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Re: [Merge] ~chad.smith/cloud-init:cc-ntp-schema-validation into cloud-init:master


Review comments addressed Scott. Thank you! I tweaked the rst doc layout a bit to make sure we could use structured text within the Config keys doc section.  Let's talk about the runtime dependency concern tomorrow to see what we can do. Not having the dependency defined means we'd have to remove the validate_cloudconfig_schema from cc_ntp.handle() and we wouldn't actually attempt to run passive validation on the user-defined cloud-config files so users would not get warnings about potential issues in their cloud-config yaml.

Diff comments:

> diff --git a/cloudinit/config/cc_ntp.py b/cloudinit/config/cc_ntp.py
> index 5cc5453..573cd28 100644
> --- a/cloudinit/config/cc_ntp.py
> +++ b/cloudinit/config/cc_ntp.py
> @@ -52,21 +53,78 @@ NR_POOL_SERVERS = 4
>  distros = ['centos', 'debian', 'fedora', 'opensuse', 'ubuntu']
> +# The schema definition for each cloud-config module is a strict contract for
> +# describing supported configuration parameters for each cloud-config section.
> +# It allows cloud-config to validate and alert users to invalid or ignored
> +# configuration options before actually attempting to deploy with said
> +# configuration.
> +
> +schema = {
> +    'id': 'cc_ntp',
> +    'name': 'NTP',
> +    'title': 'enable and configure ntp',
> +    'description': (
> +        'Handle ntp configuration. If ntp is not installed on the system and '
> +        'ntp configuration is specified, ntp will be installed. If there is a '
> +        'default ntp config file in the image or one is present in the '
> +        'distro\'s ntp package, it will be copied to ``/etc/ntp.conf.dist`` '
> +        'before any changes are made. A list of ntp pools and ntp servers can '
> +        'be provided under the ``ntp`` config key. If no ntp servers or pools '
> +        'are provided, 4 pools will be used in the format '
> +        '``{0-3}.{distro}.pool.ntp.org``.'),

Good thought, dedented and stripped newlines when rendering structured text.

> +    'distros': distros,
> +    'frequency': PER_INSTANCE,
> +    'type': 'object',
> +    'properties': {
> +        'ntp': {
> +            'type': ['object', 'null'],
> +            'properties': {
> +                'pools': {
> +                    'type': 'array',
> +                    'items': {
> +                        'type': 'string',
> +                        'format': 'hostname'
> +                    },
> +                    'uniqueItems': True,
> +                    'description': (
> +                        'List of ntp pools. If both pools and servers are '
> +                        'empty, 4 default pool servers will be provided of '
> +                        'the format \{0-3\}.\{distro\}.pool.ntp.org.')
> +                },
> +                'servers': {
> +                    'type': 'array',
> +                    'items': {
> +                        'type': 'string',
> +                        'format': 'hostname'
> +                    },
> +                    'uniqueItems': True,
> +                    'description': (
> +                        'List of ntp servers. If both pools and servers are '
> +                        'empty, 4 default pool servers will be provided with '
> +                        'the format \{0-3\}.\{distro\}.pool.ntp.org.')
> +                }
> +            },
> +            'required': [],
> +            'additionalProperties': False
> +        }
> +    }
> +}
> +
>  def handle(name, cfg, cloud, log, _args):
>      """Enable and configure ntp."""
> -
>      if 'ntp' not in cfg:
>          LOG.debug(
>              "Skipping module named %s, not present or disabled by cfg", name)
>          return
> -
>      ntp_cfg = cfg.get('ntp', {})
> +    # TODO drop this when validate_cloudconfig_schema is strict=True
>      if not isinstance(ntp_cfg, (dict)):
>          raise RuntimeError(("'ntp' key existed in config,"
>                              " but not a dictionary type,"
>                              " is a %s %instead"), type_utils.obj_name(ntp_cfg))
> +    validate_cloudconfig_schema(cfg, schema)
>      rename_ntp_conf()
>      # ensure when ntp is installed it has a configuration file
>      # to use instead of starting up with packaged defaults
> diff --git a/cloudinit/config/schema.py b/cloudinit/config/schema.py
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..9a732fd
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/cloudinit/config/schema.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
> +# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
> +
> +"""schema.py: Set of module functions for processing cloud-config schema."""
> +
> +from cloudinit.util import read_file_or_url
> +import logging
> +from jsonschema import Draft4Validator, FormatChecker

Oops I had missed the jsonschema requirements.txt that I'd already added in a previous branch. Sync'd the requirements.txt update here. Yes we'll have to discuss what approach we can take here as we can't perform any validation if we don't have jsonschema available on the distro.  @Scott, Let's discuss jsonschema requirement after tomorrow's standup.

> +import os
> +import yaml
> +
> +
> +CLOUD_CONFIG_HEADER = b'#cloud-config'
> +{name}
> +---
> +**Summary:** {title}
> +
> +{description}
> +
> +**Internal name:** ``{id}``
> +
> +**Module frequency:** {frequency}
> +
> +**Supported distros:** {distros}
> +
> +**Config keys**::
> +
> +{property_doc}
> +"""
> +SCHEMA_PROPERTY_TMPL = "{prop_name} ({type}): {description}"
> +
> +
> +class SchemaValidationError(Exception):
> +    """Raised when validating a cloud-config file against a schema."""

Should be ValueError, just an oversight in being a bit to liberal w/ my exception parent choice.

> +
> +    def __init__(self, schema_errors=()):
> +        """Init the exception an n-tuple of schema errors.
> +
> +        @param schema_errors: An n-tuple of the format:
> +            ((flat.config.key, msg),)
> +        """
> +        self.schema_errors = schema_errors
> +        error_messages = [
> +            '{}: {}'.format(config_key, message)

fixed. I caught them in the other files after ourdiscussion yesterday. Missed this one.

> +            for config_key, message in schema_errors]
> +        message = "Cloud config schema errors: {}".format(
> +            ', '.join(error_messages))
> +        super(SchemaValidationError, self).__init__(message)
> +
> +
> +def validate_cloudconfig_schema(config, schema, strict=False):
> +    """Validate provided config meets the schema definition.
> +
> +    @param config: Dict of cloud configuration settings validated against
> +        schema.
> +    @param schema: jsonschema dict describing the supported schema definition
> +       for the cloud config module (config.cc_*).
> +    @param strict: Boolen, when True raise SchemaValidationErrors instead of

Thanks for the review, one branch at a time and I'll make sure they are all verbose docstrings ;). I'm all for more info/context where possible. Then I don't have to remember what the function did or how params behave.

> +       logging warnings.
> +
> +    @raises: SchemaValidationError when provided config does not validate
> +        against the provided schema.
> +    """
> +    validator = Draft4Validator(schema, format_checker=FormatChecker())
> +    errors = ()
> +    for error in sorted(validator.iter_errors(config), key=lambda e: e.path):
> +        path = '.'.join([str(p) for p in error.path])
> +        errors += ((path, error.message),)
> +    if errors:
> +        if strict:
> +            raise SchemaValidationError(errors)
> +        else:
> +            messages = ['{}: {}'.format(k, msg) for k, msg in errors]
> +            logging.warning('Invalid schema:\n%s', '\n'.join(messages))

Fixed s/invalid schema/invalid config/

> +
> +
> +def validate_cloudconfig_file(config_path, schema):
> +    """Validate cloudconfig file adheres to a specific jsonschema.
> +
> +    @param config_path: Path to the yaml cloud-config file to parse.
> +    @param schema: Dict describing a valid jsonschema to validate against.
> +
> +    @raises SchemaValidationError containing any of schema_errors encountered.
> +    @raises RuntimeError when config_path does not exist.
> +    """
> +    if not os.path.exists(config_path):
> +        raise RuntimeError('Configfile {} does not exist'.format(config_path))
> +    content = read_file_or_url('file://{}'.format(config_path)).contents
> +    if not content.startswith(CLOUD_CONFIG_HEADER):
> +        errors = (
> +            ('header', 'File {} needs to begin with "{}"'.format(
> +                config_path, CLOUD_CONFIG_HEADER.decode())),)
> +        raise SchemaValidationError(errors)
> +
> +    try:
> +        cloudconfig = yaml.safe_load(content)
> +    except yaml.parser.ParserError as e:
> +        errors = (
> +            ('format', 'File {} is not valid yaml. {}'.format(
> +                config_path, str(e))),)
> +        raise SchemaValidationError(errors)
> +    validate_cloudconfig_schema(
> +        cloudconfig, schema, strict=True)
> +
> +
> +def _get_property_doc(schema, prefix='    '):
> +    """Return restructured text describing the supported schema properties."""
> +    indent = prefix + '    '
> +    properties = []
> +    for prop_key, prop_config in schema.get('properties', {}).items():
> +        # Define prop_name and dscription for SCHEMA_PROPERTY_TMPL
> +        prop_config['prop_name'] = prefix + prop_key
> +        if 'description' not in prop_config:
> +            prop_config['description'] = ''
> +        properties.append(SCHEMA_PROPERTY_TMPL.format(**prop_config))
> +        if 'properties' in prop_config:
> +            properties.append(_get_property_doc(prop_config, prefix=indent))
> +    return '\n'.join(properties)
> +
> +
> +def get_schema_doc(schema):
> +    """Return reStructured text rendering the provided jsonschema.
> +
> +    @param schema: Dict of jsonschema to render.
> +    @raise KeyError: If schema lacks an expected key.
> +    """
> +    schema['property_doc'] = _get_property_doc(schema)
> +    return SCHEMA_DOC_TMPL.format(**schema)
> +
> +
> +def get_schema(section_key=None):
> +    """Return a dict of jsonschema defined in any cc_* module.
> +
> +    @param: section_key: Optionally limit schema to a specific top-level key.
> +    """
> +    # TODO use util.find_modules in subsequent branch
> +    from cloudinit.config.cc_ntp import schema
> +    return schema
> +
> +
> +# vi: ts=4 expandtab
> diff --git a/tests/unittests/test_handler/test_schema.py b/tests/unittests/test_handler/test_schema.py
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..7569326
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/tests/unittests/test_handler/test_schema.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
> +# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
> +
> +from cloudinit.config.schema import (
> +    CLOUD_CONFIG_HEADER, SchemaValidationError, get_schema_doc,
> +    validate_cloudconfig_file, validate_cloudconfig_schema)
> +from cloudinit.util import write_file
> +
> +from ..helpers import CiTestCase
> +
> +from copy import copy
> +
> +
> +class SchemaValidationErrorTest(CiTestCase):
> +    """Test validate_cloudconfig_schema"""
> +
> +    def test_schema_validation_error_expects_schema_errors(self):
> +        """SchemaValidationError is initialized from schema_errors."""
> +        errors = (('key.path', 'unexpected key "junk"'),
> +                  ('key2.path', '"-123" is not a valid "hostname" format'))
> +        exception = SchemaValidationError(schema_errors=errors)
> +        self.assertIsInstance(exception, Exception)
> +        self.assertEqual(exception.schema_errors, errors)
> +        self.assertEqual(
> +            'Cloud config schema errors: key.path: unexpected key "junk", '
> +            'key2.path: "-123" is not a valid "hostname" format',
> +            str(exception))
> +
> +
> +class ValidateCloudConfigSchemaTest(CiTestCase):
> +    """Tests for validate_cloudconfig_schema."""
> +
> +    with_logs = True
> +
> +    def test_validateconfig_schema_non_strict_emits_warnings(self):
> +        """When strict is False validate_cloudconfig_schema emits warnings."""
> +        schema = {'properties': {'p1': {'type': 'string'}}}
> +        validate_cloudconfig_schema({'p1': -1}, schema, strict=False)
> +        self.assertIn(
> +            "Invalid schema:\np1: -1 is not of type 'string'\n",
> +            self.logs.getvalue())
> +
> +    def test_validateconfig_schema_strict_raises_errors(self):
> +        """When strict is True validate_cloudconfig_schema raises errors."""
> +        schema = {'properties': {'p1': {'type': 'string'}}}
> +        with self.assertRaises(SchemaValidationError) as context_mgr:
> +            validate_cloudconfig_schema({'p1': -1}, schema, strict=True)
> +        self.assertEqual(
> +            "Cloud config schema errors: p1: -1 is not of type 'string'",
> +            str(context_mgr.exception))
> +
> +    def test_validateconfig_schema_honors_formats(self):
> +        """When strict is True validate_cloudconfig_schema raises errors."""
> +        schema = {
> +            'properties': {'p1': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'hostname'}}}
> +        with self.assertRaises(SchemaValidationError) as context_mgr:
> +            validate_cloudconfig_schema({'p1': '-1'}, schema, strict=True)

We already have assertRaises as a context manager in ./tests/unittests/test_handler/test_handler_rsyslog.py so if we've passed cent 6 to date this should work for us.

> +        self.assertEqual(
> +            "Cloud config schema errors: p1: '-1' is not a 'hostname'",
> +            str(context_mgr.exception))
> +
> +
> +class ValidateCloudConfigFileTest(CiTestCase):
> +    """Tests for validate_cloudconfig_file."""
> +
> +    def setUp(self):
> +        super(ValidateCloudConfigFileTest, self).setUp()
> +        self.config_file = self.tmp_path('cloudcfg.yaml')
> +
> +    def test_validateconfig_file_error_on_absent_file(self):
> +        """On absent config_path, validate_cloudconfig_file errors."""
> +        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as context_mgr:
> +            validate_cloudconfig_file('/not/here', {})
> +        self.assertEqual(
> +            'Configfile /not/here does not exist',
> +            str(context_mgr.exception))
> +
> +    def test_validateconfig_file_error_on_invalid_header(self):
> +        """On invalid header, validate_cloudconfig_file errors.
> +
> +        A SchemaValidationError is raised when the file doesn't begin with
> +        """
> +        write_file(self.config_file, '#junk')
> +        with self.assertRaises(SchemaValidationError) as context_mgr:
> +            validate_cloudconfig_file(self.config_file, {})
> +        self.assertEqual(
> +            'Cloud config schema errors: header: File {0} needs to begin with '
> +            '"{1}"'.format(self.config_file, CLOUD_CONFIG_HEADER.decode()),
> +            str(context_mgr.exception))
> +
> +    def test_validateconfig_file_error_on_non_yaml_format(self):
> +        """On non-yaml format, validate_cloudconfig_file errors.
> +
> +        A SchemaValidationError is raised when the file doesn't begin with

Dropped copy pasta :)

> +        """
> +        write_file(self.config_file, '#cloud-config\n{}}')
> +        with self.assertRaises(SchemaValidationError) as context_mgr:
> +            validate_cloudconfig_file(self.config_file, {})
> +        self.assertIn(
> +            'schema errors: format: File {0} is not valid yaml.'.format(
> +                self.config_file),
> +            str(context_mgr.exception))
> +
> +    def test_validateconfig_file_sctricty_validates_schema(self):
> +        """validate_cloudconfig_file raises errors on invalid schema."""
> +        schema = {
> +            'properties': {'p1': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'hostname'}}}
> +        write_file(self.config_file, '#cloud-config\np1: "-1"')
> +        with self.assertRaises(SchemaValidationError) as context_mgr:
> +            validate_cloudconfig_file(self.config_file, schema)
> +        self.assertEqual(
> +            "Cloud config schema errors: p1: '-1' is not a 'hostname'",
> +            str(context_mgr.exception))
> +
> +
> +class GetSchemaDocTest(CiTestCase):
> +    """Tests for get_schema_doc."""
> +
> +    def setUp(self):
> +        super(GetSchemaDocTest, self).setUp()
> +        self.required_schema = {
> +            'title': 'title', 'description': 'description', 'id': 'id',
> +            'name': 'name', 'frequency': 'frequency', 'distros': 'distros'}
> +
> +    def test_get_schema_doc_returns_restructured_text(self):
> +        """get_schema_doc returns restructured text for  a cloudinit schema."""


> +        self.assertEqual(
> +            '\nname\n---\n**Summary:** title\n\ndescription\n\n'
> +            '**Internal name:** ``id``\n\n**Module frequency:** frequency\n\n'
> +            '**Supported distros:** distros\n\n**Config keys**::\n\n\n',
> +            get_schema_doc(self.required_schema))
> +
> +    def test_get_schema_doc_raises_key_errors(self):
> +        """get_schema_doc raises KeyErrors on missing keys."""
> +        for key in self.required_schema:
> +            invalid_schema = copy(self.required_schema)
> +            invalid_schema.pop(key)
> +            with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context_mgr:
> +                get_schema_doc(invalid_schema)
> +            self.assertEqual("'{0}'".format(key), str(context_mgr.exception))

Your team cloud-init commiters is requested to review the proposed merge of ~chad.smith/cloud-init:cc-ntp-schema-validation into cloud-init:master.