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credativ team
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Message #05110
lp:~therp-nl/openupgrade-server/7.0-doc_add_module_coverage_tables into lp:openupgrade-server
Stefan Rijnhart (Therp) has proposed merging lp:~therp-nl/openupgrade-server/7.0-doc_add_module_coverage_tables into lp:openupgrade-server.
Requested reviews:
OpenUpgrade Committers (openupgrade-committers)
For more details, see:
Your team OpenUpgrade Committers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~therp-nl/openupgrade-server/7.0-doc_add_module_coverage_tables into lp:openupgrade-server.
=== added file 'openerp/openupgrade/doc/source/modules50-60.rst'
--- openerp/openupgrade/doc/source/modules50-60.rst 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ openerp/openupgrade/doc/source/modules50-60.rst 2013-02-20 16:41:33 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+Module coverage 5.0 -> 6.1
+|Module |Status |
+|base |Done |
+|account | |
+|account_accountant | |
+|account_analytic_analysis |Nothing to do |
+|account_analytic_default |Nothing to do |
+|account_analytic_plans |Nothing to do |
+|account_anglo_saxon | |
+|account_budget |Done |
+|account_cancel | |
+|account_chart | |
+|account_coda | |
+|account_followup | |
+|account_invoice_layout | |
+|account_payment |Done |
+|account_sequence | |
+|account_voucher | |
+|analytic | |
+|analytic_journal_billing_rate | |
+|analytic_user_function |Nothing to do |
+|anonymization | |
+|association | |
+|auction | |
+|audittrail |Nothing to do |
+|base_action_rule | |
+|base_calendar | |
+|base_contact | |
+|base_crypt | |
+|base_iban |Nothing to do |
+|base_module_doc_rst | |
+|base_module_quality | |
+|base_module_record | |
+|base_report_creator |Done |
+|base_report_designer |Nothing to do |
+|base_setup | |
+|base_synchro | |
+|base_tools | |
+|base_vat | |
+|board |Nothing to do |
+|caldav | |
+|claim_from_delivery | |
+|crm | |
+|crm_caldav | |
+|crm_claim | |
+|crm_fundraising | |
+|crm_helpdesk | |
+|crm_partner_assign | |
+|crm_profiling | |
+|decimal_precision | |
+|delivery | |
+|document | |
+|document_ftp | |
+|document_ics | |
+|document_webdav | |
+|email_template | |
+|event | |
+|event_project | |
+|fetchmail | |
+|google_map | |
+|hr |Done |
+|hr_attendance |Nothing to do |
+|hr_contract |Done |
+|hr_evaluation | |
+|hr_expense |Done |
+|hr_holidays | |
+|hr_payroll | |
+|hr_payroll_account | |
+|hr_recruitment | |
+|hr_timesheet |Done |
+|hr_timesheet_invoice |Done |
+|hr_timesheet_sheet |Done |
+|html_view | |
+|idea | |
+|knowledge | |
+|l10n_at | |
+|l10n_be | |
+|l10n_br | |
+|l10n_ca | |
+|l10n_ch | |
+|l10n_cn | |
+|l10n_cr | |
+|l10n_de | |
+|l10n_ec | |
+|l10n_es | |
+|l10n_fr | |
+|l10n_gr | |
+|l10n_gt | |
+|l10n_in | |
+|l10n_it | |
+|l10n_lu | |
+|l10n_ma | |
+|l10n_mx | |
+|l10n_nl | |
+|l10n_pl | |
+|l10n_ro | |
+|l10n_th | |
+|l10n_uk | |
+|l10n_ve | |
+|lunch | |
+|mail_gateway | |
+|marketing | |
+|marketing_campaign | |
+|marketing_campaign_crm_demo | |
+|membership | |
+|mrp |Done |
+|mrp_jit | |
+|mrp_operations | |
+|mrp_repair | |
+|mrp_subproduct | |
+|multi_company | |
+|outlook | |
+|pad | |
+|point_of_sale | |
+|process |Nothing to do |
+|procurement |Done |
+|product |Done |
+|product_expiry | |
+|product_manufacturer | |
+|product_margin | |
+|product_visible_discount | |
+|profile_tools | |
+|project |Done |
+|project_caldav | |
+|project_gtd | |
+|project_issue | |
+|project_issue_sheet | |
+|project_long_term | |
+|project_mailgate | |
+|project_messages | |
+|project_mrp | |
+|project_planning | |
+|project_retro_planning | |
+|project_scrum | |
+|project_timesheet |Done |
+|purchase |Done |
+|purchase_analytic_plans |Nothing to do |
+|purchase_double_validation | |
+|purchase_requisition | |
+|report_designer | |
+|report_intrastat | |
+|report_webkit | |
+|report_webkit_sample | |
+|resource | |
+|sale |Done |
+|sale_analytic_plans |Nothing to do |
+|sale_crm | |
+|sale_journal |Done |
+|sale_layout | |
+|sale_margin | |
+|sale_mrp | |
+|sale_order_dates | |
+|share | |
+|stock |Done |
+|stock_invoice_directly | |
+|stock_location | |
+|stock_no_autopicking | |
+|stock_planning | |
+|subscription | |
+|survey | |
+|thunderbird | |
+|users_ldap |Nothing to do |
+|warning | |
+|web_livechat | |
+|web_uservoice | |
+|wiki | |
+|wiki_faq | |
+|wiki_quality_manual | |
+|wiki_sale_faq | |
=== added file 'openerp/openupgrade/doc/source/modules61-70.rst'
--- openerp/openupgrade/doc/source/modules61-70.rst 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ openerp/openupgrade/doc/source/modules61-70.rst 2013-02-20 16:41:33 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+Module coverage 6.1 -> 7.0
+|Module |Status |
+|base |In preparation by Therp |
+|account | |
+|account_accountant | |
+|account_analytic_analysis | |
+|account_analytic_default | |
+|account_analytic_plans | |
+|account_anglo_saxon | |
+|account_asset | |
+|account_bank_statement_extensions | |
+|account_budget | |
+|account_cancel | |
+|account_chart | |
+|account_check_writing | |
+|account_followup | |
+|account_payment | |
+|account_sequence | |
+|account_test | |
+|account_voucher | |
+|analytic | |
+|analytic_contract_hr_expense | |
+|analytic_user_function | |
+|anonymization | |
+|association | |
+|audittrail | |
+|auth_crypt | |
+|auth_ldap | |
+|auth_oauth | |
+|auth_oauth_signup | |
+|auth_openid | |
+|auth_signup | |
+|base_action_rule | |
+|base_calendar | |
+|base_gengo | |
+|base_iban | |
+|base_import | |
+|base_report_designer | |
+|base_setup | |
+|base_status | |
+|base_vat | |
+|board | |
+|claim_from_delivery | |
+|contacts | |
+|crm | |
+|crm_claim | |
+|crm_helpdesk | |
+|crm_partner_assign | |
+|crm_profiling | |
+|crm_todo | |
+|decimal_precision | |
+|delivery | |
+|document | |
+|document_ftp | |
+|document_page | |
+|document_webdav | |
+|edi | |
+|email_template | |
+|event | |
+|event_moodle | |
+|event_sale | |
+|fetchmail | |
+|fleet | |
+|google_base_account | |
+|google_docs | |
+|hr | |
+|hr_attendance | |
+|hr_contract | |
+|hr_evaluation | |
+|hr_expense | |
+|hr_holidays | |
+|hr_payroll | |
+|hr_payroll_account | |
+|hr_recruitment | |
+|hr_timesheet | |
+|hr_timesheet_invoice | |
+|hr_timesheet_sheet | |
+|idea | |
+|knowledge | |
+|l10n_ar | |
+|l10n_at | |
+|l10n_be | |
+|l10n_be_coda | |
+|l10n_be_hr_payroll | |
+|l10n_be_hr_payroll_account | |
+|l10n_be_invoice_bba | |
+|l10n_bo | |
+|l10n_br | |
+|l10n_ca | |
+|l10n_ch | |
+|l10n_cl | |
+|l10n_cn | |
+|l10n_co | |
+|l10n_cr | |
+|l10n_de | |
+|l10n_ec | |
+|l10n_es | |
+|l10n_et | |
+|l10n_fr | |
+|l10n_fr_hr_payroll | |
+|l10n_fr_rib | |
+|l10n_gr | |
+|l10n_gt | |
+|l10n_hn | |
+|l10n_hr | |
+|l10n_in | |
+|l10n_in_hr_payroll | |
+|l10n_it | |
+|l10n_lu | |
+|l10n_ma | |
+|l10n_multilang | |
+|l10n_mx | |
+|l10n_nl | |
+|l10n_pa | |
+|l10n_pe | |
+|l10n_pl | |
+|l10n_pt | |
+|l10n_ro | |
+|l10n_si | |
+|l10n_syscohada | |
+|l10n_th | |
+|l10n_tr | |
+|l10n_uk | |
+|l10n_us | |
+|l10n_uy | |
+|l10n_ve | |
+|lunch | |
+|mail | |
+|marketing | |
+|marketing_campaign | |
+|marketing_campaign_crm_demo | |
+|membership | |
+|mrp | |
+|mrp_byproduct | |
+|mrp_jit | |
+|mrp_operations | |
+|mrp_repair | |
+|multi_company | |
+|note | |
+|note_pad | |
+|pad | |
+|pad_project | |
+|plugin | |
+|plugin_outlook | |
+|plugin_thunderbird | |
+|point_of_sale | |
+|portal | |
+|portal_anonymous | |
+|portal_claim | |
+|portal_crm | |
+|portal_event | |
+|portal_hr_employees | |
+|portal_project | |
+|portal_project_issue | |
+|portal_sale | |
+|portal_stock | |
+|process | |
+|procurement | |
+|product | |
+|product_expiry | |
+|product_manufacturer | |
+|product_margin | |
+|product_visible_discount | |
+|project | |
+|project_gtd | |
+|project_issue | |
+|project_issue_sheet | |
+|project_long_term | |
+|project_mrp | |
+|project_timesheet | |
+|purchase | |
+|purchase_analytic_plans | |
+|purchase_double_validation | |
+|purchase_requisition | |
+|report_intrastat | |
+|report_webkit | |
+|resource | |
+|sale | |
+|sale_analytic_plans | |
+|sale_crm | |
+|sale_journal | |
+|sale_margin | |
+|sale_mrp | |
+|sale_order_dates | |
+|sale_stock | |
+|share | |
+|stock | |
+|stock_invoice_directly | |
+|stock_location | |
+|stock_no_autopicking | |
+|subscription | |
+|survey | |
+|tab | |
+|warning | |
+|web_analytics | |
+|web_linkedin | |
+|web_shortcuts | |
=== modified file 'openerp/openupgrade/doc/source/status.rst'
--- openerp/openupgrade/doc/source/status.rst 2012-11-24 22:22:00 +0000
+++ openerp/openupgrade/doc/source/status.rst 2013-02-20 16:41:33 +0000
@@ -1,24 +1,31 @@
Status of the components
The following components have been foreseen in the design of the OpenUpgrade
- * A logging facility that dumps the OpenERP database layout in a format that can be processed further. It is included in the server distribution. This functionality has been implemented for OpenERP 5, 6.0 and 6.1. Status: usable.
- * A number of scripts to process the database dump. The scripts are included in the server distribution. Status: usable.
- * A libary with support functions to be called from the migration scripts. See :doc:`API`. This library is included in the server distribution. Status: the library provides all functions that are currently called for in the migration scripts.
+ * An OpenERP module *OpenUpgrade Records* to generate and compare representations of installed modules on different versions of OpenUpgrade server. Status: stable.
+ * A logging facility that dumps the OpenERP database layout in a format that can be processed further. It is included in the server distribution. This functionality has been implemented for OpenERP 5, 6.0 and 6.1. Status: deprecated by the OpenUpgrade Records module.
+ * A number of scripts to process the database dump. The scripts are included in the server distribution. Status: deprecated by the OpenUpgrade Records module.
+ * A libary with support functions to be called from the migration scripts. See :doc:`API`. This library is included in the server distribution. Status: stable.
* A report facility that displays the user notes per module after an upgrade, and performs an analysis of required fields that were left empty on one or more records in the database, for the administrator to supply values for. Status: not yet developed.
- * For all official addons, migration scripts should be provided for migrating between major releases of OpenERP. This is the goal of the project. For OpenERP 5 -> 6.0, there are migration scripts for the *base* and *account* modules (incl. analytic), but not the dependencies *process*, *board* and *product*. For OpenERP 6.0 -> 6.1, see :doc:`modules60-61`.
- * Documentation for developers and users. You are currently reading it. The documentation is maintained in the latest server branch. Status: always to be improved upon!
+ * Documentation for developers and users. You are currently reading it. The documentation is maintained in the latest server branch. Status: needs updating.
+Module coverage
+For all official addons, migration scripts should be provided for migrating between subsequent major releases of OpenERP. This is the goal of the project. The design is such that the effort can be distributed between different developing parties. See below for an overview of module coverage per version.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
+ modules50-60
+ modules61-70
Follow ups