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[Merge] lp:~sil2100/compcomm-plugins-main/missing_version into lp:~compiz/compcomm-plugins-main/ubuntu


Łukasz Zemczak has proposed merging lp:~sil2100/compcomm-plugins-main/missing_version into lp:~compiz/compcomm-plugins-main/ubuntu.

Requested reviews:
  compiz packagers (compiz)

For more details, see:

Adding the missing 1: from the precise PPA, introducing those armel/armhf linaro fixes. No big changes here, so it should build and work correctly for ARM as well. Seems to build on non-arm systems normally too.
Your team compiz packagers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~sil2100/compcomm-plugins-main/missing_version into lp:~compiz/compcomm-plugins-main/ubuntu.
=== modified file 'debian/changelog'
--- debian/changelog	2012-04-10 08:32:19 +0000
+++ debian/changelog	2012-04-10 14:55:08 +0000
@@ -16,6 +16,20 @@
  -- Sam Spilsbury <sam.spilsbury@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>  Fri, 06 Apr 2012 13:40:07 +0800
+compiz-plugins-main (1: precise; urgency=low
+  * add quilt support to debian/rules
+  * enable per-arch patches in debian/rules (series.<arch> is now respected)
+  * add arch specific .install files for armel/armhf
+  * enable gles2 buildoptions on armel/armhf
+  * add arch specific compiz-plugins-main-gles2.patch for arm arches, credits
+    go to Alexandros Frantzis <alexandros.frantzis@xxxxxxxxxx> for creating
+    it.
+  * build depend on compiz-dev 1: since we need the
+    FindOpenGLES2.cmake fix from this version to build on armhf(/el)
+ -- Oliver Grawert <ogra@xxxxxxxxxx>  Fri, 06 Apr 2012 02:50:50 +0200
 compiz-plugins-main (1: precise; urgency=low
   [ Matthias Niess]

=== added symlink 'debian/compiz-plugins-main.install.armel'
=== target is u'compiz-plugins-main.install.armhf'
=== added file 'debian/compiz-plugins-main.install.armhf'
--- debian/compiz-plugins-main.install.armhf	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ debian/compiz-plugins-main.install.armhf	2012-04-10 14:55:08 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@

=== modified file 'debian/control'
--- debian/control	2012-03-20 13:50:04 +0000
+++ debian/control	2012-04-10 14:55:08 +0000
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
-               compiz-dev (>= 1:,
+               compiz-dev (>= 1:,
-               libglu1-mesa-dev,
+               libglu1-mesa-dev [!armel !armhf],

=== added file 'debian/patches/compiz-plugins-main-gles2.patch'
--- debian/patches/compiz-plugins-main-gles2.patch	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ debian/patches/compiz-plugins-main-gles2.patch	2012-04-10 14:55:08 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,5173 @@
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/animation/animation.xml.in compiz-plugins-main-gles2/animation/animation.xml.in
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/animation/animation.xml.in	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/animation/animation.xml.in	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
+ 	    <type>match</type>
+ 	    <default>
+  	      <value>((type=Normal | Unknown) | name=sun-awt-X11-XFramePeer | name=sun-awt-X11-XDialogPeer) &amp; !(role=toolTipTip | role=qtooltip_label) &amp; !(type=Normal &amp; override_redirect=1) &amp; !(name=gnome-screensaver) &amp; !(name=gnome-screenshot)</value>
+- 	      <value>(type=Menu | PopupMenu | DropdownMenu | Combo | Dialog | ModalDialog | Normal)</value>
++ 	      <value>(type=Menu | PopupMenu | DropdownMenu | Combo | Dialog | ModalDialog | Normal)</value>        
+ 	      <value>(type=Tooltip | Notification | Utility) &amp; !(name=compiz) &amp; !(title=notify-osd)</value>
+ 	    </default>
+ 	  </option>
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/animation/CMakeLists.txt compiz-plugins-main-gles2/animation/CMakeLists.txt
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/animation/CMakeLists.txt	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/animation/CMakeLists.txt	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
+ find_package (Compiz REQUIRED)
+ include (CompizPlugin)
+-include (FindOpenGL)
+-    compiz_plugin (animation PLUGINDEPS composite opengl LIBRARIES ${OPENGL_glu_LIBRARY} INCDIRS ${OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR})
++compiz_plugin (animation PLUGINDEPS composite opengl)
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/animation/include/animation/animation.h compiz-plugins-main-gles2/animation/include/animation/animation.h
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/animation/include/animation/animation.h	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/animation/include/animation/animation.h	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
+ #define ANIMATION_ABI 20091205
++#include <core/core.h>
+ #include <core/pluginclasshandler.h>
+-#include <opengl/fragment.h>
+ typedef enum
+ {
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/animation/include/animation/animeffect.h compiz-plugins-main-gles2/animation/include/animation/animeffect.h
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/animation/include/animation/animeffect.h	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/animation/include/animation/animeffect.h	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
+     int mOverrideProgressDir;	///< 0: default dir, 1: forward, 2: backward
+-    GLFragment::Attrib mCurPaintAttrib;
++    GLWindowPaintAttrib mCurPaintAttrib;
+     GLushort mStoredOpacity;
+     WindowEvent mCurWindowEvent;
+     bool mInitialized; ///< whether the animation is initialized (in preparePaint)
+@@ -160,7 +160,6 @@
+ 			    const CompRegion            &clip,
+ 			    unsigned int                maxGridWidth,
+ 			    unsigned int                maxGridHeight);
+-    virtual void drawGeometry ();
+     virtual bool paintWindowUsed () { return false; }
+     virtual bool paintWindow (GLWindow			*gWindow,
+@@ -176,9 +175,10 @@
+     /// Should be overriden by a base animation class in every extension plugin.
+     virtual ExtensionPluginInfo *getExtensionPluginInfo ();
+-    void drawTexture (GLTexture          *texture,
+-		      GLFragment::Attrib &attrib,
+-		      unsigned int       mask);
++    void drawTexture (GLTexture                 *texture,
++                      const GLMatrix            &transform,
++                      const GLWindowPaintAttrib &attrib,
++                      unsigned int               mask);
+     // Utility methods
+@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
+ 				  GLMatrix &transform);
+     void setInitialized () { mInitialized = true; }
+     inline bool initialized () { return mInitialized; }
+-    inline void setCurPaintAttrib (GLFragment::Attrib &newAttrib)
++    inline void setCurPaintAttrib (const GLWindowPaintAttrib &newAttrib)
+     { mCurPaintAttrib = newAttrib; }
+ };
+ #endif
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/animation/include/animation/grid.h compiz-plugins-main-gles2/animation/include/animation/grid.h
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/animation/include/animation/grid.h	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/animation/include/animation/grid.h	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -78,8 +78,6 @@
+     /// ( http://www.r3.nu/~cass/qcoord/ )
+     bool mUseQTexCoord;
+-    GLWindow::Geometry mGeometry; ///< geometry for grid mesh
+     virtual bool using3D () { return false; }
+     virtual void initGrid ();	///< Initializes grid width/height.
+@@ -101,6 +99,5 @@
+ 		      const CompRegion            &clip,
+ 		      unsigned int                maxGridWidth,
+ 		      unsigned int                maxGridHeight);
+-    void drawGeometry ();
+ };
+ #endif
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/animation/include/animation/multi.h compiz-plugins-main-gles2/animation/include/animation/multi.h
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/animation/include/animation/multi.h	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/animation/include/animation/multi.h	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -340,12 +340,6 @@
+ 		    (matrix, region, clip, maxGridWidth, maxGridHeight);
+ 	}
+-	void drawGeometry ()
+-	{
+-	    setCurrAnimNumber (mAWindow, currentAnim);
+-	    animList.at (currentAnim)->drawGeometry ();
+-	}
+ 	bool paintWindowUsed ()
+ 	{
+ 	    int count = 0;
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/animation/src/animation.cpp compiz-plugins-main-gles2/animation/src/animation.cpp
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/animation/src/animation.cpp	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/animation/src/animation.cpp	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@
+  * Particle system added by : (C) 2006 Dennis Kasprzyk
+  * E-mail                   : onestone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+  *
++ * Ported to GLES by : Travis Watkins
++ *                     (C) 2011 Linaro Limited
++ * E-mail            : travis.watkins@xxxxxxxxxx
++ *
+  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+@@ -80,8 +84,9 @@
+  *
+  */
+-#include <GL/glu.h>
+ #include <core/atoms.h>
++#include <core/core.h>
++#include <opengl/opengl.h>
+ #include <sys/time.h>
+ #include <assert.h>
+ #include "private.h"
+@@ -802,6 +807,58 @@
+ 		       coordsTransformed[GLVector::y]);
+ }
++static bool
++project (float objx, float objy, float objz, 
++         GLMatrix modelview, GLMatrix projection,
++         const GLint viewport[4],
++         float *winx, float *winy, float *winz)
++    unsigned int i;
++    float in[4];
++    float out[4];
++    in[0] = objx;
++    in[1] = objy;
++    in[2] = objz;
++    in[3] = 1.0;
++    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
++	out[i] = 
++	    in[0] * modelview[i] +
++	    in[1] * modelview[4  + i] +
++	    in[2] * modelview[8  + i] +
++	    in[3] * modelview[12 + i];
++    }
++    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
++	in[i] = 
++	    out[0] * projection[i] +
++	    out[1] * projection[4  + i] +
++	    out[2] * projection[8  + i] +
++	    out[3] * projection[12 + i];
++    }
++    if (in[3] == 0.0)
++	return false;
++    in[0] /= in[3];
++    in[1] /= in[3];
++    in[2] /= in[3];
++    /* Map x, y and z to range 0-1 */
++    in[0] = in[0] * 0.5 + 0.5;
++    in[1] = in[1] * 0.5 + 0.5;
++    in[2] = in[2] * 0.5 + 0.5;
++    /* Map x,y to viewport */
++    in[0] = in[0] * viewport[2] + viewport[0];
++    in[1] = in[1] * viewport[3] + viewport[1];
++    *winx = in[0];
++    *winy = in[1];
++    *winz = in[2];
++    return true;
+ /// Either points or objects should be non-0.
+ bool
+ AnimWindow::expandBBWithPoints3DTransform (CompOutput     &output,
+@@ -810,14 +867,7 @@
+ 					   GridAnim::GridModel::GridObject *objects,
+ 					   unsigned int   nPoints)
+ {
+-    GLdouble dModel[16];
+-    GLdouble dProjection[16];
+-    GLdouble x, y, z;
+-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+-    {
+-	dModel[i] = transform[i];
+-	dProjection[i] = GLScreen::get (::screen)->projectionMatrix ()[i];
+-    }
++    GLfloat x, y, z;
+     GLint viewport[4] =
+ 	{output.region ()->extents.x1,
+ 	 output.region ()->extents.y1,
+@@ -828,9 +878,11 @@
+     {
+ 	for (; nPoints; nPoints--, points += 3)
+ 	{
+-	    if (!gluProject (points[0], points[1], points[2],
+-			     dModel, dProjection, viewport,
+-			     &x, &y, &z))
++	    if (!project (points[0], points[1], points[2],
++	                  transform,
++	                  *GLScreen::get (::screen)->projectionMatrix (),
++	                  viewport,
++	                  &x, &y, &z))
+ 		return false;
+ 	    expandBBWithPoint (x + 0.5, (::screen->height () - y) + 0.5);
+@@ -841,11 +893,13 @@
+ 	GridAnim::GridModel::GridObject *object = objects;
+ 	for (; nPoints; nPoints--, object++)
+ 	{
+-	    if (!gluProject (object->position ().x (),
+-			     object->position ().y (),
+-			     object->position ().z (),
+-			     dModel, dProjection, viewport,
+-			     &x, &y, &z))
++	    if (!project (object->position ().x (),
++	                  object->position ().y (),
++	                  object->position ().z (),
++	                  transform,
++	                  *GLScreen::get (::screen)->projectionMatrix (),
++	                  viewport,
++                          &x, &y, &z))
+ 		return false;
+ 	    expandBBWithPoint (x + 0.5, (::screen->height () - y) + 0.5);
+@@ -1435,7 +1489,6 @@
+ {
+     gWindow->glPaintSetEnabled (this, enabling);
+     gWindow->glAddGeometrySetEnabled (this, enabling);
+-    gWindow->glDrawGeometrySetEnabled (this, enabling);
+     gWindow->glDrawTextureSetEnabled (this, enabling);
+ }
+@@ -1508,46 +1561,28 @@
+ }
+ void
+-PrivateAnimWindow::glDrawTexture (GLTexture          *texture,
+-				  GLFragment::Attrib &attrib,
+-				  unsigned int       mask)
++PrivateAnimWindow::glDrawTexture (GLTexture                 *texture,
++                                  const GLMatrix            &transform,
++                                  const GLWindowPaintAttrib &attrib,
++                                  unsigned int               mask)
+ {
+     if (mCurAnimation)
+     {
+ 	mCurAnimation->setCurPaintAttrib (attrib);
+     }
+-    gWindow->glDrawTexture (texture, attrib, mask);
++    gWindow->glDrawTexture (texture, transform, attrib, mask);
+ }
+ void
+-PrivateAnimWindow::glDrawGeometry ()
+-    if (mCurAnimation)
+-    {
+-	if (mCurAnimation->initialized ())
+-	    mCurAnimation->drawGeometry ();
+-    }
+-    else
+-    {
+-	gWindow->glDrawGeometry ();
+-    }
+-Animation::drawTexture (GLTexture          *texture,
+-			GLFragment::Attrib &attrib,
+-			unsigned int       mask)
++Animation::drawTexture (GLTexture                *texture,
++                        const GLMatrix            &transform,
++                        const GLWindowPaintAttrib &attrib,
++                        unsigned int               mask)
+ {
+     mCurPaintAttrib = attrib;
+ }
+-Animation::drawGeometry ()
+-    mAWindow->priv->gWindow->glDrawGeometry ();
+ bool
+ PrivateAnimWindow::glPaint (const GLWindowPaintAttrib &attrib,
+ 			    const GLMatrix &transform,
+@@ -1614,13 +1649,7 @@
+     if (mCurAnimation->postPaintWindowUsed ())
+     {
+-	// Transform to make post-paint coincide with the window
+-	glPushMatrix ();
+-	glLoadMatrixf (wTransform.getMatrix ());
+ 	mCurAnimation->postPaintWindow ();
+-	glPopMatrix ();
+     }
+     return status;
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/animation/src/grid.cpp compiz-plugins-main-gles2/animation/src/grid.cpp
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/animation/src/grid.cpp	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/animation/src/grid.cpp	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@
+  * Hexagon tessellator added by : Mike Slegeir
+  * E-mail                       : mikeslegeir@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+  *
++ * Ported to GLES by : Travis Watkins
++ *                     (C) 2011 Linaro Limited
++ * E-mail            : travis.watkins@xxxxxxxxxx
++ *
+  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+@@ -36,6 +40,17 @@
+ #include "private.h"
++// use the old structure then copy the data we want out of it
++struct GridGeometry {
++    GLfloat  *vertices;
++    int      vertexSize;
++    int      vertexStride;
++    int      vCount;
++    int      texUnits;
++    int      texCoordSize;
+ // =====================  Effect: Dodge  =========================
+ GridAnim::GridModel::GridObject::GridObject () :
+@@ -217,9 +232,9 @@
+ 		       unsigned int                maxGridWidth,
+ 		       unsigned int                maxGridHeight)
+ {
++    GridGeometry geometry;
+     unsigned int nMatrix = matrix.size ();
+-    int nVertices, nIndices;
+-    GLushort *i;
++    int nVertices;
+     GLfloat *v;
+     int x1, y1, x2, y2;
+     float winContentsY, winContentsHeight;
+@@ -234,8 +249,6 @@
+     if (region.isEmpty ()) // nothing to do
+ 	return;
+-    GLWindow::Geometry &geometry = GLWindow::get (mWindow)->geometry ();
+     for (unsigned int it = 0; it < nMatrix; it++)
+     {
+ 	if (matrix[it].xy != 0.0f || matrix[it].yx != 0.0f)
+@@ -263,21 +276,14 @@
+     winContentsHeight = oheight - outExtents.top - outExtents.bottom;
+     geometry.texUnits = (int)nMatrix;
+-    if (geometry.vCount == 0)
+-    {
+-	// reset
+-	geometry.indexCount = 0;
+-	geometry.texCoordSize = 4;
+-    }
++    geometry.vertices = NULL;
++    geometry.vCount = 0;
++    geometry.texCoordSize = 4;
+     geometry.vertexStride = 3 + geometry.texUnits * geometry.texCoordSize;
+-    vSize = geometry.vertexStride;
++    vSize = geometry.vertexStride;
+     nVertices = geometry.vCount;
+-    nIndices = geometry.indexCount;
+     v = geometry.vertices + (nVertices * vSize);
+-    i = geometry.indices + nIndices;
+     // For each clip passed to this function
+     foreach (const CompRect &pClip, region.rects ())
+@@ -315,38 +321,22 @@
+ 	nVertX = ceil ((x2 - x1) / gridW) + 2;
+ 	nVertY = (gridH ? ceil ((y2 - y1) / gridH) : 0) + 2;
+-	// Allocate 4 indices for each quad
+-	int newIndexSize = nIndices + ((nVertX - 1) * (nVertY - 1) * 4);
+-	if (newIndexSize > geometry.indexSize)
+-	{
+-	    if (!geometry.moreIndices (newIndexSize))
+-		return;
+-	    i = geometry.indices + nIndices;
+-	}
+-	// Assign quad vertices to indices
+-	for (int jy = 0; jy < nVertY - 1; jy++)
+-	{
+-	    for (int jx = 0; jx < nVertX - 1; jx++)
+-	    {
+-		*i++ = nVertices + nVertX * (2 * jy + 1) + jx;
+-		*i++ = nVertices + nVertX * (2 * jy + 1) + jx + 1;
+-		*i++ = nVertices + nVertX * 2 * jy + jx + 1;
+-		*i++ = nVertices + nVertX * 2 * jy + jx;
+-		nIndices += 4;
+-	    }
+-	}
+ 	// Allocate vertices
+ 	int newVertexSize =
+ 	    (nVertices + nVertX * (2 * nVertY - 2)) * vSize;
+-	if (newVertexSize > geometry.vertexSize)
++	if (newVertexSize > geometry.vertexSize || geometry.vertices == NULL)
+ 	{
+-	    if (!geometry.moreVertices (newVertexSize))
++	    if (geometry.vertices == NULL)
++		geometry.vertices = (GLfloat *)
++		                      malloc (sizeof (GLfloat) * newVertexSize);
++	    else
++		geometry.vertices = (GLfloat *)
++		  realloc (geometry.vertices, sizeof (GLfloat) * newVertexSize);
++	    if (!geometry.vertices)
+ 		return;
++	    geometry.vertexSize = newVertexSize;
+ 	    v = geometry.vertices + (nVertices * vSize);
+ 	}
+@@ -588,52 +578,8 @@
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+     }
+-    geometry.vCount = nVertices;
+-    geometry.indexCount = nIndices;
+-GridAnim::drawGeometry ()
+-    GLWindow::Geometry &geometry = GLWindow::get (mWindow)->geometry ();
+-    int     texUnit = geometry.texUnits;
+-    int     currentTexUnit = 0;
+-    int     stride = geometry.vertexStride;
+-    GLfloat *vertices = geometry.vertices + (stride - 3);
+-    stride *= (int) sizeof (GLfloat);
+-    glVertexPointer (3, GL_FLOAT, stride, vertices);
+-    while (texUnit--)
+-    {
+-	if (texUnit != currentTexUnit)
+-	{
+-	    (*GL::clientActiveTexture) ((GLenum)(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + texUnit));
+-	    glEnableClientState (GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
+-	    currentTexUnit = texUnit;
+-	}
+-	vertices -= geometry.texCoordSize;
+-	glTexCoordPointer (geometry.texCoordSize,
+-			   GL_FLOAT, stride, vertices);
+-    }
+-    glDrawElements (GL_QUADS, geometry.indexCount,
+-		    GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, geometry.indices);
+-    // disable all texture coordinate arrays except 0
+-    texUnit = geometry.texUnits;
+-    if (texUnit > 1)
+-    {
+-	while (--texUnit)
+-	{
+-	    (*GL::clientActiveTexture) ((GLenum)(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + texUnit));
+-	    glDisableClientState (GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
+-	}
+-	(*GL::clientActiveTexture) (GL_TEXTURE0_ARB);
+-    }
++    geometry.vCount = nVertices;
+ }
+ GridTransformAnim::GridTransformAnim (CompWindow *w,
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/animation/src/private.h compiz-plugins-main-gles2/animation/src/private.h
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/animation/src/private.h	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/animation/src/private.h	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -407,9 +407,8 @@
+     void glAddGeometry (const GLTexture::MatrixList &,
+ 			const CompRegion &, const CompRegion &,
+ 			unsigned int = MAXSHORT, unsigned int = MAXSHORT);
+-    void glDrawTexture (GLTexture *texture, GLFragment::Attrib &,
+-			unsigned int);
+-    void glDrawGeometry ();
++    void glDrawTexture (GLTexture *texture, const GLMatrix &,
++                        const GLWindowPaintAttrib &, unsigned int);
+ };
+ class RollUpAnim :
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/colorfilter/CMakeLists.txt compiz-plugins-main-gles2/colorfilter/CMakeLists.txt
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/colorfilter/CMakeLists.txt	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/colorfilter/CMakeLists.txt	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
+ include (CompizPlugin)
+-compiz_plugin (colorfilter PLUGINDEPS composite opengl)
++#compiz_plugin (colorfilter PLUGINDEPS composite opengl)
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/expo/CMakeLists.txt compiz-plugins-main-gles2/expo/CMakeLists.txt
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/expo/CMakeLists.txt	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/expo/CMakeLists.txt	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
+ find_package (Compiz REQUIRED)
+-include (FindOpenGL)
+ include (CompizPlugin)
+-    compiz_plugin (expo PLUGINDEPS composite opengl PKGDEPS cairo cairo-xlib-xrender LIBRARIES ${OPENGL_glu_LIBRARY} INCDIRS ${OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR})
++compiz_plugin (expo PLUGINDEPS composite opengl)
+Binary files compiz-plugins-main-package/expo/images/glow_outline.png and compiz-plugins-main-gles2/expo/images/glow_outline.png differ
+Binary files compiz-plugins-main-package/expo/images/texture_tile.png and compiz-plugins-main-gles2/expo/images/texture_tile.png differ
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/expo/src/expo.cpp compiz-plugins-main-gles2/expo/src/expo.cpp
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/expo/src/expo.cpp	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/expo/src/expo.cpp	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -4,12 +4,14 @@
+  *
+  * expo.c
+  *
++ * Copyright (c) 2011 Linaro Limited
+  * Copyright (c) 2008 Dennis Kasprzyk <racarr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+  * Copyright (c) 2006 Robert Carr <racarr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+  *
+  * Authors:
+  * Robert Carr <racarr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+  * Dennis Kasprzyk <onestone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
++ * Travis Watkins <travis.watkins@xxxxxxxxxx>
+  *
+  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+@@ -25,7 +27,7 @@
+ #include "expo.h"
+ #include <math.h>
+-#include <GL/glu.h>
++#include <opengl/opengl.h>
+ #include <X11/cursorfont.h>
+ COMPIZ_PLUGIN_20090315 (expo, ExpoPluginVTable);
+@@ -658,15 +660,63 @@
+     }
+ }
++static bool
++unproject (float winx, float winy, float winz,
++           const GLMatrix &modelview,
++           const GLMatrix &projection,
++           const GLint viewport[4],
++           float *objx, float *objy, float *objz)
++    GLMatrix finalMatrix = projection * modelview;
++    float in[4], out[4];
++    if (!finalMatrix.invert ())
++	return false;
++    in[0] = winx;
++    in[1] = winy;
++    in[2] = winz;
++    in[3] = 1.0;
++    /* Map x and y from window coordinates */
++    in[0] = (in[0] - viewport[0]) / viewport[2];
++    in[1] = (in[1] - viewport[1]) / viewport[3];
++    /* Map to range -1 to 1 */
++    in[0] = in[0] * 2 - 1;
++    in[1] = in[1] * 2 - 1;
++    in[2] = in[2] * 2 - 1;
++    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
++    {
++	out[i] = in[0] * finalMatrix[i] +
++	         in[1] * finalMatrix[4  + i] +
++	         in[2] * finalMatrix[8  + i] +
++	         in[3] * finalMatrix[12 + i];
++    }
++    if (out[3] == 0.0)
++	return false;
++    out[0] /= out[3];
++    out[1] /= out[3];
++    out[2] /= out[3];
++    *objx = out[0];
++    *objy = out[1];
++    *objz = out[2];
++    return true;
+ void
+-ExpoScreen::invertTransformedVertex (const GLScreenPaintAttrib& attrib,
+-				     const GLMatrix&            transform,
+-				     CompOutput                 *output,
+-				     int                        vertex[2])
++ExpoScreen::invertTransformedVertex (const GLScreenPaintAttrib &attrib,
++                                     const GLMatrix            &transform,
++                                     CompOutput                *output,
++                                     int                        vertex[2])
+ {
+     GLMatrix sTransform (transform);
+-    GLdouble p1[3], p2[3], v[3], alpha;
+-    GLdouble mvm[16], pm[16];
++    float    p1[3], p2[3], v[3], alpha;
+     GLint    viewport[4];
+     int      i;
+@@ -674,16 +724,13 @@
+     sTransform.toScreenSpace (output, -attrib.zTranslate);
+     glGetIntegerv (GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
+-    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+-    {
+-	mvm[i] = sTransform[i];
+-	pm[i]  = gScreen->projectionMatrix ()[i];
+-    }
+-    gluUnProject (vertex[0], screen->height () - vertex[1], 0, mvm, pm,
+-		  viewport, &p1[0], &p1[1], &p1[2]);
+-    gluUnProject (vertex[0], screen->height () - vertex[1], -1.0, mvm, pm,
+-		  viewport, &p2[0], &p2[1], &p2[2]);
++    unproject (vertex[0], screen->height () - vertex[1], 0,
++               sTransform, *gScreen->projectionMatrix (), viewport,
++               &p1[0], &p1[1], &p1[2]);
++    unproject (vertex[0], screen->height () - vertex[1], -1.0,
++               sTransform, *gScreen->projectionMatrix (), viewport,
++               &p2[0], &p2[1], &p2[2]);
+     for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ 	v[i] = p1[i] - p2[i];
+@@ -855,6 +902,8 @@
+ 		       unsigned int               mask,
+ 		       bool                       reflection)
+ {
++    GLfloat vertexData[12];
++    GLushort colorData[16];
+     GLMatrix sTransformW, sTransform (transform);
+     GLenum   oldFilter = gScreen->textureFilter ();
+     float        sx = (float) screen->width () / output->width ();
+@@ -873,6 +922,8 @@
+     int      glPaintTransformedOutputIndex =
+ 	gScreen->glPaintTransformedOutputGetCurrentIndex ();
++    GLVertexBuffer *streamingBuffer = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer ();
+     // Make sure that the base glPaintTransformedOutput function is called
+     gScreen->glPaintTransformedOutputSetCurrentIndex (MAXSHORT);
+@@ -965,7 +1016,7 @@
+     /* zoom out */
+     oScale = DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA / (cam[GLVector::z] + DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA);
+     sTransform.scale (oScale, oScale, oScale);
+-    glNormal3f (0.0, 0.0, -oScale);
++//    glNormal3f (0.0, 0.0, -oScale);
+     sTransform.translate (-cam[GLVector::x], -cam[GLVector::y],
+ 			  -cam[GLVector::z] - DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA);
+@@ -1058,73 +1109,167 @@
+     paintingDndWindow = false;
+-    glNormal3f (0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
++//    glNormal3f (0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
+     if (reflection)
+     {
+-	glEnable (GL_BLEND);
+-	glPushMatrix ();
+ 	if (optionGetDeform () != DeformCurve)
+ 	{
+-	    glLoadMatrixf (sTransformW.getMatrix ());
++	    streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
++	    colorData[0]  = 0;
++	    colorData[1]  = 0;
++	    colorData[2]  = 0;
++	    colorData[3]  = 65535;
++	    colorData[4]  = 0;
++	    colorData[5]  = 0;
++	    colorData[6]  = 0;
++	    colorData[7]  = 32768;
++	    colorData[8]  = 0;
++	    colorData[9]  = 0;
++	    colorData[10] = 0;
++	    colorData[11] = 65535;
++	    colorData[12] = 0;
++	    colorData[13] = 0;
++	    colorData[14] = 0;
++	    colorData[15] = 32768;
++	    vertexData[0]  = 0;
++	    vertexData[1]  = 0;
++	    vertexData[2]  = 0;
++	    vertexData[3]  = 0;
++	    vertexData[4]  = -vpSize.y () * (sy + gapY);
++	    vertexData[5]  = 0;
++	    vertexData[6]  = vpSize.x () * sx * (1.0 + gapX);
++	    vertexData[7]  = 0;
++	    vertexData[8]  = 0;
++	    vertexData[9]  = vpSize.x () * sx * (1.0 + gapX);
++	    vertexData[10] = -vpSize.y () * sy * (1.0 + gapY);
++	    vertexData[11] = 0;
++	    streamingBuffer->addColors (4, colorData);
++	    streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
+-	    glBegin (GL_QUADS);
+-	    glColor4f (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+-	    glVertex2f (0.0, 0.0);
+-	    glColor4f (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5);
+-	    glVertex2f (0.0, -vpSize.y () * (sy + gapY));
+-	    glVertex2f (vpSize.x () * sx * (1.0 + gapX),
+-			-vpSize.y () * sy * (1.0 + gapY));
+-	    glColor4f (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+-	    glVertex2f (vpSize.x () * sx * (1.0 + gapX), 0.0);
+-	    glEnd ();
++	    streamingBuffer->end ();
++	    streamingBuffer->render (sTransformW);
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 	{
++	    GLMatrix cTransform;
++	    cTransform.translate (0.0, 0.0, -DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA);
+ 	    glCullFace (GL_BACK);
+-	    glLoadIdentity ();
+-	    glTranslatef (0.0, 0.0, -DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA);
+-	    glBegin (GL_QUADS);
+-	    glColor4f (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 * expoCam);
+-	    glVertex2f (-0.5, -0.5);
+-	    glVertex2f (0.5, -0.5);
+-	    glColor4f (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5 * expoCam);
+-	    glVertex2f (0.5, 0.0);
+-	    glVertex2f (-0.5, 0.0);
+-	    glColor4f (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5 * expoCam);
+-	    glVertex2f (-0.5, 0.0);
+-	    glVertex2f (0.5, 0.0);
+-	    glColor4f (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+-	    glVertex2f (0.5, 0.5);
+-	    glVertex2f (-0.5, 0.5);
+-	    glEnd ();
++	    streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
++	    colorData[0]  = 0;
++	    colorData[1]  = 0;
++	    colorData[2]  = 0;
++	    colorData[3]  = (1.0 * expoCam) * 65536;
++	    colorData[4]  = 0;
++	    colorData[5]  = 0;
++	    colorData[6]  = 0;
++	    colorData[7]  = (1.0 * expoCam) * 65536;
++	    colorData[8]  = 0;
++	    colorData[9]  = 0;
++	    colorData[10] = 0;
++	    colorData[11] = (0.5 * expoCam) * 65536;
++	    colorData[12] = 0;
++	    colorData[13] = 0;
++	    colorData[14] = 0;
++	    colorData[15] = (0.5 * expoCam) * 65536;
++	    vertexData[0]  = -0.5;
++	    vertexData[1]  = -0.5;
++	    vertexData[2]  = 0;
++	    vertexData[3]  = 0.5;
++	    vertexData[4]  = -0.5;
++	    vertexData[5]  = 0;
++	    vertexData[6]  = -0.5;
++	    vertexData[7]  = 0;
++	    vertexData[8]  = 0;
++	    vertexData[9]  = 0.5;
++	    vertexData[10] = 0;
++	    vertexData[11] = 0;
++	    streamingBuffer->addColors (4, colorData);
++	    streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++	    streamingBuffer->end ();
++	    streamingBuffer->render (cTransform);
++	    streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
++	    colorData[0]  = 0;
++	    colorData[1]  = 0;
++	    colorData[2]  = 0;
++	    colorData[3]  = (0.5 * expoCam) * 65536;
++	    colorData[4]  = 0;
++	    colorData[5]  = 0;
++	    colorData[6]  = 0;
++	    colorData[7]  = (0.5 * expoCam) * 65536;
++	    colorData[8]  = 0;
++	    colorData[9]  = 0;
++	    colorData[10] = 0;
++	    colorData[11] = 0;
++	    colorData[12] = 0;
++	    colorData[13] = 0;
++	    colorData[14] = 0;
++	    colorData[15] = 0;
++	    vertexData[0]  = -0.5;
++	    vertexData[1]  = 0;
++	    vertexData[2]  = 0;
++	    vertexData[3]  = 0.5;
++	    vertexData[4]  = 0;
++	    vertexData[5]  = 0;
++	    vertexData[6]  = -0.5;
++	    vertexData[7]  = 0.5;
++	    vertexData[8]  = 0;
++	    vertexData[9]  = 0.5;
++	    vertexData[10] = 0.5;
++	    vertexData[11] = 0;
++	    streamingBuffer->addColors (4, colorData);
++	    streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++	    streamingBuffer->end ();
++	    streamingBuffer->render (cTransform);
+ 	}
+ 	glCullFace (GL_BACK);
+-	glLoadIdentity ();
+-	glTranslatef (0.0, 0.0, -DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA);
+ 	if (optionGetGroundSize () > 0.0)
+ 	{
+-	    glBegin (GL_QUADS);
+-	    glColor4usv (optionGetGroundColor1 ());
+-	    glVertex2f (-0.5, -0.5);
+-	    glVertex2f (0.5, -0.5);
+-	    glColor4usv (optionGetGroundColor2 ());
+-	    glVertex2f (0.5, -0.5 + optionGetGroundSize ());
+-	    glVertex2f (-0.5, -0.5 + optionGetGroundSize ());
+-	    glEnd ();
+-	}
++	    GLMatrix gTransform;
++	    gTransform.translate (0.0, 0.0, -DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA);
+-	glColor4usv (defaultColor);
++	    streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
++	    vertexData[0]  = -0.5;
++	    vertexData[1]  = -0.5;
++	    vertexData[2]  = 0;
++	    vertexData[3]  = 0.5;
++	    vertexData[4]  = -0.5;
++	    vertexData[5]  = 0;
++	    vertexData[6]  = -0.5;
++	    vertexData[7]  = -0.5 + optionGetGroundSize ();
++	    vertexData[8]  = 0;
++	    vertexData[9]  = 0.5;
++	    vertexData[10] = -0.5 + optionGetGroundSize ();
++	    vertexData[11] = 0;
++	    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, optionGetGroundColor1 ());
++	    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, optionGetGroundColor1 ());
++	    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, optionGetGroundColor2 ());
++	    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, optionGetGroundColor2 ());
++	    streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++	    streamingBuffer->end ();
++	    streamingBuffer->render (gTransform);
++	}
+-	glDisable (GL_BLEND);
+-	glPopMatrix ();
+     }
+     expoActive = false;
+@@ -1188,10 +1333,10 @@
+ }
+ bool
+-ExpoWindow::glDraw (const GLMatrix&     transform,
+-		    GLFragment::Attrib& fragment,
+-		    const CompRegion&   region,
+-		    unsigned int        mask)
++ExpoWindow::glDraw (const GLMatrix            &transform,
++                    const GLWindowPaintAttrib &attrib,
++                    const CompRegion          &region,
++                    unsigned int               mask)
+ {
+     GLMatrix wTransform (transform);
+     CompPoint vp;
+@@ -1199,17 +1344,17 @@
+     screen->viewportForGeometry (window->geometry (), vp);
+     if (eScreen->expoCam == 0.0f)
+-	return gWindow->glDraw (transform, fragment, region, mask);
++	return gWindow->glDraw (transform, attrib, region, mask);
+-    GLFragment::Attrib fA (fragment);
+-    int                expoAnimation;
++    GLWindowPaintAttrib eAttrib (attrib);
++    int                 expoAnimation;
+     expoAnimation = eScreen->optionGetExpoAnimation ();
+     if (eScreen->expoActive)
+     {
+ 	if (expoAnimation != ExpoScreen::ExpoAnimationZoom)
+-	    fA.setOpacity (fragment.getOpacity () * eScreen->expoCam);
++	    eAttrib.opacity = attrib.opacity * eScreen->expoCam;
+ 	if (window->wmType () & CompWindowTypeDockMask &&
+ 	    eScreen->optionGetHideDocks ())
+@@ -1217,31 +1362,31 @@
+ 	    if (expoAnimation == ExpoScreen::ExpoAnimationZoom &&
+ 		eScreen->paintingVp == eScreen->selectedVp)
+ 	    {
+-		fA.setOpacity (fragment.getOpacity () *
+-			       (1 - sigmoidProgress (eScreen->expoCam)));
++		eAttrib.opacity = attrib.opacity *
++		                      (1 - sigmoidProgress (eScreen->expoCam));
+ 	    }
+ 	    else
+ 	    {
+-		fA.setOpacity (0);
++		eAttrib.opacity = 0;
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+-	if (vp == eScreen->paintingVp || window->onAllViewports ())
++	if ((vp == eScreen->paintingVp || window->onAllViewports ()) && !eScreen->paintingDndWindow)
+ 	{
+-	    fA.setBrightness (fragment.getBrightness () * eScreen->vpBrightness);
+-	    fA.setSaturation (fragment.getSaturation () * eScreen->vpSaturation);
++	eAttrib.brightness = attrib.brightness * eScreen->vpBrightness;
++	eAttrib.saturation = attrib.saturation * eScreen->vpSaturation;
+ 	}
+     }
+     else
+     {
+ 	if (expoAnimation == ExpoScreen::ExpoAnimationZoom)
+-	    fA.setBrightness (0);
++	    eAttrib.brightness = 0;
+ 	else
+-	    fA.setBrightness (fragment.getBrightness () *
+-			      (1 - sigmoidProgress (eScreen->expoCam)));
++	    eAttrib.brightness = attrib.brightness *
++	                              (1 - sigmoidProgress (eScreen->expoCam));
+     }
+-    bool status = gWindow->glDraw (wTransform, fA, region, mask);
++    bool status = gWindow->glDraw (transform, eAttrib, region, mask);
+     if (window->type () & CompWindowTypeDesktopMask)
+     {
+@@ -1255,10 +1400,6 @@
+ 	    GLTexture::Matrix     mat = tex->matrix();
+ 	    CompRegion            paintRegion(region);
+-	    /* We can reset the window geometry since it will be
+-	     * re-added later */
+-	    gWindow->geometry().reset();
+ 	    float xScale = screen->width () / (float) eScreen->viewport_size.width ();
+ 	    float yScale = screen->height () / (float) eScreen->viewport_size.height ();
+@@ -1278,27 +1419,26 @@
+ 	    /* Now allow plugins to mess with the geometry of our
+ 	     * dim (so we get a nice render for things like
+ 	     * wobbly etc etc */
++	    gWindow->vertexBuffer()->begin();
+ 	    gWindow->glAddGeometry(matl, reg, paintRegion);
++	    gWindow->vertexBuffer()->end();
+-	    /* Did it succeed? */
+-	    if (gWindow->geometry().vertices)
+-	    {
+-		unsigned int glDrawTextureIndex = gWindow->glDrawTextureGetCurrentIndex();
+-		fA.setOpacity (fragment.getOpacity () * (((1.0 - eScreen->vpBrightness) + (1.0 - eScreen->vpSaturation) / 2.0)));
+-		/* Texture rendering set-up */
+-		eScreen->gScreen->setTexEnvMode(GL_MODULATE);
+-		/* Draw the dim texture with all of it's modified
+-		 * geometry glory */
+-		gWindow->glDrawTextureSetCurrentIndex(MAXSHORT);
+-		gWindow->glDrawTexture(tex, fA, mask | PAINT_WINDOW_BLEND_MASK
+-		gWindow->glDrawTextureSetCurrentIndex(glDrawTextureIndex);
+-		/* Texture rendering tear-down */
+-		eScreen->gScreen->setTexEnvMode(GL_REPLACE);
+-	    }
++	    unsigned int glDrawTextureIndex = gWindow->glDrawTextureGetCurrentIndex();
++	    eAttrib.opacity = attrib.opacity * (((1.0 - eScreen->vpBrightness) + (1.0 - eScreen->vpSaturation) / 2.0));
++	    /* Texture rendering set-up */
++	    //eScreen->gScreen->setTexEnvMode(GL_MODULATE);
++	    glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
++	    /* Draw the dim texture with all of it's modified
++	     * geometry glory */
++	    gWindow->glDrawTextureSetCurrentIndex(MAXSHORT);
++	    gWindow->glDrawTexture(tex, transform, eAttrib, mask |
++	                           PAINT_WINDOW_BLEND_MASK |
++	                           PAINT_WINDOW_TRANSLUCENT_MASK |
++	                           PAINT_WINDOW_TRANSFORMED_MASK);
++	    gWindow->glDrawTextureSetCurrentIndex(glDrawTextureIndex);
++	    /* Texture rendering tear-down */
++	    glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
++	    eScreen->gScreen->setTexEnvMode(GL_REPLACE);
+ 	}
+ 	/* Paint the outline */
+@@ -1307,9 +1447,10 @@
+ 	    if (region.numRects ())
+ 	    {
+ 		/* reset geometry and paint */
+-		gWindow->geometry ().reset ();
++		gWindow->vertexBuffer ()->begin ();
++		gWindow->vertexBuffer ()->end ();
+-		paintGlow (fragment, infiniteRegion, mask);
++		paintGlow (transform, attrib, infiniteRegion, mask);
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+@@ -1322,17 +1463,18 @@
+ #define EXPO_GRID_SIZE 100
+ void
+-ExpoWindow::glAddGeometry (const GLTexture::MatrixList& matrices,
+-			   const CompRegion&            region,
+-			   const CompRegion&            clip,
+-			   unsigned int                 maxGridWidth,
+-			   unsigned int                 maxGridHeight)
++ExpoWindow::glAddGeometry (const GLTexture::MatrixList &matrices,
++                           const CompRegion            &region,
++                           const CompRegion            &clip,
++                           unsigned int                 maxGridWidth,
++                           unsigned int                 maxGridHeight)
+ {
+     if (eScreen->expoCam > 0.0        &&
+ 	screen->desktopWindowCount () &&
+ 	eScreen->optionGetDeform () == ExpoScreen::DeformCurve)
+     {
+-	int         i, oldVCount = gWindow->geometry ().vCount;
++	#warning Curve not ported, needs shaders now
++/*	int         i, oldVCount = gWindow->geometry ().vCount;
+ 	GLfloat     *v;
+ 	CompPoint   offset;
+ 	float       lastX, lastZ = 0.0;
+@@ -1377,7 +1519,7 @@
+ 	    lastZ = v[2];
+ 	    v += gWindow->geometry ().vertexStride;
+-	}
++	} */
+     }
+     else
+     {
+@@ -1386,16 +1528,18 @@
+ }
+ void
+-ExpoWindow::glDrawTexture (GLTexture           *texture,
+-			   GLFragment::Attrib& attrib,
+-			   unsigned int        mask)
++ExpoWindow::glDrawTexture (GLTexture                 *texture,
++                           const GLMatrix            &transform,
++                           const GLWindowPaintAttrib &attrib,
++                           unsigned int               mask)
+ {
+     if (eScreen->expoCam > 0.0                                 &&
+ 	eScreen->optionGetDeform () == ExpoScreen::DeformCurve &&
+ 	eScreen->gScreen->lighting ()                          &&
+ 	screen->desktopWindowCount ())
+     {
+-	unsigned int i, idx, vCount;
++	#warning Curve not ported, needs shaders now
++/*	unsigned int i, idx, vCount;
+ 	CompPoint    offset;
+ 	float        x;
+ 	GLfloat      *v;
+@@ -1442,13 +1586,13 @@
+ 	glDisable (GL_NORMALIZE);
+ 	glDisableClientState (GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
+-	glNormal3f (0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
++	glNormal3f (0.0, 0.0, -1.0); */
+     }
+     else
+     {
+-	glEnable (GL_NORMALIZE);
+-	gWindow->glDrawTexture (texture, attrib, mask);
+-	glDisable (GL_NORMALIZE);
++//	glEnable (GL_NORMALIZE);
++	gWindow->glDrawTexture (texture, transform, attrib, mask);
++//	glDisable (GL_NORMALIZE);
+     }
+ }
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/expo/src/expo.h compiz-plugins-main-gles2/expo/src/expo.h
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/expo/src/expo.h	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/expo/src/expo.h	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -29,9 +29,6 @@
+ #include <composite/composite.h>
+ #include <opengl/opengl.h>
+-#include <cairo-xlib-xrender.h>
+-#include <cairo.h>
+ #include "expo_options.h"
+ #include "glow.h"
+@@ -60,20 +57,20 @@
+ 	void donePaint ();
+ 	bool glPaintOutput (const GLScreenPaintAttrib&, const GLMatrix&,
+-			    const CompRegion&, CompOutput *, unsigned int);
++	                    const CompRegion&, CompOutput *, unsigned int);
+ 	void glPaintTransformedOutput (const GLScreenPaintAttrib&,
+-				       const GLMatrix&, const CompRegion&,
+-				       CompOutput *, unsigned int);
++	                               const GLMatrix&, const CompRegion&,
++	                               CompOutput*, unsigned int);
+ 	const CompWindowList & getWindowPaintList ();
+-	bool dndInit (CompAction *, CompAction::State, CompOption::Vector&);
+-	bool dndFini (CompAction *, CompAction::State, CompOption::Vector&);
+-	bool doExpo (CompAction *, CompAction::State, CompOption::Vector&);
+-	bool exitExpo (CompAction *, CompAction::State, CompOption::Vector&);
+-	bool termExpo (CompAction *, CompAction::State, CompOption::Vector&);
+-	bool nextVp (CompAction *, CompAction::State, CompOption::Vector&);
+-	bool prevVp (CompAction *, CompAction::State, CompOption::Vector&);
++	bool dndInit (CompAction*, CompAction::State, CompOption::Vector&);
++	bool dndFini (CompAction*, CompAction::State, CompOption::Vector&);
++	bool doExpo (CompAction*, CompAction::State, CompOption::Vector&);
++	bool exitExpo (CompAction*, CompAction::State, CompOption::Vector&);
++	bool termExpo (CompAction*, CompAction::State, CompOption::Vector&);
++	bool nextVp (CompAction*, CompAction::State, CompOption::Vector&);
++	bool prevVp (CompAction*, CompAction::State, CompOption::Vector&);
+ 	CompPoint currentViewport ();
+@@ -144,9 +141,9 @@
+ 	void updateWraps (bool);
+ 	void invertTransformedVertex (const GLScreenPaintAttrib&,
+-				      const GLMatrix&, CompOutput *, int[2]);
++	                              const GLMatrix&, CompOutput *, int[2]);
+ 	void paintWall (const GLScreenPaintAttrib&, const GLMatrix&,
+-			const CompRegion&, CompOutput *, unsigned int, bool);
++	                const CompRegion&, CompOutput *, unsigned int, bool);
+ 	void paintViewport (const GLScreenPaintAttrib& attrib,
+ 			    const GLMatrix&            transform,
+@@ -181,18 +178,18 @@
+ 	void resizeNotify (int dx, int dy, int dw, int dh);
+-	bool glDraw (const GLMatrix&, GLFragment::Attrib&,
+-		     const CompRegion&, unsigned int);
++	bool glDraw (const GLMatrix&, const GLWindowPaintAttrib&,
++	             const CompRegion&, unsigned int);
+ 	bool glPaint (const GLWindowPaintAttrib&, const GLMatrix&,
+-		      const CompRegion&, unsigned int);
++	              const CompRegion&, unsigned int);
+ 	void glAddGeometry (const GLTexture::MatrixList&,
+-			    const CompRegion&, const CompRegion&,
+-			    unsigned int, unsigned int);
+-	void glDrawTexture (GLTexture *, GLFragment::Attrib& attrib,
+-			    unsigned int);
++	                    const CompRegion&, const CompRegion&,
++	                    unsigned int, unsigned int);
++	void glDrawTexture (GLTexture*, const GLMatrix&,
++	                    const GLWindowPaintAttrib&, unsigned int);
+ 	void
+-	paintGlow (GLFragment::Attrib        &attrib,
++	paintGlow (const GLMatrix            &transform,
++	           const GLWindowPaintAttrib &attrib,
+ 		   const CompRegion	     &paintRegion,
+ 		   unsigned int		     mask);
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/expo/src/glow.cpp compiz-plugins-main-gles2/expo/src/glow.cpp
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/expo/src/glow.cpp	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/expo/src/glow.cpp	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -42,12 +42,24 @@
+  */
+ void
+-ExpoWindow::paintGlow (GLFragment::Attrib        &attrib,
+-		       const CompRegion	         &paintRegion,
+-		       unsigned int		  mask)
++ExpoWindow::paintGlow (const GLMatrix            &transform,
++                       const GLWindowPaintAttrib &attrib,
++                       const CompRegion          &paintRegion,
++                       unsigned int               mask)
+ {
+-    CompRegion reg;
+-    int    i;
++    CompRegion      reg;
++    int             i;
++    GLushort        colorData[4];
++    const GLushort *selColorData = ExpoScreen::get (screen)->optionGetSelectedColor ();
++    float           alpha = (float) selColorData[3] / 65535.0f;
++    /* Premultiply color */
++    colorData[0] = selColorData[0] * alpha;
++    colorData[1] = selColorData[1] * alpha;
++    colorData[2] = selColorData[2] * alpha;
++    colorData[3] = selColorData[3];
++    gWindow->vertexBuffer ()->begin ();
+     /* There are 8 glow parts of the glow texture which we wish to paint
+      * separately with different transformations
+@@ -67,42 +79,30 @@
+ 			      reg.boundingRect ().height ());
+ 	    matl.push_back (mGlowQuads[i].mMatrix);
++	    /* Add color data for all 6 vertices of the quad */
++	    for (int n = 0; n < 6; n++)
++		gWindow->vertexBuffer ()->addColors (1, colorData);
+ 	    gWindow->glAddGeometry (matl, reg, paintRegion);
+ 	}
+     }
+-    /* If the geometry add succeeded */
+-    if (gWindow->geometry ().vertices)
+-    {
+-	GLFragment::Attrib fAttrib (attrib);
+-	GLushort       average;
+-	GLushort       color[3] = {MAXSHORT,
+-				   MAXSHORT,
+-				   MAXSHORT};
+-	float alpha = (float) ExpoScreen::get (screen)->optionGetSelectedColorAlpha ()  / 65535.0f;
+-	GLScreen::get (screen)->setTexEnvMode (GL_MODULATE);
+-	glColor4f (((float) ExpoScreen::get (screen)->optionGetSelectedColorRed () / 65535.0f) * alpha,
+-		   ((float) ExpoScreen::get (screen)->optionGetSelectedColorGreen () / 65535.0f) * alpha,
+-		   ((float) ExpoScreen::get (screen)->optionGetSelectedColorBlue () / 65535.0f) * alpha,
+-		   alpha);
+-	/* we use PAINT_WINDOW_TRANSFORMED_MASK here to force
+-	   the usage of a good texture filter */
+-	foreach (GLTexture *tex, ExpoScreen::get (screen)->outline_texture)
+-	{
+-	    gWindow->glDrawTexture (tex, fAttrib, mask | 
+-	}
++    gWindow->vertexBuffer ()->end ();
+-	GLScreen::get (screen)->setTexEnvMode (GL_REPLACE);
+-	glColor4usv (defaultColor);
++    //GLScreen::get (screen)->setTexEnvMode (GL_MODULATE);
++    /* we use PAINT_WINDOW_TRANSFORMED_MASK here to force
++       the usage of a good texture filter */
++    foreach (GLTexture *tex, ExpoScreen::get (screen)->outline_texture)
++    {
++	gWindow->glDrawTexture (tex, transform, attrib, mask | 
++	                        PAINT_WINDOW_BLEND_MASK       |
++	                        PAINT_WINDOW_TRANSLUCENT_MASK |
++	                        PAINT_WINDOW_TRANSFORMED_MASK);
+     }
++    glBlendFunc (GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
++    GLScreen::get (screen)->setTexEnvMode (GL_REPLACE);
+ }
+ /*
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/ezoom/ezoom.xml.in compiz-plugins-main-gles2/ezoom/ezoom.xml.in
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/ezoom/ezoom.xml.in	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/ezoom/ezoom.xml.in	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
+ 		<option type="button" name="zoom_in_button">
+ 		    <_short>Zoom In</_short>
+ 		    <_long>Zoom In</_long>
++		    <default>&lt;Super&gt;Button4</default>
+ 		</option>
+ 		<option type="key" name="zoom_in_key">
+ 		    <_short>Zoom In</_short>
+@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@
+ 		<option type="button" name="zoom_out_button">
+ 		    <_short>Zoom Out</_short>
+ 		    <_long>Zoom Out</_long>
++		    <default>&lt;Super&gt;Button5</default>
+ 		</option>
+ 		<option type="key" name="zoom_out_key">
+ 		    <_short>Zoom Out</_short>
+@@ -45,6 +47,7 @@
+ 		<option type="button" name="zoom_box_button">
+ 		    <_short>Zoom Box</_short>
+ 		    <_long>Zoom in on a boxed area</_long>
++		    <default>&lt;Super&gt;Button2</default>
+ 		</option>
+ 	    </group>
+ 	    <group>
+@@ -138,7 +141,7 @@
+ 		    <option type="key" name="fit_to_window_key">
+ 			<_short>Fit zoomed area to window</_short>
+ 			<_long>Zooms in/out so the focused window is zoomed to the maximum while still being fully visible.</_long>
+-			<default></default>
++			<default>&lt;Super&gt;r</default>
+ 		    </option>
+ 		</subgroup>
+ 	    </group>
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/ezoom/src/ezoom.cpp compiz-plugins-main-gles2/ezoom/src/ezoom.cpp
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/ezoom/src/ezoom.cpp	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/ezoom/src/ezoom.cpp	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -378,13 +378,16 @@
+ /* Draws a box from the screen coordinates inx1,iny1 to inx2,iny2 */
+ void
+ EZoomScreen::drawBox (const GLMatrix &transform,
+-		     CompOutput          *output,
+-		     CompRect             box)
++                      CompOutput     *output,
++                      CompRect        box)
+ {
+-    GLMatrix zTransform = transform;
+-    int           x1,x2,y1,y2;
+-    int		  inx1, inx2, iny1, iny2;
+-    int	          out = output->id ();
++    GLMatrix zTransform (transform);
++    int      x1, x2, y1, y2;
++    int      inx1, inx2, iny1, iny2;
++    int      out = output->id ();
++    GLushort colorData[4];
++    GLfloat  vertexData[12];
++    GLVertexBuffer *streamingBuffer = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer ();
+     zTransform.toScreenSpace (output, -DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA);
+     convertToZoomed (out, box.x1 (), box.y1 (), &inx1, &iny1);
+@@ -394,23 +397,61 @@
+     y1 = MIN (iny1, iny2);
+     x2 = MAX (inx1, inx2);
+     y2 = MAX (iny1, iny2);
+-    glPushMatrix ();
+-    glLoadMatrixf (zTransform.getMatrix ());
+-    glDisableClientState (GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
+-    glEnable (GL_BLEND);
+-    glColor4us (0x2fff, 0x2fff, 0x4fff, 0x4fff);
+-    glRecti (x1,y2,x2,y1);
+-    glColor4us (0x2fff, 0x2fff, 0x4fff, 0x9fff);
+-    glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
+-    glVertex2i (x1, y1);
+-    glVertex2i (x2, y1);
+-    glVertex2i (x2, y2);
+-    glVertex2i (x1, y2);
+-    glEnd ();
+-    glColor4usv (defaultColor);
+-    glDisable (GL_BLEND);
+-    glEnableClientState (GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
+-    glPopMatrix ();
++    streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
++    colorData[0] = 0x2fff;
++    colorData[1] = 0x2fff;
++    colorData[2] = 0x2fff;
++    colorData[3] = 0x4fff;
++    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData);
++    vertexData[0]  = x1;
++    vertexData[1]  = y1;
++    vertexData[2]  = 0.0f;
++    vertexData[3]  = x1;
++    vertexData[4]  = y2;
++    vertexData[5]  = 0.0f;
++    vertexData[6]  = x2;
++    vertexData[7]  = y1;
++    vertexData[8]  = 0.0f;
++    vertexData[9]  = x2;
++    vertexData[10] = y2;
++    vertexData[11] = 0.0f;
++    streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++    streamingBuffer->end ();
++    streamingBuffer->render (zTransform);
++    streamingBuffer->begin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
++    colorData[0] = 0x2fff;
++    colorData[1] = 0x2fff;
++    colorData[2] = 0x4fff;
++    colorData[3] = 0x9fff;
++    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData);
++    vertexData[0]  = x1;
++    vertexData[1]  = y1;
++    vertexData[2]  = 0.0f;
++    vertexData[3]  = x2;
++    vertexData[4]  = y1;
++    vertexData[5]  = 0.0f;
++    vertexData[6]  = x2;
++    vertexData[7]  = y2;
++    vertexData[8]  = 0.0f;
++    vertexData[9]  = x1;
++    vertexData[10] = y2;
++    vertexData[11] = 0.0f;
++    streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++    streamingBuffer->end ();
++    streamingBuffer->render (zTransform);
+ }
+ /* Apply the zoom if we are grabbed.
+  * Make sure to use the correct filter.
+@@ -1050,22 +1091,25 @@
+ /* Translate into place and draw the scaled cursor.  */
+ void
+-EZoomScreen::drawCursor (CompOutput          *output,
+-	    		const GLMatrix      &transform)
++EZoomScreen::drawCursor (CompOutput     *output,
++                         const GLMatrix &transform)
+ {
+-    int         out = output->id ();
++    int out = output->id ();
+     if (cursor.isSet)
+     {
+-	GLMatrix      sTransform = transform;
+-	float	      scaleFactor;
+-	int           ax, ay, x, y;
++	GLMatrix        sTransform (transform);
++	float           scaleFactor;
++	int             ax, ay, x, y;
++	GLfloat         textureData[8];
++	GLfloat         vertexData[12];
++	GLVertexBuffer *streamingBuffer = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer ();
+ 	/*
+ 	 * XXX: expo knows how to handle mouse when zoomed, so we back off
+ 	 * when expo is active.
+ 	 */
+-	if (screen->grabExist ( "expo"))
++	if (screen->grabExist ("expo"))
+ 	{
+ 	    cursorZoomInactive ();
+ 	    return;
+@@ -1073,63 +1117,77 @@
+ 	sTransform.toScreenSpace (output, -DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA);
+ 	convertToZoomed (out, mouse.x (), mouse.y (), &ax, &ay);
+-        glPushMatrix ();
+-	glLoadMatrixf (sTransform.getMatrix ());
+-	glTranslatef ((float) ax, (float) ay, 0.0f);
++	sTransform.translate ((float) ax, (float) ay, 0.0f);
+ 	if (optionGetScaleMouseDynamic ())
+ 	    scaleFactor = 1.0f / zooms.at (out).currentZoom;
+ 	else
+ 	    scaleFactor = 1.0f / optionGetScaleMouseStatic ();
+-	glScalef (scaleFactor,
+-		  scaleFactor,
+-		  1.0f);
++	sTransform.scale (scaleFactor, scaleFactor, 1.0f);
+ 	x = -cursor.hotX;
+ 	y = -cursor.hotY;
+-	glEnable (GL_BLEND);
+-	glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, cursor.texture);
+-	glBegin (GL_QUADS);
+-	glTexCoord2d (0, 0);
+-	glVertex2f (x, y);
+-	glTexCoord2d (0, cursor.height);
+-	glVertex2f (x, y + cursor.height);
+-	glTexCoord2d (cursor.width, cursor.height);
+-	glVertex2f (x + cursor.width, y + cursor.height);
+-	glTexCoord2d (cursor.width, 0);
+-	glVertex2f (x + cursor.width, y);
+-	glEnd ();
+-	glDisable (GL_BLEND);
+-	glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, 0);
+-	glPopMatrix ();
++	glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, cursor.texture);
++	streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
++	vertexData[0]  = x;
++	vertexData[1]  = y;
++	vertexData[2]  = 0.0f;
++	vertexData[3]  = x;
++	vertexData[4]  = y + cursor.height;
++	vertexData[5]  = 0.0f;
++	vertexData[6]  = x + cursor.width;
++	vertexData[7]  = y;
++	vertexData[8]  = 0.0f;
++	vertexData[9]  = x + cursor.width;
++	vertexData[10] = y + cursor.height;
++	vertexData[11] = 0.0f;
++	streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++	textureData[0] = 0;
++	textureData[1] = 0;
++	textureData[2] = 0;
++	textureData[3] = cursor.height;
++	textureData[4] = cursor.width;
++	textureData[5] = 0;
++	textureData[6] = cursor.width;
++	textureData[7] = cursor.height;
++	streamingBuffer->addTexCoords (1, 4, textureData);
++	streamingBuffer->end ();
++	streamingBuffer->render (sTransform);
++	glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
+     }
+ }
+ /* Create (if necessary) a texture to store the cursor,
+  * fetch the cursor with XFixes. Store it.  */
+ void
+-EZoomScreen::updateCursor (CursorTexture * cursor)
++EZoomScreen::updateCursor (CursorTexture *cursor)
+ {
+     unsigned char *pixels;
+-    int           i;
++    int            i;
+     Display       *dpy = screen->dpy ();
+     if (!cursor->isSet)
+     {
+ 	cursor->isSet = true;
+ 	cursor->screen = screen;
++	glEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ 	glGenTextures (1, &cursor->texture);
+-	glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, cursor->texture);
++	glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, cursor->texture);
+-    } else {
++    }
++    else {
++	glEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+     }
+     XFixesCursorImage *ci = XFixesGetCursorImage (dpy);
+@@ -1185,11 +1243,11 @@
+ 	compLogMessage ("ezoom", CompLogLevelWarn, "unable to get system cursor image!");
+     }
+-    glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, cursor->texture);
+-    glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, 0, GL_RGBA, cursor->width,
++    glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, cursor->texture);
++    glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, cursor->width,
+ 		  cursor->height, 0, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
+-    glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, 0);
++    glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
++    glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+     free (pixels);
+ }
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/glow.cpp compiz-plugins-main-gles2/glow.cpp
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/glow.cpp	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/glow.cpp	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+@@ -1,428 +0,0 @@
+- *
+- * Compiz group plugin
+- *
+- * glow.cpp
+- *
+- * Copyright : (C) 2006-2010 by Patrick Niklaus, Roi Cohen,
+- * 				Danny Baumann, Sam Spilsbury
+- * Authors: Patrick Niklaus <patrick.niklaus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+- *          Roi Cohen       <roico.beryl@xxxxxxxxx>
+- *          Danny Baumann   <maniac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+- * 	    Sam Spilsbury   <smspillaz@xxxxxxxxx>
+- *
+- *
+- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+- *
+- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+- * GNU General Public License for more details.
+- *
+- **/
+-#include "expo.h"
+-#include "group_glow.h"
+-const GlowTextureProperties glowTextureProperties = {
+-    /* GlowTextureRectangular */
+-    glowTexRect, 32, 21
+- * GroupWindow::paintGlow
+- *
+- * Takes our glow texture, stretches the appropriate positions in the glow texture,
+- * adds those geometries (so plugins like wobby and deform this texture correctly)
+- * and then draws the glow texture with this geometry (plugins like wobbly and friends
+- * will automatically deform the texture based on our set geometry)
+- */
+-ExpoWindow::paintGlow (GLFragment::Attrib        &attrib,
+-		       const CompRegion	         &paintRegion,
+-		       unsigned int		  mask)
+-    CompRegion reg;
+-    int    i;
+-    /* There are 8 glow parts of the glow texture which we wish to paint
+-     * separately with different transformations
+-     */
+-    for (i = 0; i < NUM_GLOWQUADS; i++)
+-    {
+-	/* Using precalculated quads here */
+-	reg = CompRegion (mGlowQuads[i].mBox);
+-	if (reg.boundingRect ().x1 () < reg.boundingRect ().x2 () &&
+-	    reg.boundingRect ().y1 () < reg.boundingRect ().y2 ())
+-	{
+-	    GLTexture::MatrixList matl;
+-	    reg = CompRegion (reg.boundingRect ().x1 (),
+-			      reg.boundingRect ().y1 (),
+-			      reg.boundingRect ().width (),
+-			      reg.boundingRect ().height ());
+-	    matl.push_back (mGlowQuads[i].mMatrix);
+-	    gWindow->glAddGeometry (matl, reg, paintRegion);
+-	}
+-    }
+-    /* If the geometry add succeeded */
+-    if (gWindow->geometry ().vertices)
+-    {
+-	GLFragment::Attrib fAttrib (attrib);
+-	GLushort       average;
+-	GLushort       color[3] = {MAXSHORT,
+-				   MAXSHORT,
+-				   MAXSHORT};
+-	float alpha = (float) ExpoScreen::get (screen)->optionGetSelectedColorAlpha ()  / 65535.0f;
+-	GLScreen::get (screen)->setTexEnvMode (GL_MODULATE);
+-	glColor4f (((float) ExpoScreen::get (screen)->optionGetSelectedColorRed () / 65535.0f) * alpha,
+-		   ((float) ExpoScreen::get (screen)->optionGetSelectedColorGreen () / 65535.0f) * alpha,
+-		   ((float) ExpoScreen::get (screen)->optionGetSelectedColorBlue () / 65535.0f) * alpha,
+-		   alpha);
+-	/* we use PAINT_WINDOW_TRANSFORMED_MASK here to force
+-	   the usage of a good texture filter */
+-	foreach (GLTexture *tex, ExpoScreen::get (screen)->outline_texture)
+-	{
+-	    gWindow->glDrawTexture (tex, fAttrib, mask | 
+-	}
+-	GLScreen::get (screen)->setTexEnvMode (GL_REPLACE);
+-	glColor4usv (defaultColor);
+-    }
+- * ExpoWindow::computeGlowQuads
+- *
+- * This function computures the matrix transformation required for each
+- * part of the glow texture which we wish to stretch to some rectangular
+- * dimentions
+- *
+- * There are eight quads different parts of the texture which we wish to
+- * paint here, the 4 sides and four corners, eg:
+- *
+- *		     ------------------
+- *		     | 1 |   4    | 6 |
+- * -------------     ------------------
+- * | 1 | 4 | 6 |     |   |        |   |
+- * -------------     |   |	  |   |
+- * | 2 | n | 7 | ->  | 2 |   n    | 7 |
+- * -------------     |   |        |   |
+- * | 3 | 5 | 8 |     |   |        |   |
+- * -------------     ------------------
+- *		     | 3 |   5    | 8 |
+- *		     ------------------
+- *
+- * In this example here, 2, 4, 5 and 7 are stretched, and the matrices for
+- * each quad rect adjusted accordingly for it's size compared to the original
+- * texture size.
+- *
+- * When we are adjusting the matrices here, the initial size of each corner has
+- * a size of of "1.0f", so according to 2x2 matrix rules,
+- * the scale factor is the inverse of the size of the glow (which explains
+- * while you will see here that matrix->xx is (1 / glowSize)
+- * where glowSize is the size the user specifies they want their glow to extend.
+- * (likewise, matrix->yy is adjusted similarly for corners and for top/bottom)
+- *
+- * matrix->x0 and matrix->y0 here are set to be the top left edge of the rect
+- * adjusted by the matrix scale factor (matrix->xx and matrix->yy)
+- *
+- */
+-ExpoWindow::computeGlowQuads (GLTexture::Matrix *matrix)
+-    CompRect	      *box;
+-    int		      x1, x2, y1, y2;
+-    GLTexture::Matrix *quadMatrix;
+-    int               glowSize, glowOffset;
+-    CompWindow	      *w = window;
+-    /* Passing NULL to this function frees the glow quads
+-     * (so the window is not painted with glow) */
+-    if (matrix)
+-    {
+-	if (!mGlowQuads)
+-	    mGlowQuads = new GlowQuad[NUM_GLOWQUADS];
+-	if (!mGlowQuads)
+-	    return;
+-    }
+-    else
+-    {
+-	if (mGlowQuads)
+-	{
+-	    delete[] mGlowQuads;
+-	    mGlowQuads = NULL;
+-	}
+-	return;
+-    }
+-    glowSize = 48;
+-    glowOffset = (glowSize * ExpoScreen::get (screen)->mGlowTextureProperties->glowOffset /
+-		  ExpoScreen::get (screen)->mGlowTextureProperties->textureSize) + 1;
+-    /* Top left corner */
+-    box = &mGlowQuads[GLOWQUAD_TOPLEFT].mBox;
+-    mGlowQuads[GLOWQUAD_TOPLEFT].mMatrix = *matrix;
+-    quadMatrix = &mGlowQuads[GLOWQUAD_TOPLEFT].mMatrix;
+-    /* Set the desired rect dimentions
+-     * for the part of the glow we are painting */
+-    x1 = WIN_REAL_X (w) - glowSize + glowOffset;
+-    y1 = WIN_REAL_Y (w) - glowSize + glowOffset;
+-    /* 2x2 Matrix here, adjust both x and y scale factors
+-     * and the x and y position
+-     *
+-     * Scaling both parts of the texture in a positive direction
+-     * here (left to right top to bottom)
+-     *
+-     * The base position (x0 and y0) here requires us to move backwards
+-     * on the x and y dimentions by the calculated rect dimentions
+-     * multiplied by the scale factors
+-     */
+-    quadMatrix->xx = 1.0f / glowSize;
+-    quadMatrix->yy = 1.0f / (glowSize);
+-    quadMatrix->x0 = -(x1 * quadMatrix->xx);
+-    quadMatrix->y0 = -(y1 * quadMatrix->yy);
+-    x2 = MIN (WIN_REAL_X (w) + glowOffset,
+-	      WIN_REAL_X (w) + (WIN_REAL_WIDTH (w) / 2));
+-    y2 = MIN (WIN_REAL_Y (w) + glowOffset,
+-	      WIN_REAL_Y (w) + (WIN_REAL_HEIGHT (w) / 2));
+-    *box = CompRect (x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
+-    /* Top right corner */
+-    box = &mGlowQuads[GLOWQUAD_TOPRIGHT].mBox;
+-    mGlowQuads[GLOWQUAD_TOPRIGHT].mMatrix = *matrix;
+-    quadMatrix = &mGlowQuads[GLOWQUAD_TOPRIGHT].mMatrix;
+-    /* Set the desired rect dimentions
+-     * for the part of the glow we are painting */
+-    x1 = WIN_REAL_X (w) + WIN_REAL_WIDTH (w) - glowOffset;
+-    y1 = WIN_REAL_Y (w) - glowSize + glowOffset;
+-    x2 = WIN_REAL_X (w) + WIN_REAL_WIDTH (w) + glowSize - glowOffset;
+-    /* 2x2 Matrix here, adjust both x and y scale factors
+-     * and the x and y position
+-     *
+-     * Scaling the y part of the texture in a positive direction
+-     * and the x part in a negative direction here
+-     * (right to left top to bottom)
+-     *
+-     * The base position (x0 and y0) here requires us to move backwards
+-     * on the y dimention and forwards on x by the calculated rect dimentions
+-     * multiplied by the scale factors (since we are moving forward on x we
+-     * need the inverse of that which is 1 - x1 * xx
+-     */
+-    quadMatrix->xx = -1.0f / glowSize;
+-    quadMatrix->yy = 1.0f / glowSize;
+-    quadMatrix->x0 = 1.0 - (x1 * quadMatrix->xx);
+-    quadMatrix->y0 = -(y1 * quadMatrix->yy);
+-    x1 = MAX (WIN_REAL_X (w) + WIN_REAL_WIDTH (w) - glowOffset,
+-	      WIN_REAL_X (w) + (WIN_REAL_WIDTH (w) / 2));
+-    y2 = MIN (WIN_REAL_Y (w) + glowOffset,
+-	      WIN_REAL_Y (w) + (WIN_REAL_HEIGHT (w) / 2));
+-    *box = CompRect (x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
+-    /* Bottom left corner */
+-    box = &mGlowQuads[GLOWQUAD_BOTTOMLEFT].mBox;
+-    mGlowQuads[GLOWQUAD_BOTTOMLEFT].mMatrix = *matrix;
+-    quadMatrix = &mGlowQuads[GLOWQUAD_BOTTOMLEFT].mMatrix;
+-    x1 = WIN_REAL_X (w) - glowSize + glowOffset;
+-    y1 = WIN_REAL_Y (w) + WIN_REAL_HEIGHT (w) - glowOffset;
+-    x2 = WIN_REAL_X (w) + glowOffset;
+-    y2 = WIN_REAL_Y (w) + WIN_REAL_HEIGHT (w) + glowSize - glowOffset;
+-    /* 2x2 Matrix here, adjust both x and y scale factors
+-     * and the x and y position
+-     *
+-     * Scaling the x part of the texture in a positive direction
+-     * and the y part in a negative direction here
+-     * (left to right bottom to top)
+-     *
+-     * The base position (x0 and y0) here requires us to move backwards
+-     * on the x dimention and forwards on y by the calculated rect dimentions
+-     * multiplied by the scale factors (since we are moving forward on x we
+-     * need the inverse of that which is 1 - y1 * yy
+-     */
+-    quadMatrix->xx = 1.0f / glowSize;
+-    quadMatrix->yy = -1.0f / glowSize;
+-    quadMatrix->x0 = -(x1 * quadMatrix->xx);
+-    quadMatrix->y0 = 1.0f - (y1 * quadMatrix->yy);
+-    y1 = MAX (WIN_REAL_Y (w) + WIN_REAL_HEIGHT (w) - glowOffset,
+-	      WIN_REAL_Y (w) + (WIN_REAL_HEIGHT (w) / 2));
+-    x2 = MIN (WIN_REAL_X (w) + glowOffset,
+-	      WIN_REAL_X (w) + (WIN_REAL_WIDTH (w) / 2));
+-    *box = CompRect (x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
+-    /* Bottom right corner */
+-    box = &mGlowQuads[GLOWQUAD_BOTTOMRIGHT].mBox;
+-    mGlowQuads[GLOWQUAD_BOTTOMRIGHT].mMatrix = *matrix;
+-    quadMatrix = &mGlowQuads[GLOWQUAD_BOTTOMRIGHT].mMatrix;
+-    x1 = WIN_REAL_X (w) + WIN_REAL_WIDTH (w) - glowOffset;
+-    y1 = WIN_REAL_Y (w) + WIN_REAL_HEIGHT (w) - glowOffset;
+-    x2 = WIN_REAL_X (w) + WIN_REAL_WIDTH (w) + glowSize - glowOffset;
+-    y2 = WIN_REAL_Y (w) + WIN_REAL_HEIGHT (w) + glowSize - glowOffset;
+-    /* 2x2 Matrix here, adjust both x and y scale factors
+-     * and the x and y position
+-     *
+-     * Scaling the both parts of the texture in a negative direction
+-     * (right to left bottom to top)
+-     *
+-     * The base position (x0 and y0) here requires us to move forwards
+-     * on both dimentions by the calculated rect dimentions
+-     * multiplied by the scale factors
+-     */
+-    quadMatrix->xx = -1.0f / glowSize;
+-    quadMatrix->yy = -1.0f / glowSize;
+-    quadMatrix->x0 = 1.0 - (x1 * quadMatrix->xx);
+-    quadMatrix->y0 = 1.0 - (y1 * quadMatrix->yy);
+-    x1 = MAX (WIN_REAL_X (w) + WIN_REAL_WIDTH (w) - glowOffset,
+-	      WIN_REAL_X (w) + (WIN_REAL_WIDTH (w) / 2));
+-    y1 = MAX (WIN_REAL_Y (w) + WIN_REAL_HEIGHT (w) - glowOffset,
+-	      WIN_REAL_Y (w) + (WIN_REAL_HEIGHT (w) / 2));
+-    *box = CompRect (x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
+-    /* Top edge */
+-    box = &mGlowQuads[GLOWQUAD_TOP].mBox;
+-    mGlowQuads[GLOWQUAD_TOP].mMatrix = *matrix;
+-    quadMatrix = &mGlowQuads[GLOWQUAD_TOP].mMatrix;
+-    x1 = WIN_REAL_X (w) + glowOffset;
+-    y1 = WIN_REAL_Y (w) - glowSize + glowOffset;
+-    x2 = WIN_REAL_X (w) + WIN_REAL_WIDTH (w) - glowOffset;
+-    y2 = WIN_REAL_Y (w) + glowOffset;
+-    /* 2x2 Matrix here, adjust both x and y scale factors
+-     * and the x and y position
+-     *
+-     * No need to scale the x part of the texture here, but we
+-     * are scaling on the y part in a positive direciton
+-     *
+-     * The base position (y0) here requires us to move backwards
+-     * on the x dimention and forwards on y by the calculated rect dimentions
+-     * multiplied by the scale factors
+-     */
+-    quadMatrix->xx = 0.0f;
+-    quadMatrix->yy = 1.0f / glowSize;
+-    quadMatrix->x0 = 1.0;
+-    quadMatrix->y0 = -(y1 * quadMatrix->yy);
+-    *box = CompRect (x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
+-    /* Bottom edge */
+-    box = &mGlowQuads[GLOWQUAD_BOTTOM].mBox;
+-    mGlowQuads[GLOWQUAD_BOTTOM].mMatrix = *matrix;
+-    quadMatrix = &mGlowQuads[GLOWQUAD_BOTTOM].mMatrix;
+-    x1 = WIN_REAL_X (w) + glowOffset;
+-    y1 = WIN_REAL_Y (w) + WIN_REAL_HEIGHT (w) - glowOffset;
+-    x2 = WIN_REAL_X (w) + WIN_REAL_WIDTH (w) - glowOffset;
+-    y2 = WIN_REAL_Y (w) + WIN_REAL_HEIGHT (w) + glowSize - glowOffset;
+-    /* 2x2 Matrix here, adjust both x and y scale factors
+-     * and the x and y position
+-     *
+-     * No need to scale the x part of the texture here, but we
+-     * are scaling on the y part in a negative direciton
+-     *
+-     * The base position (y0) here requires us to move forwards
+-     * on y by the calculated rect dimentions
+-     * multiplied by the scale factors
+-     */
+-    quadMatrix->xx = 0.0f;
+-    quadMatrix->yy = -1.0f / glowSize;
+-    quadMatrix->x0 = 1.0;
+-    quadMatrix->y0 = 1.0 - (y1 * quadMatrix->yy);
+-    *box = CompRect (x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
+-    /* Left edge */
+-    box = &mGlowQuads[GLOWQUAD_LEFT].mBox;
+-    mGlowQuads[GLOWQUAD_LEFT].mMatrix = *matrix;
+-    quadMatrix = &mGlowQuads[GLOWQUAD_LEFT].mMatrix;
+-    x1 = WIN_REAL_X (w) - glowSize + glowOffset;
+-    y1 = WIN_REAL_Y (w) + glowOffset;
+-    x2 = WIN_REAL_X (w) + glowOffset;
+-    y2 = WIN_REAL_Y (w) + WIN_REAL_HEIGHT (w) - glowOffset;
+-    /* 2x2 Matrix here, adjust both x and y scale factors
+-     * and the x and y position
+-     *
+-     * No need to scale the y part of the texture here, but we
+-     * are scaling on the x part in a positive direciton
+-     *
+-     * The base position (x0) here requires us to move backwards
+-     * on x by the calculated rect dimentions
+-     * multiplied by the scale factors
+-     */
+-    quadMatrix->xx = 1.0f / glowSize;
+-    quadMatrix->yy = 0.0f;
+-    quadMatrix->x0 = -(x1 * quadMatrix->xx);
+-    quadMatrix->y0 = 1.0;
+-    *box = CompRect (x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
+-    /* Right edge */
+-    box = &mGlowQuads[GLOWQUAD_RIGHT].mBox;
+-    mGlowQuads[GLOWQUAD_RIGHT].mMatrix = *matrix;
+-    quadMatrix = &mGlowQuads[GLOWQUAD_RIGHT].mMatrix;
+-    x1 = WIN_REAL_X (w) + WIN_REAL_WIDTH (w) - glowOffset;
+-    y1 = WIN_REAL_Y (w) + glowOffset;
+-    x2 = WIN_REAL_X (w) + WIN_REAL_WIDTH (w) + glowSize - glowOffset;
+-    y2 = WIN_REAL_Y (w) + WIN_REAL_HEIGHT (w) - glowOffset;
+-    /* 2x2 Matrix here, adjust both x and y scale factors
+-     * and the x and y position
+-     *
+-     * No need to scale the y part of the texture here, but we
+-     * are scaling on the x part in a negative direciton
+-     *
+-     * The base position (x0) here requires us to move forwards
+-     * on x by the calculated rect dimentions
+-     * multiplied by the scale factors
+-     */
+-    quadMatrix->xx = -1.0f / glowSize;
+-    quadMatrix->yy = 0.0f;
+-    quadMatrix->x0 = 1.0 - (x1 * quadMatrix->xx);
+-    quadMatrix->y0 = 1.0;
+-    *box = CompRect (x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/glow.h compiz-plugins-main-gles2/glow.h
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/glow.h	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/glow.h	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
+- *
+- * Compiz group plugin
+- *
+- * glow.h
+- *
+- * Copyright : (C) 2006-2010 by Patrick Niklaus, Roi Cohen,
+- * 				Danny Baumann, Sam Spilsbury
+- * Authors: Patrick Niklaus <patrick.niklaus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+- *          Roi Cohen       <roico.beryl@xxxxxxxxx>
+- *          Danny Baumann   <maniac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+- * 	    Sam Spilsbury   <smspillaz@xxxxxxxxx>
+- *
+- *
+- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+- *
+- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+- * GNU General Public License for more details.
+- *
+- **/
+-#ifndef _EXPO_GLOW_H
+-#define _EXPO_GLOW_H
+-#define GLOWQUAD_TOP		 4
+-#define GLOWQUAD_BOTTOM		 5
+-#define GLOWQUAD_LEFT		 6
+-#define GLOWQUAD_RIGHT		 7
+-#define NUM_GLOWQUADS		 8
+-/* Represents a particular glow texture, so here
+- * we have hardcoded in the texture data, the offset
+- * and the size of the texture
+- */
+-typedef struct _GlowTextureProperties {
+-    char *textureData;
+-    int  textureSize;
+-    int  glowOffset;
+-} GlowTextureProperties;
+-/* Each glow quad contains a 2x2 scale + positional matrix
+- * (the 3rd column is not used since that is for matrix skew
+- *  operations which we do not care about)
+- * and also a CompRect which describes the size and position of
+- * the quad on the glow
+- */
+-class GlowQuad {
+-    public:
+-	CompRect	  mBox;
+-	GLTexture::Matrix mMatrix;
+-extern const GlowTextureProperties glowTextureProperties;
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/grid/grid.xml.in compiz-plugins-main-gles2/grid/grid.xml.in
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/grid/grid.xml.in	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/grid/grid.xml.in	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -23,16 +23,17 @@
+ 		<option name="put_center_key" type="key">
+ 		    <_short>Put Center</_short>
+ 		    <_long>Move window to the center</_long>
++		    <default>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;KP_5</default>
+ 		</option>
+ 		<option name="put_left_key" type="key">
+ 		    <_short>Put Left</_short>
+ 		    <_long>Move window to the left edge</_long>
+-		    <default>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Super&gt;Left</default>
++		    <default>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;KP_4</default>
+ 		</option>
+ 		<option name="put_right_key" type="key">
+ 		    <_short>Put Right</_short>
+ 		    <_long>Move window to the right edge</_long>
+-		    <default>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Super&gt;Right</default>
++		    <default>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;KP_6</default>
+ 		</option>
+ 		<option name="put_top_key" type="key">
+ 		    <_short>Put Top</_short>
+@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@
+ 		<option name="put_maximize_key" type="key">
+ 		    <_short>Maximize</_short>
+ 		    <_long>Maximize window</_long>
++		    <default>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;KP_0</default>
+ 		</option>
+ 		<option name="put_restore_key" type="key">
+ 		    <_short>Restore</_short>
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/grid/src/grid.cpp compiz-plugins-main-gles2/grid/src/grid.cpp
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/grid/src/grid.cpp	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/grid/src/grid.cpp	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -429,22 +429,23 @@
+ 			      const GLMatrix            &transform,
+ 			      CompOutput                *output)
+ {
+-    CompRect rect;
+-    GLMatrix sTransform (transform);
+-	std::vector<Animation>::iterator iter;
++    CompRect        rect;
++    GLMatrix        sTransform (transform);
++    std::vector<Animation>::iterator iter;
++    GLVertexBuffer *streamingBuffer = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer ();
++    GLfloat         vertexData[12];
++    GLushort        colorData[4];
++    GLushort       *color;
++    GLboolean       isBlendingEnabled;
+     getPaintRectangle (rect);
+ 	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < animations.size (); i++)
+ 		setCurrentRect (animations.at (i));
+-    glPushMatrix ();
+     sTransform.toScreenSpace (output, -DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA);
+-    glLoadMatrixf (sTransform.getMatrix ());
+-    glDisableClientState (GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
++    glGetBooleanv (GL_BLEND, &isBlendingEnabled);
+     glEnable (GL_BLEND);
+ 	for (iter = animations.begin (); iter != animations.end () && animating; iter++)
+@@ -452,38 +453,64 @@
+ 		Animation& anim = *iter;
+ 		float alpha = ((float) optionGetFillColorAlpha () / 65535.0f) * anim.opacity;
+-		/* fill rectangle */
+-		glColor4f (((float) optionGetFillColorRed () / 65535.0f) * alpha,
+-			   ((float) optionGetFillColorGreen () / 65535.0f) * alpha,
+-			   ((float) optionGetFillColorBlue () / 65535.0f) * alpha,
+-			   alpha);
+-		/* fill rectangle */
+-		glRecti (anim.currentRect.x1 (), anim.currentRect.y2 (),
+-				 anim.currentRect.x2 (), anim.currentRect.y1 ());
+-		/* Set outline rect smaller to avoid damage issues */
+-		anim.currentRect.setGeometry (anim.currentRect.x () + 1,
+-					      anim.currentRect.y () + 1,
+-					      anim.currentRect.width () - 2,
+-					      anim.currentRect.height () - 2);
+-		alpha = (float) (optionGetOutlineColorAlpha () / 65535.0f) * anim.opacity;
++	color = optionGetFillColor ();
++	colorData[0] = alpha * color[0];
++	colorData[1] = alpha * color[1];
++	colorData[2] = alpha * color[2];
++	colorData[3] = alpha * 65535.0f;
++	vertexData[0]  = anim.currentRect.x1 ();
++	vertexData[1]  = anim.currentRect.y1 ();
++	vertexData[2]  = 0.0f;
++	vertexData[3]  = anim.currentRect.x1 ();
++	vertexData[4]  = anim.currentRect.y2 ();
++	vertexData[5]  = 0.0f;
++	vertexData[6]  = anim.currentRect.x2 ();
++	vertexData[7]  = anim.currentRect.y1 ();
++	vertexData[8]  = 0.0f;
++	vertexData[9]  = anim.currentRect.x2 ();
++	vertexData[10] = anim.currentRect.y2 ();
++	vertexData[11] = 0.0f;
++	streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
++	streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData);
++	streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++	streamingBuffer->end ();
++	streamingBuffer->render (sTransform);
++	/* Set outline rect smaller to avoid damage issues */
++	anim.currentRect.setGeometry (anim.currentRect.x () + 1,
++	                              anim.currentRect.y () + 1,
++	                              anim.currentRect.width () - 2,
++	                              anim.currentRect.height () - 2);
++	alpha = ((float) optionGetOutlineColorAlpha () / 65535.0f) * anim.opacity;
++	/* draw outline */
++	color = optionGetOutlineColor ();
++	colorData[0] = alpha * color[0];
++	colorData[1] = alpha * color[1];
++	colorData[2] = alpha * color[2];
++	colorData[3] = alpha * 65535.0f;
++	vertexData[0]  = anim.currentRect.x1 ();
++	vertexData[1]  = anim.currentRect.y1 ();
++	vertexData[3]  = anim.currentRect.x1 ();
++	vertexData[4]  = anim.currentRect.y2 ();
++	vertexData[6]  = anim.currentRect.x2 ();
++	vertexData[7]  = anim.currentRect.y2 ();
++	vertexData[9]  = anim.currentRect.x2 ();
++	vertexData[10] = anim.currentRect.y1 ();
++	glLineWidth (2.0);
++	streamingBuffer->begin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
++	streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData);
++	streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
+-		/* draw outline */
+-		glColor4f (((float) optionGetOutlineColorRed () / 65535.0f) * alpha,
+-			   ((float) optionGetOutlineColorGreen () / 65535.0f) * alpha,
+-			   ((float) optionGetOutlineColorBlue () / 65535.0f) * alpha,
+-			   alpha);
+-		glLineWidth (2.0);
+-		glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
+-		glVertex2i (anim.currentRect.x1 (),	anim.currentRect.y1 ());
+-		glVertex2i (anim.currentRect.x2 (),	anim.currentRect.y1 ());
+-		glVertex2i (anim.currentRect.x2 (),	anim.currentRect.y2 ());
+-		glVertex2i (anim.currentRect.x1 (),	anim.currentRect.y2 ());
+-		glEnd ();
++	streamingBuffer->end ();
++	streamingBuffer->render (sTransform);
+ 	}
+ 	if (!animating)
+@@ -491,12 +518,28 @@
+ 		/* fill rectangle */
+ 		float alpha = (float) optionGetFillColorAlpha () / 65535.0f;
+-		/* fill rectangle */
+-		glColor4f (((float) optionGetFillColorRed () / 65535.0f) * alpha,
+-			   ((float) optionGetFillColorGreen () / 65535.0f) * alpha,
+-			   ((float) optionGetFillColorBlue () / 65535.0f) * alpha,
+-			   alpha);
+-		glRecti (rect.x1 (), rect.y2 (), rect.x2 (), rect.y1 ());
++		color = optionGetFillColor ();
++		colorData[0] = alpha * color[0];
++		colorData[1] = alpha * color[1];
++		colorData[2] = alpha * color[2];
++		colorData[3] = alpha * 65535.0f;
++		vertexData[0]  = rect.x1 ();
++		vertexData[1]  = rect.y1 ();
++		vertexData[2]  = 0.0f;
++		vertexData[3]  = rect.x1 ();
++		vertexData[4]  = rect.y2 ();
++		vertexData[5]  = 0.0f;
++		vertexData[6]  = rect.x2 ();
++		vertexData[7]  = rect.y1 ();
++		vertexData[8]  = 0.0f;
++		vertexData[9]  = rect.x2 ();
++		vertexData[10] = rect.y2 ();
++		vertexData[11] = 0.0f;
++		streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
++		streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData);
++		streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
+ 		/* Set outline rect smaller to avoid damage issues */
+ 		rect.setGeometry (rect.x () + 1, rect.y () + 1,
+@@ -505,26 +548,34 @@
+ 		/* draw outline */
+ 		alpha = (float) optionGetOutlineColorAlpha () / 65535.0f;
++		color = optionGetOutlineColor ();
++		colorData[0] = alpha * color[0];
++		colorData[1] = alpha * color[1];
++		colorData[2] = alpha * color[2];
++		colorData[3] = alpha * 65535.0f;
+ 		/* draw outline */
+-		glColor4f (((float) optionGetOutlineColorRed () / 65535.0f) * alpha,
+-			   ((float) optionGetOutlineColorGreen () / 65535.0f) * alpha,
+-			   ((float) optionGetOutlineColorBlue () / 65535.0f) * alpha,
+-			   alpha);
++		vertexData[0]  = rect.x1 ();
++		vertexData[1]  = rect.y1 ();
++		vertexData[3]  = rect.x1 ();
++		vertexData[4]  = rect.y2 ();
++		vertexData[6]  = rect.x2 ();
++		vertexData[7]  = rect.y2 ();
++		vertexData[9]  = rect.x2 ();
++		vertexData[10] = rect.y1 ();
+ 		glLineWidth (2.0);
+-		glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
+-		glVertex2i (rect.x1 (), rect.y1 ());
+-		glVertex2i (rect.x2 (), rect.y1 ());
+-		glVertex2i (rect.x2 (), rect.y2 ());
+-		glVertex2i (rect.x1 (), rect.y2 ());
+-		glEnd ();
++		streamingBuffer->begin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
++		streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData);
++		streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++		streamingBuffer->end ();
++		streamingBuffer->render (sTransform);
+ 	}
+-    /* clean up */
+-    glColor4usv (defaultColor);
+-    glDisable (GL_BLEND);
+-    glEnableClientState (GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
+-    glPopMatrix ();
++	if (!isBlendingEnabled)
++	    glDisable (GL_BLEND);
+ }
+ bool
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/group_glow.h compiz-plugins-main-gles2/group_glow.h
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/group_glow.h	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/group_glow.h	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
+-#ifndef _GROUP_GLOWTEX_H
+-#define _GROUP_GLOWTEX_H
+- *
+- * Compiz group plugin
+- *
+- * group_glow.h
+- *
+- * Copyright : (C) 2006-2010 by Patrick Niklaus, Roi Cohen,
+- * 				Danny Baumann, Sam Spilsbury
+- * Authors: Patrick Niklaus <patrick.niklaus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+- *          Roi Cohen       <roico.beryl@xxxxxxxxx>
+- *          Danny Baumann   <maniac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+- * 	    Sam Spilsbury   <smspillaz@xxxxxxxxx>
+- *
+- *
+- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+- *
+- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+- * GNU General Public License for more details.
+- *
+- **/
+- * glowTex
+- */
+-static char glowTexRect[4097] = {
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\377\377\6\377"
+-  "\377\377\6\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\6\377\377"
+-  "\377\6\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\6\377\377"
+-  "\377\6\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\6\377\377\377"
+-  "\6\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\6"
+-  "\377\377\377\14\377\377\377\14\377\377\377\14\377\377\377\14\377\377\377"
+-  "\14\377\377\377\14\377\377\377\14\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\14"
+-  "\377\377\377\14\377\377\377\22\377\377\377\22\377\377\377\22\377\377\377"
+-  "\27\377\377\377\27\377\377\377\27\377\377\377\27\377\377\377\27\377\377\377"
+-  "\27\377\377\377\27\377\377\377\27\377\377\377\27\377\377\377\27\377\377\377"
+-  "\35\377\377\377\35\377\377\377\35\377\377\377\35\377\377\377\35\377\377\377"
+-  "\35\377\377\377\35\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\377"
+-  "\377\6\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\14\377\377\377\22\377\377\377\27\377\377"
+-  "\377\27\377\377\377\35\377\377\377#\377\377\377'\377\377\377'\377\377\377"
+-  "+\377\377\377+\377\377\377+\377\377\377+\377\377\377+\377\377\377+\377\377"
+-  "\377+\377\377\377+\377\377\377+\377\377\3771\377\377\3771\377\377\3771\377"
+-  "\377\3771\377\377\3771\377\377\3771\377\377\3771\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\14\377\377\377\22\377\377\377"
+-  "\27\377\377\377\35\377\377\377#\377\377\377+\377\377\3771\377\377\3776\377"
+-  "\377\377<\377\377\377>\377\377\377C\377\377\377I\377\377\377I\377\377\377"
+-  "I\377\377\377I\377\377\377I\377\377\377I\377\377\377I\377\377\377I\377\377"
+-  "\377L\377\377\377L\377\377\377L\377\377\377L\377\377\377L\377\377\377L\377"
+-  "\377\377L\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\14\377"
+-  "\377\377\22\377\377\377\27\377\377\377#\377\377\377+\377\377\3776\377\377"
+-  "\377C\377\377\377L\377\377\377U\377\377\377]\377\377\377`\377\377\377d\377"
+-  "\377\377h\377\377\377k\377\377\377k\377\377\377k\377\377\377k\377\377\377"
+-  "k\377\377\377k\377\377\377k\377\377\377p\377\377\377p\377\377\377p\377\377"
+-  "\377p\377\377\377p\377\377\377p\377\377\377p\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377"
+-  "\377\377\6\377\377\377\14\377\377\377\22\314\314\314\35\377\377\377'\377"
+-  "\377\3771\377\377\377>\357\357\357P\377\377\377]\363\363\363k\365\365\365"
+-  "v\365\365\365|\377\377\377\202\367\367\367\210\367\367\367\214\367\367\367"
+-  "\216\367\367\367\221\367\367\367\221\367\367\367\221\367\367\367\221\367"
+-  "\367\367\221\367\367\367\221\367\367\367\224\367\367\367\224\367\367\367"
+-  "\224\367\367\367\224\367\367\367\224\367\367\367\224\367\367\367\224\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\22\377\377\377\27\377"
+-  "\377\377'\377\377\3776\377\377\377I\377\377\377Y\377\377\377k\376\376\376"
+-  "y\377\377\377\210\377\377\377\224\377\377\377\235\377\377\377\245\377\377"
+-  "\377\253\377\377\377\255\377\377\377\262\377\377\377\262\377\377\377\263"
+-  "\377\377\377\263\377\377\377\263\377\377\377\263\377\377\377\263\377\377"
+-  "\377\266\377\377\377\266\377\377\377\266\377\377\377\266\377\377\377\266"
+-  "\377\377\377\266\377\377\377\266\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\377\377\6\377\377\377"
+-  "\14\377\377\377\27\377\377\377#\377\377\3771\377\377\377I\377\377\377]\377"
+-  "\377\377r\377\377\377\205\377\377\377\231\377\377\377\247\377\377\377\263"
+-  "\377\377\377\275\377\377\377\304\377\377\377\310\377\377\377\313\377\377"
+-  "\377\316\377\377\377\320\377\377\377\320\377\377\377\320\377\377\377\320"
+-  "\377\377\377\320\377\377\377\320\377\377\377\322\377\377\377\322\377\377"
+-  "\377\322\377\377\377\322\377\377\377\322\377\377\377\322\377\377\377\322"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\22\377\377\377\35\377\377"
+-  "\377+\377\377\377>\377\377\377Y\377\377\377r\377\377\377\210\376\376\376"
+-  "\237\377\377\377\262\377\377\377\302\377\377\377\313\377\377\377\324\377"
+-  "\377\377\332\376\376\376\336\377\377\377\341\377\377\377\342\377\377\377"
+-  "\344\377\377\377\344\377\377\377\344\377\377\377\344\377\377\377\344\377"
+-  "\377\377\344\377\377\377\345\377\377\377\345\377\377\377\345\377\377\377"
+-  "\345\377\377\377\345\377\377\377\345\377\377\377\345\0\0\0\0\377\377\377"
+-  "\6\377\377\377\14\377\377\377\27\377\377\377#\377\377\3776\377\377\377P\377"
+-  "\377\377k\377\377\377\205\376\376\376\237\372\372\372\266\377\377\377\307"
+-  "\373\373\373\325\373\373\373\337\374\374\374\345\374\374\374\352\374\374"
+-  "\374\355\374\374\374\357\374\374\374\360\374\374\374\361\374\374\374\361"
+-  "\374\374\374\362\374\374\374\362\374\374\374\362\374\374\374\362\374\374"
+-  "\374\362\374\374\374\362\374\374\374\362\374\374\374\362\374\374\374\362"
+-  "\374\374\374\362\374\374\374\362\0\0\0\0\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\14\377"
+-  "\377\377\35\377\377\377+\377\377\377C\377\377\377]\377\377\377|\377\377\377"
+-  "\231\377\377\377\263\377\377\377\307\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377"
+-  "\377\377\6\377\377\377\22\324\324\324#\377\377\3771\377\377\377L\363\363"
+-  "\363k\377\377\377\210\377\377\377\247\377\377\377\302\377\377\377\325\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\14\377\377\377\22\377\377"
+-  "\377#\377\377\377<\377\377\377U\377\377\377v\377\377\377\226\377\377\377"
+-  "\263\377\377\377\315\377\377\377\337\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\377\377"
+-  "\6\377\377\377\14\377\377\377\27\377\377\377'\377\377\377>\377\377\377]\377"
+-  "\377\377|\370\370\370\237\377\377\377\275\373\373\373\325\377\377\377\345"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\14\377\377\377\27\377"
+-  "\377\377+\377\377\377C\377\377\377`\377\377\377\202\377\377\377\247\377\377"
+-  "\377\304\377\377\377\332\377\377\377\352\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\377"
+-  "\377\6\377\377\377\14\377\377\377\27\377\377\377+\377\377\377C\377\377\377"
+-  "d\377\377\377\210\377\377\377\253\377\377\377\310\376\376\376\336\374\374"
+-  "\374\355\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\14\377\377\377"
+-  "\35\377\377\377+\377\377\377I\377\377\377h\377\377\377\214\377\377\377\260"
+-  "\377\377\377\313\374\374\374\342\374\374\374\357\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\14\377\377\377\35\342\342\3421\377\377\377I\377"
+-  "\377\377k\377\377\377\216\377\377\377\262\377\377\377\316\374\374\374\344"
+-  "\377\377\377\360\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\14\377"
+-  "\377\377\35\377\377\3771\377\377\377L\377\377\377k\377\377\377\221\377\377"
+-  "\377\263\377\377\377\320\377\377\377\344\377\377\377\361\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\14\377\377\377\35\377\377\3771\377\377"
+-  "\377L\377\377\377k\377\377\377\221\377\377\377\263\377\377\377\320\377\377"
+-  "\377\344\374\374\374\362\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\377\377\6\377\377\377"
+-  "\14\377\377\377\35\377\377\3771\377\377\377L\364\364\364p\377\377\377\221"
+-  "\372\372\372\266\377\377\377\320\374\374\374\345\377\377\377\362\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\14\377\377\377\35\377\377\377"
+-  "1\377\377\377L\377\377\377p\377\377\377\221\377\377\377\266\373\373\373\322"
+-  "\377\377\377\345\377\377\377\362\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\377\377\6\377"
+-  "\377\377\14\377\377\377\35\377\377\3771\377\377\377L\377\377\377p\377\377"
+-  "\377\221\377\377\377\266\373\373\373\322\377\377\377\345\377\377\377\362"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\14\377\377\377\35\377"
+-  "\377\3771\377\377\377L\377\377\377p\377\377\377\221\377\377\377\266\373\373"
+-  "\373\322\377\377\377\345\377\377\377\362\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\377"
+-  "\377\6\377\377\377\14\377\377\377\35\377\377\3771\377\377\377L\377\377\377"
+-  "p\367\367\367\224\377\377\377\266\377\377\377\322\377\377\377\345\374\374"
+-  "\374\362\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\14\377\377\377"
+-  "\35\377\377\3771\377\377\377L\377\377\377p\367\367\367\224\377\377\377\266"
+-  "\377\377\377\322\377\377\377\345\374\374\374\362\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\14\377\377\377\35\377\377\3771\377\377\377L\377"
+-  "\377\377p\367\367\367\224\377\377\377\266\377\377\377\322\377\377\377\345"
+-  "\374\374\374\362\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\14\377"
+-  "\377\377\35\377\377\3771\377\377\377L\377\377\377p\367\367\367\224\377\377"
+-  "\377\266\377\377\377\322\377\377\377\345\374\374\374\362\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\14\377\377\377\35\377\377\3771\377\377"
+-  "\377L\377\377\377p\367\367\367\224\377\377\377\266\377\377\377\322\377\377"
+-  "\377\345\374\374\374\362\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\377\377\6\377\377\377"
+-  "\14\377\377\377\35\377\377\3771\377\377\377L\377\377\377p\367\367\367\224"
+-  "\377\377\377\266\377\377\377\322\377\377\377\345\374\374\374\362\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\377\377\6\377\377\377\14\377\377\377\35\377\377\377"
+-  "1\377\377\377L\377\377\377p\367\367\367\224\377\377\377\266\377\377\377\322"
+-  "\377\377\377\345\374\374\374\362\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+-  "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0",
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/kdecompat/src/kdecompat.cpp compiz-plugins-main-gles2/kdecompat/src/kdecompat.cpp
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/kdecompat/src/kdecompat.cpp	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/kdecompat/src/kdecompat.cpp	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -204,7 +204,6 @@
+     if (mSlideData && mSlideData->remaining)
+     {
+-	GLFragment::Attrib fragment (gWindow->paintAttrib ());
+ 	GLMatrix           wTransform = transform;
+ 	SlideData          *data = mSlideData;
+ 	float              xTranslate = 0, yTranslate = 0, remainder;
+@@ -241,26 +240,20 @@
+ 	status = gWindow->glPaint (attrib, transform, region, mask |
+-	if (window->alpha () || fragment.getOpacity () != OPAQUE)
++	if (window->alpha () || attrib.opacity != OPAQUE)
+ 	wTransform.translate (xTranslate, yTranslate, 0.0f);
+-	glPushMatrix ();
+-	glLoadMatrixf (wTransform.getMatrix ());
+-	glPushAttrib (GL_SCISSOR_BIT);
+ 	glEnable (GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+ 	glScissor (clipBox.x1 (), screen->height () - clipBox.y2 (),
+ 		   clipBox.width (), clipBox.height ());
+-	status = gWindow->glDraw (wTransform, fragment, region,
++	status = gWindow->glDraw (wTransform, attrib, region,
+ 	glDisable (GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+-	glPopAttrib ();
+-	glPopMatrix ();
+     }
+     foreach (const Thumb& thumb, mPreviews)
+@@ -329,20 +322,17 @@
+ 		matrices[0].x0 -= (tw->x () * icon->matrix ().xx);
+ 		matrices[0].y0 -= (tw->y () * icon->matrix ().yy);
+-		gtw->geometry ().reset ();
++		gtw->vertexBuffer ()->begin ();
+ 		gtw->glAddGeometry (matrices, tw->geometry (), infiniteRegion);
+-		if (!gtw->geometry ().vertices)
+-		    icon = NULL;
++		gtw->vertexBuffer ()->end ();
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+ 	if (!gtw->textures ().empty () || icon)
+ 	{
+-	    GLFragment::Attrib fragment (attrib);
+ 	    GLMatrix           wTransform (transform);
+-	    if (tw->alpha () || fragment.getOpacity () != OPAQUE)
++	    if (tw->alpha () || attrib.opacity != OPAQUE)
+ 	    wTransform.translate (tw->x (), tw->y (), 0.0f);
+@@ -351,16 +341,11 @@
+ 				  yTranslate / yScale - tw->y (),
+ 				  0.0f);
+-	    glPushMatrix ();
+-	    glLoadMatrixf (wTransform.getMatrix ());
+ 	    if (!gtw->textures ().empty ())
+-		gtw->glDraw (wTransform, fragment,
++		gtw->glDraw (wTransform, attrib,
+ 				 infiniteRegion, paintMask);
+ 	    else if (icon)
+-		gtw->glDrawTexture (icon, fragment, paintMask);
+-	    glPopMatrix ();
++		gtw->glDrawTexture (icon, wTransform, attrib, paintMask);
+ 	}
+     }
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/mag/CMakeLists.txt compiz-plugins-main-gles2/mag/CMakeLists.txt
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/mag/CMakeLists.txt	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/mag/CMakeLists.txt	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
+ include (CompizPlugin)
+-compiz_plugin (mag PLUGINDEPS composite opengl mousepoll)
++#compiz_plugin (mag PLUGINDEPS composite opengl mousepoll)
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/neg/src/neg.cpp compiz-plugins-main-gles2/neg/src/neg.cpp
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/neg/src/neg.cpp	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/neg/src/neg.cpp	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -22,7 +22,12 @@
+ #include "neg.h"
+-using namespace GLFragment;
++static std::string fragment_function = "                 \n\
++void neg_fragment () {                                   \n\
++    vec3 color = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - gl_FragColor.rgb; \n\
++    gl_FragColor = vec4(color, gl_FragColor.a);          \n\
++}                                                        \n\
+ COMPIZ_PLUGIN_20090315 (neg, NegPluginVTable);
+@@ -74,63 +79,11 @@
+     return true;
+ }
+-NegScreen::getFragmentFunction (GLTexture *texture,
+-				bool      alpha)
+-    int handle = 0;
+-    if (alpha && negAlphaFunction)
+-	handle = negAlphaFunction;
+-    else if (!alpha && negFunction)
+-	handle = negFunction;
+-    if (!handle)
+-    {
+-	FunctionData data;
+-	int          target;
+-	if (alpha)
+-	    data.addTempHeaderOp ("neg");
+-	if (texture->target () == GL_TEXTURE_2D)
+-	    target = COMP_FETCH_TARGET_2D;
+-	else
+-	    target = COMP_FETCH_TARGET_RECT;
+-	data.addFetchOp ("output", NULL, target);
+-	if (alpha)
+-	{
+-	    data.addDataOp ("RCP neg.a, output.a;");
+-	    data.addDataOp ("MAD output.rgb, -neg.a, output, 1.0;");
+-	}
+-	else
+-	    data.addDataOp ("SUB output.rgb, 1.0, output;");
+-	if (alpha)
+-	    data.addDataOp ("MUL output.rgb, output.a, output;");
+-	data.addColorOp ("output", "output");
+-	if (!data.status ())
+-	    return 0;
+-	handle = data.createFragmentFunction ("neg");
+-	if (alpha)
+-	    negAlphaFunction = handle;
+-	else
+-	    negFunction = handle;
+-    }
+-    return handle;
+ void
+-NegWindow::glDrawTexture (GLTexture          *texture,
+-			  GLFragment::Attrib &attrib,
+-			  unsigned int       mask)
++NegWindow::glDrawTexture (GLTexture                 *texture,
++                          const GLMatrix            &transform,
++                          const GLWindowPaintAttrib &attrib,
++                          unsigned int              mask)
+ {
+     GLTexture::Filter filter;
+     bool              doNeg = false;
+@@ -160,24 +113,15 @@
+     if (doNeg && tex)
+     {
+-	/* Fragment program negation */
+-	if (GL::fragmentProgram)
++	/* shader program negation */
++	if (true)
+ 	{
+-	    GLFragment::Attrib fa = attrib;
+-	    int                function;
+-	    bool               alpha = true;
+-	    if (texture->name () == tex->name ()) /* Not a decoration */
+-		alpha = window->alpha ();
+-	    function = ns->getFragmentFunction (texture, alpha);
+-	    if (function)
+-		fa.addFunction (function);
+-	    gWindow->glDrawTexture (texture, fa, mask);
++	    gWindow->addShaders ("neg", "", fragment_function);
++	    gWindow->glDrawTexture (texture, transform, attrib, mask);
+ 	}
+ 	else /* Texture manipulation negation */
+ 	{
++#ifndef USE_GLES
+ 	    /* this is for the most part taken from paint.c */
+@@ -188,14 +132,10 @@
+ 		filter = ns->gScreen->filter (NOTHING_TRANS_FILTER);
+ 	    /* if we can adjust saturation, even if it's just on and off */
+-	    if (GL::canDoSaturated && attrib.getSaturation () != COLOR)
++	    if (GL::canDoSaturated && attrib.saturation != COLOR)
+ 	    {
+ 		GLfloat constant[4];
+-		/* if the paint mask has this set we want to blend */
+-		    glEnable (GL_BLEND);
+ 		/* enable the texture */
+ 		texture->enable (filter);
+@@ -233,7 +173,7 @@
+ 		/* if we can do saturation that is in between min and max */
+-		if (GL::canDoSlightlySaturated && attrib.getSaturation () > 0)
++		if (GL::canDoSlightlySaturated && attrib.saturation > 0)
+ 		{
+@@ -270,13 +210,13 @@
+     		    /* color constant */
+-		    constant[3] = attrib.getSaturation () / 65535.0f;
++		    constant[3] = attrib.saturation / 65535.0f;
+ 		    glTexEnvfv (GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR, constant);
+     		    /* if we are not opaque or not fully bright */
+-		    if (attrib.getOpacity () < OPAQUE ||
+-			attrib.getBrightness () != BRIGHT)
++		    if (attrib.opacity < OPAQUE ||
++			attrib.brightness != BRIGHT)
+ 		    {
+ 			/* make another texture active */
+ 			GL::activeTexture (GL_TEXTURE3_ARB);
+@@ -285,9 +225,9 @@
+ 			texture->enable (filter);
+ 			/* color constant */
+-			constant[3] = attrib.getOpacity () / 65535.0f;
++			constant[3] = attrib.opacity / 65535.0f;
+ 			constant[0] = constant[1] = constant[2] =
+-			    constant[3] * attrib.getBrightness () / 65535.0f;
++			    constant[3] * attrib.brightness / 65535.0f;
+ 			glTexEnvfv(GL_TEXTURE_ENV,
+ 				   GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR, constant);
+@@ -314,8 +254,7 @@
+ 			glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV,
+-			/* draw the window geometry */
+-			gWindow->glDrawGeometry ();
++			gWindow->glDrawTexture (texture, transform, attrib, mask);
+ 			/* disable the current texture */
+ 			texture->disable ();
+@@ -331,8 +270,7 @@
+ 		    {
+ 			/* fully opaque and bright */
+-			/* draw the window geometry */
+-			gWindow->glDrawGeometry ();
++			gWindow->glDrawTexture (texture, transform, attrib, mask);
+ 		    }
+ 		    /* disable the current texture */
+@@ -355,9 +293,9 @@
+     		    /* color constant */
+-		    constant[3] = attrib.getOpacity () / 65535.0f;
++		    constant[3] = attrib.opacity / 65535.0f;
+ 		    constant[0] = constant[1] = constant[2] =
+-			constant[3] * attrib.getBrightness () / 65535.0f;
++			constant[3] * attrib.brightness / 65535.0f;
+ 		    constant[0] =
+ 			0.5f + 0.5f * RED_SATURATION_WEIGHT * constant[0];
+@@ -368,8 +306,7 @@
+ 		    glTexEnvfv (GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR, constant);
+-    		    /* draw the window geometry */
+-		    gWindow->glDrawGeometry ();
++		    gWindow->glDrawTexture (texture, transform, attrib, mask);
+ 		}
+ 		/* disable the current texture */
+@@ -390,9 +327,6 @@
+ 		/* set screens texture mode back to replace */
+ 		ns->gScreen->setTexEnvMode (GL_REPLACE);
+-		/* if it's a translucent window, disable blending */
+-		    glDisable (GL_BLEND);
+ 	    }
+ 	    else
+ 	    {
+@@ -411,17 +345,14 @@
+ 		/* we are not opaque or fully bright */
+-		    attrib.getBrightness () != BRIGHT)
++		    attrib.brightness != BRIGHT)
+ 		{
+ 		    GLfloat constant[4];
+-		    /* enable blending */
+-		    glEnable (GL_BLEND);
+ 		    /* color constant */
+-		    constant[3] = attrib.getOpacity () / 65535.0f;
++		    constant[3] = attrib.opacity / 65535.0f;
+ 		    constant[0] = constant[1] = constant[2] =
+-			constant[3] * attrib.getBrightness () / 65535.0f;
++			constant[3] * attrib.brightness / 65535.0f;
+ 		    glTexEnvfv (GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR, constant);
+@@ -441,18 +372,13 @@
+-    		    /* draw the window geometry */
+-		    gWindow->glDrawGeometry ();
+-		    /* disable blending */
+-		    glDisable (GL_BLEND);
++		    gWindow->glDrawTexture (texture, transform, attrib, mask);
+ 		}
+ 		else
+ 		{
+ 		    /* no adjustments to saturation, brightness or opacity */
+-		    /* draw the window geometry */
+-		    gWindow->glDrawGeometry ();
++		    gWindow->glDrawTexture (texture, transform, attrib, mask);
+ 		}
+ 		/* disable the current texture */
+@@ -461,12 +387,13 @@
+ 		/* set the screens texture mode back to replace */
+ 		ns->gScreen->setTexEnvMode (GL_REPLACE);
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+     }
+     else
+     {
+ 	/* not negative */
+-	gWindow->glDrawTexture (texture, attrib, mask);
++	gWindow->glDrawTexture (texture, transform, attrib, mask);
+     }
+ }
+@@ -524,7 +451,7 @@
+ 					  _1, _2));
+     optionSetExcludeMatchNotify (boost::bind (&NegScreen::optionChanged, this,
+ 					      _1, _2));
+-	optionSetNegDecorationsNotify (boost::bind (&NegScreen::optionChanged, this,
++    optionSetNegDecorationsNotify (boost::bind (&NegScreen::optionChanged, this,
+ 					  _1, _2));
+ }
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/neg/src/neg.h compiz-plugins-main-gles2/neg/src/neg.h
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/neg/src/neg.h	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/neg/src/neg.h	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -57,10 +57,6 @@
+ 		CompOption::Vector opt,
+ 		bool		   all);
+-	int
+-	getFragmentFunction (GLTexture *texture,
+-			     bool      alpha);
+ 	GLScreen *gScreen;
+ };
+@@ -89,9 +85,10 @@
+ 	bool isNeg;
+ 	void
+-	glDrawTexture(GLTexture          *texture,
+-		      GLFragment::Attrib &attrib,
+-		      unsigned int       mask);
++	glDrawTexture (GLTexture                 *texture,
++	               const GLMatrix            &transform,
++	               const GLWindowPaintAttrib &attrib,
++	               unsigned int              mask);
+ 	void toggle ();
+ };
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/resizeinfo/src/resizeinfo.cpp compiz-plugins-main-gles2/resizeinfo/src/resizeinfo.cpp
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/resizeinfo/src/resizeinfo.cpp	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/resizeinfo/src/resizeinfo.cpp	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -349,8 +349,9 @@
+ /* Draw a texture at x/y on a quad of RESIZE_POPUP_WIDTH /
+    RESIZE_POPUP_HEIGHT with the opacity in InfoScreen. */
+ void
+-InfoLayer::draw (int x,
+-	   	 int y)
++InfoLayer::draw (const GLMatrix &transform,
++                 int             x,
++                 int             y)
+ {
+     BOX   box;
+     float opacity;
+@@ -362,9 +363,12 @@
+     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < texture.size (); i++)
+     {
++	GLushort           colorData[4];
++	GLfloat            textureData[8];
++	GLfloat            vertexData[12];
+ 	GLTexture         *tex = texture[i];
+-	GLTexture::Matrix matrix = tex->matrix ();
++	GLTexture::Matrix  matrix = tex->matrix ();
++	GLVertexBuffer *streamingBuffer = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer ();
+ 	tex->enable (GLTexture::Good);
+@@ -380,22 +384,41 @@
+ 	if (is->drawing)
+ 	    opacity = 1.0f - opacity;
+-	glColor4f (opacity, opacity, opacity, opacity); 
+-	glBegin (GL_QUADS);
+-	glTexCoord2f (COMP_TEX_COORD_X (matrix, box.x1), 
+-		      COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (matrix, box.y2));
+-	glVertex2i (box.x1, box.y2);
+-	glTexCoord2f (COMP_TEX_COORD_X (matrix, box.x2), 
+-		      COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (matrix, box.y2));
+-	glVertex2i (box.x2, box.y2);
+-	glTexCoord2f (COMP_TEX_COORD_X (matrix, box.x2), 
+-		      COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (matrix, box.y1));
+-	glVertex2i (box.x2, box.y1);
+-	glTexCoord2f (COMP_TEX_COORD_X (matrix, box.x1), 
+-		      COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (matrix, box.y1));
+-	glVertex2i (box.x1, box.y1);	
+-	glEnd ();
+-	glColor4usv (defaultColor);
++	streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
++	colorData[0] = opacity * 65536;
++	colorData[1] = opacity * 65536;
++	colorData[2] = opacity * 65536;
++	colorData[3] = opacity * 65536;
++	textureData[0] = COMP_TEX_COORD_X (matrix, box.x1);
++	textureData[1] = COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (matrix, box.y2);
++	textureData[2] = COMP_TEX_COORD_X (matrix, box.x2);
++	textureData[3] = COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (matrix, box.y2);
++	textureData[4] = COMP_TEX_COORD_X (matrix, box.x1);
++	textureData[5] = COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (matrix, box.y1);
++	textureData[6] = COMP_TEX_COORD_X (matrix, box.x2);
++	textureData[7] = COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (matrix, box.y1);
++	vertexData[0]  = box.x1;
++	vertexData[1]  = box.y2;
++	vertexData[2]  = 0;
++	vertexData[3]  = box.x2;
++	vertexData[4]  = box.y2;
++	vertexData[5]  = 0;
++	vertexData[6]  = box.x1;
++	vertexData[7]  = box.y1;
++	vertexData[8]  = 0;
++	vertexData[9]  = box.x2;
++	vertexData[10] = box.y1;
++	vertexData[11] = 0;
++	streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData);
++	streamingBuffer->addTexCoords (0, 4, textureData);
++	streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++	streamingBuffer->end ();
++	streamingBuffer->render (transform);
+ 	tex->disable ();
+     }
+@@ -424,21 +447,8 @@
+ 	sTransform.toScreenSpace (output, -DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA);
+-	glPushMatrix ();
+-	glLoadMatrixf (sTransform.getMatrix ());
+-	glDisableClientState (GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
+-	glEnable (GL_BLEND);
+-	gScreen->setTexEnvMode (GL_MODULATE);
+-	backgroundLayer.draw (x, y);
+-	textLayer.draw (x, y);
+-	gScreen->setTexEnvMode (GL_REPLACE);
+-	glDisable (GL_BLEND);
+-	glEnableClientState (GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
+-	glPopMatrix ();
++	backgroundLayer.draw (sTransform, x, y);
++	textLayer.draw (sTransform, x, y);
+     }
+     return status;
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/resizeinfo/src/resizeinfo.h compiz-plugins-main-gles2/resizeinfo/src/resizeinfo.h
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/resizeinfo/src/resizeinfo.h	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/resizeinfo/src/resizeinfo.h	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -57,8 +57,9 @@
+ 	GLTexture::List   texture;
+ 	cairo_t           *cr;
+-	void draw (int x,
+-	 	   int y);
++	void draw (const GLMatrix &transform,
++	           int             x,
++	           int             y);
+ 	void renderBackground ();
+ 	void renderText ();
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/ring/src/ring.cpp compiz-plugins-main-gles2/ring/src/ring.cpp
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/ring/src/ring.cpp	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/ring/src/ring.cpp	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -177,10 +177,11 @@
+ }
+ void
+-RingScreen::drawWindowTitle ()
++RingScreen::drawWindowTitle (const GLMatrix &transform)
+ {
+     if (!textAvailable)
+ 	return;
+     float      x, y;
+     CompRect   oe;
+@@ -211,7 +212,7 @@
+ 	    break;
+     }
+-    mText.draw (floor (x), floor (y), 1.0f);
++    mText.draw (transform, floor (x), floor (y), 1.0f);
+ }
+ bool
+@@ -256,23 +257,23 @@
+ 	if (scaled && pixmap)
+ 	{
+-	    GLFragment::Attrib fragment (gWindow->lastPaintAttrib ());
+-	    GLMatrix           wTransform = transform;
++	    GLWindowPaintAttrib wAttrib (gWindow->lastPaintAttrib ());
++	    GLMatrix            wTransform = transform;
+ 		return false;
+ 	    if (mSlot)
+ 	    {
+-    		fragment.setBrightness((float) fragment.getBrightness () *
+-					 mSlot->depthBrightness);
++    		wAttrib.brightness = (float)wAttrib.brightness *
++		                                         mSlot->depthBrightness;
+ 		if (window != rs->mSelectedWindow)
+-		    fragment.setOpacity ((float)fragment.getOpacity () *
+-			                 rs->optionGetInactiveOpacity () / 100);
++		    wAttrib.opacity = (float)wAttrib.opacity *
++		                          rs->optionGetInactiveOpacity () / 100;
+ 	    }
+-	    if (window->alpha () || fragment.getOpacity () != OPAQUE)
++	    if (window->alpha () || wAttrib.opacity != OPAQUE)
+ 	    wTransform.translate (window->x (), window->y (), 0.0f);
+@@ -281,13 +282,8 @@
+ 			          mTy / mScale - window->y (),
+ 			          0.0f);
+-	    glPushMatrix ();
+-	    glLoadMatrixf (wTransform.getMatrix ());
+-	    gWindow->glDraw (wTransform, fragment, region,
++	    gWindow->glDraw (wTransform, wAttrib, region,
+-	    glPopMatrix ();
+ 	}
+ 	if (scaled && (rs->mState != RingScreen::RingStateIn) &&
+@@ -375,38 +371,27 @@
+ 		matricies.push_back (matrix);
+-		gWindow->geometry ().reset ();
++		gWindow->vertexBuffer ()->begin ();
+ 		gWindow->glAddGeometry (matricies, iconReg, iconReg);
++		gWindow->vertexBuffer ()->end ();
+-		if (gWindow->geometry ().vCount)
+-		{
+-		    GLFragment::Attrib fragment (sAttrib);
+-		    GLMatrix	       wTransform = transform;
+-		    if (!pixmap)
+-			sAttrib.opacity = gWindow->paintAttrib ().opacity;
+-		    if (mSlot)
+-			fragment.setBrightness (
+-					(float) fragment.getBrightness () *
+-					mSlot->depthBrightness);
+-		    wTransform.translate (window->x (), window->y (), 0.0f);
+-		    wTransform.scale (scale, scale, 1.0f);
+-		    wTransform.translate ((x - window->x ()) / scale -
+-							 	window->x (),
+-				          (y - window->y ()) / scale -
+-								 window->y (),
+-				          0.0f);
++		GLWindowPaintAttrib wAttrib (sAttrib);
++		GLMatrix            wTransform = transform;
+-		    glPushMatrix ();
+-		    glLoadMatrixf (wTransform.getMatrix ());
++		if (!pixmap)
++		    sAttrib.opacity = gWindow->paintAttrib ().opacity;
+-		    gWindow->glDrawTexture (icon, fragment, mask);
++		if (mSlot)
++		    wAttrib.brightness = (float)wAttrib.brightness *
++		                                         mSlot->depthBrightness;
++		wTransform.translate (window->x (), window->y (), 0.0f);
++		wTransform.scale (scale, scale, 1.0f);
++		wTransform.translate ((x - window->x ()) / scale - window->x (),
++		                      (y - window->y ()) / scale - window->y (),
++		                      0.0f);
+-		    glPopMatrix ();
+-		}
++		gWindow->glDrawTexture (icon, wTransform, wAttrib, mask);
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+     }
+@@ -775,8 +760,6 @@
+ 	GLMatrix      sTransform = transform;
+ 	sTransform.toScreenSpace (output, -DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA);
+-	glPushMatrix ();
+-	glLoadMatrixf (sTransform.getMatrix ());
+ 	/* TODO: This code here should be reworked */
+@@ -796,9 +779,7 @@
+ 	}
+ 	if (mState != RingStateIn)
+-	    drawWindowTitle ();
+-	glPopMatrix ();
++	    drawWindowTitle (sTransform);
+     }
+     return status;
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/ring/src/ring.h compiz-plugins-main-gles2/ring/src/ring.h
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/ring/src/ring.h	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/ring/src/ring.h	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
+ 	renderWindowTitle ();
+ 	void
+-	drawWindowTitle ();
++	drawWindowTitle (const GLMatrix &transform);
+ 	bool
+ 	layoutThumbs ();
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/scaleaddon/src/scaleaddon.cpp compiz-plugins-main-gles2/scaleaddon/src/scaleaddon.cpp
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/scaleaddon/src/scaleaddon.cpp	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/scaleaddon/src/scaleaddon.cpp	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
+ }
+ void
+-ScaleAddonWindow::drawTitle ()
++ScaleAddonWindow::drawTitle (const GLMatrix &transform)
+ {
+     float         x, y, width, height;
+     ScalePosition pos = sWindow->getCurrentPosition ();
+@@ -103,14 +103,16 @@
+     x = pos.x () + window->x () + geom.width () * pos.scale / 2 - width / 2;
+     y = pos.y () + window->y () + geom.height () * pos.scale / 2 - height / 2;
+-    text.draw (floor (x), floor (y), 1.0f);
++    text.draw (transform, floor (x), floor (y), 1.0f);
+ }
+ void
+-ScaleAddonWindow::drawHighlight ()
++ScaleAddonWindow::drawHighlight (const GLMatrix &transform)
+ {
+-    GLboolean     wasBlend;
+-    GLint         oldBlendSrc, oldBlendDst;
++    GLint oldBlendSrc, oldBlendDst, oldBlendSrcAlpha, oldBlendDstAlpha;
++    GLushort colorData[4];
++    GLfloat  vertexData[12];
++    GLVertexBuffer *streamingBuffer = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer ();
+     float         x, y, width, height;
+     ScalePosition pos = sWindow->getCurrentPosition ();
+     CompRect      geom = window->borderRect ();
+@@ -130,27 +132,51 @@
+     x = floor (x + 0.5f);
+     y = floor (y + 0.5f);
+-    wasBlend = glIsEnabled (GL_BLEND);
++#ifdef USE_GLES
++    glGetIntegerv (GL_BLEND_SRC_RGB, &oldBlendSrc);
++    glGetIntegerv (GL_BLEND_DST_RGB, &oldBlendDst);
++    glGetIntegerv (GL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, &oldBlendSrcAlpha);
++    glGetIntegerv (GL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA, &oldBlendDstAlpha);
+     glGetIntegerv (GL_BLEND_SRC, &oldBlendSrc);
+     glGetIntegerv (GL_BLEND_DST, &oldBlendDst);
+-    if (!wasBlend)
+-	glEnable (GL_BLEND);
+-    glColor4us (as->optionGetHighlightColorRed (),
+-		as->optionGetHighlightColorGreen (),
+-		as->optionGetHighlightColorBlue (),
+-		as->optionGetHighlightColorAlpha ());
+-    glRectf (x, y + height, x + width, y);
+-    glColor4usv (defaultColor);
++    streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
+-    if (!wasBlend)
+-	glDisable (GL_BLEND);
++    colorData[0] = as->optionGetHighlightColorRed ();
++    colorData[1] = as->optionGetHighlightColorGreen ();
++    colorData[2] = as->optionGetHighlightColorBlue ();
++    colorData[3] = as->optionGetHighlightColorAlpha ();
++    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData);
++    vertexData[0]  = x;
++    vertexData[1]  = y;
++    vertexData[2]  = 0.0f;
++    vertexData[3]  = x;
++    vertexData[4]  = y + height;
++    vertexData[5]  = 0.0f;
++    vertexData[6]  = x + width;
++    vertexData[7]  = y;
++    vertexData[8]  = 0.0f;
++    vertexData[9]  = x + width;
++    vertexData[10] = y + height;
++    vertexData[11] = 0.0f;
++    streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++    streamingBuffer->end ();
++    streamingBuffer->render (transform);
++#ifdef USE_GLES
++    glBlendFuncSeparate (oldBlendSrc, oldBlendDst,
++                         oldBlendSrcAlpha, oldBlendDstAlpha);
+     glBlendFunc (oldBlendSrc, oldBlendDst);
+ }
+ void
+@@ -415,11 +441,11 @@
+ 	if (as->optionGetWindowHighlight ())
+ 	{
+ 	    if (window->id () == as->highlightedWindow)
+-		drawHighlight ();
++		drawHighlight (transform);
+ 	}
+ 	if (textAvailable)
+-	    drawTitle ();
++	    drawTitle (transform);
+     }
+ }
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/scaleaddon/src/scaleaddon.h compiz-plugins-main-gles2/scaleaddon/src/scaleaddon.h
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/scaleaddon/src/scaleaddon.h	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/scaleaddon/src/scaleaddon.h	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -141,10 +141,10 @@
+ 	renderTitle ();
+ 	void
+-	drawTitle ();
++	drawTitle (const GLMatrix &transform);
+ 	void
+-	drawHighlight ();
++	drawHighlight (const GLMatrix &transform);
+ };
+ #define ADDON_WINDOW(w)				     \
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/shift/src/shift.cpp compiz-plugins-main-gles2/shift/src/shift.cpp
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/shift/src/shift.cpp	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/shift/src/shift.cpp	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
+ }
+ void
+-ShiftScreen::drawWindowTitle ()
++ShiftScreen::drawWindowTitle (const GLMatrix &transform)
+ {
+     float width, height, border = 10.0f;
+     CompRect oe;
+@@ -225,16 +225,16 @@
+         return;
+     }
+-    text.draw (floor (x), floor (y), 1.0f);
++    text.draw (transform, floor (x), floor (y), 1.0f);
+ }
+ bool
+ ShiftWindow::glPaint (const GLWindowPaintAttrib	&attrib,
+-		      const GLMatrix		&transform,
+-		      const CompRegion		&region,
+-		      unsigned int		mask)
++                      const GLMatrix            &transform,
++                      const CompRegion          &region,
++                      unsigned int               mask)
+ {
+-    bool       status;
++    bool status;
+     SHIFT_SCREEN (screen);
+     if (ss->mState != ShiftStateNone && !ss->mPaintingAbove &&
+@@ -272,9 +272,9 @@
+ 	if (scaled && !gWindow->textures ().empty ())
+ 	{
+-	    GLFragment::Attrib fragment (attrib);
+-	    GLMatrix wTransform = transform;
+-	    ShiftSlot      *slot = ss->mActiveSlot->slot;
++	    GLWindowPaintAttrib wAttrib (attrib);
++	    GLMatrix            wTransform = transform;
++	    ShiftSlot          *slot = ss->mActiveSlot->slot;
+ 	    float sx     = ss->mAnim * slot->tx;
+ 	    float sy     = ss->mAnim * slot->ty;
+@@ -302,11 +302,11 @@
+ 		return false;*/
+-	    fragment.setOpacity ((float)fragment.getOpacity () * sopacity);
+-	    fragment.setBrightness ((float)fragment.getBrightness () *
+-				    ss->mReflectBrightness);
++	    wAttrib.opacity = (float)wAttrib.opacity * sopacity;
++	    wAttrib.brightness = (float)wAttrib.brightness *
++				    ss->mReflectBrightness;
+-	    if (window->alpha () || fragment.getOpacity () != OPAQUE)
++	    if (window->alpha () || wAttrib.opacity != OPAQUE)
+ 	    wTransform.translate (sx, sy, sz);
+@@ -327,13 +327,8 @@
+ 	    wTransform.translate (-window->x () - (window->width () / 2),
+ 				  -window->y () - (window->height () / 2), 0.0f);
+-	    glPushMatrix ();
+-	    glLoadMatrixf (wTransform.getMatrix ());
+-	    gWindow->glDraw (wTransform, fragment, region,
++	    gWindow->glDraw (wTransform, wAttrib, region,
+-	    glPopMatrix ();
+ 	}
+ 	if (scaled && ((ss->optionGetOverlayIcon () != ShiftOptions::OverlayIconNone) ||
+@@ -418,53 +413,50 @@
+ 		iconReg = CompRegion (0, 0, icon->width (), icon->height ());
+-		gWindow->geometry ().reset ();
++		gWindow->vertexBuffer ()->begin ();
+ 		matl.push_back (icon->matrix ());
+ 		gWindow->glAddGeometry (matl, iconReg, iconReg);
+-		if (gWindow->geometry ().vCount)
+-		{
+-		    GLFragment::Attrib	fragment (sAttrib);
+-		    GLMatrix		wTransform (transform);
++		gWindow->vertexBuffer ()->end ();
+-		    if (gWindow->textures ().empty ())
+-			sAttrib.opacity = gWindow->paintAttrib ().opacity;
++		GLWindowPaintAttrib wAttrib (sAttrib);
++		GLMatrix            wTransform (transform);
+-		    fragment = GLFragment::Attrib (sAttrib);
+-		    fragment.setOpacity  ((float)fragment.getOpacity () * sopacity);
+-		    fragment.setBrightness ((float)fragment.getBrightness () *
+-					    ss->mReflectBrightness);
++		if (gWindow->textures ().empty ())
++		    sAttrib.opacity = gWindow->paintAttrib ().opacity;
+-		    wTransform.translate (sx, sy, sz);
++		wAttrib = GLWindowPaintAttrib (sAttrib);
+-		    wTransform.translate (window->x () +
+-				     (window->width ()  * sscale / 2),
+-				     window->y () +
+-				     (window->height ()  * sscale / 2.0), 0.0f);
++		wAttrib.opacity = (float)wAttrib.opacity * sopacity;
++		wAttrib.brightness = (float)wAttrib.brightness *
++		                                        ss->mReflectBrightness;
+-		    wTransform.scale (ss->mOutput->width (),
+-				      -ss->mOutput->height (), 1.0f);
++		wTransform.translate (sx, sy, sz);
+-		    wTransform.rotate (srot, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
++		wTransform.translate (window->x () +
++		                              (window->width ()  * sscale / 2),
++		                      window->y () +
++		                           (window->height ()  * sscale / 2.0),
++		                      0.0f);
+-		    wTransform.scale (1.0f  / ss->mOutput->width (),
+-                		 -1.0f / ss->mOutput->height (), 1.0f);
++		wTransform.scale (ss->mOutput->width (),
++		                  -ss->mOutput->height (),
++		                  1.0f);
+-		    wTransform.translate (x -
+-					  (window->width () * sscale / 2), y -
+-					  (window->height () * sscale / 2.0), 0.0f);
+-		    wTransform.scale (scale, scale, 1.0f);
++		wTransform.rotate (srot, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
+-		    glPushMatrix ();
+-		    glLoadMatrixf (wTransform.getMatrix ());
++		wTransform.scale (1.0f  / ss->mOutput->width (),
++		                  -1.0f / ss->mOutput->height (),
++		                  1.0f);
+-		    gWindow->glDrawTexture (icon, fragment, mask);
++		wTransform.translate (x - (window->width () * sscale / 2),
++		                      y - (window->height () * sscale / 2.0),
++		                      0.0f);
++		wTransform.scale (scale, scale, 1.0f);
+-		    glPopMatrix ();
+-		}
++		gWindow->glDrawTexture (icon, wTransform, wAttrib, mask);
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+@@ -1153,39 +1145,28 @@
+ 	sTransform.toScreenSpace (output, -DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA);
+-	GLdouble clip[4] = { 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0};
+-	clip[3] = ((oy1 + (oy2 - oy1) / 2)) + (maxThumbHeight / 2.0);
+ 	/* Reflection drawing */
+ 	if (optionGetReflection ())
+ 	{
+-	    GLMatrix	   rTransform = sTransform;
+-	    unsigned short color[4];
+-	    int            cull, cullInv;
++	    GLMatrix        rTransform = sTransform;
++	    GLMatrix        r2Transform;
++	    GLushort        colorData[4];
++	    GLfloat         vertexData[12];
++	    int             cull, cullInv;
++	    GLVertexBuffer *streamingBuffer = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer ();
+ 	    glGetIntegerv (GL_CULL_FACE_MODE, &cull);
+ 	    cullInv = (cull == GL_BACK)? GL_FRONT : GL_BACK;
+-	    rTransform.translate (0.0, oy1 + oy2 + maxThumbHeight,
+-			     0.0);
++	    rTransform.translate (0.0, oy1 + oy2 + maxThumbHeight, 0.0);
+ 	    rTransform.scale (1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
+-	    glPushMatrix ();
+-	    glLoadMatrixf (rTransform.getMatrix ());
+ 	    glCullFace (cullInv);
+ 	    if (optionGetMipmaps ())
+ 		gScreen->setTextureFilter (GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR);
+-	    if (mAnim == 1.0)
+-	    {
+-		glClipPlane (GL_CLIP_PLANE0, clip);
+-		glEnable (GL_CLIP_PLANE0);
+-	    }
+ 	    mReflectActive = true;
+ 	    mReflectBrightness = optionGetIntensity ();
+ 	    for (i = 0; i < mNSlots; i++)
+@@ -1201,63 +1182,81 @@
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+-	    glDisable (GL_CLIP_PLANE0);
+ 	    glCullFace (cull);
++	    r2Transform.translate (0.0, 0.0, -DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA);
+-	    glLoadIdentity();
+-	    glTranslatef (0.0, 0.0, -DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA);
++	    streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
+-	    glEnable(GL_BLEND);
++	    colorData[0] = 0;
++	    colorData[1] = 0;
++	    colorData[2] = 0;
++	    colorData[3] = 0;
++	    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData);
++	    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData);
++	    colorData[3] = MIN (1.0,
++	                        1.0 - optionGetIntensity ()) * 2.0 * mAnim;
++	    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData);
++	    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData);
++	    vertexData[0]  = 0.5;
++	    vertexData[1]  = 0;
++	    vertexData[2]  = 0;
++	    vertexData[3]  = -0.5;
++	    vertexData[4]  = 0;
++	    vertexData[5]  = 0;
++	    vertexData[6]  = 0.5;
++	    vertexData[7]  = -0.5;
++	    vertexData[8]  = 0;
++	    vertexData[9]  = -0.5;
++	    vertexData[10] = -0.5;
++	    vertexData[11] = 0;
++	    streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
+-	    glBegin (GL_QUADS);
+-	    glColor4f (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+-	    glVertex2f (0.5, 0.0);
+-	    glVertex2f (-0.5, 0.0);
+-	    glColor4f (0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+-		       MIN (1.0, 1.0 - optionGetIntensity ()) * 2.0 *
+-		       mAnim);
+-	    glVertex2f (-0.5, -0.5);
+-	    glVertex2f (0.5, -0.5);
+-	    glEnd();
++	    streamingBuffer->end ();
++	    streamingBuffer->render (r2Transform);
+ 	    if (optionGetGroundSize () > 0.0)
+ 	    {
+-		glBegin (GL_QUADS);
+-		color[0] = optionGetGroundColor1 ()[0];
+-		color[1] = optionGetGroundColor1 ()[1];
+-		color[2] = optionGetGroundColor1 ()[2];
+-		color[3] = (float)optionGetGroundColor1 ()[3] * mAnim;
+-		glColor4usv (color);
+-		glVertex2f (-0.5, -0.5);
+-		glVertex2f (0.5, -0.5);
+-		color[0] = optionGetGroundColor2 ()[0];
+-		color[1] = optionGetGroundColor2 ()[1];
+-		color[2] = optionGetGroundColor2 ()[2];
+-		color[3] = (float)optionGetGroundColor2 ()[3] * mAnim;
+-		glColor4usv (color);
+-		glVertex2f (0.5, -0.5 + optionGetGroundSize ());
+-		glVertex2f (-0.5, -0.5 + optionGetGroundSize ());
+-		glEnd();
++		streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
++		colorData[0] = optionGetGroundColor1 ()[0];
++		colorData[1] = optionGetGroundColor1 ()[1];
++		colorData[2] = optionGetGroundColor1 ()[2];
++		colorData[3] = (float)optionGetGroundColor1 ()[3] * mAnim;
++		streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData);
++		streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData);
++		colorData[3] = (float)optionGetGroundColor2 ()[3] * mAnim;
++		streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData);
++		streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData);
++		vertexData[0]  = -0.5;
++		vertexData[1]  = -0.5;
++		vertexData[2]  = 0;
++		vertexData[3]  = 0.5;
++		vertexData[4]  = -0.5;
++		vertexData[5]  = 0;
++		vertexData[6]  = -0.5;
++		vertexData[7]  = -0.5 + optionGetGroundSize ();
++		vertexData[8]  = 0;
++		vertexData[9]  = 0.5;
++		vertexData[10] = -0.5 + optionGetGroundSize ();
++		vertexData[11] = 0;
++		streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++		streamingBuffer->end ();
++		streamingBuffer->render (r2Transform);
+ 	    }
+ 	    glBlendFunc (GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
+-	    glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+-	    glColor4f (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+-	    glPopMatrix ();
+ 	}
+ 	/* Drawing normal windows */
+-	glPushMatrix ();
+-	glLoadMatrixf (sTransform.getMatrix ());
+-	if (optionGetReflection () && mAnim == 1.0)
+-	{
+-	    glClipPlane (GL_CLIP_PLANE0, clip);
+-	    glEnable (GL_CLIP_PLANE0);
+-	}
+ 	mReflectBrightness = 1.0;
+ 	mReflectActive     = false;
+@@ -1274,14 +1273,12 @@
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+-	glDisable (GL_CLIP_PLANE0);
+ 	mActiveSlot = NULL;
+ 	gScreen->setTextureFilter (oldFilter);
+ 	if (textAvailable && (mState != ShiftStateIn))
+-	    drawWindowTitle ();
++	    drawWindowTitle (sTransform);
+ 	if (mState == ShiftStateIn || mState == ShiftStateOut)
+ 	{
+@@ -1316,8 +1313,6 @@
+ 	    mPaintingAbove = false;
+ 	}
+-	glPopMatrix ();
+     }
+     return status;
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/shift/src/shift.h compiz-plugins-main-gles2/shift/src/shift.h
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/shift/src/shift.h	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/shift/src/shift.h	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
+ 	renderWindowTitle ();
+ 	void
+-	drawWindowTitle ();
++	drawWindowTitle (const GLMatrix &transform);
+ 	bool
+ 	layoutThumbsCover ();
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/staticswitcher/src/staticswitcher.cpp compiz-plugins-main-gles2/staticswitcher/src/staticswitcher.cpp
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/staticswitcher/src/staticswitcher.cpp	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/staticswitcher/src/staticswitcher.cpp	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -793,18 +793,34 @@
+ }
+ void
+-StaticSwitchScreen::paintRect (CompRect &box,
+-			       int offset,
+-			       unsigned short *color,
+-			       int opacity)
++StaticSwitchScreen::paintRect (const GLMatrix &transform,
++                               CompRect       &box,
++                               int             offset,
++                               unsigned short *color,
++                               int             opacity)
+ {
+-    glColor4us (color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3] * opacity / 100);
+-    glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
+-    glVertex2i (box.x1 () + offset, box.y1 () + offset);
+-    glVertex2i (box.x2 () - offset, box.y1 () + offset);
+-    glVertex2i (box.x2 () - offset, box.y2 () - offset);
+-    glVertex2i (box.x1 () + offset, box.y2 () - offset);
+-    glEnd ();
++    GLushort colorData[4] = {
++	color[0],
++	color[1],
++	color[2],
++	color[3] * opacity / 100
++    };
++    GLfloat vertexData[12] = {
++	box.x1 () + offset, box.y1 () + offset, 0,
++	box.x2 () - offset, box.y1 () + offset, 0,
++	box.x2 () - offset, box.y2 () - offset, 0,
++	box.x1 () + offset, box.y2 () - offset, 0
++    };
++    GLVertexBuffer *streamingBuffer = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer ();
++    streamingBuffer->begin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
++    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData);
++    streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++    streamingBuffer->end ();
++    streamingBuffer->render (transform);
+ }
+ bool
+@@ -874,9 +890,6 @@
+ 	    sTransform.toScreenSpace (output, -DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA);
+-	    glPushMatrix ();
+-	    glLoadMatrixf (sTransform.getMatrix ());
+ 	    if (mode == HighlightModeShowRectangle)
+ 	    {
+ 		CompWindow *w;
+@@ -891,33 +904,44 @@
+ 		    if (getPaintRectangle (w, box, &opacity))
+ 		    {
+ 			unsigned short *color;
+-			GLushort       r, g, b, a;
+-			glEnable (GL_BLEND);
++			GLushort        colorData[4];
++			GLfloat         vertexData[12];
++			GLVertexBuffer *streamingBuffer = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer ();
+ 			/* fill rectangle */
+-			r = optionGetHighlightColorRed ();
+-			g = optionGetHighlightColorGreen ();
+-			b = optionGetHighlightColorBlue ();
+-			a = optionGetHighlightColorAlpha ();
+-			a = a * opacity / 100;
+-			glColor4us (r, g, b, a);
+-			glRecti (box.x1 (), box.y2 (), box.x2 (), box.y1 ());
++			colorData[0] = optionGetHighlightColorRed ();
++			colorData[1] = optionGetHighlightColorGreen ();
++			colorData[2] = optionGetHighlightColorBlue ();
++			colorData[3] = optionGetHighlightColorAlpha ();
++			colorData[3] = colorData[3] * opacity / 100;
++			vertexData[0]  = box.x1 ();
++			vertexData[1]  = box.y2 ();
++			vertexData[2]  = 0.0f;
++			vertexData[3]  = box.x1 ();
++			vertexData[4]  = box.y1 ();
++			vertexData[5]  = 0.0f;
++			vertexData[6]  = box.x2 ();
++			vertexData[7]  = box.y2 ();
++			vertexData[8]  = 0.0f;
++			vertexData[9]  = box.x2 ();
++			vertexData[10] = box.y1 ();
++			vertexData[11] = 0.0f;
++			streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
++			streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData);
++			streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++			streamingBuffer->end ();
++			streamingBuffer->render (sTransform);
+ 			/* draw outline */
+ 			glLineWidth (1.0);
+-			glDisable (GL_LINE_SMOOTH);
+ 			color = optionGetHighlightBorderColor ();
+-			paintRect (box, 0, color, opacity);
+-			paintRect (box, 2, color, opacity);
++			paintRect (sTransform, box, 0, color, opacity);
++			paintRect (sTransform, box, 2, color, opacity);
+ 			color = optionGetHighlightBorderInlayColor ();
+-			paintRect (box, 1, color, opacity);
+-			/* clean up */
+-			glColor4usv (defaultColor);
+-			glDisable (GL_BLEND);
++			paintRect (sTransform, box, 1, color, opacity);
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+@@ -934,8 +958,6 @@
+ 					  sTransform, infiniteRegion, 0);
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+-	    glPopMatrix ();
+ 	}
+     }
+     else
+@@ -978,21 +1000,24 @@
+ }
+ void
+-StaticSwitchScreen::paintSelectionRect (int          x,
+-					int          y,
+-					float        dx,
+-					float        dy,
+-					unsigned int opacity)
++StaticSwitchScreen::paintSelectionRect (const GLMatrix &transform,
++                                        int             x,
++                                        int             y,
++                                        float           dx,
++                                        float           dy,
++                                        unsigned int    opacity)
+ {
+-    float color[4], op;
++    GLVertexBuffer *streamingBuffer = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer ();
++    GLushort        colorData[4];
++    GLfloat         vertexData[18];
++    GLMatrix        sTransform (transform);
++    float op;
+     int   w, h;
+     int   count = windows.size ();
+     w = previewWidth + previewBorder;
+     h = previewHeight + previewBorder;
+-    glEnable (GL_BLEND);
+     if (dx > xCount - 1)
+ 	op = 1.0 - MIN (1.0, dx - (xCount - 1));
+     else if (dx + (dy * xCount) > count - 1)
+@@ -1003,35 +1028,97 @@
+ 	op = 1.0;
+     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+-	color[i] = (float)fgColor[i] * opacity * op / 0xffffffff;
++	colorData[i] = (float)fgColor[i] * opacity * op / 0xffffffff;
++    sTransform.translate (x + previewBorder / 2 + (dx * w),
++                                       y + previewBorder / 2 + (dy * h), 0.0f);
++    streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
+-    glColor4fv (color);
+-    glPushMatrix ();
+-    glTranslatef (x + previewBorder / 2 + (dx * w),
+-		  y + previewBorder / 2 + (dy * h), 0.0f);
+-    glBegin (GL_QUADS);
+-    glVertex2i (-1, -1);
+-    glVertex2i (-1, 1);
+-    glVertex2i (w + 1, 1);
+-    glVertex2i (w + 1, -1);
+-    glVertex2i (-1, h - 1);
+-    glVertex2i (-1, h + 1);
+-    glVertex2i (w + 1, h + 1);
+-    glVertex2i (w + 1, h - 1);
+-    glVertex2i (-1, 1);
+-    glVertex2i (-1, h - 1);
+-    glVertex2i (1, h - 1);
+-    glVertex2i (1, 1);
+-    glVertex2i (w - 1, 1);
+-    glVertex2i (w - 1, h - 1);
+-    glVertex2i (w + 1, h - 1);
+-    glVertex2i (w + 1, 1);
+-    glEnd ();
+-    glPopMatrix ();
+-    glColor4usv (defaultColor);
+-    glDisable (GL_BLEND);
++    vertexData[0]  = -1;
++    vertexData[1]  = -1;
++    vertexData[2]  = 0;
++    vertexData[3]  = -1;
++    vertexData[4]  = 1;
++    vertexData[5]  = 0;
++    vertexData[6]  = w + 1;
++    vertexData[7]  = -1;
++    vertexData[8]  = 0;
++    vertexData[9]  = w + 1;
++    vertexData[10] = 1;
++    vertexData[11] = 0;
++    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData);
++    streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++    streamingBuffer->end ();
++    streamingBuffer->render (sTransform);
++    streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
++    vertexData[0]  = -1;
++    vertexData[1]  = h - 1;
++    vertexData[2]  = 0;
++    vertexData[3]  = -1;
++    vertexData[4]  = h + 1;
++    vertexData[5]  = 0;
++    vertexData[6]  = w + 1;
++    vertexData[7]  = h - 1;
++    vertexData[8]  = 0;
++    vertexData[9]  = w + 1;
++    vertexData[10] = h + 1;
++    vertexData[11] = 0;
++    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData);
++    streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++    streamingBuffer->end ();
++    streamingBuffer->render (sTransform);
++    streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
++    vertexData[0]  = -1;
++    vertexData[1]  = 1;
++    vertexData[2]  = 0;
++    vertexData[3]  = -1;
++    vertexData[4]  = h - 1;
++    vertexData[5]  = 0;
++    vertexData[6]  = 1;
++    vertexData[7]  = 1;
++    vertexData[8]  = 0;
++    vertexData[9]  = 1;
++    vertexData[10] = h - 1;
++    vertexData[11] = 0;
++    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData);
++    streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++    streamingBuffer->end ();
++    streamingBuffer->render (sTransform);
++    streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
++    vertexData[0]  = w - 1;
++    vertexData[1]  = 1;
++    vertexData[2]  = 0;
++    vertexData[3]  = w - 1;
++    vertexData[4]  = h - 1;
++    vertexData[5]  = 0;
++    vertexData[6]  = w + 1;
++    vertexData[7]  = 1;
++    vertexData[8]  = 0;
++    vertexData[9]  = w + 1;
++    vertexData[10] = h - 1;
++    vertexData[11] = 0;
++    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData);
++    streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++    streamingBuffer->end ();
++    streamingBuffer->render (sTransform);
+ }
+ bool
+@@ -1157,8 +1244,6 @@
+ 	if (!(mask & PAINT_WINDOW_TRANSFORMED_MASK) && region.isEmpty ())
+ 	    return true;
+-	glPushAttrib (GL_SCISSOR_BIT);
+ 	glEnable (GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+ 	glScissor (g.x (), 0, g.width (), ::screen->height ());
+@@ -1181,34 +1266,33 @@
+ 	if (pos > count - 1)
+ 	{
+ 	    px = fmod (pos - count, sScreen->xCount);
+-	    sScreen->paintSelectionRect (g.x (), g.y (), px, 0.0,
++	    sScreen->paintSelectionRect (transform, g.x (), g.y (), px, 0.0,
+ 	    				 gWindow->lastPaintAttrib ().opacity);
+ 	    px = fmod (pos, sScreen->xCount);
+-	    sScreen->paintSelectionRect (g.x () + offX, g.y (),
++	    sScreen->paintSelectionRect (transform, g.x () + offX, g.y (),
+ 	    				 px, py,
+ 	    				 gWindow->lastPaintAttrib ().opacity);
+ 	}
+ 	if (px > sScreen->xCount - 1)
+ 	{
+-	    sScreen->paintSelectionRect (g.x (), g.y (), px, py,
++	    sScreen->paintSelectionRect (transform, g.x (), g.y (), px, py,
+ 	    				 gWindow->lastPaintAttrib ().opacity);
+ 	    py = fmod (py + 1, ceil ((double) count / sScreen->xCount));
+ 	    offX = sScreen->getRowXOffset (py);
+-	    sScreen->paintSelectionRect (g.x () + offX, g.y (),
++	    sScreen->paintSelectionRect (transform, g.x () + offX, g.y (),
+ 	    				 px - sScreen->xCount, py,
+ 	    				 gWindow->lastPaintAttrib ().opacity);
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 	{
+-	    sScreen->paintSelectionRect (g.x () + offX, g.y (),
++	    sScreen->paintSelectionRect (transform, g.x () + offX, g.y (),
+ 	    				 px, py,
+ 	    				 gWindow->lastPaintAttrib ().opacity);
+ 	}
+ 	glDisable (GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+-	glPopAttrib ();
+     }
+     /* Adjust opacity/brightness/saturation of windows that are
+      * not selected
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/staticswitcher/src/staticswitcher.h compiz-plugins-main-gles2/staticswitcher/src/staticswitcher.h
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/staticswitcher/src/staticswitcher.h	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/staticswitcher/src/staticswitcher.h	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -78,15 +78,17 @@
+ 				  int y);
+ 	void handleEvent (XEvent *event);
+ 	bool adjustVelocity ();
+-	void paintRect (CompRect &box,
+-			int offset,
+-			unsigned short *color,
+-			int opacity);
+-	void paintSelectionRect (int          x,
+-				 int          y,
+-				 float        dx,
+-				 float        dy,
+-				 unsigned int opacity);
++	void paintRect (const GLMatrix &transform,
++	                CompRect &box,
++	                int offset,
++	                unsigned short *color,
++	                int opacity);
++	void paintSelectionRect (const GLMatrix &transform,
++	                         int             x,
++	                         int             y,
++	                         float           dx,
++	                         float           dy,
++	                         unsigned int    opacity);
+ 	void getMinimizedAndMatch (bool &minimizedOption,
+ 				   CompMatch *&match);
+ 	bool getMipmap ();
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/text/include/text/text.h compiz-plugins-main-gles2/text/include/text/text.h
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/text/include/text/text.h	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/text/include/text/text.h	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -77,9 +77,10 @@
+ 	int getWidth () const;
+ 	int getHeight () const;
+-	void draw (float x,
+-		   float y,
+-		   float alpha) const;
++	void draw (const GLMatrix &transform,
++	           float x,
++	           float y,
++	           float alpha) const;
+     private:
+ 	int width;
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/text/src/text.cpp compiz-plugins-main-gles2/text/src/text.cpp
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/text/src/text.cpp	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/text/src/text.cpp	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -487,27 +487,37 @@
+ }
+ void
+-CompText::draw (float x,
+-	        float y,
+-	        float alpha) const
++CompText::draw (const GLMatrix &transform,
++                float           x,
++                float           y,
++                float           alpha) const
+ {
+-    GLboolean  wasBlend;
+-    GLint      oldBlendSrc, oldBlendDst;
++    GLint           oldBlendSrc, oldBlendDst;
++    GLint           oldBlendSrcAlpha, oldBlendDstAlpha;
++    GLushort        colorData[4];
++    GLfloat         textureData[8];
++    GLfloat         vertexData[12];
++    GLVertexBuffer *streamingBuffer = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer ();
+     if (texture.empty ())
+ 	return;
++#ifdef USE_GLES
++    glGetIntegerv (GL_BLEND_SRC_RGB, &oldBlendSrc);
++    glGetIntegerv (GL_BLEND_DST_RGB, &oldBlendDst);
++    glGetIntegerv (GL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, &oldBlendSrcAlpha);
++    glGetIntegerv (GL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA, &oldBlendDstAlpha);
+     glGetIntegerv (GL_BLEND_SRC, &oldBlendSrc);
+     glGetIntegerv (GL_BLEND_DST, &oldBlendDst);
+-    wasBlend = glIsEnabled (GL_BLEND);
+-    if (!wasBlend)
+-	glEnable (GL_BLEND);
+     glBlendFunc (GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
+-    glColor4f (alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha);
++    colorData[0] = alpha * 65536;
++    colorData[1] = alpha * 65536;
++    colorData[2] = alpha * 65536;
++    colorData[3] = alpha * 65536;
+     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < texture.size (); i++)
+     {
+@@ -516,27 +526,46 @@
+ 	tex->enable (GLTexture::Good);
+-	glBegin (GL_QUADS);
+-	glTexCoord2f (COMP_TEX_COORD_X (m, 0), COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (m, 0));
+-	glVertex2f (x, y - height);
+-	glTexCoord2f (COMP_TEX_COORD_X (m, 0), COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (m, height));
+-	glVertex2f (x, y);
+-	glTexCoord2f (COMP_TEX_COORD_X (m, width), COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (m, height));
+-	glVertex2f (x + width, y);
+-	glTexCoord2f (COMP_TEX_COORD_X (m, width), COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (m, 0));
+-	glVertex2f (x + width, y - height);
++	streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
+-	glEnd ();
++	vertexData[0]  = x;
++	vertexData[1]  = y - height;
++	vertexData[2]  = 0;
++	vertexData[3]  = x;
++	vertexData[4]  = y;
++	vertexData[5]  = 0;
++	vertexData[6]  = x + width;
++	vertexData[7]  = y - height;
++	vertexData[8]  = 0;
++	vertexData[9]  = x + width;
++	vertexData[10] = y;
++	vertexData[11] = 0;
++	textureData[0] = COMP_TEX_COORD_X (m, 0);
++	textureData[1] = COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (m, 0);
++	textureData[2] = COMP_TEX_COORD_X (m, 0);
++	textureData[3] = COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (m, height);
++	textureData[4] = COMP_TEX_COORD_X (m, width);
++	textureData[5] = COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (m, 0);
++	textureData[6] = COMP_TEX_COORD_X (m, width);
++	textureData[7] = COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (m, height);
++	streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData);
++	streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++	streamingBuffer->addTexCoords (0, 4, textureData);
++	streamingBuffer->end ();
++	streamingBuffer->render (transform);
+ 	tex->disable ();
+     }
+-    glColor4usv (defaultColor);
+-    if (!wasBlend)
+-	glDisable (GL_BLEND);
++#ifdef USE_GLES
++    glBlendFuncSeparate (oldBlendSrc, oldBlendDst,
++                         oldBlendSrcAlpha, oldBlendDstAlpha);
+     glBlendFunc (oldBlendSrc, oldBlendDst);
+ }
+ CompText::CompText () :
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/thumbnail/CMakeLists.txt compiz-plugins-main-gles2/thumbnail/CMakeLists.txt
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/thumbnail/CMakeLists.txt	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/thumbnail/CMakeLists.txt	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
+ include (CompizPlugin)
+-compiz_plugin (thumbnail PLUGINDEPS text mousepoll)
++compiz_plugin (thumbnail PLUGINDEPS composite opengl text mousepoll)
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/thumbnail/src/thumbnail.cpp compiz-plugins-main-gles2/thumbnail/src/thumbnail.cpp
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/thumbnail/src/thumbnail.cpp	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/thumbnail/src/thumbnail.cpp	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -529,99 +529,305 @@
+ void
+-ThumbScreen::paintTexture (int wx,
+-			  int wy,
+-			  int width,
+-			  int height,
+-			  int off)
++ThumbScreen::paintTexture (const GLMatrix &transform,
++                           GLushort       *color,
++                           int             wx,
++                           int             wy,
++                           int             width,
++                           int             height,
++                           int             off)
+ {
+-    glBegin (GL_QUADS);
++    GLfloat         textureData[8];
++    GLfloat         vertexData[12];
++    GLVertexBuffer *streamingBuffer = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer ();
++    streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
++    textureData[0] = 1;
++    textureData[1] = 1;
++    vertexData[0]  = wx;
++    vertexData[1]  = wy;
++    vertexData[2]  = 0;
++    vertexData[3]  = wx;
++    vertexData[4]  = wy + height;
++    vertexData[5]  = 0;
++    vertexData[6]  = wx + width;
++    vertexData[7]  = wy;
++    vertexData[8]  = 0;
++    vertexData[9]  = wx + width;
++    vertexData[10] = wy + height;
++    vertexData[11] = 0;
++    streamingBuffer->addTexCoords (0, 1, textureData);
++    streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, color);
++    streamingBuffer->end ();
++    streamingBuffer->render (transform);
++    streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
++    textureData[0] = 0;
++    textureData[1] = 0;
++    textureData[2] = 0;
++    textureData[3] = 1;
++    textureData[4] = 1;
++    textureData[5] = 0;
++    textureData[6] = 1;
++    textureData[7] = 1;
++    vertexData[0] = wx - off;
++    vertexData[1] = wy - off;
++    vertexData[2] = 0;
++    vertexData[3] = wx - off;
++    vertexData[4] = wy;
++    vertexData[5] = 0;
++    vertexData[6] = wx;
++    vertexData[7] = wy - off;
++    vertexData[8] = 0;
++    vertexData[9] = wx;
++    vertexData[10] = wy;
++    vertexData[11] = 0;
++    streamingBuffer->addTexCoords (0, 4, textureData);
++    streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, color);
++    streamingBuffer->end ();
++    streamingBuffer->render (transform);
++    streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
++    textureData[0] = 1;
++    textureData[1] = 0;
++    textureData[2] = 1;
++    textureData[3] = 1;
++    textureData[4] = 0;
++    textureData[5] = 0;
++    textureData[6] = 0;
++    textureData[7] = 1;
++    vertexData[0] = wx + width;
++    vertexData[1] = wy - off;
++    vertexData[2] = 0;
++    vertexData[3] = wx + width;
++    vertexData[4] = wy;
++    vertexData[5] = 0;
++    vertexData[6] = wx + width + off;
++    vertexData[7] = wy - off;
++    vertexData[8] = 0;
++    vertexData[9] = wx + width + off;
++    vertexData[10] = wy;
++    vertexData[11] = 0;
++    streamingBuffer->addTexCoords (0, 4, textureData);
++    streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, color);
++    streamingBuffer->end ();
++    streamingBuffer->render (transform);
++    streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
++    textureData[0] = 0;
++    textureData[1] = 1;
++    textureData[2] = 0;
++    textureData[3] = 0;
++    textureData[4] = 1;
++    textureData[5] = 1;
++    textureData[6] = 1;
++    textureData[7] = 0;
++    vertexData[0] = wx - off;
++    vertexData[1] = wy + height;
++    vertexData[2] = 0;
++    vertexData[3] = wx - off;
++    vertexData[4] = wy + height + off;
++    vertexData[5] = 0;
++    vertexData[6] = wx;
++    vertexData[7] = wy + height;
++    vertexData[8] = 0;
++    vertexData[9] = wx;
++    vertexData[10] = wy + height + off;
++    vertexData[11] = 0;
++    streamingBuffer->addTexCoords (0, 4, textureData);
++    streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, color);
++    streamingBuffer->end ();
++    streamingBuffer->render (transform);
++    streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
++    textureData[0] = 1;
++    textureData[1] = 1;
++    textureData[2] = 1;
++    textureData[3] = 0;
++    textureData[4] = 0;
++    textureData[5] = 1;
++    textureData[6] = 0;
++    textureData[7] = 0;
++    vertexData[0] = wx + width;
++    vertexData[1] = wy + height;
++    vertexData[2] = 0;
++    vertexData[3] = wx + width;
++    vertexData[4] = wy + height + off;
++    vertexData[5] = 0;
++    vertexData[6] = wx + width + off;
++    vertexData[7] = wy + height;
++    vertexData[8] = 0;
++    vertexData[9] = wx + width + off;
++    vertexData[10] = wy + height + off;
++    vertexData[11] = 0;
++    streamingBuffer->addTexCoords (0, 4, textureData);
++    streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, color);
++    streamingBuffer->end ();
++    streamingBuffer->render (transform);
++    streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
++    textureData[0] = 1;
++    textureData[1] = 0;
++    textureData[2] = 1;
++    textureData[3] = 1;
++    textureData[4] = 1;
++    textureData[5] = 0;
++    textureData[6] = 1;
++    textureData[7] = 1;
++    vertexData[0] = wx;
++    vertexData[1] = wy - off;
++    vertexData[2] = 0;
++    vertexData[3] = wx;
++    vertexData[4] = wy;
++    vertexData[5] = 0;
++    vertexData[6] = wx + width;
++    vertexData[7] = wy - off;
++    vertexData[8] = 0;
++    vertexData[9] = wx + width;
++    vertexData[10] = wy;
++    vertexData[11] = 0;
++    streamingBuffer->addTexCoords (0, 4, textureData);
++    streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, color);
++    streamingBuffer->end ();
++    streamingBuffer->render (transform);
++    streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
++    textureData[0] = 1;
++    textureData[1] = 1;
++    textureData[2] = 1;
++    textureData[3] = 0;
++    textureData[4] = 1;
++    textureData[5] = 1;
++    textureData[6] = 1;
++    textureData[7] = 0;
++    vertexData[0] = wx;
++    vertexData[1] = wy + height;
++    vertexData[2] = 0;
++    vertexData[3] = wx;
++    vertexData[4] = wy + height + off;
++    vertexData[5] = 0;
++    vertexData[6] = wx + width;
++    vertexData[7] = wy + height;
++    vertexData[8] = 0;
++    vertexData[9] = wx + width;
++    vertexData[10] = wy + height + off;
++    vertexData[11] = 0;
++    streamingBuffer->addTexCoords (0, 4, textureData);
++    streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, color);
++    streamingBuffer->end ();
++    streamingBuffer->render (transform);
++    streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
++    textureData[0] = 0;
++    textureData[1] = 1;
++    textureData[2] = 0;
++    textureData[3] = 1;
++    textureData[4] = 1;
++    textureData[5] = 1;
++    textureData[6] = 1;
++    textureData[7] = 1;
++    vertexData[0] = wx - off;
++    vertexData[1] = wy;
++    vertexData[2] = 0;
++    vertexData[3] = wx - off;
++    vertexData[4] = wy + height;
++    vertexData[5] = 0;
++    vertexData[6] = wx;
++    vertexData[7] = wy;
++    vertexData[8] = 0;
++    vertexData[9] = wx;
++    vertexData[10] = wy + height;
++    vertexData[11] = 0;
++    streamingBuffer->addTexCoords (0, 4, textureData);
++    streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, color);
++    streamingBuffer->end ();
++    streamingBuffer->render (transform);
++    streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
++    textureData[0] = 1;
++    textureData[1] = 1;
++    textureData[2] = 1;
++    textureData[3] = 1;
++    textureData[4] = 0;
++    textureData[5] = 1;
++    textureData[6] = 0;
++    textureData[7] = 1;
++    vertexData[0] = wx + width;
++    vertexData[1] = wy;
++    vertexData[2] = 0;
++    vertexData[3] = wx + width;
++    vertexData[4] = wy + height;
++    vertexData[5] = 0;
++    vertexData[6] = wx + width + off;
++    vertexData[7] = wy;
++    vertexData[8] = 0;
++    vertexData[9] = wx + width + off;
++    vertexData[10] = wy + height;
++    vertexData[11] = 0;
++    streamingBuffer->addTexCoords (0, 4, textureData);
++    streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++    streamingBuffer->addColors (1, color);
+-    glTexCoord2f (1, 1);
+-    glVertex2f (wx, wy);
+-    glVertex2f (wx, wy + height);
+-    glVertex2f (wx + width, wy + height);
+-    glVertex2f (wx + width, wy);
+-    glTexCoord2f (0, 0);
+-    glVertex2f (wx - off, wy - off);
+-    glTexCoord2f (0, 1);
+-    glVertex2f (wx - off, wy);
+-    glTexCoord2f (1, 1);
+-    glVertex2f (wx, wy);
+-    glTexCoord2f (1, 0);
+-    glVertex2f (wx, wy - off);
+-    glTexCoord2f (1, 0);
+-    glVertex2f (wx + width, wy - off);
+-    glTexCoord2f (1, 1);
+-    glVertex2f (wx + width, wy);
+-    glTexCoord2f (0, 1);
+-    glVertex2f (wx + width + off, wy);
+-    glTexCoord2f (0, 0);
+-    glVertex2f (wx + width + off, wy - off);
+-    glTexCoord2f (0, 1);
+-    glVertex2f (wx - off, wy + height);
+-    glTexCoord2f (0, 0);
+-    glVertex2f (wx - off, wy + height + off);
+-    glTexCoord2f (1, 0);
+-    glVertex2f (wx, wy + height + off);
+-    glTexCoord2f (1, 1);
+-    glVertex2f (wx, wy + height);
+-    glTexCoord2f (1, 1);
+-    glVertex2f (wx + width, wy + height);
+-    glTexCoord2f (1, 0);
+-    glVertex2f (wx + width, wy + height + off);
+-    glTexCoord2f (0, 0);
+-    glVertex2f (wx + width + off, wy + height + off);
+-    glTexCoord2f (0, 1);
+-    glVertex2f (wx + width + off, wy + height);
+-    glTexCoord2f (1, 0);
+-    glVertex2f (wx, wy - off);
+-    glTexCoord2f (1, 1);
+-    glVertex2f (wx, wy);
+-    glTexCoord2f (1, 1);
+-    glVertex2f (wx + width, wy);
+-    glTexCoord2f (1, 0);
+-    glVertex2f (wx + width, wy - off);
+-    glTexCoord2f (1, 1);
+-    glVertex2f (wx, wy + height);
+-    glTexCoord2f (1, 0);
+-    glVertex2f (wx, wy + height + off);
+-    glTexCoord2f (1, 0);
+-    glVertex2f (wx + width, wy + height + off);
+-    glTexCoord2f (1, 1);
+-    glVertex2f (wx + width, wy + height);
+-    glTexCoord2f (0, 1);
+-    glVertex2f (wx - off, wy);
+-    glTexCoord2f (0, 1);
+-    glVertex2f (wx - off, wy + height);
+-    glTexCoord2f (1, 1);
+-    glVertex2f (wx, wy + height);
+-    glTexCoord2f (1, 1);
+-    glVertex2f (wx, wy);
+-    glTexCoord2f (1, 1);
+-    glVertex2f (wx + width, wy);
+-    glTexCoord2f (1, 1);
+-    glVertex2f (wx + width, wy + height);
+-    glTexCoord2f (0, 1);
+-    glVertex2f (wx + width + off, wy + height);
+-    glTexCoord2f (0, 1);
+-    glVertex2f (wx + width + off, wy);
+-    glEnd ();
++    streamingBuffer->end ();
++    streamingBuffer->render (transform);
+ }
+ void
+ ThumbScreen::thumbPaintThumb (Thumbnail           *t,
+ 		 	      const GLMatrix *transform)
+ {
++    GLushort              color[4];
+     int			  addWindowGeometryIndex;
+     CompWindow            *w = t->win;
+     int                   wx = t->x;
+@@ -652,38 +858,37 @@
+ 	GLenum         filter = gScreen->textureFilter ();
+ 	GLMatrix       wTransform (*transform);
+-	glEnable (GL_BLEND);
+-	glDisableClientState (GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
+ 	if (optionGetWindowLike ())
+ 	{
+-	    glColor4f (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, t->opacity);
++	    color[0] = 1;
++	    color[1] = 1;
++	    color[2] = 1;
++	    color[3] = t->opacity * 65536;
+ 	    foreach (GLTexture *tex, windowTexture)
+ 	    {
+ 		tex->enable (GLTexture::Good);
+-		paintTexture (wx, wy, width, height, off);
++		paintTexture (*transform, color, wx, wy, width, height, off);
+ 		tex->disable ();
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 	{
+-	    glColor4us (optionGetThumbColorRed (),
+-			optionGetThumbColorGreen (),
+-			optionGetThumbColorBlue (),
+-			optionGetThumbColorAlpha () * t->opacity);
++	    color[0] = optionGetThumbColorRed ();
++	    color[1] = optionGetThumbColorGreen ();
++	    color[2] = optionGetThumbColorBlue ();
++	    color[3] = optionGetThumbColorAlpha () * t->opacity;
+ 	    foreach (GLTexture *tex, glowTexture)
+ 	    {
+ 		tex->enable (GLTexture::Good);
+-		paintTexture (wx, wy, width, height, off);
++		paintTexture (*transform, color, wx, wy, width, height, off);
+ 		tex->disable ();
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+-	glColor4usv (defaultColor);
+ 	if (t->text)
+@@ -693,16 +898,11 @@
+ 	    if (t->text->getWidth () < width)
+ 		ox = (width - t->text->getWidth ()) / 2.0;
+-	    t->text->draw (wx + ox, wy + height, t->opacity);
++	    t->text->draw (*transform, wx + ox, wy + height, t->opacity);
+ 	}
+-	glEnableClientState (GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
+-	glDisable (GL_BLEND);
+ 	gScreen->setTexEnvMode (GL_REPLACE);
+-	glColor4usv (defaultColor);
+ 	sAttrib.opacity *= t->opacity;
+ 	sAttrib.yScale = t->scale;
+ 	sAttrib.xScale = t->scale;
+@@ -713,22 +913,17 @@
+ 	if (optionGetMipmap ())
+ 	    gScreen->setTextureFilter (GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR);
+-	GLFragment::Attrib fragment (sAttrib);
+ 	wTransform.translate (w->x (), w->y (), 0.0f);
+ 	wTransform.scale (sAttrib.xScale, sAttrib.yScale, 1.0f);
+ 	wTransform.translate (sAttrib.xTranslate / sAttrib.xScale - w->x (),
+ 			      sAttrib.yTranslate / sAttrib.yScale - w->y (),
+ 			      0.0f);
+-	glPushMatrix ();
+-	glLoadMatrixf (wTransform.getMatrix ());
+ 	/* XXX: replacing the addWindowGeometry function like this is
+ 	   very ugly but necessary until the vertex stage has been made
+ 	   fully pluggable. */
+ 	gWindow->glAddGeometrySetCurrentIndex (MAXSHORT);
+-	gWindow->glDraw (wTransform, fragment, infiniteRegion, mask);
+-	glPopMatrix ();
++	gWindow->glDraw (wTransform, sAttrib, infiniteRegion, mask);
+ 	gScreen->setTextureFilter (filter);
+     }
+@@ -847,10 +1042,7 @@
+ 	    GLMatrix sTransform = transform;
+ 	    sTransform.toScreenSpace (output, -DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA);
+-	    glPushMatrix ();
+-	    glLoadMatrixf (sTransform.getMatrix ());
+ 	    thumbPaintThumb (&oldThumb, &sTransform);
+-	    glPopMatrix ();
+ 	}
+ 	if (thumb.opacity > 0.0 && thumb.win)
+@@ -858,10 +1050,7 @@
+ 	    GLMatrix sTransform = transform;
+ 	    sTransform.toScreenSpace (output, -DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA);
+-	    glPushMatrix ();
+-	    glLoadMatrixf (sTransform.getMatrix ());
+ 	    thumbPaintThumb (&thumb, &sTransform);
+-	    glPopMatrix ();
+ 	}
+     }
+@@ -889,10 +1078,7 @@
+ 	    gScreen->glApplyTransform (attrib, output, &sTransform);
+ 	    sTransform.toScreenSpace(output, -attrib.zTranslate);
+-	    glPushMatrix ();
+-	    glLoadMatrixf (sTransform.getMatrix ());
+ 	    thumbPaintThumb (&oldThumb, &sTransform);
+-	    glPopMatrix ();
+ 	}
+ 	if (thumb.opacity > 0.0 && thumb.win)
+@@ -901,10 +1087,7 @@
+ 	    gScreen->glApplyTransform (attrib, output, &sTransform);
+ 	    sTransform.toScreenSpace(output, -attrib.zTranslate);
+-	    glPushMatrix ();
+-	    glLoadMatrixf (sTransform.getMatrix ());
+ 	    thumbPaintThumb (&thumb, &sTransform);
+-	    glPopMatrix ();
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/thumbnail/src/thumbnail.h compiz-plugins-main-gles2/thumbnail/src/thumbnail.h
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/thumbnail/src/thumbnail.h	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/thumbnail/src/thumbnail.h	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -135,14 +135,16 @@
+ 	positionUpdate (const CompPoint &pos);
+ 	void
+-	paintTexture (int wx,
+-		      int wy,
+-		      int width,
+-		      int height,
+-		      int off);
++	paintTexture (const GLMatrix &transform,
++	              GLushort       *color,
++	              int             wx,
++	              int             wy,
++	              int             width,
++	              int             height,
++	              int             off);
+ 	void
+-	thumbPaintThumb (Thumbnail           *t,
++	thumbPaintThumb (Thumbnail      *t,
+ 		 	 const GLMatrix *transform);
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/wall/src/wall.cpp compiz-plugins-main-gles2/wall/src/wall.cpp
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/wall/src/wall.cpp	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/wall/src/wall.cpp	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -5,10 +5,12 @@
+  * wall.cpp
+  *
+  * Copyright (c) 2006 Robert Carr <racarr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
++ *               2011 Linaro Limited
+  *
+  * Authors:
+  * Robert Carr <racarr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+  * Dennis Kasprzyk <onestone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
++ * Travis Watkins <travis.watkins@xxxxxxxxxx>
+  *
+  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+@@ -27,10 +29,11 @@
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <math.h>
+ #include <sys/time.h>
+-#include <GL/glu.h>
+ #include <dlfcn.h>
++#include <core/core.h>
+ #include <core/atoms.h>
++#include <opengl/opengl.h>
+ #include "wall.h"
+@@ -927,25 +930,47 @@
+ }
+ inline void
+-wallDrawQuad (GLTexture::Matrix *matrix,
+-	      BOX               *box)
+-    glTexCoord2f (COMP_TEX_COORD_X (*matrix, box->x1),
+-		  COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (*matrix, box->y2));
+-    glVertex2i (box->x1, box->y2);
+-    glTexCoord2f (COMP_TEX_COORD_X (*matrix, box->x2),
+-		  COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (*matrix, box->y2));
+-    glVertex2i (box->x2, box->y2);
+-    glTexCoord2f (COMP_TEX_COORD_X (*matrix, box->x2),
+-		  COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (*matrix, box->y1));
+-    glVertex2i (box->x2, box->y1);
+-    glTexCoord2f (COMP_TEX_COORD_X (*matrix, box->x1),
+-		  COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (*matrix, box->y1));
+-    glVertex2i (box->x1, box->y1);
++wallDrawQuad (const GLMatrix    &transform,
++              GLTexture::Matrix *matrix,
++              BOX               *box)
++    GLfloat textureData[8];
++    GLfloat vertexData[12];
++    GLVertexBuffer *streamingBuffer = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer ();
++    streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
++    textureData[0] = COMP_TEX_COORD_X (*matrix, box->x1);
++    textureData[1] = COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (*matrix, box->y2);
++    textureData[2] = COMP_TEX_COORD_X (*matrix, box->x2);
++    textureData[3] = COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (*matrix, box->y2);
++    textureData[4] = COMP_TEX_COORD_X (*matrix, box->x1);
++    textureData[5] = COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (*matrix, box->y1);
++    textureData[6] = COMP_TEX_COORD_X (*matrix, box->x2);
++    textureData[7] = COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (*matrix, box->y1);
++    vertexData[0]  = box->x1;
++    vertexData[1]  = box->y2;
++    vertexData[2]  = 0;
++    vertexData[3]  = box->x2;
++    vertexData[4]  = box->y2;
++    vertexData[5]  = 0;
++    vertexData[6]  = box->x1;
++    vertexData[7]  = box->y1;
++    vertexData[8]  = 0;
++    vertexData[9]  = box->x2;
++    vertexData[10] = box->y1;
++    vertexData[11] = 0;
++    streamingBuffer->addTexCoords (0, 4, textureData);
++    streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData);
++    streamingBuffer->end ();
++    streamingBuffer->render (transform);
+ }
+ void
+-WallScreen::drawCairoTextureOnScreen ()
++WallScreen::drawCairoTextureOnScreen (const GLMatrix &transform)
+ {
+     float             centerX, centerY;
+     float             width, height;
+@@ -954,13 +979,11 @@
+     unsigned int      i, j;
+     GLTexture::Matrix matrix;
+     BOX               box;
++    GLMatrix          wTransform (transform);
+     CompOutput::vector &outputDevs = screen->outputDevs ();
+     CompOutput         output = outputDevs[boxOutputDevice];
+-    glDisableClientState (GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
+-    glEnable (GL_BLEND);
+     centerX = output.x1 () + (output.width () / 2.0f);
+     centerY = output.y1 () + (output.height () / 2.0f);
+@@ -988,10 +1011,8 @@
+ 	else
+ 	    left = 2 * left;
+-	glScreen->setTexEnvMode (GL_MODULATE);
+-	glColor4f (left, left, left, left);
+-	glTranslatef (0.0f, 0.0f, -(1 - left));
++//	glColor4f (left, left, left, left);
++	wTransform.translate (0.0f, 0.0f, -(1 - left));
+ 	mSzCamera = -(1 - left);
+     }
+@@ -1012,9 +1033,7 @@
+     box.y2 = box.y1 + height;
+     switcherContext.texture[0]->enable (GLTexture::Fast);
+-    glBegin (GL_QUADS);
+-    wallDrawQuad (&matrix, &box);
+-    glEnd ();
++    wallDrawQuad (wTransform, &matrix, &box);
+     switcherContext.texture[0]->disable ();
+     /* draw thumb */
+@@ -1022,7 +1041,6 @@
+     height = (float) thumbContext.height;
+     thumbContext.texture[0]->enable (GLTexture::Fast);
+-    glBegin (GL_QUADS);
+     for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int) screen->vpSize ().width (); i++)
+     {
+ 	for (j = 0; j < (unsigned int) screen->vpSize ().height (); j++)
+@@ -1041,10 +1059,9 @@
+ 	    matrix.x0 -= box.x1 * matrix.xx;
+ 	    matrix.y0 -= box.y1 * matrix.yy;
+-	    wallDrawQuad (&matrix, &box);
++	    wallDrawQuad (wTransform, &matrix, &box);
+ 	}
+     }
+-    glEnd ();
+     thumbContext.texture[0]->disable ();
+     if (moving || showPreview)
+@@ -1061,9 +1078,7 @@
+ 	matrix.y0 -= box.y1 * matrix.yy;
+ 	highlightContext.texture[0]->enable (GLTexture::Fast);
+-	glBegin (GL_QUADS);
+-	wallDrawQuad (&matrix, &box);
+-	glEnd ();
++	wallDrawQuad (wTransform, &matrix, &box);
+ 	highlightContext.texture[0]->disable ();
+ 	/* draw arrow */
+@@ -1140,26 +1155,20 @@
+ 	    box.x2 = box.x1 + aW;
+ 	    box.y2 = box.y1 + aH;
+-	    glTranslatef (box.x1 + aW / 2, box.y1 + aH / 2, 0.0f);
+-	    glRotatef (direction, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
+-	    glTranslatef (-box.x1 - aW / 2, -box.y1 - aH / 2, 0.0f);
++	    wTransform.translate (box.x1 + aW / 2, box.y1 + aH / 2, 0.0f);
++	    wTransform.rotate (direction, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
++	    wTransform.translate (-box.x1 - aW / 2, -box.y1 - aH / 2, 0.0f);
+ 	    matrix = arrowContext.texture[0]->matrix ();
+ 	    matrix.x0 -= box.x1 * matrix.xx;
+ 	    matrix.y0 -= box.y1 * matrix.yy;
+-	    glBegin (GL_QUADS);
+-	    wallDrawQuad (&matrix, &box);
+-	    glEnd ();
++	    wallDrawQuad (wTransform, &matrix, &box);
+ 	    arrowContext.texture[0]->disable ();
+ 	}
+     }
+-    glDisable (GL_BLEND);
+-    glEnableClientState (GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
+     glScreen->setTexEnvMode (GL_REPLACE);
+-    glColor4usv (defaultColor);
+ }
+ void
+@@ -1201,12 +1210,7 @@
+ 	sMatrix.toScreenSpace (output, -DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA);
+-	glPushMatrix ();
+-	glLoadMatrixf (sMatrix.getMatrix ());
+-	drawCairoTextureOnScreen ();
+-	glPopMatrix ();
++	drawCairoTextureOnScreen (sMatrix);
+ 	if (optionGetMiniscreen ())
+         {
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/wall/src/wall.h compiz-plugins-main-gles2/wall/src/wall.h
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/wall/src/wall.h	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/wall/src/wall.h	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
+ 	void drawThumb ();
+ 	void drawHighlight ();
+ 	void drawArrow ();
+-	void drawCairoTextureOnScreen();
++	void drawCairoTextureOnScreen (const GLMatrix &transform);
+ 	void releaseMoveWindow ();
+ 	void computeTranslation (float &, float &);
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/workarounds/src/workarounds.cpp compiz-plugins-main-gles2/workarounds/src/workarounds.cpp
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/workarounds/src/workarounds.cpp	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/workarounds/src/workarounds.cpp	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -384,6 +384,7 @@
+     mfwList.remove (w->id ());
+ }
++#ifndef USE_GLES
+ static void
+ workaroundsProgramEnvParameter4f (GLenum  target,
+ 				  GLuint  index,
+@@ -404,21 +405,25 @@
+     (*ws->programEnvParameter4dv) (target, index, data);
+ }
+ void
+ WorkaroundsScreen::updateParameterFix ()
+ {
++#ifndef USE_GLES
+     if (!GL::programEnvParameter4f || !programEnvParameter4dv)
+ 	return;
+     if (optionGetAiglxFragmentFix ())
+ 	GL::programEnvParameter4f = workaroundsProgramEnvParameter4f;
+     else
+ 	GL::programEnvParameter4f = origProgramEnvParameter4f;
+ }
+ void
+ WorkaroundsScreen::updateVideoSyncFix ()
+ {
++#ifndef USE_GLES
+     if ((!GL::getVideoSync || origGetVideoSync) ||
+ 	(!GL::waitVideoSync || origWaitVideoSync))
+ 	return;
+@@ -432,6 +437,7 @@
+ 	GL::getVideoSync = origGetVideoSync;
+ 	GL::waitVideoSync = origWaitVideoSync;
+     }
+ }
+ void
+@@ -450,8 +456,10 @@
+ 				  CompOutput		    *output,
+ 				  unsigned int		    mask)
+ {
++#ifndef USE_GLES
+     if (optionGetForceGlxSync ())
+ 	glXWaitX ();
+     return gScreen->glPaintOutput (attrib, transform, region, output, mask);
+ }
+@@ -807,6 +815,7 @@
+     foreach (CompWindow *w, screen->windows ())
+ 	WorkaroundsWindow::get (w)->updateSticky ();
++#ifndef USE_GLES
+     if (haveOpenGL)
+     {
+ 	updateParameterFix ();
+@@ -817,6 +826,7 @@
+ 	else
+ 	    GL::copySubBuffer = origCopySubBuffer;
+     }
+     if (optionGetKeepMinimizedWindows ())
+     {
+@@ -1037,6 +1047,7 @@
+ 					 &WorkaroundsScreen::optionChanged, this,
+ 					 _1, _2));
++#ifndef USE_GLES
+     if (haveOpenGL)
+     {
+ 	origProgramEnvParameter4f = GL::programEnvParameter4f;
+@@ -1053,18 +1064,21 @@
+     if (optionGetFglrxXglFix () && haveOpenGL)
+ 	GL::copySubBuffer = NULL;
+     checkFunctions (false, true);
+ }
+ WorkaroundsScreen::~WorkaroundsScreen ()
+ {
++#ifndef USE_GLES
+     if (haveOpenGL)
+     {
+ 	GL::copySubBuffer = origCopySubBuffer;
+ 	GL::getVideoSync = origGetVideoSync;
+ 	GL::waitVideoSync = origWaitVideoSync;
+     }
+ }
+ WorkaroundsWindow::WorkaroundsWindow (CompWindow *window) :
+diff -Nur '--exclude=.*' '--exclude=debian' compiz-plugins-main-package/workarounds/src/workarounds.h compiz-plugins-main-gles2/workarounds/src/workarounds.h
+--- compiz-plugins-main-package/workarounds/src/workarounds.h	2012-04-05 12:28:43.684442000 +0200
++++ compiz-plugins-main-gles2/workarounds/src/workarounds.h	2012-04-05 12:29:41.374453000 +0200
+@@ -39,9 +39,11 @@
+ extern bool haveOpenGL;
++#ifndef USE_GLES
+ typedef void (*GLProgramParameter4dvProc) (GLenum         target,
+ 					   GLuint         index,
+ 					   const GLdouble *data);
+ class WorkaroundsScreen :
+     public PluginClassHandler <WorkaroundsScreen, CompScreen>,
+@@ -65,6 +67,7 @@
+ 	PropertyWriter	inputDisabledAtom;
++#ifndef USE_GLES
+ 	GL::GLProgramParameter4fProc origProgramEnvParameter4f;
+ 	GLProgramParameter4dvProc    programEnvParameter4dv;
+@@ -72,6 +75,7 @@
+ 	GL::GLXWaitVideoSyncProc     origWaitVideoSync;
+ 	GL::GLXCopySubBufferProc     origCopySubBuffer;
+ 	void
+ 	handleEvent (XEvent *);

=== added symlink 'debian/patches/series.armel'
=== target is u'series.armhf'
=== added file 'debian/patches/series.armhf'
--- debian/patches/series.armhf	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ debian/patches/series.armhf	2012-04-10 14:55:08 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@

=== modified file 'debian/rules'
--- debian/rules	2012-01-24 07:01:50 +0000
+++ debian/rules	2012-04-10 14:55:08 +0000
@@ -3,15 +3,40 @@
 # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
 #export DH_VERBOSE=1
+DEB_HOST_ARCH := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH)
+gles2_architectures := armel armhf
 CORE_ABIVERSION := $(shell sed -rn 's/^\#define[[:space:]]+CORE_ABIVERSION[[:space:]]+//p' /usr/include/compiz/core/abiversion.h )
+	dh_quilt_patch
+	if test -r debian/patches/series.$(DEB_HOST_ARCH); then \
+		pc=".pc.$(DEB_HOST_ARCH)"; \
+		test -d "$(CURDIR)/$$pc" || mkdir "$(CURDIR)/$$pc"; \
+		cp debian/patches/series.$(DEB_HOST_ARCH) $(CURDIR)/$$pc/series; \
+		cd $(CURDIR); \
+		QUILT_PC="$$pc" quilt upgrade || true; \
+		QUILT_PC="$$pc" QUILT_PATCHES="debian/patches/" quilt push -a || true; \
+	fi; \
+	if test -r debian/patches/series.$(DEB_HOST_ARCH); then \
+		pc=".pc.$(DEB_HOST_ARCH)"; \
+		cd $(CURDIR); \
+		QUILT_PC="$$pc" QUILT_PATCHES="debian/patches/" quilt pop -a || true; \
+	fi; \
+	dh_quilt_unpatch
+ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),$(findstring $(DEB_HOST_ARCH), $(gles2_architectures)))
 	dh_gencontrol -- -Vcoreabiversion=$(CORE_ABIVERSION)
-	dh $@
+	dh --with quilt $@

Follow ups