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Fwd: Fwd: [dhis-mobile] Call for mobile requirements


Dear Mobile Developers,
As a follow up to your request for new functionality, here are a few issues
which we would like to see addressed here in Zambia. These came from Akros,
who is managing several big implementations here in Zambia.

Best regards,

1) PIN-based authentication for smartphone client

I realize that this may not be directly the mobile devs which are working
on the Android client, but not really sure who is managing this process
with the Android app developer?

2) Persistent sessions on smartphone client
Login once, and forget having to login again (sort of like facebook).

3) Linkage between visualizer and data capture clients on smartphone, so no
need for separate apps

4) Android widget for visualizer - or make the current Android visualizer
persist to make access to data simple for people like Chief Macha.

5) Access to URL on Java client.

Not sure why this was taken away, but we often train people on once
instance, and then swtich them to a production instance later. This is
troublesome with the current client.

6) Some way to access multiple instances from one Java client.  Use case:
we are trying to build a cadre of  Community health wokers (CHWs)/Community
Champions that feed data through to multiple ministries.  Ministry of
Health (MOH) gets the malaria data,  Ministry of Local Government (MLGH)
gets sanitation data, etc.  If we could have a wrapper app that allows CHWs
to select which capacity they are serving in (i.e., MLGH or MOH), then upon
selection the appropriate java client opens with the corresponding URL.
Otherwise, we will have multiple phones per CHW which doesn't make a great
deal of sense.  I have thought this through and don't think it can be
managed on the server side.  In the field, EHTs have to report to at least
two different ministries: MLGH and MOH.  Unless we can convince both to use
the same server instance, which seems unlikely, we need to manage it from
the client side.

Follow ups