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[Branch ~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk] Rev 70: Config documentation + enhanced tooltip.


revno: 70
committer: Jan Henrik Overland janhenrik.overland@xxxxxxxxx
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Mon 2009-03-16 12:29:29 +0530
  Config documentation + enhanced tooltip.

=== modified file 'gis/dhis-gis-geostat/demos/geostat/config.js'
--- gis/dhis-gis-geostat/demos/geostat/config.js	2009-03-14 10:21:55 +0000
+++ gis/dhis-gis-geostat/demos/geostat/config.js	2009-03-16 06:59:29 +0000
@@ -1,16 +1,43 @@
+localhost_port = 8180;
-choropleth1 = '../../../geoserver/wfs?request=GetFeature&typename=who:admin0&outputformat=json&version=1.0.0'; // country
-choropleth2 = '../../../geoserver/wfs?request=GetFeature&typename=who:admin1&outputformat=json&version=1.0.0'; // provinces
-choropleth3 = '../../../geoserver/wfs?request=GetFeature&typename=who:admin2&outputformat=json&version=1.0.0'; // districts
-choropleth4 = '../../../geoserver/wfs?request=GetFeature&typename=who:admin3&outputformat=json&version=1.0.0'; // chiefdoms
+empty = '';
+level_1 = '../../../geoserver/wfs?request=GetFeature&typename=who:admin1&outputformat=json&version=1.0.0'; // provinces
+level_2 = '../../../geoserver/wfs?request=GetFeature&typename=who:admin2&outputformat=json&version=1.0.0'; // districts
+level_3 = '../../../geoserver/wfs?request=GetFeature&typename=who:admin3&outputformat=json&version=1.0.0'; // chiefdoms
-shapefiles = new Array(choropleth1, choropleth2, choropleth3, choropleth4);
+shapefiles = new Array(empty, level_1, level_2, level_3);
 shpcols = {
-    1: [ { type: "Province", name: "NAME", geocode: "NAME", value: "value" } ],
-    2: [ { type: "District", name: "NAME", geocode: "NAME", value: "value", parent1: "ADM1_NAME" } ],
-    3: [ { type: "Chiefdom", name: "CHIEFDOM", geocode: "CHIEFDOM", value: "value", parent1: "PROVINCE", parent2: "DISTRICT" } ],
-    4: [ { type: "Org. unit", name: "name", geocode: "ID", value: "value", parent1: "PROVINCE", parent2: "DISTRICT", parent3: "CHIEFDOM" } ] };
+    1: [ { type: "Province", // What kind of orgunit. Displayed in the info box.
+           name: "NAME", // Shapefile column holding the name of the orgunit. Displayed in the info box.
+           geocode: "NAME", // Shapefile column holding a unique value
+           value: "value" } ], // Must be set to "value"
+    2: [ { type: "District",
+           name: "NAME",
+           geocode: "NAME",
+           value: "value", // Must be set to "value"
+           parent1: "ADM1_NAME" } ], // Shapefile column holding the name of the parent orgunit (1 level above)
+    3: [ { type: "Chiefdom",
+           name: "CHIEFDOM",
+           geocode: "CHIEFDOM",
+           value: "value", // Must be set to "value"
+           parent1: "DISTRICT", // Shapefile column holding the name of the parent orgunit (1 level above)
+           parent2: "PROVINCE" } ], // (2 levels above)
+    4: [ { type: "Org. unit",
+           name: "name",
+           geocode: "ID",
+           value: "value", // Must be set to "value"
+           parent1: "CHIEFDOM", // Shapefile column holding the name of the parent orgunit (1 level above)
+           parent2: "DISTRICT", // (2 levels above)
+           parent3: "PROVINCE" } ] // (3 levels above)
 pointLayer = 4; // the shpcols point layer number
@@ -20,9 +47,9 @@
 propSymbolLayerName = "Proportional Symbol";
-localhost_port = 8180;
-gridpanel_width = 180;
\ No newline at end of file
+west_width = 270; // viewport west
+south_height = 100; // viewport south
+gridpanel_width = 255;
+combo_width = 150;
\ No newline at end of file

=== modified file 'gis/dhis-gis-geostat/demos/geostat/index.html'
--- gis/dhis-gis-geostat/demos/geostat/index.html	2009-03-14 10:21:55 +0000
+++ gis/dhis-gis-geostat/demos/geostat/index.html	2009-03-16 06:59:29 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";>
-  <title>Geostat demo</title>
+  <title>DHIS2 Geostat</title>
   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../mfbase/ext/resources/css/ext-all.css"/>
 <!--  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../mfbase/ext/resources/css/xtheme-gray.css" />  -->
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
                   contentEl: 'south',
                   id: 'south-panel',
                   split: true,
-                  height: 100,
+                  height: south_height,
                   minSize: 100,
                   maxSize: 100,
                   collapsible: true,
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@
                   title: '',
                   split: true,
                   collapsible: true,
-                  width: 250,
+                  width: west_width,
                   minSize: 175,
                   maxSize: 500,
                   margins: '0 0 0 5',
@@ -338,25 +338,27 @@
           style = '<p style="margin-top: 5px; padding-left:5px;">';
+          space = '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
           if (choropleth.selectedLevel == 1) {
-              var html = style + '<b>' + shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel][0].type + ': </b>' + feature.attributes[shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel][0].name] + '</p>';
+              var html = style + '<b>' + shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel][0].type + ':</b>' + space + feature.attributes[shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel][0].name] + '</p>';
               html += '<br>';
-              html += style + '<b>Value: </b>' + feature.attributes[shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel][0].value] + '</p>';
+              html += style + '<b>Value:</b>' + space + feature.attributes[shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel][0].value] + '</p>';
           if (choropleth.selectedLevel == 2) {
-              var html = style + '<b>' + shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel-1][0].type + ': </b>' + feature.attributes[shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel][0].parent1] + '</p>';
-              html += style + '<b>' + shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel][0].type + ': </b>' + feature.attributes[shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel][0].name] + '</p>';
+              var html = style + '<b>' + shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel][0].type + ':</b>' + space + feature.attributes[shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel][0].name] + '</p>';
+              html += style + '<b>' + shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel-1][0].type + ':</b>' + space + feature.attributes[shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel][0].parent1] + '</p>';
               html += '<br>';
-              html += style + '<b>Value: </b>' + feature.attributes[shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel][0].value] + '</p>';
+              html += style + '<b>Value:</b>' + space + feature.attributes[shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel][0].value] + '</p>';
           if (choropleth.selectedLevel == 3) {
-              var html = style + '<b>' + shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel-2][0].type + ': </b>' + feature.attributes[shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel][0].parent2] + '</p>';
-              html += style + '<b>' + shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel-1][0].type + ': </b>' + feature.attributes[shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel][0].parent1] + '</p>';
-              html += style + '<b>' + shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel][0].type + ': </b>' + feature.attributes[shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel][0].name] + '</p>';
+              var html = style + '<b>' + shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel][0].type + ':</b>' + space + feature.attributes[shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel][0].name] + '</p>';
+              html += style + '<b>' + shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel-1][0].type + ':</b>' + space + feature.attributes[shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel][0].parent1] + '</p>';
+              html += style + '<b>' + shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel-2][0].type + ':</b>' + space + feature.attributes[shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel][0].parent2] + '</p>';
               html += '<br>';
-              html += style + '<b>Value: </b>' + feature.attributes[shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel][0].value] + '</p>';
+              html += style + '<b>Value:</b>' + space + feature.attributes[shpcols[choropleth.selectedLevel][0].value] + '</p>';
           popup_feature.html = html;
@@ -496,6 +498,8 @@
         var indicatorId = Ext.getCmp('indicator_cb').getValue();
         var periodId = Ext.getCmp('period_cb').getValue();
         var level = Ext.getCmp('level_cb').getValue();
+alert(indicatorId + "\n" + periodId + "\n" + level);        
         if (choropleth.isDrillDown) {
             level = choropleth.selectedLevel + 1;
@@ -585,7 +589,7 @@
           for ( var i=0; i < dataLength; i++ )
-              if (features[j].attributes[shpcols[level][0].geocode] == data.mapvalues[i].orgUnit)
+              if (features[j].attributes[shpcols[level][0].geocode] == data.mapvalues[i].geoCode)
                   features[j].attributes["value"] = data.mapvalues[i].value;

=== modified file 'gis/dhis-gis-geostat/mfbase/mapfish/widgets/geostat/Choropleth.js'
--- gis/dhis-gis-geostat/mfbase/mapfish/widgets/geostat/Choropleth.js	2009-03-14 10:21:55 +0000
+++ gis/dhis-gis-geostat/mfbase/mapfish/widgets/geostat/Choropleth.js	2009-03-16 06:59:29 +0000
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
         indicatorStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
-              url: 'http://localhost:' + localhost_port + '/dhis-webservice/getAllIndicators.service?format=jsonmin',
+              url: 'http://localhost:' + localhost_port + '/dhis-webservice/getIndicatorsByIndicatorGroup.service',
               root: 'indicators',
               fields: ['id', 'name'],
               autoLoad: false
@@ -233,6 +233,7 @@
             triggerAction: 'all',
             emptyText: 'Select group',
             selectOnFocus: true,
+            width: combo_width,
             store: indicatorGroupStore,
             listeners: {
                 'select': {
@@ -261,6 +262,7 @@
             triggerAction: 'all',
             emptyText: 'Select indicator',
             selectOnFocus: true,
+            width: combo_width,
             store: indicatorStore
@@ -276,6 +278,7 @@
             triggerAction: 'all',
             emptyText: 'Select period type',
             selectOnFocus: true,
+            width: combo_width,
             store: periodTypeStore,
             listeners: {
                 'select': {
@@ -303,6 +306,7 @@
             triggerAction: 'all',
             emptyText: 'Select period',
             selectOnFocus: true,
+            width: combo_width,
             store: periodStore
@@ -319,13 +323,14 @@
             triggerAction: 'all',
             emptyText: 'Select level',
             selectOnFocus: true,
+            width: combo_width,
             store: levelStore,
             listeners: {
                 'select': {
                     fn: function() {
-                    alert(shapefiles[this.form.findField('level_cb').getValue()]);
-                        this.selectedLevel = this.form.findField('level_cb').getValue();
-                        this.newUrl = shapefiles[this.form.findField('level_cb').getValue()];
+                        var level = this.form.findField('level_cb').getValue();
+                        this.selectedLevel = level;
+                        this.newUrl = shapefiles[level];
                     scope: this
@@ -366,6 +371,7 @@
             mode: 'local',
             value: 5,
             triggerAction: 'all',
+            width: combo_width,
             store: new Ext.data.SimpleStore({
                 fields: ['value'],
                 data: [[0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]]
@@ -386,6 +392,7 @@
             triggerAction: 'all',
             emptyText: 'Select legend',
             selectOnFocus: true,
+            width: combo_width,
             store: legendStore,
             listeners: {
                 'select': {
@@ -428,6 +435,7 @@
             id: 'colorA_cf',
             width: 100,
             allowBlank: false,
+            width: combo_width,
             value: "#FFFF00"
             xtype: 'colorfield',
@@ -436,6 +444,7 @@
             id: 'colorB_cf',
             width: 100,
             allowBlank: false,
+            width: combo_width,
             value: "#FF0000"
             xtype: 'button',
@@ -462,6 +471,7 @@
             triggerAction: 'all',
             emptyText: 'Select level',
             selectOnFocus: true,
+            width: combo_width,
             store: levelStore,
             listeners: {
                 'select': {
@@ -500,6 +510,7 @@
                 { id: 'name', dataIndex: 'name', sortable: true, width: gridpanel_width-2 }
             autoHeight: true,
+            autoScroll: true,
             width: gridpanel_width



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