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[Merge] ~raharper/cloud-init:ubuntu-devel-new-artful-release-v5 into cloud-init:ubuntu/devel


Scott Moser has proposed merging ~raharper/cloud-init:ubuntu-devel-new-artful-release-v5 into cloud-init:ubuntu/devel.

Requested reviews:
  cloud-init commiters (cloud-init-dev)
Related bugs:
  Bug #1717969 in cloud-init: "Exhausting the task limit"
  Bug #1718029 in cloud-init: "cloudstack and azure datasources broken when using netplan/systemd-networkd"
  Bug #1718675 in cloud-init: "It should be possible to add repos in SUSE distros"

For more details, see:
Your team cloud-init commiters is requested to review the proposed merge of ~raharper/cloud-init:ubuntu-devel-new-artful-release-v5 into cloud-init:ubuntu/devel.
diff --git a/cloudinit/config/cc_ssh_authkey_fingerprints.py b/cloudinit/config/cc_ssh_authkey_fingerprints.py
index 0066e97..35d8c57 100755
--- a/cloudinit/config/cc_ssh_authkey_fingerprints.py
+++ b/cloudinit/config/cc_ssh_authkey_fingerprints.py
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ the keys can be specified, but defaults to ``md5``.
 import base64
 import hashlib
-from prettytable import PrettyTable
+from cloudinit.simpletable import SimpleTable
 from cloudinit.distros import ug_util
 from cloudinit import ssh_util
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ def _pprint_key_entries(user, key_fn, key_entries, hash_meth='md5',
     tbl_fields = ['Keytype', 'Fingerprint (%s)' % (hash_meth), 'Options',
-    tbl = PrettyTable(tbl_fields)
+    tbl = SimpleTable(tbl_fields)
     for entry in key_entries:
         if _is_printable_key(entry):
             row = []
diff --git a/cloudinit/config/cc_zypper_add_repo.py b/cloudinit/config/cc_zypper_add_repo.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aba2695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cloudinit/config/cc_zypper_add_repo.py
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2017 SUSE LLC.
+# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""zypper_add_repo: Add zyper repositories to the system"""
+import configobj
+import os
+from six import string_types
+from textwrap import dedent
+from cloudinit.config.schema import get_schema_doc
+from cloudinit import log as logging
+from cloudinit.settings import PER_ALWAYS
+from cloudinit import util
+distros = ['opensuse', 'sles']
+schema = {
+    'id': 'cc_zypper_add_repo',
+    'name': 'ZypperAddRepo',
+    'title': 'Configure zypper behavior and add zypper repositories',
+    'description': dedent("""\
+        Configure zypper behavior by modifying /etc/zypp/zypp.conf. The
+        configuration writer is "dumb" and will simply append the provided
+        configuration options to the configuration file. Option settings
+        that may be duplicate will be resolved by the way the zypp.conf file
+        is parsed. The file is in INI format.
+        Add repositories to the system. No validation is performed on the
+        repository file entries, it is assumed the user is familiar with
+        the zypper repository file format."""),
+    'distros': distros,
+    'examples': [dedent("""\
+        zypper:
+          repos:
+            - id: opensuse-oss
+              name: os-oss
+              baseurl: http://dl.opensuse.org/dist/leap/v/repo/oss/
+              enabled: 1
+              autorefresh: 1
+            - id: opensuse-oss-update
+              name: os-oss-up
+              baseurl: http://dl.opensuse.org/dist/leap/v/update
+              # any setting per
+              # https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Standards_RepoInfo
+              # enable and autorefresh are on by default
+          config:
+            reposdir: /etc/zypp/repos.dir
+            servicesdir: /etc/zypp/services.d
+            download.use_deltarpm: true
+            # any setting in /etc/zypp/zypp.conf
+    """)],
+    'frequency': PER_ALWAYS,
+    'type': 'object',
+    'properties': {
+        'zypper': {
+            'type': 'object',
+            'properties': {
+                'repos': {
+                    'type': 'array',
+                    'items': {
+                        'type': 'object',
+                        'properties': {
+                            'id': {
+                                'type': 'string',
+                                'description': dedent("""\
+                                    The unique id of the repo, used when
+                                     writing
+                                    /etc/zypp/repos.d/<id>.repo.""")
+                            },
+                            'baseurl': {
+                                'type': 'string',
+                                'format': 'uri',   # built-in format type
+                                'description': 'The base repositoy URL'
+                            }
+                        },
+                        'required': ['id', 'baseurl'],
+                        'additionalProperties': True
+                    },
+                    'minItems': 1
+                },
+                'config': {
+                    'type': 'object',
+                    'description': dedent("""\
+                        Any supported zypo.conf key is written to
+                        /etc/zypp/zypp.conf'""")
+                }
+            },
+            'required': [],
+            'minProperties': 1,  # Either config or repo must be provided
+            'additionalProperties': False,  # only repos and config allowed
+        }
+    }
+__doc__ = get_schema_doc(schema)  # Supplement python help()
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def _canonicalize_id(repo_id):
+    repo_id = repo_id.replace(" ", "_")
+    return repo_id
+def _format_repo_value(val):
+    if isinstance(val, bool):
+        # zypp prefers 1/0
+        return 1 if val else 0
+    if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)):
+        return "\n    ".join([_format_repo_value(v) for v in val])
+    if not isinstance(val, string_types):
+        return str(val)
+    return val
+def _format_repository_config(repo_id, repo_config):
+    to_be = configobj.ConfigObj()
+    to_be[repo_id] = {}
+    # Do basic translation of the items -> values
+    for (k, v) in repo_config.items():
+        # For now assume that people using this know the format
+        # of zypper repos  and don't verify keys/values further
+        to_be[repo_id][k] = _format_repo_value(v)
+    lines = to_be.write()
+    return "\n".join(lines)
+def _write_repos(repos, repo_base_path):
+    """Write the user-provided repo definition files
+    @param repos: A list of repo dictionary objects provided by the user's
+        cloud config.
+    @param repo_base_path: The directory path to which repo definitions are
+        written.
+    """
+    if not repos:
+        return
+    valid_repos = {}
+    for index, user_repo_config in enumerate(repos):
+        # Skip on absent required keys
+        missing_keys = set(['id', 'baseurl']).difference(set(user_repo_config))
+        if missing_keys:
+            LOG.warning(
+                "Repo config at index %d is missing required config keys: %s",
+                index, ",".join(missing_keys))
+            continue
+        repo_id = user_repo_config.get('id')
+        canon_repo_id = _canonicalize_id(repo_id)
+        repo_fn_pth = os.path.join(repo_base_path, "%s.repo" % (canon_repo_id))
+        if os.path.exists(repo_fn_pth):
+            LOG.info("Skipping repo %s, file %s already exists!",
+                     repo_id, repo_fn_pth)
+            continue
+        elif repo_id in valid_repos:
+            LOG.info("Skipping repo %s, file %s already pending!",
+                     repo_id, repo_fn_pth)
+            continue
+        # Do some basic key formatting
+        repo_config = dict(
+            (k.lower().strip().replace("-", "_"), v)
+            for k, v in user_repo_config.items()
+            if k and k != 'id')
+        # Set defaults if not present
+        for field in ['enabled', 'autorefresh']:
+            if field not in repo_config:
+                repo_config[field] = '1'
+        valid_repos[repo_id] = (repo_fn_pth, repo_config)
+    for (repo_id, repo_data) in valid_repos.items():
+        repo_blob = _format_repository_config(repo_id, repo_data[-1])
+        util.write_file(repo_data[0], repo_blob)
+def _write_zypp_config(zypper_config):
+    """Write to the default zypp configuration file /etc/zypp/zypp.conf"""
+    if not zypper_config:
+        return
+    zypp_config = '/etc/zypp/zypp.conf'
+    zypp_conf_content = util.load_file(zypp_config)
+    new_settings = ['# Added via cloud.cfg']
+    for setting, value in zypper_config.items():
+        if setting == 'configdir':
+            msg = 'Changing the location of the zypper configuration is '
+            msg += 'not supported, skipping "configdir" setting'
+            LOG.warning(msg)
+            continue
+        if value:
+            new_settings.append('%s=%s' % (setting, value))
+    if len(new_settings) > 1:
+        new_config = zypp_conf_content + '\n'.join(new_settings)
+    else:
+        new_config = zypp_conf_content
+    util.write_file(zypp_config, new_config)
+def handle(name, cfg, _cloud, log, _args):
+    zypper_section = cfg.get('zypper')
+    if not zypper_section:
+        LOG.debug(("Skipping module named %s,"
+                   " no 'zypper' relevant configuration found"), name)
+        return
+    repos = zypper_section.get('repos')
+    if not repos:
+        LOG.debug(("Skipping module named %s,"
+                   " no 'repos' configuration found"), name)
+        return
+    zypper_config = zypper_section.get('config', {})
+    repo_base_path = zypper_config.get('reposdir', '/etc/zypp/repos.d/')
+    _write_zypp_config(zypper_config)
+    _write_repos(repos, repo_base_path)
+# vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/cloudinit/net/dhcp.py b/cloudinit/net/dhcp.py
index 0535063..0cba703 100644
--- a/cloudinit/net/dhcp.py
+++ b/cloudinit/net/dhcp.py
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+import configobj
 import logging
 import os
 import re
@@ -11,9 +12,12 @@ import re
 from cloudinit.net import find_fallback_nic, get_devicelist
 from cloudinit import temp_utils
 from cloudinit import util
+from six import StringIO
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+NETWORKD_LEASES_DIR = '/run/systemd/netif/leases'
 class InvalidDHCPLeaseFileError(Exception):
     """Raised when parsing an empty or invalid dhcp.leases file.
@@ -118,4 +122,42 @@ def dhcp_discovery(dhclient_cmd_path, interface, cleandir):
     return parse_dhcp_lease_file(lease_file)
+def networkd_parse_lease(content):
+    """Parse a systemd lease file content as in /run/systemd/netif/leases/
+    Parse this (almost) ini style file even though it says:
+      # This is private data. Do not parse.
+    Simply return a dictionary of key/values."""
+    return dict(configobj.ConfigObj(StringIO(content), list_values=False))
+def networkd_load_leases(leases_d=None):
+    """Return a dictionary of dictionaries representing each lease
+    found in lease_d.i
+    The top level key will be the filename, which is typically the ifindex."""
+    if leases_d is None:
+        leases_d = NETWORKD_LEASES_DIR
+    ret = {}
+    if not os.path.isdir(leases_d):
+        return ret
+    for lfile in os.listdir(leases_d):
+        ret[lfile] = networkd_parse_lease(
+            util.load_file(os.path.join(leases_d, lfile)))
+    return ret
+def networkd_get_option_from_leases(keyname, leases_d=None):
+    if leases_d is None:
+        leases_d = NETWORKD_LEASES_DIR
+    leases = networkd_load_leases(leases_d=leases_d)
+    for ifindex, data in sorted(leases.items()):
+        if data.get(keyname):
+            return data[keyname]
+    return None
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/cloudinit/net/tests/test_dhcp.py b/cloudinit/net/tests/test_dhcp.py
index a38edae..1c1f504 100644
--- a/cloudinit/net/tests/test_dhcp.py
+++ b/cloudinit/net/tests/test_dhcp.py
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ from textwrap import dedent
 from cloudinit.net.dhcp import (
     InvalidDHCPLeaseFileError, maybe_perform_dhcp_discovery,
-    parse_dhcp_lease_file, dhcp_discovery)
+    parse_dhcp_lease_file, dhcp_discovery, networkd_load_leases)
 from cloudinit.util import ensure_file, write_file
-from cloudinit.tests.helpers import CiTestCase, wrap_and_call
+from cloudinit.tests.helpers import CiTestCase, wrap_and_call, populate_dir
 class TestParseDHCPLeasesFile(CiTestCase):
@@ -149,3 +149,112 @@ class TestDHCPDiscoveryClean(CiTestCase):
                 [os.path.join(tmpdir, 'dhclient'), '-1', '-v', '-lf',
                  lease_file, '-pf', os.path.join(tmpdir, 'dhclient.pid'),
                  'eth9', '-sf', '/bin/true'], capture=True)])
+class TestSystemdParseLeases(CiTestCase):
+    lxd_lease = dedent("""\
+    # This is private data. Do not parse.
+    ROUTER=
+    T1=1580
+    T2=2930
+    LIFETIME=3600
+    DNS=
+    HOSTNAME=a1
+    CLIENTID=ffe617693400020000ab110c65a6a0866931c2
+    """)
+    lxd_parsed = {
+        'ADDRESS': '',
+        'NETMASK': '',
+        'ROUTER': '',
+        'SERVER_ADDRESS': '',
+        'NEXT_SERVER': '',
+        'BROADCAST': '',
+        'T1': '1580',
+        'T2': '2930',
+        'LIFETIME': '3600',
+        'DNS': '',
+        'DOMAINNAME': 'lxd',
+        'HOSTNAME': 'a1',
+        'CLIENTID': 'ffe617693400020000ab110c65a6a0866931c2',
+    }
+    azure_lease = dedent("""\
+    # This is private data. Do not parse.
+    ROUTER=
+    MTU=1460
+    T1=43200
+    T2=75600
+    LIFETIME=86400
+    DNS=
+    NTP=
+    DOMAINNAME=c.ubuntu-foundations.internal
+    DOMAIN_SEARCH_LIST=c.ubuntu-foundations.internal google.internal
+    HOSTNAME=tribaal-test-171002-1349.c.ubuntu-foundations.internal
+    ROUTES=,,
+    CLIENTID=ff405663a200020000ab11332859494d7a8b4c
+    OPTION_245=624c3620
+    """)
+    azure_parsed = {
+        'ADDRESS': '',
+        'NETMASK': '',
+        'ROUTER': '',
+        'SERVER_ADDRESS': '',
+        'NEXT_SERVER': '',
+        'MTU': '1460',
+        'T1': '43200',
+        'T2': '75600',
+        'LIFETIME': '86400',
+        'DNS': '',
+        'NTP': '',
+        'DOMAINNAME': 'c.ubuntu-foundations.internal',
+        'DOMAIN_SEARCH_LIST': 'c.ubuntu-foundations.internal google.internal',
+        'HOSTNAME': 'tribaal-test-171002-1349.c.ubuntu-foundations.internal',
+        'ROUTES': ',,',
+        'CLIENTID': 'ff405663a200020000ab11332859494d7a8b4c',
+        'OPTION_245': '624c3620'}
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestSystemdParseLeases, self).setUp()
+        self.lease_d = self.tmp_dir()
+    def test_no_leases_returns_empty_dict(self):
+        """A leases dir with no lease files should return empty dictionary."""
+        self.assertEqual({}, networkd_load_leases(self.lease_d))
+    def test_no_leases_dir_returns_empty_dict(self):
+        """A non-existing leases dir should return empty dict."""
+        enodir = os.path.join(self.lease_d, 'does-not-exist')
+        self.assertEqual({}, networkd_load_leases(enodir))
+    def test_single_leases_file(self):
+        """A leases dir with one leases file."""
+        populate_dir(self.lease_d, {'2': self.lxd_lease})
+        self.assertEqual(
+            {'2': self.lxd_parsed}, networkd_load_leases(self.lease_d))
+    def test_single_azure_leases_file(self):
+        """On Azure, option 245 should be present, verify it specifically."""
+        populate_dir(self.lease_d, {'1': self.azure_lease})
+        self.assertEqual(
+            {'1': self.azure_parsed}, networkd_load_leases(self.lease_d))
+    def test_multiple_files(self):
+        """Multiple leases files on azure with one found return that value."""
+        self.maxDiff = None
+        populate_dir(self.lease_d, {'1': self.azure_lease,
+                                    '9': self.lxd_lease})
+        self.assertEqual({'1': self.azure_parsed, '9': self.lxd_parsed},
+                         networkd_load_leases(self.lease_d))
diff --git a/cloudinit/netinfo.py b/cloudinit/netinfo.py
index 39c79de..8f99d99 100644
--- a/cloudinit/netinfo.py
+++ b/cloudinit/netinfo.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import re
 from cloudinit import log as logging
 from cloudinit import util
-from prettytable import PrettyTable
+from cloudinit.simpletable import SimpleTable
 LOG = logging.getLogger()
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ def netdev_pformat():
         lines.append(util.center("Net device info failed", '!', 80))
         fields = ['Device', 'Up', 'Address', 'Mask', 'Scope', 'Hw-Address']
-        tbl = PrettyTable(fields)
+        tbl = SimpleTable(fields)
         for (dev, d) in netdev.items():
             tbl.add_row([dev, d["up"], d["addr"], d["mask"], ".", d["hwaddr"]])
             if d.get('addr6'):
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ def route_pformat():
         if routes.get('ipv4'):
             fields_v4 = ['Route', 'Destination', 'Gateway',
                          'Genmask', 'Interface', 'Flags']
-            tbl_v4 = PrettyTable(fields_v4)
+            tbl_v4 = SimpleTable(fields_v4)
             for (n, r) in enumerate(routes.get('ipv4')):
                 route_id = str(n)
                 tbl_v4.add_row([route_id, r['destination'],
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ def route_pformat():
         if routes.get('ipv6'):
             fields_v6 = ['Route', 'Proto', 'Recv-Q', 'Send-Q',
                          'Local Address', 'Foreign Address', 'State']
-            tbl_v6 = PrettyTable(fields_v6)
+            tbl_v6 = SimpleTable(fields_v6)
             for (n, r) in enumerate(routes.get('ipv6')):
                 route_id = str(n)
                 tbl_v6.add_row([route_id, r['proto'],
diff --git a/cloudinit/simpletable.py b/cloudinit/simpletable.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9060322
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cloudinit/simpletable.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates
+# Author: Ethan Faust <efaust@xxxxxxxxxx>
+# Author: Andrew Jorgensen <ajorgens@xxxxxxxxxx>
+# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+class SimpleTable(object):
+    """A minimal implementation of PrettyTable
+    for distribution with cloud-init.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, fields):
+        self.fields = fields
+        self.rows = []
+        # initialize list of 0s the same length
+        # as the number of fields
+        self.column_widths = [0] * len(self.fields)
+        self.update_column_widths(fields)
+    def update_column_widths(self, values):
+        for i, value in enumerate(values):
+            self.column_widths[i] = max(
+                len(value),
+                self.column_widths[i])
+    def add_row(self, values):
+        if len(values) > len(self.fields):
+            raise TypeError('too many values')
+        values = [str(value) for value in values]
+        self.rows.append(values)
+        self.update_column_widths(values)
+    def _hdiv(self):
+        """Returns a horizontal divider for the table."""
+        return '+' + '+'.join(
+            ['-' * (w + 2) for w in self.column_widths]) + '+'
+    def _row(self, row):
+        """Returns a formatted row."""
+        return '|' + '|'.join(
+            [col.center(self.column_widths[i] + 2)
+                for i, col in enumerate(row)]) + '|'
+    def __str__(self):
+        """Returns a string representation of the table with lines around.
+        +-----+-----+
+        | one | two |
+        +-----+-----+
+        |  1  |  2  |
+        |  01 |  10 |
+        +-----+-----+
+        """
+        lines = [self._hdiv(), self._row(self.fields), self._hdiv()]
+        lines += [self._row(r) for r in self.rows] + [self._hdiv()]
+        return '\n'.join(lines)
+    def get_string(self):
+        return repr(self)
diff --git a/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAltCloud.py b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAltCloud.py
index ed1d691..c78ad9e 100644
--- a/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAltCloud.py
+++ b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAltCloud.py
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 CLOUD_INFO_FILE = '/etc/sysconfig/cloud-info'
 # Shell command lists
-CMD_PROBE_FLOPPY = ['/sbin/modprobe', 'floppy']
-CMD_UDEVADM_SETTLE = ['/sbin/udevadm', 'settle', '--timeout=5']
+CMD_PROBE_FLOPPY = ['modprobe', 'floppy']
+CMD_UDEVADM_SETTLE = ['udevadm', 'settle', '--timeout=5']
     'block-device-mapping': {},
diff --git a/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceCloudStack.py b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceCloudStack.py
index 7e0f9bb..9dc473f 100644
--- a/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceCloudStack.py
+++ b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceCloudStack.py
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import time
 from cloudinit import ec2_utils as ec2
 from cloudinit import log as logging
+from cloudinit.net import dhcp
 from cloudinit import sources
 from cloudinit import url_helper as uhelp
 from cloudinit import util
@@ -224,20 +225,28 @@ def get_vr_address():
     # Get the address of the virtual router via dhcp leases
     # If no virtual router is detected, fallback on default gateway.
     # See http://docs.cloudstack.apache.org/projects/cloudstack-administration/en/4.8/virtual_machines/user-data.html # noqa
+    # Try networkd first...
+    latest_address = dhcp.networkd_get_option_from_leases('SERVER_ADDRESS')
+    if latest_address:
+        LOG.debug("Found SERVER_ADDRESS '%s' via networkd_leases",
+                  latest_address)
+        return latest_address
+    # Try dhcp lease files next...
     lease_file = get_latest_lease()
     if not lease_file:
         LOG.debug("No lease file found, using default gateway")
         return get_default_gateway()
-    latest_address = None
     with open(lease_file, "r") as fd:
         for line in fd:
             if "dhcp-server-identifier" in line:
                 words = line.strip(" ;\r\n").split(" ")
                 if len(words) > 2:
-                    dhcp = words[2]
-                    LOG.debug("Found DHCP identifier %s", dhcp)
-                    latest_address = dhcp
+                    dhcptok = words[2]
+                    LOG.debug("Found DHCP identifier %s", dhcptok)
+                    latest_address = dhcptok
     if not latest_address:
         # No virtual router found, fallback on default gateway
         LOG.debug("No DHCP found, using default gateway")
diff --git a/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceOVF.py b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceOVF.py
index 24b45d5..ccebf11 100644
--- a/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceOVF.py
+++ b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceOVF.py
@@ -375,26 +375,56 @@ def get_ovf_env(dirname):
     return (None, False)
-# Transport functions take no input and return
-# a 3 tuple of content, path, filename
-def transport_iso9660(require_iso=True):
+def maybe_cdrom_device(devname):
+    """Test if devname matches known list of devices which may contain iso9660
+       filesystems.
-    # default_regex matches values in
-    # /lib/udev/rules.d/60-cdrom_id.rules
-    # KERNEL!="sr[0-9]*|hd[a-z]|xvd*", GOTO="cdrom_end"
-    default_regex = "^(sr[0-9]+|hd[a-z]|xvd.*)"
+    Be helpful in accepting either knames (with no leading /dev/) or full path
+    names, but do not allow paths outside of /dev/, like /dev/foo/bar/xxx.
+    """
+    if not devname:
+        return False
+    elif not isinstance(devname, util.string_types):
+        raise ValueError("Unexpected input for devname: %s" % devname)
+    # resolve '..' and multi '/' elements
+    devname = os.path.normpath(devname)
-    devname_regex = os.environ.get(envname, default_regex)
+    # drop leading '/dev/'
+    if devname.startswith("/dev/"):
+        # partition returns tuple (before, partition, after)
+        devname = devname.partition("/dev/")[-1]
+    # ignore leading slash (/sr0), else fail on / in name (foo/bar/xvdc)
+    if devname.startswith("/"):
+        devname = devname.split("/")[-1]
+    elif devname.count("/") > 0:
+        return False
+    # if empty string
+    if not devname:
+        return False
+    # default_regex matches values in /lib/udev/rules.d/60-cdrom_id.rules
+    # KERNEL!="sr[0-9]*|hd[a-z]|xvd*", GOTO="cdrom_end"
+    default_regex = r"^(sr[0-9]+|hd[a-z]|xvd.*)"
+    devname_regex = os.environ.get("CLOUD_INIT_CDROM_DEV_REGEX", default_regex)
     cdmatch = re.compile(devname_regex)
+    return cdmatch.match(devname) is not None
+# Transport functions take no input and return
+# a 3 tuple of content, path, filename
+def transport_iso9660(require_iso=True):
     # Go through mounts to see if it was already mounted
     mounts = util.mounts()
     for (dev, info) in mounts.items():
         fstype = info['fstype']
         if fstype != "iso9660" and require_iso:
-        if cdmatch.match(dev[5:]) is None:  # take off '/dev/'
+        if not maybe_cdrom_device(dev):
         mp = info['mountpoint']
         (fname, contents) = get_ovf_env(mp)
@@ -406,29 +436,19 @@ def transport_iso9660(require_iso=True):
         mtype = None
-    devs = os.listdir("/dev/")
-    devs.sort()
+    # generate a list of devices with mtype filesystem, filter by regex
+    devs = [dev for dev in
+            util.find_devs_with("TYPE=%s" % mtype if mtype else None)
+            if maybe_cdrom_device(dev)]
     for dev in devs:
-        fullp = os.path.join("/dev/", dev)
-        if (fullp in mounts or
-                not cdmatch.match(dev) or os.path.isdir(fullp)):
-            continue
-        try:
-            # See if we can read anything at all...??
-            util.peek_file(fullp, 512)
-        except IOError:
-            continue
-            (fname, contents) = util.mount_cb(fullp, get_ovf_env, mtype=mtype)
+            (fname, contents) = util.mount_cb(dev, get_ovf_env, mtype=mtype)
         except util.MountFailedError:
-            LOG.debug("%s not mountable as iso9660", fullp)
+            LOG.debug("%s not mountable as iso9660", dev)
         if contents is not False:
-            return (contents, fullp, fname)
+            return (contents, dev, fname)
     return (False, None, None)
diff --git a/cloudinit/sources/helpers/azure.py b/cloudinit/sources/helpers/azure.py
index 28ed0ae..959b1bd 100644
--- a/cloudinit/sources/helpers/azure.py
+++ b/cloudinit/sources/helpers/azure.py
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import socket
 import struct
 import time
+from cloudinit.net import dhcp
 from cloudinit import stages
 from cloudinit import temp_utils
 from contextlib import contextmanager
@@ -15,7 +16,6 @@ from xml.etree import ElementTree
 from cloudinit import util
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -239,6 +239,11 @@ class WALinuxAgentShim(object):
         return socket.inet_ntoa(packed_bytes)
+    def _networkd_get_value_from_leases(leases_d=None):
+        return dhcp.networkd_get_option_from_leases(
+            'OPTION_245', leases_d=leases_d)
+    @staticmethod
     def _get_value_from_leases_file(fallback_lease_file):
         leases = []
         content = util.load_file(fallback_lease_file)
@@ -287,12 +292,15 @@ class WALinuxAgentShim(object):
     def find_endpoint(fallback_lease_file=None):
-        LOG.debug('Finding Azure endpoint...')
         value = None
-        # Option-245 stored in /run/cloud-init/dhclient.hooks/<ifc>.json
-        # a dhclient exit hook that calls cloud-init-dhclient-hook
-        dhcp_options = WALinuxAgentShim._load_dhclient_json()
-        value = WALinuxAgentShim._get_value_from_dhcpoptions(dhcp_options)
+        LOG.debug('Finding Azure endpoint from networkd...')
+        value = WALinuxAgentShim._networkd_get_value_from_leases()
+        if value is None:
+            # Option-245 stored in /run/cloud-init/dhclient.hooks/<ifc>.json
+            # a dhclient exit hook that calls cloud-init-dhclient-hook
+            LOG.debug('Finding Azure endpoint from hook json...')
+            dhcp_options = WALinuxAgentShim._load_dhclient_json()
+            value = WALinuxAgentShim._get_value_from_dhcpoptions(dhcp_options)
         if value is None:
             # Fallback and check the leases file if unsuccessful
             LOG.debug("Unable to find endpoint in dhclient logs. "
diff --git a/cloudinit/tests/helpers.py b/cloudinit/tests/helpers.py
index 28e2662..6f88a5b 100644
--- a/cloudinit/tests/helpers.py
+++ b/cloudinit/tests/helpers.py
@@ -104,6 +104,16 @@ class TestCase(unittest2.TestCase):
         super(TestCase, self).setUp()
+    def add_patch(self, target, attr, **kwargs):
+        """Patches specified target object and sets it as attr on test
+        instance also schedules cleanup"""
+        if 'autospec' not in kwargs:
+            kwargs['autospec'] = True
+        m = mock.patch(target, **kwargs)
+        p = m.start()
+        self.addCleanup(m.stop)
+        setattr(self, attr, p)
 class CiTestCase(TestCase):
     """This is the preferred test case base class unless user
diff --git a/cloudinit/tests/test_simpletable.py b/cloudinit/tests/test_simpletable.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96bc24c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cloudinit/tests/test_simpletable.py
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates
+# Author: Andrew Jorgensen <ajorgens@xxxxxxxxxx>
+# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""Tests that SimpleTable works just like PrettyTable for cloud-init.
+Not all possible PrettyTable cases are tested because we're not trying to
+reimplement the entire library, only the minimal parts we actually use.
+from cloudinit.simpletable import SimpleTable
+from cloudinit.tests.helpers import CiTestCase
+# Examples rendered by cloud-init using PrettyTable
+    'Device', 'Up', 'Address', 'Mask', 'Scope', 'Hw-Address')
+    ('ens3', True, '', '', '.', '0a:1f:07:15:98:70'),
+    ('ens3', True, 'fe80::81f:7ff:fe15:9870/64', '.', 'link',
+        '0a:1f:07:15:98:70'),
+    ('lo', True, '', '', '.', '.'),
+    ('lo', True, '::1/128', '.', 'host', '.'),
+| Device |  Up  |          Address           |      Mask     | Scope |     Hw-Address    |
+|  ens3  | True |        | |   .   | 0a:1f:07:15:98:70 |
+|  ens3  | True | fe80::81f:7ff:fe15:9870/64 |       .       |  link | 0a:1f:07:15:98:70 |
+|   lo   | True |          |   |   .   |         .         |
+|   lo   | True |          ::1/128           |       .       |  host |         .         |
++--------+------+----------------------------+---------------+-------+-------------------+"""  # noqa: E501
+    'Route', 'Destination', 'Gateway', 'Genmask', 'Interface', 'Flags')
+    ('0', '', '', '', 'ens3', 'UG'),
+    ('1', '', '', '', 'ens3', 'U'),
+    ('2', '', '', '', 'ens3', 'U'),
+| Route | Destination |  Gateway   |    Genmask    | Interface | Flags |
+|   0   |   | |    |    ens3   |   UG  |
+|   1   | |   |  |    ens3   |   U   |
+|   2   | |   | |    ens3   |   U   |
+    'Keytype', 'Fingerprint (md5)', 'Options', 'Comment')
+    ('ssh-rsa', '24:c7:41:49:47:12:31:a0:de:6f:62:79:9b:13:06:36', '-',
+        'ajorgens'),
+| Keytype |                Fingerprint (md5)                | Options | Comment  |
+| ssh-rsa | 24:c7:41:49:47:12:31:a0:de:6f:62:79:9b:13:06:36 |    -    | ajorgens |
++---------+-------------------------------------------------+---------+----------+"""  # noqa: E501
+# from prettytable import PrettyTable
+# pt = PrettyTable(('HEADER',))
+# print(pt)
+class TestSimpleTable(CiTestCase):
+    def test_no_rows(self):
+        """An empty table is rendered as PrettyTable would have done it."""
+        table = SimpleTable(NO_ROWS_FIELDS)
+        self.assertEqual(str(table), NO_ROWS_TABLE)
+    def test_net_dev(self):
+        """Net device info is rendered as it was with PrettyTable."""
+        table = SimpleTable(NET_DEVICE_FIELDS)
+        for row in NET_DEVICE_ROWS:
+            table.add_row(row)
+        self.assertEqual(str(table), NET_DEVICE_TABLE)
+    def test_route_ipv4(self):
+        """Route IPv4 info is rendered as it was with PrettyTable."""
+        table = SimpleTable(ROUTE_IPV4_FIELDS)
+        for row in ROUTE_IPV4_ROWS:
+            table.add_row(row)
+        self.assertEqual(str(table), ROUTE_IPV4_TABLE)
+    def test_authorized_keys(self):
+        """SSH authorized keys are rendered as they were with PrettyTable."""
+        table = SimpleTable(AUTHORIZED_KEYS_FIELDS)
+        for row in AUTHORIZED_KEYS_ROWS:
+            table.add_row(row)
+        self.assertEqual(str(table), AUTHORIZED_KEYS_TABLE)
diff --git a/config/cloud.cfg.tmpl b/config/cloud.cfg.tmpl
index 50e3bd8..32de9c9 100644
--- a/config/cloud.cfg.tmpl
+++ b/config/cloud.cfg.tmpl
@@ -84,6 +84,9 @@ cloud_config_modules:
  - apt-pipelining
  - apt-configure
 {% endif %}
+{% if variant in ["suse"] %}
+ - zypper-add-repo
+{% endif %}
 {% if variant not in ["freebsd"] %}
  - ntp
 {% endif %}
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 2080def..1e1007d 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,9 +1,31 @@
-cloud-init (17.1-0ubuntu2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+cloud-init (17.1-13-g7fd0425-0ubuntu1) artful; urgency=medium
   * debian/copyright: dep5 updates, reorganize, add Apache 2.0 license.
     (LP: #1718681)
- -- Scott Moser <smoser@xxxxxxxxxxxx>  Fri, 29 Sep 2017 08:44:15 -0400
+  * debian/control: drop dependency on python3-prettytable
+  * New upstream snapshot.
+    - systemd: remove limit on tasks created by cloud-init-final.service.
+      [Robert Schweikert] (LP: #1717969)
+    - suse: Support addition of zypper repos via cloud-config.
+      [Robert Schweikert] (LP: #1718675)
+    - tests: Combine integration configs and testcases [Joshua Powers]
+    - Azure, CloudStack: Support reading dhcp options from systemd-networkd.
+      [Dimitri John Ledkov] (LP: #1718029)
+    - packages/debian/copyright: remove mention of boto and MIT license
+    - systemd: only mention Before=apt-daily.service on debian based distros.
+      [Robert Schweikert]
+    - Add missing simpletable and simpletable tests for failed merge
+      [Chad Smith]
+    - Remove prettytable dependency, introduce simpletable [Andrew Jorgensen]
+    - debian/copyright: dep5 updates, reorganize, add Apache 2.0 license.
+      [Joshua Powers] (LP: #1718681)
+    - tests: remove dependency on shlex [Joshua Powers]
+    - AltCloud: Trust PATH for udevadm and modprobe.
+    - DataSourceOVF: use util.find_devs_with(TYPE=iso9660)
+      [Ryan Harper] (LP: #1718287)
+    - tests: remove a temp file used in bootcmd tests.
+ -- Ryan Harper <ryan.harper@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>  Tue, 03 Oct 2017 10:59:52 -0500
 cloud-init (17.1-0ubuntu1) artful; urgency=medium
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 731821e..3f46d7b 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9),
-               python3-prettytable,
                python3-pyflakes | pyflakes (<< 1.1.0-2),
diff --git a/packages/debian/copyright b/packages/debian/copyright
index c9c7d23..598cda1 100644
--- a/packages/debian/copyright
+++ b/packages/debian/copyright
@@ -1,33 +1,28 @@
-Format-Specification: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/dep/web/deps/dep5.mdwn?op=file&rev=135
-Name: cloud-init
-Maintainer: Scott Moser <scott.moser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Format: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
+Upstream-Name: cloud-init
+Upstream-Contact: cloud-init-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 Source: https://launchpad.net/cloud-init
-This package was debianized by Soren Hansen <soren@xxxxxxxxxx> on
-Thu, 04 Sep 2008 12:49:15 +0200 as ec2-init.  It was later renamed to
-cloud-init by Scott Moser <scott.moser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
-Upstream Author: Scott Moser <smoser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
-    Soren Hansen <soren@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
-    Chuck Short <chuck.short@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
-Copyright: 2010, Canonical Ltd. 
+Files: *
+Copyright: 2010, Canonical Ltd.
 License: GPL-3 or Apache-2.0
 License: GPL-3
  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as
  published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ .
  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ .
  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ .
  The complete text of the GPL version 3 can be seen in
 License: Apache-2.0
  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
diff --git a/packages/pkg-deps.json b/packages/pkg-deps.json
index 822d29d..72409dd 100644
--- a/packages/pkg-deps.json
+++ b/packages/pkg-deps.json
@@ -34,9 +34,6 @@
          "jsonschema" : {
             "3" : "python34-jsonschema"
-         "prettytable" : {
-            "3" : "python34-prettytable"
-         },
          "pyflakes" : {
             "2" : "pyflakes",
             "3" : "python34-pyflakes"
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 61d1e90..dd10d85 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -3,9 +3,6 @@
 # Used for untemplating any files or strings with parameters.
-# This is used for any pretty printing of tabular data.
 # This one is currently only used by the MAAS datasource. If that
 # datasource is removed, this is no longer needed
diff --git a/systemd/cloud-final.service.tmpl b/systemd/cloud-final.service.tmpl
index fc01b89..8207b18 100644
--- a/systemd/cloud-final.service.tmpl
+++ b/systemd/cloud-final.service.tmpl
@@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ Description=Execute cloud user/final scripts
 After=network-online.target cloud-config.service rc-local.service
 {% if variant in ["ubuntu", "unknown", "debian"] %}
 {% endif %}
 Wants=network-online.target cloud-config.service
@@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ ExecStart=/usr/bin/cloud-init modules --mode=final
 # Output needs to appear in instance console output
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/__init__.py b/tests/cloud_tests/__init__.py
index 07148c1..98c1d6c 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/__init__.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/__init__.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import os
 BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
 TESTCASES_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'testcases')
-TEST_CONF_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'configs')
+TEST_CONF_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'testcases')
 TREE_BASE = os.sep.join(BASE_DIR.split(os.sep)[:-2])
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/instances/nocloudkvm.py b/tests/cloud_tests/instances/nocloudkvm.py
index 7abfe73..8a0e531 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/instances/nocloudkvm.py
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/instances/nocloudkvm.py
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 import os
 import paramiko
-import shlex
 import socket
 import subprocess
 import time
@@ -83,10 +82,10 @@ class NoCloudKVMInstance(base.Instance):
     def mount_image_callback(self, cmd):
         """Run mount-image-callback."""
-        mic = ('sudo mount-image-callback --system-mounts --system-resolvconf '
-               '%s -- chroot _MOUNTPOINT_ ' % self.name)
-        out, err = c_util.subp(shlex.split(mic) + cmd)
+        out, err = c_util.subp(['sudo', 'mount-image-callback',
+                                '--system-mounts', '--system-resolvconf',
+                                self.name, '--', 'chroot',
+                                '_MOUNTPOINT_'] + cmd)
         return out, err
@@ -122,11 +121,11 @@ class NoCloudKVMInstance(base.Instance):
         if self.pid:
             super(NoCloudKVMInstance, self).push_file()
-            cmd = ("sudo mount-image-callback --system-mounts "
-                   "--system-resolvconf %s -- chroot _MOUNTPOINT_ "
-                   "/bin/sh -c 'cat - > %s'" % (self.name, remote_path))
             local_file = open(local_path)
-            p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd),
+            p = subprocess.Popen(['sudo', 'mount-image-callback',
+                                  '--system-mounts', '--system-resolvconf',
+                                  self.name, '--', 'chroot', '_MOUNTPOINT_',
+                                  '/bin/sh', '-c', 'cat - > %s' % remote_path],
@@ -186,12 +185,14 @@ class NoCloudKVMInstance(base.Instance):
         self.pid_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, '%s.pid' % self.name)
         self.ssh_port = self.get_free_port()
-        cmd = ('./tools/xkvm --disk %s,cache=unsafe --disk %s,cache=unsafe '
-               '--netdev user,hostfwd=tcp::%s-:22 '
-               '-- -pidfile %s -vnc none -m 2G -smp 2'
-               % (self.name, seed, self.ssh_port, self.pid_file))
-        subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd), close_fds=True,
+        subprocess.Popen(['./tools/xkvm',
+                          '--disk', '%s,cache=unsafe' % self.name,
+                          '--disk', '%s,cache=unsafe' % seed,
+                          '--netdev',
+                          'user,hostfwd=tcp::%s-:22' % self.ssh_port,
+                          '--', '-pidfile', self.pid_file, '-vnc', 'none',
+                          '-m', '2G', '-smp', '2'],
+                         close_fds=True,
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/bugs/README.md b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/README.md
index 09ce076..09ce076 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/bugs/README.md
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/README.md
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/bugs/lp1511485.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1511485.yaml
index ebf9763..ebf9763 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/bugs/lp1511485.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1511485.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/bugs/lp1611074.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1611074.yaml
index 960679d..960679d 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/bugs/lp1611074.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1611074.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/bugs/lp1628337.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1628337.yaml
index e39b3cd..e39b3cd 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/bugs/lp1628337.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/bugs/lp1628337.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/README.md b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/README.md
index 110a223..110a223 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/README.md
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/README.md
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/TODO.md b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/TODO.md
index 8db0e98..8db0e98 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/TODO.md
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/TODO.md
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/add_apt_repositories.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/add_apt_repositories.yaml
index 4b8575f..4b8575f 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/add_apt_repositories.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/add_apt_repositories.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/alter_completion_message.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/alter_completion_message.yaml
index 9e154f8..9e154f8 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/alter_completion_message.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/alter_completion_message.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/configure_instance_trusted_ca_certificates.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/configure_instance_trusted_ca_certificates.yaml
index ad32b08..ad32b08 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/configure_instance_trusted_ca_certificates.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/configure_instance_trusted_ca_certificates.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/configure_instances_ssh_keys.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/configure_instances_ssh_keys.yaml
index f3eaf3c..f3eaf3c 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/configure_instances_ssh_keys.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/configure_instances_ssh_keys.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/including_user_groups.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/including_user_groups.yaml
index 0aa7ad2..0aa7ad2 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/including_user_groups.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/including_user_groups.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/install_arbitrary_packages.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/install_arbitrary_packages.yaml
index d398022..d398022 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/install_arbitrary_packages.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/install_arbitrary_packages.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/install_run_chef_recipes.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/install_run_chef_recipes.yaml
index 0bec305..0bec305 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/install_run_chef_recipes.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/install_run_chef_recipes.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/run_apt_upgrade.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_apt_upgrade.yaml
index 2b7eae4..2b7eae4 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/run_apt_upgrade.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_apt_upgrade.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/run_commands.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_commands.yaml
index b0e311b..b0e311b 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/run_commands.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_commands.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/run_commands_first_boot.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_commands_first_boot.yaml
index 7bd803d..7bd803d 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/run_commands_first_boot.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/run_commands_first_boot.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/setup_run_puppet.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/setup_run_puppet.yaml
index e366c04..e366c04 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/setup_run_puppet.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/setup_run_puppet.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/writing_out_arbitrary_files.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/writing_out_arbitrary_files.yaml
index 6f78f99..6f78f99 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/examples/writing_out_arbitrary_files.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/writing_out_arbitrary_files.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/main/README.md b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/main/README.md
index 6034606..6034606 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/main/README.md
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/main/README.md
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index 08ca894..08ca894 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/main/command_output_simple.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/main/command_output_simple.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/README.md b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/README.md
index d66101f..d66101f 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/README.md
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/README.md
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index 0b933b3..0b933b3 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/TODO.md
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/TODO.md
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index de45300..de45300 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_conf.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_conf.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_disable_suites.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_disable_suites.yaml
index 9880067..9880067 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_disable_suites.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_disable_suites.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_primary.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_primary.yaml
index 41bcf2f..41bcf2f 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_primary.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_primary.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_proxy.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_proxy.yaml
index be6c6f8..be6c6f8 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_proxy.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_proxy.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_security.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_security.yaml
index 83dd51d..83dd51d 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_security.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_security.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_sources_key.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_key.yaml
index bde9398..bde9398 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_sources_key.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_key.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver.yaml
index 2508813..2508813 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_keyserver.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_sources_list.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_list.yaml
index 143cb08..143cb08 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_sources_list.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_list.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa.yaml
index 9efdae5..9efdae5 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_configure_sources_ppa.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_pipelining_disable.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_pipelining_disable.yaml
index bd9b5d0..bd9b5d0 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_pipelining_disable.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_pipelining_disable.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_pipelining_os.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_pipelining_os.yaml
index cbed3ba..cbed3ba 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/apt_pipelining_os.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/apt_pipelining_os.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/bootcmd.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/bootcmd.yaml
index 3a73994..3a73994 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/bootcmd.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/bootcmd.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/byobu.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/byobu.yaml
index a9aa1f3..a9aa1f3 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/byobu.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/byobu.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ca_certs.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ca_certs.yaml
index d939f43..d939f43 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ca_certs.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ca_certs.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/debug_disable.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/debug_disable.yaml
index 63218b1..63218b1 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/debug_disable.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/debug_disable.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/debug_enable.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/debug_enable.yaml
index d44147d..d44147d 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/debug_enable.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/debug_enable.yaml
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index c9ed611..c9ed611 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/final_message.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/final_message.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/keys_to_console.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/keys_to_console.yaml
index 5d86e73..5d86e73 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/keys_to_console.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/keys_to_console.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/landscape.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/landscape.yaml
index ed2c37c..ed2c37c 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/landscape.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/landscape.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/locale.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/locale.yaml
index e01518a..e01518a 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/locale.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/locale.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/lxd_bridge.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/lxd_bridge.yaml
index e6b7e76..e6b7e76 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/lxd_bridge.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/lxd_bridge.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/lxd_dir.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/lxd_dir.yaml
index f93a3fa..f93a3fa 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/lxd_dir.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/lxd_dir.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ntp.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp.yaml
index fbef431..fbef431 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ntp.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ntp_pools.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_pools.yaml
index 3a93faa..3a93faa 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ntp_pools.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_pools.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ntp_servers.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_servers.yaml
index d59d45a..d59d45a 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ntp_servers.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ntp_servers.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/package_update_upgrade_install.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/package_update_upgrade_install.yaml
index 71d24b8..71d24b8 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/package_update_upgrade_install.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/package_update_upgrade_install.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/runcmd.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/runcmd.yaml
index 04e5a05..04e5a05 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/runcmd.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/runcmd.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/salt_minion.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/salt_minion.yaml
index f20d24f..f20d24f 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/salt_minion.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/salt_minion.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/seed_random_command.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/seed_random_command.yaml
index 6a9157e..6a9157e 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/seed_random_command.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/seed_random_command.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/seed_random_data.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/seed_random_data.yaml
index a9b2c88..a9b2c88 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/seed_random_data.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/seed_random_data.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_hostname.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_hostname.yaml
index c96344c..c96344c 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_hostname.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_hostname.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_hostname_fqdn.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_hostname_fqdn.yaml
index daf7593..daf7593 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_hostname_fqdn.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_hostname_fqdn.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_password.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password.yaml
index 04d7c58..04d7c58 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_password.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_password_expire.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_expire.yaml
index 789604b..789604b 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_password_expire.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_expire.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_password_list.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_list.yaml
index a2a89c9..a2a89c9 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_password_list.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_list.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_password_list_string.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_list_string.yaml
index c2a0f63..c2a0f63 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_password_list_string.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/set_password_list_string.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/snappy.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/snappy.yaml
index 43f9329..43f9329 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/snappy.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/snappy.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.yaml
index 746653e..746653e 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_disable.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.yaml
index 9f5dc34..9f5dc34 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_auth_key_fingerprints_enable.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_import_id.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_import_id.yaml
index b62d3f6..b62d3f6 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_import_id.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_import_id.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_keys_generate.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_keys_generate.yaml
index 659fd93..659fd93 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_keys_generate.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_keys_generate.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_keys_provided.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_keys_provided.yaml
index 5ceb362..5ceb362 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/ssh_keys_provided.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ssh_keys_provided.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/timezone.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/timezone.yaml
index 5112aa9..5112aa9 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/timezone.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/timezone.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/user_groups.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/user_groups.yaml
index 71cc9da..71cc9da 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/user_groups.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/user_groups.yaml
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/write_files.yaml b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/write_files.yaml
index ce936b7..ce936b7 100644
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/write_files.yaml
+++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/write_files.yaml
diff --git a/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_altcloud.py b/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_altcloud.py
index 3b274d9..a4dfb54 100644
--- a/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_altcloud.py
+++ b/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_altcloud.py
@@ -280,8 +280,8 @@ class TestUserDataRhevm(TestCase):
         dsac.CLOUD_INFO_FILE = '/etc/sysconfig/cloud-info'
-        dsac.CMD_PROBE_FLOPPY = ['/sbin/modprobe', 'floppy']
-        dsac.CMD_UDEVADM_SETTLE = ['/sbin/udevadm', 'settle',
+        dsac.CMD_PROBE_FLOPPY = ['modprobe', 'floppy']
+        dsac.CMD_UDEVADM_SETTLE = ['udevadm', 'settle',
                                    '--quiet', '--timeout=5']
     def test_mount_cb_fails(self):
diff --git a/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_azure_helper.py b/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_azure_helper.py
index 44b99ec..b42b073 100644
--- a/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_azure_helper.py
+++ b/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_azure_helper.py
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
 import os
+from textwrap import dedent
 from cloudinit.sources.helpers import azure as azure_helper
-from cloudinit.tests.helpers import ExitStack, mock, TestCase
+from cloudinit.tests.helpers import CiTestCase, ExitStack, mock, populate_dir
+from cloudinit.sources.helpers.azure import WALinuxAgentShim as wa_shim
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
@@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ GOAL_STATE_TEMPLATE = """\
-class TestFindEndpoint(TestCase):
+class TestFindEndpoint(CiTestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestFindEndpoint, self).setUp()
@@ -56,18 +58,19 @@ class TestFindEndpoint(TestCase):
             mock.patch.object(azure_helper.util, 'load_file'))
         self.dhcp_options = patches.enter_context(
-            mock.patch.object(azure_helper.WALinuxAgentShim,
-                              '_load_dhclient_json'))
+            mock.patch.object(wa_shim, '_load_dhclient_json'))
+        self.networkd_leases = patches.enter_context(
+            mock.patch.object(wa_shim, '_networkd_get_value_from_leases'))
+        self.networkd_leases.return_value = None
     def test_missing_file(self):
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError,
-                          azure_helper.WALinuxAgentShim.find_endpoint)
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, wa_shim.find_endpoint)
     def test_missing_special_azure_line(self):
         self.load_file.return_value = ''
         self.dhcp_options.return_value = {'eth0': {'key': 'value'}}
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError,
-                          azure_helper.WALinuxAgentShim.find_endpoint)
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, wa_shim.find_endpoint)
     def _build_lease_content(encoded_address):
@@ -80,8 +83,7 @@ class TestFindEndpoint(TestCase):
     def test_from_dhcp_client(self):
         self.dhcp_options.return_value = {"eth0": {"unknown_245": "5:4:3:2"}}
-        self.assertEqual('',
-                         azure_helper.WALinuxAgentShim.find_endpoint(None))
+        self.assertEqual('', wa_shim.find_endpoint(None))
     def test_latest_lease_used(self):
         encoded_addresses = ['5:4:3:2', '4:3:2:1']
@@ -89,53 +91,38 @@ class TestFindEndpoint(TestCase):
                                   for encoded_address in encoded_addresses])
         self.load_file.return_value = file_content
         self.assertEqual(encoded_addresses[-1].replace(':', '.'),
-                         azure_helper.WALinuxAgentShim.find_endpoint("foobar"))
+                         wa_shim.find_endpoint("foobar"))
-class TestExtractIpAddressFromLeaseValue(TestCase):
+class TestExtractIpAddressFromLeaseValue(CiTestCase):
     def test_hex_string(self):
         ip_address, encoded_address = '', '62:4c:36:20'
-            ip_address,
-            azure_helper.WALinuxAgentShim.get_ip_from_lease_value(
-                encoded_address
-            ))
+            ip_address, wa_shim.get_ip_from_lease_value(encoded_address))
     def test_hex_string_with_single_character_part(self):
         ip_address, encoded_address = '', '4:3:2:1'
-            ip_address,
-            azure_helper.WALinuxAgentShim.get_ip_from_lease_value(
-                encoded_address
-            ))
+            ip_address, wa_shim.get_ip_from_lease_value(encoded_address))
     def test_packed_string(self):
         ip_address, encoded_address = '', 'bL6 '
-            ip_address,
-            azure_helper.WALinuxAgentShim.get_ip_from_lease_value(
-                encoded_address
-            ))
+            ip_address, wa_shim.get_ip_from_lease_value(encoded_address))
     def test_packed_string_with_escaped_quote(self):
         ip_address, encoded_address = '', 'dH\\"l'
-            ip_address,
-            azure_helper.WALinuxAgentShim.get_ip_from_lease_value(
-                encoded_address
-            ))
+            ip_address, wa_shim.get_ip_from_lease_value(encoded_address))
     def test_packed_string_containing_a_colon(self):
         ip_address, encoded_address = '', 'dH:l'
-            ip_address,
-            azure_helper.WALinuxAgentShim.get_ip_from_lease_value(
-                encoded_address
-            ))
+            ip_address, wa_shim.get_ip_from_lease_value(encoded_address))
-class TestGoalStateParsing(TestCase):
+class TestGoalStateParsing(CiTestCase):
     default_parameters = {
         'incarnation': 1,
@@ -195,7 +182,7 @@ class TestGoalStateParsing(TestCase):
-class TestAzureEndpointHttpClient(TestCase):
+class TestAzureEndpointHttpClient(CiTestCase):
     regular_headers = {
         'x-ms-agent-name': 'WALinuxAgent',
@@ -258,7 +245,7 @@ class TestAzureEndpointHttpClient(TestCase):
-class TestOpenSSLManager(TestCase):
+class TestOpenSSLManager(CiTestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestOpenSSLManager, self).setUp()
@@ -300,7 +287,7 @@ class TestOpenSSLManager(TestCase):
         self.assertEqual([mock.call(manager.tmpdir)], del_dir.call_args_list)
-class TestWALinuxAgentShim(TestCase):
+class TestWALinuxAgentShim(CiTestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestWALinuxAgentShim, self).setUp()
@@ -310,8 +297,7 @@ class TestWALinuxAgentShim(TestCase):
         self.AzureEndpointHttpClient = patches.enter_context(
             mock.patch.object(azure_helper, 'AzureEndpointHttpClient'))
         self.find_endpoint = patches.enter_context(
-            mock.patch.object(
-                azure_helper.WALinuxAgentShim, 'find_endpoint'))
+            mock.patch.object(wa_shim, 'find_endpoint'))
         self.GoalState = patches.enter_context(
             mock.patch.object(azure_helper, 'GoalState'))
         self.OpenSSLManager = patches.enter_context(
@@ -320,7 +306,7 @@ class TestWALinuxAgentShim(TestCase):
             mock.patch.object(azure_helper.time, 'sleep', mock.MagicMock()))
     def test_http_client_uses_certificate(self):
-        shim = azure_helper.WALinuxAgentShim()
+        shim = wa_shim()
@@ -328,7 +314,7 @@ class TestWALinuxAgentShim(TestCase):
     def test_correct_url_used_for_goalstate(self):
         self.find_endpoint.return_value = 'test_endpoint'
-        shim = azure_helper.WALinuxAgentShim()
+        shim = wa_shim()
         get = self.AzureEndpointHttpClient.return_value.get
@@ -340,7 +326,7 @@ class TestWALinuxAgentShim(TestCase):
     def test_certificates_used_to_determine_public_keys(self):
-        shim = azure_helper.WALinuxAgentShim()
+        shim = wa_shim()
         data = shim.register_with_azure_and_fetch_data()
@@ -351,13 +337,13 @@ class TestWALinuxAgentShim(TestCase):
     def test_absent_certificates_produces_empty_public_keys(self):
         self.GoalState.return_value.certificates_xml = None
-        shim = azure_helper.WALinuxAgentShim()
+        shim = wa_shim()
         data = shim.register_with_azure_and_fetch_data()
         self.assertEqual([], data['public-keys'])
     def test_correct_url_used_for_report_ready(self):
         self.find_endpoint.return_value = 'test_endpoint'
-        shim = azure_helper.WALinuxAgentShim()
+        shim = wa_shim()
         expected_url = 'http://test_endpoint/machine?comp=health'
@@ -368,7 +354,7 @@ class TestWALinuxAgentShim(TestCase):
         self.GoalState.return_value.incarnation = 'TestIncarnation'
         self.GoalState.return_value.container_id = 'TestContainerId'
         self.GoalState.return_value.instance_id = 'TestInstanceId'
-        shim = azure_helper.WALinuxAgentShim()
+        shim = wa_shim()
         posted_document = (
@@ -378,11 +364,11 @@ class TestWALinuxAgentShim(TestCase):
         self.assertIn('TestInstanceId', posted_document)
     def test_clean_up_can_be_called_at_any_time(self):
-        shim = azure_helper.WALinuxAgentShim()
+        shim = wa_shim()
     def test_clean_up_will_clean_up_openssl_manager_if_instantiated(self):
-        shim = azure_helper.WALinuxAgentShim()
+        shim = wa_shim()
@@ -393,12 +379,12 @@ class TestWALinuxAgentShim(TestCase):
         self.AzureEndpointHttpClient.return_value.get.side_effect = (
-        shim = azure_helper.WALinuxAgentShim()
+        shim = wa_shim()
-class TestGetMetadataFromFabric(TestCase):
+class TestGetMetadataFromFabric(CiTestCase):
     @mock.patch.object(azure_helper, 'WALinuxAgentShim')
     def test_data_from_shim_returned(self, shim):
@@ -422,4 +408,65 @@ class TestGetMetadataFromFabric(TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(1, shim.return_value.clean_up.call_count)
+class TestExtractIpAddressFromNetworkd(CiTestCase):
+    azure_lease = dedent("""\
+    # This is private data. Do not parse.
+    ROUTER=
+    MTU=1460
+    T1=43200
+    T2=75600
+    LIFETIME=86400
+    DNS=
+    NTP=
+    DOMAINNAME=c.ubuntu-foundations.internal
+    DOMAIN_SEARCH_LIST=c.ubuntu-foundations.internal google.internal
+    HOSTNAME=tribaal-test-171002-1349.c.ubuntu-foundations.internal
+    ROUTES=,,
+    CLIENTID=ff405663a200020000ab11332859494d7a8b4c
+    OPTION_245=624c3620
+    """)
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestExtractIpAddressFromNetworkd, self).setUp()
+        self.lease_d = self.tmp_dir()
+    def test_no_valid_leases_is_none(self):
+        """No valid leases should return None."""
+        self.assertIsNone(
+            wa_shim._networkd_get_value_from_leases(self.lease_d))
+    def test_option_245_is_found_in_single(self):
+        """A single valid lease with 245 option should return it."""
+        populate_dir(self.lease_d, {'9': self.azure_lease})
+        self.assertEqual(
+            '624c3620', wa_shim._networkd_get_value_from_leases(self.lease_d))
+    def test_option_245_not_found_returns_None(self):
+        """A valid lease, but no option 245 should return None."""
+        populate_dir(
+            self.lease_d,
+            {'9': self.azure_lease.replace("OPTION_245", "OPTION_999")})
+        self.assertIsNone(
+            wa_shim._networkd_get_value_from_leases(self.lease_d))
+    def test_multiple_returns_first(self):
+        """Somewhat arbitrarily return the first address when multiple.
+        Most important at the moment is that this is consistent behavior
+        rather than changing randomly as in order of a dictionary."""
+        myval = "624c3601"
+        populate_dir(
+            self.lease_d,
+            {'9': self.azure_lease,
+             '2': self.azure_lease.replace("624c3620", myval)})
+        self.assertEqual(
+            myval, wa_shim._networkd_get_value_from_leases(self.lease_d))
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_cloudstack.py b/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_cloudstack.py
index 8e98e1b..96144b6 100644
--- a/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_cloudstack.py
+++ b/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_cloudstack.py
@@ -23,13 +23,16 @@ class TestCloudStackPasswordFetching(CiTestCase):
         default_gw = ""
         get_latest_lease = mock.MagicMock(return_value=None)
-            'cloudinit.sources.DataSourceCloudStack.get_latest_lease',
-            get_latest_lease))
+            mod_name + '.get_latest_lease', get_latest_lease))
         get_default_gw = mock.MagicMock(return_value=default_gw)
-            'cloudinit.sources.DataSourceCloudStack.get_default_gateway',
-            get_default_gw))
+            mod_name + '.get_default_gateway', get_default_gw))
+        get_networkd_server_address = mock.MagicMock(return_value=None)
+        self.patches.enter_context(mock.patch(
+            mod_name + '.dhcp.networkd_get_option_from_leases',
+            get_networkd_server_address))
     def _set_password_server_response(self, response_string):
         subp = mock.MagicMock(return_value=(response_string, ''))
diff --git a/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_ovf.py b/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_ovf.py
index 9dbf4dd..700da86 100644
--- a/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_ovf.py
+++ b/tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_ovf.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
 import base64
+from collections import OrderedDict
 from cloudinit.tests import helpers as test_helpers
@@ -70,4 +71,167 @@ class TestReadOvfEnv(test_helpers.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual({'password': "passw0rd"}, cfg)
+class TestTransportIso9660(test_helpers.CiTestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestTransportIso9660, self).setUp()
+        self.add_patch('cloudinit.util.find_devs_with',
+                       'm_find_devs_with')
+        self.add_patch('cloudinit.util.mounts', 'm_mounts')
+        self.add_patch('cloudinit.util.mount_cb', 'm_mount_cb')
+        self.add_patch('cloudinit.sources.DataSourceOVF.get_ovf_env',
+                       'm_get_ovf_env')
+        self.m_get_ovf_env.return_value = ('myfile', 'mycontent')
+    def test_find_already_mounted(self):
+        """Check we call get_ovf_env from on matching mounted devices"""
+        mounts = {
+            '/dev/sr9': {
+                'fstype': 'iso9660',
+                'mountpoint': 'wark/media/sr9',
+                'opts': 'ro',
+            }
+        }
+        self.m_mounts.return_value = mounts
+        (contents, fullp, fname) = dsovf.transport_iso9660()
+        self.assertEqual("mycontent", contents)
+        self.assertEqual("/dev/sr9", fullp)
+        self.assertEqual("myfile", fname)
+    def test_find_already_mounted_skips_non_iso9660(self):
+        """Check we call get_ovf_env ignoring non iso9660"""
+        mounts = {
+            '/dev/xvdb': {
+                'fstype': 'vfat',
+                'mountpoint': 'wark/foobar',
+                'opts': 'defaults,noatime',
+            },
+            '/dev/xvdc': {
+                'fstype': 'iso9660',
+                'mountpoint': 'wark/media/sr9',
+                'opts': 'ro',
+            }
+        }
+        # We use an OrderedDict here to ensure we check xvdb before xvdc
+        # as we're not mocking the regex matching, however, if we place
+        # an entry in the results then we can be reasonably sure that
+        # we're skipping an entry which fails to match.
+        self.m_mounts.return_value = (
+            OrderedDict(sorted(mounts.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])))
+        (contents, fullp, fname) = dsovf.transport_iso9660()
+        self.assertEqual("mycontent", contents)
+        self.assertEqual("/dev/xvdc", fullp)
+        self.assertEqual("myfile", fname)
+    def test_find_already_mounted_matches_kname(self):
+        """Check we dont regex match on basename of the device"""
+        mounts = {
+            '/dev/foo/bar/xvdc': {
+                'fstype': 'iso9660',
+                'mountpoint': 'wark/media/sr9',
+                'opts': 'ro',
+            }
+        }
+        # we're skipping an entry which fails to match.
+        self.m_mounts.return_value = mounts
+        (contents, fullp, fname) = dsovf.transport_iso9660()
+        self.assertEqual(False, contents)
+        self.assertIsNone(fullp)
+        self.assertIsNone(fname)
+    def test_mount_cb_called_on_blkdevs_with_iso9660(self):
+        """Check we call mount_cb on blockdevs with iso9660 only"""
+        self.m_mounts.return_value = {}
+        self.m_find_devs_with.return_value = ['/dev/sr0']
+        self.m_mount_cb.return_value = ("myfile", "mycontent")
+        (contents, fullp, fname) = dsovf.transport_iso9660()
+        self.m_mount_cb.assert_called_with(
+            "/dev/sr0", dsovf.get_ovf_env, mtype="iso9660")
+        self.assertEqual("mycontent", contents)
+        self.assertEqual("/dev/sr0", fullp)
+        self.assertEqual("myfile", fname)
+    def test_mount_cb_called_on_blkdevs_with_iso9660_check_regex(self):
+        """Check we call mount_cb on blockdevs with iso9660 and match regex"""
+        self.m_mounts.return_value = {}
+        self.m_find_devs_with.return_value = [
+            '/dev/abc', '/dev/my-cdrom', '/dev/sr0']
+        self.m_mount_cb.return_value = ("myfile", "mycontent")
+        (contents, fullp, fname) = dsovf.transport_iso9660()
+        self.m_mount_cb.assert_called_with(
+            "/dev/sr0", dsovf.get_ovf_env, mtype="iso9660")
+        self.assertEqual("mycontent", contents)
+        self.assertEqual("/dev/sr0", fullp)
+        self.assertEqual("myfile", fname)
+    def test_mount_cb_not_called_no_matches(self):
+        """Check we don't call mount_cb if nothing matches"""
+        self.m_mounts.return_value = {}
+        self.m_find_devs_with.return_value = ['/dev/vg/myovf']
+        (contents, fullp, fname) = dsovf.transport_iso9660()
+        self.assertEqual(0, self.m_mount_cb.call_count)
+        self.assertEqual(False, contents)
+        self.assertIsNone(fullp)
+        self.assertIsNone(fname)
+    def test_mount_cb_called_require_iso_false(self):
+        """Check we call mount_cb on blockdevs with require_iso=False"""
+        self.m_mounts.return_value = {}
+        self.m_find_devs_with.return_value = ['/dev/xvdz']
+        self.m_mount_cb.return_value = ("myfile", "mycontent")
+        (contents, fullp, fname) = dsovf.transport_iso9660(require_iso=False)
+        self.m_mount_cb.assert_called_with(
+            "/dev/xvdz", dsovf.get_ovf_env, mtype=None)
+        self.assertEqual("mycontent", contents)
+        self.assertEqual("/dev/xvdz", fullp)
+        self.assertEqual("myfile", fname)
+    def test_maybe_cdrom_device_none(self):
+        """Test maybe_cdrom_device returns False for none/empty input"""
+        self.assertFalse(dsovf.maybe_cdrom_device(None))
+        self.assertFalse(dsovf.maybe_cdrom_device(''))
+    def test_maybe_cdrom_device_non_string_exception(self):
+        """Test maybe_cdrom_device raises ValueError on non-string types"""
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+            dsovf.maybe_cdrom_device({'a': 'eleven'})
+    def test_maybe_cdrom_device_false_on_multi_dir_paths(self):
+        """Test maybe_cdrom_device is false on /dev[/.*]/* paths"""
+        self.assertFalse(dsovf.maybe_cdrom_device('/dev/foo/sr0'))
+        self.assertFalse(dsovf.maybe_cdrom_device('foo/sr0'))
+        self.assertFalse(dsovf.maybe_cdrom_device('../foo/sr0'))
+        self.assertFalse(dsovf.maybe_cdrom_device('../foo/sr0'))
+    def test_maybe_cdrom_device_true_on_hd_partitions(self):
+        """Test maybe_cdrom_device is false on /dev/hd[a-z][0-9]+ paths"""
+        self.assertTrue(dsovf.maybe_cdrom_device('/dev/hda1'))
+        self.assertTrue(dsovf.maybe_cdrom_device('hdz9'))
+    def test_maybe_cdrom_device_true_on_valid_relative_paths(self):
+        """Test maybe_cdrom_device normalizes paths"""
+        self.assertTrue(dsovf.maybe_cdrom_device('/dev/wark/../sr9'))
+        self.assertTrue(dsovf.maybe_cdrom_device('///sr0'))
+        self.assertTrue(dsovf.maybe_cdrom_device('/sr0'))
+        self.assertTrue(dsovf.maybe_cdrom_device('//dev//hda'))
+    def test_maybe_cdrom_device_true_on_xvd_partitions(self):
+        """Test maybe_cdrom_device returns true on xvd*"""
+        self.assertTrue(dsovf.maybe_cdrom_device('/dev/xvda'))
+        self.assertTrue(dsovf.maybe_cdrom_device('/dev/xvda1'))
+        self.assertTrue(dsovf.maybe_cdrom_device('xvdza1'))
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tests/unittests/test_handler/test_handler_bootcmd.py b/tests/unittests/test_handler/test_handler_bootcmd.py
index 580017e..dbf43e0 100644
--- a/tests/unittests/test_handler/test_handler_bootcmd.py
+++ b/tests/unittests/test_handler/test_handler_bootcmd.py
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ class FakeExtendedTempFile(object):
     def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+        util.del_file(self.handle.name)
 class TestBootcmd(CiTestCase):
diff --git a/tests/unittests/test_handler/test_handler_zypper_add_repo.py b/tests/unittests/test_handler/test_handler_zypper_add_repo.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..315c2a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unittests/test_handler/test_handler_zypper_add_repo.py
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+import glob
+import os
+from cloudinit.config import cc_zypper_add_repo
+from cloudinit import util
+from cloudinit.tests import helpers
+from cloudinit.tests.helpers import mock
+    from configparser import ConfigParser
+except ImportError:
+    from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
+import logging
+from six import StringIO
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class TestConfig(helpers.FilesystemMockingTestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestConfig, self).setUp()
+        self.tmp = self.tmp_dir()
+        self.zypp_conf = 'etc/zypp/zypp.conf'
+    def test_bad_repo_config(self):
+        """Config has no baseurl, no file should be written"""
+        cfg = {
+            'repos': [
+                {
+                    'id': 'foo',
+                    'name': 'suse-test',
+                    'enabled': '1'
+                },
+            ]
+        }
+        self.patchUtils(self.tmp)
+        cc_zypper_add_repo._write_repos(cfg['repos'], '/etc/zypp/repos.d')
+        self.assertRaises(IOError, util.load_file,
+                          "/etc/zypp/repos.d/foo.repo")
+    def test_write_repos(self):
+        """Verify valid repos get written"""
+        cfg = self._get_base_config_repos()
+        root_d = self.tmp_dir()
+        cc_zypper_add_repo._write_repos(cfg['zypper']['repos'], root_d)
+        repos = glob.glob('%s/*.repo' % root_d)
+        expected_repos = ['testing-foo.repo', 'testing-bar.repo']
+        if len(repos) != 2:
+            assert 'Number of repos written is "%d" expected 2' % len(repos)
+        for repo in repos:
+            repo_name = os.path.basename(repo)
+            if repo_name not in expected_repos:
+                assert 'Found repo with name "%s"; unexpected' % repo_name
+        # Validation that the content gets properly written is in another test
+    def test_write_repo(self):
+        """Verify the content of a repo file"""
+        cfg = {
+            'repos': [
+                {
+                    'baseurl': 'http://foo',
+                    'name': 'test-foo',
+                    'id': 'testing-foo'
+                },
+            ]
+        }
+        root_d = self.tmp_dir()
+        cc_zypper_add_repo._write_repos(cfg['repos'], root_d)
+        contents = util.load_file("%s/testing-foo.repo" % root_d)
+        parser = ConfigParser()
+        parser.readfp(StringIO(contents))
+        expected = {
+            'testing-foo': {
+                'name': 'test-foo',
+                'baseurl': 'http://foo',
+                'enabled': '1',
+                'autorefresh': '1'
+            }
+        }
+        for section in expected:
+            self.assertTrue(parser.has_section(section),
+                            "Contains section {0}".format(section))
+            for k, v in expected[section].items():
+                self.assertEqual(parser.get(section, k), v)
+    def test_config_write(self):
+        """Write valid configuration data"""
+        cfg = {
+            'config': {
+                'download.deltarpm': 'False',
+                'reposdir': 'foo'
+            }
+        }
+        root_d = self.tmp_dir()
+        helpers.populate_dir(root_d, {self.zypp_conf: '# Zypp config\n'})
+        self.reRoot(root_d)
+        cc_zypper_add_repo._write_zypp_config(cfg['config'])
+        cfg_out = os.path.join(root_d, self.zypp_conf)
+        contents = util.load_file(cfg_out)
+        expected = [
+            '# Zypp config',
+            '# Added via cloud.cfg',
+            'download.deltarpm=False',
+            'reposdir=foo'
+        ]
+        for item in contents.split('\n'):
+            if item not in expected:
+                self.assertIsNone(item)
+    @mock.patch('cloudinit.log.logging')
+    def test_config_write_skip_configdir(self, mock_logging):
+        """Write configuration but skip writing 'configdir' setting"""
+        cfg = {
+            'config': {
+                'download.deltarpm': 'False',
+                'reposdir': 'foo',
+                'configdir': 'bar'
+            }
+        }
+        root_d = self.tmp_dir()
+        helpers.populate_dir(root_d, {self.zypp_conf: '# Zypp config\n'})
+        self.reRoot(root_d)
+        cc_zypper_add_repo._write_zypp_config(cfg['config'])
+        cfg_out = os.path.join(root_d, self.zypp_conf)
+        contents = util.load_file(cfg_out)
+        expected = [
+            '# Zypp config',
+            '# Added via cloud.cfg',
+            'download.deltarpm=False',
+            'reposdir=foo'
+        ]
+        for item in contents.split('\n'):
+            if item not in expected:
+                self.assertIsNone(item)
+        # Not finding teh right path for mocking :(
+        # assert mock_logging.warning.called
+    def test_empty_config_section_no_new_data(self):
+        """When the config section is empty no new data should be written to
+           zypp.conf"""
+        cfg = self._get_base_config_repos()
+        cfg['zypper']['config'] = None
+        root_d = self.tmp_dir()
+        helpers.populate_dir(root_d, {self.zypp_conf: '# No data'})
+        self.reRoot(root_d)
+        cc_zypper_add_repo._write_zypp_config(cfg.get('config', {}))
+        cfg_out = os.path.join(root_d, self.zypp_conf)
+        contents = util.load_file(cfg_out)
+        self.assertEqual(contents, '# No data')
+    def test_empty_config_value_no_new_data(self):
+        """When the config section is not empty but there are no values
+           no new data should be written to zypp.conf"""
+        cfg = self._get_base_config_repos()
+        cfg['zypper']['config'] = {
+            'download.deltarpm': None
+        }
+        root_d = self.tmp_dir()
+        helpers.populate_dir(root_d, {self.zypp_conf: '# No data'})
+        self.reRoot(root_d)
+        cc_zypper_add_repo._write_zypp_config(cfg.get('config', {}))
+        cfg_out = os.path.join(root_d, self.zypp_conf)
+        contents = util.load_file(cfg_out)
+        self.assertEqual(contents, '# No data')
+    def test_handler_full_setup(self):
+        """Test that the handler ends up calling the renderers"""
+        cfg = self._get_base_config_repos()
+        cfg['zypper']['config'] = {
+            'download.deltarpm': 'False',
+        }
+        root_d = self.tmp_dir()
+        os.makedirs('%s/etc/zypp/repos.d' % root_d)
+        helpers.populate_dir(root_d, {self.zypp_conf: '# Zypp config\n'})
+        self.reRoot(root_d)
+        cc_zypper_add_repo.handle('zypper_add_repo', cfg, None, LOG, [])
+        cfg_out = os.path.join(root_d, self.zypp_conf)
+        contents = util.load_file(cfg_out)
+        expected = [
+            '# Zypp config',
+            '# Added via cloud.cfg',
+            'download.deltarpm=False',
+        ]
+        for item in contents.split('\n'):
+            if item not in expected:
+                self.assertIsNone(item)
+        repos = glob.glob('%s/etc/zypp/repos.d/*.repo' % root_d)
+        expected_repos = ['testing-foo.repo', 'testing-bar.repo']
+        if len(repos) != 2:
+            assert 'Number of repos written is "%d" expected 2' % len(repos)
+        for repo in repos:
+            repo_name = os.path.basename(repo)
+            if repo_name not in expected_repos:
+                assert 'Found repo with name "%s"; unexpected' % repo_name
+    def test_no_config_section_no_new_data(self):
+        """When there is no config section no new data should be written to
+           zypp.conf"""
+        cfg = self._get_base_config_repos()
+        root_d = self.tmp_dir()
+        helpers.populate_dir(root_d, {self.zypp_conf: '# No data'})
+        self.reRoot(root_d)
+        cc_zypper_add_repo._write_zypp_config(cfg.get('config', {}))
+        cfg_out = os.path.join(root_d, self.zypp_conf)
+        contents = util.load_file(cfg_out)
+        self.assertEqual(contents, '# No data')
+    def test_no_repo_data(self):
+        """When there is no repo data nothing should happen"""
+        root_d = self.tmp_dir()
+        self.reRoot(root_d)
+        cc_zypper_add_repo._write_repos(None, root_d)
+        content = glob.glob('%s/*' % root_d)
+        self.assertEqual(len(content), 0)
+    def _get_base_config_repos(self):
+        """Basic valid repo configuration"""
+        cfg = {
+            'zypper': {
+                'repos': [
+                    {
+                        'baseurl': 'http://foo',
+                        'name': 'test-foo',
+                        'id': 'testing-foo'
+                    },
+                    {
+                        'baseurl': 'http://bar',
+                        'name': 'test-bar',
+                        'id': 'testing-bar'
+                    }
+                ]
+            }
+        }
+        return cfg
diff --git a/tests/unittests/test_handler/test_schema.py b/tests/unittests/test_handler/test_schema.py
index 745bb0f..b8fc893 100644
--- a/tests/unittests/test_handler/test_schema.py
+++ b/tests/unittests/test_handler/test_schema.py
@@ -27,7 +27,13 @@ class GetSchemaTest(CiTestCase):
         """Every cloudconfig module with schema is listed in allOf keyword."""
         schema = get_schema()
-            ['cc_bootcmd', 'cc_ntp', 'cc_resizefs', 'cc_runcmd'],
+            [
+                'cc_bootcmd',
+                'cc_ntp',
+                'cc_resizefs',
+                'cc_runcmd',
+                'cc_zypper_add_repo'
+            ],
             [subschema['id'] for subschema in schema['allOf']])
         self.assertEqual('cloud-config-schema', schema['id'])
diff --git a/tools/build-on-freebsd b/tools/build-on-freebsd
index ff9153a..d23fde2 100755
--- a/tools/build-on-freebsd
+++ b/tools/build-on-freebsd
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ pkgs="
-   py27-prettytable
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 776f425..aef1f84 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ deps =
     # requirements
-    PrettyTable==0.7.2
@@ -89,7 +88,6 @@ deps =
-    PrettyTable==0.7.2
@@ -105,7 +103,6 @@ deps =
-    PrettyTable==0.7.2