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lp:~therp-nl/openupgrade-server/7.0-doc_add_module_coverage_tables into lp:openupgrade-server


Stefan Rijnhart (Therp) has proposed merging lp:~therp-nl/openupgrade-server/7.0-doc_add_module_coverage_tables into lp:openupgrade-server.

Requested reviews:
  OpenUpgrade Committers (openupgrade-committers)

For more details, see:
Your team OpenUpgrade Committers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~therp-nl/openupgrade-server/7.0-doc_add_module_coverage_tables into lp:openupgrade-server.
=== added file 'openerp/openupgrade/doc/source/modules50-60.rst'
--- openerp/openupgrade/doc/source/modules50-60.rst	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ openerp/openupgrade/doc/source/modules50-60.rst	2013-02-20 16:41:33 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+Module coverage 5.0 -> 6.1
+|Module                             |Status                             |
+|base                               |Done                               |
+|account                            |                                   |
+|account_accountant                 |                                   |
+|account_analytic_analysis          |Nothing to do                      |
+|account_analytic_default           |Nothing to do                      |
+|account_analytic_plans             |Nothing to do                      |
+|account_anglo_saxon                |                                   |
+|account_budget                     |Done                               |
+|account_cancel                     |                                   |
+|account_chart                      |                                   |
+|account_coda                       |                                   |
+|account_followup                   |                                   |
+|account_invoice_layout             |                                   |
+|account_payment                    |Done                               |
+|account_sequence                   |                                   |
+|account_voucher                    |                                   |
+|analytic                           |                                   |
+|analytic_journal_billing_rate      |                                   |
+|analytic_user_function             |Nothing to do                      |
+|anonymization                      |                                   |
+|association                        |                                   |
+|auction                            |                                   |
+|audittrail                         |Nothing to do                      |
+|base_action_rule                   |                                   |
+|base_calendar                      |                                   |
+|base_contact                       |                                   |
+|base_crypt                         |                                   |
+|base_iban                          |Nothing to do                      |
+|base_module_doc_rst                |                                   |
+|base_module_quality                |                                   |
+|base_module_record                 |                                   |
+|base_report_creator                |Done                               |
+|base_report_designer               |Nothing to do                      |
+|base_setup                         |                                   |
+|base_synchro                       |                                   |
+|base_tools                         |                                   |
+|base_vat                           |                                   |
+|board                              |Nothing to do                      |
+|caldav                             |                                   |
+|claim_from_delivery                |                                   |
+|crm                                |                                   |
+|crm_caldav                         |                                   |
+|crm_claim                          |                                   |
+|crm_fundraising                    |                                   |
+|crm_helpdesk                       |                                   |
+|crm_partner_assign                 |                                   |
+|crm_profiling                      |                                   |
+|decimal_precision                  |                                   |
+|delivery                           |                                   |
+|document                           |                                   |
+|document_ftp                       |                                   |
+|document_ics                       |                                   |
+|document_webdav                    |                                   |
+|email_template                     |                                   |
+|event                              |                                   |
+|event_project                      |                                   |
+|fetchmail                          |                                   |
+|google_map                         |                                   |
+|hr                                 |Done                               |
+|hr_attendance                      |Nothing to do                      |
+|hr_contract                        |Done                               |
+|hr_evaluation                      |                                   |
+|hr_expense                         |Done                               |
+|hr_holidays                        |                                   |
+|hr_payroll                         |                                   |
+|hr_payroll_account                 |                                   |
+|hr_recruitment                     |                                   |
+|hr_timesheet                       |Done                               |
+|hr_timesheet_invoice               |Done                               |
+|hr_timesheet_sheet                 |Done                               |
+|html_view                          |                                   |
+|idea                               |                                   |
+|knowledge                          |                                   |
+|l10n_at                            |                                   |
+|l10n_be                            |                                   |
+|l10n_br                            |                                   |
+|l10n_ca                            |                                   |
+|l10n_ch                            |                                   |
+|l10n_cn                            |                                   |
+|l10n_cr                            |                                   |
+|l10n_de                            |                                   |
+|l10n_ec                            |                                   |
+|l10n_es                            |                                   |
+|l10n_fr                            |                                   |
+|l10n_gr                            |                                   |
+|l10n_gt                            |                                   |
+|l10n_in                            |                                   |
+|l10n_it                            |                                   |
+|l10n_lu                            |                                   |
+|l10n_ma                            |                                   |
+|l10n_mx                            |                                   |
+|l10n_nl                            |                                   |
+|l10n_pl                            |                                   |
+|l10n_ro                            |                                   |
+|l10n_th                            |                                   |
+|l10n_uk                            |                                   |
+|l10n_ve                            |                                   |
+|lunch                              |                                   |
+|mail_gateway                       |                                   |
+|marketing                          |                                   |
+|marketing_campaign                 |                                   |
+|marketing_campaign_crm_demo        |                                   |
+|membership                         |                                   |
+|mrp                                |Done                               |
+|mrp_jit                            |                                   |
+|mrp_operations                     |                                   |
+|mrp_repair                         |                                   |
+|mrp_subproduct                     |                                   |
+|multi_company                      |                                   |
+|outlook                            |                                   |
+|pad                                |                                   |
+|point_of_sale                      |                                   |
+|process                            |Nothing to do                      |
+|procurement                        |Done                               |
+|product                            |Done                               |
+|product_expiry                     |                                   |
+|product_manufacturer               |                                   |
+|product_margin                     |                                   |
+|product_visible_discount           |                                   |
+|profile_tools                      |                                   |
+|project                            |Done                               |
+|project_caldav                     |                                   |
+|project_gtd                        |                                   |
+|project_issue                      |                                   |
+|project_issue_sheet                |                                   |
+|project_long_term                  |                                   |
+|project_mailgate                   |                                   |
+|project_messages                   |                                   |
+|project_mrp                        |                                   |
+|project_planning                   |                                   |
+|project_retro_planning             |                                   |
+|project_scrum                      |                                   |
+|project_timesheet                  |Done                               |
+|purchase                           |Done                               |
+|purchase_analytic_plans            |Nothing to do                      |
+|purchase_double_validation         |                                   |
+|purchase_requisition               |                                   |
+|report_designer                    |                                   |
+|report_intrastat                   |                                   |
+|report_webkit                      |                                   |
+|report_webkit_sample               |                                   |
+|resource                           |                                   |
+|sale                               |Done                               |
+|sale_analytic_plans                |Nothing to do                      |
+|sale_crm                           |                                   |
+|sale_journal                       |Done                               |
+|sale_layout                        |                                   |
+|sale_margin                        |                                   |
+|sale_mrp                           |                                   |
+|sale_order_dates                   |                                   |
+|share                              |                                   |
+|stock                              |Done                               |
+|stock_invoice_directly             |                                   |
+|stock_location                     |                                   |
+|stock_no_autopicking               |                                   |
+|stock_planning                     |                                   |
+|subscription                       |                                   |
+|survey                             |                                   |
+|thunderbird                        |                                   |
+|users_ldap                         |Nothing to do                      |
+|warning                            |                                   |
+|web_livechat                       |                                   |
+|web_uservoice                      |                                   |
+|wiki                               |                                   |
+|wiki_faq                           |                                   |
+|wiki_quality_manual                |                                   |
+|wiki_sale_faq                      |                                   |

=== added file 'openerp/openupgrade/doc/source/modules61-70.rst'
--- openerp/openupgrade/doc/source/modules61-70.rst	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ openerp/openupgrade/doc/source/modules61-70.rst	2013-02-20 16:41:33 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+Module coverage 6.1 -> 7.0
+|Module                             |Status                             |
+|base                               |In preparation by Therp            |
+|account                            |                                   |
+|account_accountant                 |                                   |
+|account_analytic_analysis          |                                   |
+|account_analytic_default           |                                   |
+|account_analytic_plans             |                                   |
+|account_anglo_saxon                |                                   |
+|account_asset                      |                                   |
+|account_bank_statement_extensions  |                                   |
+|account_budget                     |                                   |
+|account_cancel                     |                                   |
+|account_chart                      |                                   |
+|account_check_writing              |                                   |
+|account_followup                   |                                   |
+|account_payment                    |                                   |
+|account_sequence                   |                                   |
+|account_test                       |                                   |
+|account_voucher                    |                                   |
+|analytic                           |                                   |
+|analytic_contract_hr_expense       |                                   |
+|analytic_user_function             |                                   |
+|anonymization                      |                                   |
+|association                        |                                   |
+|audittrail                         |                                   |
+|auth_crypt                         |                                   |
+|auth_ldap                          |                                   |
+|auth_oauth                         |                                   |
+|auth_oauth_signup                  |                                   |
+|auth_openid                        |                                   |
+|auth_signup                        |                                   |
+|base_action_rule                   |                                   |
+|base_calendar                      |                                   |
+|base_gengo                         |                                   |
+|base_iban                          |                                   |
+|base_import                        |                                   |
+|base_report_designer               |                                   |
+|base_setup                         |                                   |
+|base_status                        |                                   |
+|base_vat                           |                                   |
+|board                              |                                   |
+|claim_from_delivery                |                                   |
+|contacts                           |                                   |
+|crm                                |                                   |
+|crm_claim                          |                                   |
+|crm_helpdesk                       |                                   |
+|crm_partner_assign                 |                                   |
+|crm_profiling                      |                                   |
+|crm_todo                           |                                   |
+|decimal_precision                  |                                   |
+|delivery                           |                                   |
+|document                           |                                   |
+|document_ftp                       |                                   |
+|document_page                      |                                   |
+|document_webdav                    |                                   |
+|edi                                |                                   |
+|email_template                     |                                   |
+|event                              |                                   |
+|event_moodle                       |                                   |
+|event_sale                         |                                   |
+|fetchmail                          |                                   |
+|fleet                              |                                   |
+|google_base_account                |                                   |
+|google_docs                        |                                   |
+|hr                                 |                                   |
+|hr_attendance                      |                                   |
+|hr_contract                        |                                   |
+|hr_evaluation                      |                                   |
+|hr_expense                         |                                   |
+|hr_holidays                        |                                   |
+|hr_payroll                         |                                   |
+|hr_payroll_account                 |                                   |
+|hr_recruitment                     |                                   |
+|hr_timesheet                       |                                   |
+|hr_timesheet_invoice               |                                   |
+|hr_timesheet_sheet                 |                                   |
+|idea                               |                                   |
+|knowledge                          |                                   |
+|l10n_ar                            |                                   |
+|l10n_at                            |                                   |
+|l10n_be                            |                                   |
+|l10n_be_coda                       |                                   |
+|l10n_be_hr_payroll                 |                                   |
+|l10n_be_hr_payroll_account         |                                   |
+|l10n_be_invoice_bba                |                                   |
+|l10n_bo                            |                                   |
+|l10n_br                            |                                   |
+|l10n_ca                            |                                   |
+|l10n_ch                            |                                   |
+|l10n_cl                            |                                   |
+|l10n_cn                            |                                   |
+|l10n_co                            |                                   |
+|l10n_cr                            |                                   |
+|l10n_de                            |                                   |
+|l10n_ec                            |                                   |
+|l10n_es                            |                                   |
+|l10n_et                            |                                   |
+|l10n_fr                            |                                   |
+|l10n_fr_hr_payroll                 |                                   |
+|l10n_fr_rib                        |                                   |
+|l10n_gr                            |                                   |
+|l10n_gt                            |                                   |
+|l10n_hn                            |                                   |
+|l10n_hr                            |                                   |
+|l10n_in                            |                                   |
+|l10n_in_hr_payroll                 |                                   |
+|l10n_it                            |                                   |
+|l10n_lu                            |                                   |
+|l10n_ma                            |                                   |
+|l10n_multilang                     |                                   |
+|l10n_mx                            |                                   |
+|l10n_nl                            |                                   |
+|l10n_pa                            |                                   |
+|l10n_pe                            |                                   |
+|l10n_pl                            |                                   |
+|l10n_pt                            |                                   |
+|l10n_ro                            |                                   |
+|l10n_si                            |                                   |
+|l10n_syscohada                     |                                   |
+|l10n_th                            |                                   |
+|l10n_tr                            |                                   |
+|l10n_uk                            |                                   |
+|l10n_us                            |                                   |
+|l10n_uy                            |                                   |
+|l10n_ve                            |                                   |
+|lunch                              |                                   |
+|mail                               |                                   |
+|marketing                          |                                   |
+|marketing_campaign                 |                                   |
+|marketing_campaign_crm_demo        |                                   |
+|membership                         |                                   |
+|mrp                                |                                   |
+|mrp_byproduct                      |                                   |
+|mrp_jit                            |                                   |
+|mrp_operations                     |                                   |
+|mrp_repair                         |                                   |
+|multi_company                      |                                   |
+|note                               |                                   |
+|note_pad                           |                                   |
+|pad                                |                                   |
+|pad_project                        |                                   |
+|plugin                             |                                   |
+|plugin_outlook                     |                                   |
+|plugin_thunderbird                 |                                   |
+|point_of_sale                      |                                   |
+|portal                             |                                   |
+|portal_anonymous                   |                                   |
+|portal_claim                       |                                   |
+|portal_crm                         |                                   |
+|portal_event                       |                                   |
+|portal_hr_employees                |                                   |
+|portal_project                     |                                   |
+|portal_project_issue               |                                   |
+|portal_sale                        |                                   |
+|portal_stock                       |                                   |
+|process                            |                                   |
+|procurement                        |                                   |
+|product                            |                                   |
+|product_expiry                     |                                   |
+|product_manufacturer               |                                   |
+|product_margin                     |                                   |
+|product_visible_discount           |                                   |
+|project                            |                                   |
+|project_gtd                        |                                   |
+|project_issue                      |                                   |
+|project_issue_sheet                |                                   |
+|project_long_term                  |                                   |
+|project_mrp                        |                                   |
+|project_timesheet                  |                                   |
+|purchase                           |                                   |
+|purchase_analytic_plans            |                                   |
+|purchase_double_validation         |                                   |
+|purchase_requisition               |                                   |
+|report_intrastat                   |                                   |
+|report_webkit                      |                                   |
+|resource                           |                                   |
+|sale                               |                                   |
+|sale_analytic_plans                |                                   |
+|sale_crm                           |                                   |
+|sale_journal                       |                                   |
+|sale_margin                        |                                   |
+|sale_mrp                           |                                   |
+|sale_order_dates                   |                                   |
+|sale_stock                         |                                   |
+|share                              |                                   |
+|stock                              |                                   |
+|stock_invoice_directly             |                                   |
+|stock_location                     |                                   |
+|stock_no_autopicking               |                                   |
+|subscription                       |                                   |
+|survey                             |                                   |
+|tab                                |                                   |
+|warning                            |                                   |
+|web_analytics                      |                                   |
+|web_linkedin                       |                                   |
+|web_shortcuts                      |                                   |

=== modified file 'openerp/openupgrade/doc/source/status.rst'
--- openerp/openupgrade/doc/source/status.rst	2012-11-24 22:22:00 +0000
+++ openerp/openupgrade/doc/source/status.rst	2013-02-20 16:41:33 +0000
@@ -1,24 +1,31 @@
 Status of the components
 The following components have been foreseen in the design of the OpenUpgrade
-     * A logging facility that dumps the OpenERP database layout in a format that can be processed further. It is included in the server distribution. This functionality has been implemented for OpenERP 5, 6.0 and 6.1. Status: usable.
-     * A number of scripts to process the database dump. The scripts are included in the server distribution. Status: usable.
-     * A libary with support functions to be called from the migration scripts. See :doc:`API`. This library is included in the server distribution. Status: the library provides all functions that are currently called for in the migration scripts.
+     * An OpenERP module *OpenUpgrade Records* to generate and compare representations of installed modules on different versions of OpenUpgrade server. Status: stable.
+     * A logging facility that dumps the OpenERP database layout in a format that can be processed further. It is included in the server distribution. This functionality has been implemented for OpenERP 5, 6.0 and 6.1. Status: deprecated by the OpenUpgrade Records module.
+     * A number of scripts to process the database dump. The scripts are included in the server distribution. Status: deprecated by the OpenUpgrade Records module.
+     * A libary with support functions to be called from the migration scripts. See :doc:`API`. This library is included in the server distribution. Status: stable.
      * A report facility that displays the user notes per module after an upgrade, and performs an analysis of required fields that were left empty on one or more records in the database, for the administrator to supply values for. Status: not yet developed.
-     * For all official addons, migration scripts should be provided for migrating between major releases of OpenERP. This is the goal of the project. For OpenERP 5 -> 6.0, there are migration scripts for the *base* and *account* modules (incl. analytic), but not the dependencies *process*, *board* and *product*. For OpenERP 6.0 -> 6.1, see :doc:`modules60-61`.
-     * Documentation for developers and users. You are currently reading it. The documentation is maintained in the latest server branch. Status: always to be improved upon!
+     * Documentation for developers and users. You are currently reading it. The documentation is maintained in the latest server branch. Status: needs updating.
+Module coverage
+For all official addons, migration scripts should be provided for migrating between subsequent major releases of OpenERP. This is the goal of the project. The design is such that the effort can be distributed between different developing parties. See below for an overview of module coverage per version.
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
+   modules50-60
+   modules61-70

Follow ups