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[Merge] ~raharper/cloud-init:bug-lp-1709180-v2-params into cloud-init:master


Ryan Harper has proposed merging ~raharper/cloud-init:bug-lp-1709180-v2-params into cloud-init:master.

Requested reviews:
  cloud-init commiters (cloud-init-dev)
Related bugs:
  Bug #1709180 in cloud-init: "cloud-init v2 yaml doesn't preserve bond/bridge parameters when rendering"

For more details, see:

network: fix parsing v2 config with bonds/bridge params
When consuming a version 2 network config yaml, the parameters for
bonds and bridges have different names than in v1; invert the mapping
to retain the parameters configured in v2 in v1 format.

- Fix issue with v2 macaddress values getting dropped
- Add unittests for consuming/validating v2 configurations

LP: #1709180
Your team cloud-init commiters is requested to review the proposed merge of ~raharper/cloud-init:bug-lp-1709180-v2-params into cloud-init:master.
diff --git a/cloudinit/net/netplan.py b/cloudinit/net/netplan.py
index 9f35b72..2092f86 100644
--- a/cloudinit/net/netplan.py
+++ b/cloudinit/net/netplan.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import copy
 import os
 from . import renderer
-from .network_state import subnet_is_ipv6
+from .network_state import subnet_is_ipv6, NET_CONFIG_TO_V2
 from cloudinit import log as logging
 from cloudinit import util
@@ -27,31 +27,6 @@ network:
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-    'bond': {'bond-ad-select': 'ad-select',
-             'bond-arp-interval': 'arp-interval',
-             'bond-arp-ip-target': 'arp-ip-target',
-             'bond-arp-validate': 'arp-validate',
-             'bond-downdelay': 'down-delay',
-             'bond-fail-over-mac': 'fail-over-mac-policy',
-             'bond-lacp-rate': 'lacp-rate',
-             'bond-miimon': 'mii-monitor-interval',
-             'bond-min-links': 'min-links',
-             'bond-mode': 'mode',
-             'bond-num-grat-arp': 'gratuitious-arp',
-             'bond-primary-reselect': 'primary-reselect-policy',
-             'bond-updelay': 'up-delay',
-             'bond-xmit-hash-policy': 'transmit-hash-policy'},
-    'bridge': {'bridge_ageing': 'ageing-time',
-               'bridge_bridgeprio': 'priority',
-               'bridge_fd': 'forward-delay',
-               'bridge_gcint': None,
-               'bridge_hello': 'hello-time',
-               'bridge_maxage': 'max-age',
-               'bridge_maxwait': None,
-               'bridge_pathcost': 'path-cost',
-               'bridge_portprio': None,
-               'bridge_waitport': None}}
 def _get_params_dict_by_match(config, match):
diff --git a/cloudinit/net/network_state.py b/cloudinit/net/network_state.py
index 87a7222..71ecada 100644
--- a/cloudinit/net/network_state.py
+++ b/cloudinit/net/network_state.py
@@ -23,6 +23,32 @@ NETWORK_V2_KEY_FILTER = [
     'match', 'mtu', 'nameservers', 'renderer', 'set-name', 'wakeonlan'
+    'bond': {'bond-ad-select': 'ad-select',
+             'bond-arp-interval': 'arp-interval',
+             'bond-arp-ip-target': 'arp-ip-target',
+             'bond-arp-validate': 'arp-validate',
+             'bond-downdelay': 'down-delay',
+             'bond-fail-over-mac': 'fail-over-mac-policy',
+             'bond-lacp-rate': 'lacp-rate',
+             'bond-miimon': 'mii-monitor-interval',
+             'bond-min-links': 'min-links',
+             'bond-mode': 'mode',
+             'bond-num-grat-arp': 'gratuitious-arp',
+             'bond-primary-reselect': 'primary-reselect-policy',
+             'bond-updelay': 'up-delay',
+             'bond-xmit-hash-policy': 'transmit-hash-policy'},
+    'bridge': {'bridge_ageing': 'ageing-time',
+               'bridge_bridgeprio': 'priority',
+               'bridge_fd': 'forward-delay',
+               'bridge_gcint': None,
+               'bridge_hello': 'hello-time',
+               'bridge_maxage': 'max-age',
+               'bridge_maxwait': None,
+               'bridge_pathcost': 'path-cost',
+               'bridge_portprio': None,
+               'bridge_waitport': None}}
 def parse_net_config_data(net_config, skip_broken=True):
     """Parses the config, returns NetworkState object
@@ -460,12 +486,15 @@ class NetworkStateInterpreter(object):
         v2_command = {
           bond0: {
             'interfaces': ['interface0', 'interface1'],
-            'miimon': 100,
-            'mode': '802.3ad',
-            'xmit_hash_policy': 'layer3+4'},
+            'parameters': {
+               'mii-monitor-interval': 100,
+               'mode': '802.3ad',
+               'xmit_hash_policy': 'layer3+4'}},
           bond1: {
             'bond-slaves': ['interface2', 'interface7'],
-            'mode': 1
+            'parameters': {
+                'mode': 1,
+            }
@@ -554,6 +583,7 @@ class NetworkStateInterpreter(object):
             if not mac_address:
                 LOG.debug('NetworkState Version2: missing "macaddress" info '
                           'in config entry: %s: %s', eth, str(cfg))
+            phy_cmd.update({'mac_address': mac_address})
             for key in ['mtu', 'match', 'wakeonlan']:
                 if key in cfg:
@@ -616,22 +646,34 @@ class NetworkStateInterpreter(object):
     def _handle_bond_bridge(self, command, cmd_type=None):
         """Common handler for bond and bridge types"""
+        # inverse mapping for v2 keynames to v1 keynames
+        key_map = dict((v, k) for k, v in
+                       NET_CONFIG_TO_V2.get(cmd_type).items())
         for item_name, item_cfg in command.items():
             item_params = dict((key, value) for (key, value) in
                                item_cfg.items() if key not in
             v1_cmd = {
                 'type': cmd_type,
                 'name': item_name,
                 cmd_type + '_interfaces': item_cfg.get('interfaces'),
-                'params': item_params,
+                'params': dict((key_map[k], v) for k, v in
+                               item_params.get('parameters', {}).items())
             subnets = self._v2_to_v1_ipcfg(item_cfg)
             if len(subnets) > 0:
                 v1_cmd.update({'subnets': subnets})
             LOG.debug('v2(%ss) -> v1(%s):\n%s', cmd_type, cmd_type, v1_cmd)
-            self.handle_bridge(v1_cmd)
+            if cmd_type == "bridge":
+                self.handle_bridge(v1_cmd)
+            elif cmd_type == "bond":
+                self.handle_bond(v1_cmd)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError('Unknown command type: %s', cmd_type)
     def _v2_to_v1_ipcfg(self, cfg):
         """Common ipconfig extraction from v2 to v1 subnets array."""
@@ -651,12 +693,6 @@ class NetworkStateInterpreter(object):
                 'address': address,
-            routes = []
-            for route in cfg.get('routes', []):
-                routes.append(_normalize_route(
-                    {'address': route.get('to'), 'gateway': route.get('via')}))
-            subnet['routes'] = routes
             if ":" in address:
                 if 'gateway6' in cfg and gateway6 is None:
                     gateway6 = cfg.get('gateway6')
@@ -667,6 +703,15 @@ class NetworkStateInterpreter(object):
                     subnet.update({'gateway': gateway4})
+        routes = []
+        for route in cfg.get('routes', []):
+            routes.append(_normalize_route(
+                {'address': route.get('to'), 'gateway': route.get('via')}))
+        if len(subnets) and len(routes):
+            subnets[0]['routes'] = routes
         return subnets
@@ -721,7 +766,7 @@ def _normalize_net_keys(network, address_keys=()):
     elif netmask:
         prefix = mask_to_net_prefix(netmask)
     elif 'prefix' in net:
-        prefix = int(prefix)
+        prefix = int(net['prefix'])
         prefix = 64 if ipv6 else 24
@@ -753,13 +798,15 @@ def _normalize_route(route):
     # Prune None-value keys.  Specifically allow 0 (a valid metric).
     normal_route = dict((k, v) for k, v in route.items()
                         if v not in ("", None))
-    if 'destination' in normal_route:
-        normal_route['network'] = normal_route['destination']
-        del normal_route['destination']
+    for target_key in ['destination', 'address']:
+        if target_key in normal_route:
+            normal_route['network'] = normal_route[target_key]
+            del normal_route[target_key]
+            break
-            normal_route, address_keys=('network', 'destination')))
+            normal_route, address_keys=('network', target_key)))
     metric = normal_route.get('metric')
     if metric:
diff --git a/tests/unittests/test_net.py b/tests/unittests/test_net.py
index 4653be1..d8ee7a5 100644
--- a/tests/unittests/test_net.py
+++ b/tests/unittests/test_net.py
@@ -1059,6 +1059,65 @@ pre-down route del -net netmask gw metric 3 || true
                   - type: static
                     address: 2001:1::1/92
+        'yaml-v2': textwrap.dedent("""
+            version: 2
+            ethernets:
+              bond0s0:
+                set-name: bond0s0
+                match:
+                    macaddress: "aa:bb:cc:dd:e8:00"
+              bond0s1:
+                set-name: bond0s1
+                match:
+                    macaddress: "aa:bb:cc:dd:e8:01"
+            bonds:
+              bond0:
+                addresses:
+                -
+                -
+                - 2001:1::1/92
+                gateway4:
+                interfaces:
+                - bond0s0
+                - bond0s1
+                parameters:
+                    mii-monitor-interval: 100
+                    mode: active-backup
+                    transmit-hash-policy: "layer3+4"
+                routes:
+                -   to:
+                    via:
+            """),
+        'expected_netplan': textwrap.dedent("""
+         network:
+             version: 2
+             ethernets:
+                 bond0s0:
+                     match:
+                         macaddress: aa:bb:cc:dd:e8:00
+                     set-name: bond0s0
+                 bond0s1:
+                     match:
+                         macaddress: aa:bb:cc:dd:e8:01
+                     set-name: bond0s1
+             bonds:
+                 bond0:
+                     addresses:
+                     -
+                     -
+                     - 2001:1::1/92
+                     gateway4:
+                     interfaces:
+                     - bond0s0
+                     - bond0s1
+                     parameters:
+                         mii-monitor-interval: 100
+                         mode: active-backup
+                         transmit-hash-policy: layer3+4
+                     routes:
+                     -   to:
+                         via:
+        """),
         'expected_sysconfig': {
             'ifcfg-bond0': textwrap.dedent("""\
@@ -2159,6 +2218,27 @@ class TestNetplanRoundTrip(CiTestCase):
         renderer.render_network_state(ns, target)
         return dir2dict(target)
+    def testsimple_render_bond_netplan(self):
+        entry = NETWORK_CONFIGS['bond']
+        files = self._render_and_read(network_config=yaml.load(entry['yaml']))
+        print(entry['expected_netplan'])
+        print('-- expected ^ | v rendered --')
+        print(files['/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml'])
+        self.assertEqual(
+            entry['expected_netplan'].splitlines(),
+            files['/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml'].splitlines())
+    def testsimple_render_bond_v2_input_netplan(self):
+        entry = NETWORK_CONFIGS['bond']
+        files = self._render_and_read(
+            network_config=yaml.load(entry['yaml-v2']))
+        print(entry['expected_netplan'])
+        print('-- expected ^ | v rendered --')
+        print(files['/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml'])
+        self.assertEqual(
+            entry['expected_netplan'].splitlines(),
+            files['/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml'].splitlines())
     def testsimple_render_small_netplan(self):
         entry = NETWORK_CONFIGS['small']
         files = self._render_and_read(network_config=yaml.load(entry['yaml']))

Follow ups