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Moving of stored data



At present cloud-init stores data in /var/lib/cloud. For systems with transactional-updates, i.e. opensuse-microos and other incarnations this location becomes read-only.
Would it be OK to send a PR that moves the data to /var/cache/cloud ?

I'd prefer a wholesale move of the data over various if conditions and checks whether or not /var/lib is writable. Also we'd know that as of version X of cloud-init the data has been moved.
Basic idea is

if no os.exists('/var/cache/cloud'):
if os.exists('/var/lib/cloud'):

Do the above early enough in the process such that for all other locations in the code that access the data the change in location is transparent.


Robert Schweikert                   MAY THE SOURCE BE WITH YOU
Distinguished Engineer                       LINUX
Technical Team Lead Public Cloud
IRC: robjo

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