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Re: How to handle NULL values in report tables?


On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 6:22 PM, Jason Pickering <
jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Lars,
> I am not really sure. I think I would have to see it to see if it
> meets what is required here. Again, here it is very difficult to
> decide what is compulsory and what is not. This will take some time to
> sort out and would really need to be based on what is available in
> terms of services at each facility, as different orgunits would really
> be required to report all the time on certain data elements. Some
> orgunits will not offer VCT, but for others, it might be compulsory.So
> some units would need to submit data on certain elements all the time,
> while others would not.  I think this would eventually be the way to
> go, but for now, we are really just concerned with trends of data
> submissions. It is not expected at this point that all of our
> facilities will be submitting all data elements all the time. But, if
> there are significant drops or spikes in data submission ratios, then
> this is something that should be investigated.
> I have extended the SQL I sent a while back to a slightly more general
> case, attached with this mail, to compare submission ratios over time.
>  It is approaching something procedural, and could probably be
> implemented in Java fairly simply. I have attached the report as well.
> I still have some concerns about the queries, but they are pretty
> close to being corrent.  Notice that several things in the SQL are
> hardcoded to the Zambia case, and would need to be further
> generalized, but at least it would give you an idea where we are
> heading here.

My apprehension is that you need to be able to select a orgunit, period and
data set, and for that combination display:

- number of expected values submitted
- number of values submitted

We can write this content to a report in the system and to a database table.
This table could be joined with the orgunitstructure table in a view.

Will put this on the priority list, don't see any reasons why we can't make

