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[Branch ~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk] Rev 3397: Merging Code from 2.1 - work in progress


revno: 3397
committer: Bharath <chbharathk@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: dhis2
timestamp: Fri 2011-04-15 17:05:33 +0530
  Merging Code from 2.1 - work in progress


Your team DHIS 2 developers is subscribed to branch lp:dhis2.
To unsubscribe from this branch go to https://code.launchpad.net/~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk/+edit-subscription
=== modified file 'local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/dataStatusFront.vm'
--- local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/dataStatusFront.vm	2011-03-01 09:42:21 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/dataStatusFront.vm	2011-04-15 11:35:33 +0000
@@ -1,70 +1,70 @@
-<style type='text/css'>
-    .hidden{ display: none; }
-    // Global Variables
-    var selCategory = "";
-    var selFacility = "";
-    var ouName = "";
-    var dsName = "";
-    var sDateIndex = 0;
-    var eDateIndex = 0;
-    var sDate = "";
-    var eDate = "";
-    var curPeriodType = "";
-<h3>DataStatus Form</h3>
-<hr />
-<form id="ChartGenerationForm" name="ChartGenerationForm" method="get" target="chartWindow1">
-    <table align="center" style="border-collapse: collapse; margin-top: 0;" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="80%" border="0">
-        <tr>
-            <td class="NormalB">
-				$i18n.getString( "ds_dataset_list" ) : <br>
-				<select id="selectedDataSets" name="selectedDataSets" onchange="getdSetPeriods()" style="width:300px">
-					#foreach ( $dataSet in $dataSetList )
-						<option value='$dataSet.id' title='$dataSet.name'>$dataSet.name</option>
-					#end
-				</select>
-				<br/><br/>
-                $i18n.getString( "ga_facilityby" )<br/>
-                <select id="facilityLB" name="facilityLB" onchange="facilityChangeFunction(event)" style="width:300px">
-                    <option value="random" >Selected</option>
-                    <option value="immChildren" selected>Immediate Children</option>
-                    <option value="children" >Child Tree</option>
-                </select>
-				<br/>
-                <select class='hidden' id="categoryLB" name="categoryLB" onchange="categoryChangeFunction(event)" disabled>
-                    <option value="period">Period</option>
-                    <option value="facility" selected>Facility</option>
-                </select>
-				<br/>
-                <input type="button" name="ViewStatus" value="View DataStatus" style="width:300px;height:25px;font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" onclick="textvalue('DataStatus')"/><br/><br/>
-                <input type="button" name="ViewGroupWise" value="View By Data Element Group" style="width:300px;height:25px;font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" onclick="textvalue('GroupWiseStatus')"/><br/><br/>
-                <input type="button" name="ViewSummary" value="View DataSummary" style="width:300px;height:25px;font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" onclick="textvalue('SummaryStatus')"/><br/><br/>
-                <input type="button" name="LastUpdatedStatus" value="User Details" style="width:300px;height:25px;font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" onclick="textvalue('LastUpdatedStatus')"/><br/><br/>
-                <input type="button" name="ValidationStatus" value="Validation Status" style="width:300px;height:25px;font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" onclick="textvalue('ValidationStatus')"/>
-			</td>
-			<td class="NormalB">
-				<input type="checkbox" name="includeZeros" id="includeZeros" checked> Include Zero
-				<br/><br/>
-				$i18n.getString( "ga_orgunit" )<br />
-				<select name="orgUnitListCB" id="orgUnitListCB" multiple style="width:250px;height:125px" ondblclick="remOUFunction()">
-				</select>
-				<br/><br/>
-				$i18n.getString( "ga_from" )<br />
-				<select id="sDateLB" name="sDateLB" style="width:250px"></select>
-				<br/><br/>
-				$i18n.getString( "ga_to" )<br />
-				<select id="eDateLB" name="eDateLB" style="width:250px"></select>
-			</td>
-		</tr>
-    </table>
-    <input type="hidden" name="selectedButton" id="selectedButton"/>
-	getdSetPeriods();
+<style type='text/css'>
+    .hidden{ display: none; }
+    // Global Variables
+    var selCategory = "";
+    var selFacility = "";
+    var ouName = "";
+    var dsName = "";
+    var sDateIndex = 0;
+    var eDateIndex = 0;
+    var sDate = "";
+    var eDate = "";
+    var curPeriodType = "";
+<h3>DataStatus Form</h3>
+<hr />
+<form id="ChartGenerationForm" name="ChartGenerationForm" method="get" target="chartWindow1">
+    <table align="center" style="border-collapse: collapse; margin-top: 0;" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="80%" border="0">
+        <tr>
+            <td class="NormalB">
+                1. $i18n.getString( "ds_dataset_list" ) : <br/>
+                <select id="selectedDataSets" name="selectedDataSets" onchange="getdSetPeriods()" style="width:300px">
+                    #foreach ( $dataSet in $dataSetList )
+                        <option value='$dataSet.id' title='$dataSet.name'>$dataSet.name</option>
+                    #end
+                </select>
+                <br/><br/>
+                2. $i18n.getString( "ga_facilityby" )<br/>
+                <select id="facilityLB" name="facilityLB" onchange="facilityChangeFunction(event)" style="width:300px">
+                    <option value="random" >Selected</option>
+                    <option value="immChildren" selected>Immediate Children</option>
+                    <option value="children" >Child Tree</option>
+                </select>
+                <br/>
+                <select class='hidden' id="categoryLB" name="categoryLB" onchange="categoryChangeFunction(event)" disabled>
+                    <option value="period">Period</option>
+                    <option value="facility" selected>Facility</option>
+                </select>
+                <br/>
+                3. $i18n.getString( "ga_orgunit" )<br />
+                <select name="orgUnitListCB" id="orgUnitListCB" multiple style="width:300px;height:80px" ondblclick="remOUFunction()">
+                </select>
+                <br/><br/>
+                4. $i18n.getString( "ga_from" )<br />
+                <select id="sDateLB" name="sDateLB" style="width:300px"></select>
+                <br/><br/>
+                5. $i18n.getString( "ga_to" )<br />
+                <select id="eDateLB" name="eDateLB" style="width:300px"></select>
+            </td>
+            <td class="NormalB">
+                <input type="checkbox" name="includeZeros" id="includeZeros" checked> Include Zero
+                <br/><br/>
+                <input type="button" name="ViewStatus" value="View DataStatus" style="width:250px;height:30px;font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" onclick="textvalue('DataStatus')"/><br/><br/>
+                <input type="button" name="ViewGroupWise" value="View By Data Element Group" style="width:250px;height:30px;font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" onclick="textvalue('GroupWiseStatus')"/><br/><br/>
+                <input type="button" name="ViewSummary" value="View DataSummary" style="width:250px;height:30px;font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" onclick="textvalue('SummaryStatus')"/><br/><br/>
+                <input type="button" name="LastUpdatedStatus" value="User Details" style="width:250px;height:30px;font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" onclick="textvalue('LastUpdatedStatus')"/><br/><br/>
+                <input type="button" name="ValidationStatus" value="Validation Status" style="width:250px;height:30px;font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" onclick="textvalue('ValidationStatus')"/>
+            </td>
+        </tr>
+    </table>
+    <input type="hidden" name="selectedButton" id="selectedButton"/>
+    getdSetPeriods();
\ No newline at end of file

=== modified file 'local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/dataStatusResult.vm'
--- local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/dataStatusResult.vm	2010-08-31 11:27:36 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/dataStatusResult.vm	2011-04-15 11:35:33 +0000
@@ -1,127 +1,118 @@
-	<head>
-    	<title>DataStatus Result</title>
-        <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="css/StylesForTags.css">	
+    <head>
+        <title>DataStatus Result</title>
+        <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="css/StylesForTags.css">
-        	var startDate = "$sDateLB"; 
-        	var endDate = "$eDateLB";
-        	var dsType = "$selectedButton";
-			function getImmChildInfo(evt, dsId, selOrgUnit)
-			{
+            var startDate = "$sDateLB";
+            var endDate = "$eDateLB";
+            var dsType = "$selectedButton";
-				immChildOption = "yes";        		
-                                if( document.getElementById('includeZeros').checked )
-				{
-				    evt.target.href = "dataStatusResult.action?immChildOption="+immChildOption+"&dsId="+dsId+"&sDateLB="+startDate+"&eDateLB="+endDate+"&ouId="+selOrgUnit+"&selectedButton="+dsType+"&includeZeros="+includeZeros;
-				}
-				else
-				{
+            function getImmChildInfo( evt, dsId, selOrgUnit )
+            {
+                immChildOption = "yes";
+                if( document.getElementById('includeZeros').checked )
+                {
+                    evt.target.href = "dataStatusResult.action?immChildOption="+immChildOption+"&dsId="+dsId+"&sDateLB="+startDate+"&eDateLB="+endDate+"&ouId="+selOrgUnit+"&selectedButton="+dsType+"&includeZeros="+includeZeros;
+                }
+                else
+                {
                     evt.target.href = "dataStatusResult.action?immChildOption="+immChildOption+"&dsId="+dsId+"&sDateLB="+startDate+"&eDateLB="+endDate+"&ouId="+selOrgUnit+"&selectedButton="+dsType;
-				}   
-			}
-        function exportDataStatusResultToWorkBook()
-		{			    
-			document.getElementById('htmlCode').value = document.getElementById('formResult').innerHTML;
-			return true;				
-		}
-        </script>	
-   	</head>
-	<body>
-#if( "$!ouMapDataStatusResult" == "" || $ouMapDataStatusResult.isEmpty() || $ouMapDataStatusResult.size() == 0 )
-	<div align="center" class="NormalB">Selected OrgUnit and its Children are Not assigned to $selDataSet.name</div>
-		<form id="form1" name="form1" action="exportDataStatusToExcel.action" method="post" onsubmit="return exportDataStatusResultToWorkBook()" target="_newtab">
-			<input type="hidden" name="htmlCode" id="htmlCode" />
-			<div align="right" class="NormalB">
-			    <input type="checkbox" name="includeZeros" id="includeZeros" #if($includeZeros) checked #end /> Include Zero<br /> 
-				<input type="submit" name="ExportToWorkBook" value="Export To WorkBook" style="width: 160; height: 25; font-family:Arial; font-weight:bold; color:#000000">
-			</div>
-		<div id="formResult">			    
-		        <div align="center" class="NormalB">Data Entry Status</div>
-        <div align="right">
-            			<table width="30%">
-                				<tr class="TableDataCellStyles" >
-                				    <td bgcolor="#a0c0a0">&nbsp;</td>
-                				    <td align="left">&nbsp;Completed (75+)</td>
-                				</tr>
-                				<tr class="TableDataCellStyles">
-                				    <td bgcolor="#a0a0ff">&nbsp;</td>
-                				    <td align="left">&nbsp;Partially Completed (41 - 75)</td>
-                				</tr>
-                				<tr class="TableDataCellStyles">
-                				    <td bgcolor="#905090">&nbsp;</td>
-                				    <td align="left">&nbsp;Not Completed (1 - 40)</td>
-                				</tr>
-                				<tr class="TableDataCellStyles">
-                				    <td bgcolor="#ff0000">&nbsp;</td>
-                				    <td align="left">&nbsp;Not Entered ( 0 )</td>
-                				</tr>
-            			</table>
-        		</div>
-        		#set($count2 = 0)
-            <br><br>
-            			<div align="left" class="NormalB">DataSet : $selDataSet.name</div>
-            			<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="100%">		
-  				              <tr class="TableHeadingCellStyles" align="center">
-  				                  #foreach($levelName in $levelNames)
-  				                      <th>$!levelName</th>
-  				                  #end
-  				                  #foreach($periodname in $periodNameList)
-  				                      <th>$periodname</th>
-  				                  #end
-  				              </tr>
-  				              #foreach($chiildorgUnit in $orgUnitList)
-  				                  #set($count1 = $minOULevel)
-  				                  #set($curOrgUnitLevel = $organisationUnitService.getLevelOfOrganisationUnit($chiildorgUnit))
-  				                  <tr class="TableHeadingCellStyles">
-  				                      #foreach($levelName in $levelNames)
-  				                          #if($count1 == $curOrgUnitLevel)
-  				                              <td><a href="#" onclick="javascript:getImmChildInfo(event, '$selDataSet.id', '$chiildorgUnit.id')" target="_blank">$chiildorgUnit.name</a></td>
-  				                          #else
-  				                              <td>&nbsp;</td>
-  				                          #end
-  				                          #set($count1 = $count1 + 1)
-  				                      #end
-  					                      #set($dsresultList = $ouMapDataStatusResult.get($chiildorgUnit))
-  					                      #foreach($result in $dsresultList)
-                            #set($count2 = $count2 + 1)
-                            #if($result < 0)
-                                <td  bgcolor="white">&nbsp;</td>
-  					                          #elseif($result == 0)
-  					                              <td align="center" bgcolor="#ff0000"><font color="#ffffff">$result</font></td>
-  					                          #elseif($result > 75)
-  					                              <td align="center" bgcolor="#a0c0a0"><font color="#ffffff">$result</font></td>
-  					                          #elseif($result > 40 && $result <= 75 )
-  					                              <td align="center" bgcolor="#a0a0ff"><font color="#ffffff">$result</font></td>
-  					                          #else
-  					                              <td align="center" bgcolor="#905090"><font color="#ffffff">$result</font></td>
-  					                          #end
-  					                      #end
-  					                  </tr>
-                #end
-            </table>
-		</div>
-				</form>
+                }
+            }
+            function exportDataStatusResultToWorkBook()
+            {
+                document.getElementById('htmlCode').value = document.getElementById('formResult').innerHTML;
+                return true;
+            }
+        </script>
+    </head>
+    <body>
+        #if( "$!ouMapDataStatusResult" == "" || $ouMapDataStatusResult.isEmpty() || $ouMapDataStatusResult.size() == 0 )
+            <div align="center" class="NormalB">Selected OrgUnit and its Children are Not assigned to $selDataSet.name</div>
+        #else
+            <form id="form1" name="form1" action="exportDataStatusToExcel.action" method="post" onsubmit="return exportDataStatusResultToWorkBook()" target="_newtab">
+                <input type="hidden" name="htmlCode" id="htmlCode" />
+                <div align="right" class="NormalB">
+                    <input type="checkbox" name="includeZeros" id="includeZeros" #if($includeZeros) checked #end /> Include Zero<br />
+                    <input type="submit" name="ExportToWorkBook" value="Export To WorkBook" style="width: 160; height: 25; font-family:Arial; font-weight:bold; color:#000000">
+                </div>
+                <div id="formResult">
+                    <div align="center" class="NormalB">Data Entry Status</div>
+                    <div align="right">
+                        <table width="30%">
+                            <tr class="TableDataCellStyles" >
+                                <td bgcolor="#a0c0a0">&nbsp;</td>
+                                <td align="left">&nbsp;Completed (75+) %</td>
+                            </tr>
+                            <tr class="TableDataCellStyles">
+                                <td bgcolor="#a0a0ff">&nbsp;</td>
+                                <td align="left">&nbsp;Partially Completed (41 - 75) %</td>
+                            </tr>
+                            <tr class="TableDataCellStyles">
+                                <td bgcolor="#905090">&nbsp;</td>
+                                <td align="left">&nbsp;Not Completed (1 - 40) %</td>
+                            </tr>
+                            <tr class="TableDataCellStyles">
+                                <td bgcolor="#ff0000">&nbsp;</td>
+                                <td align="left">&nbsp;Not Entered ( 0 ) %</td>
+                            </tr>
+                        </table>
+                    </div>
+                    <br><br>
+                    <div align="left" class="NormalB">DataSet : $selDataSet.name ( $dataSetMemberCount1 )</div>
+                    <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="100%">
+                        <tr class="TableHeadingCellStyles" align="center">
+                            #foreach($levelName in $levelNames)
+                                <th>$!levelName</th>
+                            #end
+                            #foreach($periodname in $periodNameList)
+                                <th>$periodname</th>
+                            #end
+                        </tr>
+                        #foreach( $chiildorgUnit in $orgUnitList )
+                            #set( $count1 = $minOULevel )
+                            #set( $curOrgUnitLevel = $organisationUnitService.getLevelOfOrganisationUnit( $chiildorgUnit ) )
+                            <tr class="TableHeadingCellStyles">
+                                #foreach( $levelName in $levelNames )
+                                    #if( $count1 == $curOrgUnitLevel )
+                                        <td><a href="#" onclick="javascript:getImmChildInfo(event, '$selDataSet.id', '$chiildorgUnit.id')" target="_blank">$chiildorgUnit.name</a></td>
+                                    #else
+                                        <td>&nbsp;</td>
+                                    #end
+                                    #set($count1 = $count1 + 1)
+                                #end
+                                #set( $dsresultList = $ouMapDataStatusResult.get( $chiildorgUnit ) )
+                                #set( $dataElementCounts = $ouMapDataElementCount.get( $chiildorgUnit ) )
+                                #set( $count2 = 0 )
+                                #foreach( $result in $dsresultList )
+                                    #set( $deCount = $dataElementCounts.get( $count2 ) )
+                                    #if( $result < 0 )
+                                        <td  bgcolor="white">&nbsp;</td>
+                                    #elseif( $result == 0 )
+                                        <td align="center" bgcolor="#ff0000"><font color="#ffffff">$result% #if( $deCount != -1 ) ( $deCount ) #end</font></td>
+                                    #elseif( $result > 75 )
+                                        <td align="center" bgcolor="#a0c0a0"><font color="#ffffff">$result% #if( $deCount != -1 ) ( $deCount ) #end</font></td>
+                                    #elseif( $result > 40 && $result <= 75 )
+                                        <td align="center" bgcolor="#a0a0ff"><font color="#ffffff">$result% #if( $deCount != -1 ) ( $deCount ) #end</font></td>
+                                    #else
+                                        <td align="center" bgcolor="#905090"><font color="#ffffff">$result% #if( $deCount != -1 ) ( $deCount ) #end</font></td>
+                                    #end
+                                    #set( $count2 = $count2 + 1 )
+                                #end
+                            </tr>
+                        #end
+                    </table>
+                </div>
+            </form>
+        #end

=== modified file 'local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/groupWiseDataStatusResult.vm'
--- local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/groupWiseDataStatusResult.vm	2010-11-25 14:13:58 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/groupWiseDataStatusResult.vm	2011-04-15 11:35:33 +0000
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-	<head>
-    	<title>DataStatus Result</title>
+    <head>
+        <title>DataStatus Result</title>
         <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="css/StylesForTags.css">
-        	var startDate = "$sDateLB"; 
-        	var endDate = "$eDateLB";
-        	var dsType = "$selectedButton";
-        	function getImmChildInfo(evt, dsId, selOrgUnit)
-        	{
-        		immChildOption = "yes";        		
-        		//evt.target.href = "groupWiseDataStatusResult.action?immChildOption="+immChildOption+"&dsId="+dsId+"&sDateLB="+startDate+"&eDateLB="+endDate+"&ouId="+selOrgUnit;
+            var startDate = "$sDateLB"; 
+            var endDate = "$eDateLB";
+            var dsType = "$selectedButton";
+            function getImmChildInfo(evt, dsId, selOrgUnit)
+            {
+                immChildOption = "yes";             
+                //evt.target.href = "groupWiseDataStatusResult.action?immChildOption="+immChildOption+"&dsId="+dsId+"&sDateLB="+startDate+"&eDateLB="+endDate+"&ouId="+selOrgUnit;
                 if( document.getElementById('includeZeros').checked )
@@ -21,98 +21,100 @@
                     evt.target.href = "groupWiseDataStatusResult.action?immChildOption="+immChildOption+"&dsId="+dsId+"&sDateLB="+startDate+"&eDateLB="+endDate+"&ouId="+selOrgUnit+"&selectedButton="+dsType;
-                }         	
-        	}
-			function exportDataStatusResultToWorkBook()
-			{			    
-				document.getElementById('htmlCode').value = document.getElementById('formResult').innerHTML;
-				opener.focus();
-				return true;				
-			}
-        </script>	
-   	</head>
-	<body>
+                }           
+            }
+            function exportDataStatusResultToWorkBook()
+            {               
+                document.getElementById('htmlCode').value = document.getElementById('formResult').innerHTML;
+                opener.focus();
+                return true;                
+            }
+        </script>   
+    </head>
+    <body>
-		<form id="form1" name="form1" action="exportDataStatusToExcel.action" method="post" onsubmit="return exportDataStatusResultToWorkBook()" target="_newtab">
-			<input type="hidden" name="htmlCode" id="htmlCode" />
-			<div align="right" class="NormalB">
-			    <input type="checkbox" name="includeZeros" id="includeZeros" #if($includeZeros) checked #end /> Include Zero<br />
-				<input type="submit" name="ExportToWorkBook" value="Export To WorkBook" style="width: 160; height: 25; font-family:Arial; font-weight:bold; color:#000000">
-			</div>
-		<div id="formResult">			    
-		        <div align="center" class="NormalB">Data Entry Status by Data Element Groups Of Data Set :  $selDataSet.name </div>
+        <form id="form1" name="form1" action="exportDataStatusToExcel.action" method="post" onsubmit="return exportDataStatusResultToWorkBook()" target="_newtab">
+            <input type="hidden" name="htmlCode" id="htmlCode" />
+            <div align="right" class="NormalB">
+                <input type="checkbox" name="includeZeros" id="includeZeros" #if($includeZeros) checked #end /> Include Zero<br />
+                <input type="submit" name="ExportToWorkBook" value="Export To WorkBook" style="width: 160; height: 25; font-family:Arial; font-weight:bold; color:#000000">
+            </div>
+        <div id="formResult">               
+                <div align="center" class="NormalB">Data Entry Status by Data Element Groups Of Data Set :  $selDataSet.name </div>
         <div align="right">
-            			<table width="30%">
-                				<tr class="TableDataCellStyles" >
-                				    <td bgcolor="#a0c0a0">&nbsp;</td>
-                				    <td align="left">&nbsp;Completed (75+)</td>
-                				</tr>
-                				<tr class="TableDataCellStyles">
-                				    <td bgcolor="#a0a0ff">&nbsp;</td>
-                				    <td align="left">&nbsp;Partially Completed (41 - 75)</td>
-                				</tr>
-                				<tr class="TableDataCellStyles">
-                				    <td bgcolor="#905090">&nbsp;</td>
-                				    <td align="left">&nbsp;Not Completed (1 - 40)</td>
-                				</tr>
-                				<tr class="TableDataCellStyles">
-                				    <td bgcolor="#ff0000">&nbsp;</td>
-                				    <td align="left">&nbsp;Not Entered ( 0 )</td>
-                				</tr>
-            			</table>
-        		</div>
-        		#set($count2 = 0)
-        			#foreach($dataElementGroup in $dataElementGroups)
+                        <table width="30%">
+                                <tr class="TableDataCellStyles" >
+                                    <td bgcolor="#a0c0a0">&nbsp;</td>
+                                    <td align="left">&nbsp;Completed (75+) %</td>
+                                </tr>
+                                <tr class="TableDataCellStyles">
+                                    <td bgcolor="#a0a0ff">&nbsp;</td>
+                                    <td align="left">&nbsp;Partially Completed (41 - 75) %</td>
+                                </tr>
+                                <tr class="TableDataCellStyles">
+                                    <td bgcolor="#905090">&nbsp;</td>
+                                    <td align="left">&nbsp;Not Completed (1 - 40) %</td>
+                                </tr>
+                                <tr class="TableDataCellStyles">
+                                    <td bgcolor="#ff0000">&nbsp;</td>
+                                    <td align="left">&nbsp;Not Entered ( 0 ) %</td>
+                                </tr>
+                        </table>
+                </div>
+                #set($count2 = 0)
+                    #foreach($dataElementGroup in $dataElementGroups)
-            			#set( $deGroupCount = $deMapGroupCount.get($dataElementGroup) )
-            			<div align="left" class="NormalB">Data Element Group : $dataElementGroup.name  ( $!deGroupCount )</div>
-            			<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="100%">		
-  				              <tr class="TableHeadingCellStyles" align="center">
-  				                  #foreach($levelName in $levelNames)
-  				                      <th>$!levelName</th>
-  				                  #end
-  				                  #foreach($periodname in $periodNameList)
-  				                      <th>$periodname</th>
-  				                  #end  				                  
-  				              </tr>
-  				              #foreach($chiildorgUnit in $orgUnitList)
-  				                  #set($count1 = $minOULevel)
-  				                  #set($curOrgUnitLevel = $organisationUnitService.getLevelOfOrganisationUnit($chiildorgUnit))
-  				                  <tr class="TableHeadingCellStyles">
-  				                      #foreach($levelName in $levelNames)
-  				                          #if($count1 == $curOrgUnitLevel)
-  				                              <td><a href="#" onclick="javascript:getImmChildInfo(event, '$selDataSet.id', '$chiildorgUnit.id')" target="_blank">$chiildorgUnit.name</a></td>
-  				                          #else
-  				                              <td>&nbsp;</td>
-  				                          #end
-  				                          #set($count1 = $count1 + 1)
-  				                      #end
-  					                      #set($periods = $dataSetPeriods.get($selDataSet))
-  					                      #foreach($period in $periods)
-  					                          #set($result = $results.get($count2))
-                            #set($count2 = $count2 + 1)
-                            #if($result < 0)
+                        #set( $deGroupCount = $deMapGroupCount.get($dataElementGroup) )
+                        <div align="left" class="NormalB">Data Element Group : $dataElementGroup.name  ( $!deGroupCount )</div>
+                        <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="100%">       
+                              <tr class="TableHeadingCellStyles" align="center">
+                                  #foreach($levelName in $levelNames)
+                                      <th>$!levelName</th>
+                                  #end
+                                  #foreach($periodname in $periodNameList)
+                                      <th>$periodname</th>
+                                  #end                                    
+                              </tr>
+                              #foreach($chiildorgUnit in $orgUnitList)
+                                  #set($count1 = $minOULevel)
+                                  #set($curOrgUnitLevel = $organisationUnitService.getLevelOfOrganisationUnit($chiildorgUnit))
+                                  <tr class="TableHeadingCellStyles">
+                                      #foreach($levelName in $levelNames)
+                                          #if($count1 == $curOrgUnitLevel)
+                                              <td><a href="#" onclick="javascript:getImmChildInfo(event, '$selDataSet.id', '$chiildorgUnit.id')" target="_blank">$chiildorgUnit.name</a></td>
+                                          #else
+                                              <td>&nbsp;</td>
+                                          #end
+                                          #set($count1 = $count1 + 1)
+                                      #end
+                                          #set($periods = $dataSetPeriods.get($selDataSet))
+                                          #foreach($period in $periods)
+                                              #set($result = $results.get($count2))
+                                              #set($dataElement = $dataElementCount.get($count2))
+                            #if($result < 0) 
                                 <td  bgcolor="white">&nbsp;</td>
-  					                          #elseif($result == 0)
-  					                              <td align="center" bgcolor="#ff0000"><font color="#ffffff">$result</font></td>
-  					                          #elseif($result > 75)
-  					                              <td align="center" bgcolor="#a0c0a0"><font color="#ffffff">$result</font></td>
-  					                          #elseif($result > 40 && $result <= 75 )
-  					                              <td align="center" bgcolor="#a0a0ff"><font color="#ffffff">$result</font></td>
-  					                          #else
-  					                              <td align="center" bgcolor="#905090"><font color="#ffffff">$result</font></td>
-  					                          #end
-  					                      #end
-  					                  </tr>
+                                              #elseif($result == 0)
+                                                  <td align="center" bgcolor="#ff0000"><font color="#ffffff">$result% #if( $dataElement != -1 ) ( $dataElement )  #end</font></td>
+                                              #elseif($result > 75)
+                                                  <td align="center" bgcolor="#a0c0a0"><font color="#ffffff">$result% #if( $dataElement != -1 ) ( $dataElement )  #end</font></td>
+                                              #elseif($result > 40 && $result <= 75 )
+                                                  <td align="center" bgcolor="#a0a0ff"><font color="#ffffff">$result% #if( $dataElement != -1 ) ( $dataElement )  #end</font></td>
+                                              #else
+                                                  <td align="center" bgcolor="#905090"><font color="#ffffff">$result% #if( $dataElement != -1 ) ( $dataElement )  #end</font></td>
+                                              #end
+                                              #set($count2 = $count2 + 1)
+                                          #end
+                                      </tr>
-			      #end
-		</div>
-				</form>
+                  #end
+        </div>
+                </form>

=== modified file 'local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/summarySatusResult.vm'
--- local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/summarySatusResult.vm	2011-03-01 09:42:21 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-dashboard/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-dashboard/summarySatusResult.vm	2011-04-15 11:35:33 +0000
@@ -1,107 +1,114 @@
-  <head>
-    <title>SummaryStatus Result</title>
-    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="css/StylesForTags.css">
-    <script>
-      var startDate = "$sDateLB"; 
-      var endDate = "$eDateLB";
-      var dsType = "$selectedButton";
-      function getImmChildInfo(evt, dsId, selOrgUnit)
-      {
-        immChildOption = "yes";        		
+    <head>
+        <title>SummaryStatus Result</title>
+        <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="css/StylesForTags.css">
+        <script>
+            var startDate = "$sDateLB"; 
+            var endDate = "$eDateLB";
+            var dsType = "$selectedButton";
+            function getImmChildInfo(evt, dsId, selOrgUnit)
+            {
+                immChildOption = "yes";             
+                if( document.getElementById('includeZeros').checked )
+                {
+                    evt.target.href = "summaryStatusResult.action?immChildOption="+immChildOption+"&dsId="+dsId+"&sDateLB="+startDate+"&eDateLB="+endDate+"&ouId="+selOrgUnit+"&selectedButton="+dsType+"&includeZeros="+includeZeros;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    evt.target.href = "summaryStatusResult.action?immChildOption="+immChildOption+"&dsId="+dsId+"&sDateLB="+startDate+"&eDateLB="+endDate+"&ouId="+selOrgUnit+"&selectedButton="+dsType;
+                }           
+            }
-        if( document.getElementById('includeZeros').checked )
-        {
-            evt.target.href = "summaryStatusResult.action?immChildOption="+immChildOption+"&dsId="+dsId+"&sDateLB="+startDate+"&eDateLB="+endDate+"&ouId="+selOrgUnit+"&selectedButton="+dsType+"&includeZeros="+includeZeros;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            evt.target.href = "summaryStatusResult.action?immChildOption="+immChildOption+"&dsId="+dsId+"&sDateLB="+startDate+"&eDateLB="+endDate+"&ouId="+selOrgUnit+"&selectedButton="+dsType;
-        } 			
-      }
-      function exportDataStatusResultToWorkBook()
-      {			    
-        document.getElementById('htmlCode').value = document.getElementById('formResult').innerHTML;
-        return true;				
-      }
-    </script>	
-  </head>
-  <body>
-		<form id="form1" name="form1" action="exportDataStatusToExcel.action" method="post" onsubmit="return exportDataStatusResultToWorkBook()" target="_newtab">
-			<input type="hidden" name="htmlCode" id="htmlCode" />
-			<div align="right" class="NormalB">
-			    <input type="checkbox" name="includeZeros" id="includeZeros" #if($includeZeros) checked #end /> Include Zero<br />
-				<input type="submit" name="ExportToWorkBook" value="Export To WorkBook" style="width: 160; height: 25; font-family:Arial; font-weight:bold; color:#000000">
-			</div>
-		<div id="formResult">			    
-		        <div align="center" class="NormalB">Summary Status</div>
-        <div align="right">
-            			<table width="30%">
-                				<tr class="TableDataCellStyles" >
-                				    <td bgcolor="#a0c0a0">&nbsp;</td>
-                				    <td align="left">&nbsp;Completed (5+)</td>
-                				</tr>
-                				<tr class="TableDataCellStyles">
-                				    <td bgcolor="#ff0000">&nbsp;</td>
-                				    <td align="left">&nbsp;Not Entered ( 0-5 )</td>
-                				</tr>
-            			</table>
-        		</div>
-        		#set($count2 = 0)
-            <br><br>
-            			<div align="left" class="NormalB">DataSet : $selDataSet.name</div>
-            			<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="100%">		
-  				              <tr class="TableHeadingCellStyles" align="center">
-  				                  #foreach($levelName in $levelNames)
-  				                      <th>$!levelName</th>
-  				                  #end
-  				                  #foreach($periodname in $periodNameList)
-  				                      <th>$periodname</th>
-  				                  #end
-  				              </tr>
-  				              #foreach($chiildorgUnit in $orgUnitList)
-  				                  #set($count1 = $minOULevel)
-  				                  #set($curOrgUnitLevel = $organisationUnitService.getLevelOfOrganisationUnit($chiildorgUnit))
-  				                  ##set( $curOrgUnitLevel = $chiildorgUnit.getLevel() )
-  				                  <tr class="TableHeadingCellStyles">
-  				                      #foreach($levelName in $levelNames)
-  				                          #if($count1 == $curOrgUnitLevel)
-  				                              <td><a href="#" onclick="javascript:getImmChildInfo(event, '$selDataSet.id', '$chiildorgUnit.id')" target="_blank">$chiildorgUnit.name</a></td>
-  				                          #else
-  				                              <td>&nbsp;</td>
-  				                          #end
-  				                          #set($count1 = $count1 + 1)
-  				                      #end
-  					                      #set($dsSummaryResults = $ouMapSummaryStatusResult.get($chiildorgUnit))
-  					                      #foreach($result in $dsSummaryResults)
-                            #set($count2 = $count2 + 1)
-                            #if($result < 0)
-                                <td  bgcolor="white">&nbsp;</td>
-  					                          #elseif($result == 0)
-  					                              <td align="center" bgcolor="#ff0000"><font color="#ffffff">0</font></td>
-  					                          #elseif($result == 1)
-  					                              <td align="center" bgcolor="#a0c0a0"><font color="#ffffff">1</font></td>
-  					                          #elseif($result > 1)
-  					                          	  <td align="center" bgcolor="#a0c0a0"><font color="#ffffff">$result</font></td>
-  					                          #end
-  					                      #end
-  					                  </tr>
-                #end
-            </table>
-		</div>
-				</form>
+            function exportDataStatusResultToWorkBook()
+            {               
+                document.getElementById('htmlCode').value = document.getElementById('formResult').innerHTML;
+                return true;                
+            }
+        </script>   
+    </head>
+    <body>
+        <form id="form1" name="form1" action="exportDataStatusToExcel.action" method="post" onsubmit="return exportDataStatusResultToWorkBook()" target="_newtab">
+            <input type="hidden" name="htmlCode" id="htmlCode" />
+            <div align="right" class="NormalB">
+                <input type="checkbox" name="includeZeros" id="includeZeros" #if($includeZeros) checked #end /> Include Zero<br />
+                <input type="submit" name="ExportToWorkBook" value="Export To WorkBook" style="width: 160; height: 25; font-family:Arial; font-weight:bold; color:#000000">
+            </div>
+            <div id="formResult">               
+                <div align="center" class="NormalB">Summary Status</div>
+                <div align="right">
+                    <table width="30%">
+                        <tr class="TableDataCellStyles" >
+                            <td bgcolor="#a0c0a0">&nbsp;</td>
+                            <td align="left">&nbsp;Entered</td>
+                        </tr>
+                        <tr class="TableDataCellStyles">
+                            <td bgcolor="#ff0000">&nbsp;</td>
+                            <td align="left">&nbsp;Not Entered ( 0-5 )</td>
+                        </tr>
+                    </table>
+                </div>
+                <br><br>
+                <div align="left" class="NormalB">DataSet : $selDataSet.name</div>
+                <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="100%">       
+                    <tr class="TableHeadingCellStyles" align="center">
+                        #foreach($levelName in $levelNames)
+                            <th>$!levelName</th>
+                        #end
+                        #foreach($periodname in $periodNameList)
+                            <th>$periodname</th>
+                        #end
+                    </tr>
+                    #foreach($chiildorgUnit in $orgUnitList)
+                        #set( $count1 = $minOULevel )
+                        #set( $curOrgUnitLevel = $organisationUnitService.getLevelOfOrganisationUnit( $chiildorgUnit ) )
+                        #set( $orgunitCount = $ouMapForChildDSAssociation.get( $chiildorgUnit ) )
+                        #set( $orgunitColor = $ouMapForColor.get( $chiildorgUnit ) )
+                        <tr class="TableHeadingCellStyles">
+                            #foreach( $levelName in $levelNames )
+                                #if( $count1 == $curOrgUnitLevel )
+                                    <td><a href="#" onclick="javascript:getImmChildInfo(event, '$selDataSet.id', '$chiildorgUnit.id')" target="_blank">$chiildorgUnit.name #if( $orgunitCount !=-1 ) ( $orgunitCount ) #end</a></td>
+                                #else
+                                    <td>&nbsp;</td>
+                                #end
+                                #set($count1 = $count1 + 1)
+                            #end
+                            #set( $dsSummaryResults = $ouMapSummaryStatusResult.get( $chiildorgUnit ) )
+                            #set( $dsStatusResults = $ouMapStatusResult.get( $chiildorgUnit ) )
+                            #set( $count2 = 0 )
+                            #foreach( $result in $dsSummaryResults )                                              
+                                #set( $dsStatusResult = $dsStatusResults.get( $count2 ) )
+                                #if($result < 0)
+                                    <td  bgcolor="white">&nbsp;</td>
+                                #elseif( $result == 0 )
+                                    <td align="center" #if( $orgunitColor == 1 ) bgcolor="#ff0000" #end><font #if( $orgunitColor == 1 ) color="#ffffff" #end>0 #if( $dsStatusResult != -1 ) ( $dsStatusResult % )#end</font></td>
+                                #elseif( $result == 1 )
+                                    <td align="center" #if( $orgunitColor == 1 ) bgcolor="#a0c0a0" #end><font #if( $orgunitColor == 1 ) color="#ffffff" #end>1 #if( $dsStatusResult != -1 ) ( $dsStatusResult % )#end</font></td>
+                                #elseif( $result > 1 )
+                                    <td align="center" #if( $orgunitColor == 1 ) bgcolor="#a0c0a0" #end><font #if( $orgunitColor == 1 ) color="#ffffff" #end>$result #if( $dsStatusResult != -1 ) ( $dsStatusResult % )#end </font></td>
+                                #end
+                                #set($count2 = $count2 + 1)
+                            #end
+                        </tr>
+                    #end
+                </table>                  
+            </div>
+        </form>
\ No newline at end of file