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[Branch ~dhis2-documenters/dhis2/dhis2-docbook-docs] Rev 401: Added a short section on dashboards.


revno: 401
committer: Jason P. Pickering <jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: dhis2-docbook-docs
timestamp: Mon 2011-09-19 20:59:06 +0200
  Added a short section on dashboards.


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=== added file 'src/docbkx/en/dhis2_user_dashboards.xml'
--- src/docbkx/en/dhis2_user_dashboards.xml	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ src/docbkx/en/dhis2_user_dashboards.xml	2011-09-19 18:59:06 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<!-- This document was created with Syntext Serna Free. -->
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN" "docbookV4.4/docbookx.dtd" []>
+  <title>Dashboards</title>
+  <para>Dashboards are intended to provide quick access to individual users to the data which has been stored in DHIS2. Dashboards consist of several sections, some of which provide links to reports or mapview which have already been defined. Other sections of the dashboard allow users to add charts which have been defined and made available through the charting module. </para>
+  <section>
+    <title>Setting up the dashboard</title>
+    <para>The dashboard is divided into two main sections. The right-side pane (denoted as A in the screenshot below) can be used to contain links to reports, documents (static reports), report tables, map views, and an RSS Health feed. The left-side zone (denoted as B in the screen shot)  can be used to contain up to six separate charts which have been previously created in the charting reporting module. </para>
+    <screenshot>
+      <mediaobject>
+        <imageobject>
+          <imagedata fileref="resources/images/dashboard/dashboard_main.PNG" width="90%" align="center"/>
+        </imageobject>
+      </mediaobject>
+    </screenshot>
+    <para>In this screen shot, the dashboard has already been populated with a number of reports and mapviews. Simply clicking on one of the blue links will bring you automatically to the report or map view. Clicking on one of the charts will display a larger chart, which you can save as an image, and include in a report or other document. </para>
+    <para>You can redefine the structure of the dashboard by clearing the each of the windows by clicking the &quot;Clear&quot; link. By clicking &quot;Insert&quot; again, you can then select a new chart to appear in the window. </para>
+    <para>All reports, documents, report tables and charts can be added to the list of available options by clicking on the &quot;Add to dashboard&quot; icon <inlinegraphic fileref="resources/images/dhis2_images/add_to_dashboard.png"/> in each of the respective modules. Please refer to the sections to each of the sections in this manual for more detailed instructions. Once you have added the object to the list of available objects, you can&quot;Insert&quot; it on the dashboard.</para>
+    <note>
+      <para>Dashboard are configured for each individual user. </para>
+    </note>
+  </section>

=== modified file 'src/docbkx/en/dhis2_user_man_creating_reporting.xml'
--- src/docbkx/en/dhis2_user_man_creating_reporting.xml	2011-09-12 12:04:23 +0000
+++ src/docbkx/en/dhis2_user_man_creating_reporting.xml	2011-09-19 18:59:06 +0000
@@ -196,12 +196,10 @@
     <section id="reportTable">
       <title>Report tables</title>
-      <para>Report tables are meant to be database tables fulfilling the specific data needs of a report, chart, pivot table or other output format. It can be understood as a mini data mart that contains only the data needed for its purpose (the report). The rationale behind this concept is to automatically provide the data sources for reports without bothering the users every time, like a normal data mart, and to speed up the data processing and aggregation (small targeted data marts are obviously faster than big ones).
-      <para>When created and generated a report table will appear in the DHIS 2 database as a normal table, but always with the prefix &apos;_report_&apos;. This table should not be altered manually as it is controlled by the system. These tables are constantly being deleted and recreated as the user wants new updated data within the same table structure. These tables can then be access and used from any third party tool for displaying data. DHIS 2 now suports reports created with Jaspersoft iReport Designer (up to v 2.0.6 DHIS 2 was integrated with the BIRT report designer from the Eclipse platform), and this makes it especially easy to link Jasper reports to report tables and to run these reports from within DHIS 2. However, we see report tables as a much broader tool and concept than to just support Jasper reports. It can and should (for performance gain and automation) be used for as many data output purposes as possible, e.g. as data sources for the database views used for Excel pivot tables.
-      <para>A report table is a data source that can be defined once and then run automatically in the background when a report needs new and updated data. Standard reports are directly linked to a report table, which is then automatically processed in the background when the report is run. Report parameters are added to the report tables to make these generic and reusable over time or across different orgunits. </para>
+      <para>Report tables are defined, cross-tabulated reports which can be used as the basis of further reports, such as Excel Pivot Tables or simply downloaded as an Excel sheet.Report tables are intended to provide a specific view of data which is required, such as &quot;Monthly National ANC Indicators&quot;. This report table might provide all ANC indicators for a country, aggregated by month for the entire country.  This data could of course be retrieved from the main datamart, but report tables generally perform faster and present well defined views of data to users. </para>
+      <important>
+        <para> It is therefore important to keep in mind that when the aggregation strategy of the system is set to &quot;Batch&quot;, the data for each report table must also be present in the data mart. </para>
+      </important>
@@ -219,7 +217,7 @@
       <para><emphasis role="bold">Cross tab dimensions</emphasis></para>
-      <para>You can cross-tab one or more of the following dimensions: data element/indicator, orgunit, and period, which means that columns will be created based on the values of the dimensions chosen, e.g. if indicators is selected you will get column names in the table reflecting the names of the selected indicators. You must select at least 1 dimension for the table to be valid. Selecting all 3 is possible, but makes little sense.</para>
+      <para>You can cross-tab one or more of the following dimensions: data element/indicator, orgunit, and period, which means that columns will be created based on the values of the dimensions chosen, e.g. if indicators is selected you will get column names in the table reflecting the names of the selected indicators. </para>
 For example, if you cross-tab on indicators and periods, the column headers will say &quot;&lt;indicator title&gt; &lt;period&gt;&quot;. The organisation units will be listed as rows. See screenshot for clarification:
@@ -364,7 +362,7 @@
       <title>Report table - best practices</title>
-      <para>To make the report tables reusable over time and across orgunits they can have \ parameters. Four types of parameters are allowed; orgunit, parent orgunit (for listing of orgunits in one area), grand parent orgunit and reporting month. As a side note it can be mentioned that we are looking into expanding this to include reporting quarter and year, or to make that period parameter more generic with regard to period type somehow. The ability to use period as a parameter makes the report table reusable over time and as such fits nicely with report needs such as monthly, quarterly or annual reports. When a report is run by the user in DHIS 2, the user must specify the values for the report tables that are linked to the report. First the report table is re-generated (deleted and re-created with updated data), and then the report is run (in the background, in Jasper report engine).
+      <para>To make the report tables reusable over time and across orgunits they can have  parameters. Four types of parameters are allowed; orgunit, parent orgunit (for listing of orgunits in one area), grand parent orgunit and reporting month. As a side note it can be mentioned that we are looking into expanding this to include reporting quarter and year, or to make that period parameter more generic with regard to period type somehow. The ability to use period as a parameter makes the report table reusable over time and as such fits nicely with report needs such as monthly, quarterly or annual reports. When a report is run by the user in DHIS 2, the user must specify the values for the report tables that are linked to the report. First the report table is re-generated (deleted and re-created with updated data), and then the report is run (in the background, in Jasper report engine).
       <para>Report tables can consist of  values related to data elements, indicators or data completeness, which is related to completeness of reporting across orgunits for a given month. Completeness reports will be covered in a separate section.</para>
@@ -408,22 +406,18 @@
         <para><emphasis role="italic">Download as Excel:</emphasis></para>
         <para>Downloads a generated Excel file you can open in Excel.</para>
-        <para/>
         <para><emphasis role="italic">Download as CSV:</emphasis></para>
         <para>Downloads a generated .csv file. CSV stands for <emphasis role="bold">C</emphasis>omma <emphasis role="bold">S</emphasis>eparated <emphasis role="bold">V</emphasis>alues. It&apos;s a text file with the file ending .csv. Each  line in the file corresponds to a row in the table, while the columns are separated with semi colons (;). The file can be opened in a text editor as well as in a spread sheet program (such as Excel).</para>
-        <para/>
         <para><emphasis role="italic">Download as PDF:</emphasis></para>
         <para>Downloads a generated pdf file. The data will be presented in a similar layout as the generated table you are already viewing in DHIS 2.</para>
-        <para/>
         <para><emphasis role="italic">Download as Report:</emphasis></para>
         <para>Downloads a &quot;styled&quot; pdf file. In addition to present the data in a table layout, this file also presents a chart, showing the aggregated data from all the chosen periods and the parent organisation unit chosen for the report table. The report is generated using the Jasper report engine.</para>
-        <para/>
         <para><emphasis role="italic">Download as JRXML:</emphasis></para>

=== modified file 'src/docbkx/en/dhis2_user_manual_en.xml'
--- src/docbkx/en/dhis2_user_manual_en.xml	2011-09-17 07:10:24 +0000
+++ src/docbkx/en/dhis2_user_manual_en.xml	2011-09-19 18:59:06 +0000
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   <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; href="dhis2_user_man_data_elements.xml" encoding="UTF-8"/>
   <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; href="dhis2_user_man_datasets_forms.xml" encoding="UTF-8"/>
   <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; href="dhis2_user_user_management.xml" encoding="UTF-8"/>
+  <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; href="dhis2_user_dashboards.xml" encoding="UTF-8"/>
   <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; href="dhis2_user_man_data_entry.xml" encoding="UTF-8"/>
   <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; href="dhis2_user_man_using_data_quality.xml" encoding="UTF-8"/>
   <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; href="dhis2_user_man_creating_data_quality.xml" encoding="UTF-8"/>

=== added directory 'src/docbkx/en/resources/images/dashboard'
=== added file 'src/docbkx/en/resources/images/dashboard/dashboard_main.png'
Binary files src/docbkx/en/resources/images/dashboard/dashboard_main.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and src/docbkx/en/resources/images/dashboard/dashboard_main.png	2011-09-19 18:59:06 +0000 differ