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Re: Managing basic data and geometries


Sounds like a plan. Better be sure to get your contract extended
indefinitely. :)

No seriously, it sounds all reasonable, but the Indicator registry
part is still a bit fuzzy. Is there a plan for integration?

Of course the devil is in the details. I know for instance that the
geodata that WHO has for Zambia is out of date. I would suspect that
this is the case for many places. This is not necessarily a reason not
to pursue this approach, but we need to anticipate it, and prepare for
the fact that the data may be out of date, needs to be recoded, or
potentially, upgraded before ever deploying to DHIS2.

But technically, it seems like a pretty reasonable pathway, regardless
of where the data is coming from.


On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 4:00 PM, Knut Staring <knutst@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 2:32 PM, Jason Pickering
> <jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Knut,
>> I think using Postgis would be the easiest way. I am not aware of how
>> ogr2ogr can do simplification but perhaps.
> Right, and of course in general we want to continue to use PostGIS as the
> master repository, and not shapefiles, also for Geoserver  more generally
> apart from GeoJSON.
>> You can also use ogr2ogr for injection of shape files into Postgres,
>> instead of shp2pgsql.
>> Likewise, you can extract Postgis data out of Postgis with ogr2ogr.
>> With a carefully constructed SQL query, you might be able to do
>> everything in a single command similar to this
>> http://lists.maptools.org/pipermail/fwtools/2007-April/000750.html
> Thanks, that's a great way to do it, Johan was just suggesting something
> similar. We could also add a WHERE clause in the SQL to filter for one
> country.
> I would like to have your input on the whole picture on packaging
> OpenHealthMapper with core GIS and health data. Here is a suggested
> scenario:
> 1) Keep the world admin layers in PostGIS with LVLIDs and add point layers
> for Health Facilities and Villages (also with LVLIDs), as well as regular
> geometry tables for rivers and roads.
> 2) Use the above procedure to extract GeoJSON for a country for all the
> polygon admin layers, rivers and roads.
> 3) Write a script to populate OHM source and organisationunit tables (and
> perhaps also orgunitgroup/orgunitgroupmembers)
> 4) Import all SAM data to the same master OHM database.
> 5) Import all core health indicators from IMR (using SDMX)
> 6) Enhance the Metadata export to be able to pick just one branch of the OU
> hierarchy (typically a country)
> 7) Export the metadata and include the DXF and the GeoJSON files with the
> OHM installer for a country.
> Comments welcome,
> Knut

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