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Re: [Branch ~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk] Rev 1207: automatically breaking data entry form into sections using categorycombinations


2009/12/11 Abyot Gizaw <abyota@xxxxxxxxx>

> Hi Lars,
> Yes I have started looking at it. And I was thinking of writing a mail
> about it, but the commit was very late and went to bed :(
> What I have done is
>    1. made 2 methods in dataElementService
>       1. method 1 takes collection of dataElements and returns a sorted
>       collection of categoryCombos that the passed dataElements contain. The
>       sorting is simple based on the number of optioncombos each categorycombo
>       has.Say for example default categorycombos will appear first, then with 2
>       optioncombos, with 3 ... it goes on. This will help to have a consistent
>       look in the dataentry form
>       2. method 2 takes collection of dataElements and returns a mapped
>       collection of dataelements. The mapping is Map<CategoryCombo,
>       Collection<DataElement>>. My assumption is you can throw whatever
>       dataElement in your dataset. And using this method then possible to
>       filter/group the dataElements based on their categorycombo
>    2. in multidimensional dataentry
>       1. get the dataset
>       2. get collection dataelements for the selected dataset
>       3. use the 2 newly created methods and get the categorycombos
>       4. generate table heading for each categorycombo
>       5. populate the dataentry form using the table headers generated
>       6. under each table list the dataelements that belong to the
>       corresponing tableheading/categorycombo
>       7. then of course dataentry
> Abyot,

I've quickly tested the multiple MD forms and they look great, good work.
Some issues that I came across are:

1) how can I define the order of the Data Elements in the tables? and how
did you order them? Could this use the system setting for ordering objects?
Right now they are not even alphabetical which is my system setting. And
they are not following the order of data elements in the edit data set
selection list either. Could you do something similar here to what is used
with catoptions with the green tabs up and down?

2) Tabbing doesn't work well as the focus seems to randomly jump between
fields of different tables

Thanks again for your quick action on this.


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