version = out.strip()
-    (out, err, exit) = image.execute(['rpm', '-q'] + fmt + ['cloud-init'])
-    found_version = out.strip()
+    found_version = installed_package_version(image, 'cloud-init')
     if expected_version != found_version:
         raise OSError('install rpm version "{}" does not match expected "{}"'
                       .format(found_version, expected_version))
@@ -79,14 +97,32 @@ def install_rpm(args, image):
 def upgrade(args, image):
+    """Upgrade or install cloud-init from repo.
+    @param args: cmdline arguments
+    @param image: cloud_tests.images instance to operate on
+    @return_value: None, may raise errors
-    run the system's upgrade command
-    args: cmdline arguments
-    image: cloud_tests.images instance to operate on
-    return_value: None, may raise errors
+    os_family = util.get_os_family(image.properties['os'])
+    if os_family == 'debian':
+        cmd = 'apt-get update && apt-get install cloud-init --yes'
+    elif os_family == 'redhat':
+        cmd = 'sleep 10 && yum install cloud-init --assumeyes'
+    else:
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    msg = 'upgrading cloud-init'
+    LOG.debug(msg)
+    image.execute(['/bin/sh', '-c', cmd], description=msg)
+def upgrade_full(args, image):
+    """Run the system's full upgrade command.
+    @param args: cmdline arguments
+    @param image: cloud_tests.images instance to operate on
+    @return_value: None, may raise errors
-    # determine appropriate upgrade command for os_family
-    # TODO: maybe use cloudinit.distros for this?
     os_family = util.get_os_family(image.properties['os'])
     if os_family == 'debian':
         cmd = 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade --yes'
@@ -96,53 +132,48 @@ def upgrade(args, image):
         raise NotImplementedError('upgrade command not configured for distro '
                                   'from family: {}'.format(os_family))
-    # upgrade system
-    LOG.debug('upgrading system')
-    (out, err, exit) = image.execute(['/bin/sh', '-c', cmd])
-    if exit != 0:
-        raise OSError('failed to upgrade system\n\tstdout: {}\n\tstderr:{}'
-                      .format(out, err))
+    msg = 'full system upgrade'
+    LOG.debug(msg)
+    image.execute(['/bin/sh', '-c', cmd], description=msg)
 def run_script(args, image):
+    """Run a script in the target image.
+    @param args: cmdline arguments, must contain --script
+    @param image: cloud_tests.images instance to operate on
+    @return_value: None, may raise errors
-    run a script in the target image
-    args: cmdline arguments, must contain --script
-    image: cloud_tests.images instance to operate on
-    return_value: None, may raise errors
-    """
-    # TODO: get exit status back from script and add error handling here
-    LOG.debug('running setup image script in target image')
-    image.run_script(args.script)
+    msg = 'run setup image script in target image'
+    LOG.debug(msg)
+    image.run_script(args.script, description=msg)
 def enable_ppa(args, image):
-    """
-    enable a ppa in the target image
-    args: cmdline arguments, must contain --ppa
-    image: cloud_tests.image instance to operate on
-    return_value: None, may raise errors
+    """Enable a ppa in the target image.
+    @param args: cmdline arguments, must contain --ppa
+    @param image: cloud_tests.image instance to operate on
+    @return_value: None, may raise errors
     # ppa only supported on ubuntu (maybe debian?)
-    if image.properties['os'] != 'ubuntu':
+    if image.properties['os'].lower() != 'ubuntu':
         raise NotImplementedError('enabling a ppa is only available on ubuntu')
     # add ppa with add-apt-repository and update
     ppa = 'ppa:{}'.format(args.ppa)
-    LOG.debug('enabling %s', ppa)
+    msg = 'enable ppa: "{}" in target'.format(ppa)
+    LOG.debug(msg)
     cmd = 'add-apt-repository --yes {} && apt-get update'.format(ppa)
-    (out, err, exit) = image.execute(['/bin/sh', '-c', cmd])
-    if exit != 0:
-        raise OSError('enable ppa for {} failed\n\tstdout: {}\n\tstderr: {}'
-                      .format(ppa, out, err))
+    image.execute(['/bin/sh', '-c', cmd], description=msg)
 def enable_repo(args, image):
-    """
-    enable a repository in the target image
-    args: cmdline arguments, must contain --repo
-    image: cloud_tests.image instance to operate on
-    return_value: None, may raise errors
+    """Enable a repository in the target image.
+    @param args: cmdline arguments, must contain --repo
+    @param image: cloud_tests.image instance to operate on
+    @return_value: None, may raise errors
     # find enable repo command for the distro
     os_family = util.get_os_family(image.properties['os'])
@@ -155,20 +186,23 @@ def enable_repo(args, image):
         raise NotImplementedError('enable repo command not configured for '
                                   'distro from family: {}'.format(os_family))
-    LOG.debug('enabling repo: "%s"', args.repo)
-    (out, err, exit) = image.execute(['/bin/sh', '-c', cmd])
-    if exit != 0:
-        raise OSError('enable repo {} failed\n\tstdout: {}\n\tstderr: {}'
-                      .format(args.repo, out, err))
+    msg = 'enable repo: "{}" in target'.format(args.repo)
+    LOG.debug(msg)
+    image.execute(['/bin/sh', '-c', cmd], description=msg)
 def setup_image(args, image):
+    """Set up image as specified in args.
+    @param args: cmdline arguments
+    @param image: cloud_tests.image instance to operate on
+    @return_value: tuple of results and fail count
-    set up image as specified in args
-    args: cmdline arguments
-    image: cloud_tests.image instance to operate on
-    return_value: tuple of results and fail count
-    """
+    # update the args if necessary for this image
+    overrides = image.setup_overrides
+    LOG.debug('updating args for setup with: %s', overrides)
+    args = util.update_args(args, overrides, preserve_old=True)
     # mapping of setup cmdline arg name to setup function
     # represented as a tuple rather than a dict or odict as lookup by name not
     # needed, and order is important as --script and --upgrade go at the end
@@ -179,17 +213,19 @@ def setup_image(args, image):
         ('repo', enable_repo, 'setup func for --repo, enable repo'),
         ('ppa', enable_ppa, 'setup func for --ppa, enable ppa'),
         ('script', run_script, 'setup func for --script, run script'),
-        ('upgrade', upgrade, 'setup func for --upgrade, upgrade pkgs'),
+        ('upgrade', upgrade, 'setup func for --upgrade, upgrade cloud-init'),
+        ('upgrade-full', upgrade_full, 'setup func for --upgrade-full'),
     # determine which setup functions needed
     calls = [partial(stage.run_single, desc, partial(func, args, image))
              for name, func, desc in handlers if getattr(args, name, None)]
-    image_name = 'image: distro={}, release={}'.format(
-        image.properties['os'], image.properties['release'])
-    LOG.info('setting up %s', image_name)
-    return stage.run_stage('set up for {}'.format(image_name), calls,
-                           continue_after_error=False)
+    LOG.info('setting up %s', image)
+    res = stage.run_stage(
+        'set up for {}'.format(image), calls, continue_after_error=False)
+    LOG.debug('after setup complete, installed cloud-init version is: %s',
+              installed_package_version(image, 'cloud-init'))
+    return res
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/snapshots/__init__.py b/tests/cloud_tests/snapshots/__init__.py
index 2ab654d..93a54f5 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/snapshots/__init__.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/snapshots/__init__.py
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""Main init."""
 def get_snapshot(image):
-    """
-    get snapshot from image
-    """
+    """Get snapshot from image."""
     return image.snapshot()
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/snapshots/base.py b/tests/cloud_tests/snapshots/base.py
index d715f03..9432898 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/snapshots/base.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/snapshots/base.py
@@ -1,44 +1,45 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""Base snapshot."""
 class Snapshot(object):
-    """
-    Base class for snapshots
-    """
+    """Base class for snapshots."""
     platform_name = None
-    def __init__(self, properties, config):
-        """
-        Set up snapshot
+    def __init__(self, platform, properties, config, features):
+        """Set up snapshot.
+        @param platform: platform object
+        @param properties: image properties
+        @param config: image config
+        @param features: supported feature flags
+        self.platform = platform
         self.properties = properties
         self.config = config
+        self.features = features
     def __str__(self):
-        """
-        a brief description of the snapshot
-        """
+        """A brief description of the snapshot."""
         return '-'.join((self.properties['os'], self.properties['release']))
     def launch(self, user_data, meta_data=None, block=True, start=True,
-        """
-        launch instance
-        user_data: user-data for the instance
-        instance_id: instance-id for the instance
-        block: wait until instance is created
-        start: start instance and wait until fully started
-        use_desc: description of snapshot instance use
+        """Launch instance.
-        return_value: an Instance
+        @param user_data: user-data for the instance
+        @param instance_id: instance-id for the instance
+        @param block: wait until instance is created
+        @param start: start instance and wait until fully started
+        @param use_desc: description of snapshot instance use
+        @return_value: an Instance
         raise NotImplementedError
     def destroy(self):
-        """
-        Clean up snapshot data
-        """
+        """Clean up snapshot data."""
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/snapshots/lxd.py b/tests/cloud_tests/snapshots/lxd.py
index eabbce3..39c55c5 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/snapshots/lxd.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/snapshots/lxd.py
@@ -1,49 +1,52 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""Base LXD snapshot."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.snapshots import base
 class LXDSnapshot(base.Snapshot):
-    """
-    LXD image copy backed snapshot
-    """
+    """LXD image copy backed snapshot."""
     platform_name = "lxd"
-    def __init__(self, properties, config, platform, pylxd_frozen_instance):
-        """
-        Set up snapshot
+    def __init__(self, platform, properties, config, features,
+                 pylxd_frozen_instance):
+        """Set up snapshot.
+        @param platform: platform object
+        @param properties: image properties
+        @param config: image config
+        @param features: supported feature flags
-        self.platform = platform
         self.pylxd_frozen_instance = pylxd_frozen_instance
-        super(LXDSnapshot, self).__init__(properties, config)
+        super(LXDSnapshot, self).__init__(
+            platform, properties, config, features)
     def launch(self, user_data, meta_data=None, block=True, start=True,
-        """
-        launch instance
-        user_data: user-data for the instance
-        instance_id: instance-id for the instance
-        block: wait until instance is created
-        start: start instance and wait until fully started
-        use_desc: description of snapshot instance use
-        return_value: an Instance
+        """Launch instance.
+        @param user_data: user-data for the instance
+        @param instance_id: instance-id for the instance
+        @param block: wait until instance is created
+        @param start: start instance and wait until fully started
+        @param use_desc: description of snapshot instance use
+        @return_value: an Instance
         inst_config = {'user.user-data': user_data}
         if meta_data:
             inst_config['user.meta-data'] = meta_data
         instance = self.platform.launch_container(
-            container=self.pylxd_frozen_instance.name, config=inst_config,
-            block=block, image_desc=str(self), use_desc=use_desc)
+            self.properties, self.config, self.features, block=block,
+            image_desc=str(self), container=self.pylxd_frozen_instance.name,
+            use_desc=use_desc, container_config=inst_config)
         if start:
-            instance.start(wait=True, wait_time=self.config.get('timeout'))
+            instance.start()
         return instance
     def destroy(self):
-        """
-        Clean up snapshot data
-        """
+        """Clean up snapshot data."""
         super(LXDSnapshot, self).destroy()
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/stage.py b/tests/cloud_tests/stage.py
index 584cdae..74a7d46 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/stage.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/stage.py
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""Stage a run."""
 import sys
 import time
 import traceback
@@ -8,38 +10,29 @@ from tests.cloud_tests import LOG
 class PlatformComponent(object):
-    """
-    context manager to safely handle platform components, ensuring that
-    .destroy() is called
-    """
+    """Context manager to safely handle platform components."""
     def __init__(self, get_func):
-        """
-        store get_<platform component> function as partial taking no args
-        """
+        """Store get_<platform component> function as partial with no args."""
         self.get_func = get_func
     def __enter__(self):
-        """
-        create instance of platform component
-        """
+        """Create instance of platform component."""
         self.instance = self.get_func()
         return self.instance
     def __exit__(self, etype, value, trace):
-        """
-        destroy instance
-        """
+        """Destroy instance."""
         if self.instance is not None:
 def run_single(name, call):
-    """
-    run a single function, keeping track of results and failures and time
-    name: name of part
-    call: call to make
-    return_value: a tuple of result and fail count
+    """Run a single function, keeping track of results and time.
+    @param name: name of part
+    @param call: call to make
+    @return_value: a tuple of result and fail count
     res = {
         'name': name,
@@ -67,17 +60,18 @@ def run_single(name, call):
 def run_stage(parent_name, calls, continue_after_error=True):
-    """
-    run a stage of collection, keeping track of results and failures
-    parent_name: name of stage calls are under
-    calls: list of function call taking no params. must return a tuple
-           of results and failures. may raise exceptions
-    continue_after_error: whether or not to proceed to the next call after
-                          catching an exception or recording a failure
-    return_value: a tuple of results and failures, with result containing
-                  results from the function call under 'stages', and a list
-                  of errors (if any on this level), and elapsed time
-                  running stage, and the name
+    """Run a stage of collection, keeping track of results and failures.
+    @param parent_name: name of stage calls are under
+    @param calls: list of function call taking no params. must return a tuple
+                  of results and failures. may raise exceptions
+    @param continue_after_error: whether or not to proceed to the next call
+                                 after catching an exception or recording a
+                                 failure
+    @return_value: a tuple of results and failures, with result containing
+                   results from the function call under 'stages', and a list
+                   of errors (if any on this level), and elapsed time
+                   running stage, and the name
     res = {
         'name': parent_name,
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases.yaml
index c22b08e..7183e01 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases.yaml
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
     script_timeout: 20
     enabled: True
+    required_features: []
     cloud_config: |
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/__init__.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/__init__.py
index a1d86d4..47217ce 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/__init__.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""Main init."""
 import importlib
 import inspect
 import unittest
@@ -9,12 +11,12 @@ from tests.cloud_tests.testcases.base import CloudTestCase as base_test
 def discover_tests(test_name):
-    """
-    discover tests in test file for 'testname'
-    return_value: list of test classes
+    """Discover tests in test file for 'testname'.
+    @return_value: list of test classes
     testmod_name = 'tests.cloud_tests.testcases.{}'.format(
-        config.name_sanatize(test_name))
+        config.name_sanitize(test_name))
         testmod = importlib.import_module(testmod_name)
     except NameError:
@@ -26,9 +28,9 @@ def discover_tests(test_name):
 def get_suite(test_name, data, conf):
-    """
-    get test suite with all tests for 'testname'
-    return_value: a test suite
+    """Get test suite with all tests for 'testname'.
+    @return_value: a test suite
     suite = unittest.TestSuite()
     for test_class in discover_tests(test_name):
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/base.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/base.py
index 64d5507..bb545ab 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/base.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/base.py
@@ -1,61 +1,55 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-from cloudinit import util as c_util
+"""Base test case module."""
 import crypt
 import json
 import unittest
+from cloudinit import util as c_util
 class CloudTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-    """
-    base test class for verifiers
-    """
+    """Base test class for verifiers."""
     data = None
     conf = None
     _cloud_config = None
     def shortDescription(self):
+        """Prevent nose from using docstrings."""
         return None
     def cloud_config(self):
-        """
-        get the cloud-config used by the test
-        """
+        """Get the cloud-config used by the test."""
         if not self._cloud_config:
             self._cloud_config = c_util.load_yaml(self.conf)
         return self._cloud_config
     def get_config_entry(self, name):
-        """
-        get a config entry from cloud-config ensuring that it is present
-        """
+        """Get a config entry from cloud-config ensuring that it is present."""
         if name not in self.cloud_config:
             raise AssertionError('Key "{}" not in cloud config'.format(name))
         return self.cloud_config[name]
     def get_data_file(self, name):
-        """
-        get data file failing test if it is not present
-        """
+        """Get data file failing test if it is not present."""
         if name not in self.data:
             raise AssertionError('File "{}" missing from collect data'
         return self.data[name]
     def get_instance_id(self):
-        """
-        get recorded instance id
-        """
+        """Get recorded instance id."""
         return self.get_data_file('instance-id').strip()
     def get_status_data(self, data, version=None):
-        """
-        parse result.json and status.json like data files
-        data: data to load
-        version: cloud-init output version, defaults to 'v1'
-        return_value: dict of data or None if missing
+        """Parse result.json and status.json like data files.
+        @param data: data to load
+        @param version: cloud-init output version, defaults to 'v1'
+        @return_value: dict of data or None if missing
         if not version:
             version = 'v1'
@@ -63,16 +57,12 @@ class CloudTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
         return data.get(version)
     def get_datasource(self):
-        """
-        get datasource name
-        """
+        """Get datasource name."""
         data = self.get_status_data(self.get_data_file('result.json'))
         return data.get('datasource')
     def test_no_stages_errors(self):
-        """
-        ensure that there were no errors in any stage
-        """
+        """Ensure that there were no errors in any stage."""
         status = self.get_status_data(self.get_data_file('status.json'))
         for stage in ('init', 'init-local', 'modules-config', 'modules-final'):
             self.assertIn(stage, status)
@@ -84,7 +74,10 @@ class CloudTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
 class PasswordListTest(CloudTestCase):
+    """Base password test case class."""
     def test_shadow_passwords(self):
+        """Test shadow passwords."""
         shadow = self.get_data_file('shadow')
         users = {}
         dupes = []
@@ -121,7 +114,7 @@ class PasswordListTest(CloudTestCase):
         self.assertNotEqual(users['harry'], users['dick'])
     def test_shadow_expected_users(self):
-        """Test every tom, dick, and harry user in shadow"""
+        """Test every tom, dick, and harry user in shadow."""
         out = self.get_data_file('shadow')
         self.assertIn('tom:', out)
         self.assertIn('dick:', out)
@@ -130,7 +123,7 @@ class PasswordListTest(CloudTestCase):
         self.assertIn('mikey:', out)
     def test_sshd_config(self):
-        """Test sshd config allows passwords"""
+        """Test sshd config allows passwords."""
         out = self.get_data_file('sshd_config')
         self.assertIn('PasswordAuthentication yes', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/__init__.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/__init__.py
index 5251d7c..c6452f9 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/__init__.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/__init__.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-Test verifiers for cloud-init bugs
+"""Test verifiers for cloud-init bugs.
 See configs/bugs/README.md for more information
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1511485.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1511485.py
index ac5ccb4..670d3af 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1511485.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1511485.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestLP1511485(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test LP# 1511485"""
+    """Test LP# 1511485."""
     def test_final_message(self):
-        """Test final message exists"""
+        """Test final message exists."""
         out = self.get_data_file('cloud-init-output.log')
         self.assertIn('Final message from cloud-config', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1628337.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1628337.py
index af0ffc7..a2c9048 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1628337.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1628337.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestLP1628337(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test LP# 1511485"""
+    """Test LP# 1511485."""
     def test_fetch_indices(self):
-        """Verify no apt errors"""
+        """Verify no apt errors."""
         out = self.get_data_file('cloud-init-output.log')
         self.assertNotIn('W: Failed to fetch', out)
         self.assertNotIn('W: Some index files failed to download. '
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class TestLP1628337(base.CloudTestCase):
     def test_ntp(self):
-        """Verify can find ntp and install it"""
+        """Verify can find ntp and install it."""
         out = self.get_data_file('cloud-init-output.log')
         self.assertNotIn('E: Unable to locate package ntp', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/__init__.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/__init__.py
index b3af7f8..39af88c 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/__init__.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/__init__.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-Test verifiers for cloud-init examples
+"""Test verifiers for cloud-init examples.
 See configs/examples/README.md for more information
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/add_apt_repositories.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/add_apt_repositories.py
index 15b8f01..71eede9 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/add_apt_repositories.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/add_apt_repositories.py
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestAptconfigurePrimary(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Example cloud-config test"""
+    """Example cloud-config test."""
     def test_ubuntu_sources(self):
-        """Test no default Ubuntu entries exist"""
+        """Test no default Ubuntu entries exist."""
         out = self.get_data_file('ubuntu.sources.list')
         self.assertEqual(0, int(out))
     def test_gatech_sources(self):
-        """Test GaTech entires exist"""
+        """Test GaTech entires exist."""
         out = self.get_data_file('gatech.sources.list')
         self.assertEqual(20, int(out))
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/alter_completion_message.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/alter_completion_message.py
index b06ad01..b7b5d5e 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/alter_completion_message.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/alter_completion_message.py
@@ -1,34 +1,27 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestFinalMessage(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """
-    test cloud init module `cc_final_message`
-    """
+    """Test cloud init module `cc_final_message`."""
     subs_char = '$'
     def get_final_message_config(self):
-        """
-        get config for final message
-        """
+        """Get config for final message."""
         self.assertIn('final_message', self.cloud_config)
         return self.cloud_config['final_message']
     def get_final_message(self):
-        """
-        get final message from log
-        """
+        """Get final message from log."""
         out = self.get_data_file('cloud-init-output.log')
         lines = len(self.get_final_message_config().splitlines())
         return '\n'.join(out.splitlines()[-1 * lines:])
     def test_final_message_string(self):
-        """
-        ensure final handles regular strings
-        """
+        """Ensure final handles regular strings."""
         for actual, config in zip(
@@ -36,9 +29,7 @@ class TestFinalMessage(base.CloudTestCase):
                 self.assertEqual(actual, config)
     def test_final_message_subs(self):
-        """
-        test variable substitution in final message
-        """
+        """Test variable substitution in final message."""
         # TODO: add verification of other substitutions
         patterns = {'$datasource': self.get_datasource()}
         for key, expected in patterns.items():
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/configure_instance_trusted_ca_certificates.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/configure_instance_trusted_ca_certificates.py
index 8a4a0db..38540eb 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/configure_instance_trusted_ca_certificates.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/configure_instance_trusted_ca_certificates.py
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestTrustedCA(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Example cloud-config test"""
+    """Example cloud-config test."""
     def test_cert_count_ca(self):
-        """Test correct count of CAs in .crt"""
+        """Test correct count of CAs in .crt."""
         out = self.get_data_file('cert_count_ca')
         self.assertIn('7 /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt', out)
     def test_cert_count_cloudinit(self):
-        """Test correct count of CAs in .pem"""
+        """Test correct count of CAs in .pem."""
         out = self.get_data_file('cert_count_cloudinit')
         self.assertIn('7 /etc/ssl/certs/cloud-init-ca-certs.pem', out)
     def test_cloudinit_certs(self):
-        """Test text of cert"""
+        """Test text of cert."""
         out = self.get_data_file('cloudinit_certs')
         self.assertIn('-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----', out)
         self.assertIn('YOUR-ORGS-TRUSTED-CA-CERT-HERE', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/configure_instances_ssh_keys.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/configure_instances_ssh_keys.py
index 4f65170..691a316 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/configure_instances_ssh_keys.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/configure_instances_ssh_keys.py
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestSSHKeys(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Example cloud-config test"""
+    """Example cloud-config test."""
     def test_cert_count(self):
-        """Test cert count"""
+        """Test cert count."""
         out = self.get_data_file('cert_count')
         self.assertEqual(20, int(out))
     def test_dsa_public(self):
-        """Test DSA key has ending"""
+        """Test DSA key has ending."""
         out = self.get_data_file('dsa_public')
         self.assertIn('ZN4XnifuO5krqAybngIy66PMEoQ= smoser@localhost', out)
     def test_rsa_public(self):
-        """Test RSA key has specific ending"""
+        """Test RSA key has specific ending."""
         out = self.get_data_file('rsa_public')
         self.assertIn('PemAWthxHO18QJvWPocKJtlsDNi3 smoser@localhost', out)
     def test_auth_keys(self):
-        """Test authorized keys has specific ending"""
+        """Test authorized keys has specific ending."""
         out = self.get_data_file('auth_keys')
         self.assertIn('QPOt5Q8zWd9qG7PBl9+eiH5qV7NZ mykey@host', out)
         self.assertIn('Hj29SCmXp5Kt5/82cD/VN3NtHw== smoser@brickies', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/including_user_groups.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/including_user_groups.py
index e573232..67af527 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/including_user_groups.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/including_user_groups.py
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestUserGroups(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Example cloud-config test"""
+    """Example cloud-config test."""
     def test_group_ubuntu(self):
-        """Test ubuntu group exists"""
+        """Test ubuntu group exists."""
         out = self.get_data_file('group_ubuntu')
         self.assertRegex(out, r'ubuntu:x:[0-9]{4}:')
     def test_group_cloud_users(self):
-        """Test cloud users group exists"""
+        """Test cloud users group exists."""
         out = self.get_data_file('group_cloud_users')
         self.assertRegex(out, r'cloud-users:x:[0-9]{4}:barfoo')
     def test_user_ubuntu(self):
-        """Test ubuntu user exists"""
+        """Test ubuntu user exists."""
         out = self.get_data_file('user_ubuntu')
             out, r'ubuntu:x:[0-9]{4}:[0-9]{4}:Ubuntu:/home/ubuntu:/bin/bash')
     def test_user_foobar(self):
-        """Test foobar user exists"""
+        """Test foobar user exists."""
         out = self.get_data_file('user_foobar')
             out, r'foobar:x:[0-9]{4}:[0-9]{4}:Foo B. Bar:/home/foobar:')
     def test_user_barfoo(self):
-        """Test barfoo user exists"""
+        """Test barfoo user exists."""
         out = self.get_data_file('user_barfoo')
             out, r'barfoo:x:[0-9]{4}:[0-9]{4}:Bar B. Foo:/home/barfoo:')
     def test_user_cloudy(self):
-        """Test cloudy user exists"""
+        """Test cloudy user exists."""
         out = self.get_data_file('user_cloudy')
         self.assertRegex(out, r'cloudy:x:[0-9]{3,4}:')
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/install_arbitrary_packages.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/install_arbitrary_packages.py
index 660d1aa..df13384 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/install_arbitrary_packages.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/install_arbitrary_packages.py
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestInstall(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Example cloud-config test"""
+    """Example cloud-config test."""
     def test_htop(self):
-        """Verify htop installed"""
+        """Verify htop installed."""
         out = self.get_data_file('htop')
         self.assertEqual(1, int(out))
     def test_tree(self):
-        """Verify tree installed"""
+        """Verify tree installed."""
         out = self.get_data_file('treeutils')
         self.assertEqual(1, int(out))
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/install_run_chef_recipes.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/install_run_chef_recipes.py
index b36486f..4ec26b8 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/install_run_chef_recipes.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/install_run_chef_recipes.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestChefExample(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test chef module"""
+    """Test chef module."""
     def test_chef_basic(self):
-        """Test chef installed"""
+        """Test chef installed."""
         out = self.get_data_file('chef_installed')
         self.assertIn('install ok', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_apt_upgrade.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_apt_upgrade.py
index 4c04d31..744e49c 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_apt_upgrade.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_apt_upgrade.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestUpgrade(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Example cloud-config test"""
+    """Example cloud-config test."""
     def test_upgrade(self):
-        """Test upgrade exists in apt history"""
+        """Test upgrade exists in apt history."""
         out = self.get_data_file('cloud-init.log')
             '[CLOUDINIT] util.py[DEBUG]: apt-upgrade '
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_commands.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_commands.py
index 0be21d0..01d5d4f 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_commands.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_commands.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestRunCmd(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Example cloud-config test"""
+    """Example cloud-config test."""
     def test_run_cmd(self):
-        """Test run command worked"""
+        """Test run command worked."""
         out = self.get_data_file('run_cmd')
         self.assertIn('cloud-init run cmd test', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_commands_first_boot.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_commands_first_boot.py
index baa2313..3f3d8f8 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_commands_first_boot.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_commands_first_boot.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestBootCmd(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Example cloud-config test"""
+    """Example cloud-config test."""
     def test_bootcmd_host(self):
-        """Test boot command worked"""
+        """Test boot command worked."""
         out = self.get_data_file('hosts')
         self.assertIn(' us.archive.ubuntu.com', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/writing_out_arbitrary_files.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/writing_out_arbitrary_files.py
index 97dfeec..7bd520f 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/writing_out_arbitrary_files.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/writing_out_arbitrary_files.py
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestWriteFiles(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Example cloud-config test"""
+    """Example cloud-config test."""
     def test_b64(self):
-        """Test b64 encoded file reads as ascii"""
+        """Test b64 encoded file reads as ascii."""
         out = self.get_data_file('file_b64')
         self.assertIn('ASCII text', out)
     def test_binary(self):
-        """Test binary file reads as executable"""
+        """Test binary file reads as executable."""
         out = self.get_data_file('file_binary')
         self.assertIn('ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1', out)
     def test_gzip(self):
-        """Test gzip file shows up as a shell script"""
+        """Test gzip file shows up as a shell script."""
         out = self.get_data_file('file_gzip')
         self.assertIn('POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable', out)
     def test_text(self):
-        """Test text shows up as ASCII text"""
+        """Test text shows up as ASCII text."""
         out = self.get_data_file('file_text')
         self.assertIn('ASCII text', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/main/__init__.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/main/__init__.py
index 5888990..0a59263 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/main/__init__.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/main/__init__.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-Test verifiers for cloud-init main features
+"""Test verifiers for cloud-init main features.
 See configs/main/README.md for more information
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/main/command_output_simple.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/main/command_output_simple.py
index c0461a0..fe4c767 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/main/command_output_simple.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/main/command_output_simple.py
@@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestCommandOutputSimple(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """
-    test functionality of simple output redirection
-    """
+    """Test functionality of simple output redirection."""
     def test_output_file(self):
-        """
-        ensure that the output file is not empty and has all stages
-        """
+        """Ensure that the output file is not empty and has all stages."""
         data = self.get_data_file('cloud-init-test-output')
         self.assertNotEqual(len(data), 0, "specified log empty")
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/__init__.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/__init__.py
index 9560fb2..6ab8114 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/__init__.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/__init__.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-Test verifiers for cloud-init cc modules
+"""Test verifiers for cloud-init cc modules.
 See configs/modules/README.md for more information
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_conf.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_conf.py
index 5d96d95..3bf9344 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_conf.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_conf.py
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestAptconfigureConf(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test apt-configure module"""
+    """Test apt-configure module."""
     def test_apt_conf_assumeyes(self):
-        """Test config assumes true"""
+        """Test config assumes true."""
         out = self.get_data_file('94cloud-init-config')
         self.assertIn('Assume-Yes "true";', out)
     def test_apt_conf_fixbroken(self):
-        """Test config fixes broken"""
+        """Test config fixes broken."""
         out = self.get_data_file('94cloud-init-config')
         self.assertIn('Fix-Broken "true";', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_disable_suites.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_disable_suites.py
index 0e2dfde..eabe460 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_disable_suites.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_disable_suites.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestAptconfigureDisableSuites(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test apt-configure module"""
+    """Test apt-configure module."""
     def test_empty_sourcelist(self):
-        """Test source list is empty"""
+        """Test source list is empty."""
         out = self.get_data_file('sources.list')
         self.assertEqual('', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_primary.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_primary.py
index 2918785..c1c4bbc 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_primary.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_primary.py
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestAptconfigurePrimary(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test apt-configure module"""
+    """Test apt-configure module."""
     def test_ubuntu_sources(self):
-        """Test no default Ubuntu entries exist"""
+        """Test no default Ubuntu entries exist."""
         out = self.get_data_file('ubuntu.sources.list')
         self.assertEqual(0, int(out))
     def test_gatech_sources(self):
-        """Test GaTech entires exist"""
+        """Test GaTech entires exist."""
         out = self.get_data_file('gatech.sources.list')
         self.assertEqual(20, int(out))
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_proxy.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_proxy.py
index 93ae64c..0c61b6c 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_proxy.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_proxy.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestAptconfigureProxy(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test apt-configure module"""
+    """Test apt-configure module."""
     def test_proxy_config(self):
-        """Test proxy options added to apt config"""
+        """Test proxy options added to apt config."""
         out = self.get_data_file('90cloud-init-aptproxy')
             'Acquire::http::Proxy "http://squid.internal:3128";;', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_security.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_security.py
index 19c79c6..7d7e258 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_security.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_security.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestAptconfigureSecurity(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test apt-configure module"""
+    """Test apt-configure module."""
     def test_security_mirror(self):
-        """Test security lines added and uncommented in source.list"""
+        """Test security lines added and uncommented in source.list."""
         out = self.get_data_file('sources.list')
         self.assertEqual(6, int(out))
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_key.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_key.py
index d2ee261..d9061f3 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_key.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_key.py
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestAptconfigureSourcesKey(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test apt-configure module"""
+    """Test apt-configure module."""
     def test_apt_key_list(self):
-        """Test key list updated"""
+        """Test key list updated."""
         out = self.get_data_file('apt_key_list')
             '1FF0 D853 5EF7 E719 E5C8  1B9C 083D 06FB E4D3 04DF', out)
         self.assertIn('Launchpad PPA for cloud init development team', out)
     def test_source_list(self):
-        """Test source.list updated"""
+        """Test source.list updated."""
         out = self.get_data_file('sources.list')
             'http://ppa.launchpad.net/cloud-init-dev/test-archive/ubuntu', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver.py
index 3931a92..2e6b293 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver.py
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestAptconfigureSourcesKeyserver(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test apt-configure module"""
+    """Test apt-configure module."""
     def test_apt_key_list(self):
-        """Test specific key added"""
+        """Test specific key added."""
         out = self.get_data_file('apt_key_list')
             '1BC3 0F71 5A3B 8612 47A8  1A5E 55FE 7C8C 0165 013E', out)
         self.assertIn('Launchpad PPA for curtin developers', out)
     def test_source_list(self):
-        """Test source.list updated"""
+        """Test source.list updated."""
         out = self.get_data_file('sources.list')
             'http://ppa.launchpad.net/cloud-init-dev/test-archive/ubuntu', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_list.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_list.py
index a0bb5e6..129d226 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_list.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_list.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestAptconfigureSourcesList(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test apt-configure module"""
+    """Test apt-configure module."""
     def test_sources_list(self):
-        """Test sources.list includes sources"""
+        """Test sources.list includes sources."""
         out = self.get_data_file('sources.list')
         self.assertRegex(out, r'deb http:\/\/archive.ubuntu.com\/ubuntu '
                          '[a-z].* main restricted')
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa.py
index dcdb376..d299e9a 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa.py
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestAptconfigureSourcesPPA(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test apt-configure module"""
+    """Test apt-configure module."""
     def test_ppa(self):
-        """test specific ppa added"""
+        """Test specific ppa added."""
         out = self.get_data_file('sources.list')
             'http://ppa.launchpad.net/curtin-dev/test-archive/ubuntu', out)
     def test_ppa_key(self):
-        """test ppa key added"""
+        """Test ppa key added."""
         out = self.get_data_file('apt-key')
             '1BC3 0F71 5A3B 8612 47A8  1A5E 55FE 7C8C 0165 013E', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_pipelining_disable.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_pipelining_disable.py
index 446c597..c98eede 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_pipelining_disable.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_pipelining_disable.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestAptPipeliningDisable(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test apt-pipelining module"""
+    """Test apt-pipelining module."""
     def test_disable_pipelining(self):
-        """Test pipelining disabled"""
+        """Test pipelining disabled."""
         out = self.get_data_file('90cloud-init-pipelining')
         self.assertIn('Acquire::http::Pipeline-Depth "0";', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_pipelining_os.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_pipelining_os.py
index ad2a888..740dc7c 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_pipelining_os.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_pipelining_os.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestAptPipeliningOS(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test apt-pipelining module"""
+    """Test apt-pipelining module."""
     def test_os_pipelining(self):
-        """Test pipelining set to os"""
+        """Test pipelining set to os."""
         out = self.get_data_file('90cloud-init-pipelining')
         self.assertIn('Acquire::http::Pipeline-Depth "0";', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/bootcmd.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/bootcmd.py
index 47a51e0..f5b86b0 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/bootcmd.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/bootcmd.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestBootCmd(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test bootcmd module"""
+    """Test bootcmd module."""
     def test_bootcmd_host(self):
-        """Test boot cmd worked"""
+        """Test boot cmd worked."""
         out = self.get_data_file('hosts')
         self.assertIn(' us.archive.ubuntu.com', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/byobu.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/byobu.py
index 204b37b..005ca01 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/byobu.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/byobu.py
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestByobu(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test Byobu module"""
+    """Test Byobu module."""
     def test_byobu_installed(self):
-        """Test byobu installed"""
+        """Test byobu installed."""
         out = self.get_data_file('byobu_installed')
         self.assertIn('/usr/bin/byobu', out)
     def test_byobu_profile_enabled(self):
-        """Test byobu profile.d file exists"""
+        """Test byobu profile.d file exists."""
         out = self.get_data_file('byobu_profile_enabled')
         self.assertIn('/etc/profile.d/Z97-byobu.sh', out)
     def test_byobu_launch_exists(self):
-        """Test byobu-launch exists"""
+        """Test byobu-launch exists."""
         out = self.get_data_file('byobu_launch_exists')
         self.assertIn('/usr/bin/byobu-launch', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ca_certs.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ca_certs.py
index 7448e48..e75f041 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ca_certs.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ca_certs.py
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestCaCerts(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test ca certs module"""
+    """Test ca certs module."""
     def test_cert_count(self):
-        """Test the count is proper"""
+        """Test the count is proper."""
         out = self.get_data_file('cert_count')
         self.assertEqual(5, int(out))
     def test_cert_installed(self):
-        """Test line from our cert exists"""
+        """Test line from our cert exists."""
         out = self.get_data_file('cert')
         self.assertIn('a36c744454555024e7f82edc420fd2c8', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/debug_disable.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/debug_disable.py
index 9899fdf..e40e4b8 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/debug_disable.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/debug_disable.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestDebugDisable(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Disable debug messages"""
+    """Disable debug messages."""
     def test_debug_disable(self):
-        """Test verbose output missing from logs"""
+        """Test verbose output missing from logs."""
         out = self.get_data_file('cloud-init.log')
             out, r'Skipping module named [a-z].* verbose printing disabled')
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/debug_enable.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/debug_enable.py
index 21c8952..28d2606 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/debug_enable.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/debug_enable.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestDebugEnable(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test debug messages"""
+    """Test debug messages."""
     def test_debug_enable(self):
-        """Test debug messages in cloud-init log"""
+        """Test debug messages in cloud-init log."""
         out = self.get_data_file('cloud-init.log')
         self.assertIn('[DEBUG]', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/final_message.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/final_message.py
index b06ad01..b7b5d5e 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/final_message.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/final_message.py
@@ -1,34 +1,27 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestFinalMessage(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """
-    test cloud init module `cc_final_message`
-    """
+    """Test cloud init module `cc_final_message`."""
     subs_char = '$'
     def get_final_message_config(self):
-        """
-        get config for final message
-        """
+        """Get config for final message."""
         self.assertIn('final_message', self.cloud_config)
         return self.cloud_config['final_message']
     def get_final_message(self):
-        """
-        get final message from log
-        """
+        """Get final message from log."""
         out = self.get_data_file('cloud-init-output.log')
         lines = len(self.get_final_message_config().splitlines())
         return '\n'.join(out.splitlines()[-1 * lines:])
     def test_final_message_string(self):
-        """
-        ensure final handles regular strings
-        """
+        """Ensure final handles regular strings."""
         for actual, config in zip(
@@ -36,9 +29,7 @@ class TestFinalMessage(base.CloudTestCase):
                 self.assertEqual(actual, config)
     def test_final_message_subs(self):
-        """
-        test variable substitution in final message
-        """
+        """Test variable substitution in final message."""
         # TODO: add verification of other substitutions
         patterns = {'$datasource': self.get_datasource()}
         for key, expected in patterns.items():
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/keys_to_console.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/keys_to_console.py
index b36c96c..88b6812 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/keys_to_console.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/keys_to_console.py
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestKeysToConsole(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test proper keys are included and excluded to console"""
+    """Test proper keys are included and excluded to console."""
     def test_excluded_keys(self):
-        """Test excluded keys missing"""
+        """Test excluded keys missing."""
         out = self.get_data_file('syslog')
         self.assertNotIn('DSA', out)
         self.assertNotIn('ECDSA', out)
     def test_expected_keys(self):
-        """Test expected keys exist"""
+        """Test expected keys exist."""
         out = self.get_data_file('syslog')
         self.assertIn('ED25519', out)
         self.assertIn('RSA', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/locale.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/locale.py
index bf4e1b0..63e53ff 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/locale.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/locale.py
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestLocale(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test locale is set properly"""
+    """Test locale is set properly."""
     def test_locale(self):
-        """Test locale is set properly"""
+        """Test locale is set properly."""
         out = self.get_data_file('locale_default')
         self.assertIn('LANG="en_GB.UTF-8"', out)
     def test_locale_a(self):
-        """Test locale -a has both options"""
+        """Test locale -a has both options."""
         out = self.get_data_file('locale_a')
         self.assertIn('en_GB.utf8', out)
         self.assertIn('en_US.utf8', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/lxd_bridge.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/lxd_bridge.py
index 4087e2f..c0262ba 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/lxd_bridge.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/lxd_bridge.py
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestLxdBridge(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test LXD module"""
+    """Test LXD module."""
     def test_lxd(self):
-        """Test lxd installed"""
+        """Test lxd installed."""
         out = self.get_data_file('lxd')
         self.assertIn('/usr/bin/lxd', out)
     def test_lxc(self):
-        """Test lxc installed"""
+        """Test lxc installed."""
         out = self.get_data_file('lxc')
         self.assertIn('/usr/bin/lxc', out)
     def test_bridge(self):
-        """Test bridge config"""
+        """Test bridge config."""
         out = self.get_data_file('lxc-bridge')
         self.assertIn('lxdbr0', out)
         self.assertIn('', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/lxd_dir.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/lxd_dir.py
index 51a9a1f..1495674 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/lxd_dir.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/lxd_dir.py
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestLxdDir(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test LXD module"""
+    """Test LXD module."""
     def test_lxd(self):
-        """Test lxd installed"""
+        """Test lxd installed."""
         out = self.get_data_file('lxd')
         self.assertIn('/usr/bin/lxd', out)
     def test_lxc(self):
-        """Test lxc installed"""
+        """Test lxc installed."""
         out = self.get_data_file('lxc')
         self.assertIn('/usr/bin/lxc', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp.py
index b111925..b3b76c6 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp.py
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestNtp(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test ntp module"""
+    """Test ntp module."""
     def test_ntp_installed(self):
-        """Test ntp installed"""
+        """Test ntp installed."""
         out = self.get_data_file('ntp_installed_empty')
         self.assertEqual(1, int(out))
     def test_ntp_dist_entries(self):
-        """Test dist config file has one entry"""
+        """Test dist config file has one entry."""
         out = self.get_data_file('ntp_conf_dist_empty')
         self.assertEqual(1, int(out))
     def test_ntp_entires(self):
-        """Test config entries"""
+        """Test config entries."""
         out = self.get_data_file('ntp_conf_empty')
         self.assertIn('pool 0.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org iburst', out)
         self.assertIn('pool 1.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org iburst', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_pools.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_pools.py
index d80cb67..7f5c4c6 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_pools.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_pools.py
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestNtpPools(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test ntp module"""
+    """Test ntp module."""
     def test_ntp_installed(self):
-        """Test ntp installed"""
+        """Test ntp installed."""
         out = self.get_data_file('ntp_installed_pools')
         self.assertEqual(1, int(out))
     def test_ntp_dist_entries(self):
-        """Test dist config file has one entry"""
+        """Test dist config file has one entry."""
         out = self.get_data_file('ntp_conf_dist_pools')
         self.assertEqual(1, int(out))
     def test_ntp_entires(self):
-        """Test config entries"""
+        """Test config entries."""
         out = self.get_data_file('ntp_conf_pools')
         self.assertIn('pool 0.pool.ntp.org iburst', out)
         self.assertIn('pool 1.pool.ntp.org iburst', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_servers.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_servers.py
index 4879bb6..ea6984b 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_servers.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_servers.py
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestNtpServers(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test ntp module"""
+    """Test ntp module."""
     def test_ntp_installed(self):
-        """Test ntp installed"""
+        """Test ntp installed."""
         out = self.get_data_file('ntp_installed_servers')
         self.assertEqual(1, int(out))
     def test_ntp_dist_entries(self):
-        """Test dist config file has one entry"""
+        """Test dist config file has one entry."""
         out = self.get_data_file('ntp_conf_dist_servers')
         self.assertEqual(1, int(out))
     def test_ntp_entires(self):
-        """Test config entries"""
+        """Test config entries."""
         out = self.get_data_file('ntp_conf_servers')
         self.assertIn('server pool.ntp.org iburst', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/package_update_upgrade_install.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/package_update_upgrade_install.py
index 00353ea..a92dec2 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/package_update_upgrade_install.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/package_update_upgrade_install.py
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test package install update upgrade module"""
+    """Test package install update upgrade module."""
     def test_installed_htop(self):
-        """Test htop got installed"""
+        """Test htop got installed."""
         out = self.get_data_file('dpkg_htop')
         self.assertEqual(1, int(out))
     def test_installed_tree(self):
-        """Test tree got installed"""
+        """Test tree got installed."""
         out = self.get_data_file('dpkg_tree')
         self.assertEqual(1, int(out))
     def test_apt_history(self):
-        """Test apt history for update command"""
+        """Test apt history for update command."""
         out = self.get_data_file('apt_history_cmdline')
             'Commandline: /usr/bin/apt-get --option=Dpkg::Options'
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class TestPackageInstallUpdateUpgrade(base.CloudTestCase):
             '--assume-yes --quiet install htop tree', out)
     def test_cloud_init_output(self):
-        """Test cloud-init-output for install & upgrade stuff"""
+        """Test cloud-init-output for install & upgrade stuff."""
         out = self.get_data_file('cloud-init-output.log')
         self.assertIn('Setting up tree (', out)
         self.assertIn('Setting up htop (', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/runcmd.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/runcmd.py
index 780cd18..9fce306 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/runcmd.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/runcmd.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestRunCmd(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test runcmd module"""
+    """Test runcmd module."""
     def test_run_cmd(self):
-        """Test run command worked"""
+        """Test run command worked."""
         out = self.get_data_file('run_cmd')
         self.assertIn('cloud-init run cmd test', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/salt_minion.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/salt_minion.py
index 3ef30f7..c697db2 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/salt_minion.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/salt_minion.py
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class Test(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test salt minion module"""
+    """Test salt minion module."""
     def test_minon_master(self):
-        """Test master value in config"""
+        """Test master value in config."""
         out = self.get_data_file('minion')
         self.assertIn('master: salt.mydomain.com', out)
     def test_minion_pem(self):
-        """Test private key"""
+        """Test private key."""
         out = self.get_data_file('minion.pem')
         self.assertIn('------BEGIN PRIVATE KEY------', out)
         self.assertIn('<key data>', out)
         self.assertIn('------END PRIVATE KEY-------', out)
     def test_minion_pub(self):
-        """Test public key"""
+        """Test public key."""
         out = self.get_data_file('minion.pub')
         self.assertIn('------BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-------', out)
         self.assertIn('<key data>', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/seed_random_data.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/seed_random_data.py
index b212156..db433d2 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/seed_random_data.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/seed_random_data.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestSeedRandom(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test seed random module"""
+    """Test seed random module."""
     def test_random_seed_data(self):
-        """Test random data passed in exists"""
+        """Test random data passed in exists."""
         out = self.get_data_file('seed_data')
         self.assertIn('MYUb34023nD:LFDK10913jk;dfnk:Df', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_hostname.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_hostname.py
index 9501b06..6e96a75 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_hostname.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_hostname.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestHostname(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test hostname module"""
+    """Test hostname module."""
     def test_hostname(self):
-        """Test hostname command shows correct output"""
+        """Test hostname command shows correct output."""
         out = self.get_data_file('hostname')
         self.assertIn('myhostname', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_hostname_fqdn.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_hostname_fqdn.py
index d89c299..398f3d4 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_hostname_fqdn.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_hostname_fqdn.py
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestHostnameFqdn(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test Hostname module"""
+    """Test Hostname module."""
     def test_hostname(self):
-        """Test hostname output"""
+        """Test hostname output."""
         out = self.get_data_file('hostname')
         self.assertIn('myhostname', out)
     def test_hostname_fqdn(self):
-        """Test hostname fqdn output"""
+        """Test hostname fqdn output."""
         out = self.get_data_file('fqdn')
         self.assertIn('host.myorg.com', out)
     def test_hosts(self):
-        """Test /etc/hosts file"""
+        """Test /etc/hosts file."""
         out = self.get_data_file('hosts')
         self.assertIn(' host.myorg.com myhostname', out)
         self.assertIn(' localhost', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password.py
index 1411a29..a29b226 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password.py
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestPassword(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test password module"""
+    """Test password module."""
     # TODO add test to make sure password is actually "password"
     def test_shadow(self):
-        """Test ubuntu user in shadow"""
+        """Test ubuntu user in shadow."""
         out = self.get_data_file('shadow')
         self.assertIn('ubuntu:', out)
     def test_sshd_config(self):
-        """Test sshd config allows passwords"""
+        """Test sshd config allows passwords."""
         out = self.get_data_file('sshd_config')
         self.assertIn('PasswordAuthentication yes', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_expire.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_expire.py
index 1ac9c23..a1c3aa0 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_expire.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_expire.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestPasswordExpire(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test password module"""
+    """Test password module."""
     def test_shadow(self):
-        """Test user frozen in shadow"""
+        """Test user frozen in shadow."""
         out = self.get_data_file('shadow')
         self.assertIn('harry:!:', out)
         self.assertIn('dick:!:', out)
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class TestPasswordExpire(base.CloudTestCase):
         self.assertIn('harry:!:', out)
     def test_sshd_config(self):
-        """Test sshd config allows passwords"""
+        """Test sshd config allows passwords."""
         out = self.get_data_file('sshd_config')
         self.assertIn('PasswordAuthentication no', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_list.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_list.py
index 6819d25..375cd27 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_list.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_list.py
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestPasswordList(base.PasswordListTest, base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test password setting via list in chpasswd/list"""
+    """Test password setting via list in chpasswd/list."""
     __test__ = True
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_list_string.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_list_string.py
index 2c34fad..8c2634c 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_list_string.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_list_string.py
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestPasswordListString(base.PasswordListTest, base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test password setting via string in chpasswd/list"""
+    """Test password setting via string in chpasswd/list."""
     __test__ = True
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/snappy.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/snappy.py
index 3e2f592..e6de8fd 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/snappy.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/snappy.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestSnappy(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test snappy module"""
+    """Test snappy module."""
     def test_snappy_version(self):
-        """Test snappy version output"""
+        """Test snappy version output."""
         out = self.get_data_file('snap_version')
         self.assertIn('snap ', out)
         self.assertIn('snapd ', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.py
index a0f8896..8222321 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.py
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestSshKeyFingerprintsDisable(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test ssh key fingerprints module"""
+    """Test ssh key fingerprints module."""
     def test_cloud_init_log(self):
-        """Verify disabled"""
+        """Verify disabled."""
         out = self.get_data_file('cloud-init.log')
         self.assertIn('Skipping module named ssh-authkey-fingerprints, '
                       'logging of ssh fingerprints disabled', out)
     def test_syslog(self):
-        """Verify output of syslog"""
+        """Verify output of syslog."""
         out = self.get_data_file('syslog')
-        self.assertNotRegexpMatches(out, r'256 SHA256:.*(ECDSA)')
-        self.assertNotRegexpMatches(out, r'256 SHA256:.*(ED25519)')
-        self.assertNotRegexpMatches(out, r'1024 SHA256:.*(DSA)')
-        self.assertNotRegexpMatches(out, r'2048 SHA256:.*(RSA)')
+        self.assertNotRegex(out, r'256 SHA256:.*(ECDSA)')
+        self.assertNotRegex(out, r'256 SHA256:.*(ED25519)')
+        self.assertNotRegex(out, r'1024 SHA256:.*(DSA)')
+        self.assertNotRegex(out, r'2048 SHA256:.*(RSA)')
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.py
index 3c44b0c..3510e75 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.py
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestSshKeyFingerprintsEnable(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test ssh key fingerprints module"""
+    """Test ssh key fingerprints module."""
     def test_syslog(self):
-        """Verify output of syslog"""
+        """Verify output of syslog."""
         out = self.get_data_file('syslog')
-        self.assertRegexpMatches(out, r'256 SHA256:.*(ECDSA)')
-        self.assertRegexpMatches(out, r'256 SHA256:.*(ED25519)')
-        self.assertNotRegexpMatches(out, r'1024 SHA256:.*(DSA)')
-        self.assertNotRegexpMatches(out, r'2048 SHA256:.*(RSA)')
+        self.assertRegex(out, r'256 SHA256:.*(ECDSA)')
+        self.assertRegex(out, r'256 SHA256:.*(ED25519)')
+        self.assertNotRegex(out, r'1024 SHA256:.*(DSA)')
+        self.assertNotRegex(out, r'2048 SHA256:.*(RSA)')
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_import_id.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_import_id.py
index 214e710..055c6a2 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_import_id.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_import_id.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestSshImportId(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test ssh import id module"""
+    """Test ssh import id module."""
     def test_authorized_keys(self):
-        """Test that ssh keys were imported"""
+        """Test that ssh keys were imported."""
         out = self.get_data_file('auth_keys_ubuntu')
         # Rather than checking the key fingerprints, you could just check
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_keys_generate.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_keys_generate.py
index 161ace5..fd6d9ba 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_keys_generate.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_keys_generate.py
@@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestSshKeysGenerate(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test ssh keys module"""
+    """Test ssh keys module."""
     # TODO: Check cloud-init-output for the correct keys being generated
     def test_ubuntu_authorized_keys(self):
-        """Test passed in key is not in list for ubuntu"""
+        """Test passed in key is not in list for ubuntu."""
         out = self.get_data_file('auth_keys_ubuntu')
         self.assertEqual('', out)
     def test_dsa_public(self):
-        """Test dsa public key not generated"""
+        """Test dsa public key not generated."""
         out = self.get_data_file('dsa_public')
         self.assertEqual('', out)
     def test_dsa_private(self):
-        """Test dsa private key not generated"""
+        """Test dsa private key not generated."""
         out = self.get_data_file('dsa_private')
         self.assertEqual('', out)
     def test_rsa_public(self):
-        """Test rsa public key not generated"""
+        """Test rsa public key not generated."""
         out = self.get_data_file('rsa_public')
         self.assertEqual('', out)
     def test_rsa_private(self):
-        """Test rsa public key not generated"""
+        """Test rsa public key not generated."""
         out = self.get_data_file('rsa_private')
         self.assertEqual('', out)
     def test_ecdsa_public(self):
-        """Test ecdsa public key generated"""
+        """Test ecdsa public key generated."""
         out = self.get_data_file('ecdsa_public')
     def test_ecdsa_private(self):
-        """Test ecdsa public key generated"""
+        """Test ecdsa public key generated."""
         out = self.get_data_file('ecdsa_private')
     def test_ed25519_public(self):
-        """Test ed25519 public key generated"""
+        """Test ed25519 public key generated."""
         out = self.get_data_file('ed25519_public')
     def test_ed25519_private(self):
-        """Test ed25519 public key generated"""
+        """Test ed25519 public key generated."""
         out = self.get_data_file('ed25519_private')
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_keys_provided.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_keys_provided.py
index 8f18cb9..544649d 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_keys_provided.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_keys_provided.py
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestSshKeysProvided(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test ssh keys module"""
+    """Test ssh keys module."""
     def test_ubuntu_authorized_keys(self):
-        """Test passed in key is not in list for ubuntu"""
+        """Test passed in key is not in list for ubuntu."""
         out = self.get_data_file('auth_keys_ubuntu')
         self.assertEqual('', out)
     def test_root_authorized_keys(self):
-        """Test passed in key is in authorized list for root"""
+        """Test passed in key is in authorized list for root."""
         out = self.get_data_file('auth_keys_root')
                       '6oA3aWK0oDk4Nmvk8sXGTYYw3iQSkOvDUUlIsqdaO+w==', out)
     def test_dsa_public(self):
-        """Test dsa public key passed in"""
+        """Test dsa public key passed in."""
         out = self.get_data_file('dsa_public')
                       'NM4ZpeuE5UB/Nnr6OSU/nmbO8LuM', out)
     def test_dsa_private(self):
-        """Test dsa private key passed in"""
+        """Test dsa private key passed in."""
         out = self.get_data_file('dsa_private')
                       'hOVAfzZ6+jklP', out)
     def test_rsa_public(self):
-        """Test rsa public key passed in"""
+        """Test rsa public key passed in."""
         out = self.get_data_file('rsa_public')
                       'LnZOtrxPl+fSvJfKDjoOLY0HB2eOjy2s2/2N6d9X9SGZ4', out)
     def test_rsa_private(self):
-        """Test rsa public key passed in"""
+        """Test rsa public key passed in."""
         out = self.get_data_file('rsa_private')
                       'RQvLZpMRdywBm', out)
     def test_ecdsa_public(self):
-        """Test ecdsa public key passed in"""
+        """Test ecdsa public key passed in."""
         out = self.get_data_file('ecdsa_public')
                       'BBFsS5Tvky/IC/dXhE/afxxU', out)
     def test_ecdsa_private(self):
-        """Test ecdsa public key passed in"""
+        """Test ecdsa public key passed in."""
         out = self.get_data_file('ecdsa_private')
                       '5mpZqxgX4vcgb', out)
     def test_ed25519_public(self):
-        """Test ed25519 public key passed in"""
+        """Test ed25519 public key passed in."""
         out = self.get_data_file('ed25519_public')
                       'G15dqjQ2XkNVOEnb5', out)
     def test_ed25519_private(self):
-        """Test ed25519 public key passed in"""
+        """Test ed25519 public key passed in."""
         out = self.get_data_file('ed25519_private')
                       'OhteXao0Nl5DVThJ2+Q', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/timezone.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/timezone.py
index bf91d49..654fa53 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/timezone.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/timezone.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestTimezone(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Test timezone module"""
+    """Test timezone module."""
     def test_timezone(self):
-        """Test date prints correct timezone"""
+        """Test date prints correct timezone."""
         out = self.get_data_file('timezone')
         self.assertEqual('HDT', out.rstrip())
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/user_groups.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/user_groups.py
index e573232..67af527 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/user_groups.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/user_groups.py
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestUserGroups(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Example cloud-config test"""
+    """Example cloud-config test."""
     def test_group_ubuntu(self):
-        """Test ubuntu group exists"""
+        """Test ubuntu group exists."""
         out = self.get_data_file('group_ubuntu')
         self.assertRegex(out, r'ubuntu:x:[0-9]{4}:')
     def test_group_cloud_users(self):
-        """Test cloud users group exists"""
+        """Test cloud users group exists."""
         out = self.get_data_file('group_cloud_users')
         self.assertRegex(out, r'cloud-users:x:[0-9]{4}:barfoo')
     def test_user_ubuntu(self):
-        """Test ubuntu user exists"""
+        """Test ubuntu user exists."""
         out = self.get_data_file('user_ubuntu')
             out, r'ubuntu:x:[0-9]{4}:[0-9]{4}:Ubuntu:/home/ubuntu:/bin/bash')
     def test_user_foobar(self):
-        """Test foobar user exists"""
+        """Test foobar user exists."""
         out = self.get_data_file('user_foobar')
             out, r'foobar:x:[0-9]{4}:[0-9]{4}:Foo B. Bar:/home/foobar:')
     def test_user_barfoo(self):
-        """Test barfoo user exists"""
+        """Test barfoo user exists."""
         out = self.get_data_file('user_barfoo')
             out, r'barfoo:x:[0-9]{4}:[0-9]{4}:Bar B. Foo:/home/barfoo:')
     def test_user_cloudy(self):
-        """Test cloudy user exists"""
+        """Test cloudy user exists."""
         out = self.get_data_file('user_cloudy')
         self.assertRegex(out, r'cloudy:x:[0-9]{3,4}:')
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/write_files.py b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/write_files.py
index 97dfeec..7bd520f 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/write_files.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/write_files.py
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script"""
+"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
 from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
 class TestWriteFiles(base.CloudTestCase):
-    """Example cloud-config test"""
+    """Example cloud-config test."""
     def test_b64(self):
-        """Test b64 encoded file reads as ascii"""
+        """Test b64 encoded file reads as ascii."""
         out = self.get_data_file('file_b64')
         self.assertIn('ASCII text', out)
     def test_binary(self):
-        """Test binary file reads as executable"""
+        """Test binary file reads as executable."""
         out = self.get_data_file('file_binary')
         self.assertIn('ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1', out)
     def test_gzip(self):
-        """Test gzip file shows up as a shell script"""
+        """Test gzip file shows up as a shell script."""
         out = self.get_data_file('file_gzip')
         self.assertIn('POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable', out)
     def test_text(self):
-        """Test text shows up as ASCII text"""
+        """Test text shows up as ASCII text."""
         out = self.get_data_file('file_text')
         self.assertIn('ASCII text', out)
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/util.py b/tests/cloud_tests/util.py
index 64a8667..2bbe21c 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/util.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/util.py
@@ -1,28 +1,43 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""Utilities for re-use across integration tests."""
+import copy
 import glob
 import os
 import random
+import shutil
 import string
 import tempfile
 import yaml
-from cloudinit.distros import OSFAMILIES
 from cloudinit import util as c_util
 from tests.cloud_tests import LOG
+    'debian': ['debian', 'ubuntu'],
+    'redhat': ['centos', 'rhel', 'fedora'],
+    'gentoo': ['gentoo'],
+    'freebsd': ['freebsd'],
+    'suse': ['sles'],
+    'arch': ['arch'],
 def list_test_data(data_dir):
-    """
-    find all tests with test data available in data_dir
-    data_dir should contain <platforms>/<os_name>/<testnames>/<data>
-    return_value: {<platform>: {<os_name>: [<testname>]}}
+    """Find all tests with test data available in data_dir.
+    @param data_dir: should contain <platforms>/<os_name>/<testnames>/<data>
+    @return_value: {<platform>: {<os_name>: [<testname>]}}
     if not os.path.isdir(data_dir):
         raise ValueError("bad data dir")
     res = {}
     for platform in os.listdir(data_dir):
+        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(data_dir, platform)):
+            continue
         res[platform] = {}
         for os_name in os.listdir(os.path.join(data_dir, platform)):
             res[platform][os_name] = [
@@ -36,39 +51,33 @@ def list_test_data(data_dir):
 def gen_instance_name(prefix='cloud-test', image_desc=None, use_desc=None,
                       max_len=63, delim='-', max_tries=16, used_list=None,
                       valid=string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits):
-    """
-    generate an unique name for a test instance
-    prefix: name prefix, defaults to cloud-test, default should be left
-    image_desc: short string with image desc, will be truncated to 16 chars
-    use_desc: short string with usage desc, will be truncated to 30 chars
-    max_len: maximum name length, defaults to 64 chars
-    delim: delimiter to use between tokens
-    max_tries: maximum tries to find a unique name before giving up
-    used_list: already used names, or none to not check
-    valid: string of valid characters for name
-    return_value: valid, unused name, may raise StopIteration
+    """Generate an unique name for a test instance.
+    @param prefix: name prefix, defaults to cloud-test, default should be left
+    @param image_desc: short string (len <= 16) with image desc
+    @param use_desc: short string (len <= 30) with usage desc
+    @param max_len: maximum name length, defaults to 64 chars
+    @param delim: delimiter to use between tokens
+    @param max_tries: maximum tries to find a unique name before giving up
+    @param used_list: already used names, or none to not check
+    @param valid: string of valid characters for name
+    @return_value: valid, unused name, may raise StopIteration
     unknown = 'unknown'
     def join(*args):
-        """
-        join args with delim
-        """
+        """Join args with delim."""
         return delim.join(args)
     def fill(*args):
-        """
-        join name elems and fill rest with random data
-        """
+        """Join name elems and fill rest with random data."""
         name = join(*args)
         num = max_len - len(name) - len(delim)
         return join(name, ''.join(random.choice(valid) for _ in range(num)))
     def clean(elem, max_len):
-        """
-        filter bad characters out of elem and trim to length
-        """
-        elem = elem[:max_len] if elem else unknown
+        """Filter bad characters out of elem and trim to length."""
+        elem = elem.lower()[:max_len] if elem else unknown
         return ''.join(c if c in valid else delim for c in elem)
     return next(name for name in
@@ -78,30 +87,39 @@ def gen_instance_name(prefix='cloud-test', image_desc=None, use_desc=None,
 def sorted_unique(iterable, key=None, reverse=False):
-    """
-    return_value: a sorted list of unique items in iterable
+    """Create unique sorted list.
+    @param iterable: the data structure to sort
+    @param key: if you have a specific key
+    @param reverse: to reverse or not
+    @return_value: a sorted list of unique items in iterable
     return sorted(set(iterable), key=key, reverse=reverse)
 def get_os_family(os_name):
+    """Get os family type for os_name.
+    @param os_name: name of os
+    @return_value: family name for os_name
-    get os family type for os_name
-    """
-    return next((k for k, v in OSFAMILIES.items() if os_name in v), None)
+    return next((k for k, v in OS_FAMILY_MAPPING.items()
+                 if os_name.lower() in v), None)
 def current_verbosity():
-    """
-    get verbosity currently in effect from log level
-    return_value: verbosity, 0-2, 2 = verbose, 0 = quiet
+    """Get verbosity currently in effect from log level.
+    @return_value: verbosity, 0-2, 2=verbose, 0=quiet
     return max(min(3 - int(LOG.level / 10), 2), 0)
 def is_writable_dir(path):
-    """
-    make sure dir is writable
+    """Make sure dir is writable.
+    @param path: path to determine if writable
+    @return_value: boolean with result
@@ -112,9 +130,10 @@ def is_writable_dir(path):
 def is_clean_writable_dir(path):
-    """
-    make sure dir is empty and writable, creating it if it does not exist
-    return_value: True/False if successful
+    """Make sure dir is empty and writable, creating it if it does not exist.
+    @param path: path to check
+    @return_value: True/False if successful
     path = os.path.abspath(path)
     if not (is_writable_dir(path) and len(os.listdir(path)) == 0):
@@ -123,29 +142,31 @@ def is_clean_writable_dir(path):
 def configure_yaml():
+    """Clean yaml."""
     yaml.add_representer(str, (lambda dumper, data: dumper.represent_scalar(
         'tag:yaml.org,2002:str', data, style='|' if '\n' in data else '')))
-def yaml_format(data):
-    """
-    format data as yaml
+def yaml_format(data, content_type=None):
+    """Format data as yaml.
+    @param data: data to dump
+    @param header: if specified, add a header to the dumped data
+    @return_value: yaml string
-    return yaml.dump(data, indent=2, default_flow_style=False)
+    content_type = (
+        '#{}\n'.format(content_type.strip('#\n')) if content_type else '')
+    return content_type + yaml.dump(data, indent=2, default_flow_style=False)
 def yaml_dump(data, path):
-    """
-    dump data to path in yaml format
-    """
-    write_file(os.path.abspath(path), yaml_format(data), omode='w')
+    """Dump data to path in yaml format."""
+    c_util.write_file(os.path.abspath(path), yaml_format(data), omode='w')
 def merge_results(data, path):
-    """
-    handle merging results from collect phase and verify phase
-    """
+    """Handle merging results from collect phase and verify phase."""
     current = {}
     if os.path.exists(path):
         with open(path, 'r') as fp:
@@ -154,10 +175,118 @@ def merge_results(data, path):
     yaml_dump(current, path)
-def write_file(*args, **kwargs):
+def rel_files(basedir):
+    """List of files under directory by relative path, not including dirs.
+    @param basedir: directory to search
+    @return_value: list or relative paths
+    """
+    basedir = os.path.normpath(basedir)
+    return [path[len(basedir) + 1:] for path in
+            glob.glob(os.path.join(basedir, '**'), recursive=True)
+            if not os.path.isdir(path)]
+def flat_tar(output, basedir, owner='root', group='root'):
+    """Create a flat tar archive (no leading ./) from basedir.
+    @param output: output tar file to write
+    @param basedir: base directory for archive
+    @param owner: owner of archive files
+    @param group: group archive files belong to
+    @return_value: none
+    """
+    c_util.subp(['tar', 'cf', output, '--owner', owner, '--group', group,
+                 '-C', basedir] + rel_files(basedir), capture=True)
+def parse_conf_list(entries, valid=None, boolean=False):
+    """Parse config in a list of strings in key=value format.
+    @param entries: list of key=value strings
+    @param valid: list of valid keys in result, return None if invalid input
+    @param boolean: if true, then interpret all values as booleans
+    @return_value: dict of configuration or None if invalid
-    write a file using cloudinit.util.write_file
+    res = {key: value.lower() == 'true' if boolean else value
+           for key, value in (i.split('=') for i in entries)}
+    return res if not valid or all(k in valid for k in res.keys()) else None
+def update_args(args, updates, preserve_old=True):
+    """Update cmdline arguments from a dictionary.
+    @param args: cmdline arguments
+    @param updates: dictionary of {arg_name: new_value} mappings
+    @param preserve_old: if true, create a deep copy of args before updating
+    @return_value: updated cmdline arguments
+    """
+    args = copy.deepcopy(args) if preserve_old else args
+    if updates:
+        vars(args).update(updates)
+    return args
+def update_user_data(user_data, updates, dump_to_yaml=True):
+    """Update user_data from dictionary.
+    @param user_data: user data as yaml string or dict
+    @param updates: dictionary to merge with user data
+    @param dump_to_yaml: return as yaml dumped string if true
+    @return_value: updated user data, as yaml string if dump_to_yaml is true
-    c_util.write_file(*args, **kwargs)
+    user_data = (c_util.load_yaml(user_data)
+                 if isinstance(user_data, str) else copy.deepcopy(user_data))
+    user_data.update(updates)
+    return (yaml_format(user_data, content_type='cloud-config')
+            if dump_to_yaml else user_data)
+class InTargetExecuteError(c_util.ProcessExecutionError):
+    """Error type for in target commands that fail."""
+    default_desc = 'Unexpected error while running command in target instance'
+    def __init__(self, stdout, stderr, exit_code, cmd, instance,
+                 description=None):
+        """Init error and parent error class."""
+        if isinstance(cmd, (tuple, list)):
+            cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
+        super(InTargetExecuteError, self).__init__(
+            stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, exit_code=exit_code, cmd=cmd,
+            reason="Instance: {}".format(instance),
+            description=description if description else self.default_desc)
+class TempDir(object):
+    """Configurable temporary directory like tempfile.TemporaryDirectory."""
+    def __init__(self, tmpdir=None, preserve=False, prefix='cloud_test_data_'):
+        """Initialize.
+        @param tmpdir: directory to use as tempdir
+        @param preserve: if true, always preserve data on exit
+        @param prefix: prefix to use for tempfile name
+        """
+        self.tmpdir = tmpdir
+        self.preserve = preserve
+        self.prefix = prefix
+    def __enter__(self):
+        """Create tempdir.
+        @return_value: tempdir path
+        """
+        if not self.tmpdir:
+            self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=self.prefix)
+        LOG.debug('using tmpdir: %s', self.tmpdir)
+        return self.tmpdir
+    def __exit__(self, etype, value, trace):
+        """Destroy tempdir if no errors occurred."""
+        if etype or self.preserve:
+            LOG.info('leaving data in %s', self.tmpdir)
+        else:
+            shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir)
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/verify.py b/tests/cloud_tests/verify.py
index 2a63550..fc1efcf 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/verify.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/verify.py
@@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-from tests.cloud_tests import (config, LOG, util, testcases)
+"""Verify test results."""
 import os
 import unittest
+from tests.cloud_tests import (config, LOG, util, testcases)
 def verify_data(base_dir, tests):
-    """
-    verify test data is correct,
-    base_dir: base directory for data
-    test_config: dict of all test config, from util.load_test_config()
-    tests: list of test names
-    return_value: {<test_name>: {passed: True/False, failures: []}}
+    """Verify test data is correct.
+    @param base_dir: base directory for data
+    @param tests: list of test names
+    @return_value: {<test_name>: {passed: True/False, failures: []}}
     runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=util.current_verbosity())
     res = {}
@@ -53,9 +54,10 @@ def verify_data(base_dir, tests):
 def verify(args):
-    """
-    verify test data
-    return_value: 0 for success, or number of failed tests
+    """Verify test data.
+    @param args: directory of test data
+    @return_value: 0 for success, or number of failed tests
     failed = 0
     res = {}
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 826f554..bcbf5bd 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -101,4 +101,4 @@ basepython = python3
 commands = {envpython} -m tests.cloud_tests {posargs}
 passenv = HOME
 deps =
-    pylxd==2.1.3
+    pylxd==2.2.3

Follow ups