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[Merge] lp:~ricardokirkner/configglue/contrib-schemas-1.0.2 into lp:configglue


Ricardo Kirkner has proposed merging lp:~ricardokirkner/configglue/contrib-schemas-1.0.2 into lp:configglue.

Requested reviews:
  Configglue developers (configglue)

For more details, see:

Improved the contributed schemas and marked for 1.0.2 release
Your team Configglue developers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~ricardokirkner/configglue/contrib-schemas-1.0.2 into lp:configglue.
=== modified file 'configglue/__init__.py'
--- configglue/__init__.py	2012-01-03 18:37:57 +0000
+++ configglue/__init__.py	2012-04-24 16:02:33 +0000
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@
-__version__ = '1.0.1'
+__version__ = '1.0.2'

=== modified file 'configglue/contrib/__init__.py'
--- configglue/contrib/__init__.py	2012-04-13 16:06:56 +0000
+++ configglue/contrib/__init__.py	2012-04-24 16:02:33 +0000
@@ -14,3 +14,5 @@
+# import all schemas
+from .schema import *

=== modified file 'configglue/contrib/schema/devserver.py'
--- configglue/contrib/schema/devserver.py	2012-04-13 16:06:56 +0000
+++ configglue/contrib/schema/devserver.py	2012-04-24 16:02:33 +0000
@@ -9,16 +9,53 @@
 class DevServerSchema(Schema):
+    """Configglue schema for django-devserver."""
+    __version__ = '0.3.1'
     class devserver(Section):
+        devserver_args = ListOption(
+            item=StringOption(),
+            default=[],
+            help='Additional command line arguments to pass to the runserver command (as defaults).')
+        devserver_default_addr = StringOption(
+            default='',
+            help='The default address to bind to.')
+        devserver_default_port = StringOption(
+            default='8000',
+            help='The default port to bind to.')
+        devserver_wsgi_middleware = ListOption(
+            item=StringOption(),
+            default=[],
+            help='A list of additional WSGI middleware to apply to the runserver command.')
+        devserver_modules = ListOption(
+            item=StringOption(),
+            default=[
+                'devserver.modules.sql.SQLRealTimeModule',
+                ],
+            help='List of devserver modules to enable')
         devserver_ignored_prefixes = ListOption(
-            help="List of url prefixes which will be ignored")
-        devserver_modules = ListOption(
-            item=StringOption(),
-            help="List of devserver modules to enable")
-        devserver_default_addr = StringOption(default="")
-        devserver_default_port = StringOption(default="8000")
-        devserver_truncate_sql = BoolOption(default=True)
-        devserver_ajax_content_length = IntOption(default=300)
-        devserver_auto_profile = BoolOption(default=False)
+            default=['/media', '/uploads'],
+            help='List of prefixes to supress and skip process on. By default, '
+                '(for Django >= 1.3) will be ignored (assuming MEDIA_URL and '
+                'STATIC_URL is relative).')
+        devserver_truncate_sql = BoolOption(
+            default=True,
+            help='Truncate SQL queries output by SQLRealTimeModule.')
+        devserver_truncate_aggregates = BoolOption(
+            default=False)
+        devserver_active = BoolOption(
+            default=False)
+        devserver_ajax_content_length = IntOption(
+            default=300,
+            help='Maximum response length to dump.')
+        devserver_ajax_pretty_print = BoolOption(
+            default=False)
+        devserver_sql_min_duration = IntOption(
+            default=None,
+            help='Minimum time a query must execute to be shown, value is in ms.')
+        devserver_auto_profile = BoolOption(
+            default=False,
+            help='Automatically profile all view functions.')

=== modified file 'configglue/contrib/schema/django_jenkins.py'
--- configglue/contrib/schema/django_jenkins.py	2012-04-13 16:06:56 +0000
+++ configglue/contrib/schema/django_jenkins.py	2012-04-24 16:02:33 +0000
@@ -8,13 +8,25 @@
 class DjangoJenkinsSchema(Schema):
+    """Configglue schema for django-jenkins."""
+    __version__ = '0.12.1'
     class django_jenkins(Section):
-        project_apps = ListOption()
+        project_apps = ListOption(
+            item=StringOption(),
+            default=[],
+            help='List of of django apps for Jenkins to run.')
         jenkins_tasks = TupleOption(
-            ))
-        jenkins_test_runner = StringOption()
+            ),
+            help='List of Jenkins tasks executed by ./manage.py jenkins '
+                'command.')
+        jenkins_test_runner = StringOption(
+            default='',
+            help='The name of the class to use for starting the test suite for '
+                'jenkins and jtest commands. Class should be inherited from '
+                'django_jenkins.runner.CITestSuiteRunner.')

=== modified file 'configglue/contrib/schema/nexus.py'
--- configglue/contrib/schema/nexus.py	2012-04-13 16:06:56 +0000
+++ configglue/contrib/schema/nexus.py	2012-04-24 16:02:33 +0000
@@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
 class NexusSchema(Schema):
+    """Configglue schema for nexus."""
+    __version__ = '0.2.3'
     class nexus(Section):
-        nexus_media_prefix = StringOption(default='/nexus/media/')
-        nexus_use_django_media_url = BoolOption()
+        nexus_media_prefix = StringOption(
+            default='/nexus/media/')
+        nexus_use_django_media_url = BoolOption(
+            default=False)

=== modified file 'configglue/contrib/schema/openid.py'
--- configglue/contrib/schema/openid.py	2012-04-13 16:06:56 +0000
+++ configglue/contrib/schema/openid.py	2012-04-24 16:02:33 +0000
@@ -1,23 +1,46 @@
 from configglue.schema import (
-    IntOption,
-    TupleOption,
 class OpenIdSchema(Schema):
+    """Configglue schema for django-openid-auth."""
+    __version__ = '0.4'
     class openid(Section):
-        pre_authorization_validity = IntOption()
-        openid_preauthorization_acl = ListOption(
-            item=TupleOption(length=2))
-        openid_create_users = BoolOption()
+        openid_use_as_admin_login = BoolOption(
+            default=False)
+        openid_create_users = BoolOption(
+            default=False)
+        openid_update_details_from_sreg = BoolOption(
+            default=False)
+        openid_physical_multifactor_required = BoolOption(
+            default=False)
+        openid_strict_usernames = BoolOption(
+            default=False)
+        openid_sreg_required_fields = ListOption(
+            item=StringOption())
+        openid_sreg_extra_fields = ListOption(
+            item=StringOption())
+        openid_follow_renames = BoolOption(
+            default=False)
+        openid_launchpad_teams_mapping_auto = BoolOption(
+            default=False)
+        openid_launchpad_teams_mapping_auto_blacklist = ListOption(
+            item=StringOption())
         openid_launchpad_teams_mapping = DictOption()
-        openid_sso_server_url = StringOption()
-        openid_set_language_from_sreg = BoolOption()
-        openid_sreg_extra_fields = ListOption(item=StringOption())
-        openid_launchpad_staff_teams = ListOption(item=StringOption())
+        openid_launchpad_staff_teams = ListOption(
+            item=StringOption())
+        openid_disallow_inames = BoolOption(
+            default=False)
+        allowed_external_openid_redirect_domains = ListOption(
+            item=StringOption())
+        openid_trust_root = StringOption()
+        openid_sso_server_url = StringOption(
+            null=True)

=== modified file 'configglue/contrib/schema/preflight.py'
--- configglue/contrib/schema/preflight.py	2012-04-13 16:06:56 +0000
+++ configglue/contrib/schema/preflight.py	2012-04-24 16:02:33 +0000
@@ -2,5 +2,12 @@
 class PreflightSchema(Schema):
+    """Configglue schema for django-preflight."""
+    __version__ = '0.1'
     class preflight(Section):
-        preflight_base_template = StringOption()
+        preflight_base_template = StringOption(
+            default='index.1col.html')
+        preflight_table_class = StringOption(
+            default='listing')

=== renamed file 'configglue/contrib/schema/sentry.py' => 'configglue/contrib/schema/raven.py'
--- configglue/contrib/schema/sentry.py	2012-04-13 16:06:56 +0000
+++ configglue/contrib/schema/raven.py	2012-04-24 16:02:33 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,69 @@
-from configglue.schema import Schema, Section, StringOption
-class SentrySchema(Schema):
-    class sentry(Section):
-        sentry_dsn = StringOption()
+from configglue.schema import (
+    BoolOption,
+    IntOption,
+    ListOption,
+    Schema,
+    Section,
+    StringOption,
+    )
+class RavenSchema(Schema):
+    """Configglue schema for raven."""
+    __version__ = '1.6.1'
+    class raven(Section):
+        sentry_servers = ListOption()
+        sentry_include_paths = ListOption(
+            item=StringOption())
+        sentry_exclude_paths = ListOption(
+            item=StringOption(),
+            help='Ignore module prefixes when attempting to discover which '
+                'function an error comes from.')
+        sentry_timeout = IntOption(
+            default=5,
+            help='Timeout value for sending messages to remote.')
+        sentry_name = StringOption(
+            null=True,
+            help='This will override the server_name value for this installation.')
+        sentry_auto_log_stacks = BoolOption(
+            defaul=False,
+            help='Should raven automatically log frame stacks (including '
+                'locals) all calls as it would for exceptions.')
+        sentry_key = StringOption(
+            null=True)
+        sentry_max_length_string = IntOption(
+            default=200,
+            help='The maximum characters of a string that should be stored.')
+        sentry_max_length_list = IntOption(
+            default=50,
+            help='The maximum number of items a list-like container should store.')
+        sentry_site = StringOption(
+            null=True,
+            help='An optional, arbitrary string to identify this client '
+                'installation.')
+        sentry_public_key = StringOption(
+            null=True,
+            help='Public key of the project member which will authenticate as '
+                'the client.')
+        sentry_private_key = StringOption(
+            null=True,
+            help='Private key of the project member which will authenticate as '
+                'the client.')
+        sentry_project = IntOption(
+            default=1,
+            help='Sentry project ID. The default value for installations is 1.')
+        sentry_processors = ListOption(
+            item=StringOption(),
+            default=[
+                'raven.processors.SanitizePasswordProcessor',
+                ],
+            help='List of processors to apply to events before sending them '
+                'to the Sentry server.')
+        sentry_dsn = StringOption(
+            help='A sentry compatible DSN.')
+        sentry_client = StringOption(
+            default='raven.contrib.django.DjangoClient')
+        sentry_debug = BoolOption(
+            default=False)

=== modified file 'configglue/contrib/schema/saml2idp.py'
--- configglue/contrib/schema/saml2idp.py	2012-04-13 16:06:56 +0000
+++ configglue/contrib/schema/saml2idp.py	2012-04-24 16:02:33 +0000
@@ -8,16 +8,31 @@
 class Saml2IdpSchema(Schema):
+    """Configglue schema for saml2idp."""
+    __version__ = '0.14'
     class saml2(Section):
-        saml2idp_autosubmit = BoolOption(default=True)
-        saml2idp_issuer = StringOption()
-        saml2idp_certificate_file = StringOption()
-        saml2idp_private_key_file = StringOption()
-        saml2idp_signing = BoolOption(default=True)
+        saml2idp_autosubmit = BoolOption(
+            default=True)
+        saml2idp_issuer = StringOption(
+            default='')
+        saml2idp_certificate_file = StringOption(
+            default='keys/certificate.pem')
+        saml2idp_private_key_file = StringOption(
+            default='keys/private-key.pem')
+        saml2idp_signing = BoolOption(
+            default=True)
         saml2idp_valid_acs = ListOption(
+            default=[
+                'https://login.salesforce.com',
+                ],
             help="List of ACS URLs accepted by /+saml login")
         saml2idp_processor_classes = ListOption(
+            default=[
+                'saml2idp.salesforce.Processor',
+                'saml2idp.google_apps.Processor',
+                ],
             help="List of SAML 2.0 AuthnRequest processors")

=== modified file 'configglue/contrib/schema/statsd.py'
--- configglue/contrib/schema/statsd.py	2012-04-13 16:06:56 +0000
+++ configglue/contrib/schema/statsd.py	2012-04-24 16:02:33 +0000
@@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
 class StatsdSchema(Schema):
+    """Configglue schema for pystatsd."""
+    __version__ = '0.1.6'
     class statsd(Section):
-        statsd_host = StringOption(default='localhost')
-        statsd_port = IntOption(default=8125)
+        statsd_host = StringOption(
+            default='localhost')
+        statsd_port = IntOption(
+            default=8125)

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