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[Branch ~dhis2-documenters/dhis2/dhis2-docbook-docs] Rev 577: Minor typos.


revno: 577
committer: Jason P. Pickering <jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: dhis2-docbook-docs
timestamp: Fri 2012-09-07 08:21:15 +0530
  Minor typos.


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=== modified file 'src/docbkx/en/dhis2_user_man_web_api.xml'
--- src/docbkx/en/dhis2_user_man_web_api.xml	2012-09-07 02:48:46 +0000
+++ src/docbkx/en/dhis2_user_man_web_api.xml	2012-09-07 02:51:15 +0000
@@ -994,7 +994,7 @@
     <title>Example: Working with SQL views</title>
-    <para>Executing SQL Views and returning the results of these views has been made possible in version 2.9 of DHIS2. SQL Views are useful for presenting certain data views externally, which may be more easily constructed with SQL than by combining the multiple objects of the Web API. As an example, lets assume we have been asked to provide a view of all organisation units with their names, parent names, organisation unit level and name, and the coordinates listed in the database. The view might look something like this:  </para>
+    <para>Executing SQL Views and returning the results of these views has been made possible in version 2.9 of DHIS2. SQL Views are useful for presenting certain data views externally, which may be more easily constructed with SQL than by combining the multiple objects of the Web API. As an example, lets assume we have been asked to provide a view of all organization units with their names, parent names, organization unit level and name, and the coordinates listed in the database. The view might look something like this:  </para>
     <screen>SELECT ou.name, par.name as parent, ou.coordinates,
  ous.level,oul.name from organisationunit ou  
 INNER JOIN _orgunitstructure  ous 
@@ -1008,10 +1008,10 @@
 -u admin:district -v</screen>
-    <para>This <command>curl</command> command simply has the internal ID of the view as a single paramater. </para>
-    <para>The next step in the process is the retreival of the data.The basic structure of the URL is as follows</para>
+    <para>This <command>curl</command> command simply has the internal ID of the view as a single parameter. </para>
+    <para>The next step in the process is the retrieval of the data.The basic structure of the URL is as follows</para>
-    <para>The <parameter>{server}</parameter> parameter should be replaced with your own server. The next part of the URL <parameter>/api/sqlViews/</parameter> should be appended with the specific unique identifier (not the internal ID of the view). Append either <parameter>data</parameter> for XML data or <parameter>data.csv</parameter>      for comma delimited values. As an example, the following URL would retreive XML data for the SQL view defined above.<screen>curl
+    <para>The <parameter>{server}</parameter> parameter should be replaced with your own server. The next part of the URL <parameter>/api/sqlViews/</parameter> should be appended with the specific unique identifier (not the internal ID of the view). Append either <parameter>data</parameter> for XML data or <parameter>data.csv</parameter>      for comma delimited values. As an example, the following URL would retrieve XML data for the SQL view defined above.<screen>curl
  -u admin:district -v</screen></para>