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Problem with translations and displayName


Hi Morten (and devs),

There seems to be an issue with translations currently. The expected
behaviour would be for the displayName to be populated by the translated
name of the object, but this is currently not happening.


POST french translation of “Reproductive health” to dev:

curl 'https://play.dhis2.org/dev/api/24/dataSets/QX4ZTUbOt3a/translations'
-X PUT -u admin:district 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept:
application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01' --data-binary
$'{"translations":[{"property":"NAME","locale":"en_GB","value":"PHUF 3
- Reproductive health
3"},{"property":"NAME","locale":"fr","value":"La sant\xe9
sant\xe9 reproductive"}]}'

GET the object

curl 'https://play.dhis2.org/dev/api/24/dataSets/QX4ZTUbOt3a?fields=displayName,translations'
'Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01'


  displayName: "Reproductive Health",
      property: "SHORT_NAME",
      locale: "fr",
      value: "La santé reproductive"
      property: "SHORT_NAME",
      locale: "en_GB",
      value: "PHUF 3"
      property: "NAME",
      locale: "fr",
      value: "La santé reproductive"
      property: "NAME",
      locale: "en_GB",
      value: "PHUF 3 - Reproductive health services"


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