coapp-developers team mailing list archive
coapp-developers team
Mailing list archive
Message #01005
Moving CoApp Wiki and website (last time, I swear!)
I'm moving the CoApp wiki to the coapp/ repository on github.
(I just renamed the coapp/ repo, I'm hosting the static website outside of github)
The website is moving off of Orchard (it was just too problematic to keep running right) and into a statically generated site powered by Jekyll - the same magic that keeps github so damn fast :D
The website will actually move sometime in the next few days once I've finished tweaking the layout abit.
[Description: Description: Description: fearthecowboy]<>
Garrett Serack | Microsoft Open Source Software Developer | Microsoft Corporation
Office:(425)706-7939 email/messenger: garretts@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:garretts@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
blog:<> twitter: @fearthecowboy<>
I don't make the software you use; I make the software you use better on Windows.

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