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Re: [Merge] ~i.galic/cloud-init:refactor/net-fbsd into cloud-init:master


Diff comments:

> diff --git a/cloudinit/net/freebsd.py b/cloudinit/net/freebsd.py
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..4f2179b
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/cloudinit/net/freebsd.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
> +# Copyright (C) 2018 Canonical Ltd.
> +#
> +# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
> +
> +import errno
> +import logging
> +import re
> +
> +from cloudinit.net.network_state import mask_to_net_prefix
> +from cloudinit import util
> +
> +LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
> +
> +
> +def _ifconfig(*args):
> +    return util.subp(['ifconfig', *args])
> +
> +
> +def _sysctl(*args):
> +    return util.subp(['sysctl', *args])
> +
> +
> +def _pciconf(*args):
> +    return util.subp(['pciconf', *args])
> +
> +
> +def _route(*args):
> +    return util.subp(['route', *args])
> +
> +
> +def _parse_devname(devname):
> +    dev = re.match("^(?P<driver>[a-z]+)(?P<devid>[0-9]+)$", devname)
> +    if dev is None:
> +        return None
> +    return (
> +        dev.group("driver"),
> +        dev.group("devid"),
> +    )
> +
> +
> +def is_up(devname):
> +    output = _ifconfig(['-u', devname])
> +    if output[0] is '' or output[1] is not '':
> +        return False
> +
> +    return devname in output[0].split("\n")[0]
> +
> +
> +def is_wireless(devname):
> +    output = _sysctl('-n', "net.wlan.devices")
> +    if output[0] is '' or output[1] is not '':
> +        return False
> +
> +    wlan_devs = output[0].strip().split(" ")
> +    return devname in wlan_devs
> +
> +
> +def is_bridge(devname):
> +    output = _ifconfig(['-g', 'bridge'])
> +    if output[0] is '' or output[1] is not '':
> +        return False
> +
> +    bridges = output[0].strip().split("\n")
> +    return devname in bridges
> +
> +
> +def is_bond(devname):
> +    output = _ifconfig(['-g', 'lagg'])
> +    if output[0] is '' or output[1] is not '':
> +        return False
> +
> +    bonds = output[0].strip().split("\n")
> +    return devname in bonds
> +
> +
> +def is_vlan(devname):
> +    output = _ifconfig(['-g', 'vlan'])
> +    if output[0] is '' or output[1] is not '':
> +        return False
> +
> +    vlans = output[0].strip().split("\n")
> +    return devname in vlans
> +
> +
> +def is_renamed(devname):
> +    # we can only tell if a *physical* device was renamed, so
> +    if not is_physical(devname):
> +        return False
> +
> +    dev = _parse_devname(devname)
> +    renamed = _syctl(['-n', "dev.", dev[0] + "." + dev[1] + ".%driver"])
> +    if renamed[0] is '' or renamed[1] is not '':

Yeah, let's avoid duplication down in distros. I think your brancn is appropriately specializing net-related utils to specific distros in the top-level cloudinit.net.freebsd module. I think cloudinit.distros.freebsd should source any utility it can for various operations.

> +        return False
> +
> +    return dev[0] == renamed[0]
> +
> +
> +def is_connected(devname):
> +    output = _ifconfig([devname])
> +    if output[0] is '' or output[1] is not '':
> +        return False
> +
> +    ifcfg = output[0].split("\n")
> +    status_re = re.compile("^\s+status: active$")
> +    for l in ifcfg:
> +        if status_re.match(l):
> +            return True
> +    return False
> +
> +
> +def is_physical(devname):
> +    # reject interfaces like: vnet0:3
> +    if ":" in devname:
> +        return False
> +
> +    dev = _parse_devname(devname)
> +    if dev is None:
> +        return False
> +
> +    output = _sysctl("dev." + dev[0] + "." + dev[1])
> +    if output[0] is '' or output[1] is not '':
> +        return False
> +
> +    return True
> +
> +
> +def is_present(devname):
> +    return devname in get_devicelist()
> +
> +
> +def device_driver(devname):
> +    dev = _parse_devname(devname)
> +    driver = _syctl(['-n', "dev.", dev[0] + "." + dev[1] + ".%driver"])
> +    if driver[0] is '' or output[1] is not '':
> +        return None
> +
> +    return driver[0]
> +
> +
> +def device_devid(devname):
> +    if not is_physical(devname):
> +        return None
> +
> +    dev = _parse_devname(devname)
> +    output = _sysctl(['-n', "dev." + dev[0] + "." + dev[1] + ".%parent"])
> +    if output[0] is '' or output[1] is not '':
> +        return None
> +
> +    # well, isn't that clear? rather than parsing `pciconf -l` output, we just
> +    # *read* (-r) a *halfword* (-h) 44 bytes away from the %parent
> +    devid = _pciconf(['-rh', output[0], '44'])
> +    if devid[0] is '' or devid[1] is not '':
> +        return None
> +    return "0x" + devid[0]
> +
> +
> +def get_devicelist():
> +    maybe_devs = _ifconfig(['-l']).strip().split(' ')
> +    if maybe_devs == ['']:
> +        return []
> +    return maybe_devs
> +
> +
> +def find_fallback_nic(blacklist_drivers=None):
> +    output = _route(["-n", "show", "default"])
> +    if output[0] is '' or output[1] is not '':
> +        return None
> +
> +    route = output[0].split("\n")
> +    via_re = re.compile("^\s+interface: (?P<netif>.+)$")
> +    for l in route:
> +        maybe_netif = via_re.match(l)
> +        if maybe_netif is None:
> +            continue
> +
> +        driver = device_driver(maybe_netif)
> +        if driver not in blacklist_drivers:
> +            return maybe_netif.group("netif")
> +
> +    return None
> +
> +
> +def interface_has_own_mac(ifname, strict=False):
> +    # breakdown:
> +    # physical interfaces have their own MAC
> +    # bridges have their own MAC, unless net.link.bridge.inherit_mac is non-zero
> +    # vlan interfaces inherit MACs
> +    # bond interfaces have ??
> +    # tunnel interfaces have ??
> +    # virtual interfaces *usually* have their own, unless set not to
> +    if is_physical(ifname):
> +        return True
> +
> +    if is_bridge(ifname):
> +        output = _sysctl(['-n', 'net.link.bridge.inherit_mac'])
> +        inherit_mac = output[0].strip()
> +        if inherit_mac == '0':
> +            return False
> +        return True
> +    # for now:
> +    return False
> +
> +
> +def _get_current_rename_info(check_downable=True):
> +    """Collect information necessary for rename_interfaces.
> +
> +    returns a dictionary by mac address like:
> +       {name:
> +         {
> +          'downable': None or boolean indicating that the
> +                      device has only automatically assigned ip addrs.
> +          'device_id': Device id value (if it has one)
> +          'driver': Device driver (if it has one)
> +          'mac': mac address (in lower case)
> +          'name': name
> +          'up': boolean: is_up(name)
> +         }}
> +    """
> +    raise NotImplemented("TODO")
> +
> +
> +def _rename_interfaces(renames,
> +                       strict_present=True,
> +                       strict_busy=True,
> +                       current_info=None):
> +
> +    raise NotImplemented("TODO")
> +
> +
> +def get_interface_mac(ifname):
> +    """Returns the string value of an interface's MAC Address"""
> +    output = _ifconfig([ifname, 'ether'])
> +    mac_zero = '00:00:00:00:00:00'
> +    if output[0] is '' or output[1] is not '':
> +        return mac_zero
> +
> +    mac_re = re.compile("\s+ether (?P<mac>([a-f0-9]{2}:){5}[a-f0-9]{2})", re.I)
> +    ifcfg = output[0].split("\n")
> +    for l in ifcfg:
> +        maybe_mac = mac_re.match(l)
> +        if maybe_mac is not None:
> +            return maybe_mac.group('mac')
> +
> +    return mac_zero
> +
> +
> +def get_ib_interface_hwaddr(ifname, ethernet_format):
> +    """Since this isn't properly implemented yet, we're returning None for now
> +    rather than raise NotImplemented("TODO")
> +    That way, we can move get_interfaces_by_mac() into __init__"""
> +    return None
> +
> +
> +
> +class EphemeralIPv4Network(object):
> +    """Context manager which sets up temporary static network configuration.
> +
> +    No operations are performed if the provided interface is already connected.
> +    If unconnected, bring up the interface with valid ip, prefix and broadcast.
> +    If router is provided setup a default route for that interface. Upon
> +    context exit, clean up the interface leaving no configuration behind.
> +    """
> +
> +    raise NotImplemented("TODO")
> +
> +
> +# vi: ts=4 expandtab
> diff --git a/cloudinit/net/linux.py b/cloudinit/net/linux.py
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..25d6f6c
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/cloudinit/net/linux.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
> +# Copyright (C) 2018 Canonical Ltd.
> +#
> +# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
> +
> +import errno
> +import logging
> +import os
> +import re
> +
> +from cloudinit.net.network_state import mask_to_net_prefix
> +from cloudinit import util
> +
> +
> +LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
> +SYS_CLASS_NET = "/sys/class/net/"
> +LO_DEVS = ['lo', 'lo0']
> +
> +
> +def get_sys_class_path():
> +    """Simple function to return the global SYS_CLASS_NET."""
> +    return SYS_CLASS_NET
> +
> +
> +def sys_dev_path(devname, path=""):
> +    return get_sys_class_path() + devname + "/" + path
> +
> +
> +def read_sys_net(devname, path, translate=None,
> +                 on_enoent=None, on_keyerror=None,
> +                 on_einval=None):
> +    dev_path = sys_dev_path(devname, path)
> +    try:
> +        contents = util.load_file(dev_path)
> +    except (OSError, IOError) as e:
> +        e_errno = getattr(e, 'errno', None)
> +        if e_errno in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ENOTDIR):
> +            if on_enoent is not None:
> +                return on_enoent(e)
> +        if e_errno in (errno.EINVAL,):
> +            if on_einval is not None:
> +                return on_einval(e)
> +        raise
> +    contents = contents.strip()
> +    if translate is None:
> +        return contents
> +    try:
> +        return translate[contents]
> +    except KeyError as e:
> +        if on_keyerror is not None:
> +            return on_keyerror(e)
> +        else:
> +            LOG.debug("Found unexpected (not translatable) value"
> +                      " '%s' in '%s", contents, dev_path)
> +            raise
> +
> +
> +def read_sys_net_safe(iface, field, translate=None):
> +    def on_excp_false(e):
> +        return False
> +    return read_sys_net(iface, field,
> +                        on_keyerror=on_excp_false,
> +                        on_enoent=on_excp_false,
> +                        on_einval=on_excp_false,
> +                        translate=translate)
> +
> +
> +def read_sys_net_int(iface, field):
> +    val = read_sys_net_safe(iface, field)
> +    if val is False:
> +        return None
> +    try:
> +        return int(val)
> +    except ValueError:
> +        return None
> +
> +
> +def is_up(devname):
> +    # The linux kernel says to consider devices in 'unknown'
> +    # operstate as up for the purposes of network configuration. See
> +    # Documentation/networking/operstates.txt in the kernel source.
> +    translate = {'up': True, 'unknown': True, 'down': False}
> +    return read_sys_net_safe(devname, "operstate", translate=translate)
> +
> +
> +def is_wireless(devname):
> +    return os.path.exists(sys_dev_path(devname, "wireless"))
> +
> +
> +def is_bridge(devname):
> +    return os.path.exists(sys_dev_path(devname, "bridge"))
> +
> +
> +def is_bond(devname):
> +    return os.path.exists(sys_dev_path(devname, "bonding"))
> +
> +
> +def is_renamed(devname):
> +    """
> +    /* interface name assignment types (sysfs name_assign_type attribute) */
> +    #define NET_NAME_UNKNOWN	0	/* unknown origin (not exposed to user) */
> +    #define NET_NAME_ENUM		1	/* enumerated by kernel */
> +    #define NET_NAME_PREDICTABLE	2	/* predictably named by the kernel */
> +    #define NET_NAME_USER		3	/* provided by user-space */
> +    #define NET_NAME_RENAMED	4	/* renamed by user-space */
> +    """
> +    name_assign_type = read_sys_net_safe(devname, 'name_assign_type')
> +    if name_assign_type and name_assign_type in ['3', '4']:
> +        return True
> +    return False
> +
> +
> +def is_vlan(devname):
> +    uevent = str(read_sys_net_safe(devname, "uevent"))
> +    return 'DEVTYPE=vlan' in uevent.splitlines()
> +
> +
> +def is_connected(devname):
> +    # is_connected isn't really as simple as that.  2 is
> +    # 'physically connected'. 3 is 'not connected'. but a wlan interface will
> +    # always show 3.
> +    iflink = read_sys_net_safe(devname, "iflink")
> +    if iflink == "2":
> +        return True
> +    if not is_wireless(devname):
> +        return False
> +    LOG.debug("'%s' is wireless, basing 'connected' on carrier", devname)
> +    return read_sys_net_safe(devname, "carrier",
> +                             translate={'0': False, '1': True})
> +
> +
> +def is_physical(devname):
> +    return os.path.exists(sys_dev_path(devname, "device"))
> +
> +
> +def is_present(devname):
> +    return os.path.exists(sys_dev_path(devname))
> +
> +
> +def device_driver(devname):
> +    """Return the device driver for net device named 'devname'."""
> +    driver = None
> +    driver_path = sys_dev_path(devname, "device/driver")
> +    # driver is a symlink to the driver *dir*
> +    if os.path.islink(driver_path):
> +        driver = os.path.basename(os.readlink(driver_path))
> +
> +    return driver
> +
> +
> +def device_devid(devname):
> +    """Return the device id string for net device named 'devname'."""
> +    dev_id = read_sys_net_safe(devname, "device/device")
> +    if dev_id is False:
> +        return None
> +
> +    return dev_id
> +
> +
> +def get_devicelist():
> +    try:
> +        devs = os.listdir(get_sys_class_path())
> +    except OSError as e:
> +        if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
> +            devs = []
> +        else:
> +            raise
> +    return devs
> +
> +
> +def is_disabled_cfg(cfg):
> +    if not cfg or not isinstance(cfg, dict):
> +        return False
> +    return cfg.get('config') == "disabled"
> +
> +
> +def find_fallback_nic(blacklist_drivers=None):
> +    """Return the name of the 'fallback' network device."""
> +    if not blacklist_drivers:
> +        blacklist_drivers = []
> +
> +    if 'net.ifnames=0' in util.get_cmdline():
> +        LOG.debug('Stable ifnames disabled by net.ifnames=0 in /proc/cmdline')
> +    else:
> +        unstable = [device for device in get_devicelist()
> +                    if device not in LO_DEVS and not is_renamed(device)]
> +        if len(unstable):
> +            LOG.debug('Found unstable nic names: %s; calling udevadm settle',
> +                      unstable)
> +            msg = 'Waiting for udev events to settle'
> +            util.log_time(LOG.debug, msg, func=util.udevadm_settle)
> +
> +    # get list of interfaces that could have connections
> +    invalid_interfaces = set(LO_DEVS)
> +    potential_interfaces = set([device for device in get_devicelist()
> +                                if device_driver(device) not in
> +                                blacklist_drivers])
> +    potential_interfaces = potential_interfaces.difference(invalid_interfaces)
> +    # sort into interfaces with carrier, interfaces which could have carrier,
> +    # and ignore interfaces that are definitely disconnected
> +    connected = []
> +    possibly_connected = []
> +    for interface in potential_interfaces:
> +        if interface.startswith("veth"):
> +            continue
> +        if is_bridge(interface):
> +            # skip any bridges
> +            continue
> +        if is_bond(interface):
> +            # skip any bonds
> +            continue
> +        carrier = read_sys_net_int(interface, 'carrier')
> +        if carrier:
> +            connected.append(interface)
> +            continue
> +        # check if nic is dormant or down, as this may make a nick appear to
> +        # not have a carrier even though it could acquire one when brought
> +        # online by dhclient
> +        dormant = read_sys_net_int(interface, 'dormant')
> +        if dormant:
> +            possibly_connected.append(interface)
> +            continue
> +        operstate = read_sys_net_safe(interface, 'operstate')
> +        if operstate in ['dormant', 'down', 'lowerlayerdown', 'unknown']:
> +            possibly_connected.append(interface)
> +            continue
> +
> +    # don't bother with interfaces that might not be connected if there are
> +    # some that definitely are
> +    if connected:
> +        potential_interfaces = connected
> +    else:
> +        potential_interfaces = possibly_connected
> +
> +    # if eth0 exists use it above anything else, otherwise get the interface
> +    # that we can read 'first' (using the sorted defintion of first).
> +    names = list(sorted(potential_interfaces, key=util.natural_sort_key))
> +        names.remove(DEFAULT_PRIMARY_INTERFACE)
> +        names.insert(0, DEFAULT_PRIMARY_INTERFACE)
> +
> +    # pick the first that has a mac-address
> +    for name in names:
> +        if read_sys_net_safe(name, 'address'):
> +            return name
> +    return None
> +
> +
> +
> +def interface_has_own_mac(ifname, strict=False):
> +    """return True if the provided interface has its own address.
> +
> +    Based on addr_assign_type in /sys.  Return true for any interface
> +    that does not have a 'stolen' address. Examples of such devices
> +    are bonds or vlans that inherit their mac from another device.
> +    Possible values are:
> +      0: permanent address    2: stolen from another device
> +      1: randomly generated   3: set using dev_set_mac_address"""
> +
> +    assign_type = read_sys_net_int(ifname, "addr_assign_type")
> +    if assign_type is None:
> +        # None is returned if this nic had no 'addr_assign_type' entry.
> +        # if strict, raise an error, if not return True.
> +        if strict:
> +            raise ValueError("%s had no addr_assign_type.")
> +        return True
> +    return assign_type in (0, 1, 3)
> +
> +
> +def _get_current_rename_info(check_downable=True):
> +    """Collect information necessary for rename_interfaces.
> +
> +    returns a dictionary by mac address like:
> +       {name:
> +         {
> +          'downable': None or boolean indicating that the
> +                      device has only automatically assigned ip addrs.
> +          'device_id': Device id value (if it has one)
> +          'driver': Device driver (if it has one)
> +          'mac': mac address (in lower case)
> +          'name': name
> +          'up': boolean: is_up(name)
> +         }}
> +    """
> +    cur_info = {}
> +    for (name, mac, driver, device_id) in get_interfaces():
> +        cur_info[name] = {
> +            'downable': None,
> +            'device_id': device_id,
> +            'driver': driver,
> +            'mac': mac.lower(),
> +            'name': name,
> +            'up': is_up(name),
> +        }
> +
> +    if check_downable:
> +        nmatch = re.compile(r"[0-9]+:\s+(\w+)[@:]")
> +        ipv6, _err = util.subp(['ip', '-6', 'addr', 'show', 'permanent',
> +                                'scope', 'global'], capture=True)
> +        ipv4, _err = util.subp(['ip', '-4', 'addr', 'show'], capture=True)
> +
> +        nics_with_addresses = set()
> +        for bytes_out in (ipv6, ipv4):
> +            nics_with_addresses.update(nmatch.findall(bytes_out))
> +
> +        for d in cur_info.values():
> +            d['downable'] = (d['up'] is False or
> +                             d['name'] not in nics_with_addresses)
> +
> +    return cur_info
> +
> +
> +def _rename_interfaces(renames, strict_present=True, strict_busy=True,
> +                       current_info=None):
> +
> +    if not len(renames):
> +        LOG.debug("no interfaces to rename")
> +        return
> +
> +    if current_info is None:
> +        current_info = _get_current_rename_info()
> +
> +    cur_info = {}
> +    for name, data in current_info.items():
> +        cur = data.copy()
> +        if cur.get('mac'):
> +            cur['mac'] = cur['mac'].lower()
> +        cur['name'] = name
> +        cur_info[name] = cur
> +
> +    def update_byname(bymac):
> +        return dict((data['name'], data)
> +                    for data in cur_info.values())
> +
> +    def rename(cur, new):
> +        util.subp(["ip", "link", "set", cur, "name", new], capture=True)
> +
> +    def down(name):
> +        util.subp(["ip", "link", "set", name, "down"], capture=True)
> +
> +    def up(name):
> +        util.subp(["ip", "link", "set", name, "up"], capture=True)
> +
> +    ops = []
> +    errors = []
> +    ups = []
> +    cur_byname = update_byname(cur_info)
> +    tmpname_fmt = "cirename%d"
> +    tmpi = -1
> +
> +    def entry_match(data, mac, driver, device_id):
> +        """match if set and in data"""
> +        if mac and driver and device_id:
> +            return (data['mac'] == mac and
> +                    data['driver'] == driver and
> +                    data['device_id'] == device_id)
> +        elif mac and driver:
> +            return (data['mac'] == mac and
> +                    data['driver'] == driver)
> +        elif mac:
> +            return (data['mac'] == mac)
> +
> +        return False
> +
> +    def find_entry(mac, driver, device_id):
> +        match = [data for data in cur_info.values()
> +                 if entry_match(data, mac, driver, device_id)]
> +        if len(match):
> +            if len(match) > 1:
> +                msg = ('Failed to match a single device. Matched devices "%s"'
> +                       ' with search values "(mac:%s driver:%s device_id:%s)"'
> +                       % (match, mac, driver, device_id))
> +                raise ValueError(msg)
> +            return match[0]
> +
> +        return None
> +
> +    for mac, new_name, driver, device_id in renames:
> +        if mac:
> +            mac = mac.lower()
> +        cur_ops = []
> +        cur = find_entry(mac, driver, device_id)
> +        if not cur:
> +            if strict_present:
> +                errors.append(
> +                    "[nic not present] Cannot rename mac=%s to %s"
> +                    ", not available." % (mac, new_name))
> +            continue
> +
> +        cur_name = cur.get('name')
> +        if cur_name == new_name:
> +            # nothing to do
> +            continue
> +
> +        if not cur_name:
> +            if strict_present:
> +                errors.append(
> +                    "[nic not present] Cannot rename mac=%s to %s"
> +                    ", not available." % (mac, new_name))
> +            continue
> +
> +        if cur['up']:
> +            msg = "[busy] Error renaming mac=%s from %s to %s"
> +            if not cur['downable']:
> +                if strict_busy:
> +                    errors.append(msg % (mac, cur_name, new_name))
> +                continue
> +            cur['up'] = False
> +            cur_ops.append(("down", mac, new_name, (cur_name,)))
> +            ups.append(("up", mac, new_name, (new_name,)))
> +
> +        if new_name in cur_byname:
> +            target = cur_byname[new_name]
> +            if target['up']:
> +                msg = "[busy-target] Error renaming mac=%s from %s to %s."
> +                if not target['downable']:
> +                    if strict_busy:
> +                        errors.append(msg % (mac, cur_name, new_name))
> +                    continue
> +                else:
> +                    cur_ops.append(("down", mac, new_name, (new_name,)))
> +
> +            tmp_name = None
> +            while tmp_name is None or tmp_name in cur_byname:
> +                tmpi += 1
> +                tmp_name = tmpname_fmt % tmpi
> +
> +            cur_ops.append(("rename", mac, new_name, (new_name, tmp_name)))
> +            target['name'] = tmp_name
> +            cur_byname = update_byname(cur_info)
> +            if target['up']:
> +                ups.append(("up", mac, new_name, (tmp_name,)))
> +
> +        cur_ops.append(("rename", mac, new_name, (cur['name'], new_name)))
> +        cur['name'] = new_name
> +        cur_byname = update_byname(cur_info)
> +        ops += cur_ops
> +
> +    opmap = {'rename': rename, 'down': down, 'up': up}
> +
> +    if len(ops) + len(ups) == 0:
> +        if len(errors):
> +            LOG.debug("unable to do any work for renaming of %s", renames)
> +        else:
> +            LOG.debug("no work necessary for renaming of %s", renames)
> +    else:
> +        LOG.debug("achieving renaming of %s with ops %s", renames, ops + ups)
> +
> +        for op, mac, new_name, params in ops + ups:
> +            try:
> +                opmap.get(op)(*params)
> +            except Exception as e:
> +                errors.append(
> +                    "[unknown] Error performing %s%s for %s, %s: %s" %
> +                    (op, params, mac, new_name, e))
> +
> +    if len(errors):
> +        raise Exception('\n'.join(errors))
> +
> +
> +def get_interface_mac(ifname):
> +    """Returns the string value of an interface's MAC Address"""
> +    path = "address"
> +    if os.path.isdir(sys_dev_path(ifname, "bonding_slave")):
> +        # for a bond slave, get the nic's hwaddress, not the address it
> +        # is using because its part of a bond.
> +        path = "bonding_slave/perm_hwaddr"
> +    return read_sys_net_safe(ifname, path)
> +
> +def net_setup_link(run=False):
> +    """To ensure device link properties are applied, we poke
> +        udev to re-evaluate networkd .link files and call
> +        the setup_link udev builtin command
> +    """
> +    if not run:
> +        LOG.debug("netplan net_setup_link postcmd disabled")
> +        return
> +    setup_lnk = ['udevadm', 'test-builtin', 'net_setup_link']
> +    for cmd in [setup_lnk + [SYS_CLASS_NET + iface]
> +                for iface in get_devicelist() if
> +                os.path.islink(SYS_CLASS_NET + iface)]:
> +        util.subp(cmd, capture=True)
> +
> +def get_ib_interface_hwaddr(ifname, ethernet_format):
> +    """Returns the string value of an Infiniband interface's hardware
> +    address. If ethernet_format is True, an Ethernet MAC-style 6 byte
> +    representation of the address will be returned.
> +    """
> +    # Type 32 is Infiniband.
> +    if read_sys_net_safe(ifname, 'type') == '32':

+1 on that change proposal. you added for this in a followup commit. is_ib check (distro-dependent) then process mac info.

> +        mac = get_interface_mac(ifname)
> +        if mac and ethernet_format:
> +            # Use bytes 13-15 and 18-20 of the hardware address.
> +            mac = mac[36:-14] + mac[51:]
> +        return mac
> +
> +
> +class EphemeralIPv4Network(object):
> +    """Context manager which sets up temporary static network configuration.
> +
> +    No operations are performed if the provided interface is already connected.
> +    If unconnected, bring up the interface with valid ip, prefix and broadcast.
> +    If router is provided setup a default route for that interface. Upon
> +    context exit, clean up the interface leaving no configuration behind.
> +    """
> +
> +    def __init__(self, interface, ip, prefix_or_mask, broadcast, router=None):
> +        """Setup context manager and validate call signature.
> +
> +        @param interface: Name of the network interface to bring up.
> +        @param ip: IP address to assign to the interface.
> +        @param prefix_or_mask: Either netmask of the format X.X.X.X or an int
> +            prefix.
> +        @param broadcast: Broadcast address for the IPv4 network.
> +        @param router: Optionally the default gateway IP.
> +        """
> +        if not all([interface, ip, prefix_or_mask, broadcast]):
> +            raise ValueError(
> +                'Cannot init network on {0} with {1}/{2} and bcast {3}'.format(
> +                    interface, ip, prefix_or_mask, broadcast))
> +        try:
> +            self.prefix = mask_to_net_prefix(prefix_or_mask)
> +        except ValueError as e:
> +            raise ValueError(
> +                'Cannot setup network: {0}'.format(e))
> +        self.interface = interface
> +        self.ip = ip
> +        self.broadcast = broadcast
> +        self.router = router
> +        self.cleanup_cmds = []  # List of commands to run to cleanup state.
> +
> +    def __enter__(self):
> +        """Perform ephemeral network setup if interface is not connected."""
> +        self._bringup_device()
> +        if self.router:
> +            self._bringup_router()
> +
> +    def __exit__(self, excp_type, excp_value, excp_traceback):
> +        """Teardown anything we set up."""
> +        for cmd in self.cleanup_cmds:
> +            util.subp(cmd, capture=True)
> +
> +    def _delete_address(self, address, prefix):
> +        """Perform the ip command to remove the specified address."""
> +        util.subp(
> +            ['ip', '-family', 'inet', 'addr', 'del',
> +             '%s/%s' % (address, prefix), 'dev', self.interface],
> +            capture=True)
> +
> +    def _bringup_device(self):
> +        """Perform the ip comands to fully setup the device."""
> +        cidr = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.ip, self.prefix)
> +        LOG.debug(
> +            'Attempting setup of ephemeral network on %s with %s brd %s',
> +            self.interface, cidr, self.broadcast)
> +        try:
> +            util.subp(
> +                ['ip', '-family', 'inet', 'addr', 'add', cidr, 'broadcast',
> +                 self.broadcast, 'dev', self.interface],
> +                capture=True, update_env={'LANG': 'C'})
> +        except util.ProcessExecutionError as e:
> +            if "File exists" not in e.stderr:
> +                raise
> +            LOG.debug(
> +                'Skip ephemeral network setup, %s already has address %s',
> +                self.interface, self.ip)
> +        else:
> +            # Address creation success, bring up device and queue cleanup
> +            util.subp(
> +                ['ip', '-family', 'inet', 'link', 'set', 'dev', self.interface,
> +                 'up'], capture=True)
> +            self.cleanup_cmds.append(
> +                ['ip', '-family', 'inet', 'link', 'set', 'dev', self.interface,
> +                 'down'])
> +            self.cleanup_cmds.append(
> +                ['ip', '-family', 'inet', 'addr', 'del', cidr, 'dev',
> +                 self.interface])
> +
> +    def _bringup_router(self):
> +        """Perform the ip commands to fully setup the router if needed."""
> +        # Check if a default route exists and exit if it does
> +        out, _ = util.subp(['ip', 'route', 'show', ''], capture=True)
> +        if 'default' in out:
> +            LOG.debug(
> +                'Skip ephemeral route setup. %s already has default route: %s',
> +                self.interface, out.strip())
> +            return
> +        util.subp(
> +            ['ip', '-4', 'route', 'add', self.router, 'dev', self.interface,
> +             'src', self.ip], capture=True)
> +        self.cleanup_cmds.insert(
> +            0,
> +            ['ip', '-4', 'route', 'del', self.router, 'dev', self.interface,
> +             'src', self.ip])
> +        util.subp(
> +            ['ip', '-4', 'route', 'add', 'default', 'via', self.router,
> +             'dev', self.interface], capture=True)
> +        self.cleanup_cmds.insert(
> +            0, ['ip', '-4', 'route', 'del', 'default', 'dev', self.interface])
> +
> +# vi: ts=4 expandtab

Your team cloud-init commiters is requested to review the proposed merge of ~i.galic/cloud-init:refactor/net-fbsd into cloud-init:master.
