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Re: DHIS2-tracking: data-element boolean type with checkbox for entry


Hi again,

Since the question of checkboxes for boolean dataelements is a general
technical issue, allow me to forward this to the dev-list.

In general, I agree that checkboxes are more intuitive. However, please
note that there is a subtle issue on what to do if the checkbox is not
ticked - do you then store a NO value, or nothing? Today, we actually store
the NO and YES value (as 0 and 1) only if it is selected in the dropdown,
otherwise nothing gets stored (could be interpreted as "blank/NULL", "not
applicable", "not responded" "form is not yet complete"). So it will be
important to make sure the users (and we) understand the semantics of
leaving a box unchecked).

This is a little similar to the "Zero is significant" setting that has been
the topic of much discussion (the Indian NRHM guidelines explicitly
recommends using Blank to indicate "Service not available" in contrast to a
zero, which indicates "No cases this period")

As for the current forms, it would be good if you could scan the original
paper forms (both mother and child),  and then indicate any changes  you
are planning to make. Also, please send screenshots of the current
implementations (the PHP application and the local DHIS2 module).


On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 8:38 AM, Ola Hodne Titlestad <olati@xxxxxxxxxx>wrote:

> Hi Kim Anh,
> Before going ahead with this can you please provide a mock up/drawing of
> how you want to see the data entry form? That will better communicate your
> requirements to all of us and avoid any confusion.
> Thanks,
> Ola
> -------
> On Feb 29, 2012 4:37 PM, "Kim-Anh Vo" <catakim@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> There is a requirement from the local Mother-Child (Maternal) program
>> in Vietnam:
>> data-element boolean type with checkbox for entry (not combobox).
>> The requirement based on the current systems (paper and web-solution -
>> which is very limited for long-term use in the field and that's why
>> DHIS2-tracking is counted for replacement) with checkboxes is very
>> familiar/friendly to the users and necessary for further aggregate
>> data in the reports. So, the development/customization of
>> DHIS2-tracking for Vietnam, (esp. the entry-form(maternal form) which
>> is the data-input) requires on-going adaptation.
>> Moreover, DHIS2-tracking global and local should be synchronized if
>> possible, so I'd like to suggest this as the first requirement from
>> Vietnam.
>> That would be good for us to have this approved (in order to have Tran
>> to develop) so that we could move on.
>> Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks!
>> P.S: I also Cc this email to Tran for further follow-ups
>> --
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Kim-Anh Vo

Knut Staring
Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo

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