coapp-developers team mailing list archive
coapp-developers team
Mailing list archive
Message #01124
Twitter commit feed is working!
Github's twitter service hook is broken, and they don't have an ETA to fix it, so I went and threw together a new doohickey that gets POSTs from github on commits, and had it do the work to tweet them out.
I also got to make the message a bit nicer than the stock one-I can map between twitter ids and github ids, so on checkins you get mentioned in the tweet via your @handle :)
[Description: Description: Description: fearthecowboy]<>
Garrett Serack | Microsoft Open Source Software Developer | Microsoft Corporation
Office:(425)706-7939 email/messenger: garretts@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:garretts@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
blog:<> twitter: @fearthecowboy<>
I don't make the software you use; I make the software you use better on Windows.