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[Merge] ~smoser/cloud-init:feature/run-container into cloud-init:master


Scott Moser has proposed merging ~smoser/cloud-init:feature/run-container into cloud-init:master.

Commit message:
tools/run-container: replace tools/run-centos with more generic.

tools/run-container is like tools/run-centos, but currently supports
the following images from lxc-images

Also here is to make installation via zypper in tools/read-dependencies
not prompt user.

Requested reviews:
  cloud-init commiters (cloud-init-dev)

For more details, see:

see commit message
Your team cloud-init commiters is requested to review the proposed merge of ~smoser/cloud-init:feature/run-container into cloud-init:master.
diff --git a/tools/read-dependencies b/tools/read-dependencies
index 421f470..b4656e6 100755
--- a/tools/read-dependencies
+++ b/tools/read-dependencies
@@ -51,6 +51,10 @@ MAYBE_RELIABLE_YUM_INSTALL = [
+    'zypper', '--non-interactive', '--gpg-auto-import-keys', 'install',
+    '--auto-agree-with-licenses']
     'centos': ['yum', 'install', '--assumeyes'],
     'redhat': ['yum', 'install', '--assumeyes'],
@@ -61,8 +65,8 @@ DISTRO_INSTALL_PKG_CMD = {
     'debian': ['apt', 'install', '-y'],
     'ubuntu': ['apt', 'install', '-y'],
-    'opensuse': ['zypper', 'install'],
-    'suse': ['zypper', 'install']
+    'opensuse': ZYPPER_INSTALL,
+    'suse': ZYPPER_INSTALL,
diff --git a/tools/run-centos b/tools/run-centos
index cb241ee..3d7ca0f 100755
--- a/tools/run-centos
+++ b/tools/run-centos
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
 # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-set -u
-error() { echo "$@" 1>&2; }
-fail() { [ $# -eq 0 ] || error "$@"; exit 1; }
-errorrc() { local r=$?; error "$@" "ret=$r"; return $r; }
+deprecated() {
+cat <<EOF
+             ================ DEPRECATED ================
+             | run-centos is deprecated. Please replace |
+             | your usage with tools/run-container      |
+             |     tools/run-container.                 |
+             ================ DEPRECATED ================
 Usage() {
+    deprecated
     cat <<EOF
 Usage: ${0##*/} [ options ] version
@@ -34,319 +34,39 @@ Usage: ${0##*/} [ options ] version
       * ${0##*/} --rpm --srpm --unittest 6
+    deprecated
 bad_Usage() { Usage 1>&2; [ $# -eq 0 ] || error "$@"; return 1; }
-cleanup() {
-    if [ -n "$CONTAINER" -a "$KEEP" = "false" ]; then
-        delete_container "$CONTAINER"
-    fi
-    [ -z "${TEMP_D}" -o ! -d "${TEMP_D}" ] || rm -Rf "${TEMP_D}"
-debug() {
-    local level=${1}; shift;
-    [ "${level}" -gt "${VERBOSITY}" ] && return
-    error "${@}"
-inside_as() {
-    # inside_as(container_name, user, cmd[, args])
-    # executes cmd with args inside container as user in users home dir.
-    local name="$1" user="$2"
-    shift 2
-    if [ "$user" = "root" ]; then
-        inside "$name" "$@"
-        return
-    fi
-    local stuffed="" b64=""
-    stuffed=$(getopt --shell sh --options "" -- -- "$@")
-    stuffed=${stuffed# -- }
-    b64=$(printf "%s\n" "$stuffed" | base64 --wrap=0)
-    inside "$name" su "$user" -c \
-        'cd; eval set -- "$(echo '$b64' | base64 --decode)" && exec "$@"'
-inside_as_cd() {
-    local name="$1" user="$2" dir="$3"
-    shift 3
-    inside_as "$name" "$user" sh -c 'cd "$0" && exec "$@"' "$dir" "$@"
-inside() {
-    local name="$1"
-    shift
-    lxc exec "$name" -- "$@"
-    # take current cloud-init git dir and put it inside $name at
-    # ~$user/cloud-init.
-    local name="$1" user="$2" dirty="$3"
-    local changes="" top_d="" dname="cloud-init" pstat=""
-    local gitdir="" commitish=""
-    gitdir=$(git rev-parse --git-dir) || {
-        errorrc "Failed to get git dir in $PWD";
-        return
-    }
-    local t=${gitdir%/*}
-    case "$t" in
-        */worktrees) 
-            if [ -f "${t%worktrees}/config" ]; then
-                gitdir="${t%worktrees}"
-            fi
-    esac
-    # attempt to get branch name.
-    commitish=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) || {
-        errorrc "Failed git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD"
-        return
-    }
-    if [ "$commitish" = "HEAD" ]; then
-        # detached head
-        commitish=$(git rev-parse HEAD) || {
-            errorrc "failed git rev-parse HEAD"
-            return
-        }
-    fi
-    local local_changes=false
-    if ! git diff --quiet "$commitish"; then
-        # there are local changes not committed.
-        local_changes=true
-        if [ "$dirty" = "false" ]; then
-            error "WARNING: You had uncommitted changes.  Those changes will "
-            error "be put into 'local-changes.diff' inside the container. "
-            error "To test these changes you must pass --dirty."
-        fi
-    fi
-    debug 1 "collecting ${gitdir} ($dname) into user $user in $name."
-    tar -C "${gitdir}" -cpf - . |
-        inside_as "$name" "$user" sh -ec '
-            dname=$1
-            commitish=$2
-            rm -Rf "$dname"
-            mkdir -p $dname/.git
-            cd $dname/.git
-            tar -xpf -
-            cd ..
-            git config core.bare false
-            out=$(git checkout $commitish 2>&1) ||
-                { echo "failed git checkout $commitish: $out" 1>&2; exit 1; }
-            out=$(git checkout . 2>&1) ||
-                { echo "failed git checkout .: $out" 1>&2; exit 1; }
-            ' extract "$dname" "$commitish"
-    [ "${PIPESTATUS[*]}" = "0 0" ] || {
-        error "Failed to push tarball of '$gitdir' into $name" \
-            " for user $user (dname=$dname)"
-        return 1
-    }
-    echo "local_changes=$local_changes dirty=$dirty"
-    if [ "$local_changes" = "true" ]; then
-        git diff "$commitish" |
-            inside_as "$name" "$user" sh -exc '
-                cd "$1"
-                if [ "$2" = "true" ]; then
-                    git apply
-                else
-                    cat > local-changes.diff
-                fi
-                ' insert_changes "$dname" "$dirty"
-        [ "${PIPESTATUS[*]}" = "0 0" ] || {
-            error "Failed to apply local changes."
-            return 1
-        }
-    fi
-    return 0
-prep() {
-    # we need some very basic things not present in the container.
-    #  - git
-    #  - tar (CentOS 6 lxc container does not have it)
-    #  - python-argparse (or python3)
-    local needed="" pair="" pkg="" cmd="" needed=""
-    for pair in tar:tar git:git; do
-        pkg=${pair#*:}
-        cmd=${pair%%:*}
-        command -v $cmd >/dev/null 2>&1 || needed="${needed} $pkg"
-    done
-    if ! command -v python3; then
-        python -c "import argparse" >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
-            needed="${needed} python-argparse"
-    fi
-    needed=${needed# }
-    if [ -z "$needed" ]; then
-        error "No prep packages needed"
-        return 0
+main() {
+    if [ "$1" = "-h" -o "$1" == "--help" ]; then
+        Usage 1>&2;
+        exit 0;
-    error "Installing prep packages: ${needed}"
-    set -- $needed
-    local n max r
-    n=0; max=10;
-    bcmd="yum install --downloadonly --assumeyes --setopt=keepcache=1"
-    while n=$(($n+1)); do
-       error ":: running $bcmd $* [$n/$max]"
-       $bcmd "$@"
-       r=$?
-       [ $r -eq 0 ] && break
-       [ $n -ge $max ] && { error "gave up on $bcmd"; exit $r; }
-       nap=$(($n*5))
-       error ":: failed [$r] ($n/$max). sleeping $nap."
-       sleep $nap
-    done
-    error ":: running yum install --cacheonly --assumeyes $*"
-    yum install --cacheonly --assumeyes "$@"
-start_container() {
-    local src="$1" name="$2"
-    debug 1 "starting container $name from '$src'"
-    lxc launch "$src" "$name" || {
-        errorrc "Failed to start container '$name' from '$src'";
+    local pt="" mydir=$(dirname "$0")
+    local run_container="$mydir/run-container"
+    if [ ! -x "$run_container" ]; then
+        bad_Usage "Could not find run-container."
-    }
-    CONTAINER=$name
-    local out="" ret=""
-    debug 1 "waiting for networking"
-    out=$(inside "$name" sh -c '
-        i=0
-        while [ $i -lt 60 ]; do
-            getent hosts mirrorlist.centos.org && exit 0
-            sleep 2
-        done' 2>&1)
-    ret=$?
-    if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
-        error "Waiting for network in container '$name' failed. [$ret]"
-        error "$out"
-        return $ret
-    fi
-    if [ ! -z "${http_proxy-}" ]; then
-        debug 1 "configuring proxy ${http_proxy}"
-        inside "$name" sh -c "echo proxy=$http_proxy >> /etc/yum.conf"
-        inside "$name" sed -i s/enabled=1/enabled=0/ /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/fastestmirror.conf
-delete_container() {
-    debug 1 "removing container $1 [--keep to keep]"
-    lxc delete --force "$1"
-main() {
-    local short_opts="ahkrsuv"
-    local long_opts="artifact,dirty,help,keep,rpm,srpm,unittest,verbose"
-    local getopt_out=""
-    getopt_out=$(getopt --name "${0##*/}" \
-        --options "${short_opts}" --long "${long_opts}" -- "$@") &&
-        eval set -- "${getopt_out}" ||
-        { bad_Usage; return; }
-    local cur="" next=""
-    local artifact="" keep="" rpm="" srpm="" unittest="" version=""
-    local dirty=false
+    pt=( "$run_container" )
     while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
         cur="${1:-}"; next="${2:-}";
         case "$cur" in
-            -a|--artifact) artifact=1;;
-               --dirty) dirty=true;;
-            -h|--help) Usage ; exit 0;;
-            -k|--keep) KEEP=true;;
-            -r|--rpm) rpm=1;;
-            -s|--srpm) srpm=1;;
-            -u|--unittest) unittest=1;;
-            -v|--verbose) VERBOSITY=$((${VERBOSITY}+1));;
-            --) shift; break;;
+            -r|--rpm) cur="--package";;
+            -s|--srpm) cur="--source-package";;
+            6|7) cur="centos/$cur";;
+        pt[${#pt[@]}]="$cur"
-    [ $# -eq 1 ] || { bad_Usage "ERROR: Must provide version!"; return; }
-    version="$1"
-    case "$version" in
-        6|7) :;;
-        *) error "Expected version of 6 or 7, not '$version'"; return;;
-    esac
-    TEMP_D=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/${0##*/}.XXXXXX") ||
-        fail "failed to make tempdir"
-    trap cleanup EXIT
-    # program starts here
-    local uuid="" name="" user="ci-test" cdir=""
-    cdir="/home/$user/cloud-init"
-    uuid=$(uuidgen -t) || { error "no uuidgen"; return 1; }
-    name="cloud-init-centos-${uuid%%-*}"
-    start_container "images:centos/$version" "$name"
-    # prep the container (install very basic dependencies)
-    inside "$name" bash -s prep <"$0" ||
-        { errorrc "Failed to prep container $name"; return; }
-    # add the user
-    inside "$name" useradd "$user"
-    debug 1 "inserting cloud-init"
-    inject_cloud_init "$name" "$user" "$dirty" || {
-        errorrc "FAIL: injecting cloud-init into $name failed."
-        return
-    }
-    inside_as_cd "$name" root "$cdir" \
-        ./tools/read-dependencies --distro=centos --test-distro || {
-        errorrc "FAIL: failed to install dependencies with read-dependencies"
-        return
-    }
-    local errors=0
-    inside_as_cd "$name" "$user" "$cdir" \
-        sh -ec "git status" ||
-            { errorrc "git checkout failed."; errors=$(($errors+1)); }
-    if [ -n "$unittest" ]; then
-        debug 1 "running unit tests."
-        inside_as_cd "$name" "$user" "$cdir" \
-            nosetests tests/unittests cloudinit ||
-            { errorrc "nosetests failed."; errors=$(($errors+1)); }
-    fi
-    if [ -n "$srpm" ]; then
-        debug 1 "building srpm."
-        inside_as_cd "$name" "$user" "$cdir" ./packages/brpm --srpm ||
-            { errorrc "brpm --srpm."; errors=$(($errors+1)); }
-    fi
-    if [ -n "$rpm" ]; then
-        debug 1 "building rpm."
-        inside_as_cd "$name" "$user" "$cdir" ./packages/brpm ||
-            { errorrc "brpm failed."; errors=$(($errors+1)); }
-    fi
-    if [ -n "$artifact" ]; then
-        for built_rpm in $(inside "$name" sh -c "echo $cdir/*.rpm"); do
-            lxc file pull "$name/$built_rpm" .
-        done
-    fi
-    if [ "$errors" != "0" ]; then
-        error "there were $errors errors."
-        return 1
-    fi
-    return 0
+    deprecated
+    exec "${pt[@]}"
-if [ "${1:-}" = "prep" ]; then
-    shift
-    prep "$@"
-    main "$@"
+main "$@"
 # vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/tools/run-container b/tools/run-container
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..10f0c59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/run-container
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+set -u
+error() { echo "$@" 1>&2; }
+fail() { [ $# -eq 0 ] || error "$@"; exit 1; }
+errorrc() { local r=$?; error "$@" "ret=$r"; return $r; }
+Usage() {
+    cat <<EOF
+Usage: ${0##*/} [ options ] [images:]image-ref
+    This utility can makes it easier to run tests, build rpm and source rpm
+        generation inside a LXC of the specified version of CentOS.
+    To see images available, run 'lxc image list images:'
+    Example input:
+       centos/7
+       opensuse/42.3
+       debian/10
+    options:
+      -a | --artifact keep build artifacts
+           --dirty    apply local changes before running tests.
+                      If not provided, a clean checkout of branch is tested.
+                      Inside container, changes are in local-changes.diff.
+      -k | --keep     keep container after tests
+           --pyexe V  python version to use.  Default=auto.
+                      Should be name of an executable. ('python2' or 'python3')
+      -p | --package         build a binary package (.deb or .rpm)
+      -s | --source-package  build source package (debuild -S or srpm)
+      -u | --unittest run unit tests
+    Example:
+      * ${0##*/} --package --source-package --unittest centos/6
+bad_Usage() { Usage 1>&2; [ $# -eq 0 ] || error "$@"; return 1; }
+cleanup() {
+    if [ -n "$CONTAINER" -a "$KEEP" = "false" ]; then
+        delete_container "$CONTAINER"
+    fi
+debug() {
+    local level=${1}; shift;
+    [ "${level}" -gt "${VERBOSITY}" ] && return
+    error "${@}"
+inside_as() {
+    # inside_as(container_name, user, cmd[, args])
+    # executes cmd with args inside container as user in users home dir.
+    local name="$1" user="$2"
+    shift 2
+    if [ "$user" = "root" ]; then
+        inside "$name" "$@"
+        return
+    fi
+    local stuffed="" b64=""
+    stuffed=$(getopt --shell sh --options "" -- -- "$@")
+    stuffed=${stuffed# -- }
+    b64=$(printf "%s\n" "$stuffed" | base64 --wrap=0)
+    inside "$name" su "$user" -c \
+        'cd; eval set -- "$(echo '$b64' | base64 --decode)" && exec "$@"'
+inside_as_cd() {
+    local name="$1" user="$2" dir="$3"
+    shift 3
+    inside_as "$name" "$user" sh -c 'cd "$0" && exec "$@"' "$dir" "$@"
+inside() {
+    local name="$1"
+    shift
+    lxc exec "$name" -- "$@"
+    # take current cloud-init git dir and put it inside $name at
+    # ~$user/cloud-init.
+    local name="$1" user="$2" dirty="$3"
+    local changes="" top_d="" dname="cloud-init" pstat=""
+    local gitdir="" commitish=""
+    gitdir=$(git rev-parse --git-dir) || {
+        errorrc "Failed to get git dir in $PWD";
+        return
+    }
+    local t=${gitdir%/*}
+    case "$t" in
+        */worktrees) 
+            if [ -f "${t%worktrees}/config" ]; then
+                gitdir="${t%worktrees}"
+            fi
+    esac
+    # attempt to get branch name.
+    commitish=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) || {
+        errorrc "Failed git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD"
+        return
+    }
+    if [ "$commitish" = "HEAD" ]; then
+        # detached head
+        commitish=$(git rev-parse HEAD) || {
+            errorrc "failed git rev-parse HEAD"
+            return
+        }
+    fi
+    local local_changes=false
+    if ! git diff --quiet "$commitish"; then
+        # there are local changes not committed.
+        local_changes=true
+        if [ "$dirty" = "false" ]; then
+            error "WARNING: You had uncommitted changes.  Those changes will "
+            error "be put into 'local-changes.diff' inside the container. "
+            error "To test these changes you must pass --dirty."
+        fi
+    fi
+    debug 1 "collecting ${gitdir} ($dname) into user $user in $name."
+    tar -C "${gitdir}" -cpf - . |
+        inside_as "$name" "$user" sh -ec '
+            dname=$1
+            commitish=$2
+            rm -Rf "$dname"
+            mkdir -p $dname/.git
+            cd $dname/.git
+            tar -xpf -
+            cd ..
+            git config core.bare false
+            out=$(git checkout $commitish 2>&1) ||
+                { echo "failed git checkout $commitish: $out" 1>&2; exit 1; }
+            out=$(git checkout . 2>&1) ||
+                { echo "failed git checkout .: $out" 1>&2; exit 1; }
+            ' extract "$dname" "$commitish"
+    [ "${PIPESTATUS[*]}" = "0 0" ] || {
+        error "Failed to push tarball of '$gitdir' into $name" \
+            " for user $user (dname=$dname)"
+        return 1
+    }
+    echo "local_changes=$local_changes dirty=$dirty"
+    if [ "$local_changes" = "true" ]; then
+        git diff "$commitish" |
+            inside_as "$name" "$user" sh -exc '
+                cd "$1"
+                if [ "$2" = "true" ]; then
+                    git apply
+                else
+                    cat > local-changes.diff
+                fi
+                ' insert_changes "$dname" "$dirty"
+        [ "${PIPESTATUS[*]}" = "0 0" ] || {
+            error "Failed to apply local changes."
+            return 1
+        }
+    fi
+    return 0
+get_os_info_in() {
+    # prep the container (install very basic dependencies)
+    [ -n "${OS_VERSION:-}" -a -n "${OS_NAME:-}" ] && return 0
+    data=$(run_self_inside "$name" os_info) ||
+        { errorrc "Failed to get os-info in container $name"; return; }
+    eval "$data" && [ -n "${OS_VERSION:-}" -a -n "${OS_NAME:-}" ] || return
+    debug 1 "determined $name is OS_VERSION=$OS_VERSION OS_NAME=$OS_NAME";
+os_info() {
+    get_os_info || return
+    echo "OS_NAME=$OS_NAME"
+get_os_info() {
+    # run inside container, set OS_NAME, OS_VERSION
+    # example OS_NAME are centos, debian, opensuse
+    [ -n "${OS_NAME:-}" -a -n "${OS_VERSION:-}" ] && return 0
+    if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then
+        local name="" os_version=""
+        OS_NAME=$(sh -c '. /etc/os-release; echo $ID')
+        OS_VERSION=$(sh -c '. /etc/os-release; echo $VERSION_ID')
+        if [ -z "$OS_VERSION" ]; then
+            local pname=""
+            pname=$(sh -c '. /etc/os-release; echo $PRETTY_NAME')
+            case "$pname" in
+                *buster*) OS_VERSION=10;;
+                *sid*) OS_VERSION="sid";;
+            esac
+        fi
+    elif [ -f /etc/centos-release ]; then
+        local line=""
+        read line < /etc/centos-release
+        case "$line" in
+            CentOS\ *\ 6.*) OS_VERSION="6"; OS_NAME="centos";;
+        esac
+    fi
+    [ -n "${OS_NAME:-}" -a -n "${OS_VERSION:-}" ] ||
+        { error "Unable to determine OS_NAME/OS_VERSION"; return 1; }
+yum_install() {
+    local n=0 max=10 ret
+    bcmd="yum install --downloadonly --assumeyes --setopt=keepcache=1"
+    while n=$(($n+1)); do
+       error ":: running $bcmd $* [$n/$max]"
+       $bcmd "$@"
+       ret=$?
+       [ $ret -eq 0 ] && break
+       [ $n -ge $max ] && { error "gave up on $bcmd"; exit $ret; }
+       nap=$(($n*5))
+       error ":: failed [$ret] ($n/$max). sleeping $nap."
+       sleep $nap
+    done
+    error ":: running yum install --cacheonly --assumeyes $*"
+    yum install --cacheonly --assumeyes "$@"
+zypper_install() {
+    local pkgs="$*"
+    set -- zypper --non-interactive --gpg-auto-import-keys install \
+        --auto-agree-with-licenses "$@"
+    debug 1 ":: installing $pkgs with zypper: $*"
+    "$@"
+apt_install() {
+    apt-get update -q && apt-get install --no-install-recommends "$@"
+install_packages() {
+    get_os_info || return
+    case "$OS_NAME" in
+        centos) yum_install "$@";;
+        opensuse) zypper_install "$@";;
+        debian|ubuntu) apt_install "$@";;
+        *) error "Do not know how to install packages on ${OS_NAME}";
+           return 1;;
+    esac
+prep() {
+    # we need some very basic things not present in the container.
+    #  - git
+    #  - tar (CentOS 6 lxc container does not have it)
+    #  - python-argparse (or python3)
+    local needed="" pair="" pkg="" cmd="" needed=""
+    local pairs="tar:tar git:git"
+    local pyexe="$1"
+    case "$pyexe" in
+        python2) pairs="$pairs python2:python2";;
+        python3) pairs="$pairs python3:python3";;
+    esac
+    get_os_info
+    for pair in $pairs; do
+        pkg=${pair#*:}
+        cmd=${pair%%:*}
+        command -v $cmd >/dev/null 2>&1 || needed="${needed} $pkg"
+    done
+    if [ "$OS_NAME" = "centos" -a "$pyexe" = "python2" ]; then
+        python -c "import argparse" >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
+            needed="${needed} python-argparse"
+    fi
+    needed=${needed# }
+    if [ -z "$needed" ]; then
+        error "No prep packages needed"
+        return 0
+    fi
+    error "Installing prep packages: ${needed}"
+    set -- $needed
+    install_packages "$@"
+nose() {
+    local pyexe="$1" cmd=""
+    shift
+    get_os_info
+    if [ "$OS_NAME/$OS_VERSION" = "centos/6" ]; then
+        cmd="nosetests"
+    else
+        cmd="$pyexe -m nose"
+    fi
+    ${cmd} "$@"
+is_done_cloudinit() {
+    [ -e "/run/cloud-init/result.json" ]
+    _RET=""
+is_done_systemd() {
+    local s="" num="$1"
+    s=$(systemctl is-system-running 2>&1);
+    _RET="$? $s"
+    case "$s" in
+        initializing|starting) return 1;;
+        *[Ff]ailed*connect*bus*)
+            # warn if not the first run.
+            [ "$num" -lt 5 ] ||
+                error "Failed to connect to systemd bus [${_RET%% *}]";
+            return 1;;
+    esac
+    return 0
+is_done_other() {
+    local out=""
+    out=$(getent hosts ubuntu.com 2>&1)
+    return
+wait_inside() {
+    local name="$1" max="${2:-${DEFAULT_WAIT_MAX}}" debug=${3:-0}
+    local i=0 check="is_done_other";
+    if [ -e /run/systemd ]; then
+        check=is_done_systemd
+    elif [ -x /usr/bin/cloud-init ]; then
+        check=is_done_cloudinit
+    fi
+    [ "$debug" != "0" ] && debug 1 "check=$check"
+    while ! $check $i && i=$(($i+1)); do
+        [ $i -ge $max ] && exit 1
+        [ "$debug" = "0" ] || echo -n .
+        sleep 1
+    done
+    if [ "$debug" != "0" ]; then
+        read up idle </proc/uptime
+        debug 1 "[$name ${i:+done after $i }up=$up${_RET:+ ${_RET}}]"
+    fi
+wait_for_boot() {
+    local name="$1"
+    local out="" ret="" wtime=$DEFAULT_WAIT_MAX
+    get_os_info_in "$name"
+    [ "$OS_NAME" = "debian" ] && wtime=300 &&
+        debug 1 "on debian we wait for ${wtime}s"
+    debug 1 "waiting for boot of $name"
+    run_self_inside "$name" wait_inside "$name" "$wtime" "$VERBOSITY" ||
+        { errorrc "wait inside $name failed."; return; }
+    if [ ! -z "${http_proxy-}" ]; then
+        if [ "$OS_NAME" = "centos" ]; then
+            debug 1 "configuring proxy ${http_proxy}"
+            inside "$name" sh -c "echo proxy=$http_proxy >> /etc/yum.conf"
+            inside "$name" sed -i s/enabled=1/enabled=0/ \
+                /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/fastestmirror.conf
+        else
+            debug 1 "do not know how to configure proxy on $OS_NAME"
+        fi
+    fi
+start_container() {
+    local src="$1" name="$2"
+    debug 1 "starting container $name from '$src'"
+    lxc launch "$src" "$name" || {
+        errorrc "Failed to start container '$name' from '$src'";
+        return
+    }
+    CONTAINER=$name
+    wait_for_boot "$name"
+delete_container() {
+    debug 1 "removing container $1 [--keep to keep]"
+    lxc delete --force "$1"
+run_self_inside() {
+    # run_self_inside(container, args)
+    local name="$1"
+    shift
+    inside "$name" bash -s "$@" <"$0"
+run_self_inside_as_cd() {
+    local name="$1" user="$2" dir="$3"
+    shift 3
+    inside_as_cd "$name" "$user" "$dir" bash -s "$@" <"$0"
+main() {
+    local short_opts="ahkrsuv"
+    local long_opts="artifact,dirty,help,keep,name:,pyexe:,package,source-package,unittest,verbose"
+    local getopt_out=""
+    getopt_out=$(getopt --name "${0##*/}" \
+        --options "${short_opts}" --long "${long_opts}" -- "$@") &&
+        eval set -- "${getopt_out}" ||
+        { bad_Usage; return; }
+    local cur="" next=""
+    local artifact="" keep="" package="" source_package="" unittest="" name=""
+    local dirty=false pyexe="auto"
+    while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
+        cur="${1:-}"; next="${2:-}";
+        case "$cur" in
+            -a|--artifact) artifact=1;;
+               --dirty) dirty=true;;
+            -h|--help) Usage ; exit 0;;
+            -k|--keep) KEEP=true;;
+            -n|--name) name="$next"; shift;;
+               --pyexe) pyexe=$next; shift;;
+            -p|--package) package=1;;
+            -s|--source-package) source_package=1;;
+            -u|--unittest) unittest=1;;
+            -v|--verbose) VERBOSITY=$((${VERBOSITY}+1));;
+            --) shift; break;;
+        esac
+        shift;
+    done
+    [ $# -eq 1 ] || { bad_Usage "ERROR: Must provide os/version!"; return; }
+    local img_ref_in="$1"
+    case "${img_ref_in}" in
+        *:*) :;;
+        *) img_ref="images:${img_ref_in}";;
+    esac
+    local ref="${img_ref##*:}"
+    # ref is something like centos/6 or opensuse/42, but could
+    # be anything that lxc launch will start.
+    # program starts here
+    local out="" user="ci-test" cdir="" home=""
+    home="/home/$user"
+    cdir="/home/$user/cloud-init"
+    if [ -z "$name" ]; then
+        if out=$(petname 2>&1); then
+            name="ci-${out}"
+        elif out=$(uuidgen -t 2>&1); then
+            name="ci-${uuid%%-*}"
+        else
+            error "Must provide name or have petname or uuidgen"
+            return 1
+        fi
+    fi
+    trap cleanup EXIT
+    start_container "$img_ref" "$name" ||
+        { errorrc "Failed to start container for $img_ref"; return; }
+    get_os_info_in "$name" ||
+        { errorrc "failed to get os_info in $name"; return; }
+    if [ "$pyexe" = "auto" ]; then
+        case "$OS_NAME/$OS_VERSION" in
+            centos/*|opensuse/*) pyexe=python2;;
+            *) pyexe=python3;;
+        esac
+        debug 1 "set pyexe=$pyexe for $OS_NAME/$OS_VERSION"
+    fi
+    # prep the container (install very basic dependencies)
+    run_self_inside "$name" prep "$pyexe" ||
+        { errorrc "Failed to prep container $name"; return; }
+    # add the user
+    inside "$name" useradd "$user" --create-home "--home-dir=$home" ||
+        { errorrc "Failed to add user '$user' in '$name'"; return 1; }
+    debug 1 "inserting cloud-init"
+    inject_cloud_init "$name" "$user" "$dirty" || {
+        errorrc "FAIL: injecting cloud-init into $name failed."
+        return
+    }
+    inside_as_cd "$name" root "$cdir" \
+        $pyexe ./tools/read-dependencies "--distro=${OS_NAME}" \
+            --test-distro || {
+        errorrc "FAIL: failed to install dependencies with read-dependencies"
+        return
+    }
+    local errors=0
+    inside_as_cd "$name" "$user" "$cdir" git status ||
+        { errorrc "git checkout failed."; errors=$(($errors+1)); }
+    if [ -n "$unittest" ]; then
+        debug 1 "running unit tests."
+        run_self_inside_as_cd "$name" "$user" "$cdir" nose "$pyexe" \
+            tests/unittests cloudinit/ ||
+            { errorrc "nosetests failed."; errors=$(($errors+1)); }
+    fi
+    local build_pkg="" build_srcpkg="" pkg_ext=""
+    case "$OS_NAME" in
+        debian|ubuntu)
+            build_pkg="./packages/bddeb -d" 
+            build_srcpkg="./packages/bddeb -S -d"
+            pkg_ext=".deb";;
+        centos|opensuse)
+            build_pkg="./packages/brpm"
+            build_srcpkg="./packages/brpm --srpm"
+            pkg_ext=".rpm";;
+    esac
+    if [ -n "$source_package" ]; then
+        [ -n "$build_pkg" ] || {
+            error "Unknown package command for $OS_NAME"
+            return 1
+        }
+        debug 1 "building source package with $build_srcpkg."
+        inside_as_cd "$name" "$user" "$cdir" $pyexe $build_srcpkg ||
+            { errorrc "failed: $build_srcpkg"; errors=$(($errors+1)); }
+    fi
+    if [ -n "$package" ]; then
+        [ -n "$build_srcpkg" ] || {
+            error "Unknown build source command for $OS_NAME"
+            return 1
+        }
+        debug 1 "building binary package with $build_pkg."
+        inside_as_cd "$name" "$user" "$cdir" $pyexe $build_pkg ||
+            { errorrc "failed: $build_pkg"; errors=$(($errors+1)); }
+    fi
+    if [ -n "$artifact" ]; then
+        local art=""
+        for art in $(inside "$name" sh -c "echo $cdir/*.${pkg_ext}"); do
+            lxc file pull "$name/$art" .
+            debug 1 "wrote ./$art"
+        done
+    fi
+    if [ "$errors" != "0" ]; then
+        error "there were $errors errors."
+        return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+case "${1:-}" in
+    prep|os_info|wait_inside|nose) _n=$1; shift; "$_n" "$@";;
+    *) main "$@";;
+# vi: ts=4 expandtab

Follow ups