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[Branch ~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk] Rev 6396: (patient) Only load data entry form of program which patient just enrolled in Enrollment form


revno: 6396
committer: Tran Chau <tran.hispvietnam@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: dhis2
timestamp: Tue 2012-03-27 17:33:13 +0700
  (patient) Only load data entry form of program which patient just enrolled in Enrollment form


Your team DHIS 2 developers is subscribed to branch lp:dhis2.
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=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-caseentry/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-caseentry/javascript/patient.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-caseentry/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-caseentry/javascript/patient.js	2012-03-27 09:40:11 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-caseentry/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-caseentry/javascript/patient.js	2012-03-27 10:33:13 +0000
@@ -815,11 +815,6 @@
-function toogleDiv( div )
-	jQuery( "#" + div ).slideToggle( "fast" );
 function savePatientIdentifier( identifierTypeId, field )
@@ -1010,6 +1005,12 @@
 			jQuery('#dataRecordingSelectDiv [id=patientInfoDiv]').hide();
 			jQuery('#dataRecordingSelectDiv [id=backBtnFromEntry]').hide();
+			var programId = jQuery('#programEnrollmentSelectDiv [id=programId] option:selected').val();
+			var programName = jQuery('#programEnrollmentSelectDiv [id=programId] option:selected').text();
+			$('#dataRecordingSelectDiv [id=programId]').find('option').remove().end().append('<option value="' + programId + '">' + programName + '</option>').val('whatever');
+			loadProgramStages();

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-caseentry/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-caseentry/patientRegistrationList.vm'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-caseentry/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-caseentry/patientRegistrationList.vm	2012-03-27 09:40:11 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-caseentry/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-caseentry/patientRegistrationList.vm	2012-03-27 10:33:13 +0000
@@ -95,7 +95,6 @@
 				  <a href="javascript:showUnenrollmentSelectForm('$patient.id')" title='$i18n.getString( "program_unenrollment_management" )'><img src="../images/unenroll.png" alt='$i18n.getString( "program_unenrollment_management" )'></a>
 				  <a href="javascript:showUpdatePatientForm( '$patient.id' )" title='$i18n.getString( "edit_profile" )'><img src="../images/edit.png" alt='$i18n.getString( "edit_profile" )'></a>
 				  <a href="javascript:setFieldValue( 'isShowPatientList', false ); showRelationshipList('$patient.id')" title='$i18n.getString( "manage_relationship" )'><img src="../images/relationship.png" alt='$i18n.getString( "manage_relationship" )'></a>
-				  <a href="javascript:showAddRelationshipPatient( '$patient.id', true )" title='$i18n.getString( "add_dependent" )'><img src="../images/add.png" alt='$i18n.getString( "add_dependent" )'></a>
 				  <a href="javascript:removePatient( '$patient.id', '$encoder.jsEncode( $patient.getFullName() )' )" title='$i18n.getString( "remove" )'><img src="../images/delete.png" alt='$i18n.getString( "remove" )'></a>
 				  <a href="javascript:showPatientHistory( '$patient.id' )" title='$i18n.getString( "patient_details_and_history" )'><img src="../images/information.png" alt='$i18n.getString( "patient_details_and_history" )'></a>

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-caseentry/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-caseentry/programEnrollmentForm.vm'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-caseentry/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-caseentry/programEnrollmentForm.vm	2012-03-27 07:20:28 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-caseentry/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-caseentry/programEnrollmentForm.vm	2012-03-27 10:33:13 +0000
@@ -1,159 +1,178 @@
-<form id='programEnrollmentInforForm' name='programEnrollmentInforForm' action='#' method="POST" >
-#if( $identifierTypes.size() > 0 || $noGroupAttributes.size() > 0 || $attributeGroups.size() > 0 )
-	<h3>$i18n.getString('patient_identifier_and_attributes') <img src='../images/down.png' onclick='toogleDiv( "enrollmentInforDiv" );'></h3>
-	<table class='mainPageTable' id='enrollmentInforDiv' name='enrollmentInforDiv' >
-		<col id="stageCol">    
-		<col id="entryCol">    
-		#if( $identifierTypes.size() > 0 )
-		<tr>
-			<th colspan='2'>$i18n.getString( "patient_identifier" )</th> 
-		</tr>
-		#end
-		#set( $tabIndex = 1 )
-		#set( $mark = false )
-		#foreach ($identifierType in $identifierTypes)
-			#set( $identifier = $identiferMap.get( $identifierType.id ) )
-			<tr #alternate( $mark )>
-				<td class='text-column'><label>$identifierType.name #if($identifierType.mandatory == true )<em title="$i18n.getString( 'required' )" class="required">*</em> #end</label></td>       
-					<td class="input-column">
-					<input type="text" id="iden$identifierType.id" name="iden$identifierType.id" value='$!identifier' class="{validate:{required:$identifierType.mandatory, #if($!identifierType.noChars) maxlength:$identifierType.noChars, #end #if($identifierType.type=='number') number:true #elseif($!identifierType.type=='letter') lettersonly:true #end }}" onchange='savePatientIdentifier( $identifierType.id, this);' onkeypress="return keyPress(event, this)" tabindex="$tabIndex" /></td>
-			</tr>
-			#set( $tabIndex = $tabIndex + 1 )
-			#set( $mark = !$mark  )
-		#end
-	#set( $mark = false )
-	#foreach ($attributeGroup in $attributeGroups )
-		<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>	
-		<tr><th colspan="2" class="heading-column">$attributeGroup.name</th></tr>
-		#foreach($attribute in $attributeGroup.attributes)
-			#if( $!attribute.program )
-				#set( $attributeValue = $!patientAttributeValueMap.get( $attribute.id ) )
-				<tr #alternate( $mark )>
-					<td class='text-column'><label>$attribute.name #if($attribute.mandatory)<em title="$i18n.getString( "required" )" class="required">*</em> #end</label></td>
-					<td class="input-column" >
-						#if( $attribute.valueType == "YES/NO" )
-							<select id="attr$attribute.id" name="attr$attribute.id" onchange='savePatientAttrValue( $attribute.id, this);' onkeypress="return keyPress(event, this)" tabindex="$tabIndex" >              
-								<option value="">[$i18n.getString( "please_select" )]</option>
-								<option value="true" #if( $attributeValue=='true') selected="selected" #end>$i18n.getString( "yes" )</option>
-								<option value="false" #if( $attributeValue=='false') selected="selected" #end>$i18n.getString( "no" )</option>
-							</select>                
-						#elseif( $attribute.valueType == "DATE" )
-							<input type="text" id="attr$attribute.id" name="attr$attribute.id" value="$!attributeValue" class=' #validate( "default"  $attribute.mandatory )'  onchange='savePatientAttrValue( $attribute.id, this);' onkeypress="return keyPress(event, this)" tabindex="$tabIndex" >
-							<script type="text/javascript">
-								datePickerValid( 'attr$attribute.id' );
-							</script>                 
-						#elseif( $attribute.valueType == "COMBO" )
-							<select  id="attr$attribute.id" name="attr$attribute.id" class=' #validate( "default"  $attribute.mandatory )' onchange='savePatientAttrValue( $attribute.id, this);' onkeypress="return keyPress(event, this)" tabindex="$tabIndex" >
-								 <option value="">[$i18n.getString( "please_select" )]</option>
-							#foreach ($option in $attribute.attributeOptions )
-								<option value="$option.id" #if($attributeValue == $option.name) selected="selected" #end>$option.name</option>
-							#end
-							</select>
-						#else 
-							<input type="text"  id="attr$attribute.id" name="attr$attribute.id" value="$!attributeValue" class="{validate:{required:$attribute.mandatory #if($!attribute.noChars),maxlength:$attribute.noChars #end #if($attribute.valueType=='NUMBER'),number:true #end }}"  onchange='savePatientAttrValue( $attribute.id, this);' onkeypress="return keyPress(event, this)" tabindex="$tabIndex" > 
-						#end
-					</td>		
-				</tr>
-			#end
-			#set( $tabIndex = $tabIndex + 1 )
-			#set( $mark = !$mark  )
-		#end
-	#end
-	<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
-	#if ( $noGroupAttributes && $noGroupAttributes.size() > 0) 	
-		<tr><th colspan="2" class="heading-column">$i18n.getString( "Other details" )</th></tr>
-		#set( $mark = false )
-		#foreach($attribute in $noGroupAttributes )
-			#if( $attribute.program )
-				#set( $attributeValue = $!patientAttributeValueMap.get( $attribute.id ) )
-				<tr #alternate( $mark )>
-					<td class='text-column'><label>$attribute.name #if($attribute.mandatory)<em title="$i18n.getString( "required" )" class="required">*</em> #end</label></td>
-					<td class="input-column" >
-						#if( $attribute.valueType == "YES/NO" )
-							<select id="attr$attribute.id"  name="attr$attribute.id" onchange='savePatientAttrValue( $attribute.id, this);' onkeypress="return keyPress(event, this)" tabindex="$tabIndex">              
-								<option value="">[$i18n.getString( "please_select" )]</option>
-								<option value="true" #if( $attributeValue ) selected="selected" #end>$i18n.getString( "yes" )</option>
-								<option value="false" #if( !$attributeValue ) selected="selected" #end>$i18n.getString( "no" )</option>
-							</select>                
-						#elseif( $attribute.valueType == "DATE" )
-							<input type="text" id="attr$attribute.id" name="attr$attribute.id" value="$!attributeValue" class=' #validate( "default"  $attribute.mandatory )' onchange='savePatientAttrValue( $attribute.id, this);' onkeypress="return keyPress(event, this)" tabindex="$tabIndex">
-							<script type="text/javascript">
-								datePickerValid( 'attr$attribute.id' );
-							</script>                    
-						#elseif( $attribute.valueType == "COMBO" )
-							<select  id="attr$attribute.id"  name="attr$attribute.id" class=' #validate( "default"  $attribute.mandatory )' onchange='savePatientAttrValue( $attribute.id, this);' onkeypress="return keyPress(event, this)" tabindex="$tabIndex">
-								 <option value="">[$i18n.getString( "please_select" )]</option>
-							#foreach ($option in $attribute.attributeOptions )
-								<option value="$option.id" #if($attributeValue == $option.name) selected="selected" #end>$option.name</option>
-							#end
-							</select>
-						#else
-							<input type="text"  id="attr$attribute.id" name="attr$attribute.id" value="$!attributeValue" class="{validate:{required:$attribute.mandatory #if($!attribute.noChars),maxlength:$attribute.noChars #end #if($attribute.valueType=='NUMBER'),number:true #end }}" onchange='savePatientAttrValue( $attribute.id, this);' onkeypress="return keyPress(event, this)" tabindex="$tabIndex" >
-						#end
-					</td>		
-				</tr>
-			#end
-			#set( $tabIndex = $tabIndex + 1 )
-			#set( $mark = !$mark  )
-		#end
-	#end
-<!-- Program-stage-instance list -->
-#if( $programStageInstances.size() > 0 )
-<h3>$i18n.getString('program_stage') <img src='../images/down.png' onclick='toogleDiv( "progarmStageListDiv" );'></h3>
-	<table class='mainPageTable hidden' id='progarmStageListDiv' name='progarmStageListDiv' >
-		<col id="noCol">
-		<col id="stageCol">    
-		<col id="entryCol">    
-		<tr>
-			<th>$i18n.getString( "nr" )</th>
-			<th>$i18n.getString( "program_stage" )</th>                   
-			<th>$i18n.getString( "due_date" )</th>        
-		</tr>
-	#set( $rowCount = 0 )
-	#set( $mark = false )
-	#set( $tabIndex = 1 )
-	#foreach( $programStageInstance in $programStageInstances )
-		#set( $rowCount = $rowCount + 1 )   
-		<tr #alternate( $mark ) >
-			##rowCount
-			<td>$rowCount</td>        
-			##stage name
-			<td class='textColumn'>
-				<span id="value[$programStageInstance.id].name" title="$!encoder.htmlEncode( $programStageInstance.programStage.description )">
-					$encoder.htmlEncode( $programStageInstance.programStage.name )            
-				</span>
-			</td>        
-			##entry
-			#set( $duedateId = "value_"+$programStageInstance.id+"_date" )        
-			<td class='input-column '>        
-				<input type="text" id="$duedateId" name="entryfield" value="$!format.formatDate( $programStageInstance.dueDate )" onchange="saveDueDate( $programStageInstance.id, '$encoder.jsEncode( $programStageInstance.programStage.name )' )" tabindex="$tabIndex" >
-				<script type="text/javascript">
-					datePicker( '$duedateId' );
-				</script> 
-			</td>      
-		</tr>
-		#set( $tabIndex = $tabIndex + 1 )
-		#set( $mark = !$mark  )
-	#end
-	</table>
-<input type='submit' value='sfda' class='hidden'>
+<div id="tabs">
+	<ul>
+		<li><a href="#tab-1">$i18n.getString("patient_identifier_and_attributes")</a></li>
+		<li><a href="#tab-2">$i18n.getString("name_based_data_entry")</a></li>
+		<li><a href="#tab-3">$i18n.getString("program_stage")</a></li>
+	</ul>
+	<!-- Enroll program TAB -->
+	<div id="tab-1">
+		<form id='programEnrollmentInforForm' name='programEnrollmentInforForm' action='#' method="POST" >
+			<!-- IDENTIFIERS -->
+			#if( $identifierTypes.size() > 0 || $noGroupAttributes.size() > 0 || $attributeGroups.size() > 0 )
+				<table class='mainPageTable' id='enrollmentInforDiv' name='enrollmentInforDiv' >
+					<col id="stageCol">    
+					<col id="entryCol">    
+					#if( $identifierTypes.size() > 0 )
+					<tr>
+						<th colspan='2'>$i18n.getString( "patient_identifier" )</th> 
+					</tr>
+					#end
+					#set( $tabIndex = 1 )
+					#set( $mark = false )
+					#foreach ($identifierType in $identifierTypes)
+						#set( $identifier = $identiferMap.get( $identifierType.id ) )
+						<tr #alternate( $mark )>
+							<td class='text-column'><label>$identifierType.name #if($identifierType.mandatory == true )<em title="$i18n.getString( 'required' )" class="required">*</em> #end</label></td>       
+								<td class="input-column">
+								<input type="text" id="iden$identifierType.id" name="iden$identifierType.id" value='$!identifier' class="{validate:{required:$identifierType.mandatory, #if($!identifierType.noChars) maxlength:$identifierType.noChars, #end #if($identifierType.type=='number') number:true #elseif($!identifierType.type=='letter') lettersonly:true #end }}" onchange='savePatientIdentifier( $identifierType.id, this);' onkeypress="return keyPress(event, this)" tabindex="$tabIndex" /></td>
+						</tr>
+						#set( $tabIndex = $tabIndex + 1 )
+						#set( $mark = !$mark  )
+					#end
+				#set( $mark = false )
+				#foreach ($attributeGroup in $attributeGroups )
+					<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>	
+					<tr><th colspan="2" class="heading-column">$attributeGroup.name</th></tr>
+					#foreach($attribute in $attributeGroup.attributes)
+						#if( $!attribute.program )
+							#set( $attributeValue = $!patientAttributeValueMap.get( $attribute.id ) )
+							<tr #alternate( $mark )>
+								<td class='text-column'><label>$attribute.name #if($attribute.mandatory)<em title="$i18n.getString( "required" )" class="required">*</em> #end</label></td>
+								<td class="input-column" >
+									#if( $attribute.valueType == "YES/NO" )
+										<select id="attr$attribute.id" name="attr$attribute.id" onchange='savePatientAttrValue( $attribute.id, this);' onkeypress="return keyPress(event, this)" tabindex="$tabIndex" >              
+											<option value="">[$i18n.getString( "please_select" )]</option>
+											<option value="true" #if( $attributeValue=='true') selected="selected" #end>$i18n.getString( "yes" )</option>
+											<option value="false" #if( $attributeValue=='false') selected="selected" #end>$i18n.getString( "no" )</option>
+										</select>                
+									#elseif( $attribute.valueType == "DATE" )
+										<input type="text" id="attr$attribute.id" name="attr$attribute.id" value="$!attributeValue" class=' #validate( "default"  $attribute.mandatory )'  onchange='savePatientAttrValue( $attribute.id, this);' onkeypress="return keyPress(event, this)" tabindex="$tabIndex" >
+										<script type="text/javascript">
+											datePickerValid( 'attr$attribute.id' );
+										</script>                 
+									#elseif( $attribute.valueType == "COMBO" )
+										<select  id="attr$attribute.id" name="attr$attribute.id" class=' #validate( "default"  $attribute.mandatory )' onchange='savePatientAttrValue( $attribute.id, this);' onkeypress="return keyPress(event, this)" tabindex="$tabIndex" >
+											 <option value="">[$i18n.getString( "please_select" )]</option>
+										#foreach ($option in $attribute.attributeOptions )
+											<option value="$option.id" #if($attributeValue == $option.name) selected="selected" #end>$option.name</option>
+										#end
+										</select>
+									#else 
+										<input type="text"  id="attr$attribute.id" name="attr$attribute.id" value="$!attributeValue" class="{validate:{required:$attribute.mandatory #if($!attribute.noChars),maxlength:$attribute.noChars #end #if($attribute.valueType=='NUMBER'),number:true #end }}"  onchange='savePatientAttrValue( $attribute.id, this);' onkeypress="return keyPress(event, this)" tabindex="$tabIndex" > 
+									#end
+								</td>		
+							</tr>
+						#end
+						#set( $tabIndex = $tabIndex + 1 )
+						#set( $mark = !$mark  )
+					#end
+				#end
+				<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
+				#if ( $noGroupAttributes && $noGroupAttributes.size() > 0) 	
+					<tr><th colspan="2" class="heading-column">$i18n.getString( "Other details" )</th></tr>
+					#set( $mark = false )
+					#foreach($attribute in $noGroupAttributes )
+						#if( $attribute.program )
+							#set( $attributeValue = $!patientAttributeValueMap.get( $attribute.id ) )
+							<tr #alternate( $mark )>
+								<td class='text-column'><label>$attribute.name #if($attribute.mandatory)<em title="$i18n.getString( "required" )" class="required">*</em> #end</label></td>
+								<td class="input-column" >
+									#if( $attribute.valueType == "YES/NO" )
+										<select id="attr$attribute.id"  name="attr$attribute.id" onchange='savePatientAttrValue( $attribute.id, this);' onkeypress="return keyPress(event, this)" tabindex="$tabIndex">              
+											<option value="">[$i18n.getString( "please_select" )]</option>
+											<option value="true" #if( $attributeValue ) selected="selected" #end>$i18n.getString( "yes" )</option>
+											<option value="false" #if( !$attributeValue ) selected="selected" #end>$i18n.getString( "no" )</option>
+										</select>                
+									#elseif( $attribute.valueType == "DATE" )
+										<input type="text" id="attr$attribute.id" name="attr$attribute.id" value="$!attributeValue" class=' #validate( "default"  $attribute.mandatory )' onchange='savePatientAttrValue( $attribute.id, this);' onkeypress="return keyPress(event, this)" tabindex="$tabIndex">
+										<script type="text/javascript">
+											datePickerValid( 'attr$attribute.id' );
+										</script>                    
+									#elseif( $attribute.valueType == "COMBO" )
+										<select  id="attr$attribute.id"  name="attr$attribute.id" class=' #validate( "default"  $attribute.mandatory )' onchange='savePatientAttrValue( $attribute.id, this);' onkeypress="return keyPress(event, this)" tabindex="$tabIndex">
+											 <option value="">[$i18n.getString( "please_select" )]</option>
+										#foreach ($option in $attribute.attributeOptions )
+											<option value="$option.id" #if($attributeValue == $option.name) selected="selected" #end>$option.name</option>
+										#end
+										</select>
+									#else
+										<input type="text"  id="attr$attribute.id" name="attr$attribute.id" value="$!attributeValue" class="{validate:{required:$attribute.mandatory #if($!attribute.noChars),maxlength:$attribute.noChars #end #if($attribute.valueType=='NUMBER'),number:true #end }}" onchange='savePatientAttrValue( $attribute.id, this);' onkeypress="return keyPress(event, this)" tabindex="$tabIndex" >
+									#end
+								</td>		
+							</tr>
+						#end
+						#set( $tabIndex = $tabIndex + 1 )
+						#set( $mark = !$mark  )
+					#end
+				#end
+			</table>
+			#end
+		</form>
+	</div>
+	<div id="tab-2">
+		<div id='dataRecordingSelectDiv' class='hidden'></div>
+		<div id='dataEntryFormDiv' class='hidden'></div>
+	</div>
+<!-- Program-stage-instance TAB -->
+	<div id="tab-3">
+		#if( $programStageInstances.size() > 0 )
+			<table class='mainPageTable' id='progarmStageListDiv' name='progarmStageListDiv' >
+				<col id="noCol">
+				<col id="stageCol">    
+				<col id="entryCol">    
+				<tr>
+					<th>$i18n.getString( "nr" )</th>
+					<th>$i18n.getString( "program_stage" )</th>                   
+					<th>$i18n.getString( "due_date" )</th>        
+				</tr>
+			#set( $rowCount = 0 )
+			#set( $mark = false )
+			#set( $tabIndex = 1 )
+			#foreach( $programStageInstance in $programStageInstances )
+				#set( $rowCount = $rowCount + 1 )   
+				<tr #alternate( $mark ) >
+					##rowCount
+					<td>$rowCount</td>        
+					##stage name
+					<td class='textColumn'>
+						<span id="value[$programStageInstance.id].name" title="$!encoder.htmlEncode( $programStageInstance.programStage.description )">
+							$encoder.htmlEncode( $programStageInstance.programStage.name )            
+						</span>
+					</td>        
+					##entry
+					#set( $duedateId = "value_"+$programStageInstance.id+"_date" )        
+					<td class='input-column '>        
+						<input type="text" id="$duedateId" name="entryfield" value="$!format.formatDate( $programStageInstance.dueDate )" onchange="saveDueDate( $programStageInstance.id, '$encoder.jsEncode( $programStageInstance.programStage.name )' )" tabindex="$tabIndex" >
+						<script type="text/javascript">
+							datePicker( '$duedateId' );
+						</script> 
+					</td>      
+				</tr>
+				#set( $tabIndex = $tabIndex + 1 )
+				#set( $mark = !$mark  )
+			#end
+			</table>
+		#end
+		<input type='submit' value='sfda' class='hidden'>
+	</div>
 <script type="text/javascript">
@@ -163,6 +182,15 @@
+	jQuery("#tabs").tabs();
+	$( "#tabs" ).tabs( "option", "selected", 0 );
+	$('#tabs').bind('tabsselect', function(event, ui) {
+		if( ui.index == 1 )
+		{
+			showSelectedDataRecoding( getFieldValue('patientId') );
+		}
+	});
 	byId('enrollBtn').value = i18n_update;
 	setInnerHTML('enrollmentDateDescription', "$!program.dateOfEnrollmentDescription" );
 	setInnerHTML('dateOfIncidentDescription', "$!program.dateOfIncidentDescription" );

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-caseentry/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-caseentry/programEnrollmentSelectForm.vm'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-caseentry/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-caseentry/programEnrollmentSelectForm.vm	2012-03-27 07:20:28 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-caseentry/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-caseentry/programEnrollmentSelectForm.vm	2012-03-27 10:33:13 +0000
@@ -29,17 +29,7 @@
-	<hr/>
-	<!-- TAB Header -->
-	<div id="tabs">
-		<ul>
-			<li><a href="#tab-1">$i18n.getString("enroll_to_program")</a></li>
-			<li><a href="#tab-2">$i18n.getString("name_based_data_entry")</a></li>
-		</ul>
-		<!-- Enroll program TAB -->
-		<div id="tab-1">
-			<form id='programEnrollmentSelectDiv' name='programEnrollmentSelectDiv' method='POST'>
+	<form id='programEnrollmentSelectDiv' name='programEnrollmentSelectDiv' method='POST'>
 			<input type="hidden" id="patientId" name="patientId" value="$patient.id">    
@@ -85,14 +75,8 @@
 			<div id='programEnrollmentDiv' class='hidden'></div>
-		</div>
-		<!-- register-event TAB -->
-		<div id="tab-2">
-			<div id='dataRecordingSelectDiv' class='hidden'></div>
-			<div id='dataEntryFormDiv' class='hidden'></div>
-		</div>
+	<hr/>
@@ -107,15 +91,6 @@
 			datePickerInRange( 'dateOfIncident' , 'enrollmentDate' );
-	jQuery("#tabs").tabs();
 	datePickerValid( 'enrollmentDate' );
 	datePickerValid( 'dateOfIncident' );
-	$( "#tabs" ).tabs( "option", "selected", 0 );
-	$('#tabs').bind('tabsselect', function(event, ui) {
-		if( ui.index == 1 )
-		{
-			showSelectedDataRecoding( getFieldValue('patientId') );
-		}
-	});