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Message #16948
[Branch ~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk] Rev 6594: Merge MD Report of local/in from 2.7 to trunk
revno: 6594
committer: Mithilesh Kumar Thakur<mithilesh.hisp@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: dhis2
timestamp: Mon 2012-04-16 14:20:30 +0530
Merge MD Report of local/in from 2.7 to trunk
Your team DHIS 2 developers is subscribed to branch lp:dhis2.
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=== added file 'local/in/dhis-web-reports-national/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/reports/md/action/GetOrgUnitsAction.java'
--- local/in/dhis-web-reports-national/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/reports/md/action/GetOrgUnitsAction.java 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-reports-national/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/reports/md/action/GetOrgUnitsAction.java 2012-04-16 08:50:30 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+package org.hisp.dhis.reports.md.action;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.hisp.dhis.organisationunit.OrganisationUnit;
+import org.hisp.dhis.organisationunit.OrganisationUnitService;
+import org.hisp.dhis.reports.ReportService;
+import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action;
+public class GetOrgUnitsAction implements Action
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Dependencies
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ private OrganisationUnitService organisationUnitService;
+ public void setOrganisationUnitService( OrganisationUnitService organisationUnitService )
+ {
+ this.organisationUnitService = organisationUnitService;
+ }
+ private ReportService reportService;
+ public void setReportService( ReportService reportService )
+ {
+ this.reportService = reportService;
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Getters & Setters
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ private Integer orgUnitId;
+ public void setOrgUnitId( Integer orgUnitId )
+ {
+ this.orgUnitId = orgUnitId;
+ }
+ private String type;
+ public void setType( String type )
+ {
+ this.type = type;
+ }
+ private OrganisationUnit orgUnit;
+ public OrganisationUnit getOrgUnit()
+ {
+ return orgUnit;
+ }
+ private Integer orgUnitLevel;
+ public Integer getOrgUnitLevel()
+ {
+ return orgUnitLevel;
+ }
+ private Integer maxOrgUnitLevel;
+ public Integer getMaxOrgUnitLevel()
+ {
+ return maxOrgUnitLevel;
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Action implementation
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ public String execute()
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ if ( orgUnitId != null )
+ {
+ orgUnit = organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnit( orgUnitId );
+ }
+ System.out.println(" orgUnit Id is : " + orgUnit.getId() + " , orgUnit Name is : " + orgUnit.getName() );
+ //orgUnitLevel = organisationUnitService.getLevelOfOrganisationUnit( orgUnit );
+ orgUnitLevel = organisationUnitService.getLevelOfOrganisationUnit( orgUnit.getId() );
+ maxOrgUnitLevel = organisationUnitService.getNumberOfOrganisationalLevels();
+ List<OrganisationUnit> orgUnitList = new ArrayList<OrganisationUnit>( organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnitWithChildren( orgUnit.getId() ) );
+ Map<Integer, Integer> orgunitLevelMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>( reportService.getOrgunitLevelMap() );
+ maxOrgUnitLevel = 1;
+ Iterator<OrganisationUnit> ouIterator = orgUnitList.iterator();
+ while ( ouIterator.hasNext() )
+ {
+ OrganisationUnit orgU = ouIterator.next();
+ Integer level = orgunitLevelMap.get( orgU.getId() );
+ if( level == null )
+ level = organisationUnitService.getLevelOfOrganisationUnit( orgU.getId() );
+ if ( level > maxOrgUnitLevel )
+ {
+ maxOrgUnitLevel = level;
+ }
+ }
+ return SUCCESS;
+ }
=== added file 'local/in/dhis-web-reports-national/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/reports/md/action/MDReportResultAction.java'
--- local/in/dhis-web-reports-national/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/reports/md/action/MDReportResultAction.java 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-reports-national/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/reports/md/action/MDReportResultAction.java 2012-04-16 08:50:30 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,978 @@
+package org.hisp.dhis.reports.md.action;
+import static org.hisp.dhis.system.util.ConversionUtils.getIdentifiers;
+import static org.hisp.dhis.system.util.TextUtils.getCommaDelimitedString;
+import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.FileInputStream;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.UUID;
+import java.util.regex.Matcher;
+import java.util.regex.Pattern;
+import jxl.Workbook;
+import jxl.format.Alignment;
+import jxl.format.Border;
+import jxl.format.BorderLineStyle;
+import jxl.format.Colour;
+import jxl.format.VerticalAlignment;
+import jxl.write.Label;
+import jxl.write.Number;
+import jxl.write.WritableCellFormat;
+import jxl.write.WritableFont;
+import jxl.write.WritableSheet;
+import jxl.write.WritableWorkbook;
+import org.amplecode.quick.StatementManager;
+import org.hisp.dhis.common.comparator.IdentifiableObjectNameComparator;
+import org.hisp.dhis.config.Configuration_IN;
+import org.hisp.dhis.organisationunit.OrganisationUnit;
+import org.hisp.dhis.organisationunit.OrganisationUnitService;
+import org.hisp.dhis.period.Period;
+import org.hisp.dhis.period.PeriodService;
+import org.hisp.dhis.reports.ReportService;
+import org.hisp.dhis.system.util.MathUtils;
+import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action;
+public class MDReportResultAction implements Action
+ private final String GENERATEAGGDATA = "generateaggdata";
+ private final String USEEXISTINGAGGDATA = "useexistingaggdata";
+ private final String USECAPTUREDDATA = "usecaptureddata";
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Dependencies
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ private StatementManager statementManager;
+ public void setStatementManager( StatementManager statementManager )
+ {
+ this.statementManager = statementManager;
+ }
+ private PeriodService periodService;
+ public void setPeriodService( PeriodService periodService )
+ {
+ this.periodService = periodService;
+ }
+ private ReportService reportService;
+ public void setReportService( ReportService reportService )
+ {
+ this.reportService = reportService;
+ }
+ private OrganisationUnitService organisationUnitService;
+ public void setOrganisationUnitService( OrganisationUnitService organisationUnitService )
+ {
+ this.organisationUnitService = organisationUnitService;
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Input/Output
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ private InputStream inputStream;
+ public InputStream getInputStream()
+ {
+ return inputStream;
+ }
+ private String fileName;
+ public String getFileName()
+ {
+ return fileName;
+ }
+ private Integer selectedStartPeriodId;
+ public void setSelectedStartPeriodId( Integer selectedStartPeriodId )
+ {
+ this.selectedStartPeriodId = selectedStartPeriodId;
+ }
+ private Integer selectedEndPeriodId;
+ public void setSelectedEndPeriodId( Integer selectedEndPeriodId )
+ {
+ this.selectedEndPeriodId = selectedEndPeriodId;
+ }
+ private int ouIDTB;
+ public void setOuIDTB( int ouIDTB )
+ {
+ this.ouIDTB = ouIDTB;
+ }
+ private String aggData;
+ public void setAggData( String aggData )
+ {
+ this.aggData = aggData;
+ }
+ private Integer orgUnitLevelCB;
+ public void setOrgUnitLevelCB( Integer orgUnitLevelCB )
+ {
+ this.orgUnitLevelCB = orgUnitLevelCB;
+ }
+ private List<String> selectedDataElements;
+ public void setSelectedDataElements( List<String> selectedDataElements )
+ {
+ this.selectedDataElements = selectedDataElements;
+ }
+ private String excludeZeroData;
+ public void setExcludeZeroData( String excludeZeroData )
+ {
+ this.excludeZeroData = excludeZeroData;
+ }
+ private List<OrganisationUnit> orgUnitList;
+ private String raFolderName;
+ private SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat;
+ //private SimpleDateFormat monthFormat;
+ //private SimpleDateFormat yearFormat;
+ //private SimpleDateFormat simpleMonthFormat;
+ private String reportFileNameTB;
+ //private String reportModelTB;
+ private Date sDate;
+ private Date eDate;
+ private OrganisationUnit tempSelOrgUnit;
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Action Implementation
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ public String execute() throws Exception
+ {
+ // Initialization
+ statementManager.initialise();
+ raFolderName = reportService.getRAFolderName();
+ simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( "MMM-yyyy" );
+ reportFileNameTB = "MDReport.xls";
+ tempSelOrgUnit = organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnit( ouIDTB );
+ if( aggData.equalsIgnoreCase( USECAPTUREDDATA ) && excludeZeroData != null )
+ {
+ System.out.println( " MD Report Generation Start Time is : " + new Date() );
+ generateUseCapturedDataExcludeZeroData();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ System.out.println( " MD Report Generation Start Time is : " + new Date() );
+ generateData();
+ }
+ statementManager.destroy();
+ System.out.println( " MD Report Generation End Time is : \t" + new Date() );
+ return SUCCESS;
+ }
+ public void generateUseCapturedDataExcludeZeroData() throws Exception
+ {
+ //monthFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( "MMMM" );
+ //yearFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy" );
+ //simpleMonthFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( "MMM" );
+ //String parentUnit = "";
+ int startRow = 0;
+ int headerRow = 1;
+ int headerCol = 0;
+ String outputReportPath = System.getenv( "DHIS2_HOME" ) + File.separator + Configuration_IN.DEFAULT_TEMPFOLDER;
+ File newdir = new File( outputReportPath );
+ if( !newdir.exists() )
+ {
+ newdir.mkdirs();
+ }
+ outputReportPath += File.separator + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + ".xls";
+ WritableWorkbook outputReportWorkbook = Workbook.createWorkbook( new File( outputReportPath ) );
+ WritableSheet sheet0 = outputReportWorkbook.createSheet( "MDReport", 0 );
+ sheet0.getSettings().setDefaultColumnWidth( 12 );
+ WritableCellFormat wCellformat = new WritableCellFormat();
+ wCellformat.setBorder( Border.ALL, BorderLineStyle.THIN );
+ wCellformat.setAlignment( Alignment.CENTRE );
+ wCellformat.setVerticalAlignment( VerticalAlignment.CENTRE );
+ wCellformat.setWrap( true );
+ // Period Info
+ Period selectedStartPeriod = periodService.getPeriod( selectedStartPeriodId );
+ Period selectedEndPeriod = periodService.getPeriod( selectedEndPeriodId );
+ sDate = selectedStartPeriod.getStartDate();
+ eDate = selectedEndPeriod.getEndDate();
+ List<Period> periodList = new ArrayList<Period>( periodService.getIntersectingPeriods( selectedStartPeriod.getStartDate(), selectedEndPeriod.getEndDate() ) );
+ Collection<Integer> tempPeriodIds = new ArrayList<Integer>( getIdentifiers(Period.class, periodList ) );
+ String periodIdsByComma = getCommaDelimitedString( tempPeriodIds );
+ // Getting selected orgunit and its immediate children
+ OrganisationUnit selOrgUnit = organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnit( ouIDTB );
+ List<OrganisationUnit> selOUList = new ArrayList<OrganisationUnit>( organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnitWithChildren( selOrgUnit.getId() ) );
+ Map<Integer, Integer> orgunitLevelMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>( reportService.getOrgunitLevelMap() );
+ Iterator<OrganisationUnit> ouIterator = selOUList.iterator();
+ while ( ouIterator.hasNext() )
+ {
+ OrganisationUnit orgU = ouIterator.next();
+ Integer level = orgunitLevelMap.get( orgU.getId() );
+ if( level == null )
+ level = organisationUnitService.getLevelOfOrganisationUnit( orgU.getId() );
+ if ( level > orgUnitLevelCB )
+ {
+ ouIterator.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ int minOULevel = 1;
+ int maxOuLevel = 1;
+ if ( selOUList != null && selOUList.size() > 0 )
+ {
+ minOULevel = organisationUnitService.getLevelOfOrganisationUnit( selOUList.get( 0 ).getId() );
+ }
+ maxOuLevel = orgUnitLevelCB;
+ /*
+ int tempLavelCount = 2;
+ for ( int i = minOULevel; i <= maxOuLevel; i++ )
+ {
+ tempLavelCount++;
+ }
+ */
+ int deCount = 0;
+ for( String selDe : selectedDataElements )
+ {
+ deCount++;
+ }
+ String mainHeaderInfo = "OrgUnit Name is "+ selOrgUnit.getShortName() + " From : " + simpleDateFormat.format( sDate ) + " To : "+ simpleDateFormat.format( eDate );
+ sheet0.mergeCells( 0, 0, 2 + deCount, 0 );
+ sheet0.addCell( new Label( 0, 0, mainHeaderInfo, getCellFormat2() ) );
+ sheet0.addCell( new Label( headerCol, headerRow, "Sl.No.", getCellFormat2() ) );
+ int c1 = headerCol + 1;
+ sheet0.addCell( new Label( c1, headerRow, "Parent Hierarcy", getCellFormat2() ) );
+ sheet0.addCell( new Label( c1 + 1, headerRow, "Facility", getCellFormat2() ) );
+ /*
+ for ( int i = minOULevel; i <= maxOuLevel; i++ )
+ {
+ sheet0.addCell( new Label( c1, headerRow, "Level " + i, getCellFormat2() ) );
+ c1++;
+ }
+ */
+ int rowCount = 1;
+ int colCount = 0;
+ /*
+ for( OrganisationUnit ou : selOUList )
+ {
+ sheet0.addCell( new Number( headerCol, headerRow + rowCount, rowCount, getCellFormat2() ) );
+ Integer level = orgunitLevelMap.get( ou.getId() );
+ if( level == null )
+ level = organisationUnitService.getLevelOfOrganisationUnit( ou.getId() );
+ colCount = 1 + level - minOULevel;
+ sheet0.addCell( new Label( colCount, headerRow + rowCount, ou.getName(), getCellFormat2() ) );
+ colCount = c1;
+ }
+ */
+ /*
+ List<Integer> orgUnitIds = new ArrayList<Integer>( getIdentifiers(OrganisationUnit.class, selOUList ) );
+ String orgUnitIdsByComma = getCommaDelimitedString( orgUnitIds );
+ */
+ orgUnitList = new ArrayList<OrganisationUnit>( selOrgUnit.getChildren() );
+ Collections.sort( orgUnitList, new IdentifiableObjectNameComparator() );
+ // collect dataElementIDs by commaSepareted
+ String dataElmentIdsByComma = getDataelementIdsFromSelectedList();
+ // Map<String, String> aggDataMap = null;
+ /*
+ if( aggData.equalsIgnoreCase( USEEXISTINGAGGDATA ) )
+ {
+ aggDataMap = new HashMap<String, String>( reportService.getResultDataValueFromAggregateTableByPeriodAgg( orgUnitIdsByComma, dataElmentIdsByComma, periodIdsByComma ) );
+ }
+ if( aggData.equalsIgnoreCase( USECAPTUREDDATA ) )
+ {
+ aggDataMap = new HashMap<String, String>( reportService.getDataFromDataValueTableByPeriodAgg( orgUnitIdsByComma, dataElmentIdsByComma, periodIdsByComma ) );
+ }
+ */
+ //System.out.println( "MDReport : " + selOrgUnit.getName()+ " : " + " Report Generation Start Time is : " + new Date() );
+ int orgUnitCount = 0;
+ int rowIncr = 0;
+ int tempOrgUnitCount = 0;
+ int rowStart = 5;
+ int colStart = 0;
+ int rowInc = 0;
+ int slno = 1;
+ Iterator<OrganisationUnit> it = selOUList.iterator();
+ //for( OrganisationUnit tempOrgUnit : selOUList )
+ while ( it.hasNext() )
+ {
+ List<String> resultList = new ArrayList<String>();
+ int flag = 0;
+ OrganisationUnit tempOrgUnit = (OrganisationUnit) it.next();
+ /*
+ List<OrganisationUnit> orgUnitWithChildTree = new ArrayList<OrganisationUnit>( organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnitWithChildren( tempOrgUnit.getId() ) );
+ List<Integer> childOrgUnitTreeIds = new ArrayList<Integer>( getIdentifiers( OrganisationUnit.class, orgUnitWithChildTree ) );
+ String childOrgUnitsByComma = getCommaDelimitedString( childOrgUnitTreeIds );
+ if( aggData.equalsIgnoreCase( GENERATEAGGDATA ) )
+ {
+ aggDataMap = new HashMap<String, String>( reportService.getAggDataFromDataValueTable( childOrgUnitsByComma, dataElmentIdsByComma, periodIdsByComma ) );
+ }
+ */
+ Map<String, String> aggDataMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
+ if( aggData.equalsIgnoreCase( USECAPTUREDDATA ) )
+ {
+ //aggDataMap = new HashMap<String, String>( reportService.getDataFromDataValueTableByPeriodAgg( orgUnitIdsByComma, dataElmentIdsByComma, periodIdsByComma ) );
+ aggDataMap.putAll( reportService.getAggDataFromDataValueTable( ""+tempOrgUnit.getId(), dataElmentIdsByComma, periodIdsByComma ) );
+ }
+ //sheet0.addCell( new Number( headerCol, headerRow + rowCount, rowCount, getCellFormat2() ) );
+ //resultList.add( ""+ rowCount );
+ Integer level = orgunitLevelMap.get( tempOrgUnit.getId() );
+ if( level == null )
+ level = organisationUnitService.getLevelOfOrganisationUnit( tempOrgUnit.getId() );
+ // colCount = 1 + level - minOULevel;
+ colCount = c1 + 2;
+ //sheet0.addCell( new Label( colCount, headerRow + rowCount, tempOrgUnit.getName(), getCellFormat2() ) );
+ resultList.add( getHierarchyOrgunit( tempOrgUnit ) );
+ resultList.add( tempOrgUnit.getName() );
+ //colCount = c1;
+ int dataElementCount = 0;
+ for( String selDeExp : selectedDataElements )
+ {
+ String[] selDeExpParts = selDeExp.split( "#@#" );
+ String formula = selDeExpParts[0];
+ //System.out.println( "DE_Expression : " + formula );
+ if( slno == 1 )
+ {
+ sheet0.addCell( new Label( colCount, headerRow, selDeExpParts[1], getCellFormat2() ) );
+ }
+ String tempStr = getAggVal( formula, tempOrgUnit.getId(), aggDataMap );
+ //System.out.println( formula + " : " + tempStr );
+ resultList.add( tempStr );
+ Double tempDouble = 0.0;
+ try
+ {
+ tempDouble = Double.parseDouble( tempStr );
+ //sheet0.addCell( new Number( colCount, headerRow + rowCount, Double.parseDouble( tempStr ), getCellFormat1() ) );
+ }
+ catch ( Exception e )
+ {
+ tempDouble = 0.0;
+ //sheet0.addCell( new Label( colCount, headerRow + rowCount, tempStr, getCellFormat1() ) );
+ }
+ if( tempDouble > 0.0 )
+ {
+ flag = 1;
+ }
+ colCount++;
+ dataElementCount++;
+ }
+ if( flag == 1 )
+ {
+ sheet0.addCell( new Number( headerCol, headerRow + rowCount, rowCount, getCellFormat1() ) );
+ colCount = 1;
+ //colCount = 1 + level - minOULevel;
+ int tempCount = 0;
+ //colCount = c1;
+ for( String tempValue: resultList )
+ {
+ //System.out.println( " Value is : " + tempValue );
+ try
+ {
+ sheet0.addCell( new Number( colCount, headerRow + rowCount, Double.parseDouble( tempValue ), getCellFormat1() ) );
+ }
+ catch ( Exception e )
+ {
+ sheet0.addCell( new Label( colCount, headerRow + rowCount, tempValue, getCellFormat1() ) );
+ }
+ //int tempCount = maxOuLevel - minOULevel;
+ if ( tempCount == 0 )
+ {
+ //colCount += maxOuLevel - minOULevel;
+ //colCount = c1;
+ colCount = 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ colCount++;
+ }
+ tempCount++;
+ //dataElementCount++;
+ }
+ rowCount++;
+ }
+ rowIncr++;
+ orgUnitCount++;
+ slno++;
+ }
+ outputReportWorkbook.write();
+ outputReportWorkbook.close();
+ fileName = reportFileNameTB.replace( ".xls", "" );
+ fileName += "_" + selOrgUnit.getShortName() + "_";
+ fileName += simpleDateFormat.format( sDate ) + "_";
+ fileName += simpleDateFormat.format( eDate ) + ".xls";
+ File outputReportFile = new File( outputReportPath );
+ inputStream = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( outputReportFile ) );
+ }
+ public void generateData() throws Exception
+ {
+ //monthFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( "MMMM" );
+ //yearFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy" );
+ //simpleMonthFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( "MMM" );
+ //String parentUnit = "";
+ int startRow = 0;
+ int headerRow = 1;
+ int headerCol = 0;
+ String outputReportPath = System.getenv( "DHIS2_HOME" ) + File.separator + Configuration_IN.DEFAULT_TEMPFOLDER;
+ File newdir = new File( outputReportPath );
+ if( !newdir.exists() )
+ {
+ newdir.mkdirs();
+ }
+ outputReportPath += File.separator + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + ".xls";
+ WritableWorkbook outputReportWorkbook = Workbook.createWorkbook( new File( outputReportPath ) );
+ WritableSheet sheet0 = outputReportWorkbook.createSheet( "MDReport", 0 );
+ sheet0.getSettings().setDefaultColumnWidth( 12 );
+ WritableCellFormat wCellformat = new WritableCellFormat();
+ wCellformat.setBorder( Border.ALL, BorderLineStyle.THIN );
+ wCellformat.setAlignment( Alignment.CENTRE );
+ wCellformat.setVerticalAlignment( VerticalAlignment.CENTRE );
+ wCellformat.setWrap( true );
+ // Period Info
+ Period selectedStartPeriod = periodService.getPeriod( selectedStartPeriodId );
+ Period selectedEndPeriod = periodService.getPeriod( selectedEndPeriodId );
+ sDate = selectedStartPeriod.getStartDate();
+ eDate = selectedEndPeriod.getEndDate();
+ List<Period> periodList = new ArrayList<Period>( periodService.getIntersectingPeriods( selectedStartPeriod.getStartDate(), selectedEndPeriod.getEndDate() ) );
+ Collection<Integer> tempPeriodIds = new ArrayList<Integer>( getIdentifiers(Period.class, periodList ) );
+ String periodIdsByComma = getCommaDelimitedString( tempPeriodIds );
+ // Getting selected orgunit and its immediate children
+ OrganisationUnit selOrgUnit = organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnit( ouIDTB );
+ List<OrganisationUnit> selOUList = new ArrayList<OrganisationUnit>( organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnitWithChildren( selOrgUnit.getId() ) );
+ Map<Integer, Integer> orgunitLevelMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>( reportService.getOrgunitLevelMap() );
+ Iterator<OrganisationUnit> ouIterator = selOUList.iterator();
+ while ( ouIterator.hasNext() )
+ {
+ OrganisationUnit orgU = ouIterator.next();
+ Integer level = orgunitLevelMap.get( orgU.getId() );
+ if( level == null )
+ level = organisationUnitService.getLevelOfOrganisationUnit( orgU.getId() );
+ if ( level > orgUnitLevelCB )
+ {
+ ouIterator.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ int minOULevel = 1;
+ int maxOuLevel = 1;
+ if ( selOUList != null && selOUList.size() > 0 )
+ {
+ minOULevel = organisationUnitService.getLevelOfOrganisationUnit( selOUList.get( 0 ).getId() );
+ }
+ maxOuLevel = orgUnitLevelCB;
+ int tempLavelCount = 0;
+ for ( int i = minOULevel; i <= maxOuLevel; i++ )
+ {
+ tempLavelCount++;
+ }
+ int deCount = 0;
+ for( String selDe : selectedDataElements )
+ {
+ deCount++;
+ }
+ String mainHeaderInfo = "OrgUnit Name is "+ selOrgUnit.getShortName() + " From : " + simpleDateFormat.format( sDate ) + " To : "+ simpleDateFormat.format( eDate );
+ sheet0.mergeCells( 0, 0, tempLavelCount + deCount, 0 );
+ sheet0.addCell( new Label( 0, 0, mainHeaderInfo, getCellFormat2() ) );
+ sheet0.addCell( new Label( headerCol, headerRow, "Sl.No.", getCellFormat2() ) );
+ int c1 = headerCol + 1;
+ for ( int i = minOULevel; i <= maxOuLevel; i++ )
+ {
+ sheet0.addCell( new Label( c1, headerRow, "Level " + i, getCellFormat2() ) );
+ c1++;
+ }
+ int rowCount = 1;
+ int colCount = 0;
+ /*
+ for( OrganisationUnit ou : selOUList )
+ {
+ sheet0.addCell( new Number( headerCol, headerRow + rowCount, rowCount, getCellFormat2() ) );
+ Integer level = orgunitLevelMap.get( ou.getId() );
+ if( level == null )
+ level = organisationUnitService.getLevelOfOrganisationUnit( ou.getId() );
+ colCount = 1 + level - minOULevel;
+ sheet0.addCell( new Label( colCount, headerRow + rowCount, ou.getName(), getCellFormat2() ) );
+ colCount = c1;
+ }
+ */
+ List<Integer> orgUnitIds = new ArrayList<Integer>( getIdentifiers(OrganisationUnit.class, selOUList ) );
+ String orgUnitIdsByComma = getCommaDelimitedString( orgUnitIds );
+ orgUnitList = new ArrayList<OrganisationUnit>( selOrgUnit.getChildren() );
+ Collections.sort( orgUnitList, new IdentifiableObjectNameComparator() );
+ // collect dataElementIDs by commaSepareted
+ String dataElmentIdsByComma = getDataelementIdsFromSelectedList();
+ //Map<String, String> aggDataMap = null;
+ /*
+ if( aggData.equalsIgnoreCase( USECAPTUREDDATA ) )
+ {
+ aggDataMap = new HashMap<String, String>( reportService.getDataFromDataValueTableByPeriodAgg( orgUnitIdsByComma, dataElmentIdsByComma, periodIdsByComma ) );
+ }
+ */
+ int orgUnitCount = 0;
+ int rowIncr = 0;
+ int tempOrgUnitCount = 0;
+ int rowStart = 5;
+ int colStart = 0;
+ int rowInc = 0;
+ int slno = 1;
+ Iterator<OrganisationUnit> it = selOUList.iterator();
+ //for( OrganisationUnit tempOrgUnit : selOUList )
+ while ( it.hasNext() )
+ {
+ // List<String> resultList = new ArrayList<String>();
+ //int flag = 0;
+ OrganisationUnit tempOrgUnit = (OrganisationUnit) it.next();
+ List<OrganisationUnit> orgUnitWithChildTree = new ArrayList<OrganisationUnit>( organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnitWithChildren( tempOrgUnit.getId() ) );
+ List<Integer> childOrgUnitTreeIds = new ArrayList<Integer>( getIdentifiers( OrganisationUnit.class, orgUnitWithChildTree ) );
+ String childOrgUnitsByComma = getCommaDelimitedString( childOrgUnitTreeIds );
+ Map<String, String> aggDataMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
+ if( aggData.equalsIgnoreCase( GENERATEAGGDATA ) )
+ {
+ //aggDataMap = new HashMap<String, String>( reportService.getAggDataFromDataValueTable( childOrgUnitsByComma, dataElmentIdsByComma, periodIdsByComma ) );
+ aggDataMap.putAll( reportService.getAggDataFromDataValueTable( childOrgUnitsByComma, dataElmentIdsByComma, periodIdsByComma ) );
+ }
+ else if( aggData.equalsIgnoreCase( USEEXISTINGAGGDATA ) )
+ {
+ aggDataMap = new HashMap<String, String>( reportService.getResultDataValueFromAggregateTableByPeriodAgg( orgUnitIdsByComma, dataElmentIdsByComma, periodIdsByComma ) );
+ }
+ else if( aggData.equalsIgnoreCase( USECAPTUREDDATA ) )
+ {
+ //aggDataMap = new HashMap<String, String>( reportService.getDataFromDataValueTableByPeriodAgg( orgUnitIdsByComma, dataElmentIdsByComma, periodIdsByComma ) );
+ aggDataMap.putAll( reportService.getAggDataFromDataValueTable( ""+tempOrgUnit.getId(), dataElmentIdsByComma, periodIdsByComma ) );
+ }
+ sheet0.addCell( new Number( headerCol, headerRow + rowCount, rowCount, getCellFormat1() ) );
+ //resultList.add( ""+ rowCount );
+ Integer level = orgunitLevelMap.get( tempOrgUnit.getId() );
+ if( level == null )
+ level = organisationUnitService.getLevelOfOrganisationUnit( tempOrgUnit.getId() );
+ colCount = 1 + level - minOULevel;
+ sheet0.addCell( new Label( colCount, headerRow + rowCount, tempOrgUnit.getName(), getCellFormat1() ) );
+ //resultList.add( tempOrgUnit.getName() );
+ colCount = c1;
+ int dataElementCount = 0;
+ for( String selDeExp : selectedDataElements )
+ {
+ String[] selDeExpParts = selDeExp.split( "#@#" );
+ String formula = selDeExpParts[0];
+ // System.out.println( "DE_Expression : " + formula );
+ if( slno == 1 )
+ {
+ sheet0.addCell( new Label( colCount, headerRow, selDeExpParts[1], getCellFormat2() ) );
+ }
+ String tempStr = getAggVal( formula, tempOrgUnit.getId(), aggDataMap );
+ //System.out.println( formula + " : " + tempStr );
+ //resultList.add( tempStr );
+ //Double tempDouble = 0.0;
+ try
+ {
+ //tempDouble = Double.parseDouble( tempStr );
+ sheet0.addCell( new Number( colCount, headerRow + rowCount, Double.parseDouble( tempStr ), getCellFormat1() ) );
+ }
+ catch ( Exception e )
+ {
+ //tempDouble = 0.0;
+ sheet0.addCell( new Label( colCount, headerRow + rowCount, tempStr, getCellFormat1() ) );
+ }
+ /*
+ if( tempDouble > 0.0 )
+ {
+ flag = 1;
+ }
+ */
+ colCount++;
+ dataElementCount++;
+ }
+ /*
+ if( flag==1 )
+ {
+ sheet0.addCell( new Number( headerCol, headerRow + rowCount, rowCount, getCellFormat2() ) );
+ for( String tempValue: resultList )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ sheet0.addCell( new Number( colCount, headerRow + rowCount, Double.parseDouble( tempValue ), getCellFormat1() ) );
+ }
+ catch ( Exception e )
+ {
+ sheet0.addCell( new Label( colCount, headerRow + rowCount, tempValue, getCellFormat1() ) );
+ }
+ }
+ rowCount++;
+ }
+ */
+ rowCount++;
+ rowIncr++;
+ orgUnitCount++;
+ slno++;
+ }
+ outputReportWorkbook.write();
+ outputReportWorkbook.close();
+ fileName = reportFileNameTB.replace( ".xls", "" );
+ fileName += "_" + selOrgUnit.getShortName() + "_";
+ fileName += simpleDateFormat.format( sDate ) + "_";
+ fileName += simpleDateFormat.format( eDate ) + ".xls";
+ File outputReportFile = new File( outputReportPath );
+ inputStream = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( outputReportFile ) );
+ }
+ // Returns the OrgUnitTree for which Root is the orgUnit
+ @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
+ public List<OrganisationUnit> getChildOrgUnitTree( OrganisationUnit orgUnit )
+ {
+ List<OrganisationUnit> orgUnitTree = new ArrayList<OrganisationUnit>();
+ orgUnitTree.add( orgUnit );
+ List<OrganisationUnit> children = new ArrayList<OrganisationUnit>( orgUnit.getChildren() );
+ Collections.sort( children, new IdentifiableObjectNameComparator() );
+ Iterator childIterator = children.iterator();
+ OrganisationUnit child;
+ while ( childIterator.hasNext() )
+ {
+ child = (OrganisationUnit) childIterator.next();
+ orgUnitTree.addAll( getChildOrgUnitTree( child ) );
+ }
+ return orgUnitTree;
+ }// getChildOrgUnitTree end
+ // getting data value using Map
+ private String getAggVal( String expression, Integer orgUnitID, Map<String, String> aggDeMap )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( "(\\[\\d+\\.\\d+\\])" );
+ Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher( expression );
+ StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
+ String resultValue = "";
+ while ( matcher.find() )
+ {
+ String replaceString = matcher.group();
+ replaceString = replaceString.replaceAll( "[\\[\\]]", "" );
+ //replaceString = aggDeMap.get( replaceString +":"+ orgUnitID );
+ replaceString = aggDeMap.get( replaceString );
+ if( replaceString == null )
+ {
+ replaceString = "0";
+ }
+ matcher.appendReplacement( buffer, replaceString );
+ resultValue = replaceString;
+ }
+ matcher.appendTail( buffer );
+ double d = 0.0;
+ try
+ {
+ d = MathUtils.calculateExpression( buffer.toString() );
+ }
+ catch ( Exception e )
+ {
+ d = 0.0;
+ resultValue = "";
+ }
+ resultValue = "" + (double) d;
+ return resultValue;
+ }
+ catch ( NumberFormatException ex )
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException( "Illegal DataElement id", ex );
+ }
+ }
+ private String getHierarchyOrgunit( OrganisationUnit orgunit )
+ {
+ String hierarchyOrgunit = "";
+ //String hierarchyOrgunit = orgunit.getName();
+ while ( orgunit.getParent() != null )
+ {
+ if( orgunit.getId() == tempSelOrgUnit.getId() )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ hierarchyOrgunit = orgunit.getParent().getName() + " - > " + hierarchyOrgunit;
+ orgunit = orgunit.getParent();
+ }
+ return hierarchyOrgunit;
+ }
+ public WritableCellFormat getCellFormat1()throws Exception
+ {
+ WritableCellFormat wCellformat = new WritableCellFormat();
+ wCellformat.setBorder( Border.ALL, BorderLineStyle.THIN );
+ wCellformat.setAlignment( Alignment.CENTRE );
+ wCellformat.setVerticalAlignment( VerticalAlignment.CENTRE );
+ wCellformat.setWrap( true );
+ return wCellformat;
+ }
+ public WritableCellFormat getCellFormat2() throws Exception
+ {
+ WritableFont arialBold = new WritableFont( WritableFont.ARIAL, 10, WritableFont.BOLD );
+ WritableCellFormat wCellformat = new WritableCellFormat( arialBold );
+ wCellformat.setBorder( Border.ALL, BorderLineStyle.THIN );
+ wCellformat.setAlignment( Alignment.CENTRE );
+ wCellformat.setVerticalAlignment( VerticalAlignment.CENTRE );
+ wCellformat.setBackground( Colour.ICE_BLUE );
+ wCellformat.setWrap( true );
+ wCellformat.setShrinkToFit( true );
+ return wCellformat;
+ }
+ private String getAggVal( String expression, Map<String, String> aggDeMap )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( "(\\[\\d+\\.\\d+\\])" );
+ Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher( expression );
+ StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
+ String resultValue = "";
+ while ( matcher.find() )
+ {
+ String replaceString = matcher.group();
+ replaceString = replaceString.replaceAll( "[\\[\\]]", "" );
+ replaceString = aggDeMap.get( replaceString );
+ if( replaceString == null )
+ {
+ replaceString = "0";
+ }
+ matcher.appendReplacement( buffer, replaceString );
+ resultValue = replaceString;
+ }
+ matcher.appendTail( buffer );
+ double d = 0.0;
+ try
+ {
+ d = MathUtils.calculateExpression( buffer.toString() );
+ }
+ catch ( Exception e )
+ {
+ d = 0.0;
+ resultValue = "";
+ }
+ resultValue = "" + (double) d;
+ return resultValue;
+ }
+ catch ( NumberFormatException ex )
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException( "Illegal DataElement id", ex );
+ }
+ }
+ public String getDataelementIdsFromSelectedList( )
+ {
+ String dataElmentIdsByComma = "-1";
+ try
+ {
+ for( String selDeExp : selectedDataElements )
+ {
+ String[] selDeExpParts = selDeExp.split( "#@#" );
+ String formula = selDeExpParts[0];
+ try
+ {
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( "(\\[\\d+\\.\\d+\\])" );
+ Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher( formula );
+ StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
+ while ( matcher.find() )
+ {
+ String replaceString = matcher.group();
+ replaceString = replaceString.replaceAll( "[\\[\\]]", "" );
+ replaceString = replaceString.substring( 0, replaceString.indexOf( '.' ) );
+ int dataElementId = Integer.parseInt( replaceString );
+ dataElmentIdsByComma += "," + dataElementId;
+ replaceString = "";
+ matcher.appendReplacement( buffer, replaceString );
+ }
+ }
+ catch( Exception e )
+ {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }// end of for loop
+ }// try block end
+ catch ( Exception e )
+ {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ return dataElmentIdsByComma;
+ }
=== added file 'local/in/dhis-web-reports-national/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-reports/javascript/mdReport.js'
--- local/in/dhis-web-reports-national/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-reports/javascript/mdReport.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-reports-national/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-reports/javascript/mdReport.js 2012-04-16 08:50:30 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+// form validation for MD report
+function formValidationsForMDReport()
+ var ouIdTb = document.getElementById("ouIDTB");
+ var orgunitIdValue = ouIdTb.value;
+ var selDeList = document.getElementById("selectedDataElements");
+ var selDeListLength = selDeList.options.length;
+ var ouLevelList = document.getElementById("orgUnitLevelCB");
+ var ouLevelSelIndex = ouLevelList.selectedIndex;
+ sDateIndex = document.getElementById("selectedStartPeriodId").selectedIndex;
+ eDateIndex = document.getElementById("selectedEndPeriodId").selectedIndex;
+ sDateTxt = document.getElementById("selectedStartPeriodId").options[sDateIndex].text;
+ sDate = formatDate(new Date(getDateFromFormat(sDateTxt,"MMM-y")),"yyyy-MM-dd");
+ eDateTxt = document.getElementById("selectedEndPeriodId").options[eDateIndex].text;
+ eDate = formatDate(new Date(getDateFromFormat(eDateTxt,"MMM-y")),"yyyy-MM-dd");
+ if( orgunitIdValue == null || orgunitIdValue == "" || orgunitIdValue == " " )
+ {
+ alert("Please Select OrganisationUnit");
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if( selDeListLength <= 0 )
+ {
+ alert("Please Select Dataelement(s)");
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if( ouLevelSelIndex < 0 )
+ {
+ alert("Please Select OrgUnitLevel");
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if(sDateIndex < 0)
+ {
+ alert("Please Select Starting Period");
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if(eDateIndex < 0)
+ {
+ alert("Please Select Ending Period");
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if(sDate > eDate)
+ {
+ alert("Starting Date is Greater");
+ return false;
+ }
+ for( var i = 0; i < selDeListLength; i++ )
+ {
+ selDeList.options[i].selected = true;
+ }
+ return true;
+//filter available data elements list
+function filterAvailableDataElements()
+ var filter = document.getElementById( 'availableDataElementsFilter' ).value;
+ var list = document.getElementById( 'availableDataElements' );
+ list.options.length = 0;
+ var selDeListId = document.getElementById( 'selectedDataElements' );
+ var selDeLength = selDeListId.options.length;
+ for ( var id in availableDataElements )
+ {
+ var value = availableDataElements[id];
+ var flag = 1;
+ for( var i = 0 ; i<selDeLength; i++ )
+ {
+ if( id == selDeListId.options[i].value )
+ {
+ flag =2;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( value.toLowerCase().indexOf( filter.toLowerCase() ) != -1 && (flag == 1) )
+ {
+ list.add( new Option( value, id ), null );
+ }
+ }
+function enableCheckBox()
+ var aggDataDropDown = document.getElementById("aggData");
+ var aggData = aggDataDropDown.options[ aggDataDropDown.selectedIndex ].value;
+ var excludeCheckBox = document.getElementById("excludeZeroData");
+ if( aggData == "usecaptureddata" )
+ {
+ excludeCheckBox.checked = false;
+ document.getElementById( "excludeZeroData" ).disabled = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ excludeCheckBox.checked = false;
+ document.getElementById( "excludeZeroData" ).disabled = true;
+ }
+// for orgUnit Details
+function getOUDeatilsForMDReport( orgUnitIds )
+ showOverlay();
+ $.post("getOrgUnitDetailsForMDReport.action",
+ {
+ orgUnitId : orgUnitIds[0],
+ type : 'ta'
+ },
+ function (data)
+ {
+ getOUDetailsForTARecevied(data);
+ },'xml');
+function getOUDetailsForTARecevied( xmlObject )
+ var ouLevelId = document.getElementById( "orgUnitLevelCB" );
+ var orgUnits = xmlObject.getElementsByTagName("orgunit");
+ for ( var i = 0; i < orgUnits.length; i++ )
+ {
+ var id = orgUnits[ i ].getElementsByTagName("id")[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
+ var orgUnitName = orgUnits[ i ].getElementsByTagName("name")[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
+ var ouLevel = orgUnits[ i ].getElementsByTagName("level")[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
+ var maxOULevel = orgUnits[ i ].getElementsByTagName("maxoulevel")[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
+ document.getElementById( "ouNameTB" ).value = orgUnitName;
+ getorgUnitLevels( ouLevel, maxOULevel );
+ }
+ hideOverlay();
+function getorgUnitLevels( ouLevel, maxOULevel )
+ var ouLevelId = document.getElementById( "orgUnitLevelCB" );
+ var j = 0;
+ clearList( ouLevelId );
+ var i = parseInt( ouLevel );
+ for( i= i+1; i <= maxOULevel; i++ )
+ {
+ ouLevelId.options[j] = new Option("Level - "+i,i,false,false);
+ j++;
+ }
+ if( j == 0 )
+ {
+ document.getElementById( "ViewReport" ).disabled = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ document.getElementById( "ViewReport" ).disabled = false;
+ }
+function showOverlay()
+ var o = document.getElementById('overlay');
+ o.style.visibility = 'visible';
+ jQuery("#overlay").css({
+ "height": jQuery(document).height()
+ });
+ jQuery("#overlayImg").css({
+ "top":jQuery(window).height()/2
+ });
+function hideOverlay()
+ var o = document.getElementById('overlay');
+ o.style.visibility = 'hidden';
=== added file 'local/in/dhis-web-reports-national/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-reports/responseOrgunit_md.vm'
--- local/in/dhis-web-reports-national/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-reports/responseOrgunit_md.vm 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ local/in/dhis-web-reports-national/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-reports/responseOrgunit_md.vm 2012-04-16 08:50:30 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <orgunit>
+ <id>$!orgUnit.id</id>
+ <name>$encoder.xmlEncode( $!orgUnit.shortName )</name>
+ <level>$!orgUnitLevel</level>
+ <maxoulevel>$!maxOrgUnitLevel</maxoulevel>
+ </orgunit>
\ No newline at end of file