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Message #04561
Re: [Merge] ~raharper/cloud-init:feature/update-ntp-spec into cloud-init:master
Diff comments:
> diff --git a/cloudinit/config/ b/cloudinit/config/
> index cbd0237..57a732f 100644
> --- a/cloudinit/config/
> +++ b/cloudinit/config/
> @@ -94,68 +264,84 @@ schema = {
> __doc__ = get_schema_doc(schema) # Supplement python help()
> -def handle(name, cfg, cloud, log, _args):
> - """Enable and configure ntp."""
> - if 'ntp' not in cfg:
> - LOG.debug(
> - "Skipping module named %s, not present or disabled by cfg", name)
> - return
> - ntp_cfg = cfg['ntp']
> - if ntp_cfg is None:
> - ntp_cfg = {} # Allow empty config which will install the package
> +def distro_ntp_client_configs(distro):
> + """Construct a distro-specific ntp client config dictionary by merging
> + distro specific changes into base config.
> - # TODO drop this when validate_cloudconfig_schema is strict=True
> - if not isinstance(ntp_cfg, (dict)):
> - raise RuntimeError(
> - "'ntp' key existed in config, but not a dictionary type,"
> - " is a {_type} instead".format(_type=type_utils.obj_name(ntp_cfg)))
> -
> - validate_cloudconfig_schema(cfg, schema)
> - if ntp_installable():
> - service_name = 'ntp'
> - confpath = NTP_CONF
> - template_name = None
> - packages = ['ntp']
> - check_exe = 'ntpd'
> - else:
> - service_name = 'systemd-timesyncd'
> - confpath = TIMESYNCD_CONF
> - template_name = 'timesyncd.conf'
> - packages = []
> - check_exe = '/lib/systemd/systemd-timesyncd'
> -
> - rename_ntp_conf()
> - # ensure when ntp is installed it has a configuration file
> - # to use instead of starting up with packaged defaults
> - write_ntp_config_template(ntp_cfg, cloud, confpath, template=template_name)
> - install_ntp(cloud.distro.install_packages, packages=packages,
> - check_exe=check_exe)
> -
> - try:
> - reload_ntp(service_name, systemd=cloud.distro.uses_systemd())
> - except util.ProcessExecutionError as e:
> - LOG.exception("Failed to reload/start ntp service: %s", e)
> - raise
> + @param distro: String providing the distro class name.
> + @returns: Dict of distro configurations for ntp clients.
> + """
> + cfg = copy.deepcopy(NTP_CLIENT_CONFIG)
> + if distro in dcfg:
> + cfg = util.mergemanydict([cfg, dcfg[distro]], reverse=True)
> + return cfg
> -def ntp_installable():
> - """Check if we can install ntp package
> +def select_ntp_client(usercfg, distro):
Can we make this api more explicit to only take a ntp_client_name instead of the whole config dict since that's the only value or None that we are looking at here? the callsite select_ntp_client(ntp_cfg.get('ntp_client', 'auto'), cloud.distro) would work here. Then we know what we are actually relying on without having to read all of select_ntp_client.
> + """Determine which ntp client is to be used, consulting the distro
> + for its preference.
> - Ubuntu-Core systems do not have an ntp package available, so
> - we always return False. Other systems require package managers to install
> - the ntp package If we fail to find one of the package managers, then we
> - cannot install ntp.
> + @param usercfg: Dict of user-provided cloud-config.
> + @param distro: Distro class instance.
> + @returns: Dict of the selected ntp client or {} if none selected.
> """
> - if util.system_is_snappy():
> - return False
> - if any(map(util.which, ['apt-get', 'dnf', 'yum', 'zypper'])):
> - return True
> + # construct distro-specific ntp_client_config dict
> + distro_cfg = distro_ntp_client_configs(
> +
> + # user specified client, return its config
> + if 'ntp_client' in usercfg:
This logic won't work if the cloud-config provides 'ntp_client': 'auto'. Can we change the logic a bit here to permit that value from the user. since we document it?
> + LOG.debug('Selected NTP client "%s" via user-data configuration',
> + usercfg.get('ntp_client'))
> + return distro_cfg.get(usercfg.get('ntp_client'))
> +
> + # default to auto if unset in distro
> + distro_ntp_client = distro.get_option('ntp_client', 'auto')
> +
> + clientcfg = {}
> + if distro_ntp_client == "auto":
> + for client in distro.preferred_ntp_clients:
> + cfg = distro_cfg.get(client)
> + if not cfg:
> + LOG.warning(
> + 'Skipping NTP client "%s", no configuration available',
> + client)
> + continue
> + check = cfg.get('check_exe')
> + if not check:
These checks are on the distro default client configuration, which is all hard-coded in right? Shouldn't we instead (or additionally) be validating user-data which could accidentally miss the key definitions? Maybe we just move all ntp configuration validation into a single validate_ntp_config function after we've merged user-provided into distro-provided builtin config as called from handle(). then we can be certain we cover both our builtins and user-config content.
> + LOG.warning(
> + 'Skipping NTP client "%s", missing "check_exe" option',
> + client)
> + continue
> + if util.which(check):
> + LOG.debug('Selected NTP client "%s", already installed',
> + client)
> + clientcfg = cfg
> + break
> +
> + if not clientcfg:
> + # cloud-init has never automatically installed ntp clients without
> + # user-data configuring ntp so we must keep the same behavior here.
> + LOG.debug('ntp_client="auto" and no built-in NTP clients found,'
> + 'skipping automatic configuration')
> + else:
> + LOG.debug('Selected NTP client "%s" via distro system config',
> + distro_ntp_client)
> + clientcfg = distro_cfg.get(distro_ntp_client, {})
> +
> + return clientcfg
> - return False
> +def install_ntp_client(install_func, packages=None, check_exe="ntpd"):
> + """Install ntp client package if not already installed.
> -def install_ntp(install_func, packages=None, check_exe="ntpd"):
> + @param install_func: function. This parameter is invoked with the contents
> + of the packages parameter.
> + @param packages: list. This parameter defaults to ['ntp'].
> + @param check_exec: string. The name of a binary that indicates the package
> + the specified package is already installed.
> + """
> if util.which(check_exe):
> return
> if packages is None:
> @@ -185,34 +379,60 @@ def generate_server_names(distro):
> return names
> -def write_ntp_config_template(cfg, cloud, path, template=None):
> - servers = cfg.get('servers', [])
> - pools = cfg.get('pools', [])
> +def write_ntp_config_template(distro_name, servers=None, pools=None,
> + path=None, template_fn=None, template=None):
> + """Render a ntp client configuration for the specified client.
> +
> + @param distro_name: string. The distro class name.
> + @param servers: A list of strings specifying ntp servers. Defaults to empty
> + list.
> + @param pools: A list of strings specifying ntp pools. Defaults to empty
> + list.
> + @param path: A string to specify where to write the rendered template.
> + @param template_fn: A string to specify the template source file.
> + @param template: A string specifying the contents of the template. This
> + content will be written to a temporary file before being used to render
> + the configuration file.
> +
> + @raises: ValueError when path is None.
> + @raises: ValueError when template_fn is None and template is None.
> + """
> + if not servers:
> + servers = []
> + if not pools:
> + pools = []
> if len(servers) == 0 and len(pools) == 0:
> - pools = generate_server_names(
> + pools = generate_server_names(distro_name)
> LOG.debug(
> 'Adding distro default ntp pool servers: %s', ','.join(pools))
> - params = {
> - 'servers': servers,
> - 'pools': pools,
> - }
> + if not path:
> + raise ValueError('Invalid value for path parameter')
> - if template is None:
> - template = 'ntp.conf.%s' %
> + if not template_fn and not template:
cloud be: if not any([template_fn, template]):
> + raise ValueError('Not template_fn or template provided')
'Not template_fn or template provided' -> 'Missing values for both template_fn and template'
> - template_fn = cloud.get_template_filename(template)
> - if not template_fn:
> - template_fn = cloud.get_template_filename('ntp.conf')
> - if not template_fn:
> - raise RuntimeError(
> - 'No template found, not rendering {path}'.format(path=path))
> + params = {'servers': servers, 'pools': pools}
> + if template:
> + tfile = temp_utils.mkstemp(prefix='template_name-', suffix=".tmpl")
> + template_fn = tfile[1] # filepath is second item in tuple
> + util.write_file(template_fn, content=template)
> templater.render_to_file(template_fn, path, params)
> + # clean up temporary template
> + if template:
> + util.del_file(template_fn)
> def reload_ntp(service, systemd=False):
> + """Restart or reload an ntp system service.
> +
> + @param service: A string specifying the name of the service to be affected.
> + @param systemd: A boolean indicating if the distro uses systemd, defaults
> + to False.
> + @returns: A tuple of stdout, stderr results from executing the action.
> + """
> if systemd:
> cmd = ['systemctl', 'reload-or-restart', service]
> else:
> diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..d433eaf
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/
> @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
> +# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
> +
> +"""cloud-init Integration Test Verify Script."""
> +from tests.cloud_tests.testcases import base
> +
> +
> +class TestNtpTimesyncd(base.CloudTestCase):
> + """Test ntp module with systemd-timesyncd client"""
> +
> +# vi: ts=4 expandtab
> +
> + def test_timesyncd_conf_exists(self):
could drop this test as we should expect content in test_timesyncd_entries below.
> + """Test timesyncd configured"""
> + out = self.get_data_file('timesyncd_conf_exists')
> + self.assertEqual(0, int(out))
> +
> + def test_timesyncd_entires(self):
spelling: entries
> + """Test timesyncd config entries"""
> + out = self.get_data_file('timesyncd_conf')
> + self.assertIn('', out)
> +
> +# vi: ts=4 expandtab
Your team cloud-init commiters is requested to review the proposed merge of ~raharper/cloud-init:feature/update-ntp-spec into cloud-init:master.