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Re: [Branch ~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk] Rev 1232: Fixed error in dxf export of categoryComboCategoryAssociations. Simplified the convertor.


2009/12/18 Bob Jolliffe <bobjolliffe@xxxxxxxxx>

> OK.  Fixing the equals method was the right thing to do.  I could see
> contains() was not doing what it should, but took the lazy way out when I
> spotted the redundancy. It really is not required in this case.  Whenever we
> export a category we will always want to export all the category options.
> Regardless of any other constraint.  So this is not acting as any kind of
> check - just burning cycles (computational masturbation :-)
I agree, but is it necessary to export all category options when exporting a
category, including those which don't belong to it? Anyway this is more of a
hypothetical discussion, I don't have strong opinions here...

> If I was better with hibernate I would rather do a cascade save on things
> like this - would be more robust though I understand the performance
> concerns.  Should we not emulate that anyway?
For the category stuff we might want to use Hibernate as it is generally not
so many of them, meaning performance won't be a big issue. Yes we might
emulate it - its just that its complex, I have already spent lots of hours
banging my head trying to make it work and I am not sure if it makes sense
to do that all over again...

> We add categoryoptions to the category and get the batchhandler for the
> category to take care of also persisting it's options and conversely with
> writing out category elements.  Well that won't really be an issue for these
> elements in dxfv2 because we are not explicitly writing out the associations
> anyway.
> Jo these will be issues for you to consider.
Sure, that's fine with me. Its just that I don't want to start going too far
into Hibernate-domain with the batchhandler stuff...

