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Re: DHIS2 live installer


Hi Jason

Thanks for the effort you have put into this.  Basically you are
correct - all the steps for putting the pieces together should be
easily automated.  Not being a maven guru, I have not taken this last
important step.  So I have used maven as far as building the jars.
Doing the launch4j wrapper, creating the directories and lzpack and
stuff I could do very easily with a makefile but it should be doable
with the dreaded maven as well.

Packaging with a default hibernate.properties which points to a
postgres database is also of course trivial.  Presumably you would
install postgres with its native installer?  And do that first.  The
missing piece of the puzzle would be to create the empty dhis pg
database between the steps of installing postgres and installing
dhis2-live.  I guess the logic of using H2 as default is that it is
more foolproof for a simple install.

One way of doing this (which would also be cross-platform) would be to
make a tcl based installer.  Now I know this is not the latest
buzz-hype language but there is a long history of creating installers
this way (http://wiki.tcl.tk/1896) and it remains very actively
maintained and developed.  The benefit is you can combine the ability
to create windows shortcuts, registry entries etc with the ability to
script postgres (and mysql) with a cross-platform gui.  I used to be a
dab hand at embedding tcl in my previous life.  Would love to look at
something like this when I get a breather ...

Did you try importing dxf into h2?  The dxf2 project is not dead (just
resting).  It would be good to get a list of requirements of crucial
things people have found missing.  You will certainly get all your
data values, datasets, orgunits etc.


2010/2/10 Jason Pickering <jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx>:
> I have not dealt with Postgres yet. I think it should be possible. I
> am going to see what the result of a DXF import is. Knut and Bob both
> tell me these are lossy. So, the other strategy will be to install
> postgres if needed, install a copy of the Zambia database, and then
> the rest of the application.
> Anyway, the source is here.
> bzr branch lp:~jason-p-pickering/+junk/dhis2-live-installer
> There are two files that are important. The install.xml file and the
> shortcutSpec.xml.
> The description for maven integration is here
> http://izpack.codehaus.org/izpack-maven-plugin/
> Right now, I place all the needed files into the directories where
> they should be, and compile with the Izpack compile.bat file,
> something like this...
> C:\dhis2-live-shell>"c:\Program Files\IzPack\bin\compile.bat" install.xml -b . -
> o dhis2-installer.jar
> Now, I just execute the dhis2-installer.jar, and everything works.
> What I mean in terms of the build is, it would be ideal to be able to
> populate the /webapps/dhis directory with a fresh build, and the
> /docs/ directory with a fresh build of the docs with maven.
> So, as we make changes to the application/docs/installer everything is
> kept fresh and up to date. Capiche?
> Again, this will likely require modification by individual
> implementers, but at least a skeleton project, able to be build by
> maven, would be a nice to have...but not absolutely necessary.
> Best,
> Jason
> 2010/2/10 Lars Helge Øverland <larshelge@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> 2010/2/10 Jason Pickering <jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> OK. For now, I am populating everything manually, but it works.  It
>>> would be great to have this as part of the build process. Maybe a
>>> maven guru can take this on, perhaps Jo? Not entirely urgent, as this
>>> installer is really for my own purposes here, but it is general enough
>>> to be reused elsewhere I think.
>> A windows installer with Postgres and Jetty/DHIS2 Live would be useful,
>> perfect for the scenario where rolling out a large number of offline
>> installations. Don't know anything about izpack though. What exactly is it
>> that you wanted to be part of the build process..?
>>> 2010/2/10 Lars Helge Øverland <larshelge@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > 2010/2/10 Jason Pickering <jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> >>
>>> >> Hi there. I created a very basic installer last night using IZPack.
>>> >>
>>> >> Right now, this will install the system with dhis2-live.exe file you
>>> >> gave me yesterday. I think it should be possible to do
>>> >> an install with Postgres (there are some fragmented documents around).
>>> >> It will be more work for sure, but maybe we can reuse what Knut has
>>> >> done previously, once he finds it. I needed something quick and dirty
>>> >> yesterday, thus the urgency with this. Basically, it just creates the
>>> >> directory structure, and importantly for me, creates shortcuts and
>>> >> other "ornamentation" critical for end-users.
>>> >>
>>> >> Just a few questions. Is there source for the dhis2-live.exe
>>> >> application?
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> > The exe file is generated using Launch4j and is just a wrapper for the
>>> > live
>>> > JAR file.  The xml file used to generate it (+ splash image etc) can be
>>> > found in utils/launch4j in the repo.
>>> > Lars
>>> >
>>> >>
>>> >> Theoretically, the installer can be build with ant/maven as part of
>>> >> the build process (one of the reasons I chose IZPack). It would be
>>> >> great to be able to get the latest copy of the dhis.war file,
>>> >> dhis2-live.jar, and all the docs, and put them in the right place. I
>>> >> do this manually at the moment, but perhaps it could be automated.
>>> >>
>>> >> I am in the process of sending it to launchpad, but the internet is so
>>> >> sucky here today, it may not work.
>>> >> It will reside here for now.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jason-p-pickering/+junk/dhis2-live-installer/files
>>> >>
>>> >> Regards,
>>> >> Jason
>>> >
>>> >

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