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[Branch ~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk] Rev 3345: WIP: validation rules


revno: 3345
committer: Morten Olav Hansen <mortenoh@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: dhis2
timestamp: Mon 2011-04-11 15:46:07 +0200
  WIP: validation rules


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=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-commons-resources/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-commons/i18n/i18n.vm'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-commons-resources/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-commons/i18n/i18n.vm	2011-01-20 02:57:30 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-commons-resources/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-commons/i18n/i18n.vm	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@
         ,rangeWords : validatorFormat('$encoder.jsEscape($i18n.getString( 'please_enter_betwwen_a_and_b_words' ) , "'")')
         ,lettersonly : '$encoder.jsEscape($i18n.getString( 'letters_only_please' ) , "'")'
         ,nowhitespace : '$encoder.jsEscape($i18n.getString( 'no_white_space_please' ) , "'")'
+        ,nostartwhitespace : '$encoder.jsEscape($i18n.getString( 'no_start_white_space_please' ) , "'")'
         ,ziprange : '$encoder.jsEscape($i18n.getString( 'ZIP_code_must_be_in_the_range' ) , "'")'
         ,time : '$encoder.jsEscape($i18n.getString( 'please_enter_valid_time' ) , "'")'
         ,phone : '$encoder.jsEscape($i18n.getString( 'please_enter_valid_phone_number' ) , "'")'

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-commons-resources/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-commons/javascripts/jQuery/jquery.validate.ext.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-commons-resources/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-commons/javascripts/jQuery/jquery.validate.ext.js	2011-03-25 02:08:24 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-commons-resources/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-commons/javascripts/jQuery/jquery.validate.ext.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -186,6 +186,10 @@
     return this.optional(element) || /^\S+$/i.test(value);
 }, "No white space please");
+jQuery.validator.addMethod("nostartwhitespace", function(value, element) {
+    return this.optional(element) || /^\S+/i.test(value);
+}, "Can not start with whitespace");
 jQuery.validator.addMethod("ziprange", function(value, element) {
     return this.optional(element) || /^90[2-5]\d\{2}-\d{4}$/.test(value);
 }, "Your ZIP-code must be in the range 902xx-xxxx to 905-xx-xxxx");

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-commons-resources/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-commons/javascripts/validationRules.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-commons-resources/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-commons/javascripts/validationRules.js	2011-04-11 12:23:17 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-commons-resources/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-commons/javascripts/validationRules.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -191,44 +191,45 @@
-	/* dhis-web-validationrule */
-	"validationRule" : {
-		"name" : {
-			"required" : true,
-			"rangelength" : [ 2, 160 ]
-		},
-		"description" : {
-			"rangelength" : [ 2, 160 ]
-		},
-		"periodTypeName" : {
-			"required" : true
-		},
-		"operator" : {
-			"required" : true
-		},
-		"leftSideExpression" : {
-			"required" : true
-		},
-		"rightSideExpression" : {
-			"required" : true
-		}
-	},
-	"validationRuleGroup" : {
-		"name" : {
-			"required" : true,
-			"rangelength" : [ 2, 160 ]
-		},
-		"description" : {
-			"rangelength" : [ 2, 160 ]
-		}
-	},
 	/* dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary */
 	"concept" : {
 		"name" : {
 			"rangelength" : [ 3, 10 ]
+	"dataElement" : {
+		"name" : {
+			"required" : true,
+			"rangelength" : [ 3, 150 ],
+			"alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces" : true,
+			"notOnlyDigits" : true
+		},
+		"shortName" : {
+			"required" : true,
+			"rangelength" : [ 2, 20 ],
+			"alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces" : true,
+			"notOnlyDigits" : true
+		},
+		"alternativeName" : {
+			"rangelength" : [ 3, 150 ],
+			"alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces" : true,
+			"notOnlyDigits" : true
+		},
+		"code" : {
+			"rangelength" : [ 3, 40 ],
+			"alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces" : true,
+			"notOnlyDigits" : false
+		},
+		"description" : {
+			"rangelength" : [ 3, 250 ],
+			"alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces" : true,
+			"notOnlyDigits" : true
+		},
+		"url" : {
+			"url" : true,
+			"rangelength" : [ 0, 255 ]
+		}
+	},
 	"dateElementCategoryCombo" : {
 		"name" : {
 			"rangelength" : [ 2, 160 ]
@@ -241,21 +242,46 @@
 	"dataElementGroup" : {
 		"name" : {
+			"required" : true,
+			"alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces" : true,
+			"notOnlyDigits" : true,
+			"firstletteralphabet" : true,
 			"rangelength" : [ 3, 150 ]
 	"dataElementGroupSet" : {
 		"name" : {
+			"required" : true,
 			"rangelength" : [ 2, 230 ]
+	"dataDictionary" : {
+		"name" : {
+			"required" : true,
+			"rangelength" : [ 2, 160 ]
+		},
+		"description" : {
+			"rangelength" : [ 0, 255 ]
+		},
+		"region" : {
+			"rangelength" : [ 0, 255 ]
+		},
+		"memberValidator" : {
+			"required" : true
+		},
+		"memberValidatorIn" : {
+			"required" : true
+		}
+	},
 	"indicator" : {
 		"name" : {
+			"required" : true,
 			"rangelength" : [ 3, 150 ],
 			"alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces" : true,
-			"firstletteralphabet" : true
+			"nostartwhitespace" : true
 		"shortName" : {
+			"required" : true,
 			"rangelength" : [ 2, 20 ],
 			"alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces" : true,
 			"firstletteralphabet" : true
@@ -276,29 +302,71 @@
 			"firstletteralphabet" : true
 		"url" : {
+			"url" : true,
 			"rangelength" : [ 0, 255 ]
+		},
+		"indicatorTypeId" : {
+			"required" : true
+		},
+		"denominator" : {
+			"required" : true
 	"indicatorGroup" : {
 		"name" : {
+			"required" : true,
 			"rangelength" : [ 3, 150 ],
 			"alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces" : true,
-			"firstletteralphabet" : true
 	"indicatorGroupSet" : {
 		"name" : {
+			"required" : true,
 			"rangelength" : [ 2, 230 ]
 	"indicatorType" : {
 		"name" : {
+			"required" : true,
 			"rangelength" : [ 3, 150 ],
 			"alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces" : true,
-			"firstletteralphabet" : true
 		"factor" : {
-			"rangelength" : [ 1, 10 ]
+			"required" : true,
+			"rangelength" : [ 1, 10 ],
+			"digits" : true
+		}
+	},
+	/* dhis-web-validationrule */
+	"validationRule" : {
+		"name" : {
+			"required" : true,
+			"rangelength" : [ 2, 160 ]
+		},
+		"description" : {
+			"rangelength" : [ 2, 160 ]
+		},
+		"periodTypeName" : {
+			"required" : true
+		},
+		"operator" : {
+			"required" : true
+		},
+		"leftSideExpression" : {
+			"required" : true
+		},
+		"rightSideExpression" : {
+			"required" : true
+		}
+	},
+	"validationRuleGroup" : {
+		"name" : {
+			"required" : true,
+			"rangelength" : [ 2, 160 ]
+		},
+		"description" : {
+			"rangelength" : [ 2, 160 ]

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-commons/src/main/resources/i18n_global.properties'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-commons/src/main/resources/i18n_global.properties	2011-04-07 14:07:43 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-commons/src/main/resources/i18n_global.properties	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -349,6 +349,7 @@
 please_enter_betwwen_a_and_b_words	=	Please enter between {0} and {1} words.
 letters_only_please	=	Letters only please.
 no_white_space_please	=	No white space please
+no_start_white_space_please	=	Can not start with whitespace
 ZIP_code_must_be_in_the_range	=	Your ZIP-code must be in the range 902xx-xxxx to 905-xx-xxxx
 please_enter_valid_time	=	Please enter a valid time, between 00:00 and 23:59
 please_enter_valid_phone_number	=	Please specify a valid phone number

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/addDataDictionaryForm.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/addDataDictionaryForm.js	2011-03-30 11:04:12 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/addDataDictionaryForm.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -1,32 +1,13 @@
-jQuery(document).ready(	function() {
-	var r = getValidationRules();
-	var rules = {
-		name: {
-			required: true,
-			rangelength: [2, 160]
-		},
-		description: {
-			rangelength: [0, 255]
-		},
-		region: {
-			rangelength: [0, 255]
-		},
-		memberValidator: {
-			required: true			
-		},
-		memberValidatorIn: {
-			required: true
-		}
-	};
+jQuery(document).ready(function() {
+	validation2('addDataDictionaryForm', function(form) {
+		form.submit()
+	}, {
+		'beforeValidateHandler' : function() {
+			listValidator('memberValidator', 'selectedDataElements');
+			listValidator('memberValidatorIn', 'selectedIndicators');
+		},
+		'rules' : getValidationRules("dataDictionary")
+	});
-	validation2( 'addDataDictionaryForm', function( form ){ form.submit()}, {
-		'beforeValidateHandler': function() {
-			listValidator( 'memberValidator', 'selectedDataElements' );
-			listValidator( 'memberValidatorIn', 'selectedIndicators' );
-		},
-		'rules': rules
-	});
-	checkValueIsExist( "name", "validateDataDictionary.action");
+	checkValueIsExist("name", "validateDataDictionary.action");

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/addDataElementForm.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/addDataElementForm.js	2011-04-08 12:48:37 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/addDataElementForm.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -1,40 +1,4 @@
 jQuery(document).ready(	function() {
-	var r = getValidationRules();
-	var rules = {
-		name: {
-			required:true,
-			rangelength: [3, 150],
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces:true,
-			notOnlyDigits:true
-		},
-		shortName: {
-			required:true,
-			rangelength: [2, 20],
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces:true,
-			notOnlyDigits:true
-		},
-		alternativeName: {
-			rangelength: [3, 150],
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces:true,
-			notOnlyDigits:true
-		},
-		code: {
-			rangelength: [3, 40],
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces:true,
-			notOnlyDigits:false
-		},
-		description: {
-			rangelength: [3, 250],
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces:true,
-			notOnlyDigits:true			
-		},
-		url: {
-			 url: true,
-			 rangelength: [0, 255]
-		}
-	};
 	validation2( 'addDataElementForm', function( form ){ form.submit(); }, {
 		'beforeValidateHandler': function() {
@@ -42,16 +6,9 @@
 			setFieldValue( 'submitCategoryComboId', getFieldValue( 'selectedCategoryComboId' ) );
 			setFieldValue( 'submitValueType', getFieldValue( 'valueType' ) );
-		'rules': rules
+		'rules': getValidationRules("dataElement")
-	jQuery("#name").attr("maxlength", "150");
-	jQuery("#shortName").attr("maxlength", "20");
-	jQuery("#alternativeName").attr("maxlength", "150");
-	jQuery("#code").attr("maxlength", "40");
-	jQuery("#description").attr("maxlength", "250");
-	jQuery("#url").attr("maxlength", "255");
 	checkValueIsExist( "name", "validateDataElement.action");
 	checkValueIsExist( "shortName", "validateDataElement.action");
 	checkValueIsExist( "alternativeName", "validateDataElement.action");

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/addDataElementGroupForm.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/addDataElementGroupForm.js	2011-03-31 11:17:07 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/addDataElementGroupForm.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -1,24 +1,10 @@
 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
-	var r = getValidationRules();
-	var rules = {
-		name : {
-			required : true,
-			rangelength : r.dataElementGroup.name.rangelength,
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces : true,
-			notOnlyDigits : true,
-			firstletteralphabet : true
-		}
-	};
 	validation2('addDataElementGroupForm', function(form) {
 	}, {
 		'beforeValidateHandler' : beforeSubmit,
-		'rules' : rules
+		'rules' : getValidationRules("dataElementGroup")
-	jQuery("#name").attr("maxlength", r.dataElementGroup.name.rangelength[1]);
 	checkValueIsExist("name", "validateDataElementGroup.action");

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/addDataElementGroupSet.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/addDataElementGroupSet.js	2011-03-31 11:17:07 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/addDataElementGroupSet.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -1,21 +1,10 @@
 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
-	var r = getValidationRules();
-	var rules = {
-		name : {
-			required : true,
-			rangelength : r.dataElementGroupSet.name.rangelength
-		}
-	};
 	validation2('addDataElementGroupSet', function(form) {
 	}, {
 		'beforeValidateHandler' : beforeSubmit,
-		'rules' : rules
+		'rules' : getValidationRules("dataElementGroupSet")
-	jQuery("#name").attr("maxlength", r.dataElementGroupSet.name.rangelength[1]);
 	checkValueIsExist("name", "validateDataElementGroupSet.action");

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/addIndicatorForm.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/addIndicatorForm.js	2011-03-31 12:05:54 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/addIndicatorForm.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -1,59 +1,10 @@
 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
-	var r = getValidationRules();
-	var rules = {
-		name : {
-			required : true,
-			rangelength : r.indicator.name.rangelength,
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces : r.indicator.name.alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces,
-			firstletteralphabet : r.indicator.name.firstletteralphabet
-		},
-		shortName : {
-			required : true,
-			rangelength : r.indicator.shortName.rangelength,
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces : r.indicator.shortName.alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces,
-			firstletteralphabet : r.indicator.shortName.firstletteralphabet
-		},
-		alternativeName : {
-			rangelength : r.indicator.alternativeName.rangelength,
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces : r.indicator.alternativeName.alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces,
-			firstletteralphabet : r.indicator.alternativeName.firstletteralphabet
-		},
-		code : {
-			rangelength : r.indicator.code.rangelength,
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces : r.indicator.code.alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces,
-			notOnlyDigits : r.indicator.code.notOnlyDigits
-		},
-		description : {
-			rangelength : r.indicator.description.rangelength,
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces : r.indicator.description.alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces,
-			firstletteralphabet : r.indicator.description.firstletteralphabet
-		},
-		indicatorTypeId : {
-			required : true
-		},
-		url : {
-			url : true,
-			rangelength : r.indicator.url.rangelength
-		},
-		denominator : {
-			required : true
-		}
-	};
 	validation2('addIndicatorForm', function(form) {
 	}, {
-		'rules' : rules
+		'rules' : getValidationRules("indicator")
-	jQuery("#name").attr("maxlength", r.indicator.name.rangelength[1]);
-	jQuery("#shortName").attr("maxlength", r.indicator.shortName.rangelength[1]);
-	jQuery("#alternativeName").attr("maxlength", r.indicator.alternativeName.rangelength[1]);
-	jQuery("#code").attr("maxlength", r.indicator.code.rangelength[1]);
-	jQuery("#description").attr("maxlength", r.indicator.description.rangelength[1]);
-	jQuery("#url").attr("maxlength", r.indicator.url.rangelength[1]);
 	checkValueIsExist("name", "validateIndicator.action");
 	checkValueIsExist("shortName", "validateIndicator.action");
 	checkValueIsExist("alternativeName", "validateIndicator.action");

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/addIndicatorGroupForm.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/addIndicatorGroupForm.js	2011-03-31 12:05:54 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/addIndicatorGroupForm.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -1,26 +1,13 @@
 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
-	var r = getValidationRules();
-	var rules = {
-		name : {
-			required : true,
-			rangelength : r.indicatorGroup.name.rangelength,
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces : true,
-			firstletteralphabet : true
-		}
-	};
 	validation2('addIndicatorGroupForm', function(form) {
 	}, {
 		'beforeValidateHandler' : function() {
 			listValidator('memberValidator', 'groupMembers');
-		'rules' : rules
+		'rules' : getValidationRules("indicatorGroup")
-	jQuery("#name").attr("maxlength", r.indicatorGroup.name.rangelength[1]);
 	checkValueIsExist("name", "validateIndicatorGroup.action");
 	var nameField = document.getElementById('name');

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/addIndicatorGroupSet.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/addIndicatorGroupSet.js	2011-03-31 13:13:10 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/addIndicatorGroupSet.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -1,23 +1,12 @@
 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
-	var r = getValidationRules();
-	var rules = {
-		name : {
-			required : true,
-			rangelength : r.indicatorGroupSet.name.rangelength
-		}
-	};
 	validation2('addIndicatorGroupSet', function(form) {
 	}, {
 		'beforeValidateHandler' : function() {
 			listValidator('memberValidator', 'groupMembers');
-		'rules' : rules
+		'rules' : getValidationRules("indicatorGroupSet")
-	jQuery("#name").attr("maxlength", r.indicatorGroupSet.name.rangelength[1]);
 	checkValueIsExist("name", "validateIndicatorGroupSet.action");

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/addIndicatorTypeForm.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/addIndicatorTypeForm.js	2011-04-08 05:58:56 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/addIndicatorTypeForm.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -1,28 +1,9 @@
 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
-	var r = getValidationRules();
-	var rules = {
-		name : {
-			required : true,
-			rangelength : r.indicatorType.name.rangelength,
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces : r.indicatorType.name.alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces,
-			firstletteralphabet : r.indicatorType.name.firstletteralphabet
-		},
-		factor : {
-			required : true,
-			rangelength : r.indicatorType.factor.rangelength,
-			digits : true
-		}
-	};
 	validation2('addIndicatorTypeForm', function(form) {
 	}, {
-		'rules' : rules
+		'rules' : getValidationRules("indicatorType")
-	jQuery("#name").attr("maxlength", r.indicatorType.name.rangelength[1]);
-	jQuery("#factor").attr("maxlength", r.indicatorType.factor.rangelength[1]);
 	checkValueIsExist("name", "validateIndicatorType.action");

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/categoryCombo.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/categoryCombo.js	2010-12-21 07:10:25 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/categoryCombo.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -38,5 +38,4 @@
 		if( json.response == 'success' ) form.submit();
 		else markInvalid( 'selectedCategories', json.message );
\ No newline at end of file

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/dataDictionary.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/dataDictionary.js	2010-09-08 10:40:26 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/dataDictionary.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -44,4 +44,4 @@
 function removeDataDictionary( dataDictionaryId, dataDictionaryName )
 	removeItem( dataDictionaryId, dataDictionaryName, i18n_confirm_delete, 'removeDataDictionary.action' );
\ No newline at end of file

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/dataElementCategoryList.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/dataElementCategoryList.js	2010-09-27 12:39:54 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/dataElementCategoryList.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 var selectedList;
 var availableList;
@@ -92,4 +91,4 @@
     option.selected = true;
\ No newline at end of file

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/dataElementGroup.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/dataElementGroup.js	2010-11-25 21:34:02 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/dataElementGroup.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 		memberValidator.append( '<option value="' + item.value + '" selected="selected">' + item.value + '</option>');
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // View details
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/dataElementGroupEditorView.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/dataElementGroupEditorView.js	2011-04-08 05:34:52 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/dataElementGroupEditorView.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -1,316 +1,316 @@
 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
-		loadAvailableGroups();
-		getDataElementsByGroup();
-		getAssignedDataElementGroups();
-		jQuery( "#addDataElementGroupForm" ).dialog({autoOpen:false, modal:true});		
-		jQuery("#tabs").tabs();
+	loadAvailableGroups();
+	getDataElementsByGroup();
+	getAssignedDataElementGroups();
+	jQuery( "#addDataElementGroupForm" ).dialog({autoOpen:false, modal:true});		
+	jQuery("#tabs").tabs();
+function loadAvailableDataElements()
+	var filter_1 = jQuery( '#view_1 #availableDataElementsFilter' ).val();
+	var filter_2 = jQuery( '#view_2 #availableDataElementsFilter' ).val();
+	var list_1 = jQuery( "#view_1 #availableDataElements" );
+	var list_2 = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableDataElements2" );
+	list_1.empty();
+	list_2.empty();
+	for( var id in availableDataElements)
+	{
+		var text = availableDataElements[id];
+		if( text.toLowerCase().indexOf( filter_1.toLowerCase() ) != -1)
+		{	
+			list_1.append('<option value="' + id + '">' + text + '</option>' );
+			list_2.append('<option value="' + id + '">' + text + '</option>' );
+		}
+	}
+	list_1.find(":first").attr("selected", "selected");		
+	list_2.find(":first").attr("selected", "selected");		
+function loadAvailableGroups()
+	var filter_1 = jQuery( '#view_1 #dataElementGroupsFilter' ).val();
+	var filter_2 = jQuery( '#view_2 #dataElementGroupsFilter' ).val();
+	var list_1 = jQuery( "#view_1 #dataElementGroups" );
+	var list_2 = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableGroups" );			
+	list_1.empty();				
+	list_2.empty();				
+	for( var id in dataElementGroups)
+	{
+		var text = dataElementGroups[id];
+		if( text.toLowerCase().indexOf( filter_1.toLowerCase() ) != -1)
+		{
+			list_1.append('<option value="' + id + '">' + text + '</option>' );
+			list_2.append('<option value="' + id + '">' + text + '</option>' );
+		}
+	}
+	sortList( 'dataElementGroups', 'ASC' );
+	sortList( 'availableGroups', 'ASC' );
+	list_1.find(":first").attr("selected", "selected");		
+	list_2.find(":first").attr("selected", "selected");	
+	var list_3 = jQuery( "#view_2 #assignedGroups").children();
+	list_2.children().each( function(i, item ){
+		list_3.each( function(k, it ){
+			if( it.value == item.value ){
+				jQuery( item ).remove();
+			}
+		});
-	function loadAvailableDataElements()
-	{
-		var filter_1 = jQuery( '#view_1 #availableDataElementsFilter' ).val();
-		var filter_2 = jQuery( '#view_2 #availableDataElementsFilter' ).val();
-		var list_1 = jQuery( "#view_1 #availableDataElements" );
-		var list_2 = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableDataElements2" );
-		list_1.empty();
-		list_2.empty();
-		for( var id in availableDataElements)
-		{
-			var text = availableDataElements[id];
-			if( text.toLowerCase().indexOf( filter_1.toLowerCase() ) != -1)
-			{	
-				list_1.append('<option value="' + id + '">' + text + '</option>' );
-				list_2.append('<option value="' + id + '">' + text + '</option>' );
-			}
-		}
-		list_1.find(":first").attr("selected", "selected");		
-		list_2.find(":first").attr("selected", "selected");		
-	}	
-	function loadAvailableGroups()
-	{
-		var filter_1 = jQuery( '#view_1 #dataElementGroupsFilter' ).val();
-		var filter_2 = jQuery( '#view_2 #dataElementGroupsFilter' ).val();
-		var list_1 = jQuery( "#view_1 #dataElementGroups" );
-		var list_2 = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableGroups" );			
-		list_1.empty();				
-		list_2.empty();				
-		for( var id in dataElementGroups)
-		{
-			var text = dataElementGroups[id];
+function getDataElementsByGroup()
+	loadAvailableDataElements();
+	var filter_1 = jQuery( '#view_1 #selecteDataElementsFilter' ).val();
+	var list_1 = jQuery( "#view_1 #selectedDataElements" );
+	list_1.empty();				
+	jQuery.postJSON( "../dhis-web-commons-ajax-json/getDataElements.action", {
+		id: jQuery( '#view_1 #dataElementGroups' ).val()
+	}, function( json ){
+		jQuery.each( json.dataElements, function(i, item){				
+			var text = item.name;
 			if( text.toLowerCase().indexOf( filter_1.toLowerCase() ) != -1)
-				list_1.append('<option value="' + id + '">' + text + '</option>' );
-				list_2.append('<option value="' + id + '">' + text + '</option>' );
+				list_1.append('<option value="' + item.id + '">' + text + '</option>' );
-		}
-		sortList( 'dataElementGroups', 'ASC' );
-		sortList( 'availableGroups', 'ASC' );
-		list_1.find(":first").attr("selected", "selected");		
-		list_2.find(":first").attr("selected", "selected");	
-		var list_3 = jQuery( "#view_2 #assignedGroups").children();
-		list_2.children().each( function(i, item ){
-			list_3.each( function(k, it ){
-				if( it.value == item.value ){
-					jQuery( item ).remove();
-				}
-			});
-		});
-	}
-	function getDataElementsByGroup()
-	{
-		loadAvailableDataElements();
-		var filter_1 = jQuery( '#view_1 #selecteDataElementsFilter' ).val();
-		var list_1 = jQuery( "#view_1 #selectedDataElements" );
-		list_1.empty();				
-		jQuery.postJSON( "../dhis-web-commons-ajax-json/getDataElements.action", {
-			id: jQuery( '#view_1 #dataElementGroups' ).val()
-		}, function( json ){
-			jQuery.each( json.dataElements, function(i, item){				
-				var text = item.name;
-				if( text.toLowerCase().indexOf( filter_1.toLowerCase() ) != -1)
+			jQuery( "#view_1 #availableDataElements" ).children().each( function(k, it){
+				if( item.id == it.value )
-					list_1.append('<option value="' + item.id + '">' + text + '</option>' );
+					jQuery(it).remove();
-				jQuery( "#view_1 #availableDataElements" ).children().each( function(k, it){
-					if( item.id == it.value )
-					{
-						jQuery(it).remove();
-					}
-				});
-	}
-	function showAddGroup()
-	{
-		jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'title', i18n_new);
-		jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'buttons', [{
-			text: i18n_save,
-			click: function(){				
-				jQuery.postJSON( "validateDataElementGroup.action", {					
-					name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm #name' ).val(); }
-				}, function( json ){
-					if( json.response == 'success' ){
-						jQuery.postJSON( "addDataElementGroupEditor.action", {
-							name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm #name' ).val(); }					
-						}, function( json ){
-							dataElementGroups[json.dataElementGroup.id] = json.dataElementGroup.name;
-							loadAvailableGroups();		
-							loadAvailableDataElements();
-							jQuery( "#view_1 #selectedDataElements" ).empty();
-							jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('close');
-						} );
-					}else{
-						markInvalid( "addDataElementGroupForm #name", json.message );
-					}
-				});	
-			}
-		}]);
-		jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('open');		
-	}
-	function showAddGroupView2()
-	{
-		jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'title', i18n_new);
-		jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'buttons', [{
-			text: i18n_save,
-			click: function(){				
-				jQuery.postJSON( "validateDataElementGroup.action", {					
-					name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm #name' ).val(); }
-				}, function( json ){
-					if( json.response == 'success' ){
-						jQuery.postJSON( "addDataElementGroupEditor.action", {
-							name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm #name' ).val(); }					
-						}, function( json ){
-							dataElementGroups[json.dataElementGroup.id] = json.dataElementGroup.name;
-							loadAvailableGroups();							
-							jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('close');
-						} );
-					}else{
-						markInvalid( "addDataElementGroupForm #name", json.message );
-					}
-				});	
-			}
-		}]);
-		jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('open');		
-	}
-	function showUpdateGroup()
-	{
-		var id = jQuery( "#view_1 #dataElementGroups" ).val();		
-		var text = jQuery( "#view_1 #dataElementGroups option[value=" + id + "]" ).text();
-		jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm #name' ).val( text );
-		jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'buttons', [{
-			text: i18n_save,
-			click: function(){
-				jQuery.postJSON( "validateDataElementGroup.action", {
-					id: id,
-					name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm #name' ).val(); }
-				}, function( json ){
-					if( json.response == 'success' ){
-						jQuery.postJSON( "renameDataElementGroupEditor.action", {
-							name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm #name' ).val(); },
-							id: id
-						}, function( json ){
-							dataElementGroups[json.dataElementGroup.id] = json.dataElementGroup.name;
-							loadAvailableGroups();			
-							jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('close');
-							showSuccessMessage( i18n_update_success );
-						} );
-					}else{
-						markInvalid( "addDataElementGroupForm #name", json.message );
-					}
-				});				
-			}
-		}]);
-		jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'title', i18n_rename);
-		jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('open');		
-	}
-	function showUpdateGroup2()
-	{
-		var id = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableGroups" ).val();		
-		var text = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableGroups option[value=" + id + "]" ).text();
-		jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm #name' ).val( text );
-		jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'buttons', [{
-			text: i18n_save,
-			click: function(){
-				jQuery.postJSON( "validateDataElementGroup.action", {
-					id: id,
-					name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm #name' ).val(); }
-				}, function( json ){
-					if( json.response == 'success' ){
-						jQuery.postJSON( "renameDataElementGroupEditor.action", {
-							name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm #name' ).val(); },
-							id: id
-						}, function( json ){
-							dataElementGroups[json.dataElementGroup.id] = json.dataElementGroup.name;
-							loadAvailableGroups();							
-							jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('close');
-							showSuccessMessage( i18n_update_success );
-						} );
-					}else{
-						markInvalid( "addDataElementGroupForm #name", json.message );
-					}
-				});				
-			}
-		}]);
-		jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'title', i18n_rename);
-		jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('open');		
-	}
-	function deleteDataElemenGroup()
-	{
-		if ( window.confirm( i18n_confirm_delete + '\n\n' + name ) )
-        {
-			var id = jQuery( "#view_1 #dataElementGroups" ).val();
-			jQuery.postJSON( "deleteDataElemenGroupEditor.action",{
-				id: id
-			}, function( json ){
-				if( json.response == 'success'){
-					dataElementGroups.splice(id, 1);
-					loadAvailableGroups();		
-					showSuccessMessage( json.message );
-				}else{
-					showErrorMessage( json.message );
-				}
-			});
-		}
-	}
-	function deleteDataElemenGroupView2()
-	{
-		if ( window.confirm( i18n_confirm_delete + '\n\n' + name ) )
-        {
-			var id = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableGroups" ).val()[0];		
-			jQuery.postJSON( "deleteDataElemenGroupEditor.action",{
-				id: id
-			}, function( json ){
-				if( json.response == 'success'){
-					dataElementGroups.splice(id, 1);
-					loadAvailableGroups();							
-					showSuccessMessage( json.message );
-				}else{
-					showErrorMessage( json.message );
-				}
-			});
-		}
-	}
-	function updateGroupMembers()
-	{
+	});
+function showAddGroup()
+	jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'title', i18n_new);
+	jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'buttons', [{
+		text: i18n_save,
+		click: function(){				
+			jQuery.postJSON( "validateDataElementGroup.action", {					
+				name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm #name' ).val(); }
+			}, function( json ){
+				if( json.response == 'success' ){
+					jQuery.postJSON( "addDataElementGroupEditor.action", {
+						name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm #name' ).val(); }					
+					}, function( json ){
+						dataElementGroups[json.dataElementGroup.id] = json.dataElementGroup.name;
+						loadAvailableGroups();		
+						loadAvailableDataElements();
+						jQuery( "#view_1 #selectedDataElements" ).empty();
+						jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('close');
+					} );
+				}else{
+					markInvalid( "addDataElementGroupForm #name", json.message );
+				}
+			});	
+		}
+	}]);
+	jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('open');		
+function showAddGroupView2()
+	jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'title', i18n_new);
+	jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'buttons', [{
+		text: i18n_save,
+		click: function(){				
+			jQuery.postJSON( "validateDataElementGroup.action", {					
+				name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm #name' ).val(); }
+			}, function( json ){
+				if( json.response == 'success' ){
+					jQuery.postJSON( "addDataElementGroupEditor.action", {
+						name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm #name' ).val(); }					
+					}, function( json ){
+						dataElementGroups[json.dataElementGroup.id] = json.dataElementGroup.name;
+						loadAvailableGroups();							
+						jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('close');
+					} );
+				}else{
+					markInvalid( "addDataElementGroupForm #name", json.message );
+				}
+			});	
+		}
+	}]);
+	jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('open');		
+function showUpdateGroup()
+	var id = jQuery( "#view_1 #dataElementGroups" ).val();		
+	var text = jQuery( "#view_1 #dataElementGroups option[value=" + id + "]" ).text();
+	jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm #name' ).val( text );
+	jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'buttons', [{
+		text: i18n_save,
+		click: function(){
+			jQuery.postJSON( "validateDataElementGroup.action", {
+				id: id,
+				name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm #name' ).val(); }
+			}, function( json ){
+				if( json.response == 'success' ){
+					jQuery.postJSON( "renameDataElementGroupEditor.action", {
+						name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm #name' ).val(); },
+						id: id
+					}, function( json ){
+						dataElementGroups[json.dataElementGroup.id] = json.dataElementGroup.name;
+						loadAvailableGroups();			
+						jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('close');
+						showSuccessMessage( i18n_update_success );
+					} );
+				}else{
+					markInvalid( "addDataElementGroupForm #name", json.message );
+				}
+			});				
+		}
+	}]);
+	jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'title', i18n_rename);
+	jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('open');		
+function showUpdateGroup2()
+	var id = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableGroups" ).val();		
+	var text = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableGroups option[value=" + id + "]" ).text();
+	jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm #name' ).val( text );
+	jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'buttons', [{
+		text: i18n_save,
+		click: function(){
+			jQuery.postJSON( "validateDataElementGroup.action", {
+				id: id,
+				name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm #name' ).val(); }
+			}, function( json ){
+				if( json.response == 'success' ){
+					jQuery.postJSON( "renameDataElementGroupEditor.action", {
+						name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm #name' ).val(); },
+						id: id
+					}, function( json ){
+						dataElementGroups[json.dataElementGroup.id] = json.dataElementGroup.name;
+						loadAvailableGroups();							
+						jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('close');
+						showSuccessMessage( i18n_update_success );
+					} );
+				}else{
+					markInvalid( "addDataElementGroupForm #name", json.message );
+				}
+			});				
+		}
+	}]);
+	jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'title', i18n_rename);
+	jQuery( '#addDataElementGroupForm' ).dialog('open');		
+function deleteDataElemenGroup()
+	if ( window.confirm( i18n_confirm_delete + '\n\n' + name ) )
+    {
 		var id = jQuery( "#view_1 #dataElementGroups" ).val();
-		jQuery.getJSON( "updateDataElementGroupEditor.action?id=" + id + "&" + toQueryString( '#view_1 #selectedDataElements', 'groupMembers' ),
-		function( json ){
-			showSuccessMessage( i18n_update_success );
-		});
-	}
-	function toQueryString( jQueryString, paramName )
-	{
-		var p = "";
-		jQuery( jQueryString ).children().each(function(i, item ){
-			item.selected = "selected";
-			p += paramName + "=" + item.value + "&";			
-		});
-		return p;
-	}
-	// View 2
-	function getAssignedDataElementGroups()
-	{	
-		loadAvailableGroups();
-		var id = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableDataElements2" ).val();
-		var list_2 = jQuery( "#view_2 #assignedGroups" );	
-		list_2.empty();	
-		jQuery.postJSON( "getAssignedDataElementGroups.action", {
-			dataElementId: id
-		}, function( json ){
-			jQuery.each(json.dataElementGroups, function(i, item ){
-				list_2.append('<option value="' + item.id + '">' + item.name + '</option>' );
-				jQuery( "#view_2 #availableGroups" ).children().each( function(k, it){
-					if( item.id == it.value )
-					{
-						jQuery(it).remove();
-					}
-				});	
-			});				
-		});			
-	}
-	function assignGroupsForDataElement()
-	{
-		var dataElementId = jQuery("#view_2 #availableDataElements2").val();
-		jQuery.getJSON( "asignGroupsForDataElement.action?dataElementId=" + dataElementId + "&" + toQueryString( '#view_2 #assignedGroups', 'dataElementGroups' ),
-		function( json ){
-			showSuccessMessage( i18n_update_success );
-		});
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+		jQuery.postJSON( "deleteDataElemenGroupEditor.action",{
+			id: id
+		}, function( json ){
+			if( json.response == 'success'){
+				dataElementGroups.splice(id, 1);
+				loadAvailableGroups();		
+				showSuccessMessage( json.message );
+			}else{
+				showErrorMessage( json.message );
+			}
+		});
+	}
+function deleteDataElemenGroupView2()
+	if ( window.confirm( i18n_confirm_delete + '\n\n' + name ) )
+    {
+		var id = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableGroups" ).val()[0];		
+		jQuery.postJSON( "deleteDataElemenGroupEditor.action",{
+			id: id
+		}, function( json ){
+			if( json.response == 'success'){
+				dataElementGroups.splice(id, 1);
+				loadAvailableGroups();							
+				showSuccessMessage( json.message );
+			}else{
+				showErrorMessage( json.message );
+			}
+		});
+	}
+function updateGroupMembers()
+	var id = jQuery( "#view_1 #dataElementGroups" ).val();
+	jQuery.getJSON( "updateDataElementGroupEditor.action?id=" + id + "&" + toQueryString( '#view_1 #selectedDataElements', 'groupMembers' ),
+	function( json ){
+		showSuccessMessage( i18n_update_success );
+	});
+function toQueryString( jQueryString, paramName )
+	var p = "";
+	jQuery( jQueryString ).children().each(function(i, item ){
+		item.selected = "selected";
+		p += paramName + "=" + item.value + "&";			
+	});
+	return p;
+// View 2
+function getAssignedDataElementGroups()
+	loadAvailableGroups();
+	var id = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableDataElements2" ).val();
+	var list_2 = jQuery( "#view_2 #assignedGroups" );	
+	list_2.empty();	
+	jQuery.postJSON( "getAssignedDataElementGroups.action", {
+		dataElementId: id
+	}, function( json ){
+		jQuery.each(json.dataElementGroups, function(i, item ){
+			list_2.append('<option value="' + item.id + '">' + item.name + '</option>' );
+			jQuery( "#view_2 #availableGroups" ).children().each( function(k, it){
+				if( item.id == it.value )
+				{
+					jQuery(it).remove();
+				}
+			});	
+		});				
+	});			
+function assignGroupsForDataElement()
+	var dataElementId = jQuery("#view_2 #availableDataElements2").val();
+	jQuery.getJSON( "asignGroupsForDataElement.action?dataElementId=" + dataElementId + "&" + toQueryString( '#view_2 #assignedGroups', 'dataElementGroups' ),
+	function( json ){
+		showSuccessMessage( i18n_update_success );
+	});

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/indicator.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/indicator.js	2010-12-16 04:38:17 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/indicator.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -70,4 +70,3 @@
 	removeItem( indicatorId, indicatorName, i18n_confirm_delete, 'removeIndicator.action' );

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/indicatorGroupEditorView.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/indicatorGroupEditorView.js	2011-04-08 05:34:52 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/indicatorGroupEditorView.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -1,321 +1,320 @@
 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
-		loadAvailableGroups();
-		getIndicatorsByGroup();	
-		getAssignedIndicatorGroups();	
-		jQuery( "#addIndicatorGroupForm" ).dialog({autoOpen:false, modal:true});		
-		jQuery("#tabs").tabs();
+	loadAvailableGroups();
+	getIndicatorsByGroup();	
+	getAssignedIndicatorGroups();	
+	jQuery( "#addIndicatorGroupForm" ).dialog({autoOpen:false, modal:true});		
+	jQuery("#tabs").tabs();
+function loadAvailableIndicators()
+	var filter_1 = jQuery( '#view_1 #availableIndicatorsFilter' ).val();
+	var filter_2 = jQuery( '#view_2 #availableIndicatorsFilter' ).val();
+	var list_1 = jQuery( "#view_1 #availableIndicators" );
+	var list_2 = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableIndicators2" );
+	list_1.empty();
+	list_2.empty();
+	for( var id in availableIndicators)
+	{
+		var text = availableIndicators[id];
+		if( text.toLowerCase().indexOf( filter_1.toLowerCase() ) != -1)
+		{				
+			list_1.append('<option value="' + id + '">' + text + '</option>' );
+			list_2.append('<option value="' + id + '">' + text + '</option>' );
+		}
+	}
+	list_1.find(":first").attr("selected", "selected");		
+	list_2.find(":first").attr("selected", "selected");		
+function loadAvailableGroups()
+	var filter_1 = jQuery( '#view_1 #indicatorGroupsFilter' ).val();
+	var filter_2 = jQuery( '#view_2 #indicatorGroupsFilter' ).val();
+	var list_1 = jQuery( "#view_1 #indicatorGroups" );
+	var list_2 = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableGroups" );			
+	list_1.empty();				
+	list_2.empty();				
+	for( var id in indicatorGroups)
+	{
+		var text = indicatorGroups[id];
+		if( text.toLowerCase().indexOf( filter_1.toLowerCase() ) != -1)
+		{
+			list_1.append('<option value="' + id + '">' + text + '</option>' );
+			list_2.append('<option value="' + id + '">' + text + '</option>' );
+		}
+	}
+	sortList( 'indicatorGroups', 'ASC' );
+	sortList( 'availableGroups', 'ASC' );
+	list_1.find(":first").attr("selected", "selected");		
+	list_2.find(":first").attr("selected", "selected");
+	var list_3 = jQuery( "#view_2 #assignedGroups").children();
+	list_2.children().each( function(i, item ){
+		list_3.each( function(k, it ){
+			if( it.value == item.value ){
+				jQuery( item ).remove();
+			}
+		});
-	function loadAvailableIndicators()
-	{
-		var filter_1 = jQuery( '#view_1 #availableIndicatorsFilter' ).val();
-		var filter_2 = jQuery( '#view_2 #availableIndicatorsFilter' ).val();
-		var list_1 = jQuery( "#view_1 #availableIndicators" );
-		var list_2 = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableIndicators2" );
-		list_1.empty();
-		list_2.empty();
-		for( var id in availableIndicators)
-		{
-			var text = availableIndicators[id];
-			if( text.toLowerCase().indexOf( filter_1.toLowerCase() ) != -1)
-			{				
-				list_1.append('<option value="' + id + '">' + text + '</option>' );
-				list_2.append('<option value="' + id + '">' + text + '</option>' );
-			}
-		}
-		list_1.find(":first").attr("selected", "selected");		
-		list_2.find(":first").attr("selected", "selected");		
-	}
-	function loadAvailableGroups()
-	{
-		var filter_1 = jQuery( '#view_1 #indicatorGroupsFilter' ).val();
-		var filter_2 = jQuery( '#view_2 #indicatorGroupsFilter' ).val();
-		var list_1 = jQuery( "#view_1 #indicatorGroups" );
-		var list_2 = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableGroups" );			
-		list_1.empty();				
-		list_2.empty();				
-		for( var id in indicatorGroups)
-		{
-			var text = indicatorGroups[id];
+function getIndicatorsByGroup()
+	loadAvailableIndicators();
+	var filter_1 = jQuery( '#view_1 #selectedIndicatorsFilter' ).val();
+	var list_1 = jQuery( "#view_1 #selectedIndicators" );
+	list_1.empty();				
+	jQuery.postJSON( "../dhis-web-commons-ajax-json/getIndicators.action", {
+		id: jQuery( '#view_1 #indicatorGroups' ).val()
+	}, function( json ){
+		jQuery.each( json.indicators, function(i, item){				
+			var text = item.name;
 			if( text.toLowerCase().indexOf( filter_1.toLowerCase() ) != -1)
-				list_1.append('<option value="' + id + '">' + text + '</option>' );
-				list_2.append('<option value="' + id + '">' + text + '</option>' );
-			}
-		}
-		sortList( 'indicatorGroups', 'ASC' );
-		sortList( 'availableGroups', 'ASC' );
-		list_1.find(":first").attr("selected", "selected");		
-		list_2.find(":first").attr("selected", "selected");
-		var list_3 = jQuery( "#view_2 #assignedGroups").children();
-		list_2.children().each( function(i, item ){
-			list_3.each( function(k, it ){
-				if( it.value == item.value ){
-					jQuery( item ).remove();
-				}
-			});
-		});
-	}
-	function getIndicatorsByGroup()
-	{
-		loadAvailableIndicators();
-		var filter_1 = jQuery( '#view_1 #selectedIndicatorsFilter' ).val();
-		var list_1 = jQuery( "#view_1 #selectedIndicators" );
-		list_1.empty();				
-		jQuery.postJSON( "../dhis-web-commons-ajax-json/getIndicators.action", {
-			id: jQuery( '#view_1 #indicatorGroups' ).val()
-		}, function( json ){
-			jQuery.each( json.indicators, function(i, item){				
-				var text = item.name;
-				if( text.toLowerCase().indexOf( filter_1.toLowerCase() ) != -1)
-				{
-					list_1.append('<option value="' + item.id + '">' + text + '</option>' );
-				}
-				jQuery( "#view_1 #availableIndicators" ).children().each( function(k, it){
-					if( item.id == it.value )
-					{
-						jQuery(it).remove();
-					}
-				});
-			});
-		});
-	}
-	function showAddGroup()
-	{
-		jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'title', i18n_new);
-		jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'buttons', [{
-			text: i18n_save,
-			click: function(){				
-				jQuery.postJSON( "validateIndicatorGroup.action", {					
-					name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm #name' ).val(); }
-				}, function( json ){
-					if( json.response == 'success' ){
-						jQuery.postJSON( "addIndicatorGroupEditor.action", {
-							name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm #name' ).val(); }					
-						}, function( json ){
-							indicatorGroups[json.indicatorGroup.id] = json.indicatorGroup.name;
-							loadAvailableGroups();								
-							loadAvailableIndicators();
-							jQuery( "#view_1 #selectedIndicators" ).empty();
-							jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('close');
-						} );
-					}else{
-						markInvalid( "addIndicatorGroupForm #name", json.message );
-					}
-				});	
-			}
-		}]);
-		jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('open');		
-	}
-	function showUpdateGroup()
-	{
-		var id = jQuery( "#view_1 #indicatorGroups" ).val();		
-		var text = jQuery( "#view_1 #indicatorGroups option[value=" + id + "]" ).text();
-		jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm #name' ).val( text );
-		jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'buttons', [{
-			text: i18n_save,
-			click: function(){
-				jQuery.postJSON( "validateIndicatorGroup.action", {
-					id: id,
-					name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm #name' ).val(); }
-				}, function( json ){
-					if( json.response == 'success' ){
-						jQuery.postJSON( "renameIndicatorGroupEditor.action", {
-							name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm #name' ).val(); },
-							id: id
-						}, function( json ){
-							indicatorGroups[id] = jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm #name' ).val();
-							loadAvailableGroups();		
-							jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('close');
-							showSuccessMessage( i18n_update_success );
-						} );
-					}else{
-						markInvalid( "addIndicatorGroupForm #name", json.message );
-					}
-				});				
-			}
-		}]);
-		jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'title', i18n_rename);
-		jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('open');		
-	}
-	function deleteIndicatorGroup()
-	{
-		var id = jQuery( "#view_1 #indicatorGroups" ).val();
-		var name = jQuery( "#view_1 #indicatorGroups option[value=" + id + "]" ).text();
-		if ( window.confirm( i18n_confirm_delete + '\n\n' + name ) )
-        {
-			jQuery.postJSON( "deleteIndicatorGroupEditor.action",{
-				id: id
-			}, function( json ){
-				if( json.response == 'success'){
-					indicatorGroups.splice(id, 1);
-					loadAvailableGroups();		
-					showSuccessMessage( json.message );
-				}else{
-					showErrorMessage( json.message );
-				}
-			});
-		}
-	}
-	function updateGroupMembers()
-	{
-		var id = jQuery( "#view_1 #indicatorGroups" ).val();
-		jQuery.getJSON( "updateIndicatorGroupEditor.action?id=" + id + "&" + toQueryString( '#view_1 #selectedIndicators', 'groupMembers' ),
-		function( json ){
-			showSuccessMessage( i18n_update_success );
-		});
-	}
-	function toQueryString( jQueryString, paramName )
-	{
-		var p = "";
-		jQuery( jQueryString ).children().each(function(i, item ){
-			item.selected = "selected";
-			p += paramName + "=" + item.value + "&";			
-		});
-		return p;
-	}
-	// View2
-	function getAssignedIndicatorGroups()
-	{
-		loadAvailableGroups();
-		var id = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableIndicators2" ).val();
-		var list_2 = jQuery( "#view_2 #assignedGroups" );	
-		list_2.empty();	
-		jQuery.postJSON( "getAssignedIndicatorGroups.action", {
-			indicatorId: id
-		}, function( json ){
-			jQuery.each(json.indicatorGroups, function(i, item ){
-				list_2.append('<option value="' + item.id + '">' + item.name + '</option>' );
-				jQuery( "#view_2 #availableGroups" ).children().each( function(k, it){
-					if( item.id == it.value )
-					{
-						jQuery(it).remove();
-					}
-				});	
-			});				
-		});		
-	}
-	function showAddGroup2()
-	{
-		jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'title', i18n_new);
-		jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'buttons', [{
-			text: i18n_save,
-			click: function(){				
-				jQuery.postJSON( "validateIndicatorGroup.action", {					
-					name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm #name' ).val(); }
-				}, function( json ){
-					if( json.response == 'success' ){
-						jQuery.postJSON( "addIndicatorGroupEditor.action", {
-							name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm #name' ).val(); }					
-						}, function( json ){
-							indicatorGroups[json.indicatorGroup.id] = json.indicatorGroup.name;
-							loadAvailableGroups();								
-							jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('close');
-						} );
-					}else{
-						markInvalid( "addIndicatorGroupForm #name", json.message );
-					}
-				});	
-			}
-		}]);
-		jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('open');		
-	}
-	function showUpdateGroup2()
-	{
-		var id = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableGroups" ).val()[0];		
-		var text = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableGroups option[value=" + id + "]" ).text();
-		jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm #name' ).val( text );
-		jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'buttons', [{
-			text: i18n_save,
-			click: function(){				
-				jQuery.postJSON( "validateIndicatorGroup.action", {
-					id: id,
-					name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm #name' ).val(); }
-				}, function( json ){
-					if( json.response == 'success' ){
-						jQuery.postJSON( "renameIndicatorGroupEditor.action", {
-							name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm #name' ).val(); },
-							id: id
-						}, function( json ){
-							indicatorGroups[id] = jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm #name' ).val();
-							loadAvailableGroups();		
-							jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('close');
-							showSuccessMessage( i18n_update_success );
-						} );
-					}else{
-						markInvalid( "addIndicatorGroupForm #name", json.message );
-					}
-				});				
-			}
-		}]);
-		jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'title', i18n_rename);
-		jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('open');		
-	}
-	function deleteIndicatorGroup2()
-	{
-		var id = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableGroups" ).val()[0];
-		var name = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableGroups option[value=" + id + "]" ).text();
-		if ( window.confirm( i18n_confirm_delete + '\n\n' + name ) )
-        {
-			jQuery.postJSON( "deleteIndicatorGroupEditor.action",{
-				id: id
-			}, function( json ){
-				if( json.response == 'success'){
-					indicatorGroups.splice(id, 1);
-					loadAvailableGroups();		
-					showSuccessMessage( json.message );
-				}else{
-					showErrorMessage( json.message );
-				}
-			});
-		}
-	}
-	function assignGroupsForIndicator()
-	{
-		var id = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableIndicators2" ).val();
-		jQuery.getJSON( "asignGroupsForIndicator.action?indicatorId=" + id + "&" + toQueryString( '#view_2 #assignedGroups', 'indicatorGroups' ),
-		function( json ){
-			showSuccessMessage( i18n_update_success );
-		});
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+				list_1.append('<option value="' + item.id + '">' + text + '</option>' );
+			}
+			jQuery( "#view_1 #availableIndicators" ).children().each( function(k, it){
+				if( item.id == it.value )
+				{
+					jQuery(it).remove();
+				}
+			});
+		});
+	});
+function showAddGroup()
+	jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'title', i18n_new);
+	jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'buttons', [{
+		text: i18n_save,
+		click: function(){				
+			jQuery.postJSON( "validateIndicatorGroup.action", {					
+				name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm #name' ).val(); }
+			}, function( json ){
+				if( json.response == 'success' ){
+					jQuery.postJSON( "addIndicatorGroupEditor.action", {
+						name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm #name' ).val(); }					
+					}, function( json ){
+						indicatorGroups[json.indicatorGroup.id] = json.indicatorGroup.name;
+						loadAvailableGroups();								
+						loadAvailableIndicators();
+						jQuery( "#view_1 #selectedIndicators" ).empty();
+						jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('close');
+					} );
+				}else{
+					markInvalid( "addIndicatorGroupForm #name", json.message );
+				}
+			});	
+		}
+	}]);
+	jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('open');		
+function showUpdateGroup()
+	var id = jQuery( "#view_1 #indicatorGroups" ).val();		
+	var text = jQuery( "#view_1 #indicatorGroups option[value=" + id + "]" ).text();
+	jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm #name' ).val( text );
+	jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'buttons', [{
+		text: i18n_save,
+		click: function(){
+			jQuery.postJSON( "validateIndicatorGroup.action", {
+				id: id,
+				name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm #name' ).val(); }
+			}, function( json ){
+				if( json.response == 'success' ){
+					jQuery.postJSON( "renameIndicatorGroupEditor.action", {
+						name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm #name' ).val(); },
+						id: id
+					}, function( json ){
+						indicatorGroups[id] = jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm #name' ).val();
+						loadAvailableGroups();		
+						jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('close');
+						showSuccessMessage( i18n_update_success );
+					} );
+				}else{
+					markInvalid( "addIndicatorGroupForm #name", json.message );
+				}
+			});				
+		}
+	}]);
+	jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'title', i18n_rename);
+	jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('open');		
+function deleteIndicatorGroup()
+	var id = jQuery( "#view_1 #indicatorGroups" ).val();
+	var name = jQuery( "#view_1 #indicatorGroups option[value=" + id + "]" ).text();
+	if ( window.confirm( i18n_confirm_delete + '\n\n' + name ) )
+    {
+		jQuery.postJSON( "deleteIndicatorGroupEditor.action",{
+			id: id
+		}, function( json ){
+			if( json.response == 'success'){
+				indicatorGroups.splice(id, 1);
+				loadAvailableGroups();		
+				showSuccessMessage( json.message );
+			}else{
+				showErrorMessage( json.message );
+			}
+		});
+	}
+function updateGroupMembers()
+	var id = jQuery( "#view_1 #indicatorGroups" ).val();
+	jQuery.getJSON( "updateIndicatorGroupEditor.action?id=" + id + "&" + toQueryString( '#view_1 #selectedIndicators', 'groupMembers' ),
+	function( json ){
+		showSuccessMessage( i18n_update_success );
+	});
+function toQueryString( jQueryString, paramName )
+	var p = "";
+	jQuery( jQueryString ).children().each(function(i, item ){
+		item.selected = "selected";
+		p += paramName + "=" + item.value + "&";			
+	});
+	return p;
+// View2
+function getAssignedIndicatorGroups()
+	loadAvailableGroups();
+	var id = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableIndicators2" ).val();
+	var list_2 = jQuery( "#view_2 #assignedGroups" );	
+	list_2.empty();	
+	jQuery.postJSON( "getAssignedIndicatorGroups.action", {
+		indicatorId: id
+	}, function( json ){
+		jQuery.each(json.indicatorGroups, function(i, item ){
+			list_2.append('<option value="' + item.id + '">' + item.name + '</option>' );
+			jQuery( "#view_2 #availableGroups" ).children().each( function(k, it){
+				if( item.id == it.value )
+				{
+					jQuery(it).remove();
+				}
+			});	
+		});				
+	});		
+function showAddGroup2()
+	jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'title', i18n_new);
+	jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'buttons', [{
+		text: i18n_save,
+		click: function(){				
+			jQuery.postJSON( "validateIndicatorGroup.action", {					
+				name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm #name' ).val(); }
+			}, function( json ){
+				if( json.response == 'success' ){
+					jQuery.postJSON( "addIndicatorGroupEditor.action", {
+						name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm #name' ).val(); }					
+					}, function( json ){
+						indicatorGroups[json.indicatorGroup.id] = json.indicatorGroup.name;
+						loadAvailableGroups();								
+						jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('close');
+					} );
+				}else{
+					markInvalid( "addIndicatorGroupForm #name", json.message );
+				}
+			});	
+		}
+	}]);
+	jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('open');		
+function showUpdateGroup2()
+	var id = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableGroups" ).val()[0];		
+	var text = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableGroups option[value=" + id + "]" ).text();
+	jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm #name' ).val( text );
+	jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'buttons', [{
+		text: i18n_save,
+		click: function(){				
+			jQuery.postJSON( "validateIndicatorGroup.action", {
+				id: id,
+				name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm #name' ).val(); }
+			}, function( json ){
+				if( json.response == 'success' ){
+					jQuery.postJSON( "renameIndicatorGroupEditor.action", {
+						name: function(){ return jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm #name' ).val(); },
+						id: id
+					}, function( json ){
+						indicatorGroups[id] = jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm #name' ).val();
+						loadAvailableGroups();		
+						jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('close');
+						showSuccessMessage( i18n_update_success );
+					} );
+				}else{
+					markInvalid( "addIndicatorGroupForm #name", json.message );
+				}
+			});				
+		}
+	}]);
+	jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('option', 'title', i18n_rename);
+	jQuery( '#addIndicatorGroupForm' ).dialog('open');		
+function deleteIndicatorGroup2()
+	var id = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableGroups" ).val()[0];
+	var name = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableGroups option[value=" + id + "]" ).text();
+	if ( window.confirm( i18n_confirm_delete + '\n\n' + name ) )
+    {
+		jQuery.postJSON( "deleteIndicatorGroupEditor.action",{
+			id: id
+		}, function( json ){
+			if( json.response == 'success'){
+				indicatorGroups.splice(id, 1);
+				loadAvailableGroups();		
+				showSuccessMessage( json.message );
+			}else{
+				showErrorMessage( json.message );
+			}
+		});
+	}
+function assignGroupsForIndicator()
+	var id = jQuery( "#view_2 #availableIndicators2" ).val();
+	jQuery.getJSON( "asignGroupsForIndicator.action?indicatorId=" + id + "&" + toQueryString( '#view_2 #assignedGroups', 'indicatorGroups' ),
+	function( json ){
+		showSuccessMessage( i18n_update_success );
+	});

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/optionCombinationList.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/optionCombinationList.js	2009-03-03 16:46:36 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/optionCombinationList.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -1,51 +1,50 @@
 var selectedList;
 var availableList;
-function move( listId ) {
-  var fromList = document.getElementById(listId);
-  if ( fromList.selectedIndex == -1 ) { return; }
-  if ( ! availableList ) {
-    availableList = document.getElementById('availableList');
-  }
-  if ( ! selectedList ) {
-    selectedList = document.getElementById('selectedList');
-  }
-  var toList = ( fromList == availableList ? selectedList : availableList );
-  while ( fromList.selectedIndex > -1 ) {
-    option = fromList.options.item(fromList.selectedIndex);
-    fromList.remove(fromList.selectedIndex);
-    toList.add(option, null);
-  }
+function move(listId) {
+	var fromList = document.getElementById(listId);
+	if (fromList.selectedIndex == -1) {
+		return;
+	}
+	if (!availableList) {
+		availableList = document.getElementById('availableList');
+	}
+	if (!selectedList) {
+		selectedList = document.getElementById('selectedList');
+	}
+	var toList = (fromList == availableList ? selectedList : availableList);
+	while (fromList.selectedIndex > -1) {
+		option = fromList.options.item(fromList.selectedIndex);
+		fromList.remove(fromList.selectedIndex);
+		toList.add(option, null);
+	}
 function submitForm() {
-  if ( ! availableList ) {
-    availableList = document.getElementById('availableList');
-  }
-  if ( ! selectedList ) {
-    selectedList = document.getElementById('selectedList');
-  }
-  // selectAll(availableList);
-  selectAll(selectedList);
-  return false;
+	if (!availableList) {
+		availableList = document.getElementById('availableList');
+	}
+	if (!selectedList) {
+		selectedList = document.getElementById('selectedList');
+	}
+	// selectAll(availableList);
+	selectAll(selectedList);
+	return false;
 function selectAll(list) {
-  for ( var i = 0, option; option = list.options.item(i); i++ ) {
-    option.selected = true;
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
+	for ( var i = 0, option; option = list.options.item(i); i++) {
+		option.selected = true;
+	}

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/selectedOptionList.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/selectedOptionList.js	2009-03-03 16:46:36 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/selectedOptionList.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -1,32 +1,28 @@
 var selectedList;
-function addToSelectedList( srcListId ) {
-  selectedList = document.getElementById('selectedList');
-  srcList = document.getElementById(srcListId);
-  option = srcList.options.item(srcList.selectedIndex);
-  selectedList.add(option,null);
+function addToSelectedList(srcListId) {
+	selectedList = document.getElementById('selectedList');
+	srcList = document.getElementById(srcListId);
+	option = srcList.options.item(srcList.selectedIndex);
+	selectedList.add(option, null);
 function submitForm() {
-  if ( ! selectedList ) {
-    selectedList = document.getElementById('selectedList');
-  }
-  // selectAll(availableList);
-  selectAll(selectedList);
-  return false;
+	if (!selectedList) {
+		selectedList = document.getElementById('selectedList');
+	}
+	// selectAll(availableList);
+	selectAll(selectedList);
+	return false;
 function selectAll(list) {
-  for ( var i = 0, option; option = list.options.item(i); i++ ) {
-    option.selected = true;
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
+	for ( var i = 0, option; option = list.options.item(i); i++) {
+		option.selected = true;
+	}

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/updateDataDictionaryForm.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/updateDataDictionaryForm.js	2011-03-30 11:04:12 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/updateDataDictionaryForm.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -1,34 +1,9 @@
 jQuery(document).ready(	function(){
-	var r = getValidationRules();
-	var rules = {
-		name: {
-			required: true,
-			rangelength: [2, 160]
-		},
-		description: {
-			rangelength: [0, 255]
-		},
-		region: {
-			rangelength: [0, 255]
-		},
-		memberValidator: {
-			required: true			
-		},
-		memberValidatorIn: {
-			required: true
-		}
-	};
 	validation2( 'updateDataDictionaryForm', function( form ){ form.submit()}, {
 		'beforeValidateHandler': function(){
 			listValidator( 'memberValidator', 'selectedDataElements' );
 			listValidator( 'memberValidatorIn', 'selectedIndicators' );
-		'rules': rules
+		'rules': getValidationRules("dataDictionary")
-	jQuery("#name").attr("maxlength", "160");
-	jQuery("#description").attr("maxlength", "255");
-	jQuery("#region").attr("maxlength", "255");

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/updateDataElementForm.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/updateDataElementForm.js	2011-04-08 12:48:37 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/updateDataElementForm.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -1,40 +1,4 @@
 jQuery(document).ready(	function() {
-	var r = getValidationRules();
-	var rules = {
-		name: {
-			required:true,
-			rangelength: [3, 150],
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces:true,
-			notOnlyDigits:true
-		},
-		shortName: {
-			required:true,
-			rangelength: [2, 20],
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces:true,
-			notOnlyDigits:true
-		},
-		alternativeName: {
-			rangelength: [3, 150],
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces:true,
-			notOnlyDigits:true
-		},
-		code: {
-			rangelength: [3, 40],
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces:true,
-			notOnlyDigits:false
-		},
-		description: {
-			rangelength: [3, 250],
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces:true,
-			notOnlyDigits:true			
-		},
-		url: {
-			 url: true,
-			 rangelength: [0, 255]
-		}
-	};
 	validation2( 'updateDataElementForm', function( form ) { form.submit(); }, {
 		'beforeValidateHandler': function() {
@@ -42,13 +6,6 @@
 			setFieldValue( 'submitCategoryComboId', getFieldValue( 'selectedCategoryComboId' ) );
 			setFieldValue( 'submitValueType', getFieldValue( 'valueType' ) );
-		'rules': rules 
+		'rules': getValidationRules("dataElement")
-	jQuery("#name").attr("maxlength", "150");
-	jQuery("#shortName").attr("maxlength", "20");
-	jQuery("#alternativeName").attr("maxlength", "150");
-	jQuery("#code").attr("maxlength", "40");
-	jQuery("#description").attr("maxlength", "250");
-	jQuery("#url").attr("maxlength", "255");

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/updateDataElementGroupForm.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/updateDataElementGroupForm.js	2011-03-31 11:17:07 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/updateDataElementGroupForm.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -1,25 +1,11 @@
 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
-	var r = getValidationRules();
-	var rules = {
-		name : {
-			required : true,
-			rangelength : r.dataElementGroup.name.rangelength,
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces : true,
-			notOnlyDigits : true,
-			firstletteralphabet : true
-		}
-	};
 	validation2('updateDataElementGroupForm', function(form) {
 	}, {
 		'beforeValidateHandler' : beforeSubmit,
-		'rules' : rules
+		'rules' : getValidationRules("dataElementGroup")
-	jQuery("#name").attr("maxlength", r.dataElementGroup.name.rangelength[1]);
 	checkValueIsExist("name", "validateDataElementGroup.action", {
 		id : getFieldValue('id')

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/updateDataElementGroupSet.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/updateDataElementGroupSet.js	2011-03-31 11:17:07 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/updateDataElementGroupSet.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -1,22 +1,11 @@
 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
-	var r = getValidationRules();
-	var rules = {
-		name : {
-			required : true,
-			rangelength : r.dataElementGroupSet.name.rangelength
-		}
-	};
 	validation2('updateDataElementGroupSet', function(form) {
 	}, {
 		'beforeValidateHandler' : beforeSubmit,
-		'rules' : rules
+		'rules' : getValidationRules("dataElementGroupSet")
-	jQuery("#name").attr("maxlength", r.dataElementGroupSet.name.rangelength[1]);
 	checkValueIsExist("name", "validateDataElementGroupSet.action", {
 		id : getFieldValue('id')

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/updateIndicatorForm.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/updateIndicatorForm.js	2011-03-31 12:05:54 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/updateIndicatorForm.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -1,59 +1,10 @@
 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
-	var r = getValidationRules();
-	var rules = {
-		name : {
-			required : true,
-			rangelength : r.indicator.name.rangelength,
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces : r.indicator.name.alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces,
-			firstletteralphabet : r.indicator.name.firstletteralphabet
-		},
-		shortName : {
-			required : true,
-			rangelength : r.indicator.shortName.rangelength,
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces : r.indicator.shortName.alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces,
-			firstletteralphabet : r.indicator.shortName.firstletteralphabet
-		},
-		alternativeName : {
-			rangelength : r.indicator.alternativeName.rangelength,
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces : r.indicator.alternativeName.alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces,
-			firstletteralphabet : r.indicator.alternativeName.firstletteralphabet
-		},
-		code : {
-			rangelength : r.indicator.code.rangelength,
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces : r.indicator.code.alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces,
-			notOnlyDigits : r.indicator.code.notOnlyDigits
-		},
-		description : {
-			rangelength : r.indicator.description.rangelength,
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces : r.indicator.description.alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces,
-			firstletteralphabet : r.indicator.description.firstletteralphabet
-		},
-		indicatorTypeId : {
-			required : true
-		},
-		url : {
-			url : true,
-			rangelength : r.indicator.url.rangelength
-		},
-		denominator : {
-			required : true
-		}
-	};
 	validation2('updateIndicatorForm', function(form) {
 	}, {
-		'rules' : rules
+		'rules' : getValidationRules("indicator")
-	jQuery("#name").attr("maxlength", r.indicator.name.rangelength[1]);
-	jQuery("#shortName").attr("maxlength", r.indicator.shortName.rangelength[1]);
-	jQuery("#alternativeName").attr("maxlength", r.indicator.alternativeName.rangelength[1]);
-	jQuery("#code").attr("maxlength", r.indicator.code.rangelength[1]);
-	jQuery("#description").attr("maxlength", r.indicator.description.rangelength[1]);
-	jQuery("#url").attr("maxlength", r.indicator.url.rangelength[1]);
 	checkValueIsExist("name", "validateIndicator.action", {
 		id : getFieldValue('id')

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/updateIndicatorGroupForm.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/updateIndicatorGroupForm.js	2011-03-31 12:05:54 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/updateIndicatorGroupForm.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -1,23 +1,10 @@
 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
-	var r = getValidationRules();
-	var rules = {
-		name : {
-			required : true,
-			rangelength : r.indicatorGroup.name.rangelength,
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces : true,
-			firstletteralphabet : true
-		}
-	};
 	validation2('updateIndicatorGroupForm', function(form) {
 	}, {
 		'beforeValidateHandler' : function() {
 			listValidator('memberValidator', 'groupMembers');
-		'rules' : rules
+		'rules' : getValidationRules("indicatorGroup")
-	jQuery("#name").attr("maxlength", r.indicatorGroup.name.rangelength[1]);

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/updateIndicatorGroupSet.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/updateIndicatorGroupSet.js	2011-03-31 13:13:10 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/updateIndicatorGroupSet.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -1,18 +1,10 @@
 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
-	var r = getValidationRules();
-	var rules = {
-		name : {
-			required : true,
-			rangelength : r.indicatorGroupSet.name.rangelength
-		}
-	};
-	validation('updateIndicatorGroupSet', function(form) {
+	validation2('updateIndicatorGroupSet', function(form) {
-	}, function() {
-		listValidator('memberValidator', 'groupMembers');
+	}, {
+		'beforeValidateHandler' : function() {
+			listValidator('memberValidator', 'groupMembers');
+		},
+		'rules' : getValidationRules("indicatorGroupSet")
-	jQuery("#name").attr("maxlength", r.indicatorGroupSet.name.rangelength[1]);

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/updateIndicatorTypeForm.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/updateIndicatorTypeForm.js	2011-04-08 05:58:56 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-maintenance/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary/javascript/updateIndicatorTypeForm.js	2011-04-11 13:46:07 +0000
@@ -1,30 +1,11 @@
 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
-	var r = getValidationRules();
-	var rules = {
-		name : {
-			required : true,
-			rangelength : r.indicatorType.name.rangelength,
-			alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces : r.indicatorType.name.alphanumericwithbasicpuncspaces,
-			firstletteralphabet : r.indicatorType.name.firstletteralphabet
-		},
-		factor : {
-			required : true,
-			rangelength : r.indicatorType.factor.rangelength,
-			digits : true
-		}
-	};
 	validation2('updateIndicatorTypeForm', function(form) {
 	}, {
-		'rules' : rules
+		'rules' : getValidationRules("indicatorType")
-	jQuery("#name").attr("maxlength", r.indicatorType.name.rangelength[1]);
-	jQuery("#factor").attr("maxlength", r.indicatorType.factor.rangelength[1]);
-	var nameField = document.getElementById( 'name' );
+	var nameField = document.getElementById('name');