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URLS in the docs


Hi there.

I have just updated the documentation to allow for the use of custom
entities. Basically, we can have a custom file like

<!ENTITY base_url "https://play.dhis2.org/dev";>

which defines a custom DocBook entity in a global entity file. . Then, in
the docs

instead of this ...

curl "play.dhis2.org/demo/api/dataStore/foo/key_1" -X PUT -d "[1, 2, 3]" -H
"Content-Type: application/json" -u admin:district -v

We would write ...

curl "&base_url;/api/dataStore/foo/key_1" -X PUT -d "[1, 2, 3]" -H
"Content-Type: application/json" -u admin:district -v

The reason for this is to allow for consistency across the documentation,
as we refer to some URL which is often used to demo something, in many
different ways. We can also easily modify this to reflect differences
between the stable and snapshot documentation.

So, if you are documenting something on the API, please use the latter
syntax with "&base_url; to refer to https://play.dhis2.org/dev . I realize
this may cause a bit of headache as you may be used to copy and pasting, so
don't worry about it too much, as we can clean it up afterwards, but if you
do remember, this will help to improve the quality of the docs a bit, as at
least the URLS which are referenced there should work to provide better
examples to people.


Jason P. Pickering
email: jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx