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[Branch ~dhis2-documenters/dhis2/dhis2-docbook-docs] Rev 40: Report docs


revno: 40
committer: knutst_adm <knutst_adm@knutst2-l>
branch nick: dhis2-docbook-docs
timestamp: Mon 2009-11-16 01:06:42 +0100
  Report docs


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=== modified file 'src/docbkx/en/dhis2_user_man_mod9.xml'
--- src/docbkx/en/dhis2_user_man_mod9.xml	2009-11-15 23:30:57 +0000
+++ src/docbkx/en/dhis2_user_man_mod9.xml	2009-11-16 00:06:42 +0000
@@ -104,5 +104,42 @@
 <para>This is controlled through something called aggregation levels and at the end of the edit data element screen there is a tick-box called Aggregation Levels. If you tick that one you will see a list of aggregation levels, available and selected. Default is to have no aggregation levels defined, then all raw data in the hierarchy will be added together. To specify the rule described above, and given a hierarchy of Country, Province, District, Facility: select Facility and District as your aggregation levels. Basically you select where you have data. Selecting Facility means that Facilities will use data from facilities (given since this is the lowest level). Selecting District means that the District level raw data will be used when aggregating data for District level (hence no aggregation will take place at that level), and the facility data will not be part of the aggregated District values. When aggregating data at Province level the District level raw data will be used since this is the highest available aggregation level selected. Also for Country level aggregates the District raw data will be used. Just to repeat, if we had not specified that District level was an aggregation level, then the facility data and district data would have been added together and caused duplicate (double) population data for districts and all levels above.</para>
-  </sect1>
+<title>Report tables</title>
+Report tables are meant to be database tables fulfilling the specific data needs of a report, chart, pivot table or other output format. It can be understood as a mini datamart that contains only the data needed for its purpose (the report). The rationale behind this concept is to automatically provide the data sources for reports without bothering the users every time, like a normal datamart, and to speed up the data processing and aggregation (small targeted datamarts are obviously faster than big ones). 
+When created and generated a report table will appear in the DHIS 2 database as a normal table, but always with the prefix _report. This table should not be altered manually as it is controlled by the system. These tables are constantly being deleted and recreated as the user wants new updated data within the same table structure. These tables can then be access and used from any third party tool for displaying data. In DHIS 2 we have integrated with the BIRT report designer from the Eclipse platform and made it especially easy to link BIRT reports to report tables and to run these reports from within DHIS 2. However, we see report tables as a much broader tool and concept than to just support BIRT reports. It can and should (for performance gain and automation) be used for as many data output purposes as possible. e.g. as data sources for the database views used for Excel pivot tables. 
+Report tables are meant to be defined once and then run automatically in the background each time a report that depends on it is generated. Reports (BIRT, the default report in DHIS 2) is directly linked to one or more report tables and these are automatically processed in the background when the report is run. To make the report tables reusable over time and across orgunits they can have parameters. Three types of parameters are allowed; orgunit, parent orgunit (for listing of orgunits in one area) and reporting month. As a side note I can mention that we are looking into expanding this to include reporting quarter and year, or to make that period parameter more generic with regard to period type somehow. Be able to use period as a parameter makes the report table reusable over time and as such fits nicely with report needs such as monthly, quarterly or annual reports. When a report is run by the user in the DHIS 2 the user must specify the values for the report tables that are linked to the report, and first the report table is re-generated (deleted and re-created with updated data) and then the report is run (in BIRT report engine). 
+Report tables can consist of either values related to data elements or indicators, and not a mix of the two. A third report table type is data completeness, which is related to completeness of reporting across orgunits for a given month. Completeness reports will be covered in a separate section. The reason for not mixing data elements and indicators in one report table is due to the cross tab functionality that would be very complex and less useful with yet another dimension. Since two or more report tables can easily be linked to one report this limitation should not have much effect on report design possibilities. 
+There are three dimensions in a report table that identify the data; indicators or data elements, orgunits and periods. For each of these dimensions the user can select which metadata values to include in the report. The user must select one or more data elements or indicators to appear in the report. The orgunit selection can be substituted with a parameter, wither one specific orgunit or an orgunit parent (making all its children appear in the report). If one or more orgunits are selected and no orgunit parameter is used then the report is static with regard to which orgunits to include, which in most cases is an unnecessary restriction to a report. The period selection is more advanced as it can in addition to specific periods like Jan-09, Q1-08, 2007 also contain what is called relative periods. As report usually is run routinely over time a specific period like Jan-09 is not very useful in a report. In stead, if you want to design a monthly report you could use the relative period called Reporting Month. Then you must also include Reporting Month as one of your report parameters to let the system know what exactly is the Reporting Month on the time of report generation. There are many other relative periods available and they all relate to the report parameter Reporting Month. E.g. the relative period called So far this year refers to the accumulative value for the year incl. the Reporting Month. If you want a trend report with multiple periods in stead of one aggregated period you can select e.g. Individual Months this year which would give you values for each month so far in the year, and you can do a similar report with quarters. The idea is to support as many generic report types as possible using relative periods, so if you have other report needs please suggest new relative periods on the mailing list and they will be added to the report table options. 
+Cross tabbing is a very powerful functionality in report design as the typical DHIS data table with references to period, data element/indicator and orgunit makes more advanced report design very difficult as you cannot put e.g. specific indicators, periods or orgunits on specific columns. E.g. by cross-tabbing on the indicator dimension in an indicator report table you will get the indicator names on the column headers in you report, in addition to a column referencing orgunit, and another column referencing period. With such a table design you could drag and drop indicator names to specific columns or chart positions in the BIRT report design. Similarly you can cross tab on orgunits or periods to make their names specifically available to report design. E.g. by cross-tabbing on periods and selecting the two relative periods, reporting month and so far this year you can design reports with both the last month and the accumulative annual value for given month as they will be available as column headers in your report table. It is also possible to combine two dimensions in cross-tabbing, e.g. period and indicator, which makes it possible to e.g. look at three selected indicators for two specific relative periods. This would e.g. make it possible to make a table or chart based report with BCG, DPT3 and Measles coverage, both for the last month and the accumulative coverage so far in the year. 
+All in all, by combining the functionality of cross tabbing, relative periods and report table parameters you should have a tool to support most report scenarios. If not we would be very happy to receive suggestions to further improvements to report tables. As already mentioned we have started to look at more fine-grained parameters for the period dimension as the Reporting Month does not cover or at least is not intuitive enough when it comes to e.g. quarterly reports.
+ <sect2>
+<title>BIRT reports</title>
+ <sect3>
+<title>Create a report table in DHIS 2</title>
+<para>- create a report table in DHIS 2 is to create so-called report tables in DHIS, found under Reports module, which will serve as the data table for your report. Normally one table per report, but multiple tables for one report is also possible. A report table can be a cross tabulated table on any of the dimensions period/indicator/data element / orgunit, and also in combination, like “BCG &lt; 1 coverage + last 3 months” and “BCG coverage &lt; 1 year+ last month”. This cross-tabulation makes it a lot easier to control the design of the report which is then done with dragging and dropping column headings onto the report. The report table can also have report parameters like reporting month, organisation unit and organisation unit parent (if you are e.g. listing all sub-districts in a given district).</para>
+ <sect3>
+<title>Design the report in BIRT</title>
+<para>Then you design the report in the stand-alone BIRT designer (based on the Eclipse platform) and access the report table in the DHIS 2 database using a jdbc connection and an sql query (all using the BIRT user interface). When you have connected to the table and selected which columns to use they will be available as fields that you can drag and drop onto your report design. In BIRT you can preview the report at any point, and when you're done you can save the report as an xml file (.rptdesign). More instructions here:</para>
+ <sect3>
+<title>Define and run the report in DHIS</title>
+<para>(the very first time you need to configure where the BIRT report viewer is installed, go to Reports→Report→Configure report) In DHIS 2 you can define a report in the Reports module that you link to a report table and provide with a name. Then the report is ready to be generated and displayed, and this can be done in two ways, 1) run report with new data or run report with existing data. This all depends on whether your report table is populated already or not. Most likely you will have to run it with new data and then you are asked to provide values for the report parameters (if defined in the report table) and then the table will be populated in teh background and a new window will show the report as soon as it is ready. The new window will actually be generated by the BIRT report viewer, which is a separate web application running on the same tomcat instance.</para>

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