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Re: [Merge] ~smoser/cloud-init:feature/oracle-datasource into cloud-init:master


addressed some comments, responses in line.

In response:
> How do you see the upgrade from previous DS to the new DS is going to work?

This is useful thought, thank you for raising.

As it is right now we have the following scenarios in which cloud-init will run on Oracle with the OpenStack metadata service:
1.) ds-identify disabled (xenial)
 a. datasource_list=[OpenStack]
 b. default datasource_list defined in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/90_dpkg.cfg
 c. no datasource_list defined anywhere.
2.) ds-identify enabled and datasource_list configured to have only one entry ('OpenStack'). 

The behavior is then defined as:
 * 1.a, 1.b, 2: In this scenario, nothing automatically will update the datasource list to include Oracle, and as such the OpenStack will be considered and should claim itself as found (and hopefully non-new).
 * 1.c: This would be where someone installed from source or commented out the lines in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/90_dpkg.cfg or removed it.. In this scenario we should still end up with the OpenStack datasource "claiming" that it is found as it always has.  Since it is earlier than Oracle in the datasource list and has a local mode, OpenStack should "win", and find that this is not a new instance.

> Do we have a unittest that would cover the transition of one DS to another?

No... and as described above, the goal is really not to transition.

Diff comments:

> diff --git a/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceOracle.py b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceOracle.py
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..34dbb6b
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceOracle.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
> +# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
> +"""Datasource for Oracle (OCI/Oracle Cloud Infrastructure)
> +
> +OCI provdes a OpenStack like metadata service which provides only
> +'2013-10-17' and 'latest' versions..
> +
> +Notes:
> + * This datasource does not support the OCI-Classic. OCI-Classic
> +   provides an EC2 lookalike metadata service.
> + * The uuid provided in DMI data is not the same as the meta-data provided
> +   instance-id, but has an equivalent lifespan.
> + * We do need to support upgrade from an instance that cloud-init
> +   identified as OpenStack.
> + * Both bare-metal and vms use iscsi root
> + * Both bare-metal and vms provide chassis-asset-tag of OracleCloud.com
> +"""
> +
> +from cloudinit.url_helper import combine_url, readurl, UrlError
> +from cloudinit import sources
> +from cloudinit import util
> +from cloudinit.net import cmdline
> +from cloudinit import log as logging
> +
> +import json
> +import re
> +
> +LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
> +
> +CHASSIS_ASSET_TAG = "OracleCloud.com"
> +
> +
> +class DataSourceOracle(sources.DataSource):
> +
> +    dsname = 'Oracle'
> +    system_uuid = None
> +    vendordata_pure = None
> +    _network_config = None
> +
> +    def _is_platform_viable(self):
> +        """Check platform environment to report if this datasource may run."""
> +        return _is_platform_viable()
> +
> +    def _get_data(self):
> +        if not self._is_platform_viable():
> +            return False
> +
> +        data = self.crawl_metadata()
> +        self._crawled_metadata = data
> +
> +        self.userdata_raw = data.get('user_data')
> +        self.system_uuid = data['system_uuid']
> +
> +        vd = data.get('vendor_data')
> +        if vd:
> +            self.vendordata_pure = vd
> +            try:
> +                self.vendordata_raw = sources.convert_vendordata(vd)
> +            except ValueError as e:
> +                LOG.warning("Invalid content in vendor-data: %s", e)
> +                self.vendordata_raw = None

we don't currently store any "old" data anywhere, only current.
Is that what you were asking?

> +
> +        mdcopies = ('public_keys',)
> +        md = dict([(k, data['meta_data'].get(k))
> +                   for k in mdcopies if k in data['meta_data']])
> +
> +        mdtrans = (
> +            ('availability_zone', 'availability-zone'),
> +            ('hostname', 'local-hostname'),
> +            ('launch_index', 'launch-index'),
> +            ('uuid', 'instance-id'),

this maps the name found in Oracle to the name that cloud-init expects in datasource.meta_data dictionary.
there obviously can't be a generic map for all datasources they differ in the datasource name.

I've added a comment in the code as to what is in this.

> +        )
> +        for dsname, ciname in mdtrans:
> +            if dsname in data['meta_data']:
> +                md[ciname] = data['meta_data'][dsname]
> +
> +        self.metadata = md
> +        return True
> +
> +    def crawl_metadata(self):
> +        return read_metadata()
> +
> +    def check_instance_id(self, sys_cfg):
> +        """quickly check (local only) if self.instance_id is still valid
> +
> +        On Oracle, the dmi-provided system uuid differs from the instance-id
> +        but has the same life-span."""
> +        return sources.instance_id_matches_system_uuid(self.system_uuid)
> +
> +    def get_public_ssh_keys(self):
> +        return sources.normalize_pubkey_data(self.metadata.get('public_keys'))
> +
> +    @property
> +    def network_config(self):
> +        """Network config is read from initramfs provides files."""
> +        if self._network_config == sources.UNSET:
> +            self._network_config = cmdline.read_kernel_cmdline_config()
> +        return self._network_config
> +
> +
> +def _read_system_uuid():
> +    sys_uuid = util.read_dmi_data('system-uuid')
> +    return None if sys_uuid is None else sys_uuid.lower()
> +
> +
> +def _is_platform_viable():
> +    asset_tag = util.read_dmi_data('chassis-asset-tag')
> +    return asset_tag == CHASSIS_ASSET_TAG
> +
> +
> +def _load_index(content):
> +    """Return a list entries parsed from content.

i dont think so.
a. it very hackily parses html to grab "target" fields of 'a' tags.
b. in the non-html path, its just content.splitlines().

> +
> +    OpenStack's metadata service returns a newline delimited list
> +    of items.  Oracle's implementation has html formatted list of links.
> +    The parser here just grabs targets from <a href="target">
> +    and throws away "../".
> +
> +    Oracle has accepted that to be buggy and may fix in the future
> +    to instead return a '\n' delimited plain text list.  This function
> +    will continue to work if that change is made."""
> +    if not content.lower().startswith("<html>"):
> +        return content.splitlines()
> +    items = re.findall(
> +        r'href="(?P<target>[^"]*)"', content, re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE)
> +    return [i for i in items if not i.startswith(".")]
> +
> +
> +def read_metadata(endpoint=METADATA_ENDPOINT, sys_uuid=None):
> +    """Read metadata, return a dictionary.
> +
> +    Each path listed in the index will be represented in the dictionary.
> +    If the path ends in .json, then the content will be decoded and
> +    populated into the dictionary.
> +
> +    The system uuid (/sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid) is also populated.
> +    Example: paths = ('user_data', 'meta_data.json')
> +    return {'user_data': b'blob', 'meta_data': json.loads(blob.decode())

modified a bit.

> +            'system_uuid': '3b54f2e0-3ab2-458d-b770-af9926eee3b2'}"""
> +    if sys_uuid is None:
> +        sys_uuid = _read_system_uuid()
> +    if not sys_uuid:
> +        raise sources.BrokenMetadata("Failed to read system uuid.")
> +
> +    try:
> +        resp = readurl(endpoint)
> +        if not resp.ok():
> +            raise sources.BrokenMetadata(
> +                "Bad response from %s: %s" % (endpoint, resp.code))
> +    except UrlError as e:
> +        raise sources.BrokenMetadata(
> +            "Failed to read index at %s: %s" % (endpoint, e))
> +
> +    entries = _load_index(resp.contents.decode('utf-8'))
> +    LOG.debug("index url %s contained: %s", endpoint, entries)
> +
> +    # meta_data.json is required.
> +    mdj = 'meta_data.json'
> +    if mdj not in entries:
> +        raise sources.BrokenMetadata(
> +            "Required field '%s' missing in index at %s" % (mdj, endpoint))
> +
> +    ret = {'system_uuid': sys_uuid}
> +    for path in entries:
> +        response = readurl(combine_url(endpoint, path))
> +        if path.endswith(".json"):
> +            ret[path.rpartition(".")[0]] = (
> +                json.loads(response.contents.decode('utf-8')))
> +        else:
> +            ret[path] = response.contents
> +
> +    return ret
> +
> +
> +# Used to match classes to dependencies
> +datasources = [
> +    (DataSourceOracle, (sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM,)),
> +]
> +
> +
> +# Return a list of data sources that match this set of dependencies
> +def get_datasource_list(depends):
> +    return sources.list_from_depends(depends, datasources)
> +
> +
> +if __name__ == "__main__":
> +    import argparse
> +    import os
> +
> +    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Query Oracle Cloud Metadata')
> +    args = parser.parse_args()
> +    parser.add_argument("--endpoint", metavar="URL",
> +                        help="The url of the metadata service.",
> +                        default=METADATA_ENDPOINT)
> +    args = parser.parse_args()
> +    sys_uuid = "uuid-not-available-not-root" if os.geteuid() != 0 else None
> +
> +    data = read_metadata(endpoint=METADATA_ENDPOINT, sys_uuid=sys_uuid)
> +    data['is_platform_viable'] = _is_platform_viable()
> +    print(util.json_dumps(data))
> +
> +# vi: ts=4 expandtab
> diff --git a/cloudinit/sources/tests/test_oracle.py b/cloudinit/sources/tests/test_oracle.py
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..c33f93e
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/cloudinit/sources/tests/test_oracle.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
> +# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
> +
> +from cloudinit.sources import DataSourceOracle as oracle
> +from cloudinit.sources import BrokenMetadata
> +from cloudinit import helpers
> +
> +from cloudinit.tests import helpers as test_helpers
> +
> +from textwrap import dedent
> +import httpretty
> +import mock
> +import os
> +import uuid
> +
> +DS_PATH = "cloudinit.sources.DataSourceOracle"
> +
> +
> +class TestDataSourceOracle(test_helpers.CiTestCase):
> +    """Test the datasource."""
> +
> +    ds_class = oracle.DataSourceOracle
> +
> +    my_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())

this came from mwhudson's suggestion in subiquity.
in some review, he argued that test cases with:
   myuuid = 'some-uuid-here'
left ambiguity in the reader's mind as to whether or not this value was some important value.
by selecting a random value every time, it is pretty clear that it is not, and never could be.

Michael's argument seemed to make sense to me.

> +    my_md = {"uuid": "ocid1.instance.oc1.phx.abyhqlj",
> +             "name": "ci-vm1", "availability_zone": "phx-ad-3",
> +             "hostname": "ci-vm1hostname",
> +             "launch_index": 0, "files": [],
> +             "public_keys": {"0": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3N...== user@host"},
> +             "meta": {}}
> +
> +    def _get_ds(self, sys_cfg=None, distro=None, paths=None, ud_proc=None,
> +                patches=None):
> +        if sys_cfg is None:
> +            sys_cfg = {}
> +        if patches is None:
> +            patches = {}
> +        if paths is None:
> +            tmpd = self.tmp_dir()
> +            dirs = {'cloud_dir': self.tmp_path('cloud_dir', tmpd),
> +                    'run_dir': self.tmp_path('run_dir')}
> +            for d in dirs.values():
> +                os.mkdir(d)
> +            paths = helpers.Paths(dirs)
> +
> +        ds = self.ds_class(sys_cfg=sys_cfg, distro=distro,
> +                           paths=paths, ud_proc=ud_proc)
> +
> +        # do not bother with cleanup as instance is somewhat transient.
> +        for name, mmock in patches.items():
> +            if not hasattr(ds, name):
> +                raise RuntimeError(
> +                    "Datasource %s does not have attr %s" % (ds, name))
> +            setattr(ds, name, mmock)
> +        return ds
> +
> +    def test_platform_not_viable_returns_false(self):
> +        patches = {
> +            '_is_platform_viable': mock.MagicMock(return_value=False)}
> +        ds = self._get_ds(patches=patches)
> +        self.assertFalse(ds._get_data())
> +        patches['_is_platform_viable'].asssert_called_once_with(ds)
> +
> +    def test_without_userdata(self):
> +        patches = {
> +            '_is_platform_viable': mock.MagicMock(return_value=True),
> +            'crawl_metadata': mock.MagicMock(
> +                return_value={'system_uuid': self.my_uuid,
> +                              'meta_data': self.my_md})}
> +        ds = self._get_ds(patches=patches)
> +        patches['_is_platform_viable'].asssert_called_once_with(ds)
> +        patches['crawl_metadata'].asssert_called_once_with(ds)
> +        self.assertTrue(ds._get_data())
> +        self.assertEqual(self.my_uuid, ds.system_uuid)
> +        self.assertEqual(self.my_md['availability_zone'], ds.availability_zone)
> +        self.assertIn(self.my_md["public_keys"]["0"], ds.get_public_ssh_keys())
> +        self.assertEqual(self.my_md['uuid'], ds.get_instance_id())
> +        self.assertIsNone(ds.userdata_raw)
> +
> +    def test_with_userdata(self):
> +        my_userdata = b'abcdefg'
> +        patches = {
> +            '_is_platform_viable': mock.MagicMock(return_value=True),
> +            'crawl_metadata': mock.MagicMock(
> +                return_value={'system_uuid': self.my_uuid,
> +                              'meta_data': self.my_md,
> +                              'user_data': my_userdata})}
> +        ds = self._get_ds(patches=patches)
> +        patches['_is_platform_viable'].asssert_called_once_with(ds)
> +        patches['crawl_metadata'].asssert_called_once_with(ds)
> +        self.assertTrue(ds._get_data())
> +        self.assertEqual(self.my_uuid, ds.system_uuid)
> +        self.assertIn(self.my_md["public_keys"]["0"], ds.get_public_ssh_keys())
> +        self.assertEqual(self.my_md['uuid'], ds.get_instance_id())
> +        self.assertEqual(my_userdata, ds.userdata_raw)
> +
> +
> +@mock.patch(DS_PATH + "._read_system_uuid", return_value=str(uuid.uuid4()))
> +class TestReadMetaData(test_helpers.HttprettyTestCase):
> +    """Test the read_metadata which interacts with http metadata service."""
> +
> +    mdurl = oracle.METADATA_ENDPOINT
> +
> +    def test_broken_no_sys_uuid(self, m_read_system_uuid):
> +        """Datasource requires ability to read system_uuid and true return."""
> +        m_read_system_uuid.return_value = None
> +        self.assertRaises(BrokenMetadata, oracle.read_metadata)
> +
> +    def test_broken_no_metadata_json(self, m_read_system_uuid):
> +        """Datasource requires meta_data.json."""
> +        httpretty.register_uri(
> +            httpretty.GET, self.mdurl, '\n'.join(['user_data']))
> +        with self.assertRaises(BrokenMetadata) as cm:
> +            oracle.read_metadata()
> +        self.assertIn("Required field 'meta_data.json' missing",
> +                      str(cm.exception))
> +
> +
> +class TestIsPlatformViable(test_helpers.CiTestCase):
> +    @mock.patch(DS_PATH + ".util.read_dmi_data",
> +                return_value=oracle.CHASSIS_ASSET_TAG)
> +    def test_expected_viable(self, m_read_dmi_data):
> +        """System with known chassis tag is viable."""
> +        self.assertTrue(oracle._is_platform_viable())
> +        m_read_dmi_data.assert_has_calls([mock.call('chassis-asset-tag')])
> +
> +    @mock.patch(DS_PATH + ".util.read_dmi_data", return_value=None)
> +    def test_expected_not_viable_dmi_data_none(self, m_read_dmi_data):
> +        """System without known chassis tag is not viable."""
> +        self.assertFalse(oracle._is_platform_viable())
> +        m_read_dmi_data.assert_has_calls([mock.call('chassis-asset-tag')])
> +
> +    @mock.patch(DS_PATH + ".util.read_dmi_data", return_value="LetsGoCubs")
> +    def test_expected_not_viable_other(self, m_read_dmi_data):
> +        """System with unnown chassis tag is not viable."""
> +        self.assertFalse(oracle._is_platform_viable())
> +        m_read_dmi_data.assert_has_calls([mock.call('chassis-asset-tag')])
> +
> +
> +class TestLoadIndex(test_helpers.CiTestCase):
> +    """_load_index handles parsing of an index into a proper list.
> +    The tests here guarantee correct parsing of html version or
> +    a fixed version.  See the function docstring for more doc."""
> +
> +    _known_html_api_versions = dedent("""\
> +        <html>
> +        <head><title>Index of /openstack/</title></head>
> +        <body bgcolor="white">
> +        <h1>Index of /openstack/</h1><hr><pre><a href="../">../</a>
> +        <a href="2013-10-17/">2013-10-17/</a>   27-Jun-2018 12:22  -
> +        <a href="latest/">latest/</a>           27-Jun-2018 12:22  -
> +        </pre><hr></body>
> +        </html>""")
> +
> +    _known_html_contents = dedent("""\
> +        <html>
> +        <head><title>Index of /openstack/2013-10-17/</title></head>
> +        <body bgcolor="white">
> +        <h1>Index of /openstack/2013-10-17/</h1><hr><pre><a href="../">../</a>
> +        <a href="meta_data.json">meta_data.json</a>  27-Jun-2018 12:22  679
> +        <a href="user_data">user_data</a>            27-Jun-2018 12:22  146
> +        </pre><hr></body>
> +        </html>""")
> +
> +    def test_parse_html(self):
> +        """Test parsing of lower case html."""
> +        self.assertEqual(
> +            ['2013-10-17/', 'latest/'],
> +            oracle._load_index(self._known_html_api_versions))
> +        self.assertEqual(
> +            ['meta_data.json', 'user_data'],
> +            oracle._load_index(self._known_html_contents))
> +
> +    def test_parse_html_upper(self):
> +        """Test parsing of upper case html, although known content is lower."""
> +        def _toupper(data):
> +            return data.replace("<a", "<A").replace("html>", "HTML>")
> +
> +        self.assertEqual(
> +            ['2013-10-17/', 'latest/'],
> +            oracle._load_index(_toupper(self._known_html_api_versions)))
> +        self.assertEqual(
> +            ['meta_data.json', 'user_data'],
> +            oracle._load_index(_toupper(self._known_html_contents)))
> +
> +    def test_parse_newline_list_with_endl(self):
> +        """Test parsing of newline separated list with ending newline."""
> +        self.assertEqual(
> +            ['2013-10-17/', 'latest/'],
> +            oracle._load_index("\n".join(["2013-10-17/", "latest/", ""])))
> +        self.assertEqual(
> +            ['meta_data.json', 'user_data'],
> +            oracle._load_index("\n".join(["meta_data.json", "user_data", ""])))
> +
> +    def test_parse_newline_list_without_endl(self):
> +        """Test parsing of newline separated list with no ending newline.
> +
> +        Actual openstack implementation does not include trailing newline."""
> +        self.assertEqual(
> +            ['2013-10-17/', 'latest/'],
> +            oracle._load_index("\n".join(["2013-10-17/", "latest/"])))
> +        self.assertEqual(
> +            ['meta_data.json', 'user_data'],
> +            oracle._load_index("\n".join(["meta_data.json", "user_data"])))
> +
> +
> +# vi: ts=4 expandtab

Your team cloud-init commiters is requested to review the proposed merge of ~smoser/cloud-init:feature/oracle-datasource into cloud-init:master.
