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Message #05074
lp:~therp-nl/openupgrade-server/openupgrade-server_migrate-script into lp:openupgrade-server
Holger Brunn (Therp) has proposed merging lp:~therp-nl/openupgrade-server/openupgrade-server_migrate-script into lp:openupgrade-server.
Requested reviews:
Stefan Rijnhart (Therp) (stefan-therp)
For more details, see:
Usage: [options]
Migrate script for the impatient or lazy. Makes a copy of your database,
downloads the files necessary to migrate it as requested and runs the
migration on the copy (so your original database will not be touched). While
the migration is running only errors are shown, for a detailed log see
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-C CONFIG, --config=CONFIG
current openerp config (required)
current openerp database (required if not given in
-B BRANCH_DIR, --branch-dir=BRANCH_DIR
the directory to download openupgrade-server code to
-R MIGRATIONS, --run-migrations=MIGRATIONS
comma separated list of migrations to run 6.0,6.1
-A ADD, --add=ADD load a python module that declares on dict
'migrations' which is merged with the one of this
script (see the source for details)
-I, --inplace don't copy database before attempting upgrade
Your team OpenUpgrade Committers is subscribed to branch lp:openupgrade-server.
=== added directory 'scripts'
=== added file 'scripts/'
--- scripts/ 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ scripts/ 2012-11-16 19:31:47 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import StringIO
+import psycopg2
+import psycopg2.extensions
+from optparse import OptionParser
+from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
+from bzrlib.branch import Branch
+from bzrlib.repository import Repository
+from bzrlib.workingtree import WorkingTree
+import bzrlib.plugin
+import bzrlib.builtins
+ '6.1': {
+ 'addons': {
+ 'addons': 'lp:openupgrade-addons',
+ 'banking': 'lp:banking-addons',
+ 'web': {'url': 'lp:openerp-web/6.1', 'addons_dir': 'addons'},
+ },
+ 'server': {
+ 'url': 'lp:openupgrade-server',
+ 'addons_dir': os.path.join('openerp','addons'),
+ 'root_dir': os.path.join(''),
+ 'cmd': 'openerp-server --update=all --database=%(db)s '+
+ '--config=%(config)s --stop-after-init --no-xmlrpc --no-netrpc',
+ },
+ },
+ '6.0': {
+ 'addons': {
+ 'addons': 'lp:openupgrade-addons/6.0',
+ 'banking': 'lp:banking-addons/6.0',
+ },
+ 'server': {
+ 'url': 'lp:openupgrade-server/6.0',
+ 'addons_dir': os.path.join('bin','addons'),
+ 'root_dir': os.path.join('bin'),
+ 'cmd': 'bin/ --update=all --database=%(db)s '+
+ '--config=%(config)s --stop-after-init --no-xmlrpc --no-netrpc',
+ },
+ },
+config = SafeConfigParser()
+parser = OptionParser(description="""Migrate script for the impatient or lazy.
+Makes a copy of your database, downloads the files necessary to migrate
+it as requested and runs the migration on the copy (so your original
+database will not be touched). While the migration is running only errors are
+shown, for a detailed log see ${branch-dir}/migration.log
+parser.add_option("-C", "--config", action="store", type="string",
+ dest="config",
+ help="current openerp config (required)")
+parser.add_option("-D", "--database", action="store", type="string",
+ dest="database",
+ help="current openerp database (required if not given in config)")
+parser.add_option("-B", "--branch-dir", action="store", type="string",
+ dest="branch_dir",
+ help="the directory to download openupgrade-server code to [%default]",
+ default='/var/tmp/openupgrade')
+parser.add_option("-R", "--run-migrations", action="store", type="string",
+ dest="migrations",
+ help="comma separated list of migrations to run\n\n"+
+ ','.join(sorted([a for a in migrations]))+
+ "\n(required)")
+parser.add_option("-A", "--add", action="store", type="string", dest="add",
+ help="load a python module that declares on dict 'migrations' which is"+
+ " merged with the one of this script (see the source for details)")
+parser.add_option("-I", "--inplace", action="store_true", dest="inplace",
+ help="don't copy database before attempting upgrade (dangerous)")
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+if (not options.config or not options.migrations
+ or not reduce(lambda a,b: a and (b in migrations),
+ options.migrations.split(','), True)):
+ parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit()
+db_user=config.get('options', 'db_user')
+db_name=options.database or config.get('options', 'db_name')
+if not db_name or db_name=='' or db_name.isspace() or db_name.lower()=='false':
+ parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit()
+if options.inplace:
+ db=db_name
+ db=db_name+'_migrated'
+if options.add:
+ merge_migrations={}
+ if os.path.isfile(options.add):
+ import imp
+ merge_migrations_mod=imp.load_source('merge_migrations_mod',
+ options.add)
+ merge_migrations=merge_migrations_mod.migrations
+ else:
+ merge_migrations=eval(options.add)
+ def deep_update(dict1, dict2):
+ result={}
+ for (name,value) in dict1.iteritems():
+ if dict2.has_key(name):
+ if isinstance(dict1[name], dict) and isinstance(dict2[name],
+ dict):
+ result[name]=deep_update(dict1[name], dict2[name])
+ else:
+ result[name]=dict2[name]
+ else:
+ result[name]=dict1[name]
+ for (name,value) in dict2.iteritems():
+ if name not in dict1:
+ result[name]=value
+ return result
+ migrations=deep_update(migrations, merge_migrations)
+for version in options.migrations.split(','):
+ if version not in migrations:
+ print '%s is not a valid version! (valid verions are %s)' % (version,
+ ','.join(sorted([a for a in migrations])))
+if not os.path.exists(options.branch_dir):
+ os.mkdir(options.branch_dir)
+for version in options.migrations.split(','):
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(options.branch_dir,version)):
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(options.branch_dir,version))
+ for (name,url) in dict(migrations[version]['addons'],
+ server=migrations[version]['server']['url']).iteritems():
+ link=url.get('link', False) if isinstance(url, dict) else False
+ url=url['url'] if isinstance(url, dict) else url
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(options.branch_dir,version,name)):
+ if link:
+ continue
+ cmd_revno=bzrlib.builtins.cmd_revno()
+ cmd_revno.outf=StringIO.StringIO()
+ name))
+ print 'updating %s rev%s' %(os.path.join(version,name),
+ cmd_revno.outf.getvalue().strip())
+ cmd_pull=bzrlib.builtins.cmd_pull()
+ cmd_pull.outf=StringIO.StringIO()
+ cmd_pull.outf.encoding='utf8'
+ name), overwrite=True)
+ if hasattr(cmd_pull, '_operation'):
+ cmd_pull.cleanup_now()
+ print 'now at rev'+cmd_revno.outf.getvalue().strip()
+ else:
+ if link:
+ print 'linking %s to %s'%(url,
+ os.path.join(options.branch_dir,version,name))
+ os.symlink(url, os.path.join(options.branch_dir,version,name))
+ else:
+ print 'getting '+url
+ cmd_branch=bzrlib.builtins.cmd_branch()
+ cmd_branch.outf=StringIO.StringIO()
+, os.path.join(options.branch_dir,version,
+ name))
+if not options.inplace:
+ print('copying database %(db_name)s to %(db)s...' % {'db_name': db_name,
+ 'db': db})
+ conn=psycopg2.connect(database=db_name, user=db_user)
+ conn.set_isolation_level(psycopg2.extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT)
+ cur=conn.cursor()
+ cur.execute('drop database if exists %(db)s' % {'db': db})
+ cur.execute('create database %(db)s' % {'db': db})
+ cur.close()
+ os.system(('pg_dump --format=custom --user=%(user)s %(db_name)s | pg_restore '+
+ '--dbname=%(db)s') % {
+ 'user': db_user,
+ 'db_name': db_name,
+ 'db': db,
+ })
+for version in options.migrations.split(','):
+ print 'running migration for '+version
+ config.set('options', 'without_demo', 'True')
+ config.set('options', 'logfile', logfile)
+ config.set('options', 'port', 'False')
+ config.set('options', 'netport', 'False')
+ config.set('options', 'xmlrpc_port', 'False')
+ config.set('options', 'netrpc_port', 'False')
+ config.set('options', 'addons_path',
+ ','.join([os.path.join(options.branch_dir,
+ version,'server',migrations[version]['server']['addons_dir'])] +
+ [
+ os.path.join(options.branch_dir,version,name,
+ url.get('addons_dir', '') if isinstance(url, dict) else '')
+ for (name,url) in migrations[version]['addons'].iteritems()
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ config.set('options', 'root_path', os.path.join(options.branch_dir,version,
+ 'server', migrations[version]['server']['root_dir']))
+ config.write(open(
+ os.path.join(options.branch_dir,version,'server.cfg'), 'w+'))
+ os.system(
+ os.path.join(options.branch_dir,version,'server',
+ migrations[version]['server']['cmd'] % {
+ 'db': db,
+ 'config': os.path.join(options.branch_dir,version,
+ 'server.cfg')
+ }
+ )
+ )
Follow ups