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[Merge] ~powersj/cloud-init:cii-enable-ec2 into cloud-init:master


The proposal to merge ~powersj/cloud-init:cii-enable-ec2 into cloud-init:master has been updated.

Commit Message changed to:

tests: Enable AWS EC2 Integration Testing

This enables integration tests to utilize AWS EC2 as a testing platform by
utilizing the boto3 Python library.

Usage will create and delete a custom VPC for every run. All resources will
be tagged with the ec2 tag, 'cii', and the date (e.g. cii-20171220-102452).
The VPC is setup with both IPv4 and IPv6 capabilities, but will only hand out
IPv4 addresses by default. Instances will have complete Internet access and
have full ingress and egress access (i.e. no firewall).

SSH keys are generated with each run of the integration tests with the
key getting uploaded to AWS at the start of tests and deleted on exit.
To enable creation when the platform is setup the SSH generation code is
moved to be completed by the platform setup and not during image setup.
The nocloud-kvm platform was updated with this change.

Creating a custom image will utilize the same clean script,
boot_clean_script, that the LXD platform uses as well. The custom AMI
is generated, used, and de-registered after a test run.

The default instance type is set to t2.micro. This is one of the smallest instance types and is free tier eligible.

The default timeout for ec2 was increased to 300 from 120 as many tests
hit up against the 2 minute timeout and depending on region load can
go over.

Documentation for the AWS platform was added with the expected
configuration files for the platform to be used. There are some
additional whitespace changes included as well.

pylint exception was added for paramiko and simplestreams. In the past these
were not already flagged due to no __init__.py in the subdirectories of files
that used these. boto3 was added to the list of dependencies in the tox
ci-test runner.

For more details, see:
Your team cloud-init commiters is requested to review the proposed merge of ~powersj/cloud-init:cii-enable-ec2 into cloud-init:master.
