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[Branch ~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk] Rev 2605: Cannot startup patient-module.


revno: 2605
committer: Tran Chau <tran.hispvietnam@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: dhis2
timestamp: Tue 2011-01-18 14:49:20 +0700
  Cannot startup patient-module.


Your team DHIS 2 developers is subscribed to branch lp:dhis2.
To unsubscribe from this branch go to https://code.launchpad.net/~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk/+edit-subscription
=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-core/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/startup/TableAlteror.java'
--- dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-core/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/startup/TableAlteror.java	2011-01-12 02:45:37 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-core/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/startup/TableAlteror.java	2011-01-18 07:49:20 +0000
@@ -68,186 +68,194 @@
     public void execute()
-        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-        // Drop outdated tables
-        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-        executeSql( "DROP TABLE categoryoptioncomboname" );
-        executeSql( "DROP TABLE orgunitgroupsetstructure" );
-        executeSql( "DROP TABLE orgunitstructure" );
-        executeSql( "DROP TABLE orgunithierarchystructure" );
-        executeSql( "DROP TABLE orgunithierarchy" );
-        executeSql( "DROP TABLE datavalueaudit" );
-        executeSql( "DROP TABLE columnorder" );
-        executeSql( "DROP TABLE roworder" );
-        executeSql( "DROP TABLE sectionmembers" );
-        executeSql( "DROP TABLE reporttable_categoryoptioncombos" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption drop column categoryid" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimensiontype" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN displayorder" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN shortname" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN label" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN title" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN polygoncoordinates" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN conceptName" );
-        // remove relative period type
-        executeSql( "DELETE FROM period WHERE periodtypeid=(select periodtypeid from periodtype where name='Relative')" );
-        executeSql( "DELETE FROM periodtype WHERE name='Relative'" );
-        // mapping
-        executeSql( "DROP TABLE mapOrganisationUnitRelation" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapid" );
-        executeSql( "DROP TABLE map" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE map DROP CONSTRAINT fk_map_organisationunitid" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE map DROP COLUMN organisationunitid" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE map DROP COLUMN longitude" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE map DROP COLUMN latitude" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE map DROP COLUMN zoom" );
-        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-        // Update tables for dimensional model
-        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-        // categories_categoryoptions
-        // set to 0 temporarily
-        int c1 = executeSql( "UPDATE categories_categoryoptions SET sort_order=0 WHERE sort_order is NULL OR sort_order=0" );
-        if ( c1 > 0 )
-        {
-            updateSortOrder( "categories_categoryoptions", "categoryid", "categoryoptionid" );
-        }
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE categories_categoryoptions DROP CONSTRAINT categories_categoryoptions_pkey" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE categories_categoryoptions ADD CONSTRAINT categories_categoryoptions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (categoryid, sort_order)" );
-        // categorycombos_categories
-        // set to 0 temporarily
-        int c2 = executeSql( "update categorycombos_categories SET sort_order=0 where sort_order is NULL OR sort_order=0" );
-        if ( c2 > 0 )
-        {
-            updateSortOrder( "categorycombos_categories", "categorycomboid", "categoryid" );
-        }
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE categorycombos_categories DROP CONSTRAINT categorycombos_categories_pkey" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE categorycombos_categories ADD CONSTRAINT categorycombos_categories_pkey PRIMARY KEY (categorycomboid, sort_order)" );
-        // categorycombos_optioncombos
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE categorycombos_optioncombos DROP CONSTRAINT categorycombos_optioncombos_pkey" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE categorycombos_optioncombos ADD CONSTRAINT categorycombos_optioncombos_pkey PRIMARY KEY (categoryoptioncomboid)" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE categorycombos_optioncombos DROP CONSTRAINT fk4bae70f697e49675" );
-        // categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions
-        // set to 0 temporarily
-        int c3 = executeSql( "update categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions SET sort_order=0 where sort_order is NULL OR sort_order=0" );
-        if ( c3 > 0 )
-        {
-            updateSortOrder( "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions", "categoryoptioncomboid", "categoryoptionid" );
-        }
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions DROP CONSTRAINT categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions_pkey" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions ADD CONSTRAINT categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (categoryoptioncomboid, sort_order)" );
-        // dataelementcategoryoption
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_categoryid" );
-        // executeSql(
-        // "ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT
-        // dataelementcategoryoption_name_key"
-        // ); will be maintained in transition period
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key" );
-        // minmaxdataelement query index
-        executeSql( "CREATE INDEX index_minmaxdataelement ON minmaxdataelement( sourceid, dataelementid, categoryoptioncomboid )" );
-        // drop code unique constraints
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP CONSTRAINT dataelement_code_key" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_code_key" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_code_key" );
-        // add mandatory boolean field to patientattribute
-        if ( executeSql( "ALTER TABLE patientattribute ADD mandatory bool" ) >= 0 )
-        {
-            executeSql( "UPDATE patientattribute SET mandatory=false" );
-        }
-        if ( executeSql( "ALTER TABLE patientattribute ADD groupby bool" ) >= 0){
-            executeSql( "UPDATE patientattribute SET groupby=false" );
-        }
-        // update periodType field to ValidationRule
-        executeSql( "UPDATE validationrule SET periodtypeid = (SELECT periodtypeid FROM periodtype WHERE name='Monthly')" );
-        // update dataelement.domainTypes of which values is null
-        executeSql( "UPDATE dataelement SET domaintype='aggregate' WHERE domaintype is null" );
-        // set varchar to text
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER description TYPE text" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER description TYPE text" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datadictionary ALTER description TYPE text" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE validationrule ALTER description TYPE text" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE expression ALTER expression TYPE text" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE translation ALTER value TYPE text" );
-        // orgunit shortname uniqueness
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_shortname_key" );
-        // update dataset-dataentryform association and programstage -
-        // dataentryform association
-        if ( updateDataSetAssociation() && updateProgramStageAssociation() )
-        {
-            // delete table dataentryformassociation
-            executeSql( "DROP TABLE dataentryformassociation" );
-        }
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE section DROP CONSTRAINT section_name_key" );
-        executeSql( "UPDATE patientattribute set inheritable=false where inheritable is null" );
-        executeSql( "UPDATE dataelement set numbertype='number' where numbertype is null and valuetype='int'" );
-       // revert prepare aggregateXXXValue tables for offline diffs
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE aggregateddatavalue DROP COLUMN modified");
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE aggregatedindicatorvalue DROP COLUMN modified ");
-        executeSql( "UPDATE indicatortype SET indicatornumber=false WHERE indicatornumber is null" );
-        // remove outdated relative periods
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last3months" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6months" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9months" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last12months" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last3to6months" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6to9months" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9to12months" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last3months" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6months" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9months" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last12months" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last3to6months" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6to9months" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9to12months" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datamartexport DROP COLUMN last3months" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datamartexport DROP COLUMN last6months" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datamartexport DROP COLUMN last9months" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datamartexport DROP COLUMN last12months" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datamartexport DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datamartexport DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datamartexport DROP COLUMN last3to6months" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datamartexport DROP COLUMN last6to9months" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datamartexport DROP COLUMN last9to12months" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datamartexport DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datamartexport DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear" );
-        executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datamartexport DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear" );
-        log.info( "Tables updated" );
+        try
+        {
+            // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+            // Drop outdated tables
+            // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+            executeSql( "DROP TABLE categoryoptioncomboname" );
+            executeSql( "DROP TABLE orgunitgroupsetstructure" );
+            executeSql( "DROP TABLE orgunitstructure" );
+            executeSql( "DROP TABLE orgunithierarchystructure" );
+            executeSql( "DROP TABLE orgunithierarchy" );
+            executeSql( "DROP TABLE datavalueaudit" );
+            executeSql( "DROP TABLE columnorder" );
+            executeSql( "DROP TABLE roworder" );
+            executeSql( "DROP TABLE sectionmembers" );
+            executeSql( "DROP TABLE reporttable_categoryoptioncombos" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption drop column categoryid" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimensiontype" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN displayorder" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN shortname" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN label" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN title" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN polygoncoordinates" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN conceptName" );
+            // remove relative period type
+            executeSql( "DELETE FROM period WHERE periodtypeid=(select periodtypeid from periodtype where name='Relative')" );
+            executeSql( "DELETE FROM periodtype WHERE name='Relative'" );
+            // mapping
+            executeSql( "DROP TABLE mapOrganisationUnitRelation" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapid" );
+            executeSql( "DROP TABLE map" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE map DROP CONSTRAINT fk_map_organisationunitid" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE map DROP COLUMN organisationunitid" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE map DROP COLUMN longitude" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE map DROP COLUMN latitude" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE map DROP COLUMN zoom" );
+            // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+            // Update tables for dimensional model
+            // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+            // categories_categoryoptions
+            // set to 0 temporarily
+            int c1 = executeSql( "UPDATE categories_categoryoptions SET sort_order=0 WHERE sort_order is NULL OR sort_order=0" );
+            if ( c1 > 0 )
+            {
+                updateSortOrder( "categories_categoryoptions", "categoryid", "categoryoptionid" );
+            }
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE categories_categoryoptions DROP CONSTRAINT categories_categoryoptions_pkey" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE categories_categoryoptions ADD CONSTRAINT categories_categoryoptions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (categoryid, sort_order)" );
+            // categorycombos_categories
+            // set to 0 temporarily
+            int c2 = executeSql( "update categorycombos_categories SET sort_order=0 where sort_order is NULL OR sort_order=0" );
+            if ( c2 > 0 )
+            {
+                updateSortOrder( "categorycombos_categories", "categorycomboid", "categoryid" );
+            }
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE categorycombos_categories DROP CONSTRAINT categorycombos_categories_pkey" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE categorycombos_categories ADD CONSTRAINT categorycombos_categories_pkey PRIMARY KEY (categorycomboid, sort_order)" );
+            // categorycombos_optioncombos
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE categorycombos_optioncombos DROP CONSTRAINT categorycombos_optioncombos_pkey" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE categorycombos_optioncombos ADD CONSTRAINT categorycombos_optioncombos_pkey PRIMARY KEY (categoryoptioncomboid)" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE categorycombos_optioncombos DROP CONSTRAINT fk4bae70f697e49675" );
+            // categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions
+            // set to 0 temporarily
+            int c3 = executeSql( "update categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions SET sort_order=0 where sort_order is NULL OR sort_order=0" );
+            if ( c3 > 0 )
+            {
+                updateSortOrder( "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions", "categoryoptioncomboid", "categoryoptionid" );
+            }
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions DROP CONSTRAINT categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions_pkey" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions ADD CONSTRAINT categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (categoryoptioncomboid, sort_order)" );
+            // dataelementcategoryoption
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_categoryid" );
+            // executeSql(
+            // "ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT
+            // dataelementcategoryoption_name_key"
+            // ); will be maintained in transition period
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key" );
+            // minmaxdataelement query index
+            executeSql( "CREATE INDEX index_minmaxdataelement ON minmaxdataelement( sourceid, dataelementid, categoryoptioncomboid )" );
+            // drop code unique constraints
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP CONSTRAINT dataelement_code_key" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_code_key" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_code_key" );
+            // add mandatory boolean field to patientattribute
+            if ( executeSql( "ALTER TABLE patientattribute ADD mandatory bool" ) >= 0 )
+            {
+                executeSql( "UPDATE patientattribute SET mandatory=false" );
+            }
+            if ( executeSql( "ALTER TABLE patientattribute ADD groupby bool" ) >= 0 )
+            {
+                executeSql( "UPDATE patientattribute SET groupby=false" );
+            }
+            // update periodType field to ValidationRule
+            executeSql( "UPDATE validationrule SET periodtypeid = (SELECT periodtypeid FROM periodtype WHERE name='Monthly')" );
+            // update dataelement.domainTypes of which values is null
+            executeSql( "UPDATE dataelement SET domaintype='aggregate' WHERE domaintype is null" );
+            // set varchar to text
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER description TYPE text" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER description TYPE text" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datadictionary ALTER description TYPE text" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE validationrule ALTER description TYPE text" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE expression ALTER expression TYPE text" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE translation ALTER value TYPE text" );
+            // orgunit shortname uniqueness
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_shortname_key" );
+            // update dataset-dataentryform association and programstage -
+            // dataentryform association
+            if ( updateDataSetAssociation() && updateProgramStageAssociation() )
+            {
+                // delete table dataentryformassociation
+                executeSql( "DROP TABLE dataentryformassociation" );
+            }
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE section DROP CONSTRAINT section_name_key" );
+            executeSql( "UPDATE patientattribute set inheritable=false where inheritable is null" );
+            executeSql( "UPDATE dataelement set numbertype='number' where numbertype is null and valuetype='int'" );
+            // revert prepare aggregateXXXValue tables for offline diffs
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE aggregateddatavalue DROP COLUMN modified" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE aggregatedindicatorvalue DROP COLUMN modified " );
+            executeSql( "UPDATE indicatortype SET indicatornumber=false WHERE indicatornumber is null" );
+            // remove outdated relative periods
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last3months" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6months" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9months" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last12months" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last3to6months" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6to9months" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9to12months" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last3months" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6months" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9months" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last12months" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last3to6months" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6to9months" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9to12months" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datamartexport DROP COLUMN last3months" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datamartexport DROP COLUMN last6months" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datamartexport DROP COLUMN last9months" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datamartexport DROP COLUMN last12months" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datamartexport DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datamartexport DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datamartexport DROP COLUMN last3to6months" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datamartexport DROP COLUMN last6to9months" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datamartexport DROP COLUMN last9to12months" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datamartexport DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datamartexport DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear" );
+            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE datamartexport DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear" );
+            log.info( "Tables updated" );
+        }
+        catch ( Exception ex )
+        {
+            log.error( ex );
+        }
     private List<Integer> getDistinctIdList( String table, String col1 )
@@ -271,10 +279,6 @@
             log.error( ex );
-        finally
-        {
-            holder.close();
-        }
         return distinctIds;
@@ -308,10 +312,6 @@
             log.error( ex );
-        finally
-        {
-            holder.close();
-        }
         return idMap;
@@ -389,10 +389,6 @@
             log.debug( ex );
             return false;
-        finally
-        {
-            holder.close();
-        }
@@ -426,10 +422,6 @@
             log.debug( ex );
             return false;
-        finally
-        {
-            holder.close();
-        }

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-patient/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/patient/startup/TableAlteror.java'
--- dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-patient/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/patient/startup/TableAlteror.java	2011-01-12 02:40:43 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-patient/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/patient/startup/TableAlteror.java	2011-01-18 07:49:20 +0000
@@ -67,34 +67,41 @@
     public void execute()
         throws Exception
-        updatePatientOrgunitAssociation();
-        updateDOBType();
-        executeSql( "UPDATE program SET version = 1 WHERE version is NULL" );
-        updateDataSetMobileAttribute();
-        updateDataSetVersionAttribute();
-        executeSql( "UPDATE patientidentifiertype SET type='" + PatientIdentifierType.VALUE_TYPE_TEXT
-            + "' WHERE type IS NULL" );
-        executeSql( "UPDATE program SET minDaysAllowedInputData=0 WHERE minDaysAllowedInputData IS NULL" );
-        executeSql( "UPDATE program SET maxDaysAllowedInputData=0 WHERE maxDaysAllowedInputData IS NULL" );
-        executeSql( "UPDATE patient SET isdead=false WHERE isdead IS NULL" );
+        try
+        {
+            updatePatientOrgunitAssociation( );
+            updateDOBType( );
+            executeSql( "UPDATE program SET version = 1 WHERE version is NULL" );
+            updateDataSetMobileAttribute();
+            updateDataSetVersionAttribute();
+            executeSql( "UPDATE patientidentifiertype SET type='" + PatientIdentifierType.VALUE_TYPE_TEXT
+                + "' WHERE type IS NULL" );
+            executeSql( "UPDATE program SET minDaysAllowedInputData=0 WHERE minDaysAllowedInputData IS NULL" );
+            executeSql( "UPDATE program SET maxDaysAllowedInputData=0 WHERE maxDaysAllowedInputData IS NULL" );
+            executeSql( "UPDATE patient SET isdead=false WHERE isdead IS NULL" );
+        }
+        catch ( Exception ex )
+        {
+            log.error( ex );
+        }
     private void updatePatientOrgunitAssociation()
-        StatementHolder holder = statementManager.getHolder();
+            StatementHolder holder = statementManager.getHolder();
             Statement statement = holder.getStatement();
             ResultSet isUpdated = statement
@@ -116,70 +123,49 @@
         catch ( Exception ex )
-            log.error( ex );
-        }
-        finally
-        {
-            holder.close();
+            log.debug( ex );
-    private void updateDOBType()
+    private void updateDOBType( )
+        throws Exception
-        StatementHolder holder = statementManager.getHolder();
-            executeSql( "UPDATE patient SET dobType='A' WHERE birthdateestimated=true" );
-            executeSql( "ALTER TABLE patient drop column birthdateestimated" );
-            executeSql( "DELETE FROM validationcriteria where property='birthdateestimated'" );
+            StatementHolder holder = statementManager.getHolder();
+            Statement statement = holder.getStatement();
+            ResultSet isUpdated = statement
+                .executeQuery( "SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'patient' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'birthdateestimated'" );
+            if ( isUpdated.next() )
+            {
+                executeSql( "UPDATE patient SET dobType='A' WHERE birthdateestimated=true" );
+                executeSql( "ALTER TABLE patient drop column birthdateestimated" );
+                executeSql( "DELETE FROM validationcriteria where property='birthdateestimated'" );
+            }
+            executeSql( "UPDATE patient SET dobType='D' dobType is null" );
         catch ( Exception ex )
-            log.error( ex );
-        }
-        finally
-        {
-            holder.close();
+            log.debug( ex );
     private void updateDataSetMobileAttribute()
-        StatementHolder holder = statementManager.getHolder();
+        executeSql( "UPDATE dataset SET mobile = false WHERE mobile is null" );
-        try
-        {
-            executeSql( "UPDATE dataset SET mobile = false WHERE mobile is null" );
-        }
-        catch ( Exception ex )
-        {
-            log.error( ex );
-        }
-        finally
-        {
-            holder.close();
-        }
     private void updateDataSetVersionAttribute()
-        StatementHolder holder = statementManager.getHolder();
+        executeSql( "UPDATE dataset SET version = 1 WHERE version is null" );
-        try
-        {
-            executeSql( "UPDATE dataset SET version = 1 WHERE version is null" );
-        }
-        catch ( Exception ex )
-        {
-            log.error( ex );
-        }
-        finally
-        {
-            holder.close();
-        }
     private int executeSql( String sql )