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[Branch ~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk] Rev 1031: Revised data submissions/completeness SQL script added to zm_hmis folder


revno: 1031
committer: Jason Pickering <jason@jason-laptop>
branch nick: dhis2
timestamp: Mon 2009-11-16 10:44:37 +0200
  Revised data submissions/completeness SQL script added to zm_hmis folder
  resources/zm_hmis/sql/data_submissions_sql.txt => resources/zm_hmis/sql/data_submissions.sql


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=== renamed file 'resources/zm_hmis/sql/data_submissions_sql.txt' => 'resources/zm_hmis/sql/data_submissions.sql'
--- resources/zm_hmis/sql/data_submissions_sql.txt	2009-11-09 20:50:49 +0000
+++ resources/zm_hmis/sql/data_submissions.sql	2009-11-16 08:44:37 +0000
@@ -1,128 +1,161 @@
---Author: Jason P. --This code is a series of functions used to create a report to characterize --data submission rates for a particular time period using the DHIS 2 database. 
---create a type to hold the desired 
-sourceid integer,
-periodid integer, 
-datasetid integer,
-submittedcount bigint,
-expectedcount bigint);
--- Function: monthly_facility_data_submissions_onemonth(integer)
---This function will return a record set of submitted and expected data submissions for each level4 unit. 
---To do. Should be generalized for any particular organizational unit. 
--- DROP FUNCTION monthly_facility_data_submissions_onemonth(integer);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION monthly_facility_data_submissions_onemonth(myperiod integer)
-RETURNS SETOF datasubmissions_type $DECLARE 
-rec record;
-FOR rec in (
-SELECT orgunitstructure.idlevel4 as sourceid, submitted.periodid, submitted.datasetid, submitted.submitteddatacount , expected.expected as expectedcount from orgunitstructure JOIN 
---begin the join of the actual (SELECT count(datavalue.value) as submitteddatacount, datavalue.sourceid, datavalue.periodid, datasetmembers.datasetid from datavalue datavalue 
-JOIN datasetmembers datasetmembers on datasetmembers.dataelementid = datavalue.--accept a single paramater, and use this to select out all records for the desired time where datavalue.periodid = $GROUP BY datavalue.sourceid, datavalue.periodid, datasetmembers.datasetid) as submitted --only worry about orgunits with a level4 --TO DO: The function should probably extended to accept different hierarchy submitted.sourceid = orgunitstructure.--Start the join of expected dataelements for the ones that were actually (SELECT count(datasetmembers.dataelementid) as expected, datasetmembers.datasetid 
-FROM datasetmembers GROUP BY datasetmembers.datasetid )
-expected on 
-expected.datasetid = submitted.datasetid 
-where orgunitstructure.idlevel4 IS NOT NULL 
---Start the union of facilities that did not submitted anything, returning a set of --records with expected 
-SELECT nonsubmitters.sourceid, $1 as periodid, nonsubmitters.datasetid, NULL::bigint as submittedcount , expected.expected as expectedcount FROM (
-SELECT DISTINCT datasetsource.sourceid, datasetsource.datasetid from datasetsource SELECT DISTINCT datavalue.sourceid, datasetmembers.datasetid from datavalue JOIN datasetmembers datasetmembers ON datasetmembers.dataelementid = datavalue.where datavalue.periodid = $AND datavalue.sourceid IN (SELECT DISTINCT idlevel4 from orgunitstructure where idlevel4 is not null)) as (SELECT count(datasetmembers.dataelementid) as expected, datasetmembers.datasetid 
-FROM datasetmembers GROUP BY datasetmembers.datasetid)
-expected on 
-expected.datasetid = nonsubmitters.datasetid 
-ORDER BY sourceid, periodid, datasetid )
-$BODY--TODO: There are no procedureal elements in this function. Alter language to SQL. 
-LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' COST ROWS 1000;
-ALTER FUNCTION monthly_facility_data_submissions_onemonth(integer) OWNER TO dhis;
--- Function: monthly_facility_data_submissions_timeperiods(integer, integer)
---THis is a helper function to determine the actual periods between the 
---periods provided as report paramaters. 
---TO DO: Error checking to ensure that startperiod <= --TO DO: periodtype ID is hardcoded and refers to an integer. Should replace with some other mechanism to --TO DO: It is not safe to assume that periods are necessarily sequential. This function should accept date types, and return a set of period ids. 
---either the desired type of periodicity, or use a *~ expression to select out the monthly time period id 
--- DROP FUNCTION monthly_facility_data_submissions_timeperiods(integer, integer);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION monthly_facility_data_submissions_timeperiods(startperiod integer, endperiod integer)
-RETURNS SETOF integer $
-SELECT periodid from period startdate::timestamp >= (SELECT startdate from period where periodid = $1)::enddate::timestamp <= (SELECT enddate from period where periodid = $2)::AND 
-periodtypeid = '8'
-ORDER BY startdate;
-ALTER FUNCTION monthly_facility_data_submissions_timeperiods(integer, integer) OWNER TO dhis;
---This table will be used to house the materialized view 
---which will contain results from the monthly_facility_data_submissions_timeperiods() --procedure. 
--- Table: 
--- DROP TABLE mv_monthly_facility_data_submissions;
-sourceid integer,
-periodid integer,
-datasetid integer,
-submittedcount bigint,
-expectedcount bigint,
-id serial NOT NULL,
-CONSTRAINT pk_submissions_summary PRIMARY KEY (id)
-ALTER TABLE mv_monthly_facility_data_submissions OWNER TO dhis;
--- Index: 
--- DROP INDEX idx_periodid;
--- Function: monthly_facility_data_submissions_by_month(integer, integer)
---this fucntion will be used to repopulate the data submissions summary table. 
--- DROP FUNCTION monthly_facility_data_submissions_by_month(integer, integer);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION monthly_facility_data_submissions_by_month(startperiod integer, endperiod integer)
-RETURNS integer $BODY$
-timeperiods record;
---get rid of old records. 
---TO DO. Make this optional so that the table only updates new records, ignoring insert errors and updating old records. 
-TRUNCATE TABLE mv_monthly_facility_data_submissions;
-FOR timeperiods in SELECT monthly_facility_data_submissions_timeperiods($1, $2) 
-EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO mv_monthly_facility_data_submissions SELECT * FROM monthly_facility_data_submissions_onemonth(' || timeperiods.monthly_facility_data_submissions_timeperiods || ')';
-LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' COST 100;
-ALTER FUNCTION monthy_facility_data_submissions_by_month(integer, integer) OWNER TO dhis;
---The materialized view is refreshed by a select query. This could --be included in the report as an option, through the DHIS 2 interface with 
---some modification, executed manually through the PgAdmin interface,
---executed after bulk updates automatically, or scheduled to --regularly with the PgAgent. 
+--Author: Jason P. --This code is a series of functions used to create a report to characterize --data submission rates for a particular time period using the DHIS 2 database. 
+--create a type to hold the desired 
+CREATE TYPE datasubmissions_type AS(
+sourceid integer,
+periodid integer, 
+datasetid integer,
+submittedcount bigint,
+expectedcount bigint);
+-- Function: monthly_facility_data_submissions_onemonth(integer)
+-- DROP FUNCTION monthly_facility_data_submissions_onemonth(integer);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION monthly_facility_data_submissions_onemonth(myperiod integer)
+  RETURNS SETOF datasubmissions_type AS
+rec record;
+FOR rec in (
+SELECT orgunitstructure.idlevel4 as sourceid, submitted.periodid,
+ submitted.datasetid,  submitted.submitteddatacount , 
+ expected.expected as expectedcount from orgunitstructure orgunitstructure
+--begin the join of the actual submissions
+(SELECT count(datavalue.value) as submitteddatacount, 
+datavalue.sourceid, datavalue.periodid, datasetmembers.datasetid from datavalue datavalue 
+JOIN datasetmembers datasetmembers on 
+datasetmembers.dataelementid = datavalue.dataelementid
+--accept a single paramater, and use this to select out all records for the desired time period
+where datavalue.periodid = $1
+GROUP  BY datavalue.sourceid, datavalue.periodid, datasetmembers.datasetid) as submitted on
+--only worry about orgunits with a level4 id
+--TO DO: THe function should probably extended to accept different hierarchy levels
+submitted.sourceid = orgunitstructure.idlevel4
+--Start the join of expected dataelements for the ones that were actually submitted
+(SELECT count(datasetmembers.dataelementid) as expected, datasetmembers.datasetid 
+FROM datasetmembers datasetmembers
+GROUP BY datasetmembers.datasetid )
+expected on 
+expected.datasetid = submitted.datasetid  
+where orgunitstructure.idlevel4 IS NOT NULL 
+--Start the union of facilities that did not submitted anything, returning a set of blank
+--records with expected counts
+SELECT nonsubmitters.sourceid, $1 as periodid, nonsubmitters.datasetid, NULL::bigint as submittedcount , expected.expected as expectedcount  FROM (
+SELECT DISTINCT datasetsource.sourceid,  datasetsource.datasetid from datasetsource datasetsource
+SELECT DISTINCT datavalue.sourceid, datasetmembers.datasetid from datavalue datavalue
+JOIN datasetmembers datasetmembers ON datasetmembers.dataelementid = datavalue.dataelementid
+where datavalue.periodid = $1
+AND datavalue.sourceid IN (SELECT DISTINCT idlevel4 from orgunitstructure where idlevel4 is not null))  as nonsubmitters
+(SELECT count(datasetmembers.dataelementid) as expected, datasetmembers.datasetid 
+FROM datasetmembers datasetmembers
+GROUP BY datasetmembers.datasetid)
+expected on 
+expected.datasetid = nonsubmitters.datasetid 
+ORDER BY sourceid, periodid, datasetid )
+     RETURN NEXT rec;
+  END;
+  $BODY$
+  COST 100
+  ROWS 1000;
+ALTER FUNCTION monthly_facility_data_submissions_onemonth(integer) OWNER TO dhis;
+-- Function: monthly_facility_data_submissions_timeperiods(integer, integer)
+--THis is a helper function to determine the actual periods between the 
+--periods provided as report paramaters. 
+--TO DO: Error checking to ensure that startperiod <= --TO DO: periodtype ID is hardcoded and refers to an integer. Should replace with some other mechanism to --TO DO: It is not safe to assume that periods are necessarily sequential. This function should accept date types, and return a set of period ids. 
+--either the desired type of periodicity, or use a *~ expression to select out the monthly time period id 
+-- DROP FUNCTION monthly_facility_data_submissions_timeperiods(integer, integer);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION monthly_facility_data_submissions_timeperiods(startperiod integer, endperiod integer)
+SELECT periodid from period where
+  startdate::timestamp >= (SELECT startdate from period where periodid = $1)::timestamp
+  AND
+  enddate::timestamp <= (SELECT enddate from period where periodid = $2)::timestamp
+    AND 
+    --note that this period type may/should be changed depending on the system. 
+  periodtypeid = '6'
+  ORDER BY startdate;
+  $BODY$
+  COST 100
+  ROWS 1000;
+ALTER FUNCTION monthly_facility_data_submissions_timeperiods(integer, integer) OWNER TO dhis;
+--This table will be used to house the materialized view 
+--which will contain results from the monthly_facility_data_submissions_timeperiods() --procedure. 
+-- Table: 
+-- DROP TABLE mv_monthly_facility_data_submissions;
+-- Table: mv_monthly_facility_data_submissions
+-- DROP TABLE mv_monthly_facility_data_submissions;
+CREATE TABLE mv_monthly_facility_data_submissions
+  sourceid integer,
+  periodid integer,
+  datasetid integer,
+  submittedcount bigint,
+  expectedcount bigint,
+  id serial NOT NULL,
+  CONSTRAINT pk_submissions_summary PRIMARY KEY (id)
+ALTER TABLE mv_monthly_facility_data_submissions OWNER TO dhis;
+-- Create a function to materialize a range of time periods. 
+-- Function: monthly_facility_data_submissions_by_month(integer, integer)
+-- DROP FUNCTION monthly_facility_data_submissions_by_month(integer, integer);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION monthly_facility_data_submissions_by_month(startperiod integer, endperiod integer)
+  RETURNS integer AS
+timeperiods record;
+--get rid of old records. 
+--TO DO. Make this optional so that the table only updates new records, ignoring insert errors and updating old records.  
+TRUNCATE TABLE mv_monthly_facility_data_submissions;
+FOR timeperiods in SELECT monthly_facility_data_submissions_timeperiods($1, $2) LOOP
+EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO mv_monthly_facility_data_submissions SELECT * FROM monthly_facility_data_submissions_onemonth(' || timeperiods.monthly_facility_data_submissions_timeperiods || ')';
+  COST 100;
+ALTER FUNCTION monthly_facility_data_submissions_by_month(integer, integer) OWNER TO dhis;
+--The materialized view is refreshed by a select query. This could --be included in the report as an option, through the DHIS 2 interface with 
+--some modification, executed manually through the PgAdmin interface,
+--executed after bulk updates automatically, or scheduled to --regularly with the PgAgent. 
 ----SELECT * FROM monthly_facility_data_submissions_by_month(5425, 5436);
\ No newline at end of file