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Re: Pagination patch


On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 9:20 AM, Viet Nguyen <phamquocviet@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 8:32 AM, Murodullo Latifov <murodlatifov@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I created patch for pagination for Dataelement listing for truck head
>> (1586) and send it via: bzr send -o pagination.patch. It did go and I don't
>> know where did it actually go. Please check if it is there.
>> regards,
>> murod
> Hi ,
> I developed a brand new paging feature for patient list. Please see the
> screen shot
> [image:
> ?ui=2&view=att&th=12741d645fd0ad56&attid=0.1&disp=attd&realattid=ii_12741d645fd0ad56&zw]
> Here I have many features for user :
>    - On the right , you can see a paging traveling links, I hard coded to
>    show maximum 5 pages, so if you are in page 4th and there are 8 pages, then
>    list of pages is : 2,3,4,5,6
>    - On left side, there are two function :
>    - User can change the side of page, default size can be set it the
>       action class, or in action config in struts.xml. After changing the page
>       size, start page will be 1.
>       - Jump to page is a very useful feature I think, when there are many
>       pages and you just don't want to click so many times on the traveling links.
> All input fields will be effected by onchange event.
> To implement this, I created  a PagingUtil class, here is the code on the
> action class
>             pagingUtil = new PagingUtil(
> RequestUtil.getCurrentLink(ServletActionContext.getRequest()), pageSize ==
> null ? defaultPageSize : pageSize );
>             pagingUtil.setCurrentPage( currentPage == null ? 0 :
> currentPage );
>             total = patientService.countGetPatientsByOrgUnit(
> organisationUnit );
>             pagingUtil.setTotal( total );
>             patients = patientService.getPatientsByOrgUnit(
> organisationUnit , pagingUtil.getStartPos(), pagingUtil.getPageSize() );
> The constructor of the pagingUtil has two params:
>    1. BaseLink : this should be the current link of the request, include
>    all param, so if there is a searchText, I will add that searchText param to
>    this baseLink. Later, I use this link to redirect user, just only change the
>    pageSize and currentPage param.
>    2. PageSize.
> the pagingUtil object will be sent to .vm file
> On .vm file, implement this is easy :-)
>        <div class="paging-container">
>             <div class="paging-center">
>                 #parse( "/dhis-web-maintenance-patient/paging.vm" )
>             </div>
>         </div>
> You just need to put this div to the end of the list.
> I put everything in the paging.vm , so you just have to parse it . Actually
> I tried to use #macro... but don't know why velocity can  not identify the
> #macro when I put it in another file and use #parse function to include it
> ...
> So , the dependencies are :  RequestUtil.class, PagingUtil.class ,
> paging.vm , paging.css.
> All the codes are commited , you can check it out in patient module. I have
> just implemented this for SearchPatientAction.class , and only for list all
> patient case. ( listAll = TRUE )
> Regards,

Hi Viet, this looks quite elegant..

If the PagingUtil class is general, any chance we can move it to the
dhis-support-system project so that it can be used by other modules if
required later?


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