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[Branch ~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk] Rev 4988: format cleanups


revno: 4988
committer: Morten Olav Hansen <mortenoh@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: dhis2
timestamp: Thu 2011-10-20 15:05:27 +0200
  format cleanups


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=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-api/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/completeness/DataSetCompletenessResult.java'
--- dhis-2/dhis-api/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/completeness/DataSetCompletenessResult.java	2011-05-05 21:14:56 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-api/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/completeness/DataSetCompletenessResult.java	2011-10-20 13:05:27 +0000
@@ -48,23 +48,23 @@
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     private int dataSetId;
     private int periodId;
     private String periodName;
     private int organisationUnitId;
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Properties 2
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     private String name;
     private int sources;
     private int registrations;
     private int registrationsOnTime;
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     public DataSetCompletenessResult()
-    {   
+    {
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
         this.registrations = registrations;
         this.registrationsOnTime = registrationsOnTime;
      * @param dataSetId the dataset identifier.
      * @param periodId the period identifier.
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
         this.registrations = registrations;
         this.registrationsOnTime = registrationsOnTime;
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Logic
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -121,23 +121,23 @@
         if ( sources > 0 )
-            double percentage = (double)registrations / (double)sources * 100;
+            double percentage = (double) registrations / (double) sources * 100;
             return getRounded( percentage, 1 );
         return 0.0;
     public double getPercentageOnTime()
         if ( sources > 0 )
-            double percentage = (double)registrationsOnTime / (double)sources * 100;
+            double percentage = (double) registrationsOnTime / (double) sources * 100;
             return getRounded( percentage, 1 );
         return 0.0;
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
         return registrations;
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // HashCode, equals, and toString
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -161,14 +161,14 @@
     public int hashCode()
         final int prime = 31;
         int result = 1;
-        result = prime * result + ( ( name == null ) ? 0 : name.hashCode() );
+        result = prime * result + ((name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode());
         result = prime * result + sources;
         result = prime * result + registrations;
         result = prime * result + registrationsOnTime;
         return result;
@@ -179,30 +179,29 @@
             return true;
         if ( object == null )
             return false;
         if ( getClass() != object.getClass() )
             return false;
         final DataSetCompletenessResult other = (DataSetCompletenessResult) object;
-        return name.equals( other.getName() ) && 
-            sources == other.getSources() &&
-            registrations == other.getRegistrations() && 
-            registrationsOnTime == other.getRegistrationsOnTime();
+        return name.equals( other.getName() ) && sources == other.getSources()
+            && registrations == other.getRegistrations() && registrationsOnTime == other.getRegistrationsOnTime();
     public String toString()
-        String toString = "[Name: " + name + ", Reg: " + registrations + ", On time: " + registrationsOnTime + ", Src: " + sources + "]";
+        String toString = "[Name: " + name + ", Reg: " + registrations + ", On time: " + registrationsOnTime
+            + ", Src: " + sources + "]";
         return toString;
@@ -263,7 +262,7 @@
         this.name = name;
     public int getSources()
         return sources;
@@ -307,7 +306,7 @@
     private double getRounded( double value, int decimals )
         double factor = Math.pow( 10, decimals );
         return Math.round( value * factor ) / factor;

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-api/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/completeness/DataSetCompletenessService.java'
--- dhis-2/dhis-api/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/completeness/DataSetCompletenessService.java	2011-09-02 13:11:12 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-api/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/completeness/DataSetCompletenessService.java	2011-10-20 13:05:27 +0000
@@ -38,54 +38,58 @@
 public interface DataSetCompletenessService
     String ID = DataSetCompletenessService.class.getName();
      * @param dataSetIds
      * @param relatives
      * @param organisationUnitIds
-    void exportDataSetCompleteness( Collection<Integer> dataSetIds, RelativePeriods relatives, Collection<Integer> organisationUnitIds );
+    void exportDataSetCompleteness( Collection<Integer> dataSetIds, RelativePeriods relatives,
+        Collection<Integer> organisationUnitIds );
      * @param dataSetIds
      * @param periodIds
      * @param organisationUnitIds
-    void exportDataSetCompleteness( Collection<Integer> dataSetIds, 
-        Collection<Integer> periodIds, Collection<Integer> organisationUnitIds );
+    void exportDataSetCompleteness( Collection<Integer> dataSetIds, Collection<Integer> periodIds,
+        Collection<Integer> organisationUnitIds );
-     * Returns a Collection of DataSetCompletenessResults. The DataSetCompletenessResult
-     * object contains the name of the associated DataSet, the number of
-     * sources being associated with the DataSet AND being a child of the given 
-     * OrganisationUnit, and the number of CompleteDataSetRegistrations for the
-     * mentioned sources. One DataSetCompletenessResult is included for each
-     * distinct DataSet associated with any of the given OrganisationUnit
-     * or its children.
+     * Returns a Collection of DataSetCompletenessResults. The
+     * DataSetCompletenessResult object contains the name of the associated
+     * DataSet, the number of sources being associated with the DataSet AND
+     * being a child of the given OrganisationUnit, and the number of
+     * CompleteDataSetRegistrations for the mentioned sources. One
+     * DataSetCompletenessResult is included for each distinct DataSet
+     * associated with any of the given OrganisationUnit or its children.
      * @param periodId the identifier of the Period.
      * @param organisationUnitId the identifier of the root OrganisationUnit.
      * @return a Collection of DataSetCompletenessResults.
     Collection<DataSetCompletenessResult> getDataSetCompleteness( int periodId, int organisationUnitId );
-     * Returns a Collection of DataSetCompletenessResults. The DataSetCompletenessResult
-     * object contains the name of the associated OrganisationUnit, the number of
-     * sources being associated with the DataSet AND being a child of the OrganisationUnit,
-     * and the number of CompleteDataSetRegistrations for the mentioned sources
-     * for the DataSet. One DataSetCompletenessResult is included for each child
-     * of the OrganisationUnit.
+     * Returns a Collection of DataSetCompletenessResults. The
+     * DataSetCompletenessResult object contains the name of the associated
+     * OrganisationUnit, the number of sources being associated with the DataSet
+     * AND being a child of the OrganisationUnit, and the number of
+     * CompleteDataSetRegistrations for the mentioned sources for the DataSet.
+     * One DataSetCompletenessResult is included for each child of the
+     * OrganisationUnit.
      * @param periodId the identifier of the Period.
-     * @param parentOrganisationUnitId the identifier of the parent OrganisationUnit.
+     * @param parentOrganisationUnitId the identifier of the parent
+     *        OrganisationUnit.
      * @param dataSetId the identifier of the DataSet.
      * @return a Collection of DataSetCompletenessResults.
-    Collection<DataSetCompletenessResult> getDataSetCompleteness( int periodId, Collection<Integer> organisationUnitIds, int dataSetId );
+    Collection<DataSetCompletenessResult> getDataSetCompleteness( int periodId,
+        Collection<Integer> organisationUnitIds, int dataSetId );
      * Creates an index on the aggregateddatasetcompleteness table.

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-reporting/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/completeness/impl/AbstractDataSetCompletenessService.java'
--- dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-reporting/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/completeness/impl/AbstractDataSetCompletenessService.java	2011-10-12 17:32:39 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-reporting/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/completeness/impl/AbstractDataSetCompletenessService.java	2011-10-20 13:05:27 +0000
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
     implements DataSetCompletenessService
     private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog( AbstractDataSetCompletenessService.class );
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Dependencies
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@
         this.batchHandlerFactory = batchHandlerFactory;
     protected OrganisationUnitService organisationUnitService;
     public void setOrganisationUnitService( OrganisationUnitService organisationUnitService )
         this.organisationUnitService = organisationUnitService;
@@ -91,9 +91,9 @@
         this.dataSetService = dataSetService;
     protected DataElementService dataElementService;
     public void setDataElementService( DataElementService dataElementService )
         this.dataElementService = dataElementService;
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
         this.completenessStore = completenessStore;
     private SystemSettingManager systemSettingManager;
     public void setSystemSettingManager( SystemSettingManager systemSettingManager )
@@ -127,74 +127,81 @@
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Abstract methods
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     public abstract int getRegistrations( DataSet dataSet, Collection<Integer> relevantSources, Period period );
-    public abstract int getRegistrationsOnTime( DataSet dataSet, Collection<Integer> relevantSources, Period period, Date deadline );
+    public abstract int getRegistrationsOnTime( DataSet dataSet, Collection<Integer> relevantSources, Period period,
+        Date deadline );
     public abstract int getSources( DataSet dataSet, Collection<Integer> relevantSources );
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // DataSetCompleteness
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    public void exportDataSetCompleteness( Collection<Integer> dataSetIds, RelativePeriods relatives, Collection<Integer> organisationUnitIds )
+    public void exportDataSetCompleteness( Collection<Integer> dataSetIds, RelativePeriods relatives,
+        Collection<Integer> organisationUnitIds )
         if ( relatives != null )
-            Collection<Integer> periodIds = ConversionUtils.getIdentifiers( Period.class, periodService.reloadPeriods( relatives.getRelativePeriods() ) );
+            Collection<Integer> periodIds = ConversionUtils.getIdentifiers( Period.class,
+                periodService.reloadPeriods( relatives.getRelativePeriods() ) );
             exportDataSetCompleteness( dataSetIds, periodIds, organisationUnitIds );
-    public void exportDataSetCompleteness( Collection<Integer> dataSetIds, 
-        Collection<Integer> periodIds, Collection<Integer> organisationUnitIds )
+    public void exportDataSetCompleteness( Collection<Integer> dataSetIds, Collection<Integer> periodIds,
+        Collection<Integer> organisationUnitIds )
         log.info( "Data completeness export process started" );
         log.info( "Dropped potential index" );
-        int days = (Integer) systemSettingManager.getSystemSetting( KEY_COMPLETENESS_OFFSET, DEFAULT_COMPLETENESS_OFFSET );
+        int days = (Integer) systemSettingManager.getSystemSetting( KEY_COMPLETENESS_OFFSET,
         completenessStore.deleteDataSetCompleteness( dataSetIds, periodIds, organisationUnitIds );
         log.info( "Deleted existing completeness data" );
-        BatchHandler<DataSetCompletenessResult> batchHandler = batchHandlerFactory.createBatchHandler( DataSetCompletenessResultBatchHandler.class );
+        BatchHandler<DataSetCompletenessResult> batchHandler = batchHandlerFactory
+            .createBatchHandler( DataSetCompletenessResultBatchHandler.class );
         Collection<Period> periods = periodService.getPeriods( periodIds );
         Collection<OrganisationUnit> units = organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnits( organisationUnitIds );
         Collection<DataSet> dataSets = dataSetService.getDataSets( dataSetIds );
         periods = completenessStore.getPeriodsWithRegistrations( periods );
         dataSets = completenessStore.getDataSetsWithRegistrations( dataSets );
         OrganisationUnitHierarchy hierarchy = organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnitHierarchy();
         hierarchy.prepareChildren( units );
-        //TODO Re-implement period aggregation with sql to improve performance
+        // TODO Re-implement period aggregation with sql to improve performance
         for ( final DataSet dataSet : dataSets )
-        {                
+        {
             for ( final OrganisationUnit unit : units )
                 Collection<Integer> sources = hierarchy.getChildren( unit.getId() );
                 Collection<Integer> relevantSources = getRelevantSources( dataSet, sources );
                 for ( final Period period : periods )
-                    if ( period.getPeriodType() != null && dataSet.getPeriodType() != null && period.getPeriodType().equals( dataSet.getPeriodType() ) )
+                    if ( period.getPeriodType() != null && dataSet.getPeriodType() != null
+                        && period.getPeriodType().equals( dataSet.getPeriodType() ) )
                         final Date deadline = getDeadline( period, days );
-                        final DataSetCompletenessResult result = getDataSetCompleteness( period, deadline, unit, relevantSources, dataSet );
+                        final DataSetCompletenessResult result = getDataSetCompleteness( period, deadline, unit,
+                            relevantSources, dataSet );
                         if ( result.getSources() > 0 )
                             batchHandler.addObject( result );
@@ -202,94 +209,101 @@
             log.info( "Exported completeness for data set: " + dataSet );
         log.info( "Created index" );
         log.info( "Completeness export process done" );
     public Collection<DataSetCompletenessResult> getDataSetCompleteness( int periodId, int organisationUnitId )
         final Period period = periodService.getPeriod( periodId );
-        int days = (Integer) systemSettingManager.getSystemSetting( KEY_COMPLETENESS_OFFSET, DEFAULT_COMPLETENESS_OFFSET );        
+        int days = (Integer) systemSettingManager.getSystemSetting( KEY_COMPLETENESS_OFFSET,
         Date deadline = getDeadline( period, days );
-        final Collection<Integer> children = organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnitHierarchy().getChildren( organisationUnitId );
+        final Collection<Integer> children = organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnitHierarchy().getChildren(
+            organisationUnitId );
         final Collection<DataSet> dataSets = dataSetService.getAllDataSets();
         final Collection<DataSetCompletenessResult> results = new ArrayList<DataSetCompletenessResult>();
         for ( final DataSet dataSet : dataSets )
             final Collection<Integer> relevantSources = getRelevantSources( dataSet, children );
             final DataSetCompletenessResult result = new DataSetCompletenessResult();
             result.setSources( getSources( dataSet, relevantSources ) );
             if ( result.getSources() > 0 )
                 result.setName( dataSet.getName() );
                 result.setRegistrations( getRegistrations( dataSet, relevantSources, period ) );
-                result.setRegistrationsOnTime( deadline != null ? getRegistrationsOnTime( dataSet, relevantSources, period, deadline ) : 0 );
+                result.setRegistrationsOnTime( deadline != null ? getRegistrationsOnTime( dataSet, relevantSources,
+                    period, deadline ) : 0 );
                 result.setDataSetId( dataSet.getId() );
                 result.setPeriodId( periodId );
                 result.setOrganisationUnitId( organisationUnitId );
                 results.add( result );
         return results;
-    public Collection<DataSetCompletenessResult> getDataSetCompleteness( int periodId, Collection<Integer> organisationUnitIds, int dataSetId )
+    public Collection<DataSetCompletenessResult> getDataSetCompleteness( int periodId,
+        Collection<Integer> organisationUnitIds, int dataSetId )
         final Period period = periodService.getPeriod( periodId );
-        int days = (Integer) systemSettingManager.getSystemSetting( KEY_COMPLETENESS_OFFSET, DEFAULT_COMPLETENESS_OFFSET );        
+        int days = (Integer) systemSettingManager.getSystemSetting( KEY_COMPLETENESS_OFFSET,
         Date deadline = getDeadline( period, days );
         final DataSet dataSet = dataSetService.getDataSet( dataSetId );
         final Collection<DataSetCompletenessResult> results = new ArrayList<DataSetCompletenessResult>();
         for ( final Integer unitId : organisationUnitIds )
             final OrganisationUnit unit = organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnit( unitId );
-            final Collection<Integer> children = organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnitHierarchy().getChildren( unit.getId() );
+            final Collection<Integer> children = organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnitHierarchy().getChildren(
+                unit.getId() );
             final Collection<Integer> relevantSources = getRelevantSources( dataSet, children );
             final DataSetCompletenessResult result = new DataSetCompletenessResult();
             result.setSources( getSources( dataSet, relevantSources ) );
             if ( result.getSources() > 0 )
                 result.setName( unit.getName() );
                 result.setRegistrations( getRegistrations( dataSet, relevantSources, period ) );
-                result.setRegistrationsOnTime( deadline != null ? getRegistrationsOnTime( dataSet, relevantSources, period, deadline ) : 0 );
+                result.setRegistrationsOnTime( deadline != null ? getRegistrationsOnTime( dataSet, relevantSources,
+                    period, deadline ) : 0 );
                 result.setDataSetId( dataSetId );
                 result.setPeriodId( periodId );
                 result.setOrganisationUnitId( unit.getId() );
                 results.add( result );
         return results;
@@ -301,7 +315,7 @@
     public void dropIndex()
@@ -311,50 +325,53 @@
     // Supportive methods
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    private DataSetCompletenessResult getDataSetCompleteness( Period period, Date deadline, OrganisationUnit unit, Collection<Integer> relevantSources, DataSet dataSet )
-    {   
+    private DataSetCompletenessResult getDataSetCompleteness( Period period, Date deadline, OrganisationUnit unit,
+        Collection<Integer> relevantSources, DataSet dataSet )
+    {
         final DataSetCompletenessResult result = new DataSetCompletenessResult();
         result.setName( unit.getName() );
         result.setSources( getSources( dataSet, relevantSources ) );
         if ( result.getSources() > 0 )
-        {        
+        {
             result.setRegistrations( getRegistrations( dataSet, relevantSources, period ) );
-            result.setRegistrationsOnTime( deadline != null ? getRegistrationsOnTime( dataSet, relevantSources, period, deadline ) : 0 );
+            result.setRegistrationsOnTime( deadline != null ? getRegistrationsOnTime( dataSet, relevantSources, period,
+                deadline ) : 0 );
             result.setDataSetId( dataSet.getId() );
             result.setPeriodId( period.getId() );
             result.setPeriodName( period.getName() );
             result.setOrganisationUnitId( unit.getId() );
         return result;
-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+    @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
     private Collection<Integer> getRelevantSources( DataSet dataSet, Collection<Integer> sources )
-        Collection<Integer> dataSetSources = ConversionUtils.getIdentifiers( OrganisationUnit.class, dataSet.getSources() );
+        Collection<Integer> dataSetSources = ConversionUtils.getIdentifiers( OrganisationUnit.class,
+            dataSet.getSources() );
         return CollectionUtils.intersection( dataSetSources, sources );
     private Date getDeadline( Period period, int days )
         Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
         Date date = null;
         if ( period != null )
-            cal.clear();                
-            cal.setTime( period.getEndDate() );                                       
+            cal.clear();
+            cal.setTime( period.getEndDate() );
             cal.add( Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, days );
             date = cal.getTime();
         return date;

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-reporting/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/reporting/completeness/action/GetDataCompletenessAction.java'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-reporting/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/reporting/completeness/action/GetDataCompletenessAction.java	2011-09-02 13:11:12 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-reporting/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/reporting/completeness/action/GetDataCompletenessAction.java	2011-10-20 13:05:27 +0000
@@ -57,8 +57,11 @@
     implements Action
     private static final String KEY_DATA_COMPLETENESS = "dataSetCompletenessResults";
-    private static final String DEFAULT_TYPE = "html";    
+    private static final String DEFAULT_TYPE = "html";
     private static final String SPACE = " ";
     private static final String EMPTY = "";
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -92,7 +95,7 @@
         this.selectionTreeManager = selectionTreeManager;
     private I18n i18n;
     public void setI18n( I18n i18n )
@@ -151,70 +154,82 @@
         throws Exception
         Grid _grid = (Grid) SessionUtils.getSessionVar( KEY_DATA_COMPLETENESS );
-        if ( _grid != null && type != null && !type.equals( DEFAULT_TYPE ) ) // Use last grid for any format except html
+        if ( _grid != null && type != null && !type.equals( DEFAULT_TYPE ) ) // Use
+                                                                             // last
+                                                                             // grid
+                                                                             // for
+                                                                             // any
+                                                                             // format
+                                                                             // except
+                                                                             // html
             grid = _grid;
             return type;
-        {            
+        {
             OrganisationUnit selectedUnit = selectionTreeManager.getReloadedSelectedOrganisationUnit();
             if ( periodId == null || selectedUnit == null || criteria == null )
                 return INPUT;
-            }            
+            }
                 Integer _periodId = periodService.getPeriodByExternalId( periodId ).getId();
                 DataSet dataSet = null;
                 List<DataSetCompletenessResult> mainResults = new ArrayList<DataSetCompletenessResult>();
                 List<DataSetCompletenessResult> footerResults = new ArrayList<DataSetCompletenessResult>();
                 DataSetCompletenessService completenessService = serviceProvider.provide( criteria );
-                if ( dataSetId != null && dataSetId != 0 ) // One data set for one organisation unit
+                if ( dataSetId != null && dataSetId != 0 )
+                // One data set for one organisation unit
                     mainResults = new ArrayList<DataSetCompletenessResult>( completenessService.getDataSetCompleteness(
                         _periodId, getIdentifiers( OrganisationUnit.class, selectedUnit.getChildren() ), dataSetId ) );
-                    footerResults = new ArrayList<DataSetCompletenessResult>( completenessService.getDataSetCompleteness( 
-                        _periodId, Arrays.asList( selectedUnit.getId() ), dataSetId ) );
+                    footerResults = new ArrayList<DataSetCompletenessResult>(
+                        completenessService.getDataSetCompleteness( _periodId, Arrays.asList( selectedUnit.getId() ),
+                            dataSetId ) );
                     dataSet = dataSetService.getDataSet( dataSetId );
-                else // All data sets for children of one organisation unit
+                else
+                // All data sets for children of one organisation unit
                     mainResults = new ArrayList<DataSetCompletenessResult>( completenessService.getDataSetCompleteness(
                         _periodId, selectedUnit.getId() ) );
                 grid = getGrid( mainResults, footerResults, selectedUnit, dataSet );
-                SessionUtils.setSessionVar( KEY_DATA_COMPLETENESS, grid );                      
+                SessionUtils.setSessionVar( KEY_DATA_COMPLETENESS, grid );
             return type != null ? type : DEFAULT_TYPE;
-        }        
+        }
-    private Grid getGrid( List<DataSetCompletenessResult> mainResults, List<DataSetCompletenessResult> footerResults, OrganisationUnit unit, DataSet dataSet )
+    private Grid getGrid( List<DataSetCompletenessResult> mainResults, List<DataSetCompletenessResult> footerResults,
+        OrganisationUnit unit, DataSet dataSet )
         String title = i18n.getString( "data_completeness_report" );
-        String subtitle = ( unit != null ? unit.getName() : EMPTY ) + SPACE + ( dataSet != null ? dataSet.getName() : EMPTY );
+        String subtitle = (unit != null ? unit.getName() : EMPTY) + SPACE
+            + (dataSet != null ? dataSet.getName() : EMPTY);
         Grid grid = new ListGrid().setTitle( title ).setSubtitle( subtitle );
         grid.addHeader( new GridHeader( i18n.getString( "name" ), false, true ) );
         grid.addHeader( new GridHeader( i18n.getString( "actual" ), false, false ) );
         grid.addHeader( new GridHeader( i18n.getString( "target" ), false, false ) );
         grid.addHeader( new GridHeader( i18n.getString( "percent" ), false, false ) );
         grid.addHeader( new GridHeader( i18n.getString( "on_time" ), false, false ) );
         grid.addHeader( new GridHeader( i18n.getString( "percent" ), false, false ) );
         for ( DataSetCompletenessResult result : mainResults )
             addRow( grid, result );
@@ -224,15 +239,15 @@
             grid.sortGrid( 4, 1 );
         for ( DataSetCompletenessResult result : footerResults )
             addRow( grid, result );
         return grid;
     private void addRow( Grid grid, DataSetCompletenessResult result )