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More on the Data Browser


Hi Hieu,

I have been looking at this again, and have manged to get it working
(at least I think) with the demo DB and the Zambia database.

It is strange, and I think it comes down to the
organisationUnitService.getNumberOfOrganisationalLevels() method. I
assumed that this returned the number of organizational levels, and it
worked for my database. However with the Sierra Leone DB, there are
also 4 levels, but the order of the levels is not sequential with
respect to the primary key. This is the only thing that I can figure
out that might effect what is returned from that method. I tried
deciphering this method, but it was not clear, so I introduced a new
one  (HibernateOrganisationUnitStore and
DefaultOrganisationUnitService.java), that made more sense to me..

        public int getMaxOrgUnitLevels()
        final String sql = "SELECT count(level) FROM orgunitlevel";

        return jdbcTemplate.queryForInt( sql );

I then use this method to calculate the final number of levels in

        if ( maxLevel == null )
            maxLevel = organisationUnitService.getMaxOrgUnitLevels();

Perhaps this is not the right way to do it, but anyway, you get my
point from the code I hope. I just want to get the maximum

 The setUpQueryGetDescendants method  is a bit better I think but I am
still not 100% sure what to do with the selected unit.. One thing that
I did not understand in the original file was whether the parent
orgunits data count should be displayed, along with the descendants.
This method, as I understand  it, is supposed to provide a list of
children orgunits (of the selected orgunit) along with a count of all
data values of all descendants, grouped by the immediate child of the
selected organizational unit. Perhaps again, we are not seeing eye to
eye on this, but this has been my intended behaviour all along.

A couple of things still are a mystery to me..why all the 0's in the
orgunitstructure table? This again comes back to my long standing
gripe with DHIS, assuming that NULLs and zeroes are the same thing. I
guess it is impossible to have an orgunit with id 0, but it would seem
 to make little sense to me in this case. I think all of the 0s should
actually be NULL. Lars?

I got these changes (against rev 2086 from 2.0.5 branch) to work with
both the demo DB as well as the Zambia database that I shared with you
on the DropBox and it provided the results that I expected. I am
including the output (export.pdf) of (
) from the SL demo DB, which allowed be pretty quickly to determine
that data was missing from Selenga for May 2010. This is the main
functionality that I am trying to acheive...to find the obvious gaps
in the data pretty quickly by examining patterns in the levels of data
submission. If it is constant, it is probably OK, but sudden changes
generally indicate that data may be missing.

Sorry for all the back and forth. I should have tested it against the
SL demo DB as well. Let me know what you guys think.


Jason P. Pickering
email: jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx

Attachment: data_browser_2_0_5.diff
Description: Binary data

Attachment: StatementManagerDataBrowserStore.java
Description: Binary data

Attachment: export.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document