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Re: dhis lite


Hi Lars

Thanks for checking this out.  I was wondering if it was in a void ...

2009/3/30 Lars Helge Øverland <larshelge@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hey Bob,
> this sounds nice. I have contributed some hacking myself:
> - Updated versions of jetty and jetty-util in the lite POM to the latest
> (and existing:) ones in the mvn central repo.
Great thanks.  I was only finding ver 6.0.X so I installed in my local
repository.  This is better.

> - Regarding the assembly gotcha, I added a dependency to dhis-web-portal in
> the lite POM. To me it looks as if the portal DHIS 2 WAR file now gets
> merged into the lite JAR after doing assembly:assembly. Could you have a
> look and see if its OK? Obviously, this requires you to have the
> dhis-web-portal project installed in your local m2 repo. Also, it looks as
> if the WebAppServer is hardcoded to the "webapp" folder, is this something
> we could avoid now?
This looks good.  I was playing with having the war in
/src/main/resources but it ended up getting copied in twice leading to
a 65M jar!  This seems to work better and follow the "maven way".  I'm
still in 2 minds whether I like the 33M executable jar, but more
thoughts below.  The webappserver has to locate the root of its webapp
somewhere.  I had put it up a directory to get it out of the root
directory of the jar.  I can easily put it back in root though will
have to give some thought to the implications regarding what jetty
might surprizingly serve up as a result.  But I suspect its ok.
Jettys going to look up a directory in WEB-INF anyway.  Will test it
right now.

> - Upgraded to the latest h2 database version in DHIS 2, will test it more
> regarding production use.

Good.  I was going to suggest this.

> - Could we have a Compiz-enabled 3D animation of the status? Just kidding.

Kidding aside, I'm not too worried about the gnome stuff at all - I
suspect we are really targeting the windoze platforms with this.
Still its nice to be cross platform.  Haven't tested on KDE.

Some thoughts:
1.  there seems no escape from having a directory configured
(DHIS2_HOME) for holding (a) hibernate.properties and (b) the database
(assuming use of H2 or javaDB).  OK we might not need
hibernate.properties if we change the default configuration from
current in-memory to file based.  But we need to have some reference
for where the db will be stored.
2.  I've been playing a bit with the idea of storing the db right back
in the jar again, but I'm not really sure if this makes a great deal
of sense.  Would require an executable self-mutating jar which is
probably possible and might even make sense for small db's, but I
think it becomes a security nitemare.
3.  Given that we then require an external directory to hold some
state (including log files) I come back to thinking it is best to
place the dhis.war in there rather than bundle inside the executable
jar.  But for the moment we at least do know that it can be done which
is something :-)


> Lars

Follow ups
