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[Branch ~dhis2-documenters/dhis2/dhis2-docbook-docs] Rev 430: Stripped '\r' character from line endings


revno: 430
committer: Bob Jolliffe bobjolliffe@xxxxxxxxx
branch nick: dhis2-docbook-docs
timestamp: Wed 2011-12-14 20:49:44 +0000
  Stripped '\r' character from line endings


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=== modified file 'src/docbkx/en/mydatamart_en.xml'
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-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<!-- This document was created with Syntext Serna Free. --><!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN" "docbookV4.4/docbookx.dtd" []>
-  <title>MyDatamart User Manual</title>
-  <articleinfo>
-    <keywordset>
-      <keyword>DHIS2</keyword>
-      <keyword>HMIS</keyword>
-      <keyword>aggregate data</keyword>
-      <keyword>Health Management Information System</keyword>
-      <keyword>Integrated data repository</keyword>
-      <keyword>Health Information System</keyword>
-    </keywordset>
-  </articleinfo>
-  <section id="Background">
-    <title>Background</title>
-    <para>The Mydatamart tool was created to address a changing paradigm in the deployment of
-            DHIS2. In the past, going back to the days even before DHIS was a web application, the
-            typical data flows of the system, as installed in a district office, was between
-            components which were closely located to one another. The DHIS application was used to
-            provide a user interface to a database, which stored all the data and metadata for the
-            application. In many settings the user interface, the application and the database might
-            even be on the same computer. In other settings these three components might exist
-            separately on a small Local Area Network (LAN) within the district office.</para>
-    <para>The user would interact with the database in two different ways. In the normal flow of
-            working with DHIS2 she would work through the web interface and the DHIS2 web
-            application would take care of updating the database in the background. When analyzing
-            data, the typical approach is to create pivot tables using Microsoft Excel, and
-            configure Excel to fetch the data required by configuring an ODBC connection which
-            points to the database. These flows of data are illustrated in <xref linkend="dataflow_orig"/> below.</para>
-    <figure id="dataflow_orig">
-      <title>Data flows using DHIS2</title>
-      <graphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/dataflow_orig.png" width="4in" align="center"/>
-    </figure>
-    <para>It is important to understand that the quantity of data being transported between the
-            database and Excel pivot table (data flow 3 in the figure) can be quite large. By and
-            large this is acceptable so long as the user is working on the same computer as the
-            database or at least on the same high speed LAN. But the requirement for the user to be
-            able to pull large amounts of data from the database in order to update pivot tables
-            imposes a severe constraint on the possible DHIS2 deployment options. One of the
-            benefits of a web application is that the application server does not need to be
-            physically present in the district office. Having everything co-located creates an
-            additional burden of hardware and software maintenance which distracts from the core
-            function of the district office. Where the district office has reasonable Internet
-            connectivity it is preferable to be able to host the DHIS2 web application at some
-            central location within a data centre where it can be professionally managed by system
-            administrators with the requisite skills.</para>
-    <para>The challenge that is introduced by this type of deployment is that we can no longer
-            rely on users analyzing their data by performing frequent and voluminous updates of
-            their pivot tables from the back end database. In fact, in a properly secured
-            deployment, the district user will not be able to access the database at all. All
-            interaction with DHIS2 would be through the web interface to the application.</para>
-    <para>Mydatamart was created to address this problem. With Mydatamart, the data that is
-            required to be analyzed in pivot tables is pulled incrementally from the DHIS database
-            via the dhis2 web server and stored locally in a small but efficient local database. This
-            database makes use of the widely deployed Sqlite database engine. This new data flow is
-            shown in red in <xref linkend="dataflow_new"/>.</para>
-    <figure id="dataflow_new">
-      <title>Using a local datamart</title>
-      <graphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/dataflow_new.png" width="5in" align="center"/>
-    </figure>
-    <para>With the data available locally, pivot tables in the district office can now be
-            configured to use ODBC connections to the local Sqlite database instead of the remote
-            database server.</para>
-  </section>
-  <section id="Installation">
-    <title>Installation</title>
-    <para>Installation of Mydatamart has been made as simple as possible. The application itself
-            is a self-contained executable which doesn&apos;t require any additional installation
-            procedure. If you have the executable then it is ready to run. If you are going to use
-            Microsoft Excel to create and use pivot tables linked to your local datamart, then you
-            do also need to install the Sqlite3 ODBC driver. In addition, power users might also
-            want to make use of a database GUI application to inspect or manipulate the datamart
-            files directly. There are a number of freely available applications for viewing sqlite3
-            databases - we highly recommend a program called <ulink url="http://sqlitestudio.one.pl/";>sqlitestudio</ulink>.</para>
-    <table id="software">
-      <title>Software and where to get it</title>
-      <tgroup cols="3">
-        <thead>
-          <row>
-            <entry>Software</entry>
-            <entry>Purpose</entry>
-            <entry>Download</entry>
-          </row>
-        </thead>
-        <tbody>
-          <row>
-            <entry>Mydatamart</entry>
-            <entry>Desktop tool for managing local datamart</entry>
-            <entry>The latest version can always be found at <ulink url="http://www.dhis2.org/";>http://www.dhis2.org</ulink></entry>
-          </row>
-          <row>
-            <entry>Sqlite3 ODBC driver</entry>
-            <entry>Required for Excel to be able to link to datamart files.</entry>
-            <entry>The home page is <ulink url="http://www.ch-werner.de/sqliteodbc/";>http://www.ch-werner.de/sqliteodbc/</ulink>. You should download the file sqliteodbc.exe. For convenience a version can also be found at http://www.dhis2.org.</entry>
-          </row>
-          <row>
-            <entry>Sqlitestudio</entry>
-            <entry>This is not required but may be useful for power users to inspect the sqlite3 database files.</entry>
-            <entry>The home page is <ulink url="http://sqlitestudio.one.pl/";>http://sqlitestudio.one.pl/</ulink>. Check here for most current version. For convenience A version can also be found <ulink url="http://www.dhis2.org";>here</ulink>.</entry>
-          </row>
-        </tbody>
-      </tgroup>
-    </table>
-    <para>The following provides a list of step by step instructions to get started: <orderedlist>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>Download the file <filename>sqliteodbc.exe</filename> from one of the locations indicated
-                        above</para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>Double-click on the downloaded file to install the driver. Follow the on
-                        screen instructions and accept all defaults.</para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>Download the file <filename>mydatamart.exe</filename> and place it somewhere visible on your
-                        desktop. The icon should be a small blue feather as indicated in <xref linkend="icon"/> below.</para>
-          <figure id="icon">
-            <title>Mydatamart desktop icon</title>
-            <graphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/icon.png" width="2in" align="center"/>
-          </figure>
-          <para>The application can be launched by double-clicking on this icon.</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </orderedlist>
-        </para>
-  </section>
-  <section id="Application">
-    <title>The Mydatamart application</title>
-    <para>The purpose of the Mydatamart application is to manage a local datamart store which is
-            populated by downloading small chunks of data from the central DHIS2 web application. It
-            also manages the details of ODBC connection parameters required to link Excel workbooks
-            to your data.</para>
-    <para>The simplest way to start mydatamart.exe is to double-click on the icon on your
-            desktop. The application should open and show a window like <xref linkend="first"/>
-            below:</para>
-    <figure id="first">
-      <title>Mydatamart on first open</title>
-      <graphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/first.png" width="3in" align="center"/>
-    </figure>
-    <para>All of the functionality of mydatamart is available through the menu items in the
-            upper menu bar. Some of the more commonly used functions are also available through the
-            image button bar immediately below the menu. If you hover your mouse slowly over these
-            buttons a tooltip window should show the functions of each.</para>
-    <section>
-      <title>Maintaining the local datamart</title>
-      <para/>
-      <section>
-        <title>Creating a new datamart</title>
-        <para>Now the main purpose of mydatamart is to manage your personal datamart files
-                    so the first thing you will need to do is to create a new datamart. You can
-                    create a new datamart either through the File-&gt;New menu option or by pressing
-                    the button with the blue cross. When you create this new datamart you will be
-                    prompted for a file name. The extension .dmart will be appended automatically to
-                    the name. Give some thought to how and where you are going to store this file as
-                    it will soon be full of valuable data so you really do need to look after it.
-                    You can create a backup at any time by simply making a copy of this file, eg.
-                    onto a USB memory stick.</para>
-        <note>
-          <para>The .dmart file is actually an sqlite3 database file which you can also
-                        open and view or edit with any sqlite3 capable tool, such as
-                        sqlitestudio.</para>
-        </note>
-        <para>When you create the new datamart, the application will present a dialog like
-                        <xref linkend="new"/>.</para>
-        <figure id="new">
-          <title>Creating a new datamart</title>
-          <graphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/new.png" width="3in" align="center"/>
-        </figure>
-        <para>The first thing you must do is to establish a connection with your dhis
-                    server. To do this enter the full url (including http://) of the dhis server
-                    into the box labelled <emphasis>URL</emphasis>. Then enter your online dhis user
-                    name and password. Your password will not be saved anywhere on your machine. To
-                    login press the button labelled <emphasis>Login</emphasis>. If the login was
-                    successful you will be rewarded with a green tick icon next to the login
-                    button.</para>
-        <figure id="loggedin">
-          <title>Logging in to dhis2 server</title>
-          <graphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/loggedin.png" width="3in" align="center"/>
-        </figure>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Populating the datamart with metadata</title>
-        <para>The local datamart is designed to store aggregated data values from
-                    dataelements and indicators in the online DHIS2 application. But before you can
-                    do this, you must first populate the local datamart with
-                        <emphasis>metadata</emphasis> from the remote dhis2.</para>
-        <para>Metadata refers to the parts of the database which give the data values
-                    meaning. This includes: <itemizedlist>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Organisation units and hierarchy;</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Dataelement and Indicator names;</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Datavalue disaggregations (categories and categoryoptions);</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Various groups and groupsets.</para>
-            </listitem>
-          </itemizedlist> This information is required to work with pivot tables and to
-                    select important parameters relating to your organisation unit. </para>
-        <para>Fortunately populating with metadata is a straightforward, if time consuming,
-                    operation. The easiest way to load metadata from DHIS2 is to press the toolbar
-                    button with the <inlinegraphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/hierarchy.png" width="0.5cm"/> image.
-                    It can also be done via the &quot;Datamart-&gt;Load metadata from dhis&quot; menu
-                    option.</para>
-        <para>The Mydatamart application will then contact the remote DHIS2 server and
-                    download, transform and save the metadata into the local database.</para>
-        <note>
-          <para>Currently the transform part of the operation is quite slow. Expect it to
-                        take as long as ten minutes. During this time you cannot work with the
-                        application so you have to be patient. The reason for the long time is that
-                        it must process all of the orgunits in the dhis hierarchy, which for many
-                        countries can be quite large. In future editions of Mydatamart we will
-                        improve on this by cutting down the number of orgunits to be
-                        processed.</para>
-        </note>
-        <para>Once the metadata download is complete the user will be returned to the
-                    Settings interface where she can proceed to enter information about her
-                    organisation unit and the level of analysis to be used. This configuration is
-                    covered in the following section.</para>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Choosing Organisation unit and analysis level</title>
-        <para>The benefit of using mydatamart is that you only need to download the data
-                    from the dhis2 server which you need in your routine analysis. By selecting the
-                    appropriate orgunit and level of analysis you ensure that your regular data
-                    updates will be small and manageable even when bandwidth is limited.</para>
-        <para>The two concepts to be aware of are your <emphasis>root orgunit</emphasis> and
-                    your <emphasis>analysis level</emphasis>. To illustrate this using an example
-                    from Kenya, let us assume you are based in the district office of Nyeri North in
-                    Nyeri County. You have either been given pivot tables or you will make them to
-                    analyze your data down to facility level. So you require data for all the
-                    facilities within Nyeri North and you also require to see data for your peers
-                    ie. the other districts within Nyeri County.</para>
-        <para>Once you have created a new datamart and have downloaded metadata as described
-                    in the previous section, you should be able to set these two parameters in the
-                    settings dialog as illustrated below. If the dialog is not visible you can
-                    access it by pressing the <inlinegraphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/configuration.png" width="0.5cm"/>
-                    button.</para>
-        <figure id="analysis_level">
-          <title>Setting analysis parameters</title>
-          <graphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/analysis_level.png" width="3in" align="center"/>
-        </figure>
-        <para>Once you have set these once they will be saved with your datamart file.
-                    Though they can be changed at any time or you might have different datamart
-                    files with different settings. In most cases you will likely be maintaining a
-                    single datamart file which you will have set up like the case of Nyeri North
-                    above.</para>
-        <note>
-          <para>You will have noticed from <xref linkend="analysis_level"/> that the
-                        analysis level is converted to a number. So for example, in Kenya, the
-                        facility is at level 5, the district is level 4 etc. These correspond to
-                        orgunit hierarchy levels within dhis2. These numbers will vary from one
-                        country implementation to another. For the most part you do not need to be
-                        concerned with the number of the level, except when you come to selecting
-                        views for analysis. Here you will see that the level number is used as part
-                        of the naming convention for views.</para>
-        </note>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Downloading data</title>
-        <para>Now that you have your local datamart set up you are ready to start populating
-                    it with data from your online dhis2 server. Whereas you will probably only
-                    adjust the settings when creating a new datamart, you will be doing regular
-                    synching of your local datamart with the online server. If data is being
-                    downloaded once a month, then the incremental size of each download will be
-                    small. You can get to the data download screen either by pressing the
-                        <inlinegraphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/data_mart_export.png" width="0.5cm"/> button or by navigating to the &quot;Datamart-&gt;Update Aggregate
-                    Data&quot; menu item.</para>
-        <para><xref linkend="download"/>, shows the datamart update screen. You can set the
-                    detailed options for your download here. There is not much to be done as the
-                    defaults should match your typical operations.</para>
-        <figure id="download">
-          <title>Downloading data</title>
-          <graphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/download.png" width="3in" align="center"/>
-        </figure>
-        <para>On the left hand side there are check boxes which you should set to indicate
-                    whether you need data weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly (you can select more
-                    than one). These are independently set for aggregated datavaues as well as
-                    aggregated indicator values, though in most cases you will require the same
-                    periodicity of databvalue and indicator value.</para>
-        <para>On the right hand side you have the option to set the time period you are
-                    downloading. The application will attempt to select a reasonable period for you.
-                    Other than the very first time you download data, the default should be to
-                    download the previous month&apos;s data.</para>
-        <para>Below the period selection section are the two buttons which actually initiate
-                    the download. The first button is used to download data for orgunits below the
-                    root orgunit at the level which was specified previously. So in the example, it
-                    will download aggregated data at the facility level (level 5) for facilities in
-                    Nyere North.</para>
-        <para>The second button is used to download aggregate data of our peers. In this
-                    case it would ensure that we had data for all the districts in Nyere County.
-                    This will allow the Nyere North user to analyze the data for all facilities in
-                    Nyere North as well as to compare the performance of Nyere North district with
-                    Nyere South district.</para>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Working with Excel</title>
-      <section>
-        <title>Creating a new Excel workbook for analysis</title>
-        <para>Pivot tables in Microsoft Excel are commonly used to analyze data in dhis2.
-                    The mydatamart tool does not create pivot tables for you, but it does provide a
-                    simple interface to get you started with an Excel workbook which is already
-                    linked to views in your local datamart. This means that users do not need to
-                    concern themselves with the technical detail of ODBC connection strings, DSNs or
-                    what have you. This section describes how you get started with that. It does not
-                    go into the detail of actually designing the pivot tables as this is described
-                    elsewhere in the dhis2 user manual.</para>
-        <para>The most important thing to have prepared when designing a pivot table are the
-                    database views you will use. Mydatamart automatically creates some &quot;standard&quot;
-                    views for dataelement values and indicator values for different periodicities -
-                    weekly, monthly, quarterly, semesterly (every 6 months), yearly etc. Expert
-                    users might also want to design additional custom views. Using a 3rd party tool
-                    such as sqlstudio is useful for this. There is also an option to import an
-                    arbitrary sql file into the database which can be used to share custom
-                    views.</para>
-        <para>To start the process of creating an Excel pivot table workbook, the user
-                    should select &quot;Reports-&gt;New Excel file&quot; from the menu bar. She will immediately
-                    be greeted with a dialog for selecting views such as illustrated in <xref linkend="views"/> below.</para>
-        <figure id="views">
-          <title>Selecting views</title>
-          <graphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/views.png" width="3in" align="center"/>
-        </figure>
-        <para>Mydatamart will present a list of all defined views in the listbox on the
-                    left. These include the automatically generated ones as well as any custom views
-                    which may have been created outside of the tool. The names of the views give
-                    some indication of their content. The auto generated views are named as
-                    follows:</para>
-        <para><code>pivotsource_&lt;datatype&gt;_ou_&lt;level&gt;_&lt;periodicity&gt;</code></para>
-        <para>In <xref linkend="views"/> we can see that monthly and quarterly views for
-                    indicators at level 4 (district) and 5 (facility) have been selected.
-                    Double-clicking on a view in the left listbox causes the view to be selected for
-                    inclusion. Similarly, double-clicking on a view in the right listbox causes the
-                    view to be removed from the selection.</para>
-        <note>
-          <para>A warning to power users creating custom views. You can name these views
-                        whatever you like, but be sure not to use the name of one of the built in
-                        views. If you do that your custom view will get overwritten when the
-                        metadata is updated.</para>
-        </note>
-        <para>Once you have selected the required views you can click on &quot;Create Excel
-                    workbook&quot;. This will prompt you for a name and location for your new Excel
-                    file.</para>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Working with your new Excel file</title>
-        <para>When you create a new Excel file as described in the section above, Excel
-                    should automatically open the new file. This file will have the database
-                    connections to your selected views already populated. To see these connections
-                    (on Excel 2007) first click on the &quot;Data&quot; menu, then select &quot;Existing
-                    Connections&quot; from the toolbar. You should see something like <xref linkend="existing_connections"/> below, showing the views that you selected
-                    in the previous step.</para>
-        <figure id="existing_connections">
-          <title>Datamart connections</title>
-          <graphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/existing_connections.png" width="4in" align="center"/>
-        </figure>
-        <para>You can use these views to create pivot tables or simply to view the data
-                    within a worksheet. To make use of a view simply double click on it. You will be
-                    presented with a dialog similar to <xref linkend="pivotwizard"/>.</para>
-        <figure id="pivotwizard">
-          <title>Pivot report wizard</title>
-          <graphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/pivotwizard.png" width="3in" align="center"/>
-        </figure>
-        <para>From this point, creating pivot tables is the same as is described in the
-                    DHIS2 User Manual.</para>
-        <note>
-          <para>Remember to define the Indicator value calculation when using indicator
-                        views. This process is as described in the DHIS2 User Manual.</para>
-        </note>
-        <para>On completion of your pivot table design you can save it and/or copy it to a
-                    new location. Whenever you have new data in your datamart you can refresh the
-                    pivot tables. Refresh times should be reasonably fast as the data is coming from
-                    your local datamart file.</para>
-        <para>You can also share your pivot design with other mydatamart users, particularly
-                    those at the same administrative level as yourself, as they will likely be
-                    interested in the same views and analysis. To do this you should first ensure
-                    that the Excel pivot cache is empty so that you are not trying to send enormous
-                    files around by email (<emphasis>Instructions required on doing this - Ed.</emphasis>).</para>
-        <para>Remember that the database links in the Excel file are pointing at your
-                    datamart file (the file with a .dmart extension which you create when starting a
-                    new datamart). If you move that datamart file your connections will no longer
-                    work. Similarly if you send the file to someone else, they will need to connect
-                    the Excel file to their own datamart. This process is straightforward and is
-                    described in the next section.</para>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Linking an existing Excel file to a datamart</title>
-        <para>If you have been sent a pivot table report from another mydatamart user, or you have moved the location of your .dmart file
-                you will need to recreate the link between your datamart and the Excel file.  This is accomplished simply:</para>
-        <itemizedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Open your datamart file using the mydatamart tool;</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Select &quot;Reports-&gt;Connect to existing excel file&quot; or use the
-                                <inlinegraphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/excel.png"/>
-                            shortcut</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Select the excel file you wish to connect to in the ensuing dialog.</para>
-          </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist>
-        <para>The excel file will automatically have its database links <emphasis>repaired</emphasis> to point to your current datamart.</para>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Troubleshooting</title>
-      <para>In the event of things not behaving as expected, or if you wish to report buggy or surprizing behaviour, it can be
-            useful (particularly for the developer) to have more detailed information than that which is normally displayed to the user.</para>
-      <para>The mydatamart application creates an internal log with lots of low level information about what the program is doing at any
-            point in time.  To view this internal log you need to display the program console.  You can either do this through the &quot;Help&quot; menu
-            option or by simply pressing the &quot;F2&quot; shortcut key.</para>
-      <para>It is a good idea to capture the content of this console log when reporting problems to the developers.</para>
-    </section>
-  </section>
-  <section id="Summary">
-    <title>Summmary notes</title>
-    <para><emphasis>Put some short quick reference notes for common tasks here - Ed.</emphasis></para>
-  </section>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<!-- This document was created with Syntext Serna Free. --><!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN" "docbookV4.4/docbookx.dtd" []>
+  <title>MyDatamart User Manual</title>
+  <articleinfo>
+    <keywordset>
+      <keyword>DHIS2</keyword>
+      <keyword>HMIS</keyword>
+      <keyword>aggregate data</keyword>
+      <keyword>Health Management Information System</keyword>
+      <keyword>Integrated data repository</keyword>
+      <keyword>Health Information System</keyword>
+    </keywordset>
+  </articleinfo>
+  <section id="Background">
+    <title>Background</title>
+    <para>The Mydatamart tool was created to address a changing paradigm in the deployment of
+            DHIS2. In the past, going back to the days even before DHIS was a web application, the
+            typical data flows of the system, as installed in a district office, was between
+            components which were closely located to one another. The DHIS application was used to
+            provide a user interface to a database, which stored all the data and metadata for the
+            application. In many settings the user interface, the application and the database might
+            even be on the same computer. In other settings these three components might exist
+            separately on a small Local Area Network (LAN) within the district office.</para>
+    <para>The user would interact with the database in two different ways. In the normal flow of
+            working with DHIS2 she would work through the web interface and the DHIS2 web
+            application would take care of updating the database in the background. When analyzing
+            data, the typical approach is to create pivot tables using Microsoft Excel, and
+            configure Excel to fetch the data required by configuring an ODBC connection which
+            points to the database. These flows of data are illustrated in <xref linkend="dataflow_orig"/> below.</para>
+    <figure id="dataflow_orig">
+      <title>Data flows using DHIS2</title>
+      <graphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/dataflow_orig.png" width="4in" align="center"/>
+    </figure>
+    <para>It is important to understand that the quantity of data being transported between the
+            database and Excel pivot table (data flow 3 in the figure) can be quite large. By and
+            large this is acceptable so long as the user is working on the same computer as the
+            database or at least on the same high speed LAN. But the requirement for the user to be
+            able to pull large amounts of data from the database in order to update pivot tables
+            imposes a severe constraint on the possible DHIS2 deployment options. One of the
+            benefits of a web application is that the application server does not need to be
+            physically present in the district office. Having everything co-located creates an
+            additional burden of hardware and software maintenance which distracts from the core
+            function of the district office. Where the district office has reasonable Internet
+            connectivity it is preferable to be able to host the DHIS2 web application at some
+            central location within a data centre where it can be professionally managed by system
+            administrators with the requisite skills.</para>
+    <para>The challenge that is introduced by this type of deployment is that we can no longer
+            rely on users analyzing their data by performing frequent and voluminous updates of
+            their pivot tables from the back end database. In fact, in a properly secured
+            deployment, the district user will not be able to access the database at all. All
+            interaction with DHIS2 would be through the web interface to the application.</para>
+    <para>Mydatamart was created to address this problem. With Mydatamart, the data that is
+            required to be analyzed in pivot tables is pulled incrementally from the DHIS database
+            via the dhis2 web server and stored locally in a small but efficient local database. This
+            database makes use of the widely deployed Sqlite database engine. This new data flow is
+            shown in red in <xref linkend="dataflow_new"/>.</para>
+    <figure id="dataflow_new">
+      <title>Using a local datamart</title>
+      <graphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/dataflow_new.png" width="5in" align="center"/>
+    </figure>
+    <para>With the data available locally, pivot tables in the district office can now be
+            configured to use ODBC connections to the local Sqlite database instead of the remote
+            database server.</para>
+  </section>
+  <section id="Installation">
+    <title>Installation</title>
+    <para>Installation of Mydatamart has been made as simple as possible. The application itself
+            is a self-contained executable which doesn&apos;t require any additional installation
+            procedure. If you have the executable then it is ready to run. If you are going to use
+            Microsoft Excel to create and use pivot tables linked to your local datamart, then you
+            do also need to install the Sqlite3 ODBC driver. In addition, power users might also
+            want to make use of a database GUI application to inspect or manipulate the datamart
+            files directly. There are a number of freely available applications for viewing sqlite3
+            databases - we highly recommend a program called <ulink url="http://sqlitestudio.one.pl/";>sqlitestudio</ulink>.</para>
+    <table id="software">
+      <title>Software and where to get it</title>
+      <tgroup cols="3">
+        <thead>
+          <row>
+            <entry>Software</entry>
+            <entry>Purpose</entry>
+            <entry>Download</entry>
+          </row>
+        </thead>
+        <tbody>
+          <row>
+            <entry>Mydatamart</entry>
+            <entry>Desktop tool for managing local datamart</entry>
+            <entry>The latest version can always be found at <ulink url="http://www.dhis2.org/";>http://www.dhis2.org</ulink></entry>
+          </row>
+          <row>
+            <entry>Sqlite3 ODBC driver</entry>
+            <entry>Required for Excel to be able to link to datamart files.</entry>
+            <entry>The home page is <ulink url="http://www.ch-werner.de/sqliteodbc/";>http://www.ch-werner.de/sqliteodbc/</ulink>. You should download the file sqliteodbc.exe. For convenience a version can also be found at http://www.dhis2.org.</entry>
+          </row>
+          <row>
+            <entry>Sqlitestudio</entry>
+            <entry>This is not required but may be useful for power users to inspect the sqlite3 database files.</entry>
+            <entry>The home page is <ulink url="http://sqlitestudio.one.pl/";>http://sqlitestudio.one.pl/</ulink>. Check here for most current version. For convenience A version can also be found <ulink url="http://www.dhis2.org";>here</ulink>.</entry>
+          </row>
+        </tbody>
+      </tgroup>
+    </table>
+    <para>The following provides a list of step by step instructions to get started: <orderedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Download the file <filename>sqliteodbc.exe</filename> from one of the locations indicated
+                        above</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Double-click on the downloaded file to install the driver. Follow the on
+                        screen instructions and accept all defaults.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Download the file <filename>mydatamart.exe</filename> and place it somewhere visible on your
+                        desktop. The icon should be a small blue feather as indicated in <xref linkend="icon"/> below.</para>
+          <figure id="icon">
+            <title>Mydatamart desktop icon</title>
+            <graphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/icon.png" width="2in" align="center"/>
+          </figure>
+          <para>The application can be launched by double-clicking on this icon.</para>
+        </listitem>
+      </orderedlist>
+        </para>
+  </section>
+  <section id="Application">
+    <title>The Mydatamart application</title>
+    <para>The purpose of the Mydatamart application is to manage a local datamart store which is
+            populated by downloading small chunks of data from the central DHIS2 web application. It
+            also manages the details of ODBC connection parameters required to link Excel workbooks
+            to your data.</para>
+    <para>The simplest way to start mydatamart.exe is to double-click on the icon on your
+            desktop. The application should open and show a window like <xref linkend="first"/>
+            below:</para>
+    <figure id="first">
+      <title>Mydatamart on first open</title>
+      <graphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/first.png" width="3in" align="center"/>
+    </figure>
+    <para>All of the functionality of mydatamart is available through the menu items in the
+            upper menu bar. Some of the more commonly used functions are also available through the
+            image button bar immediately below the menu. If you hover your mouse slowly over these
+            buttons a tooltip window should show the functions of each.</para>
+    <section>
+      <title>Maintaining the local datamart</title>
+      <para/>
+      <section>
+        <title>Creating a new datamart</title>
+        <para>Now the main purpose of mydatamart is to manage your personal datamart files
+                    so the first thing you will need to do is to create a new datamart. You can
+                    create a new datamart either through the File-&gt;New menu option or by pressing
+                    the button with the blue cross. When you create this new datamart you will be
+                    prompted for a file name. The extension .dmart will be appended automatically to
+                    the name. Give some thought to how and where you are going to store this file as
+                    it will soon be full of valuable data so you really do need to look after it.
+                    You can create a backup at any time by simply making a copy of this file, eg.
+                    onto a USB memory stick.</para>
+        <note>
+          <para>The .dmart file is actually an sqlite3 database file which you can also
+                        open and view or edit with any sqlite3 capable tool, such as
+                        sqlitestudio.</para>
+        </note>
+        <para>When you create the new datamart, the application will present a dialog like
+                        <xref linkend="new"/>.</para>
+        <figure id="new">
+          <title>Creating a new datamart</title>
+          <graphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/new.png" width="3in" align="center"/>
+        </figure>
+        <para>The first thing you must do is to establish a connection with your dhis
+                    server. To do this enter the full url (including http://) of the dhis server
+                    into the box labelled <emphasis>URL</emphasis>. Then enter your online dhis user
+                    name and password. Your password will not be saved anywhere on your machine. To
+                    login press the button labelled <emphasis>Login</emphasis>. If the login was
+                    successful you will be rewarded with a green tick icon next to the login
+                    button.</para>
+        <figure id="loggedin">
+          <title>Logging in to dhis2 server</title>
+          <graphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/loggedin.png" width="3in" align="center"/>
+        </figure>
+      </section>
+      <section>
+        <title>Populating the datamart with metadata</title>
+        <para>The local datamart is designed to store aggregated data values from
+                    dataelements and indicators in the online DHIS2 application. But before you can
+                    do this, you must first populate the local datamart with
+                        <emphasis>metadata</emphasis> from the remote dhis2.</para>
+        <para>Metadata refers to the parts of the database which give the data values
+                    meaning. This includes: <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Organisation units and hierarchy;</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Dataelement and Indicator names;</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Datavalue disaggregations (categories and categoryoptions);</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>Various groups and groupsets.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist> This information is required to work with pivot tables and to
+                    select important parameters relating to your organisation unit. </para>
+        <para>Fortunately populating with metadata is a straightforward, if time consuming,
+                    operation. The easiest way to load metadata from DHIS2 is to press the toolbar
+                    button with the <inlinegraphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/hierarchy.png" width="0.5cm"/> image.
+                    It can also be done via the &quot;Datamart-&gt;Load metadata from dhis&quot; menu
+                    option.</para>
+        <para>The Mydatamart application will then contact the remote DHIS2 server and
+                    download, transform and save the metadata into the local database.</para>
+        <note>
+          <para>Currently the transform part of the operation is quite slow. Expect it to
+                        take as long as ten minutes. During this time you cannot work with the
+                        application so you have to be patient. The reason for the long time is that
+                        it must process all of the orgunits in the dhis hierarchy, which for many
+                        countries can be quite large. In future editions of Mydatamart we will
+                        improve on this by cutting down the number of orgunits to be
+                        processed.</para>
+        </note>
+        <para>Once the metadata download is complete the user will be returned to the
+                    Settings interface where she can proceed to enter information about her
+                    organisation unit and the level of analysis to be used. This configuration is
+                    covered in the following section.</para>
+      </section>
+      <section>
+        <title>Choosing Organisation unit and analysis level</title>
+        <para>The benefit of using mydatamart is that you only need to download the data
+                    from the dhis2 server which you need in your routine analysis. By selecting the
+                    appropriate orgunit and level of analysis you ensure that your regular data
+                    updates will be small and manageable even when bandwidth is limited.</para>
+        <para>The two concepts to be aware of are your <emphasis>root orgunit</emphasis> and
+                    your <emphasis>analysis level</emphasis>. To illustrate this using an example
+                    from Kenya, let us assume you are based in the district office of Nyeri North in
+                    Nyeri County. You have either been given pivot tables or you will make them to
+                    analyze your data down to facility level. So you require data for all the
+                    facilities within Nyeri North and you also require to see data for your peers
+                    ie. the other districts within Nyeri County.</para>
+        <para>Once you have created a new datamart and have downloaded metadata as described
+                    in the previous section, you should be able to set these two parameters in the
+                    settings dialog as illustrated below. If the dialog is not visible you can
+                    access it by pressing the <inlinegraphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/configuration.png" width="0.5cm"/>
+                    button.</para>
+        <figure id="analysis_level">
+          <title>Setting analysis parameters</title>
+          <graphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/analysis_level.png" width="3in" align="center"/>
+        </figure>
+        <para>Once you have set these once they will be saved with your datamart file.
+                    Though they can be changed at any time or you might have different datamart
+                    files with different settings. In most cases you will likely be maintaining a
+                    single datamart file which you will have set up like the case of Nyeri North
+                    above.</para>
+        <note>
+          <para>You will have noticed from <xref linkend="analysis_level"/> that the
+                        analysis level is converted to a number. So for example, in Kenya, the
+                        facility is at level 5, the district is level 4 etc. These correspond to
+                        orgunit hierarchy levels within dhis2. These numbers will vary from one
+                        country implementation to another. For the most part you do not need to be
+                        concerned with the number of the level, except when you come to selecting
+                        views for analysis. Here you will see that the level number is used as part
+                        of the naming convention for views.</para>
+        </note>
+      </section>
+      <section>
+        <title>Downloading data</title>
+        <para>Now that you have your local datamart set up you are ready to start populating
+                    it with data from your online dhis2 server. Whereas you will probably only
+                    adjust the settings when creating a new datamart, you will be doing regular
+                    synching of your local datamart with the online server. If data is being
+                    downloaded once a month, then the incremental size of each download will be
+                    small. You can get to the data download screen either by pressing the
+                        <inlinegraphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/data_mart_export.png" width="0.5cm"/> button or by navigating to the &quot;Datamart-&gt;Update Aggregate
+                    Data&quot; menu item.</para>
+        <para><xref linkend="download"/>, shows the datamart update screen. You can set the
+                    detailed options for your download here. There is not much to be done as the
+                    defaults should match your typical operations.</para>
+        <figure id="download">
+          <title>Downloading data</title>
+          <graphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/download.png" width="3in" align="center"/>
+        </figure>
+        <para>On the left hand side there are check boxes which you should set to indicate
+                    whether you need data weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly (you can select more
+                    than one). These are independently set for aggregated datavaues as well as
+                    aggregated indicator values, though in most cases you will require the same
+                    periodicity of databvalue and indicator value.</para>
+        <para>On the right hand side you have the option to set the time period you are
+                    downloading. The application will attempt to select a reasonable period for you.
+                    Other than the very first time you download data, the default should be to
+                    download the previous month&apos;s data.</para>
+        <para>Below the period selection section are the two buttons which actually initiate
+                    the download. The first button is used to download data for orgunits below the
+                    root orgunit at the level which was specified previously. So in the example, it
+                    will download aggregated data at the facility level (level 5) for facilities in
+                    Nyere North.</para>
+        <para>The second button is used to download aggregate data of our peers. In this
+                    case it would ensure that we had data for all the districts in Nyere County.
+                    This will allow the Nyere North user to analyze the data for all facilities in
+                    Nyere North as well as to compare the performance of Nyere North district with
+                    Nyere South district.</para>
+      </section>
+    </section>
+    <section>
+      <title>Working with Excel</title>
+      <section>
+        <title>Creating a new Excel workbook for analysis</title>
+        <para>Pivot tables in Microsoft Excel are commonly used to analyze data in dhis2.
+                    The mydatamart tool does not create pivot tables for you, but it does provide a
+                    simple interface to get you started with an Excel workbook which is already
+                    linked to views in your local datamart. This means that users do not need to
+                    concern themselves with the technical detail of ODBC connection strings, DSNs or
+                    what have you. This section describes how you get started with that. It does not
+                    go into the detail of actually designing the pivot tables as this is described
+                    elsewhere in the dhis2 user manual.</para>
+        <para>The most important thing to have prepared when designing a pivot table are the
+                    database views you will use. Mydatamart automatically creates some &quot;standard&quot;
+                    views for dataelement values and indicator values for different periodicities -
+                    weekly, monthly, quarterly, semesterly (every 6 months), yearly etc. Expert
+                    users might also want to design additional custom views. Using a 3rd party tool
+                    such as sqlstudio is useful for this. There is also an option to import an
+                    arbitrary sql file into the database which can be used to share custom
+                    views.</para>
+        <para>To start the process of creating an Excel pivot table workbook, the user
+                    should select &quot;Reports-&gt;New Excel file&quot; from the menu bar. She will immediately
+                    be greeted with a dialog for selecting views such as illustrated in <xref linkend="views"/> below.</para>
+        <figure id="views">
+          <title>Selecting views</title>
+          <graphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/views.png" width="3in" align="center"/>
+        </figure>
+        <para>Mydatamart will present a list of all defined views in the listbox on the
+                    left. These include the automatically generated ones as well as any custom views
+                    which may have been created outside of the tool. The names of the views give
+                    some indication of their content. The auto generated views are named as
+                    follows:</para>
+        <para><code>pivotsource_&lt;datatype&gt;_ou_&lt;level&gt;_&lt;periodicity&gt;</code></para>
+        <para>In <xref linkend="views"/> we can see that monthly and quarterly views for
+                    indicators at level 4 (district) and 5 (facility) have been selected.
+                    Double-clicking on a view in the left listbox causes the view to be selected for
+                    inclusion. Similarly, double-clicking on a view in the right listbox causes the
+                    view to be removed from the selection.</para>
+        <note>
+          <para>A warning to power users creating custom views. You can name these views
+                        whatever you like, but be sure not to use the name of one of the built in
+                        views. If you do that your custom view will get overwritten when the
+                        metadata is updated.</para>
+        </note>
+        <para>Once you have selected the required views you can click on &quot;Create Excel
+                    workbook&quot;. This will prompt you for a name and location for your new Excel
+                    file.</para>
+      </section>
+      <section>
+        <title>Working with your new Excel file</title>
+        <para>When you create a new Excel file as described in the section above, Excel
+                    should automatically open the new file. This file will have the database
+                    connections to your selected views already populated. To see these connections
+                    (on Excel 2007) first click on the &quot;Data&quot; menu, then select &quot;Existing
+                    Connections&quot; from the toolbar. You should see something like <xref linkend="existing_connections"/> below, showing the views that you selected
+                    in the previous step.</para>
+        <figure id="existing_connections">
+          <title>Datamart connections</title>
+          <graphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/existing_connections.png" width="4in" align="center"/>
+        </figure>
+        <para>You can use these views to create pivot tables or simply to view the data
+                    within a worksheet. To make use of a view simply double click on it. You will be
+                    presented with a dialog similar to <xref linkend="pivotwizard"/>.</para>
+        <figure id="pivotwizard">
+          <title>Pivot report wizard</title>
+          <graphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/pivotwizard.png" width="3in" align="center"/>
+        </figure>
+        <para>From this point, creating pivot tables is the same as is described in the
+                    DHIS2 User Manual.</para>
+        <note>
+          <para>Remember to define the Indicator value calculation when using indicator
+                        views. This process is as described in the DHIS2 User Manual.</para>
+        </note>
+        <para>On completion of your pivot table design you can save it and/or copy it to a
+                    new location. Whenever you have new data in your datamart you can refresh the
+                    pivot tables. Refresh times should be reasonably fast as the data is coming from
+                    your local datamart file.</para>
+        <para>You can also share your pivot design with other mydatamart users, particularly
+                    those at the same administrative level as yourself, as they will likely be
+                    interested in the same views and analysis. To do this you should first ensure
+                    that the Excel pivot cache is empty so that you are not trying to send enormous
+                    files around by email (<emphasis>Instructions required on doing this - Ed.</emphasis>).</para>
+        <para>Remember that the database links in the Excel file are pointing at your
+                    datamart file (the file with a .dmart extension which you create when starting a
+                    new datamart). If you move that datamart file your connections will no longer
+                    work. Similarly if you send the file to someone else, they will need to connect
+                    the Excel file to their own datamart. This process is straightforward and is
+                    described in the next section.</para>
+      </section>
+      <section>
+        <title>Linking an existing Excel file to a datamart</title>
+        <para>If you have been sent a pivot table report from another mydatamart user, or you have moved the location of your .dmart file
+                you will need to recreate the link between your datamart and the Excel file.  This is accomplished simply:</para>
+        <itemizedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Open your datamart file using the mydatamart tool;</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Select &quot;Reports-&gt;Connect to existing excel file&quot; or use the
+                                <inlinegraphic fileref="resources/images/mydatamart/excel.png"/>
+                            shortcut</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Select the excel file you wish to connect to in the ensuing dialog.</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+        <para>The excel file will automatically have its database links <emphasis>repaired</emphasis> to point to your current datamart.</para>
+      </section>
+    </section>
+    <section>
+      <title>Troubleshooting</title>
+      <para>In the event of things not behaving as expected, or if you wish to report buggy or surprizing behaviour, it can be
+            useful (particularly for the developer) to have more detailed information than that which is normally displayed to the user.</para>
+      <para>The mydatamart application creates an internal log with lots of low level information about what the program is doing at any
+            point in time.  To view this internal log you need to display the program console.  You can either do this through the &quot;Help&quot; menu
+            option or by simply pressing the &quot;F2&quot; shortcut key.</para>
+      <para>It is a good idea to capture the content of this console log when reporting problems to the developers.</para>
+    </section>
+  </section>
+  <section id="Summary">
+    <title>Summmary notes</title>
+    <para><emphasis>Put some short quick reference notes for common tasks here - Ed.</emphasis></para>
+  </section>